Apr 19 2006, 07:58 PM
MADC Board Meeting, April 25th
4/19/06 - MADC Board will be holding it's April meeting at 6:00 PM on April 25th at Westgate Mall on Whitney Way.
We start new Rocky Rococo's, then typically move to a private office.
The Agenda for this meeting is.
. Financial Report 2005
. Proposed Budget 2006
. Spring Membership Drive
. Hiestand update
. Tournaments
. Adopt a Hole
. By Laws
. Tournament or MADC sponsorship
. MADC Logo
. website overhaul
While you might not want to stay for the entire meeting, you may want to show up early, if:
1. You are a new member and haven't received your disc, yet.
2. You are a former member looking to renew.
3. You are want to join the Madison Area Disc Club
MADC Board Meeting, April 25th
4/19/06 - MADC Board will be holding it's April meeting at 6:00 PM on April 25th at Westgate Mall on Whitney Way.
We start new Rocky Rococo's, then typically move to a private office.
The Agenda for this meeting is.
. Financial Report 2005
. Proposed Budget 2006
. Spring Membership Drive
. Hiestand update
. Tournaments
. Adopt a Hole
. By Laws
. Tournament or MADC sponsorship
. MADC Logo
. website overhaul
While you might not want to stay for the entire meeting, you may want to show up early, if:
1. You are a new member and haven't received your disc, yet.
2. You are a former member looking to renew.
3. You are want to join the Madison Area Disc Club