Feb 21 2006, 04:28 PM
I am offended that a "Board Censor" has banned Chris Ware!
Are we subject to the rules and whims of a random, Joe Blow, DG'r who just happened to volunteer to be our surrogate big brother? I thought that he paid his dues, just like I have. I wonder why our "Board Censor" has the power to banish someone with NO warning, NO discussion, NO avenue of appeal. I didn't join Rhett's DG world, I joined the PDGA!
Feb 21 2006, 04:30 PM
Bobby, can you elaborate? What did Chris do?
Pizza God
Feb 21 2006, 04:31 PM
Bobby, it is prolly only a short term ban, like one day. There have been several people banned for a day for using misspelled curse words.
Feb 21 2006, 04:32 PM
he wished rhett a happy birthday using a deviation of what rhett calls the f-bomb!!!!
Feb 21 2006, 04:33 PM
I am but a lowly DG'r. The explanation should come from our DISCussion board Czar. I saw a post where he wished said Czar a happy f___ b-day.
Oh great, now I'm gonna get banned for talking about it.....
Pizza God
Feb 21 2006, 04:34 PM
He wished our Moderator happy birthday.
Then he told him to edit it in the same post. He knew that Rhett would read it because Rhett went to the tournament and has been posting on the thread.
Well, it was edited right off the board and apparently so was he.
This occured in the Victoria Thread earlier today.
Feb 21 2006, 04:35 PM
Yeah that is the road we are right now. Be careful.
Feb 21 2006, 04:37 PM
I realize that the ban SHOULD be short, and probably will be, BUT, I think something like this should be open for discussion. I just wanted to open a place for this discussion.
Feb 21 2006, 04:37 PM
it's sad!!
Pizza God
Feb 21 2006, 04:39 PM
And you wonder why there are so few volenteers.
Rhett is doing a great job keeping this board going. Without his stepping up, I feel this board may have been deleted.
I don't think any one of us wants to see that.
Feb 21 2006, 04:41 PM
Bobby, Chris knows the rules of the board as well as the rest of us do. If you push the right buttons, you will get appropriate responses. The initial bans have been fairly short lately, just enough to get the attention of the offending person. If the posters persists, I am sure the bans will last a lot longer.
Rumors are that the BOD is considering removal of the discussion board altogether. Everytime offensive material is posted, it is another reason for the board to go. We need to develop strong reasons for Discussion to stay, not protest appropriate punishment for breaking the rules.
Feb 21 2006, 04:41 PM
that would be a huge mistake on the part of the pdga!! killing the #1 resource for td's and players alike!!
Feb 21 2006, 04:45 PM
I have been following the thread where Rhett revealed his plans for cleaning up this board. I don't agree with EVERYTHING said and done. I DO understand his reasons. I just don't agree that 1-2 members should be given this kind of power, to use or misuse however he/they see fit. Merely my opinion...
Hi Rhett!
Feb 21 2006, 04:46 PM
it's sad!!
What's sadder is this "outcry" of support...
What ever happened to decency in public forums? Oh wait, that's right, this is the internet!
The ban was appropriate. Free speech is NOT guaranteed on this board. Expletives are considered a violation of the rules, as are masked versions (even if the using party claims otherwise).
Feb 21 2006, 04:50 PM
Maybe we need to have courtesy violations on here where you get penalty throws on your scorecards in your next sanctioned event? That might cut down on violations and be in keeping with our event rules.
Feb 21 2006, 04:53 PM
Rumors are that the BOD is considering removal of the discussion board altogether. Everytime offensive material is posted, it is another reason for the board to go. We need to develop strong reasons for Discussion to stay, not protest appropriate punishment for breaking the rules.
excellent point. this message board does a lot of good both for tournaments and local events
This board is also a convenience to the PDGA BOD and v-teers since people are pretty much forced to come here in order to get any information about disc golf since information on the rest of the site is hard to find. Just think of the amount of phone calls and emails the PDGA would get without this board. Just think of the amount of people that would just let there membership lapse because the only reason they even think about the PDGA is because they spend time on this board.
I have no doubt that if the board is removed then another will pop up the same day. Sure it would take a couple months to get everyone over to another board but it would happen. Soon after you would start seeing less and less members in the PDGA . Following that I wouldn't doubt seeing organizers not thinking so much about the PDGA either. Would it be a major hit to their membership, probably not, but it could be big enough hit to put a dent in future plans.
Feb 21 2006, 04:56 PM
We are already in keeping with the rules of play.
804.05.A.4 Disqualification and Suspension
Activities which are in violation of the law or park regulation or disc golf course rule,
The (dis)course rules here clearly ban swearing.
Disqualification or Suspension are clearly in line with the rules.
Feb 21 2006, 05:02 PM
Sounds like strong arm tactics, "Let us swear or we'll shut you down!"
Feb 21 2006, 05:08 PM
hey Tony, how long do you think ware should be banned? you did start the keep seeware banned header!!
Sounds that way only to the overly defensive. I was just pointed out fact.
I have already states numerous times that I don't see any reason for the use of profanity on the board. If you don't know who is listening/reading then be careful what you are saying.
Feb 21 2006, 05:09 PM
Nobody should really be upset. Chris is a big boy and he knew what he was doing. Those of us that like to test the boundaries should be prepared for the possibility of being banned.
Feb 21 2006, 05:16 PM
. Chris is a big boy and he knew what he was doing. Those of us that like to test the boundaries should be prepared for the possibility of being banned.
very true!! ware is probably lhao while reading all this and gulping another budlight!!
Feb 21 2006, 05:24 PM
hey Tony, how long do you think ware should be banned? you did start the keep seeware banned header!!
I did start the header. Read Luis' note about why I think it was appropriate, as I agree with him. As for the time of banishment, I'm not in charge. I do believe the Moderators have a set of guidelines for banishment (I'm guessing here), depending on the severity of the offense, as well as the intelligence and discretion to moderate appropriately.
It isn't easy. It isn't critic-free. But y'all are making it a very easy job.
Feb 21 2006, 05:32 PM
nice way to avoid the question!! :p
Feb 21 2006, 05:34 PM
Not avoiding it. Just stating that I don't know. I do know the moderators have banned people before for language and can assume Ware will be banned similarily.
It's not a job I'd want. :)
Feb 21 2006, 05:36 PM
lmao!! :D
Feb 21 2006, 05:36 PM
I would guess one day. It's the same exile sentence Mitch received. It should be consistent for everyone.
Pizza God
Feb 21 2006, 05:38 PM
One day sounds good to me for a first time banning. But where from there, two day, week, month???
Feb 21 2006, 05:39 PM
I know!! Just harrasing Tony for changing the thread subject to KEEP SEEWARE BANNED!! :p
Feb 21 2006, 05:41 PM
Feb 21 2006, 05:44 PM
that sure would help my shoulder and elbow in the years to come!!In all 3 rounds this weekend I threw a whopping 0 thumbers!!
Feb 21 2006, 05:44 PM
just to be clear, an F-Bomb is a spike hyzer with a Firebird, right?
Feb 21 2006, 05:47 PM
absolutely!! or a gaseous release if taken out of context!!
Feb 21 2006, 06:07 PM
The mistake is to have the same discussion over and over again, with the same people.
Yes, the message board is a great tool for both TD's and players. I would be dissapointed to see it go. I spend more time (sadly) reading the message board than I do actually playing golf.
I'm certain that your new username is just the type of thing those against cursing are hoping to see. :(
I do not believe Chris should be banned, I also do not believe that someone should have to spend their time monitoring thses pages for cursing.
I enjoy watching Pulp Fiction and the series Deadwood, I have watched the Aristicrats. I just chose to not communicate in that manner in a public forum.
If nothing else, mabe Tommy and the Victoria crew will post the scores that got Chris so worded up to begin with. :(
I certainly respect your right to speak in what ever manner you are most comfortable with, unfortuantly in this forum, cursing is not allowed (and should not be allowed IMO).
J Allen Browder
all kidding aside why does one have to use curse words to express thierself in the first place ? :confused:
One day sounds good to me for a first time banning. But where from there, two day, week, month???
I'm sure someone will have to keep pushing it so that it gets defined.
Currently it has been a one-day "insta-ban" for blatant offenses. I was initially going to go with 1 week for Chris since it was so blazenly blatant. But it will be 1 day instead.
I do not want to babysit y'all. The two people who demanded bans today certainly knew what they were doing, and as such it seems to me that more than one day is warranted. But I will keep them at one day this time.
The first one day bans were to get everyone's attention that the no swearing policy was serious. Following everyone around and cleaning up after them is pointless and boring. There needs to be some teeth to it. The one-day ban that these two knew was coming didn't seem to be much of a deterrent. A week might be.
The progression will probably go like this:
<ul type="square"> 1 to 3 days 1 week 1 month permanent [/list]
For those itching to test the waters, rest assured that it will be possible to skip straight to the 1 month or permanent levels if you try really hard.
Feb 21 2006, 10:16 PM
How hard does one have to try to be band? Is it just be blazenly blatant or brazenry bratant or what ever or throw f-bombs all over the place or use euphamisms or just be cute.
Who else got band? I have a good idea. I mean is there a banded list and a list of offenses we can try our darndest to avoid?
Feb 21 2006, 10:41 PM
hey rhett what was the margin of victory in the women's adv. div at the Victoria Open this year, just curious??
Feb 21 2006, 11:22 PM
6 or 7 but I think 6
Feb 22 2006, 12:20 AM
Rhett, can you post what words we are not allowed to say? I am curious.
Feb 22 2006, 08:36 AM
I believe the words are pretty obvious , its the deviated spellings etc. that will get you in trouble!! It's crazy , i have received pm's and lots of negative posts about what I post etc. in relation to cleaning up the discussion board.The simple fact of the matter is I have not done anything wrong except questioning motives and standards etc.I have not used a swear word on here in weeks yet have I stated that swearing was ok, on here.Rhett pm'ed me twice asking me to stop using deviated spellings of what he deemed unappropriate words and I have complied!! If you do not like what I post and how I post it , too bad,put me on ignore user if it bothers you that much!!It's in my nature to question authority and the reasoning behind it. I have every right to question peoples actions , if i so please!!As for my username , I like it!! If you don't ,I am sorry you feel that way!! Allright, enough ranting!! :D:p
Feb 22 2006, 09:44 AM
We are currently in the process of recruiting special "cursing" gallerys to follow you trouble-making Texans around at Am-worlds this year. For twenty bucks you can have 4-5 grungy looking people follow you around and do the cursing for you when you make a bad shot. :D
Feb 22 2006, 09:45 AM
Ship some people out to Augusta while you are at it. :D
Feb 22 2006, 10:15 AM
I wonder what it sounded like when the metal mini hit the monitor screen...and where was the Unban Mitch thread when I got the boot :o
Feb 22 2006, 10:56 AM
We are currently in the process of recruiting special "cursing" gallerys to follow you trouble-making Texans around at Am-worlds this year. For twenty bucks you can have 4-5 grungy looking people follow you around and do the cursing for you when you make a bad shot. :D
is that $20 per round or for the tourney?? sounds like fun!! ;)
Feb 22 2006, 11:22 AM
I didn't know you were banned Mitch, or I would have DISCussed that then.
Feb 22 2006, 11:30 AM
j/k dude :D...I would take another ban if it would make me feel better :D
Feb 22 2006, 11:35 AM
We are currently in the process of recruiting special "cursing" gallerys to follow you trouble-making Texans around at Am-worlds this year. For twenty bucks you can have 4-5 grungy looking people follow you around and do the cursing for you when you make a bad shot. :D
is that $20 per round or for the tourney?? sounds like fun!! ;)
I imagine you could probably find some homeless people to do it for the entire tourney but the best "cursers" work on a day to day basis. I don't think Rhett is coming to Am Worlds but if he does maybe you guys can pool your money and have a gallery of "cursers" follow him around with a megaphone. :o:D
Feb 22 2006, 11:48 AM
lmao!!! :o
Feb 22 2006, 01:06 PM
Can someone please let James McCaine know that the name of the thread is UNBAN SEEWHERE?
I heard he was at the Gap looking for Urban Seawear.
Feb 22 2006, 01:09 PM
would it really do any good informing him of this!!! I heard he was a bit of a fishy smeller anyway!!
Feb 22 2006, 01:26 PM
We are currently in the process of recruiting special "cursing" gallerys to follow you trouble-making Texans around at Am-worlds this year. For twenty bucks you can have 4-5 grungy looking people follow you around and do the cursing for you when you make a bad shot. :D
is that $20 per round or for the tourney?? sounds like fun!! ;)
Hey, I'll do it! FOR FREE!
Feb 22 2006, 01:29 PM
We are currently in the process of recruiting special "cursing" gallerys to follow you trouble-making Texans around at Am-worlds this year. For twenty bucks you can have 4-5 grungy looking people follow you around and do the cursing for you when you make a bad shot. :D
is that $20 per round or for the tourney?? sounds like fun!! ;)
Hey, I'll do it! FOR FREE!
I would insist you at least take some beer for your efforts!! ;)
Feb 22 2006, 01:33 PM
We are currently in the process of recruiting special "cursing" gallerys to follow you trouble-making Texans around at Am-worlds this year. For twenty bucks you can have 4-5 grungy looking people follow you around and do the cursing for you when you make a bad shot. :D
is that $20 per round or for the tourney?? sounds like fun!! ;)
Hey, I'll do it! FOR FREE!
I would insist you at least take some beer for your efforts!! ;)
Totally. It would help me do my job well. Of course I would have to bring all my beer with me. OK is full of pansies who can't drink real beer. :D
Feb 22 2006, 03:14 PM
is SEEWHERE back yet???
I don't think Rhett is coming to Am Worlds but if he does maybe you guys can pool your money and have a gallery of "cursers" follow him around with a megaphone. :o:D
Anyone who was on my card at the Victoria Open on Sunday can attest to the fact that I am not anti-cursing on the course. If Efrain or Mitch had been on my card, I hope they would've called a courtesy violation. I deserved it.
On here, it's not difficult to not swear.
Right now, it's mostly the f-bomb and the poo-bomb that will get you a ban. I'm sure you can use other things to get one, though. Racial epithets fer sure.
We should be welcoming all disc golfers to this forum, not chasing away the ones who only want to talk about disc golf without the garbage.
Feb 22 2006, 04:49 PM
So are you saying that now you're going to start banning people for "Thread Drift"?... :(
Feb 22 2006, 05:00 PM
I think in those conditions a well placed #$*&$! can prove some relief...I had a guy on my card drop the f bomb and then said he was sorry(i am guessing he does not cuss during tournie rounds normally)...I have been really good during sanctioned events the last few years of controlling the need to swear during the round...but not in Victoria(I could have been given 7-10 strokes a round, for f bombs alone)...good thing I am not old enough to play with Rhett :D
Feb 22 2006, 05:08 PM
I'm confident that Rhett heard a few during the weekend. I don't recall anything really loud or sustained, but there were some muttered curse words.
Feb 22 2006, 05:10 PM
Now that you are well versed in banning Texans, could you ban Lou, and Tasker too. :p
Feb 22 2006, 05:48 PM
I know he did, I played all four rounds with Rhett and I dont remember a curse word from him, but I didnt think twice the two or three times I let %*#@?! rip.He wasnt offended he felt my pain. Rhett is not a goody too shoes he wants to keep the board clean. He has kids, like I do, that check out this board and yes it shows a depth to our meaning and/or emotion, its not always necessary! It takes a little different meaning when you have kids viewing the board.
Feb 22 2006, 05:49 PM
#$*&$! you, James. :p
Feb 22 2006, 05:57 PM
but I didnt think twice the two or three times I let %*#@?! rip.He wasnt offended he felt my pain.
:D Sometimes filling in the #$&*@ is worse than the @&$^!% itself.
Feb 22 2006, 06:00 PM
. If Efrain or Mitch had been on my card, I hope they would've called a courtesy violation. I deserved it.
nope , I definately would not have!! I have never called a courtesy violation on anyone and probably will never!! :DI have seen a few situations where it was definately warranted. I usually resolve the issue in a more effective manner , just bust out laughing it gets them everytime!! :D
Feb 22 2006, 07:11 PM
:D Sometimes filling in the #$&*@ is worse than the @&$^!% itself.
I think we should add "*****" to the banned word list so that everyone can safely add a "#$&*@" for effect without risking misspelling a genuine bad word and getting banned. :)
Wait a minute, though. If someone intentionally misspelled "*****", would I then have to ban them??? :confused:
Pizza God
Feb 22 2006, 09:36 PM
I usually use the word #$*&$! when I want the @#
[email protected]%
Feb 24 2006, 11:34 AM
c-ware has migrated to another forum along with many others in the latest migration!! I guess the cleansing is working!! :p
Feb 24 2006, 11:40 AM
c-ware has migrated to another forum along with many others in the latest migration!!
thats a shame. :(