Nov 24 2006, 09:52 AM
I would like to know if any of the disc golfers out there would like to donate disc golf discs, memorabelia and other related items for an auction to raise money to dedicate a hole at the new National Disc Golf Center for Gene "Biff" Barfield?

I have been in contact with a PDGA representitive and have been told that the money needed to Honor Biff is in the $5,000.00 range.

My goal is to raise the money in the form of an E-Bay auction listing. The name of the auction would be "The Gene "Biff" Barfield Memorial" and all proceeds will be used to reach the goal of the hole sponsorship. All donations would be inventoried with quantity and value so that anyone that donates can see the true value that I would have availible on E-Bay. I will keep a running total posted here on the thread for all to see. Any funds aquired that will exceed the amount required shall be used to do any hole improvements in the form of landscaping and benches.

All interested parties that would like to donate to this cause, please contact me via private message for any questions or details. I have already had many commitments from people that were at The Players Cup in Florida, and I hope that I will recieve many more.


Craig Leyva
PDGA 5787
