Mar 23 2006, 01:25 PM
I recently contacted Dave Gentry about making the player information for those who have passed on available on This comes after realizing that I couldn't look up records for Robert Wynne or Ted Williams, both recently deceased North Carolina players. I haven't got a response, but if all goes well a list would have to be constructed of players who qualify from across the country. I doubt anyone disagrees with this proposal, but feel free to comment and/or contact the pdga in support of this request. This is just one small way of honoring those that have passed on.
Apr 02 2006, 11:58 PM
Jeb told me about this thread and I completely agree with him.
I think it is nuts that I can't back and look through a legend like a Ted Williams or Steady Ed and see stats simply because they are no longer with us.
This needs to be changed!
Pizza God
Apr 03 2006, 02:12 PM
I can't be that hard. The Eagle club members are all listed for the rest of there lives. Father Dave Tayloe is listed and he passed on to the great course in the sky this last August. But he was an Eagle Club member and is still listed.
You can make a separate club like most of the Greyhound clubs do, they call there passed on dogs as going over the Rainbow Bridge.
Have the club member be listed like Eagle, Ace, and Birdie member, but call the club something else. The only way to join this club is to pass on to the Great Course in the sky. Then there can be an Obit listed on with there stats and date of birth and death.
Seems like a good way to honor our fallen buddies.