Dec 13 2005, 07:22 PM
Is the 2006 course directory available for less than $20 for members? Seems like we ought to get a discount. /msgboard/images/graemlins/smirk.gif

Dec 13 2005, 10:04 PM
Since the online version is always handy and updated more frequently than the print version, think of the cost as a technology tax for those who don't have internet access. Do these people still exist? ;) :D

Dec 13 2005, 10:25 PM
Since the online version is always handy and updated more frequently than the print version, think of the cost as a technology tax for those who don't have internet access. Do these people still exist? ;) :D

I don't have cell access through my laptop, and don't have any need for that additional expense. I have no need for a Palm-OS PDA either. (Did the PocketPC version of the course directory get finished?) Therefore a print version of the course directory in the car is a Good Thing(tm).

Dec 14 2005, 04:15 PM
I agree with the previous post ... print is not dead yet (thank God ... I'm in the magazine print business, and I'll be out of work if people only use our online version). I like to have mine on road trips, and enjoy ticking off courses as I play them (and making notes).
I love having the online directory, and can't wait for the new improvements that I have heard about. It's going to be great ... can't wait.
Maybe they are going to add a note's link for members? That would be cool.

Dec 14 2005, 05:42 PM
The print version is great for if nothing else, it shows you where the courses are. Many are in burbs of big cities. If you don't know that say... Olathe is part of the greater KC area, your hosed.

The Palm version could sure use this feature.

Dec 14 2005, 07:08 PM
The online version doesn't have any state maps like the print version does. It really needs it.

The google disc golf course engine has maps but it doesn't work very well.