Dec 04 2005, 11:16 PM
Which unpaid, hard-working DISCussion moderator does the best job at keeping dirty and otherwise offensive language (not to mention avatars intended to replicate genital organs) away from this valuable PDGA resource, thus opening it up to a greater percent of dues-paying members?

Dec 04 2005, 11:34 PM
I have offically determined that you are the new DISCnDisciple.

Pizza God
Dec 04 2005, 11:34 PM
Morgan, it has always amaized me you have not been banned more often. Once in a blue moon you even have a funny post.

Dec 05 2005, 01:32 AM
Why can't I vote for me?

Dec 05 2005, 09:33 AM
hell I wanted to vote for 2 people :D

Dec 05 2005, 11:43 AM
This poll isn't very inclusive. What about Messrs. Kight and Damon? If I were them I'd be offended at being left off.

Dec 05 2005, 12:04 PM
Well, I thought some of the irrelevant thread topics would disappear with the members-only change. Guess I was wrong :confused:

Dec 05 2005, 12:44 PM
It looks like Morgan is testing the waters.

Dec 05 2005, 01:32 PM
He certainly is. It's a shame when a bunch of effort has to be wasted to deal with something like this.

Dec 05 2005, 01:38 PM
Why waste any effort just ignore the idiots that bother you enough.

Dec 05 2005, 02:55 PM
He certainly is. It's a shame when a bunch of effort has to be wasted to deal with something like this.

Then can we delete this thread please?

(And furthermore, warn/ban Morgan?)

Dec 06 2005, 12:56 PM
Furthermore? Who uses words like "furthermore?"

Cool word

Dec 06 2005, 01:32 PM
Looks like I am winning :D even though it wouldn't let me vote for myself more than once :(

Dec 06 2005, 04:45 PM
That's the funniest thing I ever saw on this board.

Good work Terry!!

Dec 06 2005, 04:56 PM
Aaah. You set it up perfectly, Morgan, you buffoon. :D

Dec 06 2005, 05:39 PM
Who is that hadsome devil in your avatar?

Dec 07 2005, 03:20 AM
I prefer maroon over bufoon. Just call me maroon.

Please take note however...ever since you switch it, Marty has been getting all the votes. He only had 1 before the switch, today he has 7!!

Pizza God
Dec 08 2005, 03:00 AM
Nice switch Terry

Dec 08 2005, 10:46 AM
No non-member posts and Sandalman and Rhett in So Cal as admins.

Let's file that in the category of message board news you never thought you'd hear. Next thing you know, Texas will get an Am Worlds and Randy Wimm will be state coordinator.

(BTW, nice job Rhett. Congrats and thanks.)

Dec 08 2005, 12:51 PM
I think I can delete some of your posts, marka, if you ever get close to regaining the lead in post-count again. :)

Dec 08 2005, 05:23 PM
Hey Rhett, will you get rid of the reg'd date on profiles? It's totally worthless. BTW someone has to quote me, Rhett has me on ignore.

Dec 08 2005, 06:06 PM
Hey Rhett, will you get rid of the reg'd date on profiles? It's totally worthless. BTW someone has to quote me, Rhett has me on ignore.

Rhett_in_SoCal might but Rhett_the_Admin shouldn't. i dont think an admin should put anyone on ignore.

Dec 08 2005, 07:31 PM
Hey Rhett, will you get rid of the reg'd date on profiles? It's totally worthless. BTW someone has to quote me, Rhett has me on ignore.

Rhett_in_SoCal might but Rhett_the_Admin shouldn't. i dont think an admin should put anyone on ignore.

I put Dave on ignore because the videos and games that he links choke my system. I also had to put Donny on ignore because he quotes those videos and games and that double-chokes my system.

I don't have anybody on ignore with the admin account.

I don't think there is a problem with the reg'd dates.

Dec 09 2005, 01:21 AM
that's because you haven't been deleted :p

seriously though, i think a "PDGA member since" date (year) would be better than a reg'ed date...

Dec 09 2005, 02:09 PM
gnduke I used your avatar as a gif on my web site for Hyzer Creek

I hope you don't mind. Actually, I don't care if you mind, if you don't like it tough noogies

Dec 09 2005, 03:37 PM
I don't think there is a problem with the reg'd dates.

Do you see value in those dates? Most people agree with me that it is useless to show reg'd dates, especially if an account has been deleted and recreated. Plus "REGED" isn't even an abbreviation for registered :o "PDGA member since" is a much better idea.

Dec 09 2005, 04:43 PM
No problem, especially since you made your own copy and aren't using bandwidth from my site.

Is there a good view of the basket in the creek that shows a enough of the fairway for a similar pic ? It might be fun to make one for that hole.

Dec 09 2005, 09:04 PM

Dec 09 2005, 09:07 PM
The fairway comes in from the right, you can't see the actual fairway in the pic. It's a 541 foot hole.

Lyle O Ross
Dec 09 2005, 10:29 PM
When did DD morph into Jim Davidson? Jim is the original Phenom and has been for years, you may run into some confusion.

Lyle O Ross
Dec 09 2005, 11:02 PM
BTW - the best message board monitor will be the one who bans Morgan for life. I think the last time Morgan actually contributed something to the internet was 1983. It was still the ARPA net and Morgan who was dialed into a 1-900 number, hung up his phone, thus allowing Steve Jobs to dial into the internet for the first time. For all you do Morgan, this Buds for you.

Dec 09 2005, 11:52 PM
Everybody used Compuserve in 1983, not ARPA or some friggin 1-900 number. Everybody had Compuserve (

Ask your grandmother about the 80's, when she was changing your mother's diapers.

Lyle O Ross
Dec 10 2005, 05:02 PM
Everybody used Compuserve in 1983, not ARPA or some friggin 1-900 number. Everybody had Compuserve (

Ask your grandmother about the 80's, when she was changing your mother's diapers.

That's the problem with you Morgan, a good joke is wasted on you. First, dial up service was just starting in the mid 80s. The internet was devloped by the military as a way to ensure communications in time of war. Most connections were made through universities. Internet marketing was just starting (including compuserve) but most information exchange was still at the research level. The lab I worked in connected through a service offered by MIT (which was indeed part of the initial ARPA net). Compuserve used the infrastructure that was laid down as part of the original ARPA net. One could even argue that today, ARPA still exists although all the servers, hardware and software has been significantly upgraded. By the way, since you know how to use wiki, look up lynx, then mosaic and that will lead you to netscape.

As for the 1-900 reference, given your absolute fascination with everything sexual, I would think you would be able to figure that one out. :D

Lastly, no matter how you measure it, I assure you ARPANET was still alive in 1983.

BTW - I take back my never contribute anything comment, at least you figured out compuserve...

Dec 10 2005, 07:10 PM
Who cares about the history of the internet as taught in schools? Nobody in 1983 had access to that, it was all Unix servers and Picospan dial-ups used by the Pentagon and NASA and some big colleges like MIT. Real people didn't use it.

Those of us in the real world, known as "consumers," who sat as home with Radio Shack TRS 80 computers and Apple's new Macintosh, and the brand new entry from IBM (came out in 1981) could not access that ARPA internet. ARPA was all top secret pentagon and it worked on Unix which as you know, did not run on home computers. That was all main frame stuff.

However, we all had Compuserve. As I said. It was cheap and it had email, and text-only bulletin boards. And it worked with all 4 formats...Apple, IBM, Commodore, and Radio Shack's Trash 80 (

(those of you too young to remember, Radio Shack had the first popular home computers, before Apple and long before IBM clones. Actually, Commodore was first with PET, ( but they were never popular. Nobody ever heard of Apple until Apple 2 came out, Apple 1 was like a kit they sold maybe 50 of them. And those computer kits you read about that you build yourself, nobody used them. Maybe 100 people. Radio Shack sold millions in the late 70's and they were first. and you could get Compuserve at Radio Shack in 1979.

Dec 10 2005, 07:59 PM
gotta call ya on that Lyle. dialup service for email was first offered by Compuserve to PC users in 1979. in 1980 it offered real time chat. in 1982 (not hardly the mid 80s) they were offering nationwide dialup.

check your wiki bro

Dec 10 2005, 08:02 PM
look up Usenet ( too, mother of all message boards, available on compuserve in 1979

Lyle O Ross
Dec 10 2005, 08:13 PM
Actually, I don't recall saying it wasn't available then. I do recall saying it was just starting then. It took the internet a long time to catch on. While this is semantics I stand by what I said. While it may have been present in 79, the use was tiny and mainly geeks. Even in 83 the use was still small and what I consider still starting. Even in 85 few people were on the internet. It didn't really crank up until later.

However, all this misses the point:

You still can't deny Morgan's contribution. The man was a one man 900 wrecking crew. He could singlehandedly shut down all dialup listening to smarm! All those dialup users could tell when he hung up, the bandwidth doubled! That indeed is his greatest contribution to the internet. Even today his main contribution is.... logging off!

Dec 10 2005, 08:59 PM
direct quote:
First, dial up service was just starting in the mid 80s

just doesnt seem like semantics has anything to do with it. "just starting" happened a half decade before you claimed it did.

Dec 10 2005, 09:08 PM

What have you ever contributed? Just wondering.


Dec 10 2005, 09:38 PM
for some reason i am reminded of a scene from -Good Will know the one where he faces off with smart boy in the bar.

There's no problem. I was just hoping
you could give me some insight into
the evolution of the market economy in
the early colonies. My contention is
that prior to the Revolutionary War
the economic modalities especially of
the southern colonies could most aptly
be characterized as agrarian pre-
capitalist and...

Will, who at this point has migrated to Chuckie's side and is
completely fed-up, includes himself in the conversation.

Of course that's your contention.
You're a first year grad student.
You just finished some Marxian
historian, Pete Garrison prob'ly, and
so naturally that's what you believe
until next month when you get to James
Lemon and get convinced that Virginia
and Pennsylvania were strongly
entrepreneurial and capitalist back in
1740. That'll last until sometime in
your second year, then you'll be in
here regurgitating Gordon Wood about
the Pre-revolutionary utopia and the
capital-forming effects of military

(taken aback)
Well, as a matter of fact, I won't,
because Wood drastically underestimates
the impact of--

--"Wood drastically underestimates the
impact of social distinctions predicated
upon wealth, especially inheriated
wealth..." You got that from "Work in
Essex County," Page 421, right? Do
you have any thoughts of your own on
the subject or were you just gonna
plagerize the whole book for me?

Clark is stunned.

Look, don't try to pass yourself off
as some kind of an intellect at the
expense of my friend just to impress
these girls.

Clark is lost now, searching for a graceful exit, any exit.

WILL (cont'd)
The sad thing is, in about 50 years
you might start doin' some thinkin' on
your own and by then you'll realize
there are only two certainties in life.

Yeah? What're those?

One, don't do that. Two-- you dropped
a hundred and fifty grand on an
education you coulda' picked up for a
dollar fifty in late charges at the
Public Library.

Lyle O Ross
Dec 10 2005, 09:58 PM
direct quote:
First, dial up service was just starting in the mid 80s

just doesnt seem like semantics has anything to do with it. "just starting" happened a half decade before you claimed it did.

Point conceded!

Lyle O Ross
Dec 10 2005, 10:09 PM

What have you ever contributed? Just wondering.


Perhaps we can consider what I haven't contributed. Threads like this one for example. From there we can go to multiple personalities that are used to bat around different topics in different ways. Then there is the constant running commentary on sexual topics, not to mention making passes at female posters and the wonderful avatars that have so graced us.

Finally, there's dishing it out, but not wanting to take it back.

BTW - without even trying, you know more about the internet than I do. Heck Morgan, you're probably a lot smarter than I am no matter how you measure it, but then, that wasn't the point.

Lyle O Ross
Dec 10 2005, 10:12 PM
Excellent movie! However, the point missed by Will is that a Ph.D. is about a whole lot more than collecting facts. It's about thinking and problem solving. Of course in the movie Will could do this also, that is when he wasn't punching guys out. :D

Dec 11 2005, 03:03 AM
This is all fun - one upping each other on who's the real net guru (here's my contribution: the internet wasn't even on the path to where it is today until AT&T invented the Integrated Services Digital Network in the mid 80s; before that it was just a file sharing and electronic mail system).

But there's a couple of points that shouldn't be ignored.

1. There's only one "Morgan" so far. The rest of the trolls and chumps are gone.

2. Terry again abused his power by editing a thread to save himself the embarassment of being named the worst bulletin board moderator in the short celebrated history of the world wide web!!!!

Dec 11 2005, 05:07 AM
yeah he abused his power, but it was funny, and funny makes it all worth while. funny is what it's all about. people who take this message board serious are losers. making people say ROTFLMAO is what life is all about. ask rickard pryor. he was a jerk. he was a fool. but everywhere he went, people were ROTFLMAO and that's what made his life worth while.

Dec 11 2005, 05:59 AM
I'm all for ROTFLMAO. Have you heard Margaret Cho?

But abuse of power is well.. abuse of power. Abuse of power is why all those soldiers are dieing in Iraq. I have a really hard time forgiving it just because I'm LMAO. Did you see the look on Bush's face when he tried to open the locked door at the Chinese news conference? I was LMAO.

But soldiers are still dieing in Iraq.

Dec 11 2005, 09:15 AM
So Lyle,

According to your post, your main contribution was that you didn't contribute anything. That's what it sounds like you are saying.

And your other great contribution is telling people that they aren't contributing anything.

And your 3rd greatest is your history of the internet that sounds like a Will and Clark argument. (I'm Will, you're Clark)

And all the while, nobody ever said ROTFLMAO to any of your posts. Nope, you contribute less than nothing.

Dec 11 2005, 11:02 AM
...people were ROTFLMAO...

wouldnt that be ROTFL T AO ?

Dec 11 2005, 12:40 PM
But soldiers are still dieing in Iraq.

dying, yes. and 200,000 Iraqi civilians have died as 'collateral damage' and don't forget the 35,000 plus US soldiers who have lost limbs or have head or other terrible injuries and thus have had their quality of life degraded for life (but for medical advances, many of them would have been casualties in the past) ... :(

Dec 11 2005, 01:01 PM
2. Terry again abused his power by editing a thread to save himself the embarassment of being named the worst bulletin board moderator in the short celebrated history of the world wide web!!!!

No embarassment. I know who was voting for what and, considering the source, was gratified to be in the lead.

I modified the posting to tweak Morgan who, I really thought, until this recent exchange, had to be about 18 or 19. I'm almost ready to accept now that he is in fact an adult, chronologically, but it's hard to override the juvenile tenor of his posts by just reading a few paragraphs that sound like he was around in the '80s.

I own or moderate almost 200 email lists and groups. Altogether, more than 100,000 users in them. Under the code I follow, which is praised by most on this board and the other lists I run, tweaking a poster who calls you a name and is using the resource you moderate in a way that undermines its value to the users is not abuse :DEspecially when you can tell that, despite the postings and avatars, he's got a sense of humor.

BTW, I sent my first email in the early 1970s, but I didn't know at the time that was what it was called. I was with the Defense Special Projects Research Group (DSPRG), a top-secret joint services command located at the Naval Observatory in DC. (I got to watch Spiro Agnew playing tennis out of my window. What a thrill.)

Dec 11 2005, 01:59 PM
I modified the posting to tweak Morgan who, I really thought, until this recent exchange, had to be about 18 or 19. I'm almost ready to accept now that he is in fact an adult, chronologically, but it's hard to override the juvenile tenor of his posts by just reading a few paragraphs that sound like he was around in the '80s.

Just tweaking you Terry ...

Morgan has got to be trolling .. no one could post the tripe he posts without his head between his legs and toungue-in-cheek. :D

Dec 11 2005, 08:17 PM
How old did you think I was when I played 9 holes with you on your property in Dexter Michigan? Don't you think it's kind of lame to go on a public message board and pretend you never met me in person when you did, and clearly saw how old I am just by looking at the wrinkles on my face and nose hairs and hair coming out of my ears, and red nose from 35 years of hard drinking?

Pizza God
Dec 12 2005, 12:38 AM
Morgana, I think he is talking about your acting age on the mess boards :D

Dec 15 2005, 11:30 AM
How old did you think I was when I played 9 holes with you on your property in Dexter Michigan? Don't you think it's kind of lame to go on a public message board and pretend you never met me in person when you did, and clearly saw how old I am just by looking at the wrinkles on my face and nose hairs and hair coming out of my ears, and red nose from 35 years of hard drinking?

Really? Then I guess my 58 years of hard living has taken its toll and put holes in my memory, Morgan, because I've complete lost that memory of connecting your name with a face. I am aghast at the fact(?) that you've played my course with me and I've forgotten you. Was it prior to DGLO in that big group that included Climo, Rico, et al.?

BTW, something I highly recommend: My wife and I now raise fingers when we start to tell each other something we've said before. It's amazing how many times I start to say something, then look up and see her pointing three fingers at me. :confused: I am smart enough, though, never to forget her name.

Dec 15 2005, 12:12 PM
That's funny because I have this vague memory of Terry saying to me, "Hey, guess what message board regular played disc golf at my place last week?" And I said, "Hmmmm, Mikey Kernan?" And he said, "No, good guess, Morgan Wright." And I said, "The optometrist?" And Terry said, "He's an optometrist? I don't know if he mentioned that. He was fun to play a round with."

So I'm guessing that you stopped by Terry's place sometime when Mikey was being "bad," which would narrow us down to a year ending in A.D. and a month with a vowel in it! :D

Dec 15 2005, 12:16 PM
We need a "Who's the oldest message board moderator of all time" poll. :D

And you thought you escaped the 60s unscathed, didn't you Terry. :eek: :cool::cool:

Dec 15 2005, 04:21 PM
Hey, 4.5 years in the Navy, including three Vietnam tours, and NO tattoos. That ought to count for something.

At least I think I don't have any tattoos. There are some parts of my body I can't see.

Dec 15 2005, 05:57 PM
Morgan has always been my hero. I don't know how he does it, and if you've noticed he's mellowed, too, and is much funnier than Jeff LaGrassa.

Dec 15 2005, 06:03 PM
Morgan has always been my hero. I don't know how he does it, and if you've noticed he's mellowed, too, and is much funnier than Jeff LaGrassa.

Neither Morgan and I were ever PDGA message board monitors.

And I've never tried to be funny. Morgan tries to be funny but fails miserably. <font color="red"> [Inappropriate sentence removed here.] </font>

Dec 15 2005, 08:49 PM
Terry, you did not forget. I was the guy you invited over after Hudson Mills dubs one saturday. No Ken Climo, no Rico, nobody else, just me. Connect the name Morgan with the guy who played all 9 holes at your house and told you all about the famous Ann Arbor hippies of the 60's, the Rainbow Peoples Party (, the White Panthers ( , MC5, Iggy and the Stooges (, John Sinclair (, Hiawatha Bailey (, the Rasmussen brothers, you told me those guys all had high testosterone levels. You had internet connection from a lap top plugged into a very large cell phone, that was your connection to the web. Your house was half under construction and half under destruction. You said you had 10 acres, we talked about the relative price of 10 acres in southern Michigan and 28 acres in northern NY where my course ( is. At dubs in Hudson Mills you pointed out other people there who are message board junkies, Millz was standing next to you, and you said he was the BigDPimpin. You showed me your course, I told you that you needed to groom the high twigs in the fairways and how high dead twigs that are invisible are not strategicly placed objects, they are just signs of a course that needs grooming. You thought dead invisible twigs up high are part of good clever course design. I proceded to hit them down with my discs on every tee shot. You told me in person that you thought I was 18 or 19 on the messge board so I'm holding up 2 fingers now. One of the fingers is to tell you that you said it before. The other finger is...

Dec 15 2005, 09:18 PM

Dec 15 2005, 11:34 PM

Dec 16 2005, 11:51 AM
That was a good one, for sure, and it did help me recall some vague memories. Now I am going to go edit the name that you were called a couple of posts back. (Not by me.)

Dec 16 2005, 03:45 PM
"Scorched Earth" moderation policy enforced on this post because it is too much bother to sanitize each and every curse word.

Dec 16 2005, 06:44 PM
That white panther statement sounds like the main drug they were high on was testosterone. I think John Sinclair probably wrote that. Boy, he was a burnout already in '68!!

Dec 20 2005, 11:46 AM
That white panther statement sounds like the main drug they were high on was testosterone. I think John Sinclair probably wrote that. Boy, he was a burnout already in '68!!

You are "right on" about that, Morgan.

Between 1983 and 1993 I stayed home and watched my three kids, now 17, 20, 22. Toward the end of that time I moved the small business I had created at home into an office near the campus. It turned out that the office was in a home that was called the Guild House and that it had been one of the major centers of radical politics in the 1960s. (The Port Huron Statement of the SDS was, by legend, written by a group of guys on the floor under a grand piano in its living room.)

One day, it must have been in about 1988-99, I walked into the house and saw a bunch of guys standing around talking in low voices. It was as though the entire house had been pumped full of testosterone - an amazing feeling.

Sure enough, when I inquired, it turns out that some sort of reunion from the '60s was going on. I tell you, I have only felt that kind of testosterone in the atmosphere before when my UDT unit was working with SEALs in the early '70s.