Mar 09 2006, 07:51 PM
I'll bet this stuff never happens to Kenny or Barry.
I had to get to the course today and despite 30 to 40 mph winds was really looking forward to a practice round out a Z-Boaz. everything was going as expected when I stepped up to play hole three.
The wind was such that a forehand roller seemed appropriate. So I gave it a shot. I placed a seemingly good roll down on it's edge 50' in front of the tee-box and it took off and rolled for another 50' and then the strangest thing happened. It flipped up and started flying as if I had thrown a beautiful line drive and came to rest 200' farther down the fairway.
Hole eight is approx. a 350' anny shot, but you can take a big hyzer-line over some trees which I decided to go for. everything looked great upon release until the wind picked up the disc probably 350 feet in the air and carried it some 500' near an ob road on hole 3.
Still glutton for punishment I proceed on to try and figure out what will happen next. All said and done I ended up w/ a 5 over, and if it was a sanctioned round maybe my best ever round rating.
what have you seen happen to a disc in freaky conditions?
Mar 09 2006, 09:04 PM
I played a partial round yesterday cause my friends quit. 40 mph winds I shot a two up through 15 holes they quit after 10 about ten or fifteen over. I played five holes by myself until one of them came by and picked me up. Thier discs were doing crazy stuff. I just threw a 175 Monster as hard as I could on most holes.
Mar 09 2006, 09:11 PM
A good friend of mine Guillermo Avalos took a nine on a hole where he had a 30ft putt for a two. His put for two was uphill into a 40+mph wind and it proceeded to rise 40ft up in the air and go 90ft behind him. Then his third shot did the same thing and went another 90ft behind him. well he took "a few" more shots and finally tapped in for a 9. :DSorry G
Also Lee Deforke was tapping in for a three on the same hole from 7ft and his disc hit the pole but the wind blew it back out and rolled down the hill and he proceeded to take a 6.
Last but not least I had a 20ft uphill putt with the wind at my back so i decided to go for it but went 10ft long (bad putt). Anyway my 10fter hit the basket and the wind blew it back towards me and then behind me rolling 60ft down the hill and behind a tree. I took a effing 5. :D
BTW 10fters are REALY tough into 40mph winds and the best score for the day was 53 and rated like 1012 and on a normal day I think a 44 would be about 1000. :p
Mar 09 2006, 09:15 PM
I didnt see this, but I heard about it....
At this crazy tournament in Eastern NC at Richlands, there was a 60 MPH wind. I've seen people shoot 40 on this course and the hot round that day was 56.
One guy tried to slide a firebird upside down in a headwind up a mound and the wind picked it up and it went in
Mar 09 2006, 09:45 PM
I was playing at Sussex on hole 10 easy little 260ft hyzer shot or so. Put drive about 40 ft away. Attempted to lay it up under the basket five times before I picked up the disc and chucked it and walked off the course. First time I every quit a round it was only a casual round though. Same day I seen a shot on hole 8 land closer to hole 9 which is across the road and at least 400 ft to the right of the 180 ft hole 8. Also I once threw a dx gazelle tomahawk into a thirty or so mile per hour headwind and had it flip completley over and fly about 400ft like I threw an Epic
Mar 09 2006, 09:57 PM
There's no shame walking off the course when the wind gets out of control...we got out to Brandywine one time for a casual round and played two holes and said this is ridiculous and called it quits.
I've never been able to take advantage of strong tailwinds to obtain silly distance. I'll put it up higher but my disc just gets stomped into the ground.
Mar 09 2006, 09:59 PM
I can't wait to hear the stories people tell about the impact the Tulsa winds had on their game at 2006 Am Worlds. :o
The answer my friends is blowin' in the... uhhhh... hmmmm... air? ;)
Mar 09 2006, 10:01 PM
A good friend of mine Guillermo Avalos took a nine on a hole where he had a 30ft putt for a two. His put for two was uphill into a 40+mph wind and it proceeded to rise 40ft up in the air and go 90ft behind him. Then his third shot did the same thing and went another 90ft behind him. well he took "a few" more shots and finally tapped in for a 9. :DSorry G
That is funny Matt, tell G I let Smokey V. pick up from 70' out for a 7. I was being nice it was casual.
Mar 09 2006, 10:04 PM
Isn't the club there call the Brandy Windjammers?
Mar 09 2006, 10:17 PM
I've also thrown a aviar big bead straight up into the head wind on hole 18 at dretska park and had it fly across the sidewalk past the basket estimating about a 350-370 ft shot. Try it its fun, throw a putter, they fly farther than drivers if you kinda throw it nose up into a real strong headwind you will be amazed on how much distance you can get when it flys right back over your head behind you.
Mar 09 2006, 10:27 PM
Never thought of that.
Mar 09 2006, 10:58 PM
I can't wait to hear the stories people tell about the impact the Tulsa winds had on their game at 2006 Am Worlds. :o
The answer my friends is blowin' in the... uhhhh... hmmmm... air? ;)
Yeah but we Houstonians like those gulf winds on our Flat plains. :D
Mar 09 2006, 11:30 PM
I can't wait to hear the stories people tell about the impact the Tulsa winds had on their game at 2006 Am Worlds. :o
The answer my friends is blowin' in the... uhhhh... hmmmm... air? ;)
Yeah but we Houstonians like those gulf winds on our Flat plains. :D
I will take a strong steady 25-30mph wind anyday versus the swirling winds we have at the foot of a mountain with multiple elevation changes. When you have a tailwind at the tee box and 300ft straight ahead there is a head wind, it is extremely unpredictable. At least you can predict a steady heavy wind.
I could name hundreds of wind stories from our home course, it seems to happen during every round where someone gets nailed by a hidden headwind, or a up/down thermal that is unexpected.
Mar 09 2006, 11:36 PM
Tulsa is the only place that I've ever played where you can have a headwind on every hole (no matter which direction it faces) at 6 different courses, all day long.
Mar 10 2006, 12:49 AM
I threw a DX Roc up hill with a low ceiling 6" in diameter branch that hung down about 15' off the ground and about 50' off the tee. There was a 20 or 25 mph right to left when I threw. I hit the branch almost dead on, the disc didn't flip left or right just fell straight down with the flight plate still parallel with the ground. It kind of floated to the ground actually, but that wasn't the weird part. The weird part was when the disc floated back up off the ground about 5 or 6 feet and went foward another 20 or so. The disc hit the branch in such a precise way, that it actually increased the discs spin to the point of hovering. It was pretty amazing!
Mar 10 2006, 09:13 AM
I was playing the ice bowl at lake lewisville about a month ago and the wind was blowing so strong off of the lake that when i got to hole 3 i was only about 15 feet or so from the basket but afraid to run at it. I tried to play it smart and took a 180 roc and tried to set it on the ground halfway to the basket. The wind picked it up off of the ground before it totally came to rest and blew it 100' down the beach. I ended up with and 8 before i stopped the bleeding...
Lyle O Ross
Mar 10 2006, 12:04 PM
Tulsa is the only place that I've ever played where you can have a headwind on every hole (no matter which direction it faces) at 6 different courses, all day long.
Actually, you can get this in Houston. The best is on the Wilmont. There is a hill that is part of an amphitheater. On 15 you throw East up the hill and the prevailing wind is coming into your face. Then on 16 from the top of the hill you throw West and the wind is still in your face. :D
Mar 10 2006, 01:00 PM
Colin, those are great examples of what can happen in the strong winds that OK, KS, and TX gets in the spring.
Since you know my home course well (Veterans Park) I'll add to your great examples........
I was on the card when Nolan was throwing hole #3 (usually 400' uphill hyzer) with an extremely strong south wind (left to right). He wasn't golfing that great so he decided to throw the blind anhyzer over the woods hoping to catch the trees directly over the basket. A few of us stepped out into 1's fairway to spot....... His disc not only flew over the basket still in anhyzer mode, but continued to lift and flex......OVER the PAVILLION on top of the hill, and partly down 5's fairway!!!!!!!!
I also had the pleasure of being on Clayton's card when he tried to throw a roller on #12 (Texaco hole...557' feet). His "roller" slipped out of his hand high and the most bizarre updraft i've ever seen in 16 years of disc golf...... The disc ended up FLYING....not Arkansas Road where it skipped a time or two and ended up against the wall of the Texaco gas station!!!!!
In a straight line from teepad to where the discs ended up, Nolan's was approx 650-675' UPHILL, and Clayton's was approx 750-800' !!!!!
Mar 10 2006, 01:18 PM
Not long after the course was put in at Bakersfield, Ca. I was playing a dedictation round with several people, including Ed Hedrick. The last hole was on top of a hill about 280' down to the basket. There was a cross wind and we were getting some pretty good gusts. I threw over several large tress with a slightly hyzer and as it cleared the trees, the disc flipped right with a large gust of wind and it lifted, and lifted and lifted. It must have risen another 60 feet and soared to the right over a softball field and landed past the hole one tee box. Best guesses were that it traveled over 850 feet. I believe I was over twice as far from the basket as when I started.
As I walked to my disc, I remember Ed expaining to several people what an anhyzer was and why my disc travled so far.
Mar 10 2006, 03:17 PM
had some fun today in south jersey :)
I was just goofing around into a serious headwind coming off the lake at my home course. Threw some discs into the wind nose down and about 50 Feet up.. The wind caught them, lifted them up at least 50 more feet and kicked them behind me over 250 feet.. that was some fun... I turned one over when i threw it up and it annied then flexed back into someone's yard like 350 away i think.. pretty bummed about that, but it was only a misstamp Teebird.
-Scott Lewis
Mar 13 2006, 11:32 PM
Well, for those that have been up to my part of the woods, being on Lake Michigan can lead to some serious winds....
During the winter session of our league, we had a particularly cold and windy day. Only 2 of us showed up to play. We were on 'The Beast' which isn't that hard of a course. I can normally finish around 68-70 for 24 holes. This day I finished with a 92. The craziest shot I saw was on hole 7. This is a little 200 foot lefty hyzer. I grabbed my Z Pred to give it a sweeping side arm towards the basket. 50 feet out of my hand, the disc had turned from 30 degrees of hyzer to virtical and shot down and stuck in the snow like I was throwing a roller. Another such moment was on hole 1, same disc. I threw it backhand with as much hyzer as I could manage, maybe 40 degrees, but I'm not sure. There is probably 80 foot drop over 130 feet from the tee pad. The disc managed to turn over, then keep going to vertical, then continued to flip, landed on the flight plate and slid 180 feet or so downhill and across the fairway. Finishing the hole off, I was putting into around a 35mph left front wind (Weather channel said 45-55 gusting to 70, severe weather warning). I got down and was putting from one knee from about 20 feet. The disc floated up, skipped off the top of the basket, went about 4 feet higher floated for a sec, then floated back and stuck into the back of the basket. Not went in, but actually stuck into the basket, wedgie style. I didn't get there quickly enough to pull it before it popped out though.
Mar 13 2006, 11:57 PM
The disc floated up, skipped off the top of the basket, went about 4 feet higher floated for a sec, then floated back and stuck into the back of the basket. Not went in, but actually stuck into the basket, wedgie style. I didn't get there quickly enough to pull it before it popped out though
That would definetely been the craziest shot i would have seen to bad you could not get there before it popped out
Mar 14 2006, 12:47 AM
The disc floated up, skipped off the top of the basket, went about 4 feet higher floated for a sec, then floated back and stuck into the back of the basket. Not went in, but actually stuck into the basket, wedgie style. I didn't get there quickly enough to pull it before it popped out though
That would definetely been the craziest shot i would have seen to bad you could not get there before it popped out
The thing about it was, neither of us were sure if it was sticking into the basket, or if the wind was holding it.
Jun 11 2006, 06:53 PM
Always fun to watch a disc flying into a strong headwind , holding a hyzerline , yet going in the other direction.
I've thrown a sky roller with a Innova Condor and had the disc blow right back at me and I had to get out of the way. Granted, this was a 40 MPH head wind coming off of the lake when a storm was blowing in, but I bet I could have set a Self Release and Catch record. Still not as cool as the stuck disc though.
Here is a shot I bet this guy would like to claim he "meant" to do. Crank the speakers and you can hear the wind blowing.
Mitch Sonderfan's Ace (