Aug 17 2005, 09:03 PM
" I sell everything I win. Everything. Automatically and with no effort whatsoever. I never even know what I won before I sell it. My system? I'm the merch guy. I just leave my prizes in the bins!

If you don't want to make less by going pro, DON'T GO PRO. The way disc golf is currently I don't see why anyone would go pro until they were good enough to cash at the big tournaments "

**** , I don't know these Brakel boys and never met them but someone may need to work on getting a few more Torts under his belt so as not to rely on selling frisbees to make extra dough.
Jesus Brakel give me a freaking break.

Why do people want to turn Pro even though they probably will not cash for a long long time ??

I tell you why !!! Its called having a competitive spirit and pride. And its wanting to excel at something you are so passionate about and
its about setting goals to accomplish things that far exceed any monetary value.

Ha there is nothing wrong in making some money playing AM Divisions to supplement the costs of playing this Sport. Hell, if you want to sell merchandise you won to pay for a trip for you and your honey to the Bahamas I say go for it.

But to linger around in AM Divisions for a very extended period of time for the SOLE PURPOSE of taking advantage of lesser competition so you can make extra dough is really low down and cowardly.

I am Intermediate and have been playing adamantly for one year now. I play my first Tourney next week. I have a timeline planned out where in one year I will turn Advanced and then the next year after that I have a goal to turn Pro.
Screw the silly little prizes to make a little extra dough. I have goals I want to accomplish and thrive for the competition and going against the very best there is.
If some day I ever get to go head to head with Schultz or Schweizburger and get my ***** kicked by 20 strokes so be it. I know I will be able to hold my head high and know that i gave it my all going against the very best. You think in 50 years I will remember more about $100 I made by selling a 2001 Roc won bagging in AM Division or going up against Schultz. Which do you think will be in my mind for a long time ??

What this Brakel character does to me is tarnish the competitve spirit of this Sport. What he is doing may not be morally corrupt. And it may not violate any current PDGA policies.
But bottom line is its just bad sportsmanship. PERIOD !!!

**** Brakel if you are that desperate as to see a need to nickel and dime it by selling frisbees and trophies, I can set you up with one of my Attorney friends to get you on the "Ambulance chasing circuit" in Nashville !! Now there is some serious money there.

Aug 17 2005, 09:29 PM
There I go again, ruining disc golf for everyone!

Aug 17 2005, 09:30 PM
Do some research! Bruce was getting pretty good last year until he hurt his arm. He played advanced master at IOS #2 with his left hand and finished DFL. He knew he'd finish DFL & decided to donate the money anyway. How many players would have even played in that circumstance? He played this past weekend @ IOS #5 with the right & left hand and finished 4th of 8 in Advanced Masters. He is by no means a pro :D.

Is there any difference in a Pro Master playing his own tournament he runs and winning the $ when he could have won open?

Aug 17 2005, 10:20 PM
i thought this was a discussion board
not a cry ***** board

what good does it do to try to call out someone who is not going to change their behavior anyway

as far as not playing T's where he is involved GREAT !!!

i hope you enjoy your 8 th grade graduation next year
grow up

this discussion board has transended into a waste of time

PDGA - please delete every thread and start over !!!!

Aug 18 2005, 01:05 AM
If he runs a good event why the hell would you care. Stop your crying...

Aug 18 2005, 12:03 PM
Disciple, you are a complete nincompoop. If you had the slightest clue what it really takes to compete at the professional level in this sport, you'd shut your hole. The competition at the pro level is much much better than you imagine it is, so don't criticize any ams who don't want to turn pro. You sure as hell won't be earning money on the pro tour in 2 years i guarantee it.

Aug 18 2005, 03:43 PM
I appreciate you all coming to my defense but it is not necessary.

It's not like I don't post inflammatory stuff to see who I can get a rise out of, or take exaggerated positions to spur a little debate, or even sometimes go out of my way to push someone's buttons. I deserve a certain amount of crap. I'm not particular who I get it from.

Like Jon says, "If you aren't offended by what Bruce says at least some of time, you aren't paying attention."

Aug 18 2005, 04:00 PM
If your definition of "i_dio_t" is "one who disagrees with bruce", then you are definately breaking your new year's resolution.

Aug 18 2005, 04:32 PM
"You are absolutely correct." ;)

Aug 18 2005, 06:57 PM
I appreciate you all coming to my defense but it is not necessary.

It's not like I don't post inflammatory stuff to see who I can get a rise out of, or take exaggerated positions to spur a little debate, or even sometimes go out of my way to push someone's buttons. I deserve a certain amount of crap. I'm not particular who I get it from.

Like Jon says, "If you aren't offended by what Bruce says at least some of time, you aren't paying attention."

I'm offended by Bruce at least once per tournament weekend that we are together...I pay attention! It is also why I considered changing the spelling of may last name to the ancestral traditional Braekel but then Bruce said he'd change his if I changed that wouldn't get me anywhere! People seem to listen to (or read) something that Bruce said and respond with something like "Those Brakels sure are somekind of potty mouths!" Although we share some ideas and a last name, we are vastly different. We haven't ever voted for the same President!

Here's how to tell us apart...
1) Bruce has the ugly beard and I have the barely noticeable, in a Shaggy from Scoobie kind of a way, facial hair.
2) Bruce is fat...I'm fatter.
3) I am smart...Bruce is smarter.
4) Bruce posts and says stuff just to get a rise out of people.
5) I tend to try to be a mediator and get along with people...except when people attack my brother and then I get a bit defensive.
6) I don't usually throw rocks at other people's houses and don't like them thrown at mine (although if I happen to lob a couple your way I expect to get some back) and I really don't like it when people throw rocks at Bruce's house and hit mine.
7) Bruce doesn't care about rocks. Bruce's house is made of concrete and a reinforced bunker...he was a middle child, I was the baby (and still am).

But above all...

He ain't heavy...he's my brother.

Aug 19 2005, 04:08 AM
Disciple, you are a complete nincompoop. If you had the slightest clue what it really takes to compete at the professional level in this sport, you'd shut your hole. The competition at the pro level is much much better than you imagine it is, so don't criticize any ams who don't want to turn pro. You sure as hell won't be earning money on the pro tour in 2 years i guarantee it.

COMPETETION IS EXTREMELY FIRCE IN PRO!!! haha, ya right. Disciple, good luck on that goal, it will be tough, but if you get your putting dialed you ARE golden.

Aug 19 2005, 12:52 PM
"You are absolutely correct." ;)

That is pretty hilarious. I can almost hear your banshee-esque giggle from Ann Arbor :)

Aug 19 2005, 11:37 PM
So, daemon, if you're rated almost 940 why aren't you turning pro?

Aug 22 2005, 03:39 PM
If some day I ever get to go head to head with Schultz or Schweizburger and get my ***** kicked by 20 strokes so be it. I know I will be able to hold my head high and know that i gave it my all going against the very best. You think in 50 years I will remember more about $100 I made by selling a 2001 Roc won bagging in AM Division or going up against Schultz. Which do you think will be in my mind for a long time ??

It's a given that Barry and Schwebby love new blood in the pro field...playing open when you are not good enough is actually a really cool option...If I played an open tournament next weekend I would not expect to cash, but it would be really cool if I got carded with Nate Doss or someone of his caliber.

I guess all I'm sayin is there is nothing wrong with donating to the open field :cool:

Aug 22 2005, 05:47 PM
" If I played an open tournament next weekend I would not expect to cash, but it would be really cool if I got carded with Nate Doss or someone of his caliber. "

I feel you man. Unfortunately some people in this World don't have that competitive drive in them. They would rather just enjoy themselves playing against competitors where they know they have a great chance of winning prizes or cash.

And there is nothing wrong with that. Whatever floats your boat more power to you. As long as you are NOT hurting anyone I say do what you want to in life.
Its just reality that not everyone has that Tiger like mentality in their psyche.

Connors, its good to see more African Americans like yourself involved in this Sport. I hope we can draw more.

Aug 22 2005, 05:56 PM
Quote Underparmikey:
" The competition at the pro level is much much better than you imagine it is, so don't criticize any ams who don't want to turn pro. You sure as hell won't be earning money on the pro tour in 2 years i guarantee it. "

Mikey you missed my whole point. I said I didn't care about earning big bucks anyway but rather would thrive off the competition instead. Reread my thread.

Plus, how the hell can you guarantee something like that when you don't even know me or never seen me play ??. Pretty **** presumptious on your part.

Aug 22 2005, 05:56 PM

Connors, its good to see more African Americans like yourself involved in this Sport. I hope we can draw more.


Aug 22 2005, 06:39 PM
That seemed awkward.

Aug 23 2005, 03:15 AM
Connors, its good to see more African Americans like yourself involved in this Sport. I hope we can draw more.

This is by FAR the funniest post I have ever seen on the board! I really cant stop laughing...

Aug 23 2005, 01:59 PM
Quote Underparmikey:
" The competition at the pro level is much much better than you imagine it is, so don't criticize any ams who don't want to turn pro. You sure as hell won't be earning money on the pro tour in 2 years i guarantee it. "

how the hell can you guarantee something like that when you don't even know me or never seen me play ??. Pretty **** presumptious on your part.

You have to have a great mental game to be able to profit, that is, make more off your winnings than it costs to get to and enter a tournament. And you obviously are lacking in the mental department. ;)

Glad to hear you're going to be a fresh donator though, we need more of you on the pro tour!

Aug 23 2005, 02:16 PM
How about encouragement? Cutting people down does nothing for our sport, especially when trying to make someone stay AM. Worry about your own game, underpar.

Aug 23 2005, 02:22 PM
Glad to hear you're going to be a fresh donator though, we need more of you on the pro tour!

Judging by your stats it YOU who is doing quite a bit of donating this year :eek:

Aug 23 2005, 02:23 PM
[/QUOTE]Connors, its good to see more African Americans like yourself involved in this Sport. I hope we can draw more.


MC, where in Africa is your family from again? :D

Aug 23 2005, 03:18 PM
Hey mikey,

It's pretty funny that you are getting so much crap for making such an insightful and true point. :)

I guess people just like calling 940 rated Advanced players baggers, and if you rightfully point out that a 940 rated Open Pro player has no chance of cashing, it ruins the day of the sandbagger-callers.

Aug 23 2005, 03:46 PM

You get my award for word of the day Rhett!!

Aug 23 2005, 03:56 PM
maybe Afro American... or is it officially a mullet now?

Aug 23 2005, 04:21 PM
maybe Afro American... or is it officially a mullet now?

Lol. I thought he was going for the bouffant ( :D

Aug 23 2005, 07:21 PM
" How about encouragement? Cutting people down does nothing for our sport, especially when trying to make someone stay AM. Worry about your own game, underpar."

Yeah I second that !! It really says alot about a person when they try to sum up your game and your mental abilities based on a few threads on the Internet. Sounds like someone has some low self esteem problems........ /msgboard/images/graemlins/ooo.gif

And by the way this Mikey fellow is a
TD , right ???
Whats his full name ?? And what Tournaments does he TD ??

Just curious because in two or three years I am coming after his ***** on the DG Course :o

Thats a promise little Mikey !!!

Yours Truly,
Tommy Andrew Coles

Aug 23 2005, 09:16 PM
why don't you just steer clear of his tournaments like you are with the Brakel's tournaments? I'd love to get down south for some of Mikey's tournaments... Just don't have the time...

Aug 23 2005, 10:08 PM
"and if you rightfully point out that a 940 rated Open Pro player has no chance of cashing, it ruins the day of the
sandbagger-callers. "

Big deal !! It doesn't ruin my day. Most won't have a chance cashing but its the thrill and challenge of the Competition.

You won't here DG Pimpin complaining about not cashing.
That guy has some balls and he IMO can pi$$ all the people he wants to off. He took the first step by playing Open this past weekend and did respectable. Do you think he's upset because he didn't win a few prizes or cash in other Tourneys this wekend that had Advanced Diviisions??
Hell know !! He wants to go against the best and strives to be the best someday.

My hats off to him !!! Little chit !!

Aug 23 2005, 11:37 PM
I don't understand what you are so mad about. Mikey stated that he likes and would like any and all 940 rated players to step up and donate. "More power to you...and money for [me]" was the sentiment I got out of Mikeys post.

Yet disciple seems mad at that.

There is another side to the issue that disciple is conveniently ignoring: the one where all the 900 rated intermediates who are "stepping up" to advanced and getting killed by 940 rated players call the 940s baggers.

940 rated advanced players are not baggers. They are advanced players with no chance in Pro Open.

There are some golfers who currently have 940-ish ratings who are quickly improving, and that 940 hasn't really caught up to their ability. Pointing to these "1 in a hundred" cases as a reason for 940 players to play Pro Open is not a valid argument.

So.....Open Pro division will gladly accept your money. Just pay and call yourself a pro for the day. If that kind of thing floats your boat then more power to you. Seriously. Man-up and go do it.

Others consider it foolish, but if you like it then do it. Just don't call the 940 rated guys who choose not to do that baggers.

Aug 24 2005, 12:13 PM
Lets of course not forget the amount of local competition. Meaning, in some areas of the disc golf world 940-ish rated players are in fact good enough to cash in open divisions while in other areas, ie: TX, OK, NC......940-ish rated players would be considered intermediate. Its all about perspective....

Encouragement is in fact the name of the game. Fortunately for me, our local area pros are encouraging and helpful. This helps me to remain focused on the goal of improving my game to their level and beyond....hopefully. Unfortunately, them being the pros they are, we dont see much of them on the local courses during the tourney season up here in northern IN, so the local players of MY caliber (945) are seen as the local pros by the intermediates of our local courses. I encourage any and all players of the game I see on our courses and I recommend you do the same.

If there is something you dont like about TD's or courses, its in your power to decide not to play. But to get on a message board and whine is a cop out. Anybody ever TD and event? Anybody that has whined like a baby on this message board ever TD an event? Somehow I dont think you have otherwise you would see first hand how much work and effort it takes to put on a great event or even a not so good event. If you dont like what you see or what is happening, get involved and make the changes happen from within. Take the same amount of time it takes to whine on here and send a constructive email to someone that contains issues and resolutions. You might be surprised where it gets you.

Aug 24 2005, 01:16 PM
I think allowing us to forget the local competition levels is the point of ratings and ratings based divisions.

Based on your example, a 940ish player is considered locally as a competitve Pro. That's great if that player never plays in anything larger than a C-tier. If that player travels to worlds, or a large B-Tier, they are not going to be competitive. And they would never know unless they tried.

If you play where your rating says you should play, you will be competitive anywhere else. You should also know what to expect as competition when you get there.