Sep 24 2005, 06:12 PM
Following post from Asheville Katrina Relief thread:

By the way, my Fossil Hill course (part of Cross State Doubles) is donating 100% of the entry fees from every monthly event & practice round plus at least $ 100.00 matching cash from me for the remainder of 2005 to the Red Cross.

I would be anxious to include this money in an organized donation from the PDGA with countless other private courses, clubs or interested individuals as one GRAND GESTURE that might help put our sport in a very good light, PR wise.

Anyone else think a unified donation from th PDGA would be significant? Many of us are coordinating local relief donation efforts across the country, is there a way we could pool lots of this together and benefit Disc Golf (PDGA) in some way too? We are a non profit organization, maybe as a group we can help another non profit in a very positive way.