Nov 12 2006, 10:37 PM
I was just wondering if anyone has experienced a downfall in there game because of smoking ciggarettes? Also do any of the top pros smoke, i havent seen them smoking in any of the videos so i was just wondering. thanks

Nov 12 2006, 11:27 PM
I was just wondering if anyone has experienced a downfall in there game because of smoking ciggarettes? Also do any of the top pros smoke, i havent seen them smoking in any of the videos so i was just wondering. thanks

Ken Climo is a smoker.


Nov 13 2006, 12:12 AM

Pizza God
Nov 13 2006, 12:28 AM
It bugs the heck out of me when players smoke on the card. I usually try to stand up wind of them or ask them to make sure they are downwind from me when the do smoke.

Nov 13 2006, 01:15 AM
Why don't bust out a cork screw for that huge bottle of WHINE! :p

Nov 13 2006, 09:09 AM
I think cigarettes should be a banned substance it is a vice. when a player is shooting bad the fire up so if beer is not allowed during PDGA events than cigarettes should not be either. :mad:

Nov 13 2006, 09:18 AM
Smoking could be considered a courtesy violation if you want to get techincal.

I don't mind it too much, as long as the smoker is considerate enough not to blow the smoke in my face. However, I get real upset when I hear the lighter clicking when I'm getting ready to throw,

Nov 13 2006, 09:21 AM
I know that Ron Russell smoked when he was at the top of his game. I smoke like they're going to stop making cigarettes tomorrow. Most of the better players I've known, Joel Kelly, Michael Olse from Texas and a few from Michigan smoke.

I have had to stop many rounds to wait for the guys I play with do what they have to do to get into their zone (if you want to call it that). I have never said a word about this because I could care less, so someone had better not tell me that they can't put up with my smoking cigaretts.

I don't think that the horror of a smoker on the same card as a non-smoker could even come close to being placed on a card with one of those players who rapes your ear holes with words all round long against your will.

Smoke em' if you got em' that's what I say!

Nov 13 2006, 10:35 AM
smoke em' if you got em', bum em' from your buddies if you don't.

Nov 13 2006, 12:05 PM
For the reading impaired guys..."does smoking cigarettes affect your game" not whether you like smoking or not...

I don't think smoking <font color="red">HELPS </font>your game nor does it hurt it. I think <font color="blue">IF </font>it did affect your game it would be in high altitudes on extreme courses where you get quite a cardio workout, but even then I don't recall it ever giving me "problems" (immediate ones anyway). Alot of the top guns smoke and alot of them don't.

Nov 13 2006, 12:09 PM
Nicotine withdrawal symptoms are alleviated by lighting up or dropping in a chew. Think jitters...& putting!

Nov 13 2006, 12:20 PM
Smoking can induce a calming effect. If you are wound up about a missed putt, then it does help. I don't smoke and as long as the other players that do, are courteous I don't have a problem with it. On the other hand, if a player asks and someone in the group does not like it or as in the case of my wife is allergic to the smoke then that player should not get mad if asked not to smoke. Courtesy goes both ways.

I know several top pros that smoke and I know a bunch that don't.

I was just wondering if anyone has experienced a downfall in there game because of smoking ciggarettes? Also do any of the top pros smoke, i havent seen them smoking in any of the videos so i was just wondering. thanks

Nov 13 2006, 12:25 PM
If you are wound up about a missed putt, then it does help.

LOL...it doesn't help, believe me :p

Nov 13 2006, 12:48 PM
I've smoked my whole career, and I've always know what the wind is doing! :D

Pizza God
Nov 13 2006, 01:12 PM
players who rapes your ear holes with words all round long against your will.

I will not put up with that either. I have actually corrected people before. I got in the habit at work. I don't let my employee's be potty mouths at my store. I get so use to correcting them, you might find me correcting someone on the disc golf course.

Nov 13 2006, 01:54 PM
one of those players who rapes your ear holes with words

Quote me so I don't sound so gramatically incorrect.

You do have a point regarding getting off course Disctance00. It is all habit. I have played rounds where I find myself not smoking at all. Then I'll go through a pack a round somedays. I believe what's going on in a persons personal life has more bearing on the quality of golf a player has. Thoughout my whole transition from Texas to Michigan, and the dealings of what it was going to take to make the move, my game took a swan dive into a pool of water that was about a foot deep.

I got off course due to seeware's comment. I know how much he likes the beer and he probably knows that I smoke like a chimney. I do not have a problem with beer being drank durring a round, never have. I also agree that cigarettes are worse for a person than alchohol. Shoot I smoked three cigs writing this reply. Well now that I have once again completely gone off track, I'll close by saying that if it comes down to not being able to smoke durring a sactioned event, there is always dip, or nicotine chewing gum.

Smoke em' if you got em', and if no one in close proximity is offended.

Nov 13 2006, 02:00 PM
... Shoot I smoked three cigs writing this reply. ...

You type too slow.

Nov 13 2006, 02:03 PM
... Shoot I smoked three cigs writing this reply. ...

You type too slow.

If you had 3 cigarettes taped together while typing that post, please disregard my response.

Nov 13 2006, 02:07 PM
I type like a two year old, or worse, and I smoke too fast

Nov 13 2006, 02:10 PM
Another thing is that my girl friend does not allow smoking in her apartment so I have to put on my snowmobile suit and go out side everytime I want a cig. :D

Nov 13 2006, 03:20 PM
dang it and I drank 2 beers reading your post. stay warm sudo and know you will be missed at pease minis. later

Nov 20 2006, 07:52 PM
Smoking is officially a warning and disqualifiable offense at any tournament at the only course in Toledo, Ohio as of, I believe, mid-December this year. All public smoking is against the law in Toledo. Still no idea how they'll actually ENFORCE it, but yeah...

Nov 21 2006, 12:49 PM
Smoking is officially a warning and disqualifiable offense at any tournament at the only course in Toledo, Ohio as of, I believe, mid-December this year. All public smoking is against the law in Toledo. Still no idea how they'll actually ENFORCE it, but yeah...

I saw another thread talking about this in SoCal. If cigarette smoking is against park rules, then you can be DQ'd for lighting up (even if your chillin in the park between rounds). As a smoker, this scares the bejesus out of me...I do like to smoke a couple of cigs during a round. If I couldn't smoke, I think my game WOULD suffer. I don't mind rules like "no smoking inside" or within a certain distance of an entrance to a store, resturant, etc, but when Lawmakers start imposing their will when it comes to smoking OUTSIDE, I have a problem with that. Second hand smoke in an enclosed area does have an effect on nonsmokers, but when you're outside, there's no proof that it has any effect. Now don't get me wrong...I am always courteous of other players who are on my card and if they ask me to stay down wind, I most certainly will. It just seems funny to me that there are laws popping up that restrict outside smoking when these same politicians voted down emission restrictions on oil co's and chemical plants because they're in the pocket of the industry (especially in SoCal, the smog capital of the world).

Okay...I'm off my soapbox...back to the thread!

Nov 21 2006, 01:23 PM
Smoking in California is sometimes banned due to high fire danger on courses within the National Forests. It would indeed be a DQable offense to light up on the course in those conditions.

However, Rochester, Minnesota has had a ban on smoking in public parks since 2002.

Nov 22 2006, 11:24 AM
One of the biggest problems I have with smoking is the inevitable litter. I've seen people that would never throw a wrapper on the ground flick a butt on the ground or out their car window without hesitation. I know a lot of smokers, especially disc golfers, are responsible with their butts, but there is always a lot of evidence to the contrary in the form of butts on the ground.

Also, technically smoking grants its addict a competetive advantage: artificial mood control. Smoking regulates the flow of dopamine and neurotransmitters in the user's brain. This could certainly be an advantage in high pressure situations. If you smoke and you want to be a good sportsman, you should smoke only enough during competition to prevent withdrawal :D.

Dec 31 2006, 02:43 PM
During Am Worlds in '05, there was NO SMOKING mandatory on Snowbowl because of fire issues, and if I'm not mistaken, it was frowned upon at all the courses. A good buddy of mine is an avid smoker. He didn't smoke. Several guys on my card were sneaking into the woods to smoke - I think the stress of having to find places to 'sneak off' hurt their game.

My buddy, a 920 rated golfer at the time of worlds, ended up in 26th place - best he's ever played. Coincidence? Possibly...

Dec 31 2006, 05:46 PM
I quit smoking three and a half years ago and second hand smoke bothers me more now than it ever did before I started smoking in the first place. I seem to be able to smell a lit cigarette from about ten miles away, and while I'm playing, it really does negetively effect my game when I smell one burning. I don't know why, but it truly does mess me up. To me it is like if I carried around a bunch of stink bombs and broke one open every-so-often and the scent floats over to the general area of another player's nose on my card as he is about to shoot. Hypathetically, I don't mind the smell of stink bombs so who cares about the other guys on my card.

I applaud the smokers who ask if it's alright to smoke on my card and I will never tell (or ask) them not to if they ask me. I just think it is inconsiderate of people to just light up when it is obvious that there are people out there who it bothers and even adversely effects their game.

I noticed the comments about smoking being banned and made a DQable offense on some courses and in some tourneys. What about smoking pot? I don't remember the last time I played in a tourney, sanctioned or not where there weren't at least 2 people who asked me if it's ok if they smoke up before, during, during, during, during, and after the round. I heard once that using any drugs or alcohol during a PDGA sanctioned event is grounds for lifetime ban? Is that true, and if so, has anyone ever been subject to such discipline? I would like to see more TD's talk about that in the pre tourney meeting. I don't think it gives our sport a very good image, and I think too that it needs to be cleaned up if disc golf ever wants to get any type of serious TV coverage or major sponsorship. Maybe though all of the traditional stoner disc golfers are trying to avoid the mainstreaming of our sport.

I hear a lot of people talking about the youth of disc golf and how excited they are to see young people playing and enjoying the game. I hope that those kids have some responsible people with healthy, legal habits to be influenced by.

Dec 31 2006, 09:44 PM
it seems that in order to keep the game pure, a player shouldnt be allowed to drink anything, eat anything, smoke anything or go to the rest room durning a round. any or all of these things could be considered performance enhancing regardless of their necessity. it would seem that anything that refreshes or relieves a player during the round could be considered, performance enhancing.

Jan 02 2007, 02:26 AM
Cigs are evil.
I dislike them very much

Jan 06 2007, 01:00 AM
Cigs are evil.
I dislike them very much

Especially now that Texas has raised the cigarette tax by a dollar a pack.
Oh yea, and they will use the money for what?

I carry a P.L.D. (personnal liter device) sent to me from Marlboro. It holds approximately 4 butts. I have found that I smoke less now when away from an ashtray. It has not helped my game any though. If I suspect that I am offending someone with smoke during a tournament, then I will move away or put it out.

If I have to quit smoking to play disc golf, I'll probably put in a course just for smokers. We won't miss you or your whining about it but, we can still smoke up the course.

I will continue to respect others and their opinions about smoking but, they should also respect mine.

(I only smoked one cigarette typing this) :cool:

Jan 07 2007, 02:12 PM
[..] I don't mind rules like "no smoking inside" [..] but when Lawmakers start imposing their will when it comes to smoking OUTSIDE, I have a problem with that. [..]

It's no different than laws against drinking alcohol in public, public nudity or any other public-behavior laws. There are hundreds of examples. Lawmakers haven't "started imposing their will" on cigarette smokers, they're simply carrying on a long tradition of establishing legal limits for acceptable public behavior.

As far as affecting a person's game, nicotine can improve mental focus, but if a player is stuck on negatives, then their game won't improve. Fortunately, there are other ways for mental focus that are less deadly than cigarette use. Additionally, smoking reduces the amount of oxygen in the blood, which impairs performance.

Jan 08 2007, 10:53 AM
Tell it. Communism, socialism, mmmmmm..... quit crying and throw the **** disc already!!!

Jan 08 2007, 05:15 PM
30 seconds....

Jan 09 2007, 01:16 AM
Recently I saw John Daly, smoking a cig after his drive and walking down the fairway to his ball, all the while on National TV. This during the finals against Tiger Woods. The commentators did NOT deride him, or comment about this at all or become negative at all. Daly, in the end did miss his putt to push the playoff. Those who don't smoke.........would say that's why.............those who smoke........didn't care why!

It wasn't long ago you could see professional ball golfer's all having a smoke on the playing field while playing.

So, what's going on? Bartender's should all be dying at a higher ratio today than any other population or occupation....but they are not. The largest age population in the US is now over 80 years old......to remind everyone .........they than lived when cigs were smoked on the bus, train, airplane, elevator, in the office and in every restaurant and bar they visited. Now these folks are over 80 and as I said the largest group of people alive.

Ok, sorry for the side track. My point would be NO liberty or legally allowed activity that is allowed during a sanctioned event will satisfy everyone. (John McEnroe - syndrome)

What is allowed will certainly "aggrevate" someone ALL the time! Simply, there is NO ADVANTAGE or disadvantage when doing what is allowed !

But, someone will get a petition and "chip" away at those things that only make THEIR game perfect. That my friends is not courtesy, but one persons idea of competition in order to perfect thier game. Courtesy on the other hand is the rule on the field of play. Cigs &amp; Alcahol are not even in the same league, since after 5 cigs an hour a person can still drive their car ! Ha.

What's next? Passing gas, blowing your nose too much, contacts vs eye glasses being cleaned too much? If the personally allowed habits of any competitive player effects your play............do we change the rules??? Don't take it personally, your habits........and you have them.............bug the crap out of other's too! We all have something we do, wear, smell, shave, hat, shoes, bag, disc's, .....something that if we focus on about other's or personalize can take us OFF our game!

Simply as gentlemen and woman we are to be courteous to our fellow players on the field, that all different diversified competitors can join together on the field of play we ALL have a love and passion for without pre-concieved ideas of our fellow competitors on the field. Neither can we ever underestimate them !

Get mentally tough.....don't make YOUR game personal by convincing YOUR SELF.....that the other person is purposely attempting to disrupt your game! That is the wrong road to travel during a competitive event.

If your there to go through the course in the most economical and least shots...................nobody can stop you, becoming or unleashing the disc golf animal you are.....to being the best player on the field that day!!

All else.........meaningless !


PS. I sincerely voice my opinion here with all sincere respect for all

Jan 11 2007, 11:39 PM
I'll never smoke a cigerette while I am on your card, I prefer Black and Mild Mild's cigars.

Smell a black on your course, It might be me.

ps.I only smoked a quarter-a-cigar ready this entire thread

Jan 12 2007, 02:32 AM
I wouldn't mind my friend !

It's one of those things that I don't ever pay attention to when enjoying a competitive round with fellow disc golfer's!!
