Apr 27 2006, 04:50 PM
Hello everyone, I just wanted to spread the word that the new Disc Golf Monthly will be available for viewing beginning next week.

This months show will feature the 2006 Johnny Boge Classic Tournament at Tyler State Park in Newtown, PA. All participant in this tournament will be featured in the Round One Recap which can be seen in the first part of the show.

After a quick commercial break we return with second round action featuring Lead Group competition between Bob Graham, Joe Mela, and Shawn Breske.
At the start of the round Joe Mela and Shawn Breske have a tie for 1st place, but when the round is over Joe finishes in 1st place, Bob is in second, and a Shawn is in 3rd. To see how everything unfolded tune in and watch the show.

The air schedule for Disc Golf Monthly can be accessed on the show website

Disc Golf Monthly is available on several access channels as well as Comcast digital cable�s On Demand service. To find Disc Golf Monthly On Demand go to���.
Sports and Fitness�����.
And from there go to �More Sports����.
You will find it there.

In the coming months Disc Golf Monthly�s air schedule will expand to Northern New Jersey and the Baltimore region as it will be added to Comcast�s On Demand service.

If you know of a bar or restaurant that has Comcast Digital cable please email me the name of the bar restaurant at
so that I may share this with other golfers who can�t see the program because they do not have digital cable.

Plans are to be at the Seneca Creek Soiree this upcoming weekend taping for the August edition of Disc Golf Monthly.

The Philadelphia Open which was taped in mid-April will be available for viewing in June

After that I plan to be at Codorus on May 13th for the PA state championship tournament.

If you have and comments or opinions about Disc Golf Monthly feel free to sign the guest book at the show�s web site.

Thank you for your interest in Disc Golf Monthly the show that brings you one step closer to the exciting sport of Disc Golf!

Kevin McGorry
Producer/Director Disc Golf Monthly