Sep 20 2005, 07:42 PM
PDGA Fall Summit Agenda (

2007 Pro Worlds in Virginia Beach, VA?
2008 Pro Worlds in Japan?

WOW! That would be <font color="red">awesome!</font>

Sep 21 2005, 02:18 PM
What's awesome is that there are even potential bids for 2007 2008 Pro Worlds already. That is fantastic progress!

Sep 21 2005, 08:23 PM
It's great to see the possibility of a Worlds being held outside North America, however, holding it in Japan does beg the question of whether it will be a 150-class event, and if so, whether a goodly number of players are willing to devote the time and energy to become proficient with 150-class discs in order to compete in a single tournament, even as prestigeous a tournament as Worlds.

Sep 21 2005, 08:39 PM
great point.

I think that limiting a tournament to a certain style of golf such as Japan has would not be good for the world championships.

Luke Butch
Sep 21 2005, 09:16 PM
plus the fact the how many players have the money to go over for Worlds? I don't see this as a realistic possibility for this reason alone.

Sep 21 2005, 11:05 PM
I should note that there are two possible "outs" to the 150-class dilemma: (1) the PDGA could apply for a waiver of the regulation based on the fact that it's a world championship, citing the higher weight limit that governs the sport elsewhere in the world; or (2) if the tournament is held on private property, as opposed to a public park, the regulation may not apply.

In any event, I think it would be prudent for the BOD to take the issue into consideration in making its decision.

A slightly different, though related issue: the only discs in the Discraft catalog listed as being availble in 150-class are the Flick, Storm, and Magnet. While it is certainly possible, given sufficient lead time, for Discraft to make other models available in 150-class, I'm not sure that the PDGA should be in the business of dictating, either directly or indirectly, that that any disc manufacturer produce discs of a particular weight class in order for that manufacturer's sponsored players to be eligible to compete in a World Championship.

Sep 22 2005, 05:29 AM
I thought I heard that the Japan Open was not a 150 -class event. If that's true then it wouldn't be a problem for Worlds.

Sep 22 2005, 08:28 AM
It�s definitely a plus that the PDGA BOD is reviewing bids already for 2007-2008 Pro Worlds. If the bid were awarded to Japan this week, a positive note is that Pros can start saving their money now to go to Japan in 2008. They have over two full years to save, plan, and prepare!

Take out your winter 2005 issue of DGWN and read again the Journey to Japan article by Rick Rothstein. The photos are stunning. The hospitality of the TD Kozo Shimbo and his staff is well documented. Read the impressions of the tournament from the 30 players who took the time to give quotes. Who wouldn�t want to play disc golf in Japan after reading about the amazing time players experienced at the 2004 Japan Open?

It would unquestionably be one of the most memorable PDGA Pro World Championships ever!

I also appreciate the PDGA Office Staff for posting the agenda items. It is interesting to read what is going on.

Sep 22 2005, 09:36 AM
unless things have changed considerably i wouldn't bet on the va beach bid. while they have tons of amenities they lack the courses.

japan is a terrible idea as well imo, for the reasons others have already stated.

i wonder if the courses at the national dg center will be ready for 2007.

Sep 22 2005, 11:33 AM
I want it to be clear that I am support the idea of holding Worlds outside North America. My concerns with holding it in Japan are strictly related to the 150-class issue.

Rhett, I raise the issue because a post by PDGA_Office on the Japan Open Scores ( thread suggests that the 2004 Japan Open was a 150-class event, and Todd Branch's entry on the 2003 Japan Open ( in the Winnicrew travelogue states that it was 150-class. (If memory serves, the 2001 World Games was also 150-class.)

Sep 22 2005, 11:36 AM
Given the current state of courses in the region, I am inclined to agree with you. Bayville Park and Deer Run (Newport News) Park in Newports News are nice courses for casual play but even with the addition of pro tee pads and pin positions, would not offer a challenge worthy of Pro Worlds competitive play.

However, a lot could change in the next two years. When the Allentown Pro Worlds bid was accepted in February 2004, there was only one finished course: Tinicum. Nockamixon was only thirteen holes, Jordan Creek had been relocated to a different section of the park (across the street) and the Little Lehigh Parkway course hadn't even been designed yet. In less than eighteen months, we had four world class layouts that proved to be worthy Pro Worlds courses.

Pizza God
Sep 25 2005, 02:24 AM
PDGA Fall Summit Agenda (

2007 Pro Worlds in Virginia Beach, VA?
2008 Pro Worlds in Japan?

WOW! That would be <font color="red">awesome!</font>

What about 2006 Pro Worlds, has it been announced yet???? Did I miss it.

If the 2008 Pro Worlds is in Japan, I am so there. I will start saving now, $20 a week is $1000 a year, in two years It wouludd be enough to fly there. (plus you can watch for cheap air fairs, I would even start using a airline milage credit card if that would help. I usually charge $2k - $5K a month already, I can rack up some milage pretty quick at that rate.

Sep 25 2005, 11:42 AM
What about 2006 Pro Worlds, has it been announced yet???? Did I miss it.

Augusta, GA. (

Sep 25 2005, 11:59 AM
You're such an excitable guy John. ;)

Bryan, airfare is less than $1000 round trip to Japan (unless prices sharply rise, which is possible with an "Oil Man" in the White House I suppose...). :D

Any cost involved would be paid for via the experience itself. That being said, I'd hope that rather than play strictly to the top 25% of players the payouts be less steep and more spread out than normal.

After watching the 2005 Worlds, I say God Bless anyone willing to take on this challenge. It will make your courses, clubs, communication and level of cooperation all go up. (Along with your blood pressure...) If ever there was a case for "Put up or Shut up" running a Pro Worlds is it. Save your criticisms for the other miscreants that have nothing better to do than sit around whining to each other as they offer less than helpful action.

Help out or put a disc in it...

Pizza God
Sep 25 2005, 07:44 PM
Yep, as soon as I posted that, I looked up airfair for October of this year and I could get a non stop flight from DFW to Tokyo for $908, or one stop in LAX for $789