Jun 20 2006, 10:49 PM
Disc Golf Month
Whereas, It is estimated that Michigan has over 10,000 recreational disc golfers and 70 public disc golf courses currently operating throughout the state; and,
Whereas, Disc golf is an excellent �lifetime sport� for all ages and can be found in 20 countries worldwide; and,
Whereas, Disc golf conditions the upper and lower body, providing a wonderful opportunity to improve our health; and,
Whereas, Disc golf provides an opportunity for residents and visitors to enjoy Michigan�s beautiful natural environment; and,
Whereas, In June 2006, Hudson Mills Metropark will once again be the site of the Great Lakes Open, Michigan�s largest professional Disc Golf tournament, which will see over 240 of the best touring professionals and top-flight amateurs compete for a total purse of cash and prizes that exceed $20,000; and now therefore be it,
Resolved, That I, Jennifer M. Granholm, Governor of the State of Michigan, do hereby proclaim June 2006, as Disc Golf Month in Michigan.
posted at: http://www.michigan.gov/gov/0,1607,7-168-23442_25488-145561--,00.html
Whereas, It is estimated that Michigan has over 10,000 recreational disc golfers and 70 public disc golf courses currently operating throughout the state; and,
Whereas, Disc golf is an excellent �lifetime sport� for all ages and can be found in 20 countries worldwide; and,
Whereas, Disc golf conditions the upper and lower body, providing a wonderful opportunity to improve our health; and,
Whereas, Disc golf provides an opportunity for residents and visitors to enjoy Michigan�s beautiful natural environment; and,
Whereas, In June 2006, Hudson Mills Metropark will once again be the site of the Great Lakes Open, Michigan�s largest professional Disc Golf tournament, which will see over 240 of the best touring professionals and top-flight amateurs compete for a total purse of cash and prizes that exceed $20,000; and now therefore be it,
Resolved, That I, Jennifer M. Granholm, Governor of the State of Michigan, do hereby proclaim June 2006, as Disc Golf Month in Michigan.
posted at: http://www.michigan.gov/gov/0,1607,7-168-23442_25488-145561--,00.html