Jan 08 2006, 03:37 PM
I want to hear from TD's & guys who have gone out and got sponsorships for their events. How do you do it? I don't want to hear from people who have not done and think they know how. This is very frustrating for me. I've tried for a few years with no luck.
Pizza God
Jan 08 2006, 04:27 PM
It has been stated several time for several years on this board.
But it basicly boils down to this.
the more doors you knock on, the more sponsorship "yes's" you will get.
Go to those that could benifit from all those players comming in.
Ask every player in the area for sponsorship or get them to ask there work for sponsorship.
Keep track of who sponsors and take care of them. Do what you promised to do.
Good sponsors to go for:
Fast food joints
Motels (can get good rates for out of town players)
local watering hole
close mini mart
any disc seller in the area
It is hard to get non disc golf sponsorship. But you would be supprised if you just keep asking.
It took me 3 years to get PIAS to sponsor the first time, but they sponsored the next 6 years. I got the manager of Quisnoz to sponsor (filled up there store with customers too) so when he went to work for Krystal Hamburgers, they sponsored last year too.
Jan 08 2006, 10:25 PM
'our club here in St Louis just got over $10,000.00( mostly Merch) in sponsorship for our 22, 2006 club events.
Send me an email to
[email protected] and I will send you the documents we used!