Oct 23 2006, 11:50 PM
I think you should eliminate Rec but keep the tourny course around as it has the best scoring spread compared to the others. What am I saying I suck on that course KEEP THE WILLY AND POWELL! :D
Oct 24 2006, 10:06 AM
Explain how this will effect the entire field of players, not just the rec/int..
How many rounds will each group play under the different plans?
Oct 24 2006, 10:25 AM
Rec/Int - 2 rounds, 1 Saturday & 1 Sunday
Everyone else - 3 rounds, 2 Saturday & 1 Sunday
Oct 24 2006, 10:51 AM
And the actual number of holes played by everyone, does that change from year's past?
Oct 24 2006, 06:59 PM
Uhh yeah. 54 holes VS 63. Hey Nez if you only do 3 rounds for the Pro divisions you need to at least have a final nine.
Oct 24 2006, 11:53 PM
Matt - the number of rounds for Pro and Advanced fields are not altered by this proposal...the only divisions affected would be the Rec. and Int. fields.
Everyone knows my opinion: :DKeep 3 courses! :D
Too bad that wasn't one of the choices. :(
Oct 24 2006, 11:55 PM
correction: Oops! I guess that is one of the choices (#3) after all...
Now I just can't wait to see what the results of this poll turns out to be.
If we go with (2) 21 hole courses, Pros and Adv will play 63 holes, and Recs and Int would play 42 holes. If we decide to, we might make the Sunday course 24 holes for Pros and Adv and make this 67 holes. We will NOT be doing a final 9.
If we go with (3) courses, it will be 36 holes on Saturday and 24 holes on Sunday (we would shorten Sunday's round to 24 holes vs 27).
This will be a key decision for the next Texas States Meeting. Please spread the word to get any out of towners who normally come, especially Recs & Int, to get in there and vote.
Oct 27 2006, 03:23 PM
I have another poll question suggestion:
Would you be willing to get off your dead#$*&$! and volunteer to help HFDS put on a better than ever TSDGC??
Nez - Put me on the list of strong backs and weak minds willing to help
Nov 01 2006, 12:42 PM
no recs! what a great idea...someone else does that in Round Rock :D
Texas is limited in great events center around the pro and advance player.
When will the movers and shakers of disc golf figure it out...until we showcase our pros will we get pro sponsors.
We continue to show case the am division we will continue to get am sponsors.
Ask yourself why we have no a gallery.
cause we let everyone play the event
Its not that I think there is no room for am players....we were all ams at one time.
trophy only divisions is the next step in moving our sport to division only events
Nov 01 2006, 02:10 PM
Thanks for the input Vinnie!
We'd welcome any Texas States player or spectator to cast a vote in this poll. It only has 1 week to go!
We've got a couple of Texas States planning meetings coming up. The first one will be on Sunday at my place (11/5/2006) at 6pm. We are going to continue the tradition of playing poker after the meeting too! :D The next meeting will be just before the club meeting on Tuesday 11/7/2006 at SRO.
If you are an out-of-towner and interested in Texas States, then I hope you'll consider coming by on Sunday the 5th and sharing your thoughts with us.
Nov 01 2006, 02:31 PM
Or shoot us an email/PM etc. with comments, concerns and a list of new sponsors. :D
If you missed this event last year, sign up early. 2007 is guaranteed to be even better!
Nov 02 2006, 09:20 AM
Uh oh....
Looks like the Sunday meeting has been scrubbed. We're still on for the Tuesday meeting at SROs though. Hope to see you there!
Please vote in the Texas States poll...4 more days until it closes.