Dec 15 2005, 06:21 PM
I am of course just talking and don't intend to do anything about this, but since there's a PDGA package being mailed to next year's TDs, how cool would it be to ask Discovering The World to donate a couple of DDC discs and a copy of the rules to each of 700 PDGA TDs as tournament prizes? Alternately a Guts disc and a copy of the GUTS rules. This is not a win-win proposition, but a win-win-WIN proposition. The fact that the 2005 MSDGC DVD will be included in said PDGA package, expertly distributed by Todd Breiner the PDGA fulfillment guy, speaks to feasability. And why should Marshall Street be the ONLY company to benefit? There could be a postage cost issue, and a packaging cost issue, but this mailing could be chock full of cool stuff, from a whole bunch of companies.

At this still-small level of the sport, promotions like these can be remarkably effective, and the kind of thing that, however slightly, help get the word out.

Maybe this is already being done, or maybe this is not feasible for good reasons. But it does seem like an opportunity to promote the sport. Send a big box of donated stuff to every PDGA TD to give away as prizes. The TDs benefit, the players benefit. Does the PDGA benefit? That's debatable. I think so but maybe I represent a radical view of spending the PDGA's money. Do the companies who donate benefit? Well, if they're donating they must think they're benefitting.

So, it's only a win-win-maybe win-win deal (which is pretty rare, btw). What am I missing?

Dec 16 2005, 09:54 AM
did someone say GUTS? golfers can't handle non golf plastic! Which is why we get pleasure out of seeing 200 golfers at the WVO carrying lids at dinner time! This past year it was Humphrey flyers..year before it was 100 molds...for the most part they can't seem to figure out how to throw those things without turning them into a wagon wheel.

for those of us who had to start playing disc golf with lids in the late 70' just comes natural.

Dec 16 2005, 10:32 AM
Jason, on the surface this not only sounds like a good idea but is stimulating other ideas as well.

I think that the PDGA staff would have to research what the logistical costs would be to administer this (So would the vendors, for their contributions!), and that probably might (probably) put(s) it into next year's time frame.

It would definitely be cool, and a bonus for the sport, if the TD package each year contained not only the ordinary stuff, but a whole slew of goodies to make the TDs' year go better.

What a nice, positive idea to end the year with!

Jan 01 2006, 11:40 PM
I want a guts disc! Gimme, gimme, gimme!

Just tell me where to send my postage and handling fees, and I am all over this!

Jan 05 2006, 06:16 PM
what's guts?

but I want one too...

Jan 05 2006, 06:23 PM
what's guts?

Two teams, standing not so far apart, flinging lightweight discs at each other with the intent of killing the other side. Oh, and the other side is trying to catch those discs. :)