Jul 31 2006, 04:14 PM
Or was it too much work on us?

Jul 31 2006, 07:45 PM
I'm there, dude.

Well, that's easy for me to say...the only thing I contributed to this Worlds was my $$$

Great job, though, TDSA...this was a VERY well-run operation from start to finish beginning many moons ago when the news was first announced. Tulsa has always been the standard-bearer for disc golf in Oklahoma (at least as long as I've been playing) and this was your finest hour. I knew you guys would put on a heckuva show and this event far exceeded my expectations.

Thanks for all the hard work to the men and women of disc golf's Mecca.

Jul 31 2006, 11:03 PM
Like I said before, this was my first World's...I haven't been playing very long. But I must say that any future World's event that I may attend will have HUGE shoes to fill, whether Am or Pro. The TDSA did a WONDERFUL job putting on an AMAZING event last week! Thanks so much!!!

Aug 02 2006, 01:30 AM
I want another Worlds here so I cant have another shot at winning a title on my home courses. But maybe I would just screw up again... :(

Aug 02 2006, 02:34 AM
:D:D:D:p :p :p :D:D:D

Aug 02 2006, 09:47 PM
please,please,please!!!! ;) :D