May 18 2006, 12:54 AM
On July 29th, 2006
A3 Disc will be running a Women�s only tournament at Hudson Mills Metropark north of Ann Arbor Michigan
It will be a sanctioned C Tier event. I am thinking of limiting it to 150 players to try and keep it manageable. It�s probably unrealistic to expect to get that many in the first year but time will tell, I am willing to expand it to 192 if that many women will commit to play.
Michigan's Women's Championship
(Femillz Open)
We know we will be offering the following divisions more may be added if enough interest is expressed in advance, express your interest via email now to
[email protected]
Open Pro $35
Pro Masters $35
Pro Grand Master $35
AM1 Advanced $30
AM2 Intermediate $25
AM3 Novice $20
AM Masters $20
Juniors <19 $15
Other divisions will be offered if 2 people sign up for that division in advance. This would entail other Junior Divisions or AM Grand Masters, etc,. let me know, email me.
There will be CTP's, Jumbo Tosses, & other prizes.
William Gilbert is the TD, in cooperation with A3 Disc.
You can contact William Gilbert with the following options
[email protected] 734 449 4300
Our sponsors so far are:
A3 Disc
Disc Golf Express
J-Bird Discs
Peoria Disc Golf Club
Meyer Aluminum Blanks (Sheboygan Falls, WI.)
Metal Processing Solutions
Julie Jett for the Artwork
We are still actively seeking Sponsors, cash sponsors are what is needed most to help defray the costs to pay for the players pack we hope to have even though a player�s pack is not required and to add money to the PRO purse. We will happily accept items donated if in quantity�s of 150 pieces of something to place in the Players Packs. Should be an item that women would use, enjoy or appreciate.
May 18 2006, 01:23 PM
Hello Ladies, even if you cannot attend this event some suggestions or ideas would be greatly appreciated. So any feedback either via this forum or directly to my email would be greatly appreciated.
May 18 2006, 05:57 PM
It is so good to see so many women's events popping up. And with them spread around the U.S. it gives more ladies a chance to participate in one. Yeah!
May 30 2006, 10:19 PM
Still looking for suggestions anybody?
May 31 2006, 12:29 PM
Events that I have been to that worked nice: Giving choices for payout- instead of handing out heavy plastic- so make sure you have 150 and 160 class for the ladies that don't throw the heavy stuff.
I have been given vouchers as a payout and I liked picking what I wanted/needed.
Make sure there are usable bathrooms/port-a-potties.
Hope that is kind of what you were looking for.
May 31 2006, 02:25 PM
That's great input Tammy! Hudson Mills actually is pretty well equiped with porta pottys, and they are usually well kept from my experiences playing there. That's the nice thing about Hudson Mills. It's very well groomed and well kept. :)
Jun 02 2006, 11:52 AM
I think it is great that you are thinking big in terms of limiting the field to 150 players. But that may be a little unrealistic considering the number of players that have attended the women's events so far. (Texas 57, IWC 31, Utah 19 registered to date) The 2005 USWC holds the record for number of women at an event and that is 76.
It may make more sense to plan your player's packs around a smaller number. Getting items for 150 player's packs would be a hard task. It would be unfortunate to be left sitting on a large number of player's packs. It looks like there is 38 MI female PDGA members with ratings.
Get as many gals as you can to help you. Make it their event.
Jun 02 2006, 05:44 PM
Events that I have been to that worked nice: Giving choices for payout- instead of handing out heavy plastic- so make sure you have 150 and 160 class for the ladies that don't throw the heavy stuff.
I have been given vouchers as a payout and I liked picking what I wanted/needed.
Make sure there are usable bathrooms/port-a-potties.
Hope that is kind of what you were looking for.
<font color="blue">I agree with Wammy about having payouts with stuff we'll throw and port-o-potties or bathrooms are the key to getting women out there :) </font>
I was excited to see a women's tournament at Hudson Mills-I like playing there :) Then I realized it was the same weekend as our Rockford leg of the Illinois Open Series. Drat....No MI for me.
Jun 04 2006, 01:04 AM
i have personally been speaking to a lot of women at local courses and all seem to like the idea if half the women show up i expect to get around 80 ladies there. we have a lot of recreational ladies so I am hoping to make a good showing.
you make a valid point about the players packs, i am having no luck finding sponsors for player packs maybe if i think smaller i can accomplish my goals for players packs for some of the girls.
thanks for your comments
Like someone mentioned before, we like all kinds of small things, such as bandaids, kleenex, nail files, etc....if you get companies to donate those kinds of things for players packs, then it will be like a goodie bag and you can't wait to see what's inside :D
Jun 04 2006, 03:49 PM
I think someone mentioned before, we like all kinds of small things, such as bandaids, kleenex, nail files, pens, etc....if you get companies to donate those kinds of things for players packs, then it will be like a goodie bag and you can't wait to see what's inside :D Not sure if my work has anything but I'll see if they are ordering anything and see if they will donate something.
Jun 08 2006, 11:29 PM
thank your for the suggestions, if i can't get the big things maybe i can get a lot of small items. i will work on those kind of items as well.
For the IWC, I offered any business that donated prizes or stuff for players packs advertising. I put their logo in the program and on the website and depending on their level of sponsorship, there was advertising at each hole and banners the sponsor supplied were hung. We had different levels of sponsorship and most ended up as Supporting Sponsors. A few businesses that I approached...
Starbucks - free coffee service for the first morning
Office Depot - mini markers for players packages
Water Distributor - coolers and free water for the weekend
Huk Lab - divisional prizes and stickers for players packages (
Clif Bar - free Luna Bar samples for players packages
Local Spa - package of spa products
Local Running store - the owner was keen to get word out to a different group of outdoor enthusiasts - $150 in product
I went to Walmart and checked out the section that sells all the little travel size toiletries. I found 10 packs of travel tissue for $1.98. I bought those for the players packages. Check out Dollar Stores for things like pencils, nail files and that kind of stuff.
I also asked small independant disc businesses to donate prizes. I received prizes from across the country from businesses like this. It is a great advertising opportunity for them.
We also had specific sponsors - Sassy Pants and Spin City (local business) - on site for Am's to choose their prizes from. Instead of handing them a bunch of stuff they don't want or can't use, we printed out vouchers for them to cash in with the sponsors.
Just some ideas! Hope they help!
Carrie Neal
PS make sure there is lots of extra toilet paper on hand for the porta potties :)
Jun 15 2006, 08:46 AM
online registration is up at (
Jun 16 2006, 12:14 PM
sweet thanks!
Jun 26 2006, 02:36 PM
Updated news and information.
This weekend A3Disc ran its annual DGLO event and I personally spoke with all the PRO's at this event. 6 of them said they plan on attending but that is subject to change of course.
Elaine King
Des Reading
Jen Ketz
Jen Dombrowski
Angela Tschiggfrie
I spoke with Sue Stephens and Elaine King about running clinics for everybody and both said they would be willing if their schedules would permit attending and time permitted at the event. clinics would either be during lunch or after the event. I did not have time to speak with Des Reading about the clinic but hopefully i can before the event and she will be willing before then as well. More information will follow
as it is collected.
Jun 26 2006, 02:39 PM
Sarah Demar also said she will be attending.
all these PRO women will start a good size PRO division and an opportunity to have some good clinics for the other ladies.
Plus the other PRO already signed up, and 4 AM's we are having a good start to registration.
thank you all and spread the word.
Jun 27 2006, 09:14 AM
You can add me to the list of Pro's. I can't wait to come out and play. Becky Majesky also said she was planning on playing, I think she is Advanced Women. I haven't played with her in so long! It was nice to see everyone at DGLO Sunday. However I didn't see any of the Femillz discs out on the table. Can I paypal you the money for one?
Jun 28 2006, 03:04 PM
At this time we do not have a way to handle paypal disc sales. i will talk to bill brady and see what he thinks of trying to set that up. You could mail me a check or wait until the tournament to buy one? let me know. The discs were out mid day on friday then all day saturday and sunday until payouts were handed out then they were pulled.
Jun 28 2006, 08:05 PM
Set #1 of the Femillz Open Discs.
Femillz Open Discs, Set #1 (
Please Bid Generously!! Help support this event!!
Jun 28 2006, 11:47 PM
This set includes a Buzz, a Spectra, and a mini, all full color.
All of these discs are autographed by all 8 Pro ladies who played in the Discraft Great Lakes Open (DGLO) last weekend.
Please bid high these discs are for fundraising for this womens tournament.
thank you
william gilbert
Jul 04 2006, 09:28 AM
Hey Bill
Do you know if there are any Masters or GrandMasters or even Senior Grandmasters for this event yet? I have a wonderful lady playing my leagues who qualifies for any of those divisions and she is considering to play this tourney but would rather play in those divisions than in recreational as she hasn't been playing too long.
Jul 04 2006, 09:16 PM
I have 2 AM Masters signed up (mailed in). 1 of them would like to play AM Grandmasters (I think this is the over 50 division, right?) if i offer the division.
If your friend will sign up for AM Grandmasters she will have to do so by mail ASAP, I will guarantee the division, use the same fee for the AM Master division please. Even if i only have 1 AM Master i already planned for that division. The quicker she signs up the better. right now i have no trophy for AM Grandmaster but I might have time to get a 1st place trophy made if she signs up soon enough. I have already spoken with my 2 AM Masters and they are fine with whatever I do in these divisions.
let me know what you decide, thanks for your interest and help in spreading the word.
Jul 04 2006, 09:19 PM
So far we have 2 AM3's, 2 Female PRO's, and 2 AM Masters (via regular mail) signed up. It would be nice if more people would sign-up in advance.
William Gilbert
Jul 24 2006, 11:53 PM
Side note trophys are almost done.
The quantity of trophys are based on the number of people who have signed up as of today for each division. I will make final adjustments after thursday cutoff for pre registration / signup.
3 Open Pro Trophys
1 Pro Master Trophy
1 Pro Grandmaster Trophy
2 AM1 Trophys
2 AM2 Trophys
3 AM3 Trophys
3 AM Master Trophys
1 AM GrandMaster Trophy
1 Junior
Additionally i will make custom trophys for any place in any division if they like the trophys. Maybe your in 10th place in AM3 and want a trophy for $10 i will make you a trophy. $5 for trophy and $5 for postage in the US. which will have to be shipped after the tournament is completed. The $5 will be used towards next years tournament.
I made these trophys myself they are very simple and will hang on the wall, hopefully everybody will like them. I have already started on plans for next years trophys and making them even better.
Comments please?
Jul 24 2006, 11:54 PM
Players packs are still in question the sponsor who said he was sending 40 discs has not even shipped them as of yet. i do not know if they will be here in time. without these discs the players packs will be simple minor items. i will keep you informed here also.
PRO payout will be enhanced by a minimum of $50.
The first 40 people who sign up pro or am will get these players packs unless the discs don't show up!?!? then we will see how it goes.
the collectable buzz's and spectra will be on sale saturday for less than the advertised price. i haven't decided on that price yet, it will depend on the quantity of players who show up and are willing to buy one. players payouts can not be used towards these discs.
We will also be having a raffle for a couple items $1 tickets or 6/$5. all for fundraising of course. i will also be having jumbo tosses for every division that shows up and jumbo tosses for players and some for staff.
Jul 26 2006, 10:47 PM
Notes in general trophies are done.
The quantity of trophies was based on the number of people who have signed up as of Monday July 24th, 2006, for each division.
3 Open Pro Trophy�s
1 Pro Master Trophy
1 Pro Grandmaster Trophy
2 AM1 Trophy�s
2 AM2 Trophy�s
3 AM3 Trophy�s
3 AM Master Trophy�s
1 AM Grandmasters Trophy
1 Junior
Additionally I can make custom trophies for any place in any division if anybody would like a trophy. Maybe your in 10th place in AM3 and want a trophy for $10 I will make you a trophy. $5 for trophy and $5 for postage in the US. Which will have to be shipped after the tournament is completed. The $5 will be used towards next year�s tournament.
I made these trophy�s myself they are very simple and will hang on the wall, hopefully everybody will like them. I have already started on plans for next years trophy�s and making them even better. Hopefully everybody will be happy with them.
Comments please?
Jul 26 2006, 10:48 PM
Player�s packs will be available for the first 37 people (PRO or AM�s) who sign up either in advance or on the day of the tournament. The Player Pack Discs come from Quest. The players packs may yet be enhanced further assuming Discraft decides to offer something for this event in there own backyard.
PRO payout will be enhanced by a minimum of $50.
The collectable buzz's and spectra will be on sale Saturday for less than the advertised price. I haven't decided on that price yet, it will depend on the quantity of players who show up and are willing to buy one. Player�s payouts can not be used towards these discs.
We will also be having a raffle for a couple of items $1 tickets or 6/$5, all for fundraising of course. We will also be having jumbo tosses and CTP�s for every division that shows up Saturday.
Sponsors as of Wednesday July 26th, 2006
Metal Processing Solutions
Quest Discs
J-Bird Discs
Disc Golf Express
Gateway Discs
Meyer Aluminum Blanks (Sheboygan Falls WI)
CJ�s Party Store
Peoria Disc Golf Club
William Gilbert
Jean Pierre Trias
Hudson Mills Metropark
Latitude 64 Discs
Utah Women�s Championship
Dustin Ridenour
Kevin Williamson
Doug & Mary Egbert
Julie Jett for the Artwork
Rebecca Gilbert
Mike Raley
M2 Discs
Mark Kruse
Randy Carruthers
Mike Michalek
A3 Disc
Nationwide Insurance Heidi Kussurelis Agency
Jul 28 2006, 07:36 PM
Added to PRO payout $100 total now.
Players packs come in 3 varietys.
First 20 includes everything we have available piece of jewelry donated by Jen Dombrowski. Will be given to the people who pre-registered and the first 6 after that.
Next 21-35 same as first 20 just missing the jewelry made by Jen Dombrowski.
& 36-45 missing some items in rest of packs various discs but still good.
Final Sponsors added
Pad Timmons from Discraft who donated his Ace Pool winnings from Wednesday league night to enhance the PRO payout to $100.
Jen Dombrowski donated 20 necklaces which should go over very well with the ladies.
Jul 30 2006, 08:35 AM
Great job on this event Bill! Although lunch was a little long....Awesome players packs, and really great job on keeping the water on the course, that helped a ton! I can't wait til next year in hopes it will be twice as big and better.
There were TONS of prizes given away in the jumbo toss and raffle, and CTPs. I missed the jumbo toss cuz I had to leave before payouts....but excellent job and thanks for everything. It was nice coming in dead last, but still taking home more stuff than my entry fee from our players packs, and the tournament disc I got for not cashing :)!
Jul 30 2006, 11:51 AM
Thank you
I�m glad you enjoyed it. Sorry about the lunch length but remember the last group in didn't even get an hour while the first group in got 2.5 hours for lunch.
The heat was unbelieable; I want to mention/thank Dave Dye who brought the extra water to the park.
I debated the issue of whether to give PRO's players packs but decided to go ahead this year at least to help build the brand up for next year. Of course now the bar has been set high and next year will have to be even better somehow.
I have already started fundraising for next year, with plans to sell bag tags for $10 at league and around as fundraisers. 200 are being made so if anybody wants to buy some they will be ready in early spring, at the latest they will be ready before A3's league starts. Other plans are being made for the bag tags as well, bag tag challenge events on league night.
So if you or any of the other ladies have suggestions for fundraising ideas for next year i would love to hear them.
As well as any other suggestions to make the event better, other ideas for the players packs, anything please.
Jul 30 2006, 11:56 AM
I have questions for you if you don't mind.
Do you think a 2 hour lunch is to long to try and give for any event? What about to long for a ladies event?
Just wondering if i should go back to the usual 1 hour from the last group next year?
Jul 30 2006, 12:42 PM
It's nice to have an hour lunch from the last group coming in, but when we're done an hour and 1/2 before them it just drags for us. The 2nd round seemed to go MUCH better. Groups were spread out better and we didn't have to wait on anyone really. It helped that the Rec group only played 18 holes the 2nd round while the rest of us played 24. That might be something to consider next year too! As for fund raising, I'm not sure on that part. If I think of something in the future I'll definately let you know. I'm about to talk to my club in Lansing about possibly putting on another Women's only event at Grand Woods for next year. I know I have more fun playing in women only events, as I'm sure a lot of girls agree. So maybe in the next year or so we can get a series going for the ladies.
Aug 01 2006, 12:36 PM
I am not only looking for ideas for sponsors but better items in the players packs for the ladies.
The idea would be to make the players packs simple items better or more.
Tissue, emery board, candle, pencils, somebody suggested bandaids which i forgot to look for. other ideas they don't need to be small items but other ideas.
i was thinking about small clipboards, birdie bags but elaine king was talking with my wife and friend and she suggested baby powder instead of birdie bags. ideas like that.
small towels are another item possibly.
Aug 01 2006, 01:25 PM
trial size towlettes, trial size bug spray, sunblock... Mini Sharpies in pretty colors..Disc golf's.... bag tags.
just rattling stuff off.
Aug 01 2006, 06:00 PM
if you think of any other ideas please feel free to email or PM me. thanks for your comments.
william gilbert
[email protected]
Jul 13 2007, 11:35 AM
Events that I have been to that worked nice: Giving choices for payout- instead of handing out heavy plastic- so make sure you have 150 and 160 class for the ladies that don't throw the heavy stuff.
I have been given vouchers as a payout and I liked picking what I wanted/needed.
Make sure there are usable bathrooms/port-a-potties.
Hope that is kind of what you were looking for.
QuestAT makes some really nice ULTRALIGHT discs that are great for women who are just beginning and have not built up their distance yet. I had a couple give to me...and I LOVE THEM! they take a lot less effort to go far. For AM women, that may be important...especially for Recreational players.
Jul 13 2007, 12:35 PM
I have quest on board as my disc sponsor for the players packs. I do believe that is what Steve Pearson plans on sending.
Hudson Mills has a few bathrooms each course has 1 about the mid way point for each course, plus the main bathroom near where we setup for the tournament.
I am working on having some 150 class discs for the payouts.
Thanks for the suggestions.
Jul 13 2007, 01:11 PM
At the half-way point, a pop-up with chocolote, and cold drinks is always a welcome addition.
AT Texas Women's Championship, we had three clubs that set up their shade and cheered us on, with drinks, etc. It was sweet, and the best part.....the guys enjoyed doing it, and it has become a competition among them, everyone wins!
Jul 13 2007, 03:07 PM
hair ties, cute water bottle, OFF, anything girlie
Jul 14 2007, 11:39 PM
Thanks for the continuing suggestions. Fill in the items or ideas for Girlie please. I already include a emery board, candle, trail size tissue pack, and some other items i am keeping secret so hopefully even my wife, daughter and best friends wife will get some surprises. These 3 ladies are part of the reason i started this event, the other is i didn't think there was enough ladies playing and thought i might entice more out with a really good and really fun tournament.
As a side point I want to mention that TADGA and specifically Mark Kruse THE TD takes extrememly great care of all women who show up to any of his events. He alone has paid every women something no matter how deep the field of AM women. He is a great TD and runs utterly fantastic events for women and men also. TADGA uses 3 or 4 different TD's for their events and they have the biggest consistent following of AM women i have seen in any series i have ever seen. (
My wife, Daughter, and best friends wife have helped me some with these ideas, but not to the point I want to get yet. I want ideas for this year and years to come. So can you elaborate more on that for a relatively clueless male!! I have some items that are unique and some that are definately in the girlie category. I like the hair tie idea. I could get University of MI hair ties, but i am not a UofM fan and if i did that might hinder the potential OSU fans or even the farther afield ladies from FL or TX who have made comments. If i go with neutral hair ties, where's the fun in that, I would rather pick my favorite Team hair tie.
I do appreciate the unique ideas very much. I hope when I get to a 'B' tier hopefully next year i will have some truly unique item that hits the spot as truly special. My players pack is better than last year and will hopefully grow next year even more.
So keep those ideas coming please. Please continue with any suggestions I am always looking for more ideas.
Thanks again everybody, keep those ideas rolling.