Sep 13 2005, 01:53 AM
Just wondering if anyone has gotten anyone to sign a disc who was a celebrity. I just stayed in Minnesota and stayed at same hotel as the Buccaneers. I got 13 of them to sign a champion orc for me. Galloway, Barber, Quarles, Pittman, and Simms were a few of them. Chris Simms seemed pretty interested in Disc Golf he was also in a good mood since Texas just beat the Buckeyes. I rode with him and Galloway in the elevator right after the game ended.

Sep 13 2005, 02:16 AM
I have seen a good pile...golfers, musicians, other pro sports...

Twisted has a disc signed by Metallica...but I am sure they are ready to sue soon

Signed Hooters discs from Himing, signed Aces, and one signed even by a policeman that was on the course :o

Sep 13 2005, 02:42 AM
I've got the li'l crusher's Father's [and I din' even ask]; does that count? :)

Sep 13 2005, 11:42 AM
I've got a few nice autograph's, Steady Ed. Malafronte, Zimmerman, Stork, Climo, Ahart, Ralph Williamson, Aces ....................

Sep 13 2005, 11:50 AM
My autograph collection....

Big Bead Grid Stamped Avair with - Schweb, Carlton Howard, Barry Shultz, Kirk Yoo, Greg Williams, Dave Feldberg, Brian MadDog McRee and Walt Haney

Disc Golf Rocks Stamped Roc with - Ron Russel, Aleksey Bubis, Cam Todd, Brad Hammock, Brian Mace, Elaine King, Justin Jernigan, Steve Brinster, Ken Climo, Nolan Grider, Stan McDaniel, Alan Beaver

I also have the worlds CFR Starfire from last year with every world champion at worlds last year signature (part of the autograph night they did)

Sep 13 2005, 11:53 AM
At the very first National Doubles in Round Rock, TX, I got Steady Ed's #001 on one of the tournament stamped DGA discs. It looks cool on the Glow-in-the-Dark Disc wall surrounded by a set of the Glow-in-the-Dark minis with the same tournament stamp.

Sep 13 2005, 12:23 PM
I have a 10X roc signed by Tommy Emmanuel, one of the best acoustic guitar players ever.
I also have an Ultimate disc, no doubt the only one on the planet, signed by Al DiMeola and Leo Kottke!

Sep 13 2005, 01:31 PM
These Roc's and Aviar's were autographed by every Hall of Famer who attended the Hall of Fame Classic in Augusta this year.

Sep 13 2005, 02:03 PM
1. Bar Stamped Roc signed by Penn & Teller

2. Sit ubu Sit stamped super puppy signed by Mike Doughty formerly of Soul Coughing

3 Thurman's fifth anniv. Roc signed by Toni (with a heart over the "i") Ellis...the stamp on this disc just so happens to be Tony in drag...with his pasties and all!

Sep 13 2005, 07:23 PM
Earl Campbell

Sep 13 2005, 07:50 PM
PGA tour golfer John Rollins on a Z-XL.

Sep 13 2005, 11:44 PM
"Steady" Ed's widow signed a glow putter with Ed's picture on it. It disc was part of the prize package in the Light the Night for "Steady" Ed tournament back in May. Farina flew to WI (from CA) for the tournament.

Sep 14 2005, 01:19 AM
The old football player Earl Campbell from the Oilers I bet thats a nice one

Sep 14 2005, 11:54 AM
I have several, but there are two discs with sigs that are my favorites.

When I TD'd the Red Rock Show in '03, we had a great bunch of players from friends to top names in the sport.

I had just had surgery on my arm and was basically one-handed (except for my gorgeous right hand Amie). I could barely move and was in tons of pain. Amie took a clear purple Spider around and got everyone to sign it (I was clueless about it) and it was presented to me at the awards ceremony as the Purple Disc Award. :)

A few of the MANY names on this disc include Brad Hammock, Schwebbie, The Nature Boy Billy Crump, the long lost Trev-Head, Vinnie Miller, Tom Pierce, Cong, Seewhere (yes, that's how he signed it) Danielle Vargas, Patty Justice, Laura Coffey, Jerry El Chile Perez, Kyle Grundman, Dave Moody, Yeti and Des and many, many more good freinds.

Perhaps my favorite sig on it is one that says "Atta Boy, Mark, Father Dave." Dave was so proud of me that he gave me my pick of any of his tye-dyed shirts he was selling off his rack. I wore it to work the day I found out he had passed away.

My second favorite disc has fewer sigs, but is so special to me, that I can hardly explain it properly.

Back when I was gonna be a force for good and change the Disc Golf world (motivation was easier to come by in those days) I put together a TD Conference/Handicapped Tournament.

There was an amazing group of people from all over Texas and beyond who gave so much of themselves to show up at this function, play a fun handicapped event and then spend hours crammed in a hotel conference room solving all the problems of the DG world.

At the end of the loooooooooong night, after I presented plaques an trophies to those who participated and those who placed in our little one-round handicapped event, Jerry Power (Alacrity on the message board) stood up and made a brief thank you speech to me for putting the event together and presented me with a San Marino Roc, which everyone then signed. Bobby Logan, Gary Duke, Bill Burns, Bryan James, Andi Lehman, Jerry Power, Terry Toolen, Michael Barr, Mike Wilson, and the "Great Gordo" Gordon Maxim-Kelley.

Folks, let me tell you, that is a list of people who could run this sport (and some who have and still do) and I was honored to be in a room where the DG IQ was so far above my head that I was overwhelmed.

There are some experiences that stick with you your whole life. A lot of mine are related to disc golf.

Love you guys.

Sep 14 2005, 12:02 PM
gesus, mark, he asked if anyone had any cool siggies, not to script a freakin miniseries for WE.

Sep 14 2005, 12:11 PM
As always Pat, thanks for your sensitivity and valuable input.

Lyle O Ross
Sep 14 2005, 12:28 PM
I liked it and am waiting for the next installment. :cool:

Sep 14 2005, 12:52 PM
Easy there, Mark. Pat's comment was actually pretty funny. :) Don't be going all "Nick on Jeff" here, okay?

And I did like your script, too. :D

Sep 14 2005, 02:40 PM
Why is Catfish [Grunion] the Nature Boy?

Sep 14 2005, 02:45 PM
Wrong Crump. Billy Crump is the Natureboy.

Sep 14 2005, 02:47 PM
I was in Toronto for the T.I.O. in 2001. Went to a bar after a late afternoon practice round only to discover that Perry Farrell, the lead singer of the alternative band Jane's Addiction, was going to be DJing at the bar that night. So Bryan Motley, Amy(my wife) and myself stayed at the bar for 5 more hours, and 20 more beers until Perry went on. A few minutes before he went on, we asked for a picture and autograph. Amy and Perry's picture came out great, and my brand new, 1st run CE Firebird that i was carrying around for backup, was signed by Perry.

Pretty Cool.

Sep 14 2005, 02:54 PM
Oh yeah. I asked Mike once if they were related and I got something similar to the "acorn" metaphor. :eek: :D

Sep 14 2005, 03:13 PM
I have an X2 signed from Dave Hanson #16, Steve Carlson #17, and Jeff Carlson #18. Wondering who they are?? They are the Hanson Brothers from the Movie "Slapshot". :D

Sep 14 2005, 03:47 PM
I have a Texas 10 Charity Tournament stampped disc signed by Lance Armstrong.

Sep 14 2005, 03:49 PM
Easy there, Mark. Pat's comment was actually pretty funny. :) Don't be going all "Nick on Jeff" here, okay?

And I did like your script, too. :D

No worries Rhett. I've made my overdue apologies to Pat, and his concession was to allow me to still think he's a twit. (It was a dealbreaker for me) I assume that means our bantering can again resume, as long as I keep below a certain level of vitriol. :)

(And his comment was funny, but that's not the point.)

Sep 14 2005, 04:01 PM
I've got an Earl Campbell autographed disc as well. That makes McCaine's worth half as much. :eek:

Sep 14 2005, 04:11 PM
Only autograph I have is Ken Climo "10x" on a Z-XS with the tourn. stamp from that event. I would have had him sign an Innova disc, but all they had were Discraft.

Pizza God
Sep 14 2005, 07:03 PM
I have 3 different signed disc from Steady ed. One of them I got myself at the 92 Am worlds. He was eating lunch with Speddy Guerrero and I asked him to sign the disc I had with me. (at gimi lightweight birdie with a michigan stamp on it) His first question was to check the disc to make sure it was Innova. At the time he would not sign anything else.

I have a disc signed "worm" that was fished out of the lake in Houston many years ago. Does that count?

1. Bar Stamped Roc signed by Penn & Teller

Ah, Penn & Teller, I got them to sign a playing card when I saw them in Vegas. they were nice guys.

Lyle O Ross
Sep 14 2005, 07:19 PM
I have an X2 signed from Dave Hanson #16, Steve Carlson #17, and Jeff Carlson #18. Wondering who they are?? They are the Hanson Brothers from the Movie "Slapshot". :D

Too Cool! Best non-hit movie ever!

Sep 19 2005, 01:17 AM
Timothy Leary on a World Class Frisbee.

Sep 19 2005, 08:34 PM
I've got a special Winnie Crew hot stamp with the autographs of Todd Branch, Dave Feldberg and Avery Jenkins on it! Pretty cool because it was hot stamped on an old discontinued Innova disc of some kind.

Sep 19 2005, 09:08 PM
All the 2002 world champs on a 1st run CE spider and almost 200 players from that year on the 02' poster. :D

Sep 19 2005, 09:32 PM
My 2 1/2 year old has a 2005 San Francisco Safari aviar signed by 2005 world's champ Nate Doss. It says "Jack -- see you on the leader card in 16 years."

Sep 19 2005, 11:49 PM
It ain't plastic, but... I have Kenny's sig. on a metal mini. It says "4-time U.S. Open champ" and he signed and dated it while he was a 3-time champ! Funny stuff.

Sep 20 2005, 01:51 AM
It ain't plastic, but... I have Kenny's sig. on a metal mini. It says "4-time U.S. Open champ" and he signed and dated it while he was a 3-time champ! Funny stuff.

I have two KC Aviars that Barry signed over the top of Climo's hotstamp autograph. He wrote 2X over Kenny's 11X. When he handed them back, he said, "Please don't put these on eBay." I haven't. :D

Sep 23 2005, 04:15 AM
Timothy Leary on a World Class Frisbee.

By far the cooolest. But the Ken 3x-4x takes a very close second.

Sep 30 2005, 03:37 PM
I have an X2 signed from Dave Hanson #16, Steve Carlson #17, and Jeff Carlson #18. Wondering who they are?? They are the Hanson Brothers from the Movie "Slapshot". :D

That's awesome!!! That's the most impressive trio of signatures I've heard yet.
That movie is a total classic and gets better as the years pass.

When I hear the "Hansons" I think of those loveable spectacled hockey thugs, not some stupid boy band!