Aug 02 2006, 04:27 PM
a buddy of mine wants to join, and i'm trying to remember if it's october or whenever that if you join for 06, that it also makes you current for 07?

of course, we probably won't wait, but i'm curious... thanks

Aug 02 2006, 04:34 PM
i believe sept or after makes you current for the rest of this year and next.

Tell him to wait till then. Foolish to do it now.

Aug 02 2006, 04:36 PM
If you join for the first time in September without having a previous PDGA number, your membership extends thru the following year. By the way, since players know there's a dues increase for 2007, how many of you are paying now to renew for a few years ahead to get the current lower rate?

Aug 02 2006, 04:39 PM
what dues increase? how much I dont remember seeing that any where?? :confused: i like that only 29% of the current members voted for the new board members but 75% of them would like beer sponsors HMMMM

Aug 02 2006, 05:11 PM
$50 for Ams and $75 for Pros in 2007.

Aug 02 2006, 05:15 PM
what dues increase? how much I dont remember seeing that any where?? :confused: i like that only 29% of the current members voted for the new board members but 75% of them would like beer sponsors HMMMM

Terry Calhoun posted about it here ( on 03/18/06.

It's also listed in the 03-01-2006 Meeting Minutes of the Board of Directors (

Aug 02 2006, 05:31 PM
Where can you review the results of the vote?


Aug 02 2006, 05:37 PM
Found it.

Aug 02 2006, 10:37 PM
what dues increase? how much I dont remember seeing that any where?? :confused: i like that only 29% of the current members voted for the new board members but 75% of them would like beer sponsors HMMMM

Terry Calhoun posted about it here ( on 03/18/06.

It's also listed in the 03-01-2006 Meeting Minutes of the Board of Directors (

the very next day i extended lorelei's and my memberships for 5 years,which probably makes us(excluding eagle club members)the last people to get renewal notices :D

Aug 03 2006, 12:29 AM
Is there a change in the Ace Club dues as well ?

Pizza God
Aug 03 2006, 02:16 AM
How about a change in the Eagle Club, I have been thinking about it this next year if sales stay where they are. I will save money in the long run over my Ace Club membership every year.