Apr 04 2006, 01:31 PM
I just checked the points standings for Amatuer disc golfers in California.

<h1>San Diego has all five top spots locked up!</h1>

Apr 04 2006, 01:33 PM
I just checked NATIONwide. And San Diego also has <h1>5 of the top 7 NATIONwide</h1>

This will change after the Bowling Green TD report is in. But for now, Wootah!

Apr 04 2006, 05:55 PM
SanDbag Diego
It must be the water ,close to the border.
Pros playing in the am division.
If it was based on height or hair color you are in for sure.
Ryan, do yourself a favor, and move up to the to the division, where you can learn mad SKILLS, and may become a liagor. ;)

Apr 04 2006, 06:03 PM
SanDbag Diego
It must be the water ,close to the border.
Pros playing in the am division.
If it was based on height or hair color you are in for sure.
Ryan, do yourself a favor, and move up to the to the division, where you can learn mad SKILLS, and may become a liagor. ;)

Gee, thanks for the congratulations. It was so nice of you to join in...wait, you just tried to #$*&$! on my parade! That's not nice! I'm gonna take your comments as compliments and continue to play where I want to.

Apr 04 2006, 09:45 PM
With age comes wisdom.Grasshopper is much better ,that he think he is.... :eek:

Apr 05 2006, 07:40 PM
Hey Reese , what's up !!!!!

Haven't seen you for some time. How's things ?

Any new courses in California ?

Apr 16 2006, 06:47 PM
Hey Kevin , Nice Win at Morley Field today !!!!!!

Your First Pro Monthly Win in San Diego !!!!!

Congratulations !!!!!!!! :D

Didn't I already see this post on another thread?

I'm having a strange sensation of deja vu!

Yeah, me too with the deja vu.

Apr 16 2006, 10:16 PM
Someonehastomuchtimeonthierhands :(

Apr 17 2006, 12:49 AM
I will be traveling to Tallahassee FL this weekend to play in a tournament. I went to college in Tallahassee (FSU) and lived there for about ten years. The tourney will be held at a park that I ran two PDGA events at on temporary courses back in the mid-80's, so you might say this is a bit of a homecoming for me.

This will be my "last fling" before going under the knife to have a chunk of bad plumbing cut out of my gut on May 4. I won't be back on the course for 4-6 weeks after that (optimistic), but will live vicariously through the discussion board.

RizbeeJr will still be pining to play, so if you're in 760 and heading to EI or Morley on the weekends, consider giving him a ride - he's great company on the course.

Apr 19 2006, 05:14 PM
I am looking at driving up for the Eldo Monthly this Saturday. I plan to leave Morley Field around 7:15. I have room for one more in the car. Let me know if your interested.


Apr 21 2006, 04:51 PM
Have fun !!!!

Apr 26 2006, 01:53 AM

check it!

Did you hear the snap from Chef Aaron? incredible!

Apr 26 2006, 11:14 AM
My trip to Tallahassee, FL was great! I played in the Seven Hills Hurlers Open, a B tier event played on the 24-hole course at Tom Brown Park in Tallahassee. Back in 1984 I designed and installed a course in that park using wood posts as targets. I ran PDGA events there in '84 and '85 using portable baskets. Quite a few of my friends from those days still play, and I was introduced as the "Father of Disc Golf in Tallahassee" during the pre-tournament players meeting.

The weather on Saturday was crazy - we had to halt play twice because of lightning, and most of the second round had to be postponed until Sunday morning. My play was uneven - I finished 4th of 6 Advanced Masters.

I did have one moment of glory: By the end of the final round, no one had gotten an ace during the tourney, but $200 had been collected in an ace pot. A 70-yard shot was set up, with each player in the ace pot getting one throw. The first ace would take all the cash, and if there were no aces the $$ would be split between the two closest to the pin. A gallery of about 60-70 circled the tee as players stepped up and threw. I was one of the last to throw, and there had been no ace. I tossed a hyzer approach with my TeeBird that hit two feet away from the post and ended up 5 inches from the post. A chant of "California, California, California" broke out from the crowd! My shot stood up and I took away $130 - the best prize I had won in many years.

The group in Tallahassee showed me quite a bit of Southern hospitality (I didn't have to spend much of the CTP money on beers or rum drinks...). I will be back!! :D

Apr 28 2006, 02:24 PM
<h1> <font color="blue"> 6|9 </font> is makin an appearance up North this weekend...Keep it on lock!!!</h1>

Apr 28 2006, 05:33 PM
Are you talking about the Masters Cup?

Apr 28 2006, 06:03 PM
Ask Tufty... (http://www.scarysquirrel.org/tufty/chat/)

Apr 30 2006, 05:20 PM


May 04 2006, 05:16 PM

May 04 2006, 05:23 PM
<center>http://aesthetic-mindset.com/images/disc/pinevalley.jpg </center>

May 04 2006, 05:33 PM
<center> http://aesthetic-mindset.com/images/disc/baysidebasket.jpg

May 04 2006, 05:37 PM

May 04 2006, 05:52 PM
<center> http://www.aesthetic-mindset.com/images/disc/pinedave.jpg

May 04 2006, 06:03 PM

May 05 2006, 08:12 PM

I should have taken a picture when those rocks had snow on them !!!! /msgboard/images/graemlins/smirk.gif

May 06 2006, 05:07 PM
So far .......................


May 08 2006, 02:43 PM
Congratulations to the newest cashing pro from the 619: Ryan Gwillim

Nice way to do it, too. His first sanctioned pro cash at an NT event, and it was solid cash, too. No sneaking into last cash, he tied for 15th with 23 paying spots.

Great shooting Ryan. :) Always a pleasure to see you on the course.

May 08 2006, 04:47 PM
What can I say? I am a pleasureful experience!

Thanks Rhett! And thanks for volunteering to help this weekend, I'm glad you were also able to play.

Thanks also to Timmy Gill and DGTV for making it financially possible for me to play this past weekend!

Footage from the event will be airing on DiscGolftv.com in the next couple days, so everyone go check them out later this week!

May 09 2006, 06:15 PM
Help me here Ryan ......................What can I say? I am a pleasureful experience!

:eek: Am I missing something ?

Did you mean you had a pleasureful experience , playing this tournament .................or something else ? :eek:

:D Just kidding......................

Congratulations on your Cashing at a NT event !!!!!

Welcome to the Pro division. :cool:

May 09 2006, 11:34 PM
Congrats Ryan...You are definitely ready for the pro ranks!!!

May 10 2006, 02:14 PM
no more bagging!~

May 10 2006, 02:19 PM
no more bagging!~

I'll leave that up to you.

May 10 2006, 07:44 PM
no more bagging!~

I'll leave that up to you.

:D Didn't Kevin win a Morley Pro Monthly ?

May 10 2006, 07:49 PM
Hey Ryan , you wearing your new Fly18 shirt in Portland ?

Represent well !!!!

May 10 2006, 10:58 PM
Ryan... great work! Nikki and did nothing on sunday but catch pdg and pgda on the TV/Internet.

I must admit, Watching MD was crazy, but you pulled thru.

Great work.


May 11 2006, 01:49 AM
Ryan... great work! Nikki and did nothing on sunday but catch pdg and pgda on the TV/Internet.

I must admit, Watching MD was crazy, but you pulled thru.

Great work.


Thanks, I had a great time and finally feel that I am starting to play closer to my potential. Thanks for the support!

May 12 2006, 04:55 PM
Ryan... great work! Nikki and did nothing on sunday but catch pdg and pgda on the TV/Internet.

I must admit, Watching MD was crazy, but you pulled thru.

Great work.


Thanks, I had a great time and finally feel that I am starting to play closer to my potential. Thanks for the support!

So , your moving up to Portland this winter ?

May 12 2006, 09:31 PM
Ryan... great work! Nikki and did nothing on sunday but catch pdg and pgda on the TV/Internet.

I must admit, Watching MD was crazy, but you pulled thru.

Great work.


Thanks, I had a great time and finally feel that I am starting to play closer to my potential. Thanks for the support!

So , your moving up to Portland this winter ?


May 14 2006, 07:53 PM
Some video from Santa Cruz ....................


May 16 2006, 08:44 PM
Good Luck Nation and Richard in the North this weekend !!!!!

Looks like the State Fling there should be Awesome !!!!!!!

Good luck , also to Kent LaGree in St. Louis at the Gateway Open. :D

May 18 2006, 09:46 AM
Yo, this is Gwillimnation pirating flash's computer (arrrrr).

The coolest moment from arriving yesterday was when we arrived at the rental car counter in PDX and the guy says "So, are you guys here for the Disc Golf tournament?"


May 18 2006, 01:15 PM
You now have the magical strength of a ligor.Soar my condor friend.Congrats :D

May 18 2006, 07:09 PM
Word son.

May 19 2006, 04:56 PM
Results so far from Oregon .................


May 30 2006, 06:36 PM
Hockaday on assignment...<center> http://www.aesthetic-mindset.com/images/disc/bsf_01.jpg




May 31 2006, 11:45 AM
The BSF was a great tourney. All the field practice really helped, especially the 200' and 300' upshots.

Nice shots Ryan! I would love to see the other shots you got that weekend.

Jun 01 2006, 07:08 PM
This one's cool .......................

Ryan has captured a cool snap with your finger pointing...............could be at your bag or the little basket in the distance !!!!!! :cool:

Jun 01 2006, 07:30 PM
He drained that putt for eagle...

Jun 02 2006, 04:25 PM
I wish I sunk that one for Eagle, but it was probably a Birdie. I do like that I am pointing right were the disc is going to land!

Jun 04 2006, 07:43 PM
And here's Richard , showing the locals , how's it's done , from outside , through the tunnel !!!!! /msgboard/images/graemlins/smirk.gif

Jun 05 2006, 07:11 PM
Hail to the King!

He made an appearance to the Minnesota Majestic last weekend. And placed 5th. Congratulations!
Don't forget the dump the sand out of your bags before you get on the Plane.

Only in America!

Jun 05 2006, 08:29 PM
Hail to the King!

He made an appearance to the Minnesota Majestic last weekend. And placed 5th. Congratulations!
Don't forget the dump the sand out of your bags before you get on the Plane.

Only in America!

Yea !!!! Results ..............

Aug 24 2006, 04:09 PM
I know I'm a numbers/stats geek, but if anyone is interested I have compiled all the SD players (that I'm aware of) into one list by player rating. Sorry Rhett, your wife is the worst player in San Diego!
P.S. j/k Rhett, Laurie's cool.

Aug 24 2006, 05:04 PM
I'll prolly be moving to the "Continued" list after Tahoe and SM are added in the next ratings update. :(

Aug 24 2006, 05:05 PM
I want to get my rating above 950! More practice, more practice, more practice!

Aug 24 2006, 05:40 PM
What's going to be really funny is when Snapper blows by Carlo in september. I'm expecting Snapper to hit 1005-1008 in the next update.

Aug 24 2006, 05:43 PM
I will drop to the 940's.

Aug 24 2006, 05:45 PM
I'll be in the 980's ............

Aug 24 2006, 05:56 PM
I'll be 969.

Aug 24 2006, 05:58 PM
What's going to be really funny is when Snapper blows by Carlo in september. I'm expecting Snapper to hit 1005-1008 in the next update.

Dang I'm good. I just calculated his current rating and it is currently 1007.6 (probably get rounded to 1008).

If the unnofficial round ratings hold up, Snap will be rated 1008!

Aug 24 2006, 05:59 PM
I'll be 969.

In order for that to happen, you'd probably have to shoot 930 golf at Sunrise.

Aug 24 2006, 06:12 PM
You forgot they are adding Goleta...

Aug 24 2006, 06:20 PM
You forgot they are adding Goleta...

I really doubt that Goleta is going to get added at this point. Did the PDGA state that they would be adding those rounds?

Aug 24 2006, 06:28 PM
I assume so since it is now listed in the events that I played.

Aug 24 2006, 06:36 PM
All rounds now.

Aug 24 2006, 06:42 PM
What's going to be really funny is when Snapper blows by Carlo in september. I'm expecting Snapper to hit 1005-1008 in the next update.

Dang I'm good. I just calculated his current rating and it is currently 1007.6 (probably get rounded to 1008).

If the unnofficial round ratings hold up, Snap will be rated 1008!

We can rebuild him. Faster....stronger....farther throwing. dunt-dunt-dunt-duhhhhhh

Aug 24 2006, 06:44 PM
I assume so since it is now listed in the events that I played.

In the ratings paperwork, the PDGA states that in order for rounds to be added to your player rating they have to be turned in on time. Goleta was definitely not turned in on time. If the rounds don't get added to the next sequential rating update (june 27), they shouldn't get counted towards (or in this case, against) your player rating.

Aug 24 2006, 07:16 PM
Sweet!!! Another tournament that I paid for, took time away from work and family, and don't get the benefits of sanctioning!!! Yea! I guess Goleta is in the Eldo category for me(no ratings). Definitely not gonna play it again.

Aug 24 2006, 07:32 PM
Good luck to all the 619 at sun rise this weekend.

Aug 24 2006, 08:56 PM
I assume so since it is now listed in the events that I played.

In the ratings paperwork, the PDGA states that in order for rounds to be added to your player rating they have to be turned in on time. Goleta was definitely not turned in on time. If the rounds don't get added to the next sequential rating update (june 27), they shouldn't get counted towards (or in this case, against) your player rating.

I guess I should read the ratings paperwork....are you sure it says that, and not something more like "in order for rounds to be added to your player rating, a properly completed TD report for the event must be received by the PDGA prior to the cutoff date for that ratings update."?

I find it hard to believe that available ratings would not be used.

In fact, my 1000 rated round from ElDo is being used to inflate my current rating. The ElDo results say "official" and there are ratings.

The Goleta results say official but there are no ratings. I don't remember if the "official" ratings don't get posted until the ratings update that includes them comes out, but it might.

Another possibility is that the TD report is incomplete. If the course layouts and the "what division played what layouts during which rounds" isn't included, then ratings can't be calculated.

I guess we'll know at the next update when either ratings appear for Goleta under the official results or not.

Aug 24 2006, 09:03 PM
Good luck to all the 619 at sun rise this weekend.

Gomez, are you going up and paying the late fee?

Aug 25 2006, 07:55 PM
Hey Kevin , are you playing Sunrise ?

Want me to pick you up some discs ?

Donny O.

Aug 28 2006, 01:28 PM
Congrats to; Micah and George Sprack for 1st and 2nd in Open, Hockaday for his 1st win in Advanced, and Christina Brow for her win in the ladies division! 6|9...

Aug 28 2006, 07:45 PM
It was nice to San Diego folks represent well at Sunrise !!!!

Congratulations to all !!!!!

Sep 09 2006, 09:25 AM

Just wanted to let everyone know that today Trey is playing with Dave Feldberg and I am playing with Barry Shultz. Hellyer!

We are wishing the best of luck to Barry and Dave, hopefully they will play well enough the first round that they can have a chance to play with Trey and I again during the second round.


Sep 09 2006, 11:07 AM
Ryan and Trey~

Good luck!

Sep 14 2006, 05:13 PM
Good job in Utah !!!!


Sep 20 2006, 12:20 PM
Here are the standings after the September update...

Almost everyone is moving up on a consistent basis, way to go guys (and gals).

Sep 20 2006, 12:31 PM
FYI is quite possible that I have errors on that last, if so PM me and I'll fix them.

Sep 20 2006, 09:40 PM
Opps ..................I dropped 5 !!!! :eek: :p

Sep 27 2006, 11:17 PM
Morley got me today. Chris G and I started out 2 down after 7 then shot 11 out of 12 and I gave us a -12. :confused: Third place was a -13 which was on our card Mario and Sharkey. I'm not keeping score anymore. :p

Oct 12 2006, 04:18 PM
USDGC so far ............................
