I would love to see state maps with the locations of courses on the web site. So you could clich on basket and it would give you the course info.
It would make finding courses while planning for a trip, especially when there are so many new courses every month!!!!
Sep 13 2005, 04:44 PM
You might want to check out this thread.
Map Making thread (http://www.pdga.com/msgboard/showflat.php?Cat=&Number=224602&page=0&view=collapsed&sb=5&o=&fpart=1)
Look for the maps linked in Sandalman's sig line.
They give you a map with locations for each state or geographic area.
Sep 13 2005, 04:53 PM
Joel Sims has that on his http://centxdglove.com/ website for Central Texas.
The last 'guide' I had was 1998's, or something, and I much appreciated this "analogue" feature. :cool:Especially for travel; all those cities/parks listed online are just new names. Aids planning!!
Sep 19 2005, 06:40 PM
While we are asking for favors....
I would like to see a map of the courses that is in the book version available on the Palm version. I take my Palm with me all the time. That directory is fantastic except for no map.
It's almost impossible to figure out where some of the course are that are in the suburbs of the major cities. If you didn't know that Eden Prairie was a suburb of Minneapolis, it would be hard to find it.
Sep 19 2005, 06:51 PM
as was mentioned previously, here (http://www.earthoffice.net/discgolf/coursedirectory.php) is one direction that we are going with the directory. this is the core product that will be added to the existing online directory, and it solves most of these state/regional/city type queries. look for it live on the site by mid-fall