Jul 13 2006, 01:15 PM
I'm just passing some messages on from the 2006 MCO Staff.

AS ADVERTISED, the entry fees will be going up after tomorrow if you are not already registered. $5 additional for Advanced Men and Advanced Masters divisions and $10 additional for the Pro Open, Pro Masters, and the Pro Grand Master divisions.

I know you are planning to play so just do yourself a favor and secure your spot in this event today. ONLINE REGISTRATION (http://www.takeflighttoday.com/product_info.php?cPath=24&products_id=105) will be reflect the increases after tomorrow so do it for yourself and do it for the tournament stafff. Register immediately and save yourself a few bucks.

*Like most TakeFlightToday registrations - there is a $5 charge for registering for the event online. That's why the price is different in my store versus what you see if you mail it in. If the hassle of printing off the reg form and mailing it in is worth the $4 savings or so, that's cool too. That's why we give you various options.

Jul 13 2006, 02:48 PM

Just a heads up on Duster's site it state no fee increase for Pro Women and Advance Women or Juniors.


Or is that a process fee I am seeing? That could be.

Take a look. Because I noticed on take flight you are charging them at extra $5.

Josh :confused:

Jul 17 2006, 10:20 AM
I have received somewhere in the neighborhood of 18 - 20 ONLINE REGISTRANTS (http://www.takeflighttoday.com/index.php?cPath=24) since Friday!

The TD staff is now updating the PDGA page as I no longer am for this event. It won't be up as quick but it will have much bigger additions to it when it does go up. What does that mean? It means you should probably get registered today.

Secure your spot and help the event run smoothly - register today. While you're there you might as well add GMO to your cart so you're paid for that too!

Jul 18 2006, 05:48 PM
Done and Done!!! Paid for both!!

Fast, Safe and Easy!!! www.takeflighttoday.com (http://www.takeflighttoday.com)

Jul 21 2006, 11:05 PM
hey terry you have my # wrong. the name is adam smith and the number you have on there is 25189 and it should be 25186. thanks

Jul 22 2006, 01:07 AM
also, any idea on sunday whos playin which course first?

Jul 22 2006, 02:28 AM
I'm guessing Adv might play Token first while Open plays Hiestand first. I think Open usually will finish near TD central there second round.

We will see.....

Jul 24 2006, 10:29 AM
First off, Thanks to the organizers and TD of this great event. It was my first trip to Madison, and I really enjoyed the tourney and courses. Couldve played better, but who couldnt.

Anyways, I lost a WHITE CE LEOPARD on HOLE 6 at Highstand. It has my name and PDGA # on the inner rim, with contact information. It responds to the name "Honkey". If someone finds it, there is a reward, or if your just a good person, please drop it off with Todd Ebens.

Reward seekers can PM me, or email me at :
[email protected]


Jul 24 2006, 11:22 AM
Thanks to everyone who came and supported, volunteered, or played in the tourney. It truly is a team effort and we have a solid team of folks working hard all the time trying to make the MCO, the MADC and disc golf better in general. I hope everyone had a great time and got home safe. Next year we will be a World's warm-up event before Am Worlds in Milwaukee. So we should be even bigger and better. Once again, thanks a bunch! See you all sooner than later. :cool:

Jul 24 2006, 11:10 PM
So many good things to say about the Mad City Open ...
Excellent courses
Great Players
Top-notch volunteer & club support

Had a great time, & I know I'll be back again!


Jul 25 2006, 10:40 AM
I agree it was a awesome time. Wish my second round was better but I still had a sweet time as always!!

Great job by the TD and all who were involved.


Jul 25 2006, 01:06 PM
I agree. This continues to be great tournament because of the courses, TD & staff, volunteers, and the players.

As an advanced master I enjoyed being paired with a couple of advanced players in the first round. It was nice to meet some players outside my division.

The water and the "after tournament beverage" was cold and plentiful. What was the name of that beverage anyway? I wouldn't mind picking some of that up next time I'm down that way.

I can't think of a negative thing to say (except maybe about the pin placement on #4 at Hiestand) about the tournament. It will be on my calendar for next year.

Thanks again to everyone involved in putting on a top notch tournament.

Jul 26 2006, 03:58 AM
The name of the Brewery is the Ale Asylum. The are loctated right between Hiestand and Token Creek on HWY. 51. The beer name was Mad Town Nutbrown. Glad you enjoyed the tourney. The pin placement on #4 at Hiestand is very precarious, but does make for a real risk/reward situation.

Jul 26 2006, 04:19 PM
MMMmmm ... Ale Asylum Madtown Nutbrown. I just couldn't leave the park untill the keg was gone!

As far as Heistand #4 goes, it's definately a putt of death. A pin placement like that would be much better at a park like Token Creek where there would most likely be a rock wall, nice grass, & all the schule cleared out. Token's style of grounds keeping would support a designed pin placement like that much better than Heistand's. Any city park could learn a thing or two by studying how the Dane County Park maintains the Vallarta-Ast Disc Golf Course at Token Creek. The course is great because the grounds keeping supports the design, and without that level of maintenance the course would be a nightmare to play. Kudos to the Dane County Parks maintenance staff!

Token Creek has set the standard to the level of maintenance and course design that I wish to achive with my project, Axldog Acres Disc Golf Course.

Jul 26 2006, 05:56 PM
I just don't think the pin placement is fair to the game of disc golf or golfers in general. (Please don't anyone come back with the statement that "it was that way for everyone in the tournament". I know that and it was fair from that perspective.) I just think you should be able to have your drive, approach shot, or putt land within 3-5 feet of the basket without being delt such a severe consequence. What next? Chain a live badger to the post? :D

My opinion doesn't mean I didn't enjoy the challenge of the placement. I did.

Jul 26 2006, 10:57 PM
drive it short and right throw a putter short dont even look at the basket on the approach and bam a par

Jul 27 2006, 01:21 AM
C'mon Sleepy ... drive it to the pin for a drop in birdie :eek:

Go Team S.W.E.D. !!!

Karma Police
Jul 27 2006, 11:17 AM
It's definitely a risk/reward/sometimes severely punished hole. If you played the Minn. Majestic there were plenty of holes similar to that on the ski hill course. One dink off the basket and you could literally role 200ft away. It would be easier if the bank was grass covered and maybe not so steep. But it's only there 1 time a year and I definitely think it's a neat challenge you usually don't encounter.

Jul 27 2006, 05:55 PM
I think that pin placement is one of the best on the course! It's a perfect risk reward hole. If you are a few strokes back and need a way to gain a stroke on the field you can go for the hole and go for your putt and risk a 4 going for the 2. Otherwise you can just lay up and play safe for a 3. If you're telling me you can't lay up 70' short, then lay up 15' short, and hit a 15' putt then I think you have more problems to worry about than hole 4's pin placement :p Anyway, it was a great tournament and I forgot how much I love Hiestand park!! It was looking better than ever, thanks to everyone who put their time into the course to make it look better!

Jul 27 2006, 07:33 PM
Easy for you to say when you throw a 1049 round ... Freak! ;) Congratulations on your win!

I really don't have a problem with that pin placement, I understand that it's design is to provide a risk/reward situation. My only observation is that it would be a better placement if the area down the hill in the "danger zone" was cleared out better for those who get into trouble down there.

Jul 27 2006, 10:52 PM
Not to thread drift too much but Token Creek does take in 50k a year in greens fees. So keeping up that level of maintenance is a little easier than for a city course with no income whatsoever.

Jul 28 2006, 02:39 AM
Well, if charging players a $5 green fee can produce results like Token Creek .... it makes sense to speculate that charging a $5 green fee at a city park could possibly produce similiar results. IMO, having more pay-to-play courses could be a very good thing for the sport of Disc Golf by improving the quality of the courses.

Anyway .... the Mad City Open is a great event with great courses and an excellent TD & tournament staff!

Jul 28 2006, 12:55 PM
Todd, correct me if I'm wrong. One of the problems w/ making the city courses pay-to-play is that the money that would be earned from the disc golf wouldn't go straight back into disc golf. Is that correct?

Back on topic, I had fun at the MCO. Thanks to all the volunteers for helping out! I really, REALLY appreciated having spotters on many of the holes.

Jul 28 2006, 08:32 PM
That's pretty much the case. They cannot guarantee that the money collected would go directly back into the course. Rather to a "slush fund" where only a small portion of the money would be alloted for the golf course. This is precisely why pay-to-play has not been implemented in the city parks here in Madison. I think on the whole it would be nice to have the extra dollars that pay-to-play can possibly bring. But I also believe that at the grassroots level free disc golf is still an important element for generating new players as well as maintaining some semblence of that original spirt that it's free and easily accessible. Although I believe the evolution of the game is that of a pay-to-play situation becoming much more of a standard practice for various positive benefits.

Jul 29 2006, 09:52 AM
That's why you should consider the successful contractor model used by Snapper Pierson with the city of San Diego at Morley Field. Snapper provides a percentage of profits to the city and he runs the course operation including all of the maintenance and course improvements. The city of Madison would just post a request for proposal for contractors to run a pay-for-play operation so it was open for all comers to bid. I think this is the way to develop PFP partnerships with many public entities. Many of them would prefer not to run the operations since they don't have the expertise to do it, don't want to add the staff, or don't want to take on the financial risk involved.