Sep 13 2006, 10:13 AM
When I looked on Saturday, the advanced players played 1 round where the low score was 100.
Now that I look, those rounds are broken into 2 rounds. 1 round scored about 80, and the other about 20. Yet the 20 (as low as 18) round is rated. How can a round have a rating with scores that low.... unless everyone was acing 3-6 holes and deucing the rest.
Sep 13 2006, 10:38 AM
chuck should have a better answer than me, but the ams played a 35 hole round on saturday, continously with a small lunch break shuttled up to them so they didnt have to leave the course. which isnt an answer to your question, but it may shed some light on the fact it wasnt a regular formatted "round" situation. how they are breaking up the round into two seems strange. chuck?
Sep 13 2006, 12:12 PM
It looks like the one big round of 35 holes was broken up into a round of 27 and a round of 8. The 8 being the temp holes at the bottom.
Sep 13 2006, 01:00 PM
It seems to me a -9 on the 27 hole layout should be rated higher than 1047. Josh broke the course record by two, Steve and Avery broke it by 5. (Avery parked the approximately 1500ft hole 18!). Is this another time when a great round gets lower ratings just because its a 27 hole round?
Sep 13 2006, 01:56 PM
It makes sense. Over 27 holes, 3 strokes is worth 2. Each stroke on a par 58 course is 1.78% of what it takes to shoot par.
Each stroke on a par 87 course is worth 1.15% of what it takes.
The 18 hole stroke is 150% great value than the stroke on the 27 hole course. therefore each stroke should be between 6 and 7 points.
Another way to look at it is the average of all 4 rounds , a stroke is worth about 2 ratings points. same difference.
Sep 13 2006, 08:00 PM
Josh smoked the course, we thought it would be a 1060 round...
his father walked the mountain course right along with him!!
just check out his score against barry and daves....
anyhow, wonderful event, awesome weather, saw 3 moose on the course, awesome prizes, hospitality, etc...
Sep 13 2006, 08:17 PM
Any round reported less than 13 holes long won't get officially rated. I looked at the event upload and at least online, there are some 8 hole rounds. That can be fixed in the TD report before it's sent to PDGA to combine those 8-holers with another round.