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Sep 01 2005, 11:47 PM
I just wanted to start a new thread and here you go :D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D

Sep 02 2005, 11:26 AM
FORE :D:o:(

Sep 02 2005, 11:58 AM
The championship will not be sanctioned this year. I talked to snapper and we decided that it would we better to keep the money that it takes to get a tournament sanctioned and put it towards the tournament payout. We will also be doing several fundraisers like ctp's, hole sponsors and other stuff like that to raise money. So if anyone wants to donate discs for the course championship let me know it would be greatly appreciated. :D

Sep 02 2005, 02:23 PM
I hit 8 birdies in a row at Morley yesterday. Bill and Spense were witnesses.

Sep 02 2005, 02:38 PM
If anyone is interested in <font color="green"> $ </font> rounds, show up at 6 am tomorrow.

Sep 02 2005, 02:44 PM
If anyone is interested in <font color="green"> $ </font> rounds, show up at 6 am tomorrow.

I down if you guys want to donate your $ to me :D

Sep 02 2005, 02:47 PM
I haven't been donating lately :cool:

Sep 02 2005, 03:14 PM
Oh yeah, I got my 7th ace on Wednesday before doubles. My little brother and Pops were on hole 15 when I got there, so I played the rest of the course with them. When we got to 19, I threw my Pred right in the chains. They had never seen an ace until then!

Sep 02 2005, 06:49 PM
Go Chargers !!!!! Need some help on secondary coverage though. :cool:

Sep 02 2005, 06:52 PM
I'm at Morley now !!!! FORE !!!! [table] FORE

HEADS UP !!!!! F-O-U-R.................Son of a B %^%^&*&*)&*) ........YELL FOUR NEXT TIME..............YA JACKASSS

Sep 03 2005, 02:10 AM
Welcome Morley :D

It's about time :eek:

Sep 03 2005, 03:00 AM
I'm at Morley now !!!! FORE !!!! [table] FORE

HEADS UP !!!!! F-O-U-R.................Son of a B %^%^&*&*)&*) ........YELL FOUR NEXT TIME..............YA JACKASSS

A few more, HEY, what are you guys doing in those bushes :o, **** 15 feet away and no putt again :( Looks good, looks good, WHACK, Mother F*@#ER !!backed up on hole 11 again, time for a contact high ;). Fifteen dollars for a Freaking disc :eek:, OUCH !!

Sep 04 2005, 08:38 PM
I'm at Morley now !!!! FORE !!!! [table] FORE

HEADS UP !!!!! F-O-U-R.................Son of a B %^%^&amp;*&amp;*)&amp;*) ........YELL FOUR NEXT TIME..............YA JACKASSS

A few more, HEY, what are you guys doing in those bushes :o, **** 15 feet away and no putt again :( Looks good, looks good, WHACK, Mother F*@#ER !!backed up on hole 11 again, time for a contact high ;). Fifteen dollars for a Freaking disc :eek:, OUCH !!

Champion Firebird , Champion Tee-Bird and one Short sleeve t-shirt.........$52.00 :eek: :eek:
Better put your name on it , or someone else will keep it , turn it into a rental or just take it , get in there car and flip you off , saying that it is their disc , with your name on it !!!!! :eek: :mad:

FOUR !!!!!!!!! Watch out for Flying Disc's........ALL THE TIME.............You might even get a concussion , like I did , durring a monthly round , by some iidiot , throwning a MAX weight Rental...........YES, MAX WEIGHT RENTAL ..........who doesn't have a CLUE , what a disc , flys like..............and of course , no appoligy...............

Condoms laying around, parking lot crowded , no courtesy , always being thrown on by some stoned out lurker !!!!!!


Yea , I play there ;)

Sep 06 2005, 06:42 AM
I'm at Morley now !!!! FORE !!!! [table] FORE

HEADS UP !!!!! F-O-U-R.................Son of a B %^%^&*&*)&*) ........YELL FOUR NEXT TIME..............YA JACKASSS

A few more, HEY, what are you guys doing in those bushes :o, **** 15 feet away and no putt again :( Looks good, looks good, WHACK, Mother F*@#ER !!backed up on hole 11 again, time for a contact high ;). Fifteen dollars for a Freaking disc :eek:, OUCH !!

Champion Firebird , Champion Tee-Bird and one Short sleeve t-shirt.........$52.00 :eek: :eek:
Better put your name on it , or someone else will keep it , turn it into a rental or just take it , get in there car and flip you off , saying that it is their disc , with your name on it !!!!! :eek: :mad:

FOUR !!!!!!!!! Watch out for Flying Disc's........ALL THE TIME.............You might even get a concussion , like I did , durring a monthly round , by some iidiot , throwning a MAX weight Rental...........YES, MAX WEIGHT RENTAL ..........who doesn't have a CLUE , what a disc , flys like..............and of course , no appoligy...............

Condoms laying around, parking lot crowded , no courtesy , always being thrown on by some stoned out lurker !!!!!!


Yea , I play there ;)

Time to go home, get in the car parked infront of the basket on hole 2 to the left, start it up, rolling down the window now, WHACK, SUN OF Bit*h, broken nose, cut in between the eyes, shirt bloody, car seat bloody, and my disc laying in the poor guys back seat, yeah it happened, I hit the poor bastard, window 4 inches down, roc going full blast at the basket, OOPS. You had to have been there to really get the picture, right Don ? Hey Don, did I leave anything out that you can remember.

Sep 07 2005, 07:07 PM
Hey Bob ,

Let's see if I can add any details , Ready .......................Bob and I were joking around and..........

Talking about tagging people and where they would get hit.
A few holes later..................

Bob , asked Marc Jarvis for his Orange Roc to throw on hole # 2 , the pin closest to the parking lot.

Bob , cranks Marc's Roc at the hole , going for a hole in one only !!!!!!!!

The disc , hits the gap , perfectly , past the pine tree branch , jamming up towards the pin !!!!!!

Some guy , in a little silver Honda civic , is backing out , from the second parking stall , just behind the hole. The guy has is head turned around , just enough to see behind him.

He has his window , rolled down about 3-4 inches only !!!!!!!

Here is the scene : :eek:

Marc's orange roc , that Bob has thrown..............Sream's........Yea ....SCREAM'S past the hole................goes through the crack in the window of the Honda civic , backing up and TAG'S the guy.........right between the EYES and stays in the car , landing in the back seat !!!!!!! :eek:

We go up to the guy's car , which is still running and check out the scene.

His friends , come up to the car , to see if the guy is alright.

Marc Jarvis , wants to get his Roc back , which is still in the back seat of the car !!!!! :eek:

The guy , gets out of his car , with help from his friends.......helps him over to the curb and thats when we see this guy. :eek:

He is bleeding , with a golf ball size lump, right between his eyes. His eyes are kinda rolled back and looks like he is about to slip unconcious !!!!!!! :eek:

I think his friends , took him to the hospital , took his car , and we never heard from them again !!!!! :eek:

Yes , Marc Jarvis , did get his Roc back , from the back seat of the Honda civic , that Bob threw !!!!!!!! :eek: Dooooohhhhhhhhhhhhh !!!!!!!!!

From talking about clocking someone , right between the eyes , to actually doing it , by accident , is still so unreal , you had to be there !!!!! :eek:

How's that for a Going for a Hole-in-One Shot !!!!!!!! :eek:

Didn't I also take a picture of you , Bob , actually ACEing that same hole , with a Viper , thrown Super Hyzer over the tree's on the right!!!!!! /msgboard/images/graemlins/smirk.gif

Sep 07 2005, 08:42 PM
Yeah, I still have that picture Don, I threw a 180 Orange Viper. Thanks for adding to that post, you nailed it perfectly, just what I was waiting for. NO BLOOD, NO GLORY !!!!

Sep 07 2005, 08:44 PM
Oh Yeah, the guy was going to try to sue me for a new car seat, new shirt and shorts that were all covered with blood, and hospital bills

Sep 07 2005, 09:57 PM
He should not have been parked there !!!! :eek:

I warn people all the time , otherwise , I can also put my signature with plastic on their vehicle !!!! :eek:


Sep 08 2005, 12:51 AM
I think that is why you always carry a disc that doesn't have your name on it! That and so when you launch one into the freeway from the top of hole 3 at Sun Valley.


Sep 08 2005, 06:19 PM
****'it Kent !!!!!! :eek: :eek: Just kidding !!!! :D

I heard he launched one out in traffic too !!!! :eek:

Sep 10 2005, 09:34 PM
Hey Richard ,

Let me know if your looking for any plastic .... :D

Sep 11 2005, 10:08 PM
going :p

Sep 14 2005, 07:39 PM
Thanks for playing Snapper , with myself , Kent LaGree and the Imortal John Kirkland and son at the La Mirada Disc Golf Course.

Had a great time and see you there this weekend !!!!! :D

Sep 14 2005, 08:29 PM
Thanks for playing Snapper , with myself , Kent LaGree and the Imortal John Kirkland and son at the La Mirada Disc Golf Course.

Had a great time and see you there this weekend !!!!! :D

Gawd, what a Foursome :D

Sep 14 2005, 11:40 PM
Well Skip , Snapper showed us some routes that were helpful , since he has played that Long course layout , the last few years. I followed behind and learned some interesting shots to take.

Wow , John Kirkland , for and older guy , has alot of power and technique. Fun and energitic guy to play rounds with !!!!!

Always a Blast to play with Kent !!!!! Very Lively !!!!!! Keeps things interesting.

John Kirlands kid , Cody , has alot of power for a 12 year old.....

Oh , and we also played with Mark and Susi Horn.

Susi is just a sweethart.

Mark and Snapper always go head to head in play.

Fun stuff to watch. They do good battles !!!!!

I'll be in Internet Business training all day tomorrow , other wise I would be driving Corvettes at the Qualcom Stadium.

It is open to the public , this weekend. If you have the chance , you can drive up to 120 of the latest GM cars on a track !!!!!! By yourself !!!!!!! Wish I could go. I usually go every year.

I'll be up in LA this weekend for the United States Masters Disc Golf Championships and I'll wear and Emerald Isle's Collard shirt on either Saturday or Sunday , when the television crew is out !!!!!

Just have to Represent !!!!!!!!!!! Thanks Skip for everything !!!!!

Donny Olow :D

Sep 15 2005, 05:20 AM
Hey Don, here is the picture you took of me about 9 years ago of me after I aced hole 2 throwing big hyzer over everything.

Sep 15 2005, 05:21 AM
Actually, it was more like 11 years ago now that I think of it

Sep 15 2005, 08:49 AM
Well Skip , Snapper showed us some routes that were helpful , since he has played that Long course layout , the last few years. I followed behind and learned some interesting shots to take.

Wow , John Kirkland , for and older guy , has alot of power and technique. Fun and energitic guy to play rounds with !!!!!

Always a Blast to play with Kent !!!!! Very Lively !!!!!! Keeps things interesting.

John Kirlands kid , Cody , has alot of power for a 12 year old.....

Oh , and we also played with Mark and Susi Horn.

Susi is just a sweethart.

Mark and Snapper always go head to head in play.

Fun stuff to watch. They do good battles !!!!!

I'll be in Internet Business training all day tomorrow , other wise I would be driving Corvettes at the Qualcom Stadium.

It is open to the public , this weekend. If you have the chance , you can drive up to 120 of the latest GM cars on a track !!!!!! By yourself !!!!!!! Wish I could go. I usually go every year.

I'll be up in LA this weekend for the United States Masters Disc Golf Championships and I'll wear and Emerald Isle's Collard shirt on either Saturday or Sunday , when the television crew is out !!!!!

Just have to Represent !!!!!!!!!!! Thanks Skip for everything !!!!!

Donny Olow :D

Oh, that's different.
You didn't mention Cody played on the first post :D

Sep 15 2005, 06:16 PM
Had a call from someone in L.A. asking if we are closing :mad:

He stated that he heard it at Morley and La Mirada
Please put a stop to this rumor

Emerald Isle Is going strong :D

Sep 19 2005, 11:28 PM
Nice to have Morley Field , Represent San Diego , at the United States Masters in La Mirada.

A Major Event.

Winners : Snapper Pierson in the Grandmasters division.
Kent LaGree in the Am Master's division.

As well as the other players who did well and won their side bets !!!!!! :D

Sep 21 2005, 11:15 AM
what happened to you Donny? did you start your period.
is that why you didn't cash

Sep 21 2005, 09:18 PM
This applies to everyone who would like to play Mission Trails , before it's pulled.

Mission Trails is having a Final Farewell Tournament this Sunday the 25th.

$ 40.00 covers everything , including carts !!!!!!!!!

We need a minimum of 20 players to pull this off.

Earliest Tee times are available.

Call REESE directly at 714-235-0100

I'm helping staff !!!!!

Do something for our Sport ...................... :D

It is not for me , it's for ALL the players who would like a chance !!!!!

Sep 27 2005, 09:42 PM
Morley Field is a fun place to play !!!!!

Wednesday Night Doubles starts now at 4:30.

Oct 06 2005, 09:15 PM
Any word on the Course Championships yet?

By "any word", what I mean is: Is there an entry form anywhere yet?


Oct 07 2005, 12:24 PM
Did the cops knock on your door yet?? :o

Oct 07 2005, 12:28 PM
If anyone is interested in <font color="green"> $ </font> rounds, show up at 6 am tomorrow.

Dang, y'all start early over there on the Left Coast!

I love Morley, but it is extremely dangerous.

Oct 07 2005, 07:55 PM
Hey ,

League starts at 8:00 if your interested in being a sub. tomorrow. :D

Oct 07 2005, 10:06 PM
If anyone is interested in <font color="green"> $ </font> rounds, show up at 6 am tomorrow.

Dang, y'all start early over there on the Left Coast!

I love Morley, but it is extremely dangerous.

It is only dangerous if you are caught at night on your knees or with your pants down :eek: :o

Oct 07 2005, 10:26 PM
I love Morley, but it is extremely dangerous.

It is only dangerous if you are caught at night on your knees or with your pants down :eek: :o

Spoken like a man who has yet to be caught! :)

Oct 08 2005, 05:48 PM
Karl Strauss is now 4 wins 2 losses. 2nd place . 1st place is Pinseekers at 5 wins 1 loss. /msgboard/images/graemlins/smirk.gif I hacked , but our team still won both today.

Oct 08 2005, 11:37 PM
Any word on the Course Championships yet?

By "any word", what I mean is: Is there an entry form anywhere yet?


Oct 09 2005, 09:08 PM
Any word on the Course Championships yet?

By "any word", what I mean is: Is there an entry form anywhere yet?


Hey Rhett , we are working out a few things , before the flyers go out. I'll be a part of this meeting , this coming Saturday. Shirt design will be finalized.
Lunch will be separate. More on that later.

Pro's will be around $ 50.00 each.
Am's will be around $ 40.00 each.

Oct 10 2005, 07:16 PM
I love Morley, but it is extremely dangerous.

It is only dangerous if you are caught at night on your knees or with your pants down :eek: :o

Spoken like a man who has yet to be caught! :)


No, really...... i remember #16. Didn't you throw across 2 other fairways (18 and 19), no?

Oct 10 2005, 09:05 PM
I love Morley, but it is extremely dangerous.

It is only dangerous if you are caught at night on your knees or with your pants down :eek: :o

Spoken like a man who has yet to be caught! :)


No, really...... i remember #16. Didn't you throw across 2 other fairways (18 and 19), no?

Yes, hole # 11 , hole # 15 , hole # 16 and Hole # 19. Always yell FOUR !!!!!

Oct 10 2005, 09:36 PM
I miss that!

I lived in Escondido for most of 1996. Met the Jarvis twins before they could drive. :) We were throwing Cyclones nearly 500'. :) :p

Oct 10 2005, 09:42 PM
Very Cool !!!!!! Bob Benner , is now San Diego's Longest Thrower. He has always thrown Innova Disc's because of consistency.

I wish Marc and Ken the absolute BEST.

In IDENTICAL conditions , Ken Jarvis can OUT DISTANCE anyone in the World.

And he doesn't need a tattoo of himself , on his arm , to prove it either !!!!!!! :D

Oct 14 2005, 09:03 PM
I talked to Marc a couple days ago and he will be moving into town around January. He found a job at a BMW Dealership and is graduating mechanics school. Ken Emailed me and he is doing great, still living with his girlfriend in New Zealand.

Oct 18 2005, 05:34 PM
No, really...... i remember #16. Didn't you throw across 2 other fairways (18 and 19), no?

It's worse than that. The hole 19 teepad is at the bottom of the bowl with #15 and #16 (which totally cross) throwing over/at it and with the #18 fairway coming right down your teeth. (18 and 19 basically share the same fairway for 2 of the 3 #19 pin positions.)

Oct 18 2005, 09:10 PM
No, really...... i remember #16. Didn't you throw across 2 other fairways (18 and 19), no?

It's worse than that. The hole 19 teepad is at the bottom of the bowl with #15 and #16 (which totally cross) throwing over/at it and with the #18 fairway coming right down your teeth. (18 and 19 basically share the same fairway for 2 of the 3 #19 pin positions.)

Cool !!!! Playing in the course championships Rhett ?

You should bring Lil crusher too !!!!!! :D

Oct 18 2005, 09:13 PM
No, really...... i remember #16. Didn't you throw across 2 other fairways (18 and 19), no?

It's worse than that. The hole 19 teepad is at the bottom of the bowl with #15 and #16 (which totally cross) throwing over/at it and with the #18 fairway coming right down your teeth. (18 and 19 basically share the same fairway for 2 of the 3 #19 pin position

Cool !!!! Playing in the course championships Rhett ?

You should bring Lil crusher too !!!!!! :D

She is a bit more accurate on her putting !!!!! :D

I'll keep practicing , till I get back to 85 % !!!!! Hopefully soon !!

Oct 25 2005, 09:07 PM
Hey Rhett , Flyers are out for the course championships.

Is Lil Crusher and you wife playing ?

Am's are $ 30.00 and Pro's are $ 50.00

I need some practice.........................see ya !!!!!

Oct 25 2005, 09:09 PM
Hey Rhett , Flyers are out for the course championships.

Got a link to it, or am I going to have to drive down there?

At this point I don't who, if any, of the clan will be playing.

Oct 25 2005, 09:11 PM
Hmmmmmmmm...............Let us know !!!!! :D

Oct 25 2005, 09:13 PM
Got a link to it, or am I going to have to drive down there?

Oct 25 2005, 09:23 PM
You may have to drive down to San Diego.

Oct 26 2005, 02:07 PM
Got a link to it, or am I going to have to drive down there?

If you PM me your address I can send you a sign-up form!

Oct 26 2005, 02:09 PM
Hook me up with one...

Oct 26 2005, 06:10 PM
I have one here I can fax it to you if needed.


Oct 26 2005, 06:12 PM
Send it to...

Oct 27 2005, 05:37 PM
morly field course championship

entry form (;album=geospr619/myphotos&amp;pic=mfcc2005.jpg)

Oct 27 2005, 08:09 PM
Too bad there is no AM2 for Pat (king bagger).. I wonder if he will play.

Oct 27 2005, 08:25 PM
Holy Crap

Anyone wanna sponsor me?

Oct 27 2005, 08:47 PM
what is considered amatuer? like what is the average score range?

Oct 28 2005, 12:02 AM
I am in, and taking side bets for AM.

Step up to the plate Gomez.

Sandyeggo, I would say the high end AM's are shooting 7-10 down each round. Depends if some of them go for the open or not.

Oct 28 2005, 11:26 AM
Does listen to chia, sandy eggo. Top Ams will shoot 3-7 down each round. Last year's winner in Am won with a 14 down. So once again Pat is wrong. Pat should call chuck prolly and complain about the ratings again.

Pats rating at last update 917
Pats rating after morely change 890

coincidence? you make the call.
AM2 for lyfe yo

KG out

Oct 28 2005, 11:40 AM
So the winner last year shot an average of 7 down per hole, hmm, I said 7-10 per round, and since baggers like you play, (Should be open) I believe my estimate to be correct!

Oct 28 2005, 12:21 PM
Pat should call chuck prolly and complain about the ratings again.

Pats rating at last update 917
Pats rating after morely change 890

coincidence? you make the call.
AM2 for lyfe yo

KG out


Oct 28 2005, 12:25 PM
what is considered amatuer? like what is the average score range?

If you shoot no better than -5 on average, then I'd suggest you play AM, if you are shooting -6 or better, then I'd suggest you play OPEN.

Oct 28 2005, 12:38 PM
So the winner last year shot an average of 7 down per hole, hmm, I said 7-10 per round, and since baggers like you play, (Should be open) I believe my estimate to be correct!

How do you shoot 7 down per hole? are the holes par 10's. Anyhow I rarely play anymore and I dont have the cash. I may skip the whole event and maybe be a spotter or something.


Oct 28 2005, 12:39 PM
So the winner last year shot an average of 7 down per hole, hmm,

That's dope...Morley's record -133...Yeah my average is like 120 down. /msgboard/images/graemlins/smirk.gif

Oct 28 2005, 12:51 PM
I may skip the whole event and maybe be a spotter or something.


Same here.

Vincent � � = Chia

Oct 28 2005, 04:30 PM
Your name is spelled incorrectly on the entry form!

Oct 29 2005, 02:56 PM
So do the rounds start at 8:00 or 8:30?
The entry form says both.

7 down per round will probably cash in open.

Oct 30 2005, 12:55 PM
So do the rounds start at 8:00 or 8:30?
The entry form says both.

7 down per round will probably cash in open.

I'm thinking that the players meeting will be at 8 and the horn will blow for round start at 8:30

Oct 30 2005, 05:57 PM
So do the rounds start at 8:00 or 8:30?
The entry form says both.

7 down per round will probably cash in open.

I'm thinking that the players meeting will be at 8 and the horn will blow for round start at 8:30

The Bold print states 8:00. 8:30 Possibly for round on Sunday. Be safe. 8:00 am Tee off.

Oct 30 2005, 06:16 PM
So do the rounds start at 8:00 or 8:30?
The entry form says both.

7 down per round will probably cash in open.

I'm thinking that the players meeting will be at 8 and the horn will blow for round start at 8:30

The Bold print states 8:00. 8:30 Possibly for round on Sunday. Be safe. 8:00 am Tee off.

Oh , Karl Strauss Wins Fall League !!!!!! /msgboard/images/graemlins/smirk.gif

Nov 02 2005, 11:57 PM
alright here you go guys. here are the morley field course championship mini's. olny 25 have been made. they are 20$ dollars each and they are going fast so let me know if you want one. all the money goes to the tournament for the payouts and players package. thanks

Nov 03 2005, 11:59 AM
Great job on those minis George! They are beautiful. If I cash at Vegas this weekend I will totally buy one of those!

Nov 03 2005, 05:47 PM
alright here you go guys. here are the morley field course championship mini's. olny 25 have been made. they are 20$ dollars each and they are going fast so let me know if you want one. all the money goes to the tournament for the payouts and players package. thanks

Sweet Mini's George. I'll take one !!!! :D

Nov 04 2005, 12:04 AM
fundraiser mini's for the course championship are now available at the moley field pro shop

Nov 06 2005, 06:21 PM
Alright here you go guys. Here are the morley field course championship mini's. Only 25 have been made. They are 20$ dollars each and they are going fast so let me know if you want one. All the money goes to the tournament for the payouts and players package !!!! Thanks !!!!

Thanks George !!!!!!! Those mini's are Sweet !!!!!!!

These are the very First , Wood , Morley Field Disc Golf Mini's !!!!!!

Nov 08 2005, 12:12 AM
Alright here you go guys. Here are the morley field course championship mini's. Only 25 have been made. They are 20$ dollars each and they are going fast so let me know if you want one. All the money goes to the tournament for the payouts and players package !!!! Thanks !!!!

Thanks George !!!!!!! Those mini's are Sweet !!!!!!!

These are the very First , Wood , Morley Field Disc Golf Mini's !!!!!!

FLASH !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

George has Lowered the Price on these Special Funraiser Mini's !!!!!!!!!

Now , for the Cheapskates , they are $ 15.00 each or Two for $ 25.00 !!!!!!!

C'mon folks...........It's a Fundraiser Mini for Your tournament !!!!!!

Thanks to all who have purchased one !!!!!!! /msgboard/images/graemlins/smirk.gif

Nov 13 2005, 09:14 PM
The 2005 Morley Field Course Championship is complete.

Thanks to Mr. George Spracklin , for the very cool Wooden Trophies. Snapper , for closing the course and working with Kent LaGree on our Lunch Sponsor , Lefty's Chicago Pizza.
And to Mike Slonim for the Tee-shirt sponsorship for all the players !!!!! :D

As it turns out , Micah Dorius wins for the 8th consecutive time !!!! He played very well !!!!

Carlo Pelg and Mike Slonim were tied at 25 under par , going into the finals. Carlo won 2nd place and Mike took 3rd place.

Glenn Triemstra shot a 14 under par and ended up 21 under par for the tournament. We had 2 holes left to play , when Glenn walked up to us on hole 18. Dang.............we were tied at that point !!!!!!! Just one more birdie , and my 9 under would be enough to make the Finals !!!!!! Yes , 22 under par.......... :eek: Squeaked out 4th place !!!!! :p

Kent LaGree won Advanced with 18 under par.

Emily won women's division.

Nov 14 2005, 02:21 PM
Glenn Triemstra shot a 14 under par and ended up 21 under par for the tournament.

Yeah, the turkey came from two cards back to snake me out of fifth (a money spot).

So, basically he is a turkey-snake. Or, is that a snurkey?

Nov 14 2005, 06:06 PM
Glenn Triemstra shot a 14 under par and ended up 21 under par for the tournament.

Yeah, the turkey came from two cards back to snake me out of fifth (a money spot).

So, basically he is a turkey-snake. Or, is that a snurkey?

Snaker............I know about this !!!! :eek:

Tell you what Rick , If I'm in town for your match play , I'll caddy for you. If that doesn't bug you ? :eek: :D

You are the number # 1 seed ?

Nov 14 2005, 06:08 PM
You may have to play David Vincent .............maybe....................I hear he is pretty darn good , throwing Discraft plastic. /msgboard/images/graemlins/smirk.gif

Nov 14 2005, 07:13 PM
Glenn Triemstra shot a 14 under par and ended up 21 under par for the tournament.

Yeah, the turkey came from two cards back to snake me out of fifth (a money spot).

So, basically he is a turkey-snake. Or, is that a snurkey?

Snaker............I know about this !!!! :eek:

Tell you what Rick , If I'm in town for your match play , I'll caddy for you. If that doesn't bug you ? :eek: :D

You are the number # 1 seed ?

Why, so you can watch me lose in sudden death to some scrub again?

Dang, who was that guy that got up off of the surgeon's table, played me tough wire to wire, and then beat me in sudden death for the team spot?

Nov 14 2005, 07:20 PM
You may have to play David Vincent .............maybe....................I hear he is pretty darn good , throwing Discraft plastic. /msgboard/images/graemlins/smirk.gif

Dave got game.

Nov 14 2005, 07:56 PM
You may have to play David Vincent .............maybe....................I hear he is pretty darn good , throwing Discraft plastic. /msgboard/images/graemlins/smirk.gif

Dave got game.

Thanks Rick, but I doubt we will match up. I couldn't play in the Course Championship so I don't think I qualify for a try-out. Plus I am underrated in some circles, so I will probably go unnoticed.

Nov 14 2005, 08:07 PM
You are the number # 1 seed ?

Should be Glenn, I think.

Nov 14 2005, 11:19 PM
You may have to play David Vincent .............maybe....................I hear he is pretty darn good , throwing Discraft plastic. /msgboard/images/graemlins/smirk.gif

Dave got game.

Thanks Rick, but I doubt we will match up. I couldn't play in the Course Championship so I don't think I qualify for a try-out. Plus I am underrated in some circles, so I will probably go unnoticed. Be Careful Rick...........Dave the Rattlesnake could sneak up and Bite you !!!!!! :eek:

I have seen the list.......................Dave Vincent is on it !!!!! :eek:

There are 5 spots left for folks to qualify for the team !!!!!!

If both you and Dave , win your first matches !!!!!!! :eek:

I probably said too much already !!!!!!

Nov 14 2005, 11:41 PM
Here is the current team , at this point :

Micah Dorius
Carlo Pelg
George Spracklin
Mike Slonim
Donny Olow
Emily Hardy

Leaves 5 spots available.

Not sure if I should post list of Match Players yet.

I'll ask Snapper in a few days , unless you guys want to ask him !!!!!!

Nov 15 2005, 12:55 PM
Leaves 5 spots available.

Nov 15 2005, 03:21 PM

Nice Meat Grinder !!!!!! For myself , this Meat Grinder , is actually tougher , than the tournament itself !!!!!!! :eek:

:D Ask Mike Slonim , during our last round , both Mike and I stated , we did not want to play in this years meat grinder over the Thanksgiving Holiday's !!!!!!! It can be brutal !!!!! :eek:

Nov 15 2005, 03:22 PM
I called Morley and the guy who answered said that I am not on the list.

Nov 15 2005, 03:28 PM
I'll check for you Dave. /msgboard/images/graemlins/smirk.gif

Nov 15 2005, 06:13 PM
-42 won it? That's only -14 per round. Was Micah sleep-walking or something? Was it only a 16-hole course? :)

Nov 15 2005, 07:11 PM
-42 won it? That's only -14 per round. Was Micah sleep-walking or something? Was it only a 16-hole course? :)

That includes the final 9 (iifc, he shot -8 on the final nine).

Nov 16 2005, 10:20 PM
OK ....................I have some info on the match play.

First seed : Glenn Triemstra
Second seed : Rick Bays
Third seed : CVK
Fourth seed : Alex Torrente

This list breaks here : not exactly sure about 5th, 6th seed.

Miker Ramos is in there , maybe 5th seed , and Jeff Nichols , maybe 6th seed. Please check the list at the Morley shop to be sure.

Snapper has the updated list.

7th seed : Dave Devine ?
8th seed : David Vincent
9th seed : Tom Olson is the interesting part.

10th seed will be determined by these following players , playing in a round of golf on Friday , November 25 , 2005.

Names seen listed :

Ryan Gwillim
Ed Speakman
John Heaton
Juan Fierro
John Kirkland
Bobby Benner
Chris Vilmorin
Shaad Wade
Ron Boulter ?

If you see any of these guys , playing for the 10th seed , ask them to check with Snapper !!!!!!!! It is possible , I may have missed a few added people !!!!!

Thanks !!!!

Nov 17 2005, 05:15 PM
That seeding looks strange...I should be ranked higher...I may not have time for this tourney now.

Nov 17 2005, 05:25 PM
Call Snapper. I think he may be there today.

You may be ranked higher.

Nov 17 2005, 05:26 PM
I refuse to try-out for the try-outs, that's demeaning!


Nov 17 2005, 05:28 PM
I refuse to try-out for the try-outs, that's demeaning!


It is your call.....................Snapper says you have got game !!!!! You know you can out drive me !!!!! :D

Nov 17 2005, 05:35 PM
I refuse to try-out for the try-outs, that's demeaning!


It is your call.....................Snapper says you have got game !!!!! You know you can out drive me !!!!! :D

I know I have game, just don't know what kind it is yet. :)

Yeah, then if I do make take the last seed, I have to pay $70 to be on the team. I can't honestly come up with that right now. Bills, bills, bills.

Nov 17 2005, 05:37 PM
I refuse to try-out for the try-outs, that's demeaning!


It is your call.....................Snapper says you have got game !!!!! You know you can out drive me !!!!! :D

I know I have game, just don't know what kind it is yet. :)

Yeah, then if I do make take the last seed, I have to pay $70 to be on the team. I can't honestly come up with that right now. Bills, bills, bills.

Hmmmmmmmmm...............well then , we just may have to get a sponsor for you then !!!! /msgboard/images/graemlins/smirk.gif

Nov 17 2005, 06:00 PM
Just talked with Snapper, and I found out how/why I am ranked so low. I missed the Course Championship, plus Donny, Micah, and Snapper decided the rankings together. Pretty tough to get ranked fairly when 2 out of 3 are jaded. Oh well, I just have to win twice versus two top 5 ranked players. Last year I was left with a sour taste, and this year is looking quite similar. I'll try to make some time for the match play.

Nov 18 2005, 01:11 AM
Just talked with Snapper, and I found out how/why I am ranked so low. I missed the Course Championship, plus Donny, Micah, and Snapper decided the rankings together. Pretty tough to get ranked fairly when 2 out of 3 are jaded. Oh well, I just have to win twice versus two top 5 ranked players. Last year I was left with a sour taste, and this year is looking quite similar. I'll try to make some time for the match play.

Any year I don't make the team I leave the meat grinder with a sour taste.

Don't take it personal Dave, its the nature of the beast.

(and just so you know, it used to be a requirement that one play in the course championship to even be allowed in the meat grinder. If the guys you just insulted above didn't respect your game then you wouldn't be in at all).

Nov 18 2005, 02:42 AM
I know...It just pisses me off that Micah and Donna even have a say, but I don't take the ranking personal. I appreciate the opportunity Snapper gave me and I'll show up ready to play...Whoever.

Nov 18 2005, 04:31 PM
I know...It just pisses me off that Micah and Donna even have a say, but I don't take the ranking personal. I appreciate the opportunity Snapper gave me and I'll show up ready to play...Whoever.

Ironically, we started doing it this way several years ago for the opposite complaint (ie: people complained that Snapper wasn't objective and should not have -all- the say in seedings).

So, now it is done by a group of people (I have been in the group several times) and a variety of issues are considered: skill/ability at match play, how one fits within the team structure, performance at course championships, overall performance in monthly tournies, overall performance in out of town tournies, and more.

Nov 18 2005, 10:29 PM
Blah blah blah. it shouldn't matter who you play against. If you think you're good enough to make the team then you should be able to beat anyone they face you off with!

let it be known, I HAVE SPOKEN!! :D:D:D

Nov 18 2005, 10:30 PM
Blah blah blah. it shouldn't matter who you play against. If you think you're good enough to make the team then you should be able to beat anyone they face you off with!

I have spoken :D:D

Nov 29 2005, 03:56 PM
There was some interesting Match Play , going on at Morley Field , on both Friday and Saturday. :eek:

Congratulations to all who participated and did their best , amongst good competition.

Nov 29 2005, 05:33 PM
Did anyone have to pay to qualify for match play in order to participate in the elimination rounds? Cause I remember way back when I started to compete for Team SD, there were strick guidlines that had to be met. Such as wining a PRO monthly or two, wining a out of town tourney in the PRO division or Placing 3rd or better in the Course Championship to guarentee a spot, Last but not least also maintaing a 1000 point player rating in ANY division. So how do We decide who gets to play for the remaining spots? As we all know we have, Black Friday, which really stands for If I cant make it to the match play then someone else will get my spot. In this event, we have our best players in the Pro division try out for the team. Last three or four men standing qualifies for this prestigious event. right? Thats just how I remembered it back in the 90's, besides the 1000 player point rating. Anyhow good luck to all that compete...may the luck B with you. 619 :D

Nov 30 2005, 11:19 PM
Hey Cashin ,

Your right. Things did change. Every year , it seems to be different. For myself , I have not won any monthly's this past year , nor did I win any out of town events. My rating's are not even 990 !!!! :eek: ( 984 ) is barely scratchin at it !!!! :eek: There are better players in San Diego , than myself. I guess I'm lucky to be playing # 2 masters this year.

You know as well as I , that San Diego , has some talented players , like for example , Chris Vilmorin , Bobby Benner , Ron Boulter and others , who would POUND DOWN , in the Team Challenge !!!!!!

Just my thoughts Carlo !!!!! /msgboard/images/graemlins/smirk.gif You are and have always been a Great player in this crazy sport !!!!! :D

Dec 05 2005, 06:07 PM
My Thanks to Team San Diego for this year's win !!!!!

Hopefully , one year , we just may also win the Team Spirit award !!!!!!!

Thanks to Travis Reynolds , Huntington Beach ,for the team stickers , for all the teams !!!!!! That was cool !!!!

( Shameless Plug here ) -

Also my Thanks to ALL the World Class Pro's , who made time , out of their busy schedules , to come to San Diego and play in the Team Challenge !!!!!!! It is not very often , Current World Champion's and other Awesome Celebrities , play here !!!!!!!! Very Cool !!!!!!! :D

Dec 05 2005, 06:13 PM
Hopefully , one year , we just may also win the Team Spirit award !!!!!!!

We have to be a team for that to happen. /msgboard/images/graemlins/smirk.gif

Dec 05 2005, 06:23 PM
Hopefully , one year , we just may also win the Team Spirit award !!!!!!!

We have to be a team for that to happen. /msgboard/images/graemlins/smirk.gif

What would it take for that to happen ?

I have been playing on the team challenge for 24 consecutive years , with new members , every year.

Maybe everybody , does not get along with everybody ?

Even just for one weekend ? :eek:

Dec 06 2005, 06:11 PM
As Long as we don't have to wear skirts , like Fred Funk had to ,when Anika out drove him in the skins match !!!!!!

:eek: Would you , for $ 250,000 a skin ?

Dec 06 2005, 07:31 PM
Folks have been asking about match play stats for all players.

Dec 07 2005, 05:17 PM
Match play stats , have been posted for team San Diego , at the Morley Field Pro shop. :D

Congratulations , Team San Diego !!!!!!!

Also , thanks to Travis Reynolds of Huntington Beach , for the cool window stickers !!!!! :cool:

Dec 08 2005, 01:44 PM
I smoked fools...BTW

<H1><TABLE STYLE="filter:Glow(color=green, strength=a number 14)">
<TR><TD><center><font color="greensize15">EIEIO 2k6: POKER TOURNAMENT 1/7/2006

Time: Early evening, exact time TBA
Where: Emerald Isle Clubhouse
When: 1/7/06
Type: Texas Hold 'em
Cost: $25
Max. entries: 35
Beer: Karl Strauss sponsored</TABLE></h5>

We also need volunteers to help install new baskets!!! Call the Emerald Isle Pro Shop at (760) 721-4700 to speak with Skip about details. I believe there will be greens fee credit kept on the books for those who help.

Dec 08 2005, 06:25 PM
I smoked fools...BTW

<H1><TABLE STYLE="filter:Glow(color=green, strength=a number 14)">
<TR><TD><center><font color="greensize15">EIEIO 2k6: POKER TOURNAMENT 1/7/2006

Time: Early evening, exact time TBA
Where: Emerald Isle Clubhouse
When: 1/7/06
Type: Texas Hold 'em
Cost: $25
Max. entries: 35
Beer: Karl Strauss sponsored</TABLE></h5>

We also need volunteers to help install new baskets!!! Call the Emerald Isle Pro Shop at (760) 721-4700 to speak with Skip about details. I believe there will be greens fee credit kept on the books for those who help.

What kind of fools , did you smoke ? :p

Dec 09 2005, 05:06 PM
Had to quote you here George : " Blah blah blah. it shouldn't matter who you play against. If you think you're good enough to make the team then you should be able to beat anyone they face you off with! "

Everyone I played with on Saturday and Sunday , felt the same way. /msgboard/images/graemlins/smirk.gif Alot of sidebets , team bets , honor bets, scrub bets , best score for their team bets , personal bets..etc.. all going on !!!!!

It's Brutal for some...............others , it's a Frick'n Party !!!!!! :cool:

I dig being a part of this event , every year !!!!!!

Dec 12 2005, 05:34 PM
For folks who did not login to

2005 Team Tournament Page :

24th Annual Southwestern
Team Disc Golf Invitational
December 3-4, 2005

Team San Diego wins
the 2005 Team Tournament!

2005 Southwestern Team Disc Golf Invitational

This year�s event was the smoothest running event in years. The weather although threatening on Friday to ruin our weekend turned out to be beautiful. Light to moderate Santa Anna winds kept the storm from ever reaching San Diego and the weather was warm and Sunny all weekend. Perfect weather for the players to wear their custom embroidered dry fit collared shirts from Port Authority and their matching Sueded cool max embroidered hats with team names on each one. All players also received a custom stamped Pro Wriath and a U2 putter along with a couple of mini�s, weekend playing pass, lunch on Saturday and entrance to the free drawing. With entry fees going up to $70 this year due to the city�s $500 usage fee to use Snyder Hill for our extended 6 holes we still wanted the players to have a player package with an estimated $70 value.

The putting contest on Friday night had the most amazing finish ever. This year we designed one of the most difficult course ever with the many new plants the motel had available. It required the players to utilized a number of different throwing styles and foot stances. It required a player to have true disc control not just a one style fits all kind of putting stroke. To that end during the entire prelims only 3 players got out as far as station 7 and hit the putt. But during the finals after a double playoff to get into the finals John Childs putting third went all the way out to station 8 and hit the putt. The 4th player Dennis Bohanan (alias the mouth) went all the way to the finish and hit #9. The final player to putt in the finals Mike Raley amazingly did the exact same thing going all the way to Bambaland forcing a playoff between himself and Denny. Denny having recently discovered Budda credited his new found inner peace for his victory earning him the $100 first prize .

1 Dennis Bohanan $100

2 Mike Raley $75

3 John Childs $50

4 Gabe Cota $40

5 Ken McKelvey $35

Several teams were in the early hunt for the � Spirit of the Event� award. Travis Reynolds made up stickers for all the players with the team names and a basket for your car window. Very cool. Dave LeVan captain for team Santa Cruz made up �Morley Field survival kits�. A very tongue in cheek container full of s, lollipops, advil, rubber gloves and several other comical items and distributed them to each of the captains. Team La Mirada looked very smart in their team colors of red and white and seemed to enjoy themselves the most despite their less than expected competitive results. In the end Team Huntington Beach won this year�s� Spirit of the event� award and will keep the perpetual trophy for one year. Each HB player received several discs donated by Discraft and Innova (Pro Avenger, DX Roc, and Pro Challenger).

This year saw some fierce competition and a major shake up in the competition hierarchy after the first days 5 matches. The second and third seeded teams of La Mirada and Sylmar already had 3 losses each after day one and were out of the running before Sunday�s matches even began. San Diego with several rookies on their team unexpectedly went 5 and 0 and Redwwod Empire and Santa Cruz each had one loss. Redwood and Santa Cruz faced off in match 7 to determine who the second seeded team would be to face San Diego in the finals. Santa Cruz prevailed 7-5 and went on to face a determined San Diego in the 19 hole finals. San Diego�s home advantage saw them te a talented and determined Santa Cruz team 10-2 in the finals. One of Santa Cruz�s victories came on the final hole as Rob Harding slammed home a 70� side arm shot over bushes to defeat San Diego�s #1 master Glenn Triemstra.

Of note although carding 2 ties Carlo Pelg was the only San Diego player to go undefeated this year. Rookie Dave Vincent playing in the number 6 open slot had only 1 defeat and quieted his message board nemesis Mike Ruzicka captain of the Redwood Empire team with a 7-0 drubbing that went a long way towards helping San Diego win that match. Redwood Empire and San Diego tied 6-6 in match play but when we went to the first tie breaker of total points scored San Diego prevailed 47-29. For their efforts each San Diego player received $120 and a plaque and I�ll be keeping the perpetual trophy another year. Second place Santa Cruz received $70 each and 3 discs donated by Discraft and Innova ( Z-Breeze, DX Valkyrie, DX Aviar).

Order of finish this year

1 San Diego 7-1

2 Santa Cruz 6-2

3 Redwood Empire 5-2

4 Huntington Beach 3-4

5 Sylmar 3-4

6 T La Mirada 2-4-1 tied their head to head match (6-6) and individual points were also a tie (38-38). The second tie breaker is a sudden death playoff between the captains but only if the outcome is meaningful to the finals.

6 T Arizona 2-4-1

8 Santa Barbara 0-7

Next year will see a new team coming from Oregon and captained by Dave Feldberg. Santa Barbara finishing last 2 years running will be rotated out but will return as central California the first opening we have. Thanks to all the staff, Donny, Mac, Kent ,Ken, Chef Aaron, and Joanne for all their hard work as well as all the guys in the shop. And a big thank you to Lefties Chicago Pizzeria we had the best pizza ever in our 24 (or 5) years of doing this event. This was I believe our second year having the 24th annual so next year we anticipate a blowout celebration for our official 25th anniversary. To that end we will be exploring any number of sponsorship opportunities. Anyone wishing to get involved as either a sponsor or volunteer staff contact Snapper at the pro shop. Thanks and Z ya.


1 Micah Dorius 7-1-0 41-13 (points scored vs. points lost)
2 Carlo Pelg 6-0-2 34-14
3 Mike Slonim 6-1-1 41-26
4 George Spracklen 4-4-0 29-28
5 Ed Speakman 3-2-3 28-23
6 Dave Vincent 7-1-0 36-14
7 Adam Nash 3-4-1 30-20
8 Glenn Triemstra 5-2-1 26-20
9 Don Olow 5-3-0 32-20
10 Jeff Nichols 5-2-1 35-22
11 Snapper Pierson 5-2-1 33-16
12 Emily Hardy 2-6-0 11-25

Round 1
SD 8 v SB 4
LM 4 v HB 8
SC 8.5 v SM 3.5
RE 8 v AZ 4

Round 2
SD 10 v HB 2
LM 8 v SB 4
RE 8 v SM 4
SC 7 v AZ 5

Rnd 3
SD 9.5 v SC 2.5
LM 4.5 v RE 7.5
HB 4 v AZ 8
SM 8.5 v SB 3.5

Rnd 4
SD 6(47) v RE 6 (29)
LM 3.5 v SC 8.5
HB 6.5 v SM 5.5
AZ 7 v SB 5

Rnd 5
SD 7 v AZ 5
LM 7.5 v SM 4.5
HB 4.5 v SC 7.5
RE 8.5 v SB 3.5

Rnd 6
SD 5.5 v SM 6.5
LM 6(38) v AZ 6 (38)
RE 9.5 v HB 2.5
SC 8.5 v SB 3.5

Rnd 7
SD 7 v LM 5
RE 5 v SC 7
SM 7 v AZ 5
HB 9 v SB 3

SD 10 v SC 2

Course Main Page

The Southwestern Team Disc Golf Invitational (Team Tournament) is held on the first weekend of December every year. Eight teams from California and Arizona compete for the perpetual trophy and bragging rights for a year. There are 12 players on each team comprised of 7 open, 3 masters, 1 grandmasters, and 1 woman.

Team Rosters

San Diego
1 Micah Dorius
2 Carlo Pelg
3 Mike Slonim
4 George Spracklen
5 Ed Speakman
6 Dave Vincent
7 Adam Nash
8 Glenn Triemstra
9 Donny Olow
10 Jeff Nichols
11 Snapper Pierson
12 Emily Hardy

La Mirada
1 Mark Molnar
2 Randy Amann
3 Steve Wisecup
4 Jeff Niel
5 Sam Ferrans
6 Joe Garcia
7 Bobby Musick
8 Robbie Wilson
9 Mike Williams
10 Marcus Cisneros
11 Dave Dunipace
12 Tita Ugalde

1 Steve Rico
2 Bamba Rico
3 Ken McKelvey
4 Pat Sweeney
5 Mike Byrne
6 Gary Sandoval
7 Lennie Butterfield
8 Mike Raley
9 Robert Cox
10 Dennis Bohanan
11 Mark Horn
12 Beth Verish

1 Dan Ginnelly
2 Lance Plummer
3 Rory Self
4 David Dollar
5 Mike Downs
6 Zach Walker
7 Bradd Brotz
8 Jeff Homburg
9 Russel Shelton
10 Scott Carle
11 Harvey Brandt
12 Lisa Reisch

Redwood Empire
1 Dave Feldberg
2 John Child
3 Roger Cansler
4 Avery Jenkins
5 Jim Tobish
6 Mike Ruzika
7 Kevin Parkhurst
8 Peter Sontag
9 Scott Riley
10 Jeff Fiedler
11 David Welty
12 Anni Kreml

Santa Cruz
1 Nate Doss
2 Miles Harding
3 Donald Smith
4 John Baldwin
5 Chris Foss
6 Matt Vorhees
7 Jim Hagen
8 Rob Harding
9 Marty Hapner
10 Chris Jahr
11 Dave LeVan
12 Carrie Berlogar

Huntington Beach
1 Chris Kunde
2 Robert McIntee
3 Dan Malloy
4 Matt Roulette
5 Chris Brophy
6 Travis Reynolds
7 Jerry Davis
8 Mark Collicot
9 Bill Davis
10 Steve Killian
11 Tom Clickner
12 Eminea Weaver

Santa Barbara
1 Kyle Crabtree
2 Jeff Layland
3 Wally Moore
4 Mel Millis
5 Gabe Cota
6 Freddie Sotelo
7 Jesse Chambliss
8 Rich Dionne
9 Frank Casteel
10 Billy Carnaghe
11 Phil Ganshert
12 Kimbra Carnaghe

Thanks to all who participated !!!!!!! :D

Dec 14 2005, 01:34 PM
Is there a morley monthly this weekend? If so which one is it? the one pat plays in (women) or the other one?

Dec 14 2005, 02:04 PM
You can wear a skirt and show up to find out. You're covered either way.

Dec 14 2005, 06:04 PM
Victoria Secret or Hula Dancer ? :eek: :D

Dec 14 2005, 10:25 PM
Is there a morley monthly this weekend? If so which one is it? the one pat plays in (women) or the other one?

Hey Kevin ,

Yea , the Morley Monthly , this weekend is for Novice , Ams and Women.

Feb.'s monthly is for Advanced and Pro's.

So , Feb, April , June, August , October , December is Pro.

Jan , March , May , July , September , November is Women's.


Dec 16 2005, 03:20 PM
Is there a morley monthly this weekend? If so which one is it? the one pat plays in (women) or the other one?

Hey Kevin ,

Yea , the Morley Monthly , this weekend is for Novice , Ams and Women.

Feb.'s monthly is for Advanced and Pro's.

So , Feb, April , June, August , October , December is Pro.

Jan , March , May , July , September , November is Women's.


Did you think your little story would fool me? Nice try, but you still have to play against me tomorrow. There's no masters division Obi Wan... deleted The student has become the teacher.

12/17 Morley Monthly

Dec 16 2005, 06:37 PM
Is there a morley monthly this weekend? If so which one is it? the one pat plays in (women) or the other one?

Hey Kevin , Morley Monthly is tomorrow for Intermediate , Advanced and Pro !!!! :D

My mistake Kevin , about one of my previous posts. Bobby Martin ( Robert Martin ) helped me out with the correct dates.

For some reason , I thought since the team tournament , fell in the same month , pros already played this month. This will be their second tournament this month. Too much going on this month !!!!! :eek: :D

I must be getting ALLHYZERS !!!!!! /msgboard/images/graemlins/smirk.gif

I hope to play tomorrow. I hear Micah also will play !!!!! :eek:

Hope the Pro's have a full field ( More than 16 ) !!! :eek:

Do I have to be there at 7:00 am ?

Dec 18 2005, 05:24 PM
:eek: Saw Kevin play Open !!!!! Nice.

Jan 13 2006, 08:46 PM
Here is one way to make your own score card.

Make a Custom Score Card:

Feb 04 2006, 04:52 PM
This one is for Tom Olson !!!!! :D

Mar 06 2006, 11:43 PM
Ike wanted me to post this for him since he is not a PDGA member.

Subject: IKE

I took a month off from disk golf and quit smoking broccoli. I went out last week and played for the first time without the broccoli, the results: Two rounds 13 birdies. The next day I had my first bogey free round in my 2 1/2 years of playing. Draw your own conclusions.

Mar 07 2006, 02:56 AM

Now give me my TWO DOLLARS! :D

Mar 07 2006, 09:32 AM
Ike wanted me to post this for him since he is not a PDGA member.

Subject: IKE

I took a month off from disk golf and quit smoking broccoli. I went out last week and played for the first time without the broccoli, the results: Two rounds 13 birdies. The next day I had my first bogey free round in my 2 1/2 years of playing. Draw your own conclusions.

So has he moved on to smoking cauliflower then? I've heard that stuff will mess you up!

Mar 07 2006, 12:08 PM
I will give you 4 dollars for me and pat at eldo. We are on again at eldo though.

Sound fair?

Mar 07 2006, 06:31 PM
Ike wanted me to post this for him since he is not a PDGA member.

Subject: IKE

I took a month off from disk golf and quit smoking broccoli. I went out last week and played for the first time without the broccoli, the results: Two rounds 13 birdies. The next day I had my first bogey free round in my 2 1/2 years of playing. Draw your own conclusions.

Better !!!! :D

Mar 30 2006, 09:00 PM
Here is one way to make your own score card.

Make a Custom Score Card:

OK ..................I have a few of the Spring Fling Full Color discs available for the tournament.
Yes , they are really nice Discraft Spectra 2 discs.

Excellent Color Graphics !!!!!!! I even picked up a couple for myself.

They are Tournament Funraiser discs and for each one bought ,the money goes directly to the tournament.
Also , your name is customized on the tournament shirt as sponsor !!!!

They are $22.00 each or Two for $ 40.00 or Three for $ 60.00

Minis with Identical Graphics should be available soon !!!!!
I think they will be about $ 7.00-$8.00 each or Three for $ 20.00 They will be UltraStar Mini's. I'll Probably get a few of these as well !!!!!
Again , I don't get a penny for doing this , just the satisfaction for raising money for this Tournament !!!! Helping out where I can for the players. This way , the payout will be better !!!!!!

Thanks for your time ,

Mar 30 2006, 10:34 PM
What weights do you have for those Spectras? The jacaranda trees look purty in that pic.

I'll take two. Pull out a 170g for me, and let me know what the lightest one you have is. If it's light enough I'll get it for Laurie, othersiwe I might want one a little heavier.

Mar 30 2006, 10:39 PM
Any word on the pre-reg list and when it will be posted? This tourney usually fills fast so it would be nice to know that our entries got there already. :)

Mar 31 2006, 01:54 PM
They are Tournament Funraiser discs and for each one bought ,the money goes directly to the tournament.
Also , your name is customized on the tournament shirt as sponsor !!!!

Nice pic. Are you the photographer?

Apr 01 2006, 04:22 PM
OK...............I'll save a 170 for you !!!!

Apr 01 2006, 04:23 PM
They are Tournament Funraiser discs and for each one bought ,the money goes directly to the tournament.
Also , your name is customized on the tournament shirt as sponsor !!!!

Nice pic. Are you the photographer?


Oh , Spring Fling - May 20th 2006

Spring Fling Hole Sponsorship - $100
You get your logo and ad on a 12"X18" laminated tee sign at a designated hole
An ad at Frisbee central on a sign
You receive a tourney disc, tourney shirt, and a month pass
Your name/logo on the tourney T-shirt

Apr 01 2006, 04:25 PM
I also have a couple 172 and 174 gram discs.

Same stamp on Ultra Star Mini's (Same kind of Mini disc just like the EIEIO minis.)

Apr 01 2006, 05:42 PM
Any word on the pre-reg list and when it will be posted? This tourney usually fills fast so it would be nice to know that our entries got there already. :)

Hey Rhett , this is not a official list but it's close.

Advanced : 7 signed up. Did see your name !!!

Intermediate : 9 signed up.

Am Masters : 2 signed up.

Novice Men : 8 signed up.

Advanced Women : 4 signed up , including Laurie and Megan.

Novice Women : None yet.

Juniors : 2 signed up.

This is as of today , Saturday the 1st at 2:00 pm.

Hope this helps some.

Oh....................I do have these discs on me.

2 at 170. 2 at 172. 2 at 174 grams.

I may bring some up to Emerald Isle's tomorrow , in case you want first dibs. Around Noon or so. :D

I did get a couple for myself. Sweet Design , Excellent Colors !!!!!

Apr 01 2006, 07:25 PM
Hey Rhett,

I won't be able to play in the Spring Fling (I'll be 2 weeks post-surgery), and I'm not sure if I'll be able to go. If not, can AJ get a ride with you that day? We're in San Marcos near CSUSM.

We're going to play dawnbusters tomorrow, so I'll sign him up then.



Apr 02 2006, 05:57 PM
Thanks for purchasing a funraiser disc Allen !!!!

I have a few left if anyone still needs or wants one.

Tournament Disc - Discraft $22 or 2 for $40
Mini's which are the size of pocket pro's $6 each or 3 for $15.

Mini's should be available in a couple of weeks.

Apr 03 2006, 03:37 PM
Hey Donny,

If you don't have anything lighter, I'll take two of the 170s and 3 minis.

Put 'em aside for me please, and I'll buy them off you the next time I see you.

Apr 03 2006, 04:38 PM
I'll try and leave some with Skip at Emerald , so you won't have to drive far !!!! :D

Two at 170 and Three mini's.

Thanks again !!!!

Apr 03 2006, 04:43 PM
Looks like the Mini's are available today !!!!

I'll have some if anyone is interested !!!!!

Apr 03 2006, 11:27 PM
Wow !!!!! Mini's are going fast !!!!!

$6.00 each or 3 for $15.00

I still have a dozen left if anyone is still interested.

Fundraiser Disc's , I have atleast 4 left. And
Your name will be customized on the Tournament shirt for sponsoring as well !!!!!!

171grams , 172 grams and 2 at 174 grams !!!!!!!

Thanks everyone for your support of the Spring Fling Tournament !!!!!! :D

Donny Olow

Apr 13 2006, 06:56 PM
Too bad the sky isn't blue on the discs like it is in the picture on the website. Still a cool looking disc, though.

Apr 13 2006, 06:56 PM
I think it is pretty sweet that Bill Richards gets to play Advanced Masters at the Spring Fling! :)

Apr 13 2006, 08:18 PM
Me too. It will be a privilege to play with - and possibly get worked by - one of our legends. :cool:

Apr 13 2006, 10:28 PM
I'm hiding in MA1 even though I'm over 40 so that I don't have lose to him. :D

Apr 13 2006, 10:43 PM
You just have to lose to some young punk like me. (well not that young I guess)
Dollar a round?

Apr 14 2006, 02:58 AM
Chiapat and John B are King Baggers!

Apr 14 2006, 05:04 PM
Hey Kevin , Dave would like to invite you to play singles at Emerald Isle's on Thursday's !!!!!!

Apr 14 2006, 06:11 PM
Pat is so good he must be the overwelming favorite to win the monthly this weekend.. IN INTERMEDIATE!.. must be nice to play advanced out of town and then play INT at your home course.


After you win get me a star teebird.. thanks!

Apr 14 2006, 06:13 PM
Pat is so good he must be the overwelming favorite to win the monthly this weekend.. IN INTERMEDIATE!.. must be nice to play advanced out of town and then play INT at your home course.


After you win get me a star teebird.. thanks!

Why do you hate everyone so, Kevin?

Apr 14 2006, 06:23 PM
I like Pat he is the coolest guy I have ever known on this earth. Pat is the best ever!

Apr 14 2006, 06:38 PM
Do you guys still me owe me two bucks each?

Apr 14 2006, 07:09 PM
I paid you at ELDO. If you want we can play at your home course EI for 5 bucks and bag tag.

Apr 14 2006, 10:51 PM
I paid you at ELDO.

That's right. :D

Apr 15 2006, 05:49 PM
Hey Kevin , Nice Win at Morley Field today !!!!!!

Your First Pro Monthly Win in San Diego !!!!!

Congratulations !!!!!!!! :D

Nice Drive on the Sudden Death Playoff hole for the WIN !!!!!

I think Kent La Gree got second.
George was third.
Jeff Nichols was fourth.
CVK was fifth.
D'Nice was sixth.

Apr 16 2006, 12:06 AM
The scores that I know were Kevin -15
:mad:Kent -15, George -13, Jeff N -11, CVK -12, Homan -10, Parnell ???, Miker -7 Tom O. ???

Apr 16 2006, 06:45 PM
Hey Kevin , Nice Win at Morley Field today !!!!!!

Your First Pro Monthly Win in San Diego !!!!!

Congratulations !!!!!!!! :D

Didn't I already see this post on another thread?

I'm having a strange sensation of deja vu!

Yeah, me too with the deja vu.

Apr 24 2006, 04:09 PM
As May fast approaches and the Spring Fling nears, I thought it would be nice to get an odds board going for who will win the event.

Some big names in there, Eternal Bagger Parnell, the ever deadly Trey, the current Open monthly champ Kevin Gomez, The lefty homer John B., Third at the course championship Josh coombs, Dustin big arm Bollo, The slumping Daniel Lickman, and Mr. one good round a tournament Patrick Gallaher.

Lets hear some feedback then we can post some odds after.

Apr 24 2006, 04:33 PM
Hey, you left a former Amateur Course Champion off that list.

Apr 24 2006, 05:14 PM
Per the morley website, this tourney is now full.

Apr 24 2006, 07:46 PM
Yes it is. I'm not sure if there is a waiting list though.

I still have a few Supercolor Fundraiser Discs Available.

171, 172 and two at 174. They are $ 22.00 each or Two for $ 40.00

I also still have a dozen full color mini's left.
$ 6.00 each or 3 for $ 15.00

Thanks to all who have purchased discs for this tournament !!!!

Apr 24 2006, 11:01 PM
Yes it is. I'm not sure if there is a waiting list though.

I still have a few Supercolor Fundraiser Discs Available.

171, 172 and two at 174. They are $ 22.00 each or Two for $ 40.00

I also still have a dozen full color mini's left.
$ 6.00 each or 3 for $ 15.00

Thanks to all who have purchased discs for this tournament !!!!

Thanks again !!!!! :D

I'll try and bring a few up to Emerald Isle's tomorrow if anyone is interested.

Apr 30 2006, 05:24 PM
Yes it is. I'm not sure if there is a waiting list though.

I still have a few Supercolor Fundraiser Discs Available.

171, 172 and two at 174. They are $ 22.00 each or Two for $ 40.00

I also still have a dozen full color mini's left.
$ 6.00 each or 3 for $ 15.00

Thanks to all who have purchased discs for this tournament !!!!

Sold out !!!!! There is a 10 person waiting list.

May 01 2006, 08:02 PM
Who's helping out with the Spring Fling this year? If any of you Morley locals can get me the registration list in soft-copy form with PDGA numbers included, I'll get them uploaded to the PDGA website.

May 01 2006, 08:07 PM
I'll see if I can get you a direct link.

May 01 2006, 08:13 PM
I don't want a direct link. I want someone to step up and help Snapper with the tourney. :)

May 09 2006, 06:25 PM
Thanks to all who have purchased Fundraiser Discs and Mini's for this tournament !!!!!

The Morley Field Pro Shop , still has a few Supercolor Fundraiser Discs Available. Please respond quickly to the shop if you would like your name added on the Tee-shirt !!!!!!

Maybe just ONE day left to get your name customized on the shirt. After that , it's just the Fundraiser Disc.

They are $ 22.00 each or Two for $ 40.00

The Pro shop , may still have a dozen full color mini's left.
$ 6.00 each or 3 for $ 15.00

Thanks again !!!!! :D

May 09 2006, 07:14 PM
You've got an Advanced guy in your Intermediate division. You also have an Advanced guy and an Intermediate guy in your Rec division! :o

Put the pre-reg info into the PDGA on-line system and you will see that kind of stuff easily.

May 12 2006, 04:54 PM
You've got an Advanced guy in your Intermediate division. You also have an Advanced guy and an Intermediate guy in your Rec division! :o

Put the pre-reg info into the PDGA on-line system and you will see that kind of stuff easily.

I would if I was co-TD , but ask snapper when he comes back from Santa Cruz.
I'm not involved with any player stats or internet standings.

May 12 2006, 05:06 PM
I'm pointing it out to you.

May 12 2006, 05:08 PM
I'll let him know. /msgboard/images/graemlins/smirk.gif

May 15 2006, 07:28 PM
A couple of questions about the Spring Fling:

19 hole first round and 18 hole second round. What's the layout for that? Play holes 1 and 2 the first round, and then combine them into one hoile the second round and have a ghost card somewhere?

Are there going to be any goofy long pads for MA1 or will everyone play the same layout? If there are long pads for MA1, what holes?

Are Gwillim/Vincent/Dorius/Pelg going to be there helping out and spotting like Donny always does?


May 15 2006, 10:16 PM
Are Gwillim/Vincent/Dorius/Pelg going to be there helping out and spotting like Donny always does?

I'm going to be in Oregon playing the BSF, otherwise I'd be helping out.

May 16 2006, 11:54 AM
Are Gwillim/Vincent/Dorius/Pelg going to be there helping out and spotting like Donny always does?

I'm going to be in Oregon playing the BSF, otherwise I'd be helping out.

Oregon here we come!

May 16 2006, 04:08 PM
Bueller. Anyone know anything about this tourney in 4 days?

A couple of questions about the Spring Fling:

19 hole first round and 18 hole second round. What's the layout for that? Play holes 1 and 2 the first round, and then combine them into one hoile the second round and have a ghost card somewhere?

Are there going to be any goofy long pads for MA1 or will everyone play the same layout? If there are long pads for MA1, what holes?

May 16 2006, 08:39 PM
Snapper is back from Santa Cruz. I'll ask him about the course layout and stuff.

May 16 2006, 08:46 PM
Does this make Kevin Gomez the Odd's on Favorite to win this Weekend ? (

May 16 2006, 09:22 PM
Does this make Kevin Gomez the Odd's on Favorite to win this Weekend ?

He's gonna be paying me three bucks after it's over.

May 17 2006, 06:35 PM
I'll be at the course today doing some clean up and raking.

May 18 2006, 05:23 PM
Here is the odds board, Exacta pays triple.

Gomez 5-2
D-Nice 3-1
Trey 3-1
Pope 4-1
Josh 4-1
Mike L. 7-1
Pat 7-1
Stroh 55-1

Others 60-1

May 18 2006, 06:09 PM
I am injured. I hope I will be able to play. The king Will be there this weekend. My money is on him!

Hail to The King!

May 18 2006, 06:23 PM
I am injured.

Hey, Magilla used that excuse at the GSC! :)

May 18 2006, 06:24 PM
No respect, I tell ya.

May 18 2006, 07:08 PM
Are Gwillim/Vincent/Dorius/Pelg going to be there helping out and spotting like Donny always does?


I won't be able to be there in person, but will gladly help with the online long as I don't have to deal with the bs I had to deal with last year.

May 19 2006, 03:37 AM
what about Chance highest rated player playing at the Fling must be even money!

May 19 2006, 01:27 PM
Here is the odds board, Exacta pays triple.

Gomez 5-2
D-Nice 3-1
Trey 3-1
Pope 4-1
Josh 4-1
Mike L. 7-1
Pat 7-1
Stroh 55-1

Others 60-1

Those lines are horrible, but if your taking bets I got it on lock.

May 19 2006, 01:40 PM
Alright, here it is...

Don't turn your back on might get screwed from behind(2nd card...get your mind outta the gutter)

Don't look down on Parnell, he might stand tall in the end.

Y'all better say your hail mary's if the Pope shows up in good health.

Chia's advantage is he's ambidextrous...Its also his downfall, but you gotta hand it to him.

Watch out for Lust and Trey...They will smoke the competition, literally and figuratively

But the odds on favorite to win is the Sergeant.

May 19 2006, 04:44 PM
I am injured.

Hey, Magilla used that excuse at the GSC! :)

Magilla was Icing his shoulder on Sunday when I saw him.
He showed me a softball size bruise on his right shoulder. He was upset about it.

May 19 2006, 04:46 PM
Alright, here it is...

Don't turn your back on might get screwed from behind(2nd card...get your mind outta the gutter)

Don't look down on Parnell, he might stand tall in the end.

Y'all better say your hail mary's if the Pope shows up in good health.

Chia's advantage is he's abidextrous...Its also his downfall, but you gotta hand it to him.

Watch out for and Trey...They will smoke the competition, literally and figuratively

But the odds on favorite to win is the Sergeant.

/msgboard/images/graemlins/smirk.gif :D

Was going to place my bets at Calliente yesterday , but dang border shooting delayed me !!!! :eek:

May 19 2006, 04:48 PM
Were you hit or grazed?

May 19 2006, 04:50 PM
Nope ..............just wearing my Disc Golf shirt..............they let me through and said " Hurry up , Gomez is now even money !!!!! :eek:

Thanks for helping out with the scoring !!!!!

Course looks great !!!!!! All set up today if you want to play it.........Including alternate pads !!!!! :D

May 21 2006, 02:05 PM
Congratulations to Michael Lust Spring Fling 2006 ADV champ!
Came from behind and birdied 6 of the last 10 holes to tie The Legendary Senior Grandmaster John Kirkland to force a sudden death playoff.

Michael on the first playoff hole pured a perfect tunnel shot on the temp hole (hole 1 to hole 2 mando thru the tunnel) to get in birdie range. While John unfortunately needed two shots to get thru the mando.

Great fun Tournment congrats to all the other finishers!

The Intermediate Title (Bagger division) went to EI local David "the King" Lewis. The King went on to a sudden death playoff with 2 others and pared the first hole while the others failed to do so . King is on a roll. Hail to the King!

May 21 2006, 03:10 PM
Thanks for the congradulations, Kevin G, and everyone else. Nive job Dave "The King" Lewis for an excellant victory. It was another well run tournament by Snapper and everyone else who put in their time and effort. The legendary John Kirkland was an exemplary player from start to finish.
I must admit hearing the whispers of being a sandbagger were like music to my ears. I've played rather poorly my last three tournaments, so with this newly found confidence I will work hard to take it to the next level.

Lusty out.

May 21 2006, 05:13 PM
Congratulations !!!!

May 21 2006, 06:10 PM
Thanks for the congradulations, Kevin G, and everyone else. Nive job Dave "The King" Lewis for an excellant victory. It was another well run tournament by Snapper and everyone else who put in their time and effort. The legendary John Kirkland was an exemplary player from start to finish.
I must admit hearing the whispers of being a sandbagger were like music to my ears. I've played rather poorly my last three tournaments, so with this newly found confidence I will work hard to take it to the next level.

Lusty out.

I was able to watch a few holes of Lusty's group yesterday, and he played quite well, with a great closing rush at the end. On top of that, he seemed to generally enjoy himself throughout the day, which was refreshing. Too often you see players on the top card in excruciating anguish (mostly mental), so it was great to see a winner grinning throughout his play!

May 21 2006, 06:21 PM
Hope you took some nice pictures !!!!!! :D

May 21 2006, 06:37 PM
Here is a picture someone took.....................

Guess they were putting too hard !!!!! :eek:

May 21 2006, 07:12 PM
I was able to watch a few holes of Lusty's group yesterday, and he played quite well, with a great closing rush at the end. On top of that, he seemed to generally enjoy himself throughout the day, which was refreshing. Too often you see players on the top card in excruciating anguish (mostly mental), so it was great to see a winner grinning throughout his play!

I was in anguish did you see me kick my bag, throw my chair, yell at rhett and curse all day long!

Oh thanks for the FIVE BUCKS rhett! Nothing is better then taking money from Rhett!

Anyhow I found one of AJ's discs a 150 ls polaris. I will bring it up to EI. I may make an appearance on tuesday night doubles.

I hope the King will be there I need his autograph.

May 21 2006, 07:54 PM
Hope you took some nice pictures !!!!!! :D

Haven't had a chance to look at them yet - yesterday really wore me out, but it was fun. I'll upload the good ones to my flickr account and post a link on this thread.

May 22 2006, 12:31 AM
Spring Fling pics on Flickr ([email protected]/sets/72057594141471083/)

Not as many as I wanted to take - camera ran out of battery. I'll never be without a backup again. /msgboard/images/graemlins/smirk.gif

May 22 2006, 01:41 AM
cool pics. My camera battery died as well. Thanks rizbee

Hail to the King!

May 22 2006, 12:52 PM
My camera has a multi-shot mode, so many of the pics are part of a series, and could be put together as an animation.

I was able to catch your putt from the trees on 15 - it was a nice one! (we won't tell anyone that it was to save par...) :o

May 22 2006, 07:11 PM
Just seen Patrick G , hit a nice putt !!!![email protected]/150767007/in/set-72057594141471083/

May 22 2006, 07:13 PM
And Kevin G !!!!![email protected]/150766909/in/set-72057594141471083/

May 22 2006, 07:46 PM
No love for me? :(

May 22 2006, 07:52 PM
And here's Rhett driving on hole # 16 .........[email protected]/150767155/in/set-72057594141471083/

May 22 2006, 07:54 PM
More pictures here !!!!![email protected]/sets/72057594141471083/

May 23 2006, 05:38 PM
Here's another one........................opp's ,not morley.

May 25 2006, 03:40 PM
Thanks to whoever uploaded the results to :)

Could you please enter the course configurations, also, so that unofficial ratings info will show? All divisions played the same layouts at the same time, and there were two distinct layouts:

Round 1: 19 holes, par 57
Round 2: 17 holes, par 51

May 25 2006, 07:05 PM
It wasn't me, but I will offer my help again this weekend if Snapper still needs it.

May 26 2006, 05:30 PM

May 28 2006, 07:53 PM
Just for those who didn't want to search .....................

May 30 2006, 01:17 PM
1st Saturday results:

I don't know about the rest of the teams but the CARTEL is 2-0
Best Team Score -25 (CARTEL)
Best Individual Score -19 DVIN� (-11 net)

May 30 2006, 02:54 PM
So , what your saying is your handicap is now a - 8 ?

May 30 2006, 03:05 PM
Probably -9.

May 30 2006, 03:06 PM
1st Saturday results:

I don't know about the rest of the teams but the CARTEL is 2-0
Best Team Score -25 (CARTEL)
Best Individual Score -19 DVIN� (-11 net)

19 down??? That's smokin'!

May 30 2006, 03:09 PM
Vincent was bagging so he had a low handicap.

Until you dethrown the champs you are nothing!

Karl Strauss is also 2-0 and we are keeping the title again this year!

May 30 2006, 04:28 PM
Bagging??? I would have still won individual with a -9 handicap so it didn't matter anyway. Karl Strauss is 1st on the CARTEL's hitlist.

May 30 2006, 04:32 PM
A little bit high off the ground ?

May 30 2006, 05:51 PM
Bring on the Cartel we took you out last year and we will do it again this year.

We lost one from our roster. Jared (Manchild) Niles is off in Alsaka catching some fish. So we replaced him with the well renowned KK aka King Kash (Mario Traba).

When do we play the cartel? I want to make sure I will be around that weekend so I can personally take them out!

Goodnight now!

May 30 2006, 06:16 PM
You barely beat us last year using 3 ringers who had never even subbed for your "team". We will smoke you everytime we play you. Karl Strauss is a joke.

May 30 2006, 06:24 PM
we always use our core. you mistake us for some other teams. Brian can atest to this!

May 30 2006, 06:37 PM
I ain't hatin on you, but you cheated to win.

May 31 2006, 04:54 PM
I think Dan Shorkey is bringing our Plaques/Trophy's this week..........................Hopefully , I asked , for a additional one , for Patrick / Karl Strauss , who have always come through with sponsorship for League and other San Diego and Out-of-town Tournament Sponsorships !!!!!! Including Bayside !!!

Thanks again Patrick !!!!!!!!

I hope to play today Kevin , I have been under the weather with my teeth.

Jun 01 2006, 01:50 PM
You guys should change your name to...

Jun 01 2006, 02:37 PM
Bagging is the name of the game at Morley League. Don't be a hater.

I think the last year of Team Gazelle we were the first team ever to field a team of all four players with negative handicaps. I think we even made the final.

Jun 01 2006, 02:44 PM
I'll hate on anyone who cheats. Bagging is different.

Jun 01 2006, 02:54 PM
what is your team roster for the cartel?

Can't name them? maybe cause you don't know which ringer you will pick up each week?

Good luck this weekend... swindlers!

Jun 01 2006, 02:55 PM
We used to keep Megan as a reserve all season and only break out her +22 handicap for the finals. She would shoot around +14.

Is that cheating or bagging? :D

Jun 01 2006, 03:08 PM
what is your team roster for the cartel?

Can't name them? maybe cause you don't know which ringer you will pick up each week?

Good luck this weekend... swindlers!

Perm. Sub-

We've got nothing to hide, unlike Karl Subs.

Jun 01 2006, 03:11 PM
We used to keep Megan as a reserve all season and only break out her +22 handicap for the finals. She would shoot around +14.

Is that cheating or bagging? :D

If she was on the roster from the start and had a handicap established from actual rounds then that's not cheating or bagging. What the Karl Strauss team does on Saturdays is just as lame as what the Karl Strauss team does in the bushes of Morley each night.

Jun 01 2006, 04:44 PM
Finally Dave admits to what he does in the bushes each night!
Don't hate the Strauss because you can not beat the Strauss!

Jun 01 2006, 05:54 PM
I'm not on your " <font color="red">T </font> <font color="orange"> e </font> <font color="yellow"> a </font> <font color="green"> m</font> "

We'll see who wins...

Jun 01 2006, 07:01 PM
:DHey Patrick , I think Dave would like a sponsor like Karl Strauss !!!!! :cool:

Jun 02 2006, 11:32 AM

Jun 04 2006, 02:46 AM
nice try Cartel.... We own you. 3-1 and in first place..

Good night now

Jun 04 2006, 04:11 PM
It must be nice to have scrubs with exaggerated handicaps play for you. You may have squeaked by with a win, but we are still tied for first, yeah we're 3-1 too. How does that feel? You beat us and still can't take first place away from us. See you in the finals.

Jun 04 2006, 07:38 PM
Not with my - 10 handicap !!!!

Can you believe it , digits handicap. /msgboard/images/graemlins/smirk.gif

Shot a - 20 for two rounds and I lost. Where's the monthly ?

Some goods teams out there with low handicaps...........................might need some Extra Strategy !!!! :cool:

Jun 04 2006, 07:46 PM
Not with my - 10 handicap !!!!

Can you believe it , digits handicap.

Shot a - 20 for two rounds and I lost. Where's the monthly ?

Some goods teams out there with low handicaps...........................might need some Extra Strategy !!!!

You did not play us with a -10, you had a -7 handicap when we played. I had the highest handicap this Saturday, no one else had an -8...Next week you MIGHT have a -10, but most likely it will be -9. Still good though. We need no "extra srategy", we play to better our skills, the byproduct just happens to be wins even with the highest combined team handicap in the spring league. That's the true measure of skill. See you in the finals.