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Nov 20 2006, 01:11 PM
Wise will post how much and what time...

Nov 20 2006, 02:23 PM
The skins match will go down at 1:00pm pn Friday the 24th.

The course for this event will be dicided by the end of tomorrow. As will the divisions and pricing. We will have a Players division and a Poser division. With the Player's division being a $90 entry.

Right now, I'm looking at the Poser division to be either $20 or $36 entry.

Nov 21 2006, 09:34 AM
Skins Match
November 24th
McClure Park 1:00pm

100% Cash Pay Out
Free CTPs
Two Divisions
Players Division Entry $90

This division will consist of at least 6-8 players to a card. Cards will be chosen on a random basis. Players will draw cards to determine who plays on each card.

Poser Division Entry $20
This division will consist of at least 6-8 players to a card. Cards will be chosen on a random basis. Players will draw cards to determine who plays on each card.

This will be a single round match of 18 holes. All PDGA rules apply. All tied or capped holes will be carried over to the next hole. In the event that there are holes that have been carried through hole 18, a sudden death play off for those skins will be started on hole #1. Any player not matching the best score on a sudden death play off hole will be eliminated from the match. This will continue until a single player wins all of the carried skins. To help with the speed of play, any player that cannot win or cap the hole shall pick up and move to the next hole. The winner of any skin(s) shall have the right to choose his order of play on the next hole. He can choose to tee off in the first position or the tee off in the last position.

The Poser division may be raised to a $36 entry, if the posers from that division wish to raise it from $20.

For Information
David Wise
[email protected]

Nov 21 2006, 09:39 AM
last year i won nothing
but a great time in the park
see you then

Nov 21 2006, 09:54 AM
What????....No free beer?????....Last year we had free beer. :(...

Nov 21 2006, 10:08 AM
Fine, I'll bring beer. The avalanche will be loaded on both sides this year.

There, all better now? :o

Nov 21 2006, 01:37 PM
McClure is winning?


Count me out....I can't remember the last time I shot par out there.

Nov 21 2006, 01:41 PM
McClure stinks for skins

McClure=few winners
Mohawk=many winners

Nov 21 2006, 01:42 PM
I like either Dovillio or RedHawk.

Nov 21 2006, 02:25 PM
i think one of you hackers fixed the vote

Nov 21 2006, 02:27 PM
If it is 6-8 players per card there is no reason we can't do BlackHawk. Like Dave said, if a player shoots himself out of a hole just pick up your disc and move on to the next tee.


Nov 21 2006, 02:37 PM

Does this mean Im classifed in the "The Poser division"?? :D

WTH is a Poser? :)

Nov 21 2006, 02:38 PM
i think one of you hackers fixed the vote

McClure will only put out a few "winning" holes:

1 push
2 push
3 probable push
4 push
5 possible skin
6 push
7 push
8 possible skin
9 push
10 push
11 probable push
12 push
13 push
14 push
15 push
16 push
17 possible skin
18 possible skin (long)


1 possible skin
2 push
3 possible skin
4 possible skin
5 possible skin
6 probable push
7 probable push
8 probable push
9 possible skin
10 possible skin
11 push
12 possible skin
13 probable push
14 possible skin
15 probable push
16 possible skin
17 probable push
18 possible skin

Nov 21 2006, 02:41 PM

Does this mean Im classifed in the "The Poser division"?? :D

WTH is a Poser? :)


n. A wannabee; not hacker slang, but used among crackers, phreaks and warez d00dz. Not as negative as lamer or leech. Probably derives from a similar usage among punk-rockers and metalheads, putting down those who "talk the talk but don't walk the walk

Nov 21 2006, 03:08 PM
Who is off tomorrow?

Nov 21 2006, 03:45 PM
I'm taking half a off by noon.

Nov 21 2006, 03:57 PM
Call me when you get off I'll be at the casa!

Nov 21 2006, 04:01 PM
Affirmative, 10-4, Roger wit a Big Copy.

Nov 21 2006, 04:05 PM
We could start an early happy hour. :D:D:D

Nov 21 2006, 08:50 PM
WORD :cool:

Nov 22 2006, 06:34 AM
Hey Im off also, If you want someone else to play with also.

Don't really care where you play. Just give me a a few hours ahead time to get ready.

Nov 22 2006, 09:54 AM
McClure stinks for skins

McClure=few winners
Mohawk=many winners

I don't dissagree with that statement, how ever the voting shows McCLure as the favorite. Personally I would like Blackhawk.
Now for McClure producing few winners, I can't complain, I have been one of those.
So Kevin, are you still upset about shooting a -10 at McClure and not winning one skin? :o

I would be more than happy about moving it to blackhawk but I'm afraid it will severly limit the number of players, as a lot of guys just won't show up for that course. Mainly the Poser division.

A suggestion, the posers could play McClure and the Players could go to Black hawk?

Sorry all of this hasn't been nailed down before now, I just haven't been into anything that takes planning lately. Besides it wasn't but a very short time ago that the skins match was just meet at McClure and we play a dollar per hole, now it's like it has to be this great organized event.

I'm up for what ever you guys want to do, it really doesn't matter where I take your money. :D

And for Assmonkeys prediction of what holes produce skins, I won 5 skins on 13 and 5 skins on 15 at McClure. Kind of blows that prediction. :o

I will be out at THE course around 12:30 - 1:00

Nov 22 2006, 10:05 AM
who cares what the VOTE you think 35 people are going to show up? NO..... so the vote has no merit if the guys who voted aren't going to play ;)


Nov 22 2006, 10:13 AM
Personally I don't give a crap where we play, the money still spends the same.

If you guys want Blackhawk, then announce the change and get the word out. I can do a flyer to put up at McClure changing the location and have someone at McClure around 12-12:30 to inform anyone that shows up at McClure that they need to go to Mohawk.


I won enough yesterday to buy each of my kids one shoe, so I need some of your money so each of them can have a pair of new shoes. ;)

Nov 22 2006, 10:20 AM
Kenny Avalanche, This is what happens when you let your little head do the thinkin for the big head. Kevin and the Monkey are right. As "King of the Posers" I am the only one that voted for Red Hawk but I think Black Hawk will work just as well. I played at McClure last year and it is very predictable. :p....Hell even White Hawk could work for us "Posers". :)

Nov 22 2006, 10:22 AM


Nov 22 2006, 10:25 AM
Screw McClure. :p

Nov 22 2006, 10:32 AM
Then its done! Good suggestion.

Posers will play White Hawk and the Players will be on Blackhawk.

Thanksgiving Skins Match
November 24th, Mohawk Park 1:00pm

Two Divisions
100% Cash Pay Out
Players Division Entry $90
Mohawk Black

This division will consist of at least 6-8 players to a card. Cards will be chosen on a random basis. Players will draw cards to determine who plays on each card.

Poser Division
Mohawk White
Entry $20
This division will consist of at least 6-8 players to a card. Cards will be chosen on a random basis. Players will draw cards to determine who plays on each card.

This will be a single round match of 18 holes. All PDGA rules apply. All tied or capped holes will be carried over to the next hole. In the event that there are holes that have been carried through hole 18, a sudden death play off for those skins will be started on hole #1. Any player not matching the best score on a sudden death play off hole will be eliminated from the match. This will continue until a single player wins all of the carried skins. To help with the speed of play, any player that cannot win or cap the hole shall pick up and move to the next hole. The winner of any skin(s) shall have the right to choose his order of play on the next hole. He can choose to tee off in the first position or the tee off in the last position.

For Information
David Wise
[email protected]

Nov 22 2006, 10:41 AM
Thanks Kenny. Anytime you need lessons on how to run a fun and successful event, let me know. :cool:

Don't forget to bring the free beer. If you need any advice on that then just consult Thong or Commish because those guys have lots of experience in the proper mixture of hops, barley, and yeast. /msgboard/images/graemlins/smirk.gif

Nov 22 2006, 10:44 AM

Good call :D

the camera guy
Nov 22 2006, 11:14 AM
happy thanksgiving to all

Nov 22 2006, 11:17 AM
Oh....and Dave. Don't forget to bring Julie and the horse. Last time they were out there the horse pooped all over the course and that seemed to bring you luck and be a distraction to everyone else. :D

The horse can also carry the beer and Julie can be the official "Beer" girl and keep us "Posers" well lubricated as we are "whacking" off one tree to the next. ;)

Nov 22 2006, 12:12 PM
Lets move the time too!because the HOGS play at 1:30.Like 12:00 ;)

Nov 22 2006, 12:22 PM
So Kevin, are you still upset about shooting a -10 at McClure and not winning one skin? :o

lol..yeah I think I shot a -4 down and got $660.00!!!

Aleksey Bubis #22722
Nov 22 2006, 02:28 PM

Nov 22 2006, 07:05 PM
I don't remember that word coming out of your mouth when he won $660.00 :p,and I swear I was trying to hit that one putt. /msgboard/images/graemlins/smirk.gif

Nov 22 2006, 07:17 PM
Happy Thanksgiving all :D, have fun tomorrow, wish I could make it. :(

Nov 23 2006, 04:34 AM
Furdogs ready to play.

Big Easy
Nov 23 2006, 11:01 AM
Gotta work again.
I have looked for every way out....
other than quitting... its just not gonna happen :p
Have fun guys looks like great weather.
D.P. :D

Big Easy
Nov 23 2006, 11:02 AM
that would be unless you are changin the time...

Nov 23 2006, 07:43 PM
I have no choice but to miss the Thankgsgiving Skins match. :(
I really want to be there, but the Razorback in me mandates that I sit in my recliner and watch the 9:30 am basketball game against Marist, and the 1:30 pm football game against LSU.
If I could get one of you to Tivo my 18 holes of Skins, I'd be able to do both.
Maybe technology will allow that one day... :D

Nov 23 2006, 08:25 PM
You have a choice, you just made it. ;)

Nov 23 2006, 10:06 PM
...and if you choose not to decide, you still have made a choice! :cool:

Hogs win?

Nov 23 2006, 10:59 PM
You have a choice, you just made it. ;)

I had a blast at last year's Tulsa Thanksgiving Skins, and there are very few things that would have kept me from being there this year.

I don't have to work tomorrow, and it wouldn't ruin my son's Christmas if his Dad got "skinned" for $90.00.
My car runs well enough to make it there, and back, on the gas that is already in the tank.
It also has current tags, registration, and insurance.
I'm in good physical health.
Emotionally, I'm doing pretty good for a guy who is three days away from the nine-year anniversary of the death of his wife, and (over) three years into his legal battle with Arvest Bank.
I feel good enough about my game to think that I'd have a good shot at winning some $$$ tomorrow.
The weather will be incredible, and I like the idea of doing it at Blackhawk.
Many of my very best disc golf friends will be there.
Exclusive of events that occurred during any of the 6 trips I took to Amsterdam (1998-2001), nothing could give me more joy than winning money from Wise, or Watson.
I've never had a better reason, or a better opportunity, to attend a one-day event in Tulsa.

However, if I went, I'd feel like I made a choice to miss the birth of my child, or to not attend a relative's funeral, or to blow off a best friend's wedding.

I have no choice... :D

Nov 24 2006, 08:36 AM
Anyone have a Discraft Elite Z Talon they wouldnt mind getting rid of?

Big Easy
Nov 24 2006, 10:18 AM
Yeah Sure you want a ghost stamp first run???
Or just a plano opaque,
I have several just sittin on the shelf PM me.
OH and have a great day guys weather looks great.
D.P. :D

Nov 24 2006, 10:45 AM
sounds cool to me but why does it have to be a black or white thing
let me hear you say black power

Nov 24 2006, 11:39 AM
I'm playing poser div due to low funds...wish I could play for the big bucks on Black.

Nov 24 2006, 12:41 PM
$90 is waaaay high, especially for those with kids, and being this close to Christmas. Looks like Posers would be the way to go, I don't blame you Mike. You guys enjoy, someone post the outcome of both divisions soon after you're done, please and thank you. :D

Nov 24 2006, 01:00 PM
I'm playing poser div due to low funds...wish I could play for the big bucks on Black.

Cooners is playing Poser Div.. Well theres goes my any chance of being a under dog and winning it all. :( :mad:

Nov 24 2006, 01:06 PM

Cooners is playing Poser Div.. :( :mad:

what ?
conners is a poser
sweet just a little more money for me
jay :cool:

Nov 24 2006, 05:11 PM
... from whut I heard :
... in the big-buck$ Division :
... Cris Hicks (1 skin) = $35
... Devan Owens (1 skin) = $35
... Chris wagle (5 skins) = $175
... now who would you guess took the "Lions-Share" of the Skins ? ...
... I'll give ya three guesses (first-two-don't-count) ...
... David Wise (11 skins) = $385 ...

Nov 24 2006, 08:23 PM
Offical Results

Poser Division

Wayne gregory
Brad VonAschen
Joe Blackwell
Justin Bougher $7
Scott Schumacher $7
Mike Conners $14
Dan Bougher $21
Johnny Thompson $28
Dave Nicholson $28
Mike Treat $28
Sal Felanto $35
Jay Slack $49
Andrew Treat $56

Player Division

Kelly Watson
Joe Rotan
Kevin McCoy
Devan Owen $35
Cris Hicks $35
Chris Wagel $175
Dave Wise $385 :D

As always it was a blast, I look forwrd to next year or this new years.
Thanks to all that came out, it was a great day out.

And The Fabulas FurDoogo gets his feet wet with his first skin. :Dand the Opie & Andy show nets 13 skins in the Poser division. :D

Nov 24 2006, 09:57 PM
Lefties Rule!!! :D

Nov 24 2006, 10:27 PM
there i was looking at 3 on hole 14. 12ft from the largest skins collection on our card, tree in front therfore i must straddle,aim fire off to the right, booo hisss choke to much pressure. now ive got to learn the straddle. congrats to all the players and posers, it was a great day for golf with friends thanks to all.

Nov 24 2006, 10:39 PM
Looks like Slack did take some of Conner's money... :D

Nov 24 2006, 10:44 PM
looks that way but the kitty was divided by two cards one had slack and the other had the commish

Nov 24 2006, 11:23 PM
I had a great time!

First, I got to see all my Tulsa/OKC/Arkansas friends.

Second I had a blast playing my favorite course of all time BLACKHAWK!

Third, I got to see Big Dave nail a birdie from what had to be 175ft. away. Nice shot buddy!

Fourth, I got to play with my dad.

Fifth, I nailed a birdie putt on hole 15 from about 2 and 1/2 feet behind hole 16's teepad! :eek: Which pushed me up to 8 skins.

Sixth, I got to see my dad win an overtime hole for his only skin action! :D

All and all it was one of those days that keeps you coming back. They are not all like that.....

Big Easy
Nov 25 2006, 12:22 AM
... from whut I heard :
... in the big-buck$ Division :
... Cris Hicks (1 skin) = $35
... Devan Owens (1 skin) = $35
... Chris wagle (5 skins) = $175
... now who would you guess took the "Lions-Share" of the Skins ? ...
... I'll give ya three guesses (first-two-don't-count) ...
... David Wise (11 skins) = $385 ...

That's the headline how on earth did he win 11 skins.
Somebodys gotta fill in the detail.

As for me I was instrumental in helping about 2,000 guests
see the "wonderland of lights" christmas lights display @ woolaroc.
Long day 13 hours.
Any golf planned for tommorrow ?
D.P. :D

Nov 25 2006, 10:07 AM
How on earth you ask? What, you question my game dale?

We started on hole 3, pushed then on hole 4 McCoy and Wagel park their drives, how ever the controversy was that we looked for Wagels disc for about 4-5 minutes, this is what Kev is upset about, he didn't say anything while we were looking, just after. He tought Chris should have been declared a lost dist, I disagree, had the situation been reversed, we would have looked for his just as hard. Any way, hole 5 pushed and on 6, I made about a 50-60ft putt, I thought someone else was parked, only afte,r did I discover I just won 4 skins. :D

Hole 7 belonged to Cris Hicks, Wagel won 1 skin on 8 and 4 skins on 12, when Watson missed a 20ft putt.
14 through 1 were carried and on hole 2, now get this Dale......
I'm a leftie and I'm the only one that hit the hole for a 2, Watson again, missed a 20-25ft putt or we all would have gone to play off for the 7 skins on 17, 18, 1,then 2.
Trust me, I was more than happy with the 4 skins I won and would have never thought I would win on hole 2 against the group of righties that I was playing with. I was just hoping to get in the playoff.

But its skins, you don't have to be good, just lucky :D
and hope everyone else in the group misses thier putt. :o:D

Nov 25 2006, 11:57 AM
Yeah, I'm glad I snuck out of work to catch this years skins, it was beautiful golf weather and cool friends which always add up to a good time. Team Treat DOMINATED our card!!! MONSTER putt on 15 by Andrew and MONSTER drive on hole 1 in the playoff. GREAT JOB GUYS!! I never thought that 175 footer I hit on hole 4 for the 2 would've been my only skins, but then again, who would've thought there would be 3 3's on hole 10 and 12!! There was some nice golf being played on every hole by somebody. GOOD TIMES!!

Nov 25 2006, 12:15 PM
I had a lot of fun, thanks for putting it on, Dave. I regret missing 2 putts I should have made, oh well that's golf.

Yeah McCoy was pretty hacked off after the round...not sure if i've ever seen Kev that disgruntled. But he did have a good point, if PDGA rules apply then the disc should have been declared lost.

Nov 25 2006, 12:36 PM
I had a lot of fun, thanks for putting it on, Dave. I regret missing 2 putts I should have made, oh well that's golf.

Yeah McCoy was pretty hacked off after the round...not sure if i've ever seen Kev that disgruntled. But he did have a good point, if PDGA rules apply then the disc should have been declared lost.

Bad situation.

Usually I get stuck in these situations, I guess I had some good karma or something... :D...but I say lost disc. :(

Very fun round. I wish we could have dipped into the TD supplies, but I saw solid golf all day despite it.

Big Dave was downplaying his shot on hole 4 by the way. He threw his trusty red putter on a hyzer from about a nautical mile away

.....and it floated a little in the wind....

.....and it carried....

...and it carried.........

....then Big Dave was like COME ON!...


Shot of the day I think. :D

Nov 25 2006, 12:42 PM
Nice shot, Big Nic...shot of the day fo shizzle. I only wish I could have seen it.

Nov 25 2006, 05:33 PM
Well 6 out of 7 saw it differently. /msgboard/images/graemlins/smirk.gif

Nov 25 2006, 07:16 PM
Nice ;) :D

Nov 25 2006, 07:17 PM
Evidently, I had 13 at NS yesterday. Could not come to T-Town. :eek:

Nov 25 2006, 09:11 PM
Wow, I really wish I could have played this. Sounds like a ton of fun. I may have to get one of these events going on down here at Z-Boaz or Cedar Hill.

I was gonna come to the OO until I messed up my back before VPO. I hope to get up there to play an event soon.


Nov 26 2006, 01:30 AM
I have been talking about it up here in STL and they look at me like I am looney. $90 is a very dividable number. It takes b*lls to put up the cash and believe. :p

Nov 26 2006, 11:32 AM
If people aren't down with $90 in your area, just do $20 and holes 9 and 18 are worth 2 skins. It's alot more affordable and just as much, if not more fun.

Nov 26 2006, 04:45 PM
Wagle won 12 and13 not 12 and 8. Eight was Devan's only skin.

Also I see where Kevin is coming from as far as the lost disc on hole 4, but nobody spoke up so it was played and rightly so.

He said that he didn't win any skins b/c he was angry about that. He is the best player in Tulsa and one of the most experienced. His whole career he has been developing his mental game for just such an occasion. More so in skins than any other way of playing you have to play each hole by itself, and Wise and Wagle shouldn't be subject to complaining of a rules violation 1 hour after the hole was completed.

Nov 26 2006, 04:50 PM
Wagle won 12 and13 not 12 and 8. Eight was Devan's only skin.

Also I see where Kevin is coming from as far as the lost disc on hole 4, but nobody spoke up so it was played and rightly so.

He said that he didn't win any skins b/c he was angry about that. He is the best player in Tulsa and one of the most experienced. His whole career he has been developing his mental game for just such an occasion. More so in skins than any other way of playing you have to play each hole by itself, and Wise and Wagle shouldn't be subject to complaining of a rules violation 1 hour after the hole was completed.

I think this is done.

Nov 26 2006, 06:32 PM
Wagle won 12 and13 not 12 and 8. Eight was Devan's only skin.

Also I see where Kevin is coming from as far as the lost disc on hole 4, but nobody spoke up so it was played and rightly so.

He said that he didn't win any skins b/c he was angry about that. He is the best player in Tulsa and one of the most experienced. His whole career he has been developing his mental game for just such an occasion. More so in skins than any other way of playing you have to play each hole by itself, and Wise and Wagle shouldn't be subject to complaining of a rules violation 1 hour after the hole was completed.

I think this is done.

done like the poke's season, Treat?

Nov 27 2006, 10:12 AM
I think we still have a Bowl game left....

Then it's off to Basketball :cool:

Nov 27 2006, 10:34 AM
It's done, but I still get a chance to give my side of the story

I Didn't say anything? You must have selective hearing. What do you mean I didn't say anything? I said REALLY? when Wagle was putting, I said it was BS before I putted and after I tapped in I said "I guess we are only playing by the rules when it benefits you guys" on the way to the next tee. And while I was standing on 5's tee pad I said something about it. And I said something about it on every other hole after that.

It was Joe or Keldog that said 3 minutes a little prematurly and it was WISE that said "NO we HAVE to find this"
and it wasn't 4 or 5 minutes it was closer 7 or 8 minutes and it was closer to 10 minutes than 3 minutes. So there is NO DOUBT in anyones mind that it was longer than the alloted time.

In your announcement of the skins it says in your post on this thread that "ALL PDGA RULES APPLY" Why did I have to make a stink about it and speak up? Everyone in the group knows that we looked for it longer than 5 minutes. Why didn't WAGLE say it's been well over 3 minutes, this doesn't count? WHY? I'll tell you why because it benefited everyone in the group not say anything about it. So everyone in that group decided to do the wrong thing because it benefited them, which is pretty disappointing.

WAGLE told me 2 times after the fact, that if we were playing by PDGA rules it wouldn't have been a birdie, it would have been lost disc. I was under the impression that WISE put down as the rules of play when he announced it but I guess he should have stated the rules are PDGA unless they benefit the group and we get to stick it to Kev.

The fact of the matter is the WISE got to stick it to me...that's what he lives for...You did it WISE you stuck it to me HA HA HA

Wise, take that $70 and go get ya a tube steak and choke on it.

Nov 27 2006, 10:36 AM
i love it
i think we have a bowl game /msgboard/images/graemlins/smirk.gif
who cares are football team has let us down so many times they will most likely loose the game and have all the goober poke fans will be calling in saying how mush gundy has are team going in the right direction

thank god for basketball
go pokes

Nov 27 2006, 10:58 AM
It's done, but I still get a chance to give my side of the story

I Didn't say anything? You must have selective hearing. What do you mean I didn't say anything? I said REALLY? when Wagle was putting, I said it was BS before I putted and after I tapped in I said "I guess we are only playing by the rules when it benefits you guys" on the way to the next tee. And while I was standing on 5's tee pad I said something about it. And I said something about it on every other hole after that.

It was Joe or Keldog that said 3 minutes a little prematurly and it was WISE that said "NO we HAVE to find this"
and it wasn't 4 or 5 minutes it was closer 7 or 8 minutes and it was closer to 10 minutes than 3 minutes. So there is NO DOUBT in anyones mind that it was longer than the alloted time.

In your announcement of the skins it says in your post on this thread that "ALL PDGA RULES APPLY" Why did I have to make a stink about it and speak up? Everyone in the group knows that we looked for it longer than 5 minutes. Why didn't WAGLE say it's been well over 3 minutes, this doesn't count? WHY? I'll tell you why because it benefited everyone in the group not say anything about it. So everyone in that group decided to do the wrong thing because it benefited them, which is pretty disappointing.

WAGLE told me 2 times after the fact, that if we were playing by PDGA rules it wouldn't have been a birdie, it would have been lost disc. I was under the impression that WISE put down as the rules of play when he announced it but I guess he should have stated the rules are PDGA unless they benefit the group and we get to stick it to Kev.

The fact of the matter is the WISE got to stick it to me...that's what he lives for...You did it WISE you stuck it to me HA HA HA

Wise, take that $70 and go get ya a tube steak and choke on it.

How is it that I stuck it to you, when there was 5 others besides me. I was only one player out of seven, but I guess since I collected the money and paid it back out, in your eyes that makes me the fall guy. :(
I didn't think we looked more than 4-5 minutes, the card right behind us wasn't even in sight and I didn't hear you make any comment about the time, not that you didn't, just that I didn't hear it.
I told you in the beginning that I didn't care how we did it, anyone of you could have stepped up to run this thing and you're more than welcome to run it next year or anytime you want.
As for wanting to stick it to you, you give yourself way too much credit, I would much rather stick it to Devan or some others before you. The other fact you seem to miss, is that your putt was off all day, you know it and so do I. If it was off the rest of the match due to the situation on hole 4, then I'd say your mental game needs some more work.

Just remember, there were 5 others on that card besides me and I don't see you biatching about them, but I'll tell you what, If you want, I'll play you straight up for your $90 entry fee and we'll see if your putt is any better. ;)
Choke on that. :o

Nov 27 2006, 11:21 AM
I'm disappointed in all those other 5 becuase they all know the rules too.

We all know that it was well over 3 minutes and a rule is a rule. If a disc goes in the water it's no doubt OB. That is what it says in the rule book. If a disc isn't found within the alloted 3 minutes it's lost. case closed like disc in water is OB.

Since it benefited the others in the group they weren't going to say anything. The reason I'm #$*&$! at you is that you were running the thing, you set up the rules we were to play by, and you decided that the rules weren't in effect as soon as it benefited you.

It wasn't my putt that was off it was my head...It was very dissapointing when 5 people I would have thought were my friends would let something that was very obvious like this slide by just because it was to their benefit, instead of doing the right thing.

Nov 27 2006, 11:49 AM
Well you were obviously watching the time closer than I was, I really didn't think we looked that long and I didn't hear anything about it, not selective hearing, I just didn't hear it. Nor, did I hear Wagel say it sould have been declared lost.

Trust me, you have played with me long enough to know, I don't intentionally try to screw anyone on the rules or have I ever tried to screw you over. I just wasn't paying that close of attention, hell, I didn't even know I won the 4 skins until after everyone started walking off the hole.

As for me running the thing, I guess since I collected the money, it makes it my event. As for the flyer posted, all of the info was from the previous year, but yes, it does say all PDGA Rules, as it is every time we play, doesn't matter if its for a $.25 or $50. Sorry if you feel I dicked you over but beating you wasn't even in my mind. I was out there to have fun like everyone else. I wasn't talking crap or being a smartass, I was just enjoying the round.

But if you want a shot at that $70, just let me know. ;)

Nov 27 2006, 12:01 PM
I'll take that money from you, old fart. :p /msgboard/images/graemlins/smirk.gif :D

Nov 27 2006, 12:10 PM
Sure, I'll play you for the whole $7 that you won. :o

Nov 27 2006, 12:14 PM
I didn't think we looked more than 4-5 minutes, the card right behind us wasn't even in sight and I didn't hear you make any comment about the time, not that you didn't, just that I didn't hear it.

I was on the card behind you guys...once you guys jumped in front of us on hole 3 we never saw you again.

The craziest thing that happened to us was on hole 6 when J. Bougher missed a 15 foot push putt and Jeremiah missed a 2 foot push putt :o:o. A. Treat was about the same distance as Jeremiah was and it was practically a drop in putt, nice shot Andrew!!

Nov 27 2006, 12:19 PM
After this weekend I'm officially New & Improved !!!!

I cleared the lake with a "skipper" off the water so from now on you can call me The Devine Furdog since I have now officially walked on water. :o

I could have won it all but I think the guys on my card really needed the money more than me so I consider it an early holiday donation to charity. Maybe a few of them won't have to live in a van..... down by the RIVER!!! anymore. ;)

Big Easy
Nov 27 2006, 12:39 PM
From what I have been told wagle's shot was not somewhere way off in the schule.
It was a good shot that took a long time to find because of all of the leaves that were out there.
It looks like the group flexed on the rule because of that.

Usually if you are the one to make the penalty call on a deal like this...
people usually get #$*&$! off at you. :mad::mad::mad:
(nothing to you CW)

I am not saying that anyone is wrong...
I don't know if I would have done anything differently if I were there :o

I can UNDERSTAND giving more time due to the situation

Now is it right to do that ???
According to the PDGA rules? NO :mad:

Does this rule inconsistenly or randomly penalize good shots on a leaf filled course?
Yes :(

Are the PDGA rules perfect yet???
NO :(

What would be a better rule in this situation???
Suggestions !!! :confused:
D.P. :p

Nov 27 2006, 01:00 PM
His shot was only 12ft from the basket but everyone was looking in the schule. ;)

Nov 27 2006, 01:29 PM
Everyone was looking in the schule because that is where the disc was going, (It made the corner but it was stabling out heading for the woods) but it must of hit a magical tree and magically rolled to where it was. I saw the shot, and where it ended up, wasn't where it should have been. There is a .0000001% slight suspicion that is was shadily dropped when everyone was in the schule looking, because where it was found was too obvious and we all walked over the spot it was found several times.

I'm not accusing anything, cuz I've seen starnger things happen, I'm just saying it ended up in a very generous spot

Nov 27 2006, 01:31 PM

Nov 27 2006, 01:44 PM
Not accusing anyone?

Just the suggestion is an accusation, I'm surprised you can see to type through all those tears. :o

Time limt, magical spot, shadily dropped, they were all out to get me, my head wasn't in it...............

I ordered you a present today, it should be in in a few days.

Nov 27 2006, 01:51 PM
The last little bit of respect I had for you is all gone.

go hug a nut between your cheek and gum!

Nov 27 2006, 02:09 PM
i must say that furdogs skip out of the lake was a great shot
i could not believe it
but even better was his 80 - 100 foot putt for birdie and to win a hole 13 i think
the skins game was cool for me we only had one argument on are card and i thought dan had won the skin but with more that 4 on a card it is hard to know what everybody is shooting or how long we are looking

Nov 27 2006, 02:18 PM
Here you go Dave. You can start with my nut. :cool:

Nov 27 2006, 02:33 PM
The other side of Kenny Avalanche.....

Nov 27 2006, 02:37 PM
Our card never had a situation where we looked for a disc for more than 3 minutes, I do know that everyone on our card knew that PDGA rules were in effect.

I'm not referring to the skins situation but just because there are leaves on the ground does not mean you can increase the time limit searching for a lost disc...even if you find the disc after time has expired it's too late because once it's ruled lost the player is forced to take a penalty stroke and re-throw.

Nov 27 2006, 02:38 PM
I have to agree with Kev. Everyone should have said it's been past the allotted time. It's strange how time seems not to matter in certain situations....skins. I don't blame Dave though, even though it was "his" event. The other guys didn't have the nutzz to call it out either. Kev, YOU should have made a big deal out of it when it happened, but hindsight is 20/20. When it happened to me in a tourney, I called the other 3 guys on the card as many names related to "puzzie" that I could think of, out loud and in their faces, they knew what I thought about the situation. It didn't change anything, but they knew. Sucks for crap like this even to happen, if folks would have some INTEGRITY, we'd be discussing how bad Conners whooped my asp in FF this past weekend. :D

Nov 27 2006, 02:43 PM
The last little bit of respect I had for you is all gone.

go hug a nut between your cheek and gum!

Now, I'm hurt. :(

Having you respect me was what kept me going.
As I have said before, I don't give a crap. Nothing was done to intentionaly inflict anything towards you, from any of the players on our card, beleive it or not.

I have tried to explain to you what happened as I remember it, but I see from your remarks that disagreeing with the Great McCoy is just not acceptable.

****, and I thought Barry left after the Double O. :o
Respect that!

Nov 27 2006, 03:27 PM
C'mon now, does Kev not deserve a little more respect than that? He obviously felt wronged about the situation and he does have a legitimate point.

Maybe we should handout rule books with the scorecards from now on :p

In all seriousness the skins subject should be probably be was a situation full of trikery, we can use this as a learning experience for next time.

just my 02.

Nov 27 2006, 03:30 PM

Face it. You are only in it for yourself. You never wanted to give any of that money to anyone and that's why you didn't have any change to pay out us "Posers". Your TD skills suck. :p.....

Next time, bend over and let Rover take over. :cool:

Nov 27 2006, 03:34 PM
MC I'm done with it, it never was about the money, and Dave couldn't help himself from making it sophomoric and make it his goal to stick it to me with ridicule.

You got me again! HA HA HA

Conners: Shoot me a PM with your contact details for the Course Directory for MOHAWK

Nov 27 2006, 04:40 PM
next skins game
colorado rules

Nov 27 2006, 04:42 PM
McConners, as for the situation being full of trickery, thats just BS!
You weren't there, drop it.

Nov 27 2006, 04:54 PM
I pointed out the rule for a lost disc, that's all...consider it dropped.

Nov 27 2006, 05:19 PM

Now, let me ask you if you drank a beer during the skins round?

If so, you are disqualified under the PDGA rules. :D
Please turn in your money. ;)

Nov 27 2006, 05:22 PM

Nov 27 2006, 05:30 PM

Now, let me ask you if you drank a beer during the skins round?

Does it count it the beer came from the TD's cooler?

Nov 27 2006, 05:46 PM
No, it was legal in the cooler before the round, still in my truck during the round and opened back up after the round. It would only be against the rules for those that drank during the round. :D

Nov 27 2006, 06:05 PM
What would be a better rule in this situation???
Suggestions !!! :confused:
D.P. :p

1) Screw the PDGA rules.
2) Always use "Furdog" rules.
3) Don't let Wise TD.
4) Play with people that are just as stoned as you are.
5) Bring a leaf blower with you.
6) Immediately upon arriving at the place of the missing disc, play the theme from the Jeopardy Bonus round.
7) Consult the "8 Eight" for the location of the disc.
8) Ask "The Red Haired One". He knows everything.
9) Have sensors that will trip "Bouncing Betties" after 3min.
10) Install a "Clapper" on your disc before you throw.

Anytime you "Grasshoppers" want to know a better way of doing something......just ask me. ;)

Nov 27 2006, 06:45 PM
8) Ask "The Red Haired One". He knows everything.

Finally I am getting some credit.

It is tough knowing everything... :(

And playing dumb with the golfer crowd is so boring...

If only there was some other mastermind in the club...

...where is Doc Doom? :D:D

:confused: :D

Nov 27 2006, 07:03 PM
I only put that in there to bring you out of the hole you've been hiding in since last Saturday. My list doesn't really apply to you because I imagine your hair is still spray painted "orange" for the big game. :o......Maybe you should try that new shampoo called "Heads and Losers", ..... though I'm sure by now the whole town of Stillwater is sold out. :o:cool:

By the way, ....stay away from Doc. Even he has his standards. :p :D

Nov 27 2006, 08:33 PM
I dont even know where to begin ......but first Kev dont ever think we was tring to disrespect you in anyway.
And I did say somethig about PDGA rules after we both putted out....but what about all the other violations like beer, or the fact that plp including me where flipping their disc instead of using mini markers. That is when i made the comment about rules. But if the situation was reversed and it was your disc we were looking for, wise and everyone else in the group would have done the same thing. So dont take it as a stab at you pesonally :confused:
Now as far as the disc being found. You have played with me enough times that i might have a falling putt or 2 but i sure as HELL dont drop disc by the basket and that accusation is BS. ALL OF US R YOUR FRIENDS AND DIDNT TEAM UP AGAINST YOU SO DONT EVEN THINK THAT , COME ON NOW

Nov 27 2006, 09:16 PM
WOW...looks like I missed the fireworks today...**** IT!!! This is obviously now become a matter that should be left out of the public and discuused more if needed in person. Bottom line I'm hearing from Kev is the fact the Wise said "No, we're finding this disc". So that's were it is, and all this public arguing isn't going to settle anything, not that this will ever be settled. I just think high stakes skins like that are much more serious for people who aren't rich :D. That's why I played the poser division, much less stress...we had a BLAST!!

Nov 27 2006, 09:18 PM
Oh yeah...I almost forgot...


Nov 27 2006, 09:21 PM
For real Big Dave. That was the most fun I have had in a while.

Good people, good times. That's what Tulsa is all about.

Nov 27 2006, 09:24 PM
Right on brotha. :cool:

Nov 27 2006, 09:27 PM
We did have a blast!!

Your right Big Dave, any discussion about the big money card should be kept between the people on the card...we have no business discussing it publicly.

Sorry guys.

Nov 27 2006, 09:31 PM
All I know is Andrew hit the best hole #15 Black birdie putt I have ever seen.

Nov 27 2006, 10:21 PM
Darnit MC, $90 would have been cheap for 18 holes of fun. I guarentee U, I would have found a way to make skins. I throw shots, I know I can throw but are, to extreme, except in skins games. I am thinking of 10BH, I have a piece of plastic I can throw 400 ani. In a skins match, I am the person that will and can throw, that hole, knowing I can 2, that hole :Dguarentee, skin /msgboard/images/graemlins/ooo.gif

:) :) :)

Nov 27 2006, 10:27 PM
We did have a blast!!

Your right Big Dave, any discussion about the big money card should be kept between the people on the card...we have no business discussing it publicly.

Sorry guys.

Do not feel bad, BN is all good. I had this convesation for 30 minutes earlier tonight w/one of your compodries, 1 word, agree. ;)



Nov 27 2006, 11:49 PM
I could only afford the $20 skins, Ron...otherwise I would have been with the $90 players...oh well maybe next year.

Nov 28 2006, 01:09 AM
All I know is Andrew hit the best hole #15 Black birdie putt I have ever seen.

I am still thinking about that putt.

All the practice putting I have been doing to improve my putting, with focus on long range putts.

I guess if you practice enough you are bound to make on or two! :D

Nov 28 2006, 01:43 AM
Are you still thinking about those putts you had on hole #9 at Blackhawk during AM World's? :D:D

Nov 28 2006, 09:58 AM
It has been squashed and I want everyone to please move on...nothing to see here...Dave and I squashed this bug last night.

I LOVE YOUR ALL'S I want to hump your leg....just kiddin :)

Nov 28 2006, 10:25 AM
Are you still thinking about those putts you had on hole #9 at Blackhawk during AM World's? :D:D

Classic :cool:

Nov 28 2006, 10:40 AM
you got lucky dave
are coach thought of how the team won in the third grade and decided that both qb's should play
i mean what in the hell was that put you passing qb in to run and fumble
gundy is really trying hard to #$*&$! me off
thank god for basket ball
tonight go ORU

Nov 12 2008, 10:21 AM
Well, its that time of year again. We will be having our annual the day after Thanksgiving Skins match.
Friday Novembber 28th at 1:00pm.

As in the past I will have 3 divisions, $90 Steak,
$40 Hamburger and because of FurDog, we will also have the $20 hotdog division.

We will tee at 1:00 so get signed up by no later than 12:45, so that I can get the groups out on the course.
Sign ups will be at hole 2's parking lot for Black Hawk.

A flyer will be posted on the TDSA site.

Come on out, lets see who wins the big money this year and who has the balls to step up to the STEAK division and who hides in the hotdog division. ;)

Nov 12 2008, 11:30 AM
Gobble....Gobble...Gobble!!! :)

Nov 12 2008, 11:40 AM
All I know is Andrew hit the best hole #15 Black birdie putt I have ever seen.

Crazy.....this time last year I could actually make a long putt.

I think that putt was from right behind 16's pad. :DThat was nice. :D

Nov 12 2008, 11:51 AM
Furdog's new hippie hot dog bus :D

Nov 12 2008, 11:57 AM
HotDog division rulz dude!!!! :)

Even a dog like me has a chance to grab some cash!!!! :cool:

Nov 12 2008, 12:00 PM
i remember that putt, it took the wind out of the rest of us and you cashed 7 skins. just after i missed the 12 footer for 6 skins on the hole before. :confused: :confused: :confused:

Nov 15 2008, 04:58 PM
I remember last year tying up 3 holes Big Nich should have won. Then missing my putt on 14 to give them all away.

Nov 16 2008, 04:02 AM
lookin forward to getting in on this, this year. i heard all about it last year, sounds like fun!

becuz of $$ issues...

Nov 16 2008, 12:09 PM
that burger is looking a lil raw and undercooked there Dorries, 2 more min.

Nov 20 2008, 03:48 PM
take the buns and condomMENTS out and you have Steak!!!!!! Nice to put your face to a name (out at hunter). I am always hungry for steak after all that dang turkey... At least furdog wont have turkey poop to deal with. :D:D:o:p

Nov 20 2008, 04:04 PM
You so-called "steak" players talk a big game but there sure is a large majority of you that settle for hamburger and hotdogs when Coda is around. :o

Nov 24 2008, 10:00 AM
Okay folks this is the week. You need to gather all of your loose change, your birthday gifts from Nana, and any left over school lunch money from this being a short week and pool it all together to get your entry ready for SKINS this Friday.

Hot Dog $20
Hamburger $40
Steak $90

Dam!, sounds like a nice upscale over priced restaurant. :D

Come on out, I will have free CTPS for each division. 100% pay out.

And, I'll be the first to publicly announce I WILL be playing the steak division. /msgboard/images/graemlins/smirk.gif

Remember: "You can't win it if you ain't in it!" :D

Nov 24 2008, 11:16 AM
Furdog will rule the Hotdog division!!!! :)

Nov 24 2008, 12:43 PM

Nov 24 2008, 12:59 PM
WHAT A BAGGER!!!!!! :(

Nov 24 2008, 02:07 PM
You so-called "steak" players talk a big game but there sure is a large majority of you that settle for hamburger and hotdogs when Coda is around. :o

:ovodka does make your memory go fast.... I ate steak last year, and come to think of it,, I had a bigger piece than all of you..(ask Coda, he was on m /msgboard/images/graemlins/smirk.gify card :D) but this year, my knee is f*&^%^& up and I probavly wont play.. :eek:lucky for you dog, cuz if I can ,I am in your group... just to holler "dollar" /msgboard/images/graemlins/smirk.gif

Nov 24 2008, 02:28 PM
Yeah....Working for the city I'm sure you're on your knees all the time. :o

Nov 25 2008, 03:49 AM
just want to say that im REALLY looking forward to this... first ever skins match... i hope there are 8 people on my card... i love the whole idea, its gr8

lol... i love random google pics

Nov 25 2008, 11:39 AM
So who is going to play in what divisions?

Nov 25 2008, 12:46 PM
I'm playing in the "Turkey Butt" division. /msgboard/images/graemlins/smirk.gif

Nov 25 2008, 10:45 PM

Nov 25 2008, 10:47 PM
So who is going to play in what divisions?

i will be in the turkeydick division

Nov 25 2008, 10:48 PM
man this thing is f d up

Nov 26 2008, 12:49 AM
i'm trying to talk the better half into letting me play in the steak division this year .any one out there want to sponsor a poor boy into this thing? :confused: :confused: :confused:

Nov 26 2008, 12:59 AM
Ha, turkeydick.

Nov 26 2008, 01:05 AM
Ha, turkeydick.

i laughed too... ha

Nov 26 2008, 09:46 AM
i'm trying to talk the better half into letting me play in the steak division this year .any one out there want to sponsor a poor boy into this thing? :confused: :confused: :confused:

You know I would Brad but according to the IRS, you're not classified as a legitmate charity and therefore I can not deduct my donation toward your entry from my taxes. :(

Nov 26 2008, 09:56 AM
He can't even play at Copperhead, except for a tournament. You have to have a drivers license to play out there.

Nov 26 2008, 10:53 AM
Yeah, I was going to mention also that your charity has to have a mailing address. Just saying "Where I am is where I live" doesn't cut it with Uncle Sam.

Nov 26 2008, 12:00 PM
Ha Ha!

Nov 28 2008, 09:55 AM
i have permission to play any division i choose.
it truly is amazing what a little lovin can do.
can somebody say Tbone?

Nov 28 2008, 10:37 AM
okay, its skins day, get your money and get your game together. I'm glad i comitted to the seak division, I won over $400 at the casino playing black jack, so no problem now. :D

any want to do a caviar division for $200? :D

I will be there around noon for signups, please be there early enough to sign up, I want to get it started at 1:00.
I will bring beer and drinks and a few CTPs, if anyone
else has any ctps you want to throw in, please bring them.

I'll see everyone around noon. ;)

Nov 28 2008, 10:16 PM
Another great Dave Wise production.

I had a ton of fun and what great weather.

Major turnout..

Sal and I were in a big showdown for awhile.

The one skin I could have won my own Son, Matt, pushed with me :(

Great job Dave....

Nov 28 2008, 11:37 PM

Nov 29 2008, 04:49 AM

Nov 29 2008, 10:43 AM
it sure was fun to be shut out.
history repeats itself on hole 12 except i missed a 15 footer this year.
congrats out to donkey and geiger and billy as they were the only skins winners on our card. thanks to dave for a fantastic event again.
i couldnt have imagined wise playing in the hot dog division.

Nov 29 2008, 01:07 PM
Thanks to all that came out, what a BEAUTIFULL day out it was. We had 40 players come out but there were several of the usuals missing this year. :confused: I guess the economy has a lot to do with that. There was three of us in the Steak but the other two bailed out on me, so I went to the turkey dick division and hung out with FurDog.

Hers is how it went down. There was a total of $1,240 in payout. Free beer, water and Crown. :D

Hot Dog Division ( 3 cards of 6 players - $6 per hole)
Dave Wise $102
Gary Harrison $72
Sal Felanto $30
Kyle Razmus $18
Thong Le $24
Dixon Harrison $24
Harlan Unruh $24
Wayne Gegory $18
Jay Slack $18
Matt Razmus $18
Bryan Hinds
James Diel
Bud Johnson
Scott Schumacher
Mike Treat
Matt Treat
Joe Balckwell
Ray Carr

Hamburger Division (2 cards of 7 and 1 card of 8)
$14 per hole and 1 card at $16 per hole

Dan Bougher $196
Josh Crowl $192
Sam Neilsen $140
Devan Owens $128
Justin Bougher $112
Billy Lund $70
Jeremy Geiger $14
Johnny Thompson $14
Paul Dorries $14
Jeremy Taylor
Chris Wagle
Aaron Triska
Dough Duff
Coda Hatfield
Andrew Treat
Taylor Sears
Jack Fouts
Adam Hunt
Mike Conners
Dustin Bell
JT Graham

Thanks again to all that came out and for those that didn't, mark your calendars, we will have a Dec 26th skins and a Januaray 2nd skins. Both of these will offer a $20 - $40 - $60 - $100 divisions. I will post times and courses soon.

I had a blast!, Who said being a TD isn't fun? ;)

Nov 29 2008, 07:17 PM

Hers is how it went down. There was a total of $1,240 in payout. Free beer, water and Crown. :D

Hot Dog Division ( 3 cards of 6 players - $6 per hole)
Dave Wise $102 (17 SKINS)
Gary Harrison $72 (12 SKINS)
Sal Felanto $30 (5 SKINS)
Kyle Razmus $18 (3 SKINS)
Dixon Harrison $24 (4 SKINS) (FUNNY AGAIN)
Harlan Unruh $24 (4 SKINS) (FUNNY AGAIN)
Wayne Gegory $18 (3 SKINS)
Jay Slack $18 (3 SKINS)
Matt Razmus $18 (3 SKINS)

Hamburger Division (2 cards of 7 and 1 card of 8)
$14 per hole and 1 card at $16 per hole

Dan Bougher $196 (14 SKINS)
Sam Neilsen $140 (10 SKINS)
Devan Owens $128 (8 SKINS) STACKED CARD
Justin Bougher $112 (8 SKINS)
Billy Lund $70 (5 SKINS)
Jeremy Geiger $14 (1 SKIN)
Johnny Thompson $14 (1 SKIN)
Paul Dorries $14 (1 SKIN)

Bryan Hinds
James Diel
Bud Johnson
Scott Schumacher
Mike Treat
Matt Treat
Joe Balckwell
Ray Carr
Jeremy Taylor
Chris Wagle
Aaron Triska
Dough Duff
Coda Hatfield
Andrew Treat
Taylor Sears
Jack Fouts
Adam Hunt
Mike Conners
Dustin Bell
JT Graham



Dec 01 2008, 02:23 PM
jan 2nd?

black eyed peas at the lodge on the first new years day

Dec 01 2008, 02:38 PM
I have no problems with skins at the Lodge, however...........please remember that this is the day after New Year's Eve. I worry about the attendence, strictly due to the location. Remember these are discgolfers and getting them up out of bed on any day off can be hard, let alone New Years day at 1:00 at the Lodge. Many will get out of bed, grab some coffee and head straight to the course but will they do it having to drive an hour each way? That is the big question.

Please don't take this the wrong way, I could be dead wrong about this and it could be a RECORD attendance for skins. I would just hate to only have 20 show up vs 40+.
I would also be curious to see which holes deliver the skins.
I know I would be there but I'm a little more ate up with it than most. How about Conners putting up a poll for the location choice for day after Xmas and new years day.

Copperhead (will have to clear it with Wilkes)
The Lodge
McClure ( I don't like this one because of too many carry holes)

Dec 01 2008, 02:41 PM
id love it at copperhead

Dec 01 2008, 03:59 PM
Copperhead (will have to clear it with Wilkes)
The Lodge
McClure ( I don't like this one because of too many carry holes)


Dec 01 2008, 05:08 PM
Blackhawk always seems to play out the best. While other courses offer variety, they may not be good skin courses.
Example: Hunter, Coda, Wilkes, myself and a few others tried this at hunter, there were only two holes that didn't carry. McClure is the same way but almost every hole can carry.

Since it has been at Blackhwk, there have been many more winners than ever before......Why? The difficulty of the course. This year we had 40 players and 19 of them cashed. nearly 50%. In 2006 we had 21 players and 14 of the 21 cashed. You will not get that with any other course in town, except for maybe copperhead.

Yes, McClure sounds nice in theory but the last time we played it there I do believe there were only a few winners and they won a lot. I think I remember Lund taking $600.

Thats not what I want the skins events to be. I like it when 50% of the field cashes, it means the course is doing its job and anyone can win. While they may not get all of their money back they do get some of it and probably more than they ever get paid at a mini. As far as I know, about the only hole or holes that haven't produced a skin at black would be hole 6 or 7. I have seen about every other hole give up skins out there and thats why I like it. ;)
Plus its 10 minutes from home. :D

Dec 01 2008, 05:34 PM
No Crown or smoking allowed at Copperhead plus the "Y" will probably want a piece of the action.

Blackhawk is fine. It's where I've cashed before and someday, will be where I cash again. :cool:

I would prefer that next time though, the steak eating TD stay out of the hot dog division or at least doesn't "mando" himself on my card. /msgboard/images/graemlins/smirk.gif

Dec 01 2008, 05:59 PM
I would prefer that next time though, the steak eating TD stay out of the hot dog division or at least doesn't "man do" himself on my card. /msgboard/images/graemlins/smirk.gif

that's disgusting, I've heard that these things go on in the public parks, but not with the disc golfers

Dec 01 2008, 06:06 PM
The TD didn't really have a choice. I just thought that if you took the time to come out on your bi-annual disc golf outing that I would just hang out with you. I really didn't expect to win any skins but its hard not to do when you match your best ever at even 54. :p

Had the two BIGGEST SPONSORED ( 1000 RATED ( PRO PLAYERS in town not have been scared to play my little 945 rated arse for skins I would have stayed where I was. :o

Bougher, there is your proof of Black hawk being a good course for skins, FURDOG HAS WON THERE! :o Zooc has won there! :o But big players like Wagle, McCoy and Hatfield...........all blanked. :D

Dec 01 2008, 06:09 PM
If it happens next time, I'll just walk around and watch. I felt bad taking all the money on that card but not real bad, just a little bad.

Dec 01 2008, 06:16 PM
It would appear that I will need to make a run to Smellwater to collect on a wager from last week's game. :(
I'm sure they're lots of them over there in the same boat, if any of them owe you, let me know, I will collect for a 25% fee. :D

Have you noticed how quiet all of the <font color="red">O</font>s<font color="red">U</font> fans have been today? :D

Dec 01 2008, 06:21 PM
quiet, just like almost every year after the bedlam game. i love the BCS; this year at least anyway

Dec 01 2008, 06:26 PM
It's Kinda like after you hit your brother in the mouth and he quits talking smack.

Dec 01 2008, 06:28 PM
Copperhead or Blackhawk for Me. Hey Forest is Haikey ready to roll yet?

Dec 01 2008, 10:33 PM
It's Kinda like after you hit your brother in the mouth and he quits talking smack.

go phukyour self :mad:

Dec 01 2008, 10:34 PM
quiet, just like almost every year after the bedlam game. i love the BCS; this year at least anyway

and you can
go phukyour self :mad:

Dec 02 2008, 12:20 AM
iam with you slack ou sucked ther way past the longhorns
i hate the bcs its nothing but Bull s##it
go pokes

Dec 02 2008, 03:04 AM
Easy there cowboy fans. You don't want to get this started.

Dec 02 2008, 08:58 AM
Bougher, there is your proof of Black hawk being a good course for skins, FURDOG HAS WON THERE! Zooc has won there! But big players like Wagle, McCoy and Hatfield...........all blanked.


Dec 02 2008, 09:19 AM
i hate it
but i do think phukin sooners should play in big 12 championship
at times they have looked like noone can beat them

my comment was geared at the deeckheads talking at poke fans
i do not seem to recall any sheittalking between fans this year
most pokes fans know
gundy is a man and now he is 41

tell me this sooner ?
of all you die hards
how many of you attended ou ? no wait college at all ?

and i all ready know who went to OU /msgboard/images/graemlins/smirk.gif

Dec 02 2008, 09:51 AM
I went to college Slack. Not OU though. I also learned how to "Capitalize" in grade school. Evidentally you bypassed grade school after being accepted at OSU at the age of five which leaves me to believe that they will take anybody and they'll screw fans by forcing them to pay season ticket price for a single seat at Bedlam. :(

So how many years did it take you to graduate? Ten?...Twelve?

I would be an OSU fan if I thought they could ever win a national title at football. They are always tops when it comes to basketball, baseball, and wresling with sweaty men.

They did good this year so I wasn't throwing any trash around before the game but now that you're on here trashing OU fans then I would say screw you and your orange-haired step sister of a college. :p

Don't worry. There's always next year. /msgboard/images/graemlins/smirk.gif

Dec 02 2008, 10:27 AM
iam with you slack ou sucked ther way past the longhorns
i hate the bcs its nothing but Bull s##it
go pokes

Look at it this way.

When OU played Texas and lost, OU had normal boobs. Now, with 60+ points in the last four games, OU has had a "boob job" and that is why they jumped over Texas. It's "boobs" to win buddy. /msgboard/images/graemlins/smirk.gif

Doesn't matter much anyway because in the last couple of appearances in the big show nobody loses the big one better than OU.

This is Oklahoma and "change" is not welcome here!!!! /msgboard/images/graemlins/smirk.gif

Dec 02 2008, 10:36 AM
All I did was notice how quiet they were. :D

Dec 02 2008, 10:50 AM
If this was an episode of "Everybody Loves Raymond", OU would be Raymond and OSU would be Robert.

Texas would make a good Frank. :D

Like I said, OSU did good this year and OU fans really can't hoop too much because the game was close until the last half of the fourth quarter. I don't know how much Slack paid that ref not to see that OSU fumble though but I'm sure we'll find out if the price of his taco's goes up. :D

I do know that if OSU would have won you would have been hearing about it from these poke fans for sure.

Dec 02 2008, 11:05 AM
No kidding, T-n-T productions haven't even answered their phones since Saturday night. :D

Dec 02 2008, 12:17 PM
I don't know why they would be hiding. Forty-one points is a good score. I think Opie only needed thirty-five points on his SAT to be accepted there. :o:D

Dec 02 2008, 12:33 PM
It could be because older OPIE bet me $50 that OsU would win. :o:D

Dec 02 2008, 12:42 PM
Well, there's an Admin meeting coming up soon. He normally shows up at those. Give me $5 bucks and I'll hold him down while you take his money. ;)

He'll probably give you some sad story about little Opie not being able to graduate though. /msgboard/images/graemlins/smirk.gif

Dec 02 2008, 12:47 PM
tell me this sooner ?
of all you die hards
how many of you attended ou ? no wait college at all ?

I really get tired of hearing this, I have been an OU foootball fan every since I was a small child. But according to your reasoning I should not be able to be a fan because I did not attend OU ? WTF :confused: I have a cousin who is a huge OSU fan, He did not attend OSU. So is it ok for him to root for OSU ?

I try to be a fan of ALL of the local teams, but it is attitudes like yours that make it hard for me to be a fan of OSU

GO SOONERS !!!!!!!!

Dec 02 2008, 01:13 PM
Don't get too upset with him James, he is a little off, he also voted for Obama. :o:D

Dec 02 2008, 01:20 PM
I always pull for the OSU cheerleading squad when one of them poses for "Playboy" or more often than not, ...."Heartland Heffers Gone Wild". :)

Dec 02 2008, 01:59 PM
I'm a proud graduate of THE University of Oklahoma. the pokes will always have hoop, oh wait not this year though with Caple's boys holding it down in Norman this year too Do have to give the pokes props though. If they had not had a good year and been highly ranked then we would not have been able to leap Texas in the BCS

Dec 02 2008, 02:03 PM
For cheerleaders you have to rate South Carolina as tops? :o:D Just for thier attitude. :D

But OU still looks good.

Dec 02 2008, 03:13 PM
I went to college, I wish i would have went to OU. But I have been cheering them on since 1980 when I was 4 and they were kickin arse then just like they do now. I can talk as much trash as I want' because I hear it from all of you Poke fans all year long about how your gonna get the SOONERS. Well ya didn't, and you don't even belong in the same gym in hoops this year. A little Bedlam is good for the soul. Sooner Born, Sooner Bread. When I die I'll be SOONER DEAD. how ya like that Slacker ??? LOL. take a deep breath now and calm down.

Dec 02 2008, 05:10 PM
It could be because older OPIE bet me $50 that OsU would win. :o:D

It wasn't me that made the bet...

Be a cold day when Wise pulls one on me..

As for my offspring, well that is a different story...

Dec 02 2008, 05:11 PM

Dec 02 2008, 05:12 PM
i hate it
but i do think phukin sooners should play in big 12 championship
at times they have looked like noone can beat them

my comment was geared at the deeckheads talking at poke fans
i do not seem to recall any sheittalking between fans this year
most pokes fans know
gundy is a man and now he is 41

tell me this sooner ?
of all you die hards
how many of you attended ou ? no wait college at all ?

and i all ready know who went to OU /msgboard/images/graemlins/smirk.gif

I was asked to post this just for you jay. :D

Dec 02 2008, 05:23 PM

Dec 02 2008, 05:34 PM
this stuff made me spit up some on the keyboard
funny stuff

tell me this sooner ?
of all you die hards
how many of you attended ou ? no wait college at all ?

I really get tired of hearing this, I have been an OU foootball fan every since I was a small child. But according to your reasoning I should not be able to be a fan because I did not attend OU ? WTF :confused: I have a cousin who is a huge OSU fan, He did not attend OSU. So is it ok for him to root for OSU ?

I try to be a fan of ALL of the local teams, but it is attitudes like yours that make it hard for me to be a fan of OSU

GO SOONERS !!!!!!!!

sorry to offend jimmy !
first of all i get hit for going to school
i did not play football ! or care at all about sports when i went to osu
while many of you were jerking off after high school i went to osu why ?
because of the pussycats not the cowboys i assure you
o and the use of propper grammer
because we all know how important that is on a message board
all of you crybaby sooner fans
i will say it nice good luck in the big 12 champ and your bowl game
i really do not care
if you went to a school you would stand up for your school
thats all!

now all of you turkeydick crybabies
you can still go phuckyour self
except for you jimmy your the sheet i am sorry

Dec 02 2008, 05:40 PM
I went to college, I wish i would have went to OU. But I have been cheering them on since 1980 when I was 4 and they were kickin arse then just like they do now. I can talk as much trash as I want' because I hear it from all of you Poke fans all year long about how your gonna get the SOONERS. Well ya didn't, and you don't even belong in the same gym in hoops this year. A little Bedlam is good for the soul. Sooner Born, Sooner Bread. When I die I'll be SOONER DEAD. how ya like that Slacker ??? LOL. take a deep breath now and calm down.

i do not think you hear that sheet out of me
all you here about that from me is you sooner fans are a bit over the top for attacking slacker
for attending osu

ou and osu in case some of you forget are not profesional sport teams

o and hinds
bring it!
your just a little female dog to me :o

Dec 02 2008, 05:47 PM
I'm a proud graduate of THE University of Oklahoma. the pokes will always have hoop, oh wait not this year though with Caple's boys holding it down in Norman this year too Do have to give the pokes props though. If they had not had a good year and been highly ranked then we would not have been able to leap Texas in the BCS

see what a little schooling can do

Dec 02 2008, 06:01 PM
you name the course slack.

Dec 02 2008, 06:48 PM
I don't get dragged into these conversations because I have listened to OU fans for 50 years now tell me how much OSU stinks...

OU is somewhat of a band wagon school but that is because they win a lot, not always the games that really count, but they do rack up the #s..

I am proud of OSU this year, only beaten by the #1, #2 and #3 teams.

Oh yeah, you will never hear me say "next year"..

Sick of saying that...

What I really wish is we only had one main school, like Arkansas or Missouri..

How bad [censored] would that team be?????

Dec 02 2008, 06:58 PM
take it easy on me slackster. i've got to pound these messages out quick while i'm at work. :D

Dec 02 2008, 07:30 PM
take it easy on me slackster. i've got to pound these messages out quick while i'm at work. :D

i love you carp do not worry about anything
from what i heard about you and some of the time you had in norman
sometimes i think i should have gone there
but not for the sports
jock sniffers

but guess what i married a norman girl :eek:

Dec 03 2008, 01:23 PM
When you look at football records for this year Oklahoma has three division one schools that have done very well for themselves.
I can only hope that both TU and OU can keep it going with their championship games and then we can see all three in bowl games later this year!
OSU has surpassed all of my expectations after the dissipointments of last year and OU may have come close to regaining that national championship spark that they had a few years back.
And God bless TU the smallest school in the division one field with the biggest heart of all.
So I say GO TEAM for all of our fine schools as football draws to a close.

Dec 03 2008, 05:44 PM
Martin, how can we keep this bedlam debate going with reconciliatory post like that???

I wish there was a synonym for reconciliatory :(

That would throw those OU fans a curve ball :cool:

Dec 03 2008, 08:55 PM
TU will win out.

Dec 18 2008, 04:21 PM
Anyone know if this is going to happen?

Dec 18 2008, 04:29 PM
Well of course!!! Think Mr. Wise is sick. He said it was going to happen at the thanksgiving skins

Dec 18 2008, 04:31 PM
no hamburgers or hotdogs, STEAK- it's whats for dinner tonite!!!

Dec 18 2008, 04:32 PM
he should make a chicken division- $10

Dec 18 2008, 05:37 PM
I have been reading and TP says you would not play him for the steak division last time skins happened. Wasssssup w/dat!


Dec 18 2008, 05:45 PM
Yeah Coda.

Maybe they should have a "Chicken" division because based on the results of the last one all you took home was a pile of feathers. :D

Dec 18 2008, 07:06 PM

Dec 20 2008, 01:46 PM
It's ok to feel intimidated!!! Knowing I have won more tournies then you have even played!!! Knowing that on my worst day you still don't have a chance!!! It's cool I understand!!! And no I won't play steak when you can't even get 5 people to play, so you can when 4 skins to maybe break even. I could have been a lil' [censored] like Dave Wise and go from steak to playing in the hotdog div. And when you think your ready call me and we can play for any amount of money you want too- that goes for anyone!!!

Dec 20 2008, 01:59 PM
It is all good Coda. That makes sense but you have 20 people in the division you have a whole lot less opps for the day. I play skins once a week w/a group of guys up here. Most ever in our group 20 but usually 10-15 and I tell you what it is a MOFO trying to knock down a few skins w/all the pushes. More people more pushes. You have a wonderful XMAS.


Dec 20 2008, 02:00 PM
You old guys should be happy to know that Innova just released their new INNOVA MANPONS for you big manly puzzies!!!

Dec 20 2008, 02:02 PM
You too Ron, Looks like I will be hamburger again due to money. I am a push king and it sucks!!!! :confused:

Dec 21 2008, 12:54 PM

Dec 21 2008, 01:01 PM
Well since your in that category I guess I can bring an XXL for ya!!!

Dec 24 2008, 07:54 AM

Dec 24 2008, 09:54 AM
Coda winning skins is like OSU playing for a National Championship, it just ain't gonna happen! :D

Dec 24 2008, 10:50 AM
The weather should be GREAT for Friday skins, so com one out and pick your division. We have 4 divisions this time.

$20 Tofu
$40 Turkey dick
$60 Hamburger
$100 Steak (filet mignon) :D

We will try to start at 1:00 sharp so try to be there in plenty of time to get signed up.

Merry Christmas everyone!

Dec 24 2008, 10:56 AM
That reminded me...Has anyone seen the OSU bowl shirts????
They say, "We'RE BACK"!!!!!!!!!!
Someone remind me where they are back to, I understand they're excited, and rightfully so. But, come on, "we're back"?. OSU had a great season, and should be proud. I just don't see how they are back to anywhere...maybe its aggie logic
edit....just realized maybe they mean we're back to the Holiday bowl, I think they we're in the Holiday bowl 20 years ago when "the Man" was a player

:p :confused:

Back to the original topic. Christmas skins, Friday, 1:00, blackhawk. Get there early to sign up. :D

Dec 24 2008, 11:15 AM
Dave, maybe OU should have used that logo, we will see..

Your "Big Game Bob" surely won't screw this one up..

What a shame for Bradford to be beat by the deserving Heisman winner :o:o

Dec 24 2008, 11:42 AM
LOL....I'm glad someone responded!! I was beginning to think that everyone had left the board.

Thats right, Big Game Bob, I'll start there....A key part of that statement "Big Game" meaning he's been there and won a few, just not lately. Lets compare coaches when "the man" has been there a little while longer and accomplished just a little bit. (A 9 win season isn't enough to warrant the discussion)

What would you want out of your Heisman winner? A leader, a great player, your best player, the nations best player? All of these things sound great to me. The following is according to

Sam Bradford of the University of Oklahoma was selected as the 74th winner of the Heisman Memorial Trophy as the Most Outstanding College Football Player in the United States for 2008.

Sanford Wurmfeld, of the Heisman Trophy Trust, which annually presents the Heisman Memorial Trophy Award, announced the selection of Bradford on Saturday evening, December 13th, on a nationally televised ESPN sports special live from the Nokia Theatre in Times Square. The victory for the 6'4", 218-pound Bradford marks the fifth time a Sooner has won the Heisman Trophy. He is the 2nd sophomore (after fellow finalist, Tim Tebow, became the 1st last year)

Most Outstanding College Football Player in the United States for 2008.

So, its not just us crazy "gooners" who think he is the best. See, the Heisman is for the MOST OUTSTANDING PLAYER, not the most outstanding cheerleader. Tebow is good, but the only reason he was invited back to NYC this year was because he won it last year. Tebow isn't even the best of the Gators.

About the game, it would be a shame to lose to Florida, but I don't see that happening. But like you said, we will see. :D

Dec 24 2008, 11:47 AM
Dear Santa,

I have been very good this year.

Please bring the following...

1) 18 holiday skins for Furdog.
2) 18 lumps of coal for Dave Wise and Coda.
3) An OU national championship
4) An OSU Holiday Bowl blunder.
5) A girlfriend for Opie so he'll leave those large mouth bass alone.

Dec 24 2008, 11:48 AM

admiring his previous post :D:cool:;) :D/msgboard/images/graemlins/smirk.gif :) :p :D :D

damnit Furdog you jumped in there fast. btw----#3 is emminent :D

Dec 24 2008, 12:35 PM
Dear Santa, All I want is for furdog not to post :oand for me to make a showing on Fri. before my MRI on Mon. and to take $$$$ from the dog in whatever meat div. he signs. *note- furdog, there is no pecker division. :D

Dec 24 2008, 01:03 PM
There is a "pecker" division Zook. You just can't see it from where you play in the "ball sack" division.

Look up and you'll see me. :o:D

Dec 24 2008, 01:26 PM
Glad to see some good stuff on the board again, been quiet too long. Merry CHRISTmas everybody. :D

Dec 25 2008, 11:52 PM
That reminded me...Has anyone seen the OSU bowl shirts????
They say, "We'RE BACK"!!!!!!!!!!
Someone remind me where they are back to, I understand they're excited, and rightfully so. But, come on, "we're back"?. OSU had a great season, and should be proud. I just don't see how they are back to anywhere...maybe its aggie logic
edit....just realized maybe they mean we're back to the Holiday bowl, I think they we're in the Holiday bowl 20 years ago when "the Man" was a player

:p :confused:

Back to the original topic. Christmas skins, Friday, 1:00, blackhawk. Get there early to sign up. :D

your right penny
were back what the helper does that mean
i hate to say is but if it means we a back to getting our askes sicked i guess we are back

it is a burnout that gundy got a big ask contract and it is a burn out the 4th place in the big 12 south is something to get a excited about

oregon will kill us
bring on baskeball :confused:

Dec 26 2008, 01:27 AM

Dec 26 2008, 08:23 AM
good morning vietnom.
its agood day for war on the battlefied blackhawk.
watch out for the valkyries, wraiths and demons

Dec 26 2008, 11:53 AM
Bring it people! I will be there for sign ups at noon. Get signed up early. Remember we have 4 divisions this time.

$60 AND

$100 ( whos game for this one? Who want to wager gramdmas Christmas money?) :D

Tee time 1:00pm

Dec 26 2008, 01:34 PM
Bring it people! I will be there for sign ups at noon. Get signed up early. Remember we have 4 divisions this time.

$60 AND

$100 ( whos game for this one? Who want to wager gramdmas Christmas money?) :D

now thats funny

Tee time 1:00pm

i love turkeydick :cool:

Dec 26 2008, 08:05 PM
what a display of skins apptitude put on by james and kyle.
finally i did not get shut out.
i sure had fun playing with abraham.jerry,doug,james,kyle,andrew and justin thanks guys.

thank you dave for putting on a great event again.

brad hoi

Dec 26 2008, 08:31 PM
We should have thrown the DONKEY in the pond. :D:D:D:D

Dec 27 2008, 01:58 AM


Dec 27 2008, 12:45 PM
Well, we had a great turnout of 48 players for xmas skins. The weather couldn't have been better, at 76 degrees out!

No one wanted to play for any real money, again. :( So the only two that played in the bigger money divisions had to drop down to the Turkey Dick division. Me and Zucconi.

Here are the divisions and payouts.
Over 50% of the field got paid something. ;)
$20 Division
Jake Regier $104
Richard Mitchell $80
Billy Swanson $64
Billy Lund $56
Dave Pennekamp $32
Ben Powell $32
Mathew Spain $32
Scott Schumacher $32 :D
James Diel $16
Georger Skinner $8
Willie Spoon $8
Shane Grey $8
John Davis $8
Evan McKee
Matt Shipley
Zac Griffith
Bill Pennington
Dixon Harrison
Gary Harrison
Roger Knight
mathew Treat
Sal Felanto
Jone Lane
Jesse Sellers

$40 Division
40% of the field won something.

Dan Bougher $176 BS!
Kyle Wilkes $160
Coda Hatfield $144
Travis Greenway $128
James Rubideaux $96
Devan Owens $80
BVA $64
Chris Hutchinson $48 (you're welcome by the way :mad:)
Johnnie Thompson $48
Dave Zucconi $16
Adam Hunt
Abraham Barbour
Jeremy Taylor
Chris Wagle
Dave Nicholson
Bryan Hinds
Jay Slack
Dough Duff
Jeremy Geiger
Justin Bougher
Jerry Stacy
Andrew Treat
Mike Conners
Dave Wise :(

A HUGE thanks to all those that came out to play, I hope you all had a good time and will be back to try again.
As always, lots of laughs and good times. :D
I only wish I could watch each card to see all of the drama unfolding. I think a spectator could have just as much fun watching. ;)

Dec 27 2008, 01:28 PM

$40 Division
40% of the field won something.

Dan Bougher $176 BS! (BIG SHOTS!)
Kyle Wilkes $160
Coda Hatfield $144
Travis Greenway $128
James Rubideaux $96
Devan Owens $80
BVA $64
Chris Hutchinson $48 (you're welcome by the way )
Johnnie Thompson $48
Dave Zucconi $16

Dec 27 2008, 03:40 PM
a donkey is jackass

Dec 27 2008, 05:56 PM
new years day skins at black hawk, whos going to be the big winners?

Dec 27 2008, 08:40 PM
new years day skins at black hawk, whos going to be the big whiners?

There, fixed it for ya... /msgboard/images/graemlins/smirk.gif ;)

Dec 28 2008, 06:40 AM
new years day skins at black hawk, whos going to be the big winners?


Dec 28 2008, 10:49 AM
donkey dan have fun with your winnings for now just save enough for me to take new years day. :D:D:D

Dec 28 2008, 12:33 PM
Close on the results. Kyle with 11 skins $176. Good event. Thats including letting James off the the hook with a split for two more. $200+!

Dec 28 2008, 09:14 PM
All I want to know is how and who in the hail let Richard Mitchell win $80??? :D

Dec 28 2008, 10:00 PM
All I want to know is how and who in the hail let Richard Mitchell win $80??? :D

---paging BinDover---
