Jan 19 2006, 04:12 PM
I used to visit this message board daily. I find myself visiting less & and less because of all of the negative bashing on this forum. There are few tournament threads going on in my area so there is not much to read except a bunch of banter back & forth on various petty topics. I've had a few disagreements on some of the decisions made by the PDGA Bod but in reality all those have been pretty minor.

How about some positives the PDGA does for it's membership & the promotion of the game.

Here are my positives.

1. Player rating & points tracked
2. Website with calendar of PDGA events.
3. Message board that pulls the disc golf community together to share information.
4. PDGA Radio
5. 4 issues of DGWNews
6. Guidelines for TD's to run a sanctioned event.
7. Course Directory
8. Rules

Last, I want to thank the PDGA for everything they do. I've turned in a few TD reports and have had several e-mail exchanges. All have been handled very quickly and have been very pleasant.

For those of you who think they can change the PDGA and run it perfectly, please run for a position next year & i'll vote for you.

Jan 19 2006, 04:20 PM
9. Very helpful staff. When you actually call them up about something, sometimes you get even more help than you were looking for, and I mean that only in a good way.

Jan 19 2006, 04:39 PM
10. Although members may not see any individual benefit yet, the new National Center will help support the organization with a permanent home where all staff can operate from and members can call home. And, of course, a place with several championship courses.

Pizza God
Jan 19 2006, 05:13 PM
More current PDGA members than ever before.

More PDGA santioned tournaments than ever before.

One of the most active BOD's in history. (this includes the last few years)

I would say more has been done to advance the PDGA in the last 2/5 years than in the last 20 put together.

(not that old BOD members were lazy, just that several of the BOD members that have held there offices really new there jobs and advanced the PDGA)

I for one will hate to loose Terry as the communications director. He has done a bang up job for the last few years.

Jan 19 2006, 05:42 PM
I think it is great that Dave Dunipace is so knid to spend a large amount of time on this board answering questions. Rarely does he miss a question and he seems to reply in a pretty timely fashion. I think it's a huge + for PDGA members to be able to speak directly to the man who makes the discs. This thanks goes to Dave Mac too. I cant think of another example where the head decision maker of a company is in such close contact with the end user.

Jan 19 2006, 09:16 PM
Thanks, Bryan. I'm not all that great on term limits, philosophically. For example, I wouldn't mind it at all if Bill Clinton were now in the 14th year of his presidency!!! <font color="red">Something to think about . . . on another thread! </font>

However, from traveling around the country on business and meeting lots of PDGA members all over, I am pretty confident that we'll get a good replacement for me. And if the new person wants, I will be glad to stay on as editor of the email newsletter. Whenever we've needed to replace a board member, we've been able to find someone good.

The organization really has matured a lot during the past 5 years; almost like what happens with a dog between 3 months and 5 months. Oops. Now someone will accuse me of calling PDGA members dogs. ;)

Jan 20 2006, 12:40 AM
There has been much done in the last few years. Just imagine what the first couple of years were like.?
Chuck is right on about the new office and the great staff working there. I just hope they can keep all that good work going when they can work, or walk out the front door and have the choice of playing on 3 awesome 18 hole course's. Hey, thats' what cell phone's are for. I guess the "office " can extend to the lake? Hold that call, I'm putting.