Aug 18 2005, 02:35 AM
i'd like to give all the texas td's that i've sponsored tournaments for to have the chance to return the favor...
i'm running my last event in 10 days and have 5 t-signs and about 15 INNcolor discs left....

for only 50 bucks you can get your/your club's name on a full color laminated tee sign(which is sent to you after the event)as well as the INNcolor limited&NUMBERED disc

i've sponsored chris,vinnie,martyr,seewhere and other's who aren't td's (buying and giving back the texas state flag in 2002)and all the laf donations over 3 years.....

so if you would like to help...just pm me and let me know what type of disc you would like and what you want your tee sign to say....deadline is sunday night august 21st or when the last sign and discs are sold

thanks in advance to ALL my texas pals and i look forward to meeting lots of you at the t-10 finals in november....
i'll try to work out something with chris where maybe we can all get together at a sponsors on saturday night...


Aug 18 2005, 04:26 PM
well texas....except for one one has stepped up

but a louisiana td and a virginia td ARE sponsoring :eek:

i guess nobody in texas loves me anymore :(

only 4 signs left and about 12 discs!!
get'em(see i'm even using texas talk :D) while you can.


Aug 19 2005, 10:15 AM
hey...simmer down there feller.
I' ll take one

Aug 19 2005, 10:55 AM
We're feeling a little left out here Keith. I mean, you've been spreadin' the love all over Texas and yet never once sponsored any of Waterloo's events :confused:, sob, sniffle...

Then again... we've never asked :o

We'll be happy to accept you sponsorship offer. Just email me the info at [email protected], and we'll get it in the mail to you (and I'll email you back our logo).

Good luck on your event, I'm sure you've saved the best for last. You've done a lot of great things for the sport, and we all appreciate your efforts! :D

Aug 19 2005, 12:04 PM
Keith- I dont beleive you have sponsored a single tournamnet in Texas.

Your daughter, however, has sponsored many. Maybe you should have had her ask for the returned favor.

Aug 19 2005, 06:08 PM
Keith- I dont beleive you have sponsored a single tournamnet in Texas.

Your daughter, however, has sponsored many. Maybe you should have had her ask for the returned favor.

right you are josh....
thanks for pointing that out :D

Aug 19 2005, 06:10 PM
hey...simmer down there feller.
I' ll take one

thanks vinnie please let me know what you want the sign to say and which disc you would like so i can pull it oput of stock....
sunday i go to league and the players will probably buy whatever is left(since i only had 23 for sale at the start) which is why i wanted to give my fellow texans a shot at first choice!!!

Aug 19 2005, 06:12 PM
We're feeling a little left out here Keith. I mean, you've been spreadin' the love all over Texas and yet never once sponsored any of Waterloo's events :confused:, sob, sniffle...

Then again... we've never asked :o

We'll be happy to accept you sponsorship offer. Just email me the info at [email protected], and we'll get it in the mail to you (and I'll email you back our logo).

Good luck on your event, I'm sure you've saved the best for last. You've done a lot of great things for the sport, and we all appreciate your efforts! :D

thanks gordon and i promise i'll personally sponsor the next waterloo event you have!

i'll email you later today....keith
time to go back to work :p
:p :p :p

Aug 20 2005, 02:27 AM
thanks gordon and i promise i'll personally sponsor the next waterloo event you have!

Hmm ... so you're promising to provide the FULL sponsorship for the next Waterloo event rather than simply contributing toward the overall sponsorship?

Reged: 11/03/03
Loc: tucson, arizona

Re: To all the PDGA Board Members, Competition Committee Members, Discipline Committee Members, PDGA Administrator and PDGA Commissioner.
* * * #33365 - 06/16/03 12:25 AM

i believe that sponsoring MEANS sponsoring...NOT contributing towards sponsorship....

:p :p :p

Aug 20 2005, 12:56 PM
i just may never know what i have up my sleeve

Aug 20 2005, 03:04 PM
What's this "may" stuff???? Are you a man of your word or aren't you? Either put your money where your mouth is or admit you were wrong two years ago and I was right. :D

BTW, my sponsorship offer to you for the USDGC still stands. With interest, it's now up to a whopping $5.15. Just don't forget that you owe me 5 CE Rhynos and a collared shirt with the legend, "I came, I saw, I kicked Keith's ***!" for sponsoring you. :p

Reged: 11/03/03
Loc: durham, nc

Re: To all the PDGA Board Members, Competition Committee Members, Discipline Committee Members, PDGA Administrator and PDGA Commissioner.
#33356 - 06/14/03 12:27 AM

> i'll be willing to do this in conjunction with the tournament i'll be at in virginia in october.

Keith, Keith, Keith, what am I going to do with you (well, besides give you ANOTHER good, swift kick in the [I'm a potty-mouth!])? Here, I give you a perfectly good idea, and you promptly screw it up by thinking small.

VA in October???? VA IN OCTOBER???? You gotta be kidding me! I'm sure that all the PDGA Board Members, Competition Committee Members, and Discipline Committee Members in attendance, as well as the PDGA Administrator and PDGA Commissioner would be happy to fork over $30 to give you a good swift kick, but do you REALLY think they're going to shell out $30 buck AND make a trip to VA on the off chance they might win it? You need to make it easier for them. After all, the goal is to collect as much $$$$ as possible, and every one that's missing is $30 less in your pocket.

VA in October indeed! Hold it at Winthrop during the USDGC.

> i'll even give you a "free" entry and bonus kick for coming up with the idea...

Not good enough. You need to throw in a candy rhyno and a teeshirt that have a picture of a boot being applied to your [*****] and the words, "I came, I saw, I kicked Keith's ***!" on them.

Reged: 11/03/03
Loc: tucson, arizona

Re: To all the PDGA Board Members, Competition Committee Members, Discipline Committee Members, PDGA Administrator and PDGA Commissioner.
* * * #33357 - 06/14/03 12:59 AM sponsor me in the usdgc and I'LL BE THERE...with the printed shirts in hand... and i'll give you 5 ryhno's if you sponsor me

and i'll personalize a COLLARED SHIRT for you so you can wear it in the usdgc...

Reged: 11/03/03
Loc: durham, nc

Re: To all the PDGA Board Members, Competition Committee Members, Discipline Committee Members, PDGA Administrator and PDGA Commissioner.
* * * #33359 - 06/14/03 08:25 AM

> sponsor me in the usdgc and I'LL BE THERE...with the printed shirts in hand... and i'll give you 5 ryhno's if you sponsor me

You're on. I'm sponsoring you ... to the munificent sum of $2.00.

Let's see ... a collared shirt, 5 candy rhynos, and TWO (that's right, two) swift kicks to your [I'm a potty-mouth!]. Gonna be the best two bucks I ever spent!!!!

Oh yeah, make my shirt medium, and I'll take 2 clear, 2 red, and 1 orange max wt. candy rhynos.

> then when i beat you(as you know i will

Talk is cheap, big guy. You got your sponsorship. Now SHOW UP AND TAKE YOUR MEDICINE!!!!

:p :p :p

Oh yeah, ... Russ ... you owe me $2. :D

Aug 21 2005, 03:13 PM
Logo and info is on the way Keith.

Semantics aside, we'll be quite happy with you "contributing towards sponsorship" :D

Although if you really do want to sponsor the whole thing.... :D;) :p

Aug 22 2005, 01:07 AM
Logo and info is on the way Keith.

Semantics aside, we'll be quite happy with you "contributing towards sponsorship" :D

Although if you really do want to sponsor the whole thing.... :D;) :p

i'll give you the same sponsorship felix gave me :eek:

tee sign info already forwarded to graphics guy and i added a little something i think you guys will like :D

thanks again....

Aug 22 2005, 01:11 AM
hey...simmer down there feller.
I' ll take one

thanks vinnie please let me know what you want the sign to say and which disc you would like so i can pull it oput of stock....
sunday i go to league and the players will probably buy whatever is left(since i only had 23 for sale at the start) which is why i wanted to give my fellow texans a shot at first choice!!!

and you want the tee sign to say????????
and the disc you want is????????

if i have to come up with the text it may be something along the lines of "vinnie says for all you arizonans to shut your donkey!" :eek: :D

in all seriousness please pm me with the info....

thanks again....keith

Aug 22 2005, 07:42 PM
ok 1 tee sign for vinnie that says

and by the way have a great event you baztard keith johnson

geez the things i'll do for 50 bucks in sponsorship :D

Aug 23 2005, 10:01 AM
in all seriousness...i would like to thank waterloo disc golf club,vinnie chris himing and seewhere,along with my non-texas td friends rhett,john biscoe and mike kernan(underparmikey)
for coming thru on my last event

you guys are what made my years of playing and running events worth it as it shows you that people from all around the country with all different ideas and attitudes can always pull together to help out friends!!

thanks again....and in closing....

where are the checks??? :D

Aug 23 2005, 10:40 AM
thanks again....and in closing....

where are the checks??? :D

um... and the address to mail them to would be? :p

Aug 23 2005, 04:28 PM
thanks again....and in closing....

where are the checks??? :D

um... and the address to mail them to would be? :p

keith johnson
4850 south marstellar road
tucson,az 85735

thanks again everyone!!

Aug 24 2005, 12:44 PM
Check is on the way Keith, good luck with Monsoon Madness!

Aug 24 2005, 04:22 PM
thanks again....