Mar 08 2006, 04:38 PM
I'm heading down to Peoria this next week for a job interview. I'll probably arrive a day early and have time to play 1 or 2 courses around the area. What courses should I make sure to hit? Thanks in advance for any help. :cool:

Mar 08 2006, 09:51 PM
McNaughton in Pekin is a MUST!!! It's just beautiful and challenging. Make sure to play the long tees.
Northwoods in Morton is another fabulous course. Truly memorable holes with a great mix of woods and open and placement shots.
I have not yet gotten to play the ICC course in East Peoria, I hear it's quite wooded with elevation. I have gotten one positive and one negative review about this course. I've never heard anything negative about the first two I mentioned.
I believe these to be the best courses in Illinois, enjoy!!!

Mar 09 2006, 12:01 AM
Thanks for your help! I figured McNaughton was the place to go since I had heard of it before, and I'm going to have to hit Northwoods as well.

Mar 09 2006, 02:18 PM
You are probably going to interview in downtown Peoria and Bradley Park is not too far from there. It is an older course, but still challening. There are so many good courses in the Peoria area and u can get to most of them in an hour or less...Too bad the weather isn't the same there as it is from Vegas because those courses rule. The PFC is an awesome club too

Mar 09 2006, 04:05 PM
Bradley's not bad, but....
Stick with the two I mentioned FIRST. Play Bradley if you have time to squeeze one more in. If you play Bradley instead of one of the others you will be missing out, most assuredly.

Mar 10 2006, 03:33 AM
Thanks for the help guys, I will hopefully be getting into town around noon next thursday so I can play 2 rounds before I have to go to dinner that evening. I checked the map, it looks like I shouldn't have too much trouble getting to Northwoods and McNaughton in the alotted time I have, I just hope the weather will hold out for me... :D

Mar 10 2006, 11:22 AM
#5 @ Northwoods is CRRRAAZZYYY! If you can throw putters, then it's putter to putter. If you can't, good luck. Have fun and let us know what you think when you're done. Good luck w/ the interview too.

Mar 13 2006, 10:55 AM
What a sweet weekend. I was able to play Pekin & Morton Saturday morning. It was 70 down there and the grass is starting to turn a little green. Also saw a few buds on trees.

I love these courses! Definitely play Pekin & Morton before Bradley. Both courses were in pretty good condition. There was very little mud.

Couple of things.

#1 74 is closed at the bridge. You'll have to take an alternate route to get to Pekin or Morton.

#2 The gate is closed at Morton. You have to park in the small lot at the entrance of the course. There is a practice basket there. Follow the road to #18's tee. It's on top the hill shooting thru the gap over the creek.

#3 For the most part the courses are pretty easy to follow. Go to www.pfcdiscgolf.com (http://www.pfcdiscgolf.com) and print out maps of each course. That will help. Stick to the short (cements). The blue tees are pretty hard to find right now and if you've never played them before.

Mar 20 2006, 12:51 AM
I ended up not having enough time to get to both courses, so I got to play McNaughton once. McNaughton is way sweet!! I hope I get the job, I would love to have that course as my home :) Thanks for help with the course decisions and the heads up on I-74.