Jun 25 2006, 04:08 AM
Ok, I've spent all night working on this stuff, after one heck of a bad day dealing with weather and other stuff...I'm gonna work on it more Sunday hopefully adding in everything else that would be on a typical pay-to-play disc golf course's website (in prototype version as mine is).

Please remember this is still a proposal (but looking good) (

I think I've fixed it so it doesnt overload as often, if not give it an hour and check back, once i get approval on a name I will pay for the real site and avoid all these hassles with usage limits.
Any yes I am a sellout commercialized sarcastic know-it-all, trying to ruin the sport (or so i've been called on other forums in regards to this topic)

Please if you have ANY comments pm me or email me at [email protected]


No bison to worry about, just a few dear, mosquitoes, horse flies, and grass snakes.

Jun 27 2006, 02:22 AM
Not sure if anyone from here is checking this out or not, but I've got all 18 holes worth of pics up now, and should have most of the rest of stuff finished by Wednesday, and it moved to a real domain sometime in July.

And yes although I'm really proud of how this going coming along, I realize it's not the true "future of MN DG" or maybe it is, but it will be an awesome Disc Golf "Facility" not just another course. (