Oct 20 2006, 12:26 PM
Oct 20 2006, 12:40 PM
if what i gather is correct, hospitals generally physically operate and make hermaphrodites into one or the other gender because of concerns that our society is / would be unwelcoming towards hermaphrodites.
so maybe whichever gender expression the hospital accentuated at birth should be the determining factor :confused:
Oct 20 2006, 01:11 PM
Moderatros, please delete this thread and ban md21954.
I second that motion there seems to be a lot of kids left unattended here lately,people need to grow up and stop using this discussion board to post thier temper tantrums.
Remove this crap.
No wonder we cant get on ESPN.
Oct 20 2006, 02:25 PM
The response seems to be too one sided to make it worth much debate anyway. :o
Oct 20 2006, 03:23 PM
after reading another thread, i see the poll here is a bit disingenuous. still, it is a chance to point out that denigrating hermaphrodites is gutter politics. i met a hermaphrodite once and didn't believe her when she told me. i asked her what her birth certificate says under "gender." Turns out it says "ambiguous." i didn't believe it and she later showed me. she was also a mother so the operation to remove her male genitalia and accentuate her female genitalia (and the respective sexual traits) obviously worked.
if you use the term hermaphrodite as a joke, remember there are real people out there who were born that way and have enough going against them due to our society's attitudes and don't need your ridicule.
poetic justice might be for those who denigrate hermaphrodites to end up with hermaphrodite offspring (not as punishment but as a learning opportunity) ;)
Oct 20 2006, 03:50 PM
after reading another thread, i see the poll here is a bit disingenuous.
We now have a winner in our Who Is The Most Obtuse Poster on The PDGA Bored Contest. Congratulations Rob on your victory. We have a sweet marble phallic trophy with your name engraved on it for you.
Oct 20 2006, 07:17 PM
[email protected] Moderatur Pleuse BAN this dewd becUASe HE Is stewpid!1!1 I am owtrageesly uffendud by this post.,
We can't get on ESPN? What kind of lame reply is this? You only get your music from MTV also, am I right? I will be very humbled when disc golf has it's debut on ESPN, joining the ranks of some of the best sports programming I have ever seen: Championship Darts, Magic: The Gathering Tournaments, boggle and SCRABBLE! yes. No wonder we can't get on ESPN.
Maybe if we had a hermaphrodite World champion, we'd be on ESPN all day long.
Its a good question, and should the situation every arise we must assume Disc Golf has become mainstream, whereby you should all be kneeling at md21954's feet only to do his bidding.
Oct 20 2006, 08:33 PM
after reading another thread, i see the poll here is a bit disingenuous.
We now have a winner in our Who Is The Most Obtuse Poster on The PDGA Bored Contest. Congratulations Rob on your victory. We have a sweet marble phallic trophy with your name engraved on it for you.
actually i committed the sin of being considerate of the hermaphrodites out there who might actually have an interest in the answer to the title question -- so wouldn't a gullibility award seem more apt? /msgboard/images/graemlins/smirk.gif
Oct 21 2006, 12:53 AM
i didn't believe it and she later showed me.
please clarify that statement...
Oct 21 2006, 06:18 AM
i didn't believe it and she later showed me.
please clarify that statement...
Steady Pat,
I think Rob means the birth certificate...otherwise he's a bigger freak than we've given him credit for up to this point. Maybe QMS has an entirely different meaning for him than the rest of us.
Oct 21 2006, 08:44 PM
i didn't believe it and she later showed me.
please clarify that statement...
i had never met or heard of a human hermaphrodite at the time though i knew it was common in plants. so when she told me that she was born both a boy and a girl i asked her what it said under gender on her birth certificate and she said "ambiguous." i found that strange so later she showed me her birth certificate and indeed it said "gender: ambiguous." i guess when an infant is expressing traits of both males and females in terms of genitalia the gender is ambiguous...
link to info on persons born with "ambiguous" gender (
Oct 22 2006, 11:00 PM
Clearly you need 3 hermaphrodites to hold a division. :eek:
Oct 24 2006, 08:12 AM
I'm a hermaphrodite. I throw like a girl lefty and like a guy with my right hand.
Oct 27 2006, 06:13 PM
It should depend on genetics. Since Hermaphrodity is typically a phenotypical, and not genetic disorder, a hermaphrodite should either have female genes or male genes. The real question is whether or not the PDGA should start genetic testing. It would be contraversial, but we would be on the forefront of sports, since any sport can weed out drug users, but only the PDGA would be able to weed out those with unfair genetic advantages (height over 6'2'', a high concentration of fast twitch muscle fibers, extraordinarily good looks, huge cojones, big hands). Imagine the possibilities...