Oct 18 2005, 02:39 PM
We are releasing a new magazine called Flight Disc Golf Magazine in November to feature disc sports in general. It will be in color and full information including subscription options are availible at the following link:
web page (http://www.corediscgolf.com/flight_mag.htm)
We will be releasing the magazine dedicated sometime in late November and the first issue is slated to come out on November 15th. It will be availible in some disc shops as well. We are currently compiling a list of locations and states. If you are a shop owner and would like to carry the mag please email me.
John Gruenhagen, Chief Editor
Flight Disc Golf Magazine <font color="orange"> </font> <font color="orange"> </font>
web page (http://www.corediscgolf.com/flight_mag.htm)
We will be releasing the magazine dedicated sometime in late November and the first issue is slated to come out on November 15th. It will be availible in some disc shops as well. We are currently compiling a list of locations and states. If you are a shop owner and would like to carry the mag please email me.
John Gruenhagen, Chief Editor
Flight Disc Golf Magazine <font color="orange"> </font> <font color="orange"> </font>