The Cedar Farm Golf Club is Proud to Announce
The 15th Annual Seneca Creek Soiree
Saturday and Sunday April 29/30, 2006
PDGA �A� Tier event
Join us for our 15th Anniversary on one of the country�s toughest Disc Golf Courses. This year may be your last chance to play the original 18 hole layout, as major changes and additions are being planned. Don�t miss it!!
Directions to Park:
From the South, Exit I-270 at exit 10 (Clopper Rd/Rt.117) and go west. Park is on the left, 2 miles from the hwy.
From the North, Exit I-270 at exit 11 (Quince Orchard Rd/Rt 124) turn right at bottom of ramp, go � mile and turn right on Clopper Rd. 1-1/2 miles, park is on the left.
Park Fee: $2.00/car Please follow park speed limits (20mph)!!
Format: 4 Rounds guaranteed for all players - Mostly long and really hard!!
Divisions: This is a PRO-ONLY EVENT!! All players must be CURRENT PDGA MEMBERS to play. Be sure to send a copy of your current membership card with your pre-registration. Divisions offered will be Open Men, Open Women, Masters Men, and Grand Masters Men.
Entry Fees: Open Men - $90 Open Women/Masters Men - $60 GM Men - $50 If you�re an Open player and never cashed and rating is =or<939 or Advanced players =or<939 can play in any pro division for $40.
Check-in Friday afternoon or Saturday by 9:15
Players Meeting 9:30
Tee Time Saturday 10:00, Sunday 9:30
For more information or to pre-register, send payment, copy of your current PDGA card and division, Address, and phone or email, to the �Cedar Farm Golf Club� c/o Keith Palmer @301 351-1893, 11510 Aldburg Way, Germantown, MD 20876,
[email protected]