Nov 28 2006, 01:34 PM
I'll try to keep everyone updated about what's happening up here in the Panhandle.
Weekly mini's happen every Saturday afternoon (handicap round @ 3pm), and most Sunday afternnons (1st Sunday is 2 rounds of singles, 2nd Sunday is random draw doubles, 4th Sunday is 1 round of singles). Ace pot is up for grabs for anyone who plays. An ace will get you $500.00 (the back-up pot is at $360.00+). No week-day activities due to limited daylight.
5th Sunday 10 Pound Round is coming up on December 31. Time and place yet to be determined. We do these 5th Sunday 10 pound rounds to help with our Ice Bowl food donation. Good success so far!
Ice Bowl 2007 will be February 11.
DisCrazy Shootout Fundraiser - Third Sunday of January. Come out for a round of golf plus a skills challenge! This will be lots of fun and Matt Smart will have some cool stuff for prizes. Should start sometime before noon.
Nov 30 2006, 11:48 AM
We're taking a vote this Sunday whether or not to let the ace pot grow past $500. Some want to see it similar to the ace pot at The Vet (grow multiple ace pots). Some want to pay it out every time (CTP if no ace hit). Some want to keep it like it is (cap it at $500). What do you want? Show up for the monthly Sunday at 1:30 and cast your vote.
ps: If you don't vote, you have no excuse for crying!
Dec 04 2006, 10:59 AM
And the majority says:
Let 'em grow!!!
So now we will start growing our ace pot similar to the way I've heard them do it in Arlington. Grow the first to $500, then start another until it hits $250, back to the first until it hits $750, then back to the second until it hits $500,Back to the first until it hits $1,000, then grow a third until it hits $500, then grow the first till whenever.
Anyone may participate in our events to have a chance at our ACE money. No restrictions ***(if a player cannot behave themselves in a respectable manner towards other players and event coordinators, they will be banned from participating in club activities)*** I must stress this disclaimer because of the trouble we have had with certain individuals that believe they have the "right" to say how things are going to be and dismiss the collective work of the group. If you don't like the way the group has voted (especially if you don't even try to vote), don't play club activities.
Dec 20 2006, 05:24 PM
Another big ice storm here in Amarillo. I drove through the park to check out the course, and it doesn't look like any damage to the baskets. Lots of big branches down :(. It looks like it's as bad as the one a few years ago when we lost some really good obstacles.
Dec 22 2006, 10:24 AM
Well, I missed out on my annual "Shortest Day of the Year Round" :( The Parks & Rec. Dept. closed all the roads leading into the park so the only way to get to the course was to hike in. It's not really very deep snow & ice, but with all the damage to the big old Elm trees, I didn't feel like playing "Dodge the falling limbs". Hopefully they city crews can get the area stabilized by tomorrow for the weekly handicap round, but I don't know. They started the cleanup project at the main entrance to the park on Wednesday, and when I drove by yesterday at 4:00pm, the crews had only made a small dent in that area, and there is still many, many acres to go before they get to the course :(
Dec 27 2006, 11:59 AM
:mad:Some people just have no sense whatsoever!!! :mad:
I got a call from the Park Foreman yesterday evening asking if I would spread the word. THE COURSE IS TEMPORARILY CLOSED!!! THERE ARE A LOT OF "DEADMEN" STILL HANGING UP IN THE UPPER BRANCHES OF THE TREES!!!The crews are working hard to get the area cleaned up, they just need time!
Apparently, one person decided that the Parks Dept. personnel have no right to tell him that he can't use the Disc Golf course. He proceeded to get ugly with them (unfortunately for him, he was yelling at the Park Foremamn and his Supervisor, who were out surveying the damage), causing quite the spectacle. I was informed that they took down his license plate #, and today they are going to initiate the process of a "Tresspass Warrant" against this individual. According to their description of the offender, it seems like he is a member of the "RMR" gang who has been causing trouble around here for a while now. These people have no respect for the course, or the other players who use the facility. With their attitude, who knows how long the Parks Dept. will tolerate Disc Golf. I have tried to let them know that all of the people who use the course aren't like this group, and they assure me that they realize there are some rogue players out there, but COME ON PEOPLE! It's dangerous under those trees right now! Let the crews do their job.
Nobody likes a dead discgolfer
Dec 27 2006, 12:37 PM
Yeah, and no real Disc Golfer likes to see a course pulled because of stupidity!
I had the misfortune of meeting up with some of the west texas disc golfers @ a recent event here in Funkytown. I now understand what you are dealing with. Please do not mis-interpret my statement, I do not think that west texas golfers are bad people . Just the ones I met.
Dec 28 2006, 03:59 AM
they were from Abilene not Amarillo
my bad, but in my defense , abilene is still west of here.
Dec 28 2006, 11:29 AM
I'm not sure who you met, but I don't remember anyone from here saying anything about going to your area for an event. I'm not saying I know everyone or know what everyone does, but in a small town, word gets around. I know several of the Abilene players, and they are for the most part very good people to be around at a tournament.
It is unfortunate that some people have to let their "habits" take control of their lives and cause them to make some really dumb decisions. According to the Park Foreman (who I went and talked with yesterday), this individual went past the barricades at the entrance to the park, then moved some other barricades that were placed on the bridge near the course parking lot (actually the individual tossed the barricades into the creek :confused:). When the Parks personnel approached this person to let him know the course was closed for the clean-up project, he instantly started yelling and swearing at them. After threatening the city people, the police were called and he left in a rage, destroying more barricades on the way out. The Parks & Rec. Dept. will take action to assure that this person is held accountable for his actions, so there will probably be more police presence in the Park. Hopefully this incident will help some of the less respectful people in this world understand that they need to consider their actions a little more carefully.
Some people are just jerks!
Dec 28 2006, 12:11 PM
10 POUND ROUND!!! This Sunday!!!
We're playing at the regular course this time (instead of taking the portables to a different park), 2:00 tee off. Bring 10 pounds of food and you're in! We'll play "Skip-*******" (tee from #1 tee to #2 basket, #3 tee to #4 basket, etc...), just 2 divisions - pro & am. Thanks to DisCrazy, we'll give a prize to whoever brings the most food, and prizes in each division for the winners. Show up and help us boost our donation to the High Plains Food Bank (our ICE BOWL is Feb. 11).
Dec 28 2006, 01:06 PM
DisCrazy Shootout - '07 Fundraiser/3rd Sunday of Jan.
On the third Sunday of Jan., DisCrazy will host a fundraiser event to benefit the 2007 DisCrazy Shootout. Preliminary details include 1 round of golf on the Disc Creek Disc Golf Course, then a skills challenge for the rest of the afternoon. Come out and have some fun, get in on the action and prizes!
More info: contact me or Matt Smart (I'll try to find his contact info and post it here soon).
Jan 06 2007, 02:06 PM
Hey Rock,
Thanks for getting that posted. Ive been falling behind.
If anyone needs any info about the Skills Challenge or the 3rd Annual Discrazy Shootout you can contact me at
806-336-0553 or at
[email protected]
The support for the Shootout has been great so far!!
I will be posting it on the Pdga tournament page this weekend.
There is a tournament page is on the website also. <font color="blue"> </font> will be up anyday!!!
Jan 09 2007, 11:18 AM
Skills Challenge! Coming soon!! This will be your first opportunity to get a free entry to the 2007 DisCrazy Shootout!!! Lots of other stuff to give away also.
Be at the course early, and be ready for a good time! Start time will be 10:00am!
Jan 11 2007, 10:51 AM
Come out and join us as we play Disc Golf to support the HIGH PLAINS FOOD BANK. It will be a fun round as always, and stick around for a burger afterwards. There will be a lot of stuff to give away (thanks DisCrazy!).
$10.00 to get in, everyone will get an ICE BOWL mini marker and something to eat. Please bring some NON-PERISHABLE food to add to our donation table. And, if you can, please add to our cash donation also. We are trying to raise 2000 pounds of food and $1,500.00 in cash. It's a lofty goal, but I'm sure we can meet it.
Please help, PEOPLE GOTTA EAT!!!
Jan 11 2007, 10:53 AM
I almost forgot:
This could be your chance to get a FREE!!! entry to the DisCrazy/Budweiser Select Shootout - '07.
Jan 14 2007, 01:31 PM
Well, we've got snow and ice covering everything again. But we still had 10 show up for the handicap round yesterday! No aces, the ace pot is now at $550.00. Doubles today, maybe you and your partner can split it. More snow and ice predicted, not much but enough to make it interesting.
Jan 16 2007, 11:17 AM
Don't let the weather make you stop practicing. Get out there! Get ready for the Skills Challenge! It's going to happen regardless of rain, snow, or snain!!
Preliminary details include playing one round on the Disc Creek Disc Golf Course. We will be trying out some new features for the course. HAZARDS!!!! On several holes we will be marking some areas that will cause the better players some consternation. Hopefully these areas will be the future of course design.
That's all for now, more later!
Jan 17 2007, 02:49 PM
April 14 - the Woodmen of the World Spring Fling.
This one was a really windy event last year and still had a bunch of people out for it! This year it will be even better. Plan on a good time!!
Hopefully these areas will be the future of course design.
Future of course design in general or just for that course?
What are these hazards you speak of ?
Aligators, crack dealers, message board moderators ?
Jan 17 2007, 03:38 PM
There are a couple of other threads (one is in the course design area and another is in other PDGA topics I think - I don't know how to provide a link for you) that I have explained my thoughts on about this subject. Basically, I want to add some areas (similar to hazard areas in ball golf) that will make players consider their shots a little more carefully. I don't want to install these areas everywhere on the course, just a few scattered around. On our course here, we have several areas that are depressions in the surface of the park (nothing too severe, just obvious depressions). I believe that we can use some of these sinkholes as "Hazard" areas. We will be discussing how best to make the penalty for landing in a "Hazard", some want it to be a penalty similar to OB. I would prefer stance restrictions (to make the next shot more difficult), while others would like to see a re-location of the lie (drop zone). I'm not narrow-minded on the penalty, I just want to see some added difficulty.
It is tough to compare it to a ball golf hazard, they do not get stroked for being in a sand bunker. Perhaps a marble hazard. If you are in it , you have to throw on a bed of marbles, nice and slippery! Even better, a KY Jelly bunker. No stroke, but hard to throw! Or perhaps if you are in the hazard you must throw the up and coming shot with your off hand. It will work, untill somebody like Chris Sprague comes to town.
Jan 17 2007, 04:04 PM
The option most consistant with the current rules is the special area with no penalty stroke and drop zone. If you have suitable obstacles, the drop zone can be behind a tree.
Jan 17 2007, 04:34 PM
It is interesting. The "Hazard" areas as I picture them would do more like a "Sand Trap" in ball golf. If a player is in an area, say 100 ft. from the basket, and they can't move their support points, it would make their next throw much more difficult. Especially if there are trees or other obstacles in the way. I know, I know, there are those that say we shouldn't use everything that ball golf does (usually it the ones who have their own ideas about what they want to see for Disc Golf), but I'm convinced that Disc Golf could use some "Hazard" areas. It would be fairly easy to police other players, same as those in a sand trap on a ball golf course would expect to have their competitiors watching to see if they ground their club on the sand.
Jan 17 2007, 10:04 PM
It would be fairly easy to police other players, same as those in a sand trap on a ball golf course would expect to have their competitiors watching to see if they ground their club on the sand.
great idea ...BUT you can't even get players to call stance violations now ...what makes you think they'll call them with sand traps? :eek:
Jan 17 2007, 11:57 PM
Your options that don't require special rules exemptions are:
1. Define a hazard with no penalty but player has to proceed to play from a relatively nearby drop zone which maybe has a more challenging angle or is even 5-10 feet behind a tree.
2. Same as 1. but the drop zone is from the player's original lie which many times is the tee. Harold is thinking about using this method on hole 17 next year at USDGC.
3. Same as 1. but player takes relief from hazard by going back to the edge of the marked hazard on line with the pin. This can work well near the pin.
4. The hazard itself isn't even marked with a hazard boundary because it contains a challenging throwing area. Perhaps it's a pit, sandy, filled with pea gravel, has big rocks or logs scattered around.
Anything that forces a fixed stance or special throw has been considered inappropriate by the course designer's group and would likely be hard to get approved by the Competition Director. The Competition Director should still be apprised even if the first three items in the list above are being used as much for information purposes on what's being down out there versus just getting approval.
Jan 18 2007, 10:40 AM
I knew it wouldn't take long for Chuck to get involved and start saying what you can and can't do. :p Chuck, I know you don't like my idea, but your opinion isn't going to stop my efforts to see if this can work. You try to make it sound like your course design group is the end-all of disc golf ideas. It is most definately NOT! You have done a lot of good stuff for Disc Golf over the years, but unless you plan on showing up to participate, you have no business with this event. I never even said that we were going to use the stance restrictions, but that we are going to discuss how best to handle it. I'm in favor of stance restrictions, I also think the Drop Zone may work. Whatever we decide, we will try it out. If it works like we want it to, we will spread the word so other course designers may utilize a new tool for their designs. If it doesn't work, it won't be from lack of trying! We'll go back to the drawing board and start again.
Jan 18 2007, 10:46 AM
Policing stance violations is not hard. Many people foot fault when they play, some will call their own faults-some won't. When Disc Golf gets big time with events being aired on major networks, the public will call penalties. Plus there will be so much $$$ at stake, players will clean up their act so they can be a part of the action.
Jan 18 2007, 11:10 AM
My intent wasn't to squash new ideas in the hazards area, but more to provide what's been happening and the perspectives of other desginers on the front lines in developing the sport. In non-sanctioned events, try what you wish. For PDGA events, some of the new ideas fall within the existing rules and others don't. The ones that don't will be tougher for the Comp Director to approve as an exception.
I personally have no problem with shot or stance restrictions. However, the majority feeling among the active designers, who are also local leaders and players, is that those restrictions take us away from the essence of golf in general and disc golf specifically. I think there's also a potential liability issue. If you add a stance restriction rule that is not sanctioned by the rules of the sport, and someone twists a knee or ankle as a result, you have no cover that it falls within the normal activities of the sport. Good luck with your efforts and let us know how it goes.
Jan 18 2007, 11:30 AM
Gee, now I believe I've heard it all. :p A liability issue? Come on now, isn't that being just a little over the top? What else will you stoop to in order to get your way? A stance restriction is a very simple thing. ONCE YOU GET SET, YOU MAY NOT MOVE YOUR SUPPORT POINTS! Kind of the same as not grounding your club. SIMPLE! If you play ball golf and land in a sand trap, you may not touch the sand with your club until you swing at the ball. SIMPLE! If you are playing with your buds for fun, whack away at the sand, who cares? If you play on the PGA tour and land in a sand trap, mind the rules or you're gonna get called. SIMPLE!
I can hear it now, "Hello, Mr. Lawyer, I want to sue someone because I twisted my knee when the TD said I had to follow the rules. The PDGA doesn't use these rules, so the TD can't tell me how to play the game. I knew the course rules before I started, but I don't care for this or that, so I want justice!"
In america, you can get sued for anything . Chuck does make a valid point. Why do you think they have insurance for sanctioned events????
Crazy story, my friends own a large paintball field here in Funkytown. . Every participant signs a liability waiver prior to play. Some kid, slips on some paint , breaks an arm and they get sued . THE KID'S PARENTS SIGNED THE LIABILITY WAIVER, AND THEY STILL GOT SUED. They are currently in the process of setteling out of court right now. :confused:
Jan 18 2007, 11:37 AM
It wouldn't be the first time people in this sport got in trouble for deviating from standards or guidelines. As I said, it's not "my" way because I would have liked to see stance restrictions as an option. I'm just giving feedback on things to consider. You make the call.
Jan 18 2007, 11:45 AM
Show up and participate. Get firsthand results. You may find something that works like it should. Enough of your negativity, I'll make the call (in fact, I already have ;)). Stand by for results.
Jan 18 2007, 12:41 PM
OK. Now that nonsense is behind us, let's move on to the event. It's been really cold here this week, and supposed to be cold this weekend. DRESS WARM!!! The snow and ice are for the most part gone, but the creek is up and we might get more wettness before Sunday. One round of 18 holes first, then lunch. The skills challenge will have at least 5 stations, with everything based on points. PRO and AM divisions, with winners recieving an entry to the DisCrazy Shootout. Probably other stuff for additional prizes, Matt is good about providing extra stuff.
SHOW UP EARLY!!! I believe I heard 10:00 TEE OFF!!!
Jan 20 2007, 12:26 PM
Four inches of snow on the ground, and it's not yet 10:00 in the morning. It was just icy when I went to sleep last night. Mixed reports about how much to expect. Going to be a fun handicap round today!
Jan 20 2007, 11:23 PM
Whole lotta snow!!! Still, in spite of the weather, 10 people showed up to play. We got all the tee boxes cleared off, and some of them we did twice. About 2 inches fell between cleanings.
As far as I know, we're still on for tomorrow. Get out your full winter gear and let's throw!
Jan 21 2007, 10:55 AM
About 10 inches total. Another round for tomorrow. Maybe enough to get out the snowboard and hike some of the hills in the park.
I haven't heard anything about cancelling the fundraiser, so gear up and come on! Driving on these roads is pretty tricky, just go slow and be careful.
Jan 22 2007, 10:45 AM
Only 6 people showed up for the Skills Challenge. One even made the trip from Lubbock! To those that showed and toughed it out, WAY TO GO!!! Tom Brown won on the AM side of things, I got the PRO victory. We got all the tee boxes cleaned before the round so the drives weren't extremely difficult, but fairway shots were HARD!
***Mother Nature shows how tough it is to make good shots with poor footing*** (!!!stance restrictions!!!) ;)
We got some good pictures and some video also. Keep checking for more goods!
Jan 25 2007, 12:29 PM is up and running!! Still under construction in some areas, but it's looking good! Some of the pictures on the site will give people a glimpse of our course here, but pictures don't tell the whole story. Come out and experience the Disc Creek Disc Golf Course in person. Join us for the ICE BOWL (Feb. 11), the Woodmen of the World Spring Fling (April 14), or the DisCrazy Shootout (May 5 & 6).
Feb 01 2007, 11:28 AM
More snow last night! Bummer!! And the last stuff was almost gone enough to get back to throwing rollers!!! Oh well, it only snowed about an inch so it will be gone soon.
ICE BOWL next weekend! Gather up some canned food (and cash to donate as well), put your discs in your bag, and gear up to play some WINTER GOLF!!!!!!
Feb 02 2007, 11:25 AM
More snow! :(
I just went to the back door to go out and start my truck, and was greeted by a semi-blizzard! It has already covered yesterday's tracks, and it looks like it's getting thicker! Another round of cleaning tee boxes today. Next week's ICE BOWL will probably be white. We've had really good conditions for the past 5-6 years for our ICE BOWLs, I guess it's time for a white one.
Feb 02 2007, 11:50 AM
:cool: I looked out the back window a minute ago, wow!. The sun is out and it's still lightly snowing. Little flakes that blow and drift around with the wind, and with the sun out, it looks like a million little diamonds floating around! :cool:
Feb 02 2007, 06:27 PM
Maybe that's the last of the white stuff this season (but I doubt it ). I'm off to clear tee pads now. 54 chances at the ace pot this weekend, so I want nice clean & dry footing. If the roads aren't too bad, see you Sat. for the handicap round, or Sunday for the 2 round monthly.
Forget your ace pot and come play Cedar Hill....
Feb 04 2007, 12:24 PM
Enough snow melted to allow rollers again!!!
(on some holes, but there is still a lot of snow in patches).
16 showed for the handicap yesterday, no aces. So today the ace pot starts at $652.00. 2 rounds, starts at 1:30.
Feb 06 2007, 11:37 AM
The new locks are in! Thanks, Manuel, for hooking us up with some top notch equipment.
Ice Bowl Sunday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ice Bowl Glow Round Saturday Night!!!!!!!
Glow round at Pleasant Valley Park (Brown & Central)-starts at Dark. $10.00 to get in, proceeds go to High Plains Food Bank.
Feb 09 2007, 09:30 AM
ICE BOWL time! Sat. night glow round, head over to Pleasant Valley Park (Brown & Central - 1&1/2 miles NE from the Disc Creek Disc Golf Course) after the handicap round. We'll set up some portables and have some glow fun - $10.00/starts at dark.
Sunday Ice Bowl - $10.00 gets you in the event with a free mini disc and free lunch. 2pm tee-off, burgers & beer (or sodas) after the round. There will be a lot of stuff to give away so everyone will have a chance to get some cool goods. Matt Smart will be donating some free entries to the '07 DisCrazy Shootout, so line up to get in on the excitement!!!!
Feb 11 2007, 10:59 AM
What a fun glow round. 8 players braved the cold and fog for a hot time. Since there were a limited number, we decided to do a "Pros vs. Joes" contest. Three Pros against 4 Joes. The Pros had one stroke lead after going around all nine baskets once. The second time around, I guess the Joes watched the tapes during the break, or put in time at the practice basket, or something, because they tore up the second nine! FUN TIME!!!!! Joes Win!!!!!!
Feb 12 2007, 01:03 AM
50 players!!!
60 degrees!!!
Medium winds!
Players showed up all the way from O-ree-gon! Glad you could make it, Tim. New Mexico plates in the parking lot as well! A wonderful day for everybody to show up and play some disc golf! Good weather for another great PARTY! I guess you could say we had another "NICE BOWL" (that's several in a row now, I hope it continues!)
I believe we reached our donation goals ($1,500.00 cash, 2,000# food) :D THANKS EVERYBODY :D I'll get a closer count when I take it over to High Plains Food Bank.
Kyle Norrid - Gold division
Derek Gawlik - Silver division
???????????? - Bronze division
Regina Estrada - Women's division
Caleb Fox - Junior division
I'll add more later, I've had almost too much fun today. :cool:
Feb 12 2007, 03:12 PM
Final totals:
Pounds of food - 1,553
Amount of cash - $1,500.00
All for the High Plains Food Bank!
Thanks everyone for helping a good cause!
Feb 12 2007, 04:20 PM
WOW! Nice totals. Amarillo DG stepping up big once again!!
Feb 12 2007, 06:37 PM
Thanks, Jerry. It was a lot of fun! Another "NICE BOWL" to make a run of several years without severe conditions for the food drive. The glow round was really cool (literally!). We raised $70 for the cash donation and played an unusual course. One of the holes was placed inside the monkey bars dome (it was really fun to play, just difficult for an over 40, inebriated golfer to get in and out of ;)), another was placed on top of the catwalk between two slides. We usually try to avoid playgrounds, but since we were playing at night and after 8:00pm, we thought it would be fun to reconnect with our inner child and experiment. Then when the fog rolled in, OOOOOOh my. What a night!! And the "Joes" stepping up to hit those big shots when they needed them, PRICELESS!
Feb 14 2007, 12:23 AM
There is a picture up on the official Ice Bowl website. Thanks Rick and DGW for making this available!
Feb 14 2007, 07:11 PM
It's a good thing we didn't have today's weather on sunday! It's been snowing all day, with the sun finally starting to peek through in the last 30 minutes. Just as all that last stuff was about gone, we get another 2 - 3 inches to deal with. Spring will be here soon! Get ready for the DisCrazy/Budweiser Select Shootout, May 5&6.
Feb 18 2007, 12:20 PM
No aces yesterday, even though there were some good runs. Next week's handicap round has a $750.00 Ace pot! All the baskets are in the short positions! A big bunch of players from here are going to Albuquerque next weekend, but there will be someone doing the organizing at the course. If I get to make it to NM, I'll get the Ace Pot cash to whoever hits it on Sunday at the mini.
Feb 21 2007, 01:24 PM
Jess wanted me to get this info up for the next event in Amarillo:
The 2nd Annual Woodman Spring Fling
Saturday April 14 at Disc Creek DGC in Thompson Park.
2 rounds. Lunch and water provided.
Players pack to the first 60 entrants
Pro - $30
Am Men - $20
Women - $15
Juniors - $10
Divisions available for all skill levels
Registration at 8:30a
Players meeting at 9:30a
Pros get cash.....everyone else gets merch.
This event turned out to be very fun last year (though the wind was pretty bad....even for Amarillo). It serves as a great warmup for the DisCrazy shootout (May 5-6). Just like last year, there will be NO OB on the course, as there will be several playing who have never played before. So if you have always wanted to try certain shots on that course but shyed away becuase of potential OB, heres your chance.
88 signed up last year (only 70 that played), and theres a very good chance there will be more this year. I will post a list of stuff that Jess has aquired to give away or raffle off.
Wait 'till you see what he has for this year....
Any questions on the tournament, contact Jess or Janie at 806-381-1852.
Feb 21 2007, 01:35 PM
Heres the results from last year:
<table border="1"><tr><td>Open</td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td>
</td></tr><tr><td>1</td><td>John Rock</td><td>Stewart</td><td>*</td><td>59</td><td>62</td><td>*</td><td>121
</td></tr><tr><td>2</td><td>Armando Gordo</td><td>Garcia III</td><td>*</td><td>62</td><td>59</td><td>*</td><td>121
</td></tr><tr><td>3</td><td>Glenn Bo</td><td>Neill</td><td>*</td><td>58</td><td>64</td><td>*</td><td>122
</td></tr><tr><td>T8</td><td>Larry D.</td><td>Foster</td><td>*</td><td>64</td><td>66</td><td>*</td><td>130
</td></tr><tr><td>Adv. Men</td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td>
</td></tr><tr><td>5</td><td>Rob C.</td><td>Lee</td><td>*</td><td>67</td><td>62</td><td>*</td><td>129
</td></tr><tr><td>Int. Men</td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td>
</td></tr><tr><td>1</td><td>James</td><td>Paulk II</td><td>*</td><td>61</td><td>68</td><td>*</td><td>129
</td></tr><tr><td>Rec. Men</td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td>
</td></tr><tr><td>Adv. Women</td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td>
</td></tr><tr><td>Rec. Women</td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td>
</td></tr><tr><td>Juniors 12-15</td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td>
</td></tr><tr><td>2</td><td>Tom</td><td>Grensberg Jr.</td><td>*</td><td>58</td><td>68</td><td>*</td><td>126
</td></tr><tr><td>Juniors 7-11</td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td>
Feb 21 2007, 01:51 PM
What??? I won one last year??
Feb 22 2007, 02:52 PM
Yeah...I guess the rest of us were all having an off day last year... ;)
Feb 22 2007, 04:10 PM
Those kind of days happen. I actually peaked 3 times last year when everyone else was having an off day! :D
Happy B-Day, 2 free birdies for your round today. Enjoy!!
Feb 26 2007, 11:55 AM
BBBAAADDD conditions for Saturday's round. Very high winds and snow! Good thing most of us went to Albuquerque for the Anasazi Open where we only had to deal with high winds! The word I got is nobody showed for the handicap round. 21 showed up on Sunday (yesterday) though. No aces :(. Next weekend there will be 54 opportunities at all that Ace Pot $$$. Handicap round Saturday, Monthly on Sunday (2 rounds). Over $1,000.00 to be had!!!!!!
Time change is soon on us! Don't forget that the start times will move up to 4:00 (instead of 3:00). The Monthly (first Sunday of the month) always starts at 1:30 sharp!
After the time change, we will be doing Wednesday Doubles (Kyle???). Start time will be 6:00 sharp!! 6:30 once we get enough daylight.
Also, I'm going to start a Thursday Handicap league from the Blue Tees. Same start time as Wed. Doubles.
Feb 28 2007, 10:44 AM
April 21/22, 2007. Big Spring, Texas. Commanche Trails Disc Golf Course (near the "Big Spring"). Flyers will be out soon!!!
Mar 01 2007, 11:13 AM
Also don't forget the Duke Fest in Albuquerque, March 17/18. There should be a large Amarillo group going if anyone needs a ride. Always a decent Women's field if any women are interested.
Mar 05 2007, 11:12 AM
All those players and NO ACES!! 19 showed up for a cold, windy handicap round Saturday, 55 was the lowest score of the day :confused:. Sunday was MUCH nicer, though. 60 degrees and very little wind. There were some scores in the 40's, and some really close runs for the Hole-in-One. 24 played the Monthly on Sunday, which means this weekend, 54 holes were played with no ACES (1,206 attempts for $750.00 came up empty :D). Today we move 9 baskets to the long positions, but they can still be had! Saturday handicap round starts at 3:00. Come get the Ace Pot if you think you can!
Mar 06 2007, 11:50 AM
Get signed up early so you don't miss out! Keep checking for updates.
Mar 06 2007, 01:00 PM
Heres some of the 'extras' for the Woodman event.....
-Fazoli's has donated lots of free spaghetti dinners that will be given away.
-Several 17oz. cans of Tony Chachere Cajun seasoning to be given away.
-2 hand stamp tickets to Wonderland (Amarillo amusement park)
-2 tickets to Six Flags Over Texas
-Assortment of CD's and books from Lifeway Christian Bookstore.
Here are a few of the raffle items at the Woodman event....
-Total gym 1100 (yeah, like the one thats on TV) valued at over $1000
3$ per ticket or 4 for $10
-Stihl gas trimmer
$2 per ticket or 6 for $10
All proceeds go for tournament expenses
Theres just a few of things that are being added to this event. And remember, theres a free lunch for all players and NO OB all day!! Cheap entry...1 day event. Sign up early!!
More later......
Mar 06 2007, 02:28 PM
I hope I get one of the bottles of Cajun Sauce. It will keep my bag from blowing away while I throw! ;)
Mar 07 2007, 10:29 AM
Any word on what kind of course lay-out Jess wants to use? This month the pins are half short/half long, and moving to all long for April. No problem moving any or all since those new locks make the switch a lot less frustrating! Thanks Manuel Rodriguez for taking care of your friends in the Panhandle :cool:
Mar 08 2007, 05:06 PM
The official lay-out will be:
Morning round - all LONG
Afternoon round - all SHORT (except #16)
Pros play from the BLUE TEES
Youth play from the RED TEES (shortest)
All others play from the WHITE TEES (concrete)
Any predictions who will turn in the hottest 2nd round?
Should we start a pool for who can guess the wind speed for the day of the event? ;)
Mar 09 2007, 12:59 PM
I guess 15-25 mph :) (which would be an improvment over last year)
Mar 10 2007, 11:39 AM
That's a pretty safe guess ;), that's a typical day here.
I'm going with 10 mph at start time, with 75 degree temp. in the afternoon, or hotter....depending on who is blistering the short pin lay-out!
Mar 10 2007, 09:52 PM
Kyle Norrid hits the big fat Ace pot!!!! Hole 13-short. $750.00!!!! 7 Bens, 1 Grant. Will he bring some cold ones tomorrow???
Doubles tomorrow, $486 Ace Pot before entries. It should go to $500.00 then start on a back-up.
Way to go Kyle!! That's why he is called "KING DADDY"!
Dang lefties ;)
Mar 12 2007, 11:49 AM
More moisture! Thank goodness we're getting some rain, we don't need a repeat of last year's wild fires. Already seeing some green on the trees and the grass is coming back to life.
$500.00 ACE POT Saturday for the handicap round. Some of us will be going to Albuquerque for the Duike Fest, but someone will take care of the event this weekend. If anyone hits the ACE, get with me on Monday to collect!
Mar 12 2007, 12:00 PM
Due to inconsiderate people not respecting the group, I am going to have to start asking everyone to work together to help clean up our image! We can NOT afford to turn people away from the game just because some want to smoke their rope whenever they feel like it :eek:. Burning a big fat glass bowl in front of kids and non-smokers during the awards will not be tolerated at all!!!! Some of the players that want to participate in our weekly club events do not partake in that activity, and should not have to put up with it during play or the awards! We are starting to see a lot more people utilizing our course and we cannot afford to lose potential sponsors or players!
Come on, people!! Use some common sense! :mad:
Mar 12 2007, 12:06 PM
you think they are reading this post....
Mar 12 2007, 12:30 PM
Not the offender from Saturday, that's "highly" unlikely. But other players from surrounding areas do check this board and need to be aware of the problem and the steps that are being taken to correct this ongoing issue. From what I gather when I read this message board, many people are striving to clean up our image as Disc Golfers. I have no problem with those that want to engage in whatever their choice of poison is, just not at the course during a club event. As I posted earlier, we CANNOT afford to lose potential sponsors or players.
Mar 12 2007, 01:06 PM
then bust their nose with alil call to them out in front of their moms
Mar 14 2007, 11:38 AM
DisCrazy/Bud Select Shootout '07 fundraiser coming up April 15, the day after the Woodmen Spring Fling. Only 1 month away!
Mar 15 2007, 10:29 AM
Duke Fest this weekend!!!!!!!!!!
Gotta make that left turn in Albacrakey!
Tough Master's division over there in the desert. Lots more OB paint lines than last year at the Baca. Would Brent approve of all that paint? I think so, he was a true competitor. We all miss you Brent Baca :(
Mar 19 2007, 12:01 PM
Wow! What a weekend! Great weather!!!!!!! 99 players in the desert! Masters score beats Open score! Not mine, I couldn't stay on the In-Bounds side of the paint :(. I did birdie the "snake pit" hole (#13)at Ladera, and also birdied the long monster hole #14 by Ouray street :D.
Mar 21 2007, 10:22 AM
Only a few weeks away. I heard the discs are in! Sign up early so you get in on the fun!!!!
Mar 21 2007, 01:05 PM
Jess wanted me to pass on some more goodies that will be there:
- Youth Jerseys compliments of the Amarillo Gorillas (semi-pro hockey team)
- 2 tickets to Sea World
- a grinder from Harbor Freight Tools
- bags and purses from J C Penney
- gift certificate to Doug Henks BBQ
- 6 free dinners w/ drinks to Rosa's Cafe
- gift certificates to Red Robin
- mirrors, pens, and caps from Waynes Quality Auto Glass
- CD's, books, and pencils and from Lifeway Christian Books
Just a few more things to entice you guys. You can bet this is not the end of goodies Jess has gathered......more later.
Cheap price, free lunch, NO OB.......sounds like a good deal to me!! (hey, that rhymes :D)
Mar 27 2007, 10:55 AM
Hope no one got blown away up there!! Lots of bad weather this past week.....
Mar 27 2007, 01:26 PM
The worst of those storms were in Clovis and Logan, NM. Nothing pretty about what tornadoes can do. :(
The Disc Creek Disc Golf is in good shape. The grass is thick and the trees are showing life.
Mar 29 2007, 12:23 AM
More severe storms tonight. Lots of tornado clouds popping up all around this area.
Check out to see some pics from the last few events here.
Mar 31 2007, 09:35 AM
The calendar says Spring, doesn't it? Why are we still getting snow????? I hope we don't lose our new rose bushes again this year :(
Apr 01 2007, 01:15 PM
Wow! Some pretty dramatic weather swings lately. Snow Friday - 80 degrees Sunday. Gonna be a good day to play the Monthly today. Yesterday was nice, 65 degrees and a visit from some of our Albuquerque friends. Rick and Sean Kapalko passing through and playing golf.
$500 ACE POT today with the back-up starting around $112 (if I remember correctly). Could be a profitable day if you can coax your discs to go where you want them to :D.
Apr 05 2007, 08:31 AM
More snow comming up! Make sure you use bright colors for your Easter eggs, they're going to be hard to find under the snow!
No Disc Golf activities at Thompson Park on Sunday (Easter Sunday). Starting about 10:00am, the Park will fill up to the point that there will be no way to play the course. Even if you habla Espanol, reasoning with some of these Park users is difficult.
Apr 07 2007, 09:48 AM
Handicap round today! $500 ACE POT!! One more opportunity to play in the SNOW!!!
If it does snow today and tonight, we may be able to play Doubles Sunday. With several inches of snow on the ground, I bet the Park won't get too crowded. We'll just have to wait and see......
Apr 07 2007, 01:12 PM
It's snowing now! Will it stack up? Will anyone volunteer to shovel Tee Pads?
Only time will tell.
Apr 08 2007, 12:29 PM
Well, everything is still green. Even though it snowed most of the day yesterday, not much of it stuck. 14 players showed up in the crappy weather for the Handicap round. Most everyone shot way over their average. I happened to bring in a 53 (right around my average) so I ended up with the victory! Doesn't happen often in the Handicap rounds :)
No aces so the ACE POT is $500 today if we are able to play the course. It's quite cold today, and still pretty moist, so maybe we'll get to play.
Apr 09 2007, 12:20 PM
over 50 signed up for the Sping Fling already! Sign up early...there might not be a spot Sat morning! Lots of give aways.....some raffles....low meal....good times.
Dont miss it!!
Apr 09 2007, 03:34 PM
Get ready for a fun weekend!
The course is looking good!
Blue Tees for the Pros, Red Tees for the beginners, White Tees for everyone else!
No wind left in the hopper ;)
Apr 16 2007, 11:40 AM
Looks like my weather prediction was the closest!!
36 people showed up for the Spring Fling this year. After braving the cold morning, the players enjoyed a BEAUTIFUL afternoon. Lunch was excellent, and there were prizes given away all day!! Matt Smart won the Total gym 1100, and Tom Grensburg Jr. won the Stihl gas powered trimmer. Douglas Meggers aced #6 in the afternoon round. And, on a personnal note, I beat someone for the first time on his home course!! (But, he came back in the second round and thoroughly kicked my
[email protected]@). With a blistering 49 in the second round (from the Blue tees) Rock took the top spot. There were several players who enjoyed tournament disc golf for the first time, and I think everyone had a good time, regardless of the weather. I also have to brag on my son a was his first sub-100 round at Disc Creek DGC including 3's on some of the tougher holes on the course. Way to go Jared!!
Thanks to Jess and Janie Wilkins, and everyone at Woodman of the World for a good time. Last year was warm, but windy. This year was cold, but calm. Maybe next year will be just right :D
Here are the scores:
1 John Rock Stewart 61 49 110
T2 Tom Grensburg 59 58 117
T2 Jerry Kingston 59 58 117
4 Matt Smart 61 59 120
5 Patrick Amerson 67 55 122
6 Bob Gann 65 61 126
7 Fabian Hyman 66 64 130
Adv. Men
1 Deacon Wilson 61 56 117
2 Steve Fox 65 54 119
3 Dane Nail 69 64 133
Int. Men
1 Turner Warren 63 60 123
2 Steve Boham 67 58 125
T3 Jason Tarpley 66 60 126
T3 Doug Meggers 68 58 126
5 David Nguyen 65 64 129
T6 William James 68 65 133
T6 Robert Staley 69 64 133
8 Tom Brown 69 65 134
9 Blake Hockaday 71 64 135
10 Craig Dabovich 83 67 150
Rec. Men
1 Dan Cass 69 65 134
2 Art Elliot 84 78 162
3 Lyle Gillis 999 64 DNC
Nov. Men
1 Chris Jonse 83 69 152
2 PJ Taylor 89 69 158
3 Matt Leblanc 83 999 DNF
Adv. Women
1 Misti Kingston 78 66 144
2 Valerie Hockaday 89 76 165
Nov. Women
1 Tracy Jonse 95 81 176
2 Faye Wallace 93 85 178
3 Roena Key 134 114 248
Youth 12-15
1 Caleb Fox 67 66 133
2 Tom Grensburg Jr. 73 66 139
3 Taylor Kinsey 73 68 141
Youth 7-11
1 Kelton Kinsey 88 81 169
2 Jared Kingston 101 89 190
Apr 16 2007, 12:23 PM
I did a quick calculation and based on 3 scores, Rock's 49 in the second round would have been a 1004 rating!! I only had 3 scores because other players that would have had ratings aren't current with their, I cant get their ratings off the website. However, I think the other players ratings would have actually raised that would likely be over 1010!! Way to go Rock!
Apr 16 2007, 05:39 PM
Thanks! An un-official course record (because we played "NO Out-of-Bounds"), and 2 off of my personal best from the Blues, sure felt good. I told myself scoring low help ease the pain in my knees ;)
Apr 23 2007, 11:22 AM
Big fun in Big Spring! It was about as windy as it ever has been! No uder Par rounds on Saturday. Marcus, Kyle N., and I finished 1-2-3 in OPEN.
94 PLAYERS!!!!!
Great time! Thanks Greg Brooks and the rest of the Big Spring crew!
Post #99. Who gets #100?
Apr 23 2007, 03:29 PM
#100 yes !! It was good fun in Big Spring this past weekend. It almost felt like home with all that WIND. Big thanks to Greg Brooks and all his crew and sponsors. The players packs for all divisions were awesome and the payout was phat. Those trophies were REAL sweeeet. Congrats to all the winners and thanks for all the competion and good sportsmanship in the Open division. See ya'll in less than 2 weeks in Amarillo for that Discrazy event, it should be fun :D
Apr 23 2007, 05:06 PM
got any scores??
Apr 23 2007, 05:09 PM
They don't normally post the scores from Big Spring events. You have to be there to get the scoop. Show up next time for results.
Apr 25 2007, 09:28 AM
BOO so I guess this was non sanctioned.
Apr 25 2007, 02:35 PM
Check with Cass Blackshear. I saw him entering scores into a laptop, and they were posted quickly after each round. He probably has them on file? Maybe we can help him get one of those cool event programs? Maybe even next year have it sanctioned? I'll help any way I can.
I think they have a new website at innerpole dot something or other
Apr 25 2007, 03:16 PM
I always wondered why Big Spring events were never sanctioned.
I looked for a website, but I guess they still dont have it up.
Gary Duke has a great scroing routine...go to (
Apr 25 2007, 03:22 PM
The guy (I can't remember his name) that has done the "Star Spangled Banner" on his bugle said they have a new site. It was quite loud during the meeting so I may not remember the site address correctly, but I thought he said it was innerpole dot something.
Apr 25 2007, 04:08 PM
Maybe we can get the scoop from Greg next weekend.
As far as the players list, I am working with the PDGA on getting a password to post it on the PDGA Tour page. Will hopefully have that done by the end of the week.
Apr 26 2007, 09:20 AM
Things are shaping up nicely. The final 6 holes for the top players is laid out. some tough Par 4's and a couple of really cool Par 3's. Some holes we've never played around here before. I hope I get to be in the playoff.
Course work day on Sunday. We will need some help taking care of a few small items, so if you can show up bring some gardening tools (shovel, rake, etc...).
Apr 26 2007, 10:03 AM
Sounds like a nice final. Not too long but high quality nonetheless. The players list is up on the PDGA Tour page for your viewing pleasure. I expect it to grow to 105 soon.
Apr 27 2007, 10:54 AM
Sounds like entries are still coming in daily. Even if a person can't play all weekend, we would still love to have everyone show up and be a part of the gallery. There should be some very good action in the Open division (and probably in the Old guy's group as well ;)). The final will be contested on a very challenging 6 hole lay-out. Not too long, but some tricky holes up and down the slopes and across the creek.
We will be using 3 new temporary holes also. The "*******" is a favorite that many of you have already played. A par 4 hole that plays beside the creek for the length of the hole (around 520 feet). Also there is a tree line on the right side that will be OB for the length of the hole. Very tough hole that pays to play it smart.
"The Bender" hole is a new one that plays after Hole #18. Mando left of the Big Elm tree, then down hill towards the creek. Lefties and RHFH throwers will love this hole! Get too agressive though, and you may be swimming :o.
"The Old Hole" is a plast from the past! Who remembers old #18 that teed off by the swimming pool? Well, it's back! Sort of. A little shorter, throwing a little more towards the street, but not any easier. Should be a chance to grab a birdie if you can play a good tee shot.
We will get them all measured today or tomorrow, then study the films and plan my strategy for success! ;)
Apr 30 2007, 08:36 AM
Everything is measured. The "A HOLE" has been shortened a bit (down to 492 ft.), but it's not any easier. Good work day yesterday, we got some good stuff done.
The Shootout is FULL!!
May 02 2007, 11:19 AM
The event is full and several on the wait list. Don't get left out, call to get on the wait list because you never know when a player will have to cancel their plans to attend this event.
May 21 2007, 10:20 AM
The ACE POT is climbing again! It starts at $548.00 Saturday for the Handicap round. And a $250.00 back-up ACE POT means that there should be over $800.00 up for grabs if you can hit an ACE Saturday and then again on Sunday! All the baskets are in the LONG positions, but there are still some holes that can be had.
May 24 2007, 09:56 AM
It's Thursday! Handicap Round from the BLUE TEES today!! It's ACE POT is around $70.00 (just a guess without going and looking at the facts). Still NO ACES From the Blues yet. Who gets the first one?
May 25 2007, 01:17 PM
DeLynn has been pretty busy with other stuff lately, so I'll post it:
West Texas Women Disc Golfers will meet Saturday mornings at 10:00. They are back in the swing of things, and they're ready to grow!! Come on out and join them as they play a fun round. Bring your kids or leave them with their Daddy, just show up.
May 27 2007, 11:44 AM
No Aces yesterday, the Ace pot should go over $600.00 today!
May 28 2007, 11:21 AM
Tom Grensberg hits the ACE!!!! $606.00!!!!! Hole #15 (long position). Way to go Tom! And way to do it on a hole that doesn't get hit very often.
May 31 2007, 06:58 PM
It's Thursday again. Handicap from the Blue Tees at 6:00.
Can Tom be the first to hit an ACE from the Blue Tees?
Jun 02 2007, 12:11 PM
The girls are out there right now! Saturdays at 10:00, send your wife, daughter, girlfriend, or anyone! They just show up to play, and have fun! Good to see them getting organized. Possibly hosting an EDGE experience this summer!!!!!!
Jun 03 2007, 11:51 AM
2 round Monthly today! Ace pot starts at $294.00!
22 players for the Handicap round yesterday! Beautiful day to play! This was our once-a-month round to do the tags by Handicap, and did they ever get spread out! Kyle (Mr. #1 tag) had a poor round and left with a 3 digit tag :eek: Sherry Nail had a very good round and got one of the lowest tags! She was STOKED!!!!!
Jun 04 2007, 01:42 PM
They had an EDGE skills challenge at Worlds last year. It really did well in showing you what skills you had and which skills you, well.....needed to work on :eek:. They gave out patches at various levels depending on how high your score was. A really unique thing!
Jun 06 2007, 04:43 PM
Random Draw Doubles this afternoon. Can you handle this wind? It is really getting after it now! just looking out the window and guessing, I'm going to say it's blowing around 30mph steady, with gusts around 40mph!!!
Jun 06 2007, 04:47 PM
Oh, and half of the baskets are now in the short positions, so it shouldn't be too hard to get some birdies! ;)
Jun 06 2007, 06:00 PM says winds at 38 mph with gusts up to 53mph :(
Thems some tough conditions ;)
Jun 07 2007, 09:45 AM
Official results:
Weather (wind) - 47 mph sustained winds / gusts to 58 mph :p
Wednesday Doubles - Hiram/Rock tie Gordo/Matt -5 (52)
split $$$ (18 holes of wrestling the
wind was enough)
And I thought I was going to be the only one that showed up :cool: 11 crazy fools trying to throw plastic discs ;)
Jun 07 2007, 10:57 AM
By the time we finished, there were a few other casual players on the course. I guess this buzz is contagious.
Jun 07 2007, 06:48 PM
Thursday Handicap from the BLUE TEES happens in one hour! It's pretty windy today, but not as bad as yesterday. And if you play poorly, it only helps your handicap get fatter!
Jun 08 2007, 09:53 AM
8 players for the BLUE handicap yesterday. Some wind and several more groups of casual players than yesterday.
Kyle ties the course record (BLUE TEES) with a 50 (-9) bogey free! That lefty freak was hitting EVERYTHING!!!(except an ACE, of course! ;))
Jun 14 2007, 04:12 PM
Thursday Handicap from the BLUE TEES today. Ace Pot over $100.00!
Jun 18 2007, 06:24 PM
This isn't really Texas news, but.......
Albuquerque's longtime favorite course is open again!!!!!
That's right, Roosevelt is playable. And is it ever sweet!! All new grass! All new baskets! All new tee pads! There has been a little redesign of the old Rosey, but it's still pretty much the same original course!
Jun 24 2007, 11:59 AM
No Aces yesterday. Ace Pot will be over $400.00 today. One round of singles (divisional) starting at 4:00.
Jul 01 2007, 09:47 PM
Tom Grensberg does it AGAIN!!! First round of the Monthly today, he hit #3 (long) with a skip ACE! $480.00!!!!
Being the good sport he is, he said if anyone hit an ace in the second round, he would donate $100.00 of his winnings to the lucky thrower. Nobody hit one.
Next Saturday the Ace Pot will start at $22.00.
Jul 08 2007, 11:57 AM
Well, Tom didn't hit an ace today :o, but he did bring a cooler full of beer to share with everybody to celebrate last week's good fortune. Thanks, Tom!
For the first time that I can remember, I won the Handicap round 2 weeks in a row! It's been a long time since I've won a Handicap round, much less twice in a row! Last week was a good round for me, but yesterday's round was almost legendary. We started on Hole #2 and I birdied 6 in a row. Then 2 pars, 6 more birdies, a par, then a birdie on #17. At this point, I'm thinking, "I'm tied with the record, just keep it in the fairway on #18, get the par, and maybe birdie #1 for the course record." Well, if you've ever played the Disc Creek Disc Golf Course, you know that Hole #18 can make or break a good round. It broke mine :(. With a decent drive, I had maybe 130 feet to the pin but I had to go around the big Elm guarding the basket. My 86 mold Softie shot didn't get far enough around the left side of that sentry and bounced out into the road for my only bogey of the round. Then I missed the birdie on #1 and had to settle for 1 stroke off of a course record. Dang! The record was established in the mid 90's by Troy Lowery, then I matched it twice in 2000. This was the closest to 44 that we've seen in quite a while.
Jul 15 2007, 01:45 PM
Yep. Hole #10!
Hole #10 you ask?
Are you sure?
That one doesn't get hit very often, does it?
That's right! Hole #10 (short) at the Disc Creek Disc Golf Course got hit yesterday for $106.00! Finnan McClellon with a high Hyzer over the trees!
This hole (#10) is probably one of the hardest sub-300ft. holes in all of Texas. It's not excessively wooded, nor very long, but the way it sits on top of the hill makes it very difficult for putting and driving. The wind comes up from the bottom of the hill by 24th Street making this one of the hardest holes on the course. A birdie here makes a player very happy! An ACE is almost unheard of! Way to go Finnan!
Jul 16 2007, 11:41 AM
Wow...15 long was rare, but 10? What are they putting in the water up there ;).
#10 is a great hole...its got everything you could want. Elevation, obstacles, risk/reward, good scoring spread....I'm not sure an ace would be possible other than with a mighty heave and some help from the wind. I've taken everything from a 2 to a 5 on that hole. A very memorable shot...good job Finnan
Jul 16 2007, 02:19 PM
What are they putting in the water up there ;).
I put my Sidewinder in the water on Hole #4 during the Handicap round Sat. Is that what you mean? :D
And only a week or so ago I was commenting that since the new plastics have come around, I hardly ever throw my rollers into the creek on #4. Full on reality check!
Jul 16 2007, 03:07 PM
Man, considering what I have seen of your rolling skills, that must have been a pretty errant shot. :o On a positive note, thats the disc I use to roll! :D
Great minds think alike..... :D
Jul 23 2007, 09:42 AM
No aces this weekend, but we did get treated to a Buffalo stampede!
We were playing Hole #12 yesterday right about the time when the Zoo closes for the day. The Zoo workers were driving their cart down the hill and blowing the horn to call the buffaloes in for dinner. Well this time instead of just meandering down toward their stalls to eat, they all kicked up their heels and sprinted! There are probably 8 of them at the zoo, and we get to see them everyday from the course, but we don't often get to see them running. Very COOL!!!
Jul 25 2007, 11:27 AM
Wednesday Doubles today! Kyle has left town for a while (for good maybe? No, he'll be back ;)) to go to South Carolina this time. He was talking with Matt Smart about taking over Wed. Doubles for him so we'll see this afternoon. Ace Pot should be around $100+.
Come out and let's play!
Jul 27 2007, 12:48 PM
Still no Aces from the Blue Tees There have been some close calls, but no money shots.........Yet.
10 Pound Round Sunday!!!
Bring a portable basket if you have one.
Medi Park.....Meet at the North Lake (first parking lot off of Ninth Street). I read in the newspaper today that Texas Parks & Wildlife stocked the lake with catfish yesterday, so wet your lines at sunup then shoot some birdies at 10:00 :cool:
Bring 10 pounds of food for our Ice Bowl food drive, or bring more if you can. Most food gets a prize!!!
Jul 30 2007, 09:31 AM
What a great time! 9 people showed up to play our first 10 Pound Round of '07. Great weather at a very cool park, it's almost impossible not to have fun with those conditions! Preliminary count is just over 300 pounds raised yesterday. Thanks!!!!!
Jul 31 2007, 10:40 AM
Come out to participate in the EDGE demo put on by Team Rizbee. Wednesday afternoon at 4:00, meet at the picnic shelter in Area #36 (next to Hole#16/17). We will have refreshments hosted by the West Texas Women Disc Golfers, an EDGE demonstration by Allen and AJ Risley, and then a fun round of golf. Then stick around for Wednesday DisCrazy Doubles.
Should be a LOT of FUN!!!!!
Aug 02 2007, 04:52 PM
It's been raining a lot today. We really need it so I'm not complaining, just letting everyone know, "The Handicap Round is ON! Wet or not, we're playing!"
Aug 05 2007, 12:14 PM
Monthly today!
Starts at 1:30 - don't be late!
2 Rounds - Battle the wind!
Ace Pot starts at $118.00!
Aug 09 2007, 04:03 PM
It's almost time! Aug. 25 & 26
Start making plans for another BIG TIME!!!
More details soon.
Aug 11 2007, 10:01 AM
Handicap round at 4:00 this afternoon. Ace Pot is closing in on $200.00. It's gonna be hot so bring your drinks!
Aug 13 2007, 09:23 AM
Plenty HOT this weekend! No Aces, though.
ACE RACE next Sunday! 11:00 West Hills Park (near 3rd & Western). Maybe we'll see some ACES then!
Aug 14 2007, 10:32 AM
The TOTO this year will feature a "Mini Golf" championship. We will have a 9 Hole course set up near the tounament HQ just for mini golf. Go through as many times as you like, lowest score for the weekend will get some cool stuff.
More details soon!
Aug 15 2007, 10:26 AM
DisCrazy Doubles Tonite!!!!
Aug 17 2007, 10:44 AM
Lunch between rounds will be covered by Chick-Fil-A, and Saturday evening, we'll have burgers and hot dogs with sodas and BEER (for the adults). Lots of fun planned for after the second round Sat. Mini golf (with the Ninth hole being a swinging basket!), CTP contests, DisCrazy raffle, and more!!
Aug 17 2007, 06:30 PM
Oh, yeah! Swinging basket on the Mini Golf course! Wow, what will these guys in the Panhandle think of next? Where does that inspiration come from?
Any comments on how high to swing it? Our tree here on the course has a branch that's sort of high up there ;) Maybe this next spring we can talk the city into planting another tree here in the park.
i am worried that you are the only person from your area with access to the internet, or you are the ony person playing dg in your area... it looks like that only due to this thread that mostly has your posts.
no offense...
how has been the turn out for you tourney coming up????
just wondering if it worth it to haul the funkyones up there to Amarillo.
Aug 18 2007, 10:26 AM
You're worried? About my area of Disc Golf? Lack of participants? Quality of the event? Skill level of players?
Well dig a little deeper into this thread or others from the Top of Texas area. You'll see that there are plenty of players in this area, and we have had several events with pretty large turnouts. Check out the last DisCrazy Shootout results (and you can also see the previous Top of Texas Open results) from the PDGA tour page if you want to see what kind of competition you'll face if you decide to attend our events. Just because a huge number of players don't want to waste their time on this forum doesn't mean we are lacking in participation on the course. I sacrifice my time to post on here about what is going on in my part of our state, so at least you will know there is an opportunity available for you to experience our events on a fabulous course here.
Show up and see for yourself. We've had several players from your area attend, and to my knowledge, none have left dissatisfied. As a matter of fact, we have some from your area that get excited to participate whenever they hear about one of our events coming up.
No offense.... :p
Aug 18 2007, 10:20 PM
Hey drunkdre,
There have been alot of players from your area come to the tournaments here. Really good people! I hope more of you can make it to this area to play a great course and participate in some of the best disc golf events in Texas! (my opinion) I can tell you i had to turn away 36 players for the Discrazy Shootout! I only had room for 105 players. We had 40 total pros! Hopefully i can play with you soon!
Matt Smart W/ Discrazy
Aug 20 2007, 11:54 AM
I'll add some more pro-west texas talk.....
Its true that a lot of peeps out here are still on the access road to the information super highway...but, you will not find a finer group of folks anywhere. I would put the love, dedication, and hard work that west texas disc golfers put into the sport up against any other area anywhere. Thats no exaggeration......I mean ANYWHERE! There are some quality players from New Mexico and Colorado that frequent Amarillo events...and, with good reason. Personally, Amarillo disc golf impressed upon me what disc golf is all about...they are a big part of why I love it and am heavily involed in disc golf. Its worth the trip...this course is a hidden gem that many more should know about.
I promise it will wet your appetite for DisCrazy event that is already one of the bigger events in Texas and one day (soon) could be bigger and better than ALL of them (Texas States, Z-boaz, LOSO included...)
Its a long drive in the middle of norwhere....I know....but funkytowners will NOT leave unhappy. I hope to see you guys there!!!
Aug 21 2007, 07:21 PM
Thanks for the PM Rock. Looks like 8-10 Lubbock Windriders will be there. Rob
Aug 21 2007, 09:04 PM
Fabulous! Do you need a space to park the camper? We've got a full house this weekend but we have 2 acres+ where you can park & camp if you want. And it's only about a mile and a half to the course!
Aug 23 2007, 01:10 PM
Looks like good weather for the weekend. It's been very windy the last few days, so maybe it will blow itself out and be calm for the TOTO.
Lots of calls coming in from people wanting to play. Colorado is represented, as well as New Mexico, and Oklahoma will be represented by last year's Champion, Jose Mendoza!
Aug 23 2007, 11:52 PM
No luck today on being calm :( Seems like when I need to paint lines at the course, it always gets really windy.
Lots of good stuff lined up for this weekend.
FREE BEER!!!!!!!!
"OK, that's all we need! Let's play!!" says the masses.
Aug 23 2007, 11:58 PM
Im really getting stoked for this weekend!!
Its going to be a great time as usual!
I found out today that Monster Energy Drinks will be signing on for the Discrazy Shootout!!!!!!!
Aug 24 2007, 02:09 AM
Just got into town...looking forward to getting back on my favorite course :-)
Man, that lightning show north of here has been pretty impressive!! Hope folks up that way are OK.
Aug 27 2007, 02:28 PM
Another great weekend in Amarillo. The crowd was very friendly and all of the organizers deserve a huge pat on the back for taking such good care of the players.
Being fed both lunch and dinner on Saturday for 100% free is awesome. Mini golf was a blast - I think I played three times and kept shooting worse each time but I kept having more fun each time.
I said it yesterday so it is worth saying again I will come back because of the people. I really really want to make it to the shootout in May.
Aug 27 2007, 06:39 PM
<table><tr></tr> <tableborder=3> <tr> <td colspan=1> Division </td> <td> Place </td> <td> First Name </td> <td> Last Name </td> <td> PDGA </td> <td> Rd1 </td> <td> Rd2 </td> <td> Rd3 </td> <td> Total </td> <td> Payout </td> </tr>
<tr> <td> Open </td> <td> </td> <td> </td> <td> </td> <td> </td> <td> </td> <td> </td> <td> </td> <td> </td> <td> </td> </tr>
<tr> <td> </td> <td> 1 </td> <td> Jose </td> <td> Mendoza </td> <td> 15074 </td> <td> 50 </td> <td> 56 </td> <td> 58 </td> <td> 164 </td> <td> $310.00 </td> </tr>
<tr> <td> </td> <td> T2 </td> <td> Nick </td> <td> Rowton </td> <td> </td> <td> 51 </td> <td> 64 </td> <td> 57 </td> <td> 172 </td> <td> $185.00 </td> </tr>
<tr> <td> </td> <td> T2 </td> <td> Glenn Bo </td> <td> Neill </td> <td> 23717 </td> <td> 53 </td> <td> 56 </td> <td> 63 </td> <td> 172 </td> <td> $185.00 </td> </tr>
<tr> <td> </td> <td> 4 </td> <td> Jeremy </td> <td> Brumley </td> <td> </td> <td> 56 </td> <td> 57 </td> <td> 60 </td> <td> 173 </td> <td> $125.00 </td> </tr>
<tr> <td> </td> <td> 5 </td> <td> Cris </td> <td> Hicks </td> <td> 15483 </td> <td> 51 </td> <td> 64 </td> <td> 62 </td> <td> 177 </td> <td> $100.00 </td> </tr>
<tr> <td> </td> <td> T6 </td> <td> Jessie </td> <td> Mendez </td> <td> 21956 </td> <td> 53 </td> <td> 67 </td> <td> 60 </td> <td> 180 </td> <td> $70.00 </td> </tr>
<tr> <td> </td> <td> T6 </td> <td> Kyle </td> <td> Norrid </td> <td> 14876 </td> <td> 59 </td> <td> 60 </td> <td> 61 </td> <td> 180 </td> <td> $70.00 </td> </tr>
<tr> <td> </td> <td> 8 </td> <td> Santos </td> <td> Montoya </td> <td> 24148 </td> <td> 58 </td> <td> 62 </td> <td> 61 </td> <td> 181 </td> <td> $55.00 </td> </tr>
<tr> <td> </td> <td> 9 </td> <td> John Rock </td> <td> Stewart </td> <td> 4693 </td> <td> 58 </td> <td> 61 </td> <td> 63 </td> <td> 182 </td> <td> </td> </tr>
<tr> <td> </td> <td> 10 </td> <td> Matt </td> <td> Ryan </td> <td> 7950 </td> <td> 59 </td> <td> 61 </td> <td> 63 </td> <td> 183 </td> <td> </td> </tr>
<tr> <td> </td> <td> 11 </td> <td> Armando Gordo </td> <td> Garcia III </td> <td> 21889 </td> <td> 56 </td> <td> 62 </td> <td> 67 </td> <td> 185 </td> <td> </td> </tr>
<tr> <td> </td> <td> 12 </td> <td> Manuel </td> <td> Rodriguez Jr </td> <td> 19657 </td> <td> 54 </td> <td> 64 </td> <td> 68 </td> <td> 186 </td> <td> </td> </tr>
<tr> <td> </td> <td> T13 </td> <td> Matt </td> <td> Smart </td> <td> 28727 </td> <td> 58 </td> <td> 63 </td> <td> 67 </td> <td> 188 </td> <td> </td> </tr>
<tr> <td> </td> <td> T13 </td> <td> Tom </td> <td> Greensberg </td> <td> </td> <td> 58 </td> <td> 62 </td> <td> 68 </td> <td> 188 </td> <td> </td> </tr>
<tr> <td> </td> <td> 15 </td> <td> Chris J. </td> <td> Lee </td> <td> 28650 </td> <td> 62 </td> <td> 62 </td> <td> 67 </td> <td> 191 </td> <td> </td> </tr>
<tr> <td> </td> <td> T16 </td> <td> Kenneth </td> <td> Reagan </td> <td> </td> <td> 59 </td> <td> 70 </td> <td> 64 </td> <td> 193 </td> <td> </td> </tr>
<tr> <td> </td> <td> T16 </td> <td> Jerry </td> <td> Kingston </td> <td> 23837 </td> <td> 62 </td> <td> 64 </td> <td> 67 </td> <td> 193 </td> <td> </td> </tr>
<tr> <td> </td> <td> 18 </td> <td> Javier </td> <td> Toucet IV </td> <td> 30079 </td> <td> 64 </td> <td> 63 </td> <td> 75 </td> <td> 202 </td> <td> </td> </tr>
<tr> <td> Open Women </td> <td> </td> <td> </td> <td> </td> <td> </td> <td> </td> <td> </td> <td> </td> <td> </td> <td> </td> </tr>
<tr> <td> </td> <td> 1 </td> <td> Kathy </td> <td> Hardyman </td> <td> 19150 </td> <td> 58 </td> <td> 66 </td> <td> 68 </td> <td> 192 </td> <td> $175.00 </td> </tr>
<tr> <td> </td> <td> 2 </td> <td> Regina </td> <td> Estrada </td> <td> 20247 </td> <td> 65 </td> <td> 88 </td> <td> 81 </td> <td> 234 </td> <td> $105.00 </td> </tr>
<tr> <td> </td> <td> 3 </td> <td> DeLynn </td> <td> Stewart </td> <td> 25205 </td> <td> 79 </td> <td> 85 </td> <td> 93 </td> <td> 257 </td> <td> </td> </tr>
<tr> <td> </td> <td> 4 </td> <td> Misti </td> <td> Kingston </td> <td> 26713 </td> <td> 80 </td> <td> 999 </td> <td> 999 </td> <td> DNF </td> <td> </td> </tr>
<tr> <td> Adv. Men </td> <td> </td> <td> </td> <td> </td> <td> </td> <td> </td> <td> </td> <td> </td> <td> </td> <td> </td> </tr>
<tr> <td> </td> <td> 1 </td> <td> Thomas </td> <td> Brown </td> <td> 31560 </td> <td> 60 </td> <td> 57 </td> <td> 53 </td> <td> 170 </td> <td> $105.00 </td> </tr>
<tr> <td> </td> <td> 2 </td> <td> Chris </td> <td> Brooks </td> <td> 13978 </td> <td> 61 </td> <td> 57 </td> <td> 53 </td> <td> 171 </td> <td> $78.00 </td> </tr>
<tr> <td> </td> <td> 3 </td> <td> Adrian </td> <td> Zapata </td> <td> 33464 </td> <td> 57 </td> <td> 67 </td> <td> 57 </td> <td> 181 </td> <td> $54.00 </td> </tr>
<tr> <td> </td> <td> 4 </td> <td> Jonathan </td> <td> Lee </td> <td> 23472 </td> <td> 56 </td> <td> 61 </td> <td> 66 </td> <td> 183 </td> <td> </td> </tr>
<tr> <td> </td> <td> 5 </td> <td> Jon </td> <td> Kaylor </td> <td> 31780 </td> <td> 66 </td> <td> 62 </td> <td> 56 </td> <td> 184 </td> <td> </td> </tr>
<tr> <td> </td> <td> 6 </td> <td> Zack </td> <td> McMurry </td> <td> </td> <td> 69 </td> <td> 70 </td> <td> 69 </td> <td> 208 </td> <td> </td> </tr>
<tr> <td> Int. Men </td> <td> </td> <td> </td> <td> </td> <td> </td> <td> </td> <td> </td> <td> </td> <td> </td> <td> </td> </tr>
<tr> <td> </td> <td> 1 </td> <td> Jason </td> <td> Tarpley </td> <td> </td> <td> 60 </td> <td> 65 </td> <td> 66 </td> <td> 191 </td> <td> $107.00 </td> </tr>
<tr> <td> </td> <td> 2 </td> <td> Brandon </td> <td> Gwyn </td> <td> </td> <td> 65 </td> <td> 69 </td> <td> 63 </td> <td> 197 </td> <td> $79.00 </td> </tr>
<tr> <td> </td> <td> 3 </td> <td> Colby </td> <td> Gillmore </td> <td> </td> <td> 66 </td> <td> 76 </td> <td> 70 </td> <td> 212 </td> <td> $55.00 </td> </tr>
<tr> <td> </td> <td> 4 </td> <td> Jacob </td> <td> Bivens </td> <td> </td> <td> 72 </td> <td> 75 </td> <td> 75 </td> <td> 222 </td> <td> $33.00 </td> </tr>
<tr> <td> </td> <td> 5 </td> <td> Kyle </td> <td> Feland </td> <td> </td> <td> 71 </td> <td> 76 </td> <td> 77 </td> <td> 224 </td> <td> </td> </tr>
<tr> <td> </td> <td> 6 </td> <td> John </td> <td> Standish </td> <td> </td> <td> 71 </td> <td> 77 </td> <td> 77 </td> <td> 225 </td> <td> </td> </tr>
<tr> <td> </td> <td> 7 </td> <td> Art </td> <td> Elliott </td> <td> 33187 </td> <td> 82 </td> <td> 93 </td> <td> 81 </td> <td> 256 </td> <td> </td> </tr>
<tr> <td> Adv. Master </td> <td> </td> <td> </td> <td> </td> <td> </td> <td> </td> <td> </td> <td> </td> <td> </td> <td> </td> </tr>
<tr> <td> </td> <td> 1 </td> <td> Greg </td> <td> Brooks </td> <td> 5877 </td> <td> 62 </td> <td> 54 </td> <td> 59 </td> <td> 175 </td> <td> $120.00 </td> </tr>
<tr> <td> </td> <td> 2 </td> <td> Carl </td> <td> Wamsley </td> <td> 6964 </td> <td> 60 </td> <td> 62 </td> <td> 58 </td> <td> 180 </td> <td> $100.00 </td> </tr>
<tr> <td> </td> <td> 3 </td> <td> Fabian </td> <td> Hyman </td> <td> 29741 </td> <td> 59 </td> <td> 56 </td> <td> 66 </td> <td> 181 </td> <td> $80.00 </td> </tr>
<tr> <td> </td> <td> 4 </td> <td> Rob C. </td> <td> Lee </td> <td> 13218 </td> <td> 57 </td> <td> 63 </td> <td> 64 </td> <td> 184 </td> <td> $60.00 </td> </tr>
<tr> <td> </td> <td> 5 </td> <td> Tracie </td> <td> Smart </td> <td> 15133 </td> <td> 57 </td> <td> 60 </td> <td> 69 </td> <td> 186 </td> <td> $40.00 </td> </tr>
<tr> <td> </td> <td> 6 </td> <td> Vicente </td> <td> Trujillo </td> <td> 13248 </td> <td> 60 </td> <td> 63 </td> <td> 64 </td> <td> 187 </td> <td> </td> </tr>
<tr> <td> </td> <td> 7 </td> <td> Steve </td> <td> Fox </td> <td> 29224 </td> <td> 62 </td> <td> 66 </td> <td> 61 </td> <td> 189 </td> <td> </td> </tr>
<tr> <td> </td> <td> 8 </td> <td> Dane </td> <td> Nail </td> <td> </td> <td> 61 </td> <td> 67 </td> <td> 67 </td> <td> 195 </td> <td> </td> </tr>
<tr> <td> </td> <td> 9 </td> <td> Frank </td> <td> White </td> <td> 32891 </td> <td> 60 </td> <td> 64 </td> <td> 999 </td> <td> DNF </td> <td> </td> </tr>
<tr> <td> Juniors </td> <td> </td> <td> </td> <td> </td> <td> </td> <td> </td> <td> </td> <td> </td> <td> </td> <td> </td> </tr>
<tr> <td> </td> <td> 1 </td> <td> Dillon </td> <td> Vallance </td> <td> </td> <td> 65 </td> <td> 71 </td> <td> 67 </td> <td> 203 </td> <td> $46.00 </td> </tr>
<tr> <td> </td> <td> 2 </td> <td> Ben </td> <td> Standish </td> <td> </td> <td> 72 </td> <td> 72 </td> <td> 69 </td> <td> 213 </td> <td> $34.00 </td> </tr>
<tr> <td> </td> <td> 3 </td> <td> Sterling </td> <td> Smart </td> <td> </td> <td> 66 </td> <td> 75 </td> <td> 78 </td> <td> 219 </td> <td> $24.00 </td> </tr>
<tr> <td> </td> <td> 4 </td> <td> Tom </td> <td> Greensberg Jr. </td> <td> </td> <td> 78 </td> <td> 74 </td> <td> 76 </td> <td> 228 </td> <td> $14.00 </td> </tr>
<tr> <td> </td> <td> 5 </td> <td> Jared </td> <td> Kingston </td> <td> </td> <td> 98 </td> <td> 111 </td> <td> 104 </td> <td> 313 </td> <td> $32.00 </td> </tr>
<tr> <td> </td> <td> 6 </td> <td> Zackery </td> <td> Logan </td> <td> 24141 </td> <td> 72 </td> <td> 69 </td> <td> 999 </td> <td> DNF </td> <td> </td> </tr> </table>
Aug 28 2007, 02:59 PM
Congrats to Jose for another great performance!! (wish I could say the same :p). I didnt think I was going to play mini golf, but it turned out to be WAY more fun than I imagined. Thanks to Rock and the whole Amarillo crew....another job well done. The turnout suffered a little this year, but the quality of the event did not.
Also thanks to Jon Lee. He donated his 4th place advanced winnings to the Juniors division. The top 4 got paid, so we split the rest among the remaining juniors (which turned out to only be 1). Thanks Jon.....that exemplifies the true spirit of the game!!
Everyone put the first weekend in May next year on your calanders.....the DisCrazy Shootout is going to be off the hook!!!!
Sep 01 2007, 02:16 PM
Thanks to everyone who participated and to those that helped by volunteering. Another fabulous weekend of Texas Panhandle Disc Golf!
Way to go Jose! Keeping the tradition of honorable champions intact!
Sep 20 2007, 06:06 PM
No, not yet. But there's a chance tonight. Handicap from the Blue Tees at 6:00pm. I think that Ace Pot is at or just over $200.00.
Sep 22 2007, 10:19 AM
There sure have been a lot of Aces recently. Tracie Smart hit one on Short #15 a couple of weeks ago to clear out the weekend Ace Pot ($272.00). A bunch of others have hit Aces during fun rounds. Is it the new disc technology? Maybe, maybe not?
Sep 27 2007, 10:00 AM
Blue Tee Handicap round this evening. Ace Pot is over $200.00!
Oct 05 2007, 11:36 AM
Well, still no aces from the Blue Tees. There have been a couple of close calls, but no chains or even metal. Could it be the Blues are just too tough? I hope so! But in reality, there are several tee shots that are Aceable, you just have to execute!
We are running out of daylight this time of year so we will need to push up the start time to 5:50pm. In the next few weeks we will adjust the start time accordingly to try to allow everyone to finish before dark, so be prepared to start earlier each week now.
Some want to keep this Thursday round going on through the winter, which means we will need to start around 4:30 after the time change. Any thoughts or suggestions?
Oct 08 2007, 02:33 PM
Ace Pot from the Blue Tees is well over $200. This month the baskets will be all in the long positions.
Oct 17 2007, 10:45 AM
Thursday round will be starting at or before 5:45pm so be ready early if you want to play. That Ace Pot is getting fatt!
Oct 17 2007, 05:52 PM
I just got the word that we will have to do some redesign work on the course. Some of our holes share the area by the fence with the Equestrian Bridal Trail, and the Parks Dept. wants to remove that potential liability issue. We will need to move pin locations on Holes 1 & 2, the tee pads on Hole 3, and the entire Hole 18 will be relocated :( .
Oct 17 2007, 09:11 PM
Does anybody have any good stories to share about Hole 18?
Oct 17 2007, 09:24 PM
I went out to do some measuring earlier, and it looks like Hole 1 may be OK. WHEW! We will have to move the LONG position on Hole 2, but I think there is a good spot to put it so it won't be much shorter. Both Tee pads for Hole 3 will have to move to make that hole a little shorter. Hole 18 will have to be a new paragraph :(
Even though we will lose a favorite Disc Golf hole of many West Texas and New Mexico players, the new Hole 18 has potential to be just as dramatic as the old one. The creek will be in play, so an errant kick off of one of the many mature trees in that area will cause distress. The Parks Dept. indicated that they will work with us on relocating picnic tables in that area so we should be able to utilize much of the previously unused area. And, moving those picnic tables and grills up closer to the parking lot will only help us with the smaller events we do at the course.
Big thanks to the Amarillo Parks & Rec. Dept. for taking the time to work with us on course improvements!!
Oct 18 2007, 12:40 PM
NOOO!!! I am very sad to see this one go....and also elated at the same time..hehe Very tough hole...its about the most open hole I know where every bad shot will still get punished. However, the new 18 will be fine. It will be a lot prettier, bad shots will still get punished, and it should be a legit PAR 4...pushing the course Par to 58. I'm just glad there is a worthy replacement.
Oct 18 2007, 01:05 PM
OOOH! 18 was nasty especially with the very typical 30 mph. crossing wind.
Oct 19 2007, 10:24 AM
Still no aces from the Blue Tees. We had 10 play yesterday evening and nothing even close!
Next week we'll be starting even earlier, like about 5:30pm - SHARP! I know some won't be able to make it - I wish everyone could schedule their life around Disc Golf - but for those of you that can make it, get there early and be ready to tackle the Blues!
Oct 25 2007, 10:23 AM
Should be a nice day to play the BLUES! Little wind and lots of sunshine! The creek is still up and flowing muddy so stay away from the edges of the fairways, or you'll be fishing!
Maybe we will play from the new proposed tee on Hole #3 today?
Nov 02 2007, 01:23 PM
Sorry for the delay, computer problems at the "Rock Yard" :(
Another Ace from the White tees last Saturday!
Any guesses who or what hole?
Nov 03 2007, 12:06 PM
Tom G. (again!!!) / Hole #9 (long)!
I've got to say, Tom is really sighted in. That's 3 aces in exactly 5 months for close to $1,400.00!!!!!!! That is one HOTTT summer! Kyle N. is lucky he got the big $750.00 ace pot before Tom got it! And, you have to give Tom big props for only hitting Aces on baskets in the long positions!
3 days using a dial-up connection was starting to wear me down, kind of like playing a super long course with only a Shark and a Stingray
Nov 08 2007, 10:29 AM
Our first attempt to do a handicap round with little afternoon light. We'll see how it goes. Ace Pot is getting close to $300.00.
We'll be starting no later than 4:15, so be ready or wait till next time!
Nov 09 2007, 12:33 PM
Not too bad. 9 players in time to play (sort of ). Would have been 10 but I had to take care of Baby Rock and his episode of strep throat. His daycare won't allow contagious kids so he got hang out with me yesterday and today :D
Nov 09 2007, 12:35 PM
Stay tuned for latest news to be released on Saturday before the handicap round............
Nov 12 2007, 10:19 AM
That's right. I'm disgusted with the divisional set-up! I will not be organizing any more weekly or monthly divisional events. We'll just do handicap rounds or doubles and forget about the 2 round monthly divisional event. I'm tired of trying to get people to play where they really belong, it's a huge problem in my mind. And, I don't believe it will get any better until TD's start enforcing the rules regarding divisions at biggger events, it will just keep trickling down to the local level where some of the higher skilled players want to keep BAGGING in lower divisions just to keep their ego inflated. There is very little cash to be had at most local events, so why do these same players want to keep dominating the lower levels? Because they thrive on being at the top of division, even if they have consistently beaten everyone in that division for years! Almost everyone of these BAGGERS know that there is another division that they can move up to and face some real competition, yet they want to keep beating the lesser skilled players! Truly sad :(.
Nov 13 2007, 10:09 AM
I'd suggest you might give flighted play a try at your two round monthly events.
Let first round scores set the "divisions." Decide how many you want in each division, then make the cut at that number (plus ties). Have the lower placing flights play for smaller prizes (maybe a best-on-card prize to take bagging incentives away) and have the top flights play for bigger prizes.
That's what I'd do, if I ran the zoo.
Nov 13 2007, 04:14 PM
Back to cleaning monkey poo!
Nov 15 2007, 12:20 PM
I had a really good rant about the monkeys in the zoo, but I'll save it for later :p
Handicap round from the Blue Tees today - 4:00
The Ace Pot is getting close to $300.00
Nov 15 2007, 12:27 PM
Who wants to play Thanksgiving morning? It might be snowy and cold, but I'll set up an object course on the North side of the park so we can play Championship style! Par 69!
Who's in? Maybe we can do it again the day after Thanksgiving when most people are out shopping for Christmas gifts. Probably do some CTPs for Ice Bowl fundraising.
Nov 15 2007, 12:41 PM
I had a really good rant about the monkeys in the zoo, but I'll save it for later :p
Something about how the medium size monkeys keep harrassing the smaller monkeys :o
Nov 15 2007, 12:51 PM
I'm in...Thanksgiving morning would be harder for me...but, Friday would give me a good excuse NOT to shop :D
Nov 15 2007, 01:01 PM
Didn't care for my monkey title? :D It is relevant to the situation. J/K, the Zoo Keepers do a great job of keeping the mess to a minimum :cool:
I've got a tough lay-out in mind, going around/or by all 3 lakes. We can put out some baskets, but there will probably be some trees/light poles/sign posts in play. It will be like the old days in Thompson Park before the baskets were installed, except more players. Have you ever played an object course? Same game, just different hole-out strategy on the skinny targets.
Nov 15 2007, 01:06 PM
Don't forget to bring your roller discs! Several Par 5's, and a couple of Par 4's that are NOT for the faint of heart!
Nov 15 2007, 02:16 PM
I've played safari golf and used big trees as targets.....havent used skinny objects before.
The title was fine....but if you ask me to bring my shovel Thanksgiving, we might have to have some words :D
Nov 15 2007, 02:55 PM
Ha ha ha! No shovel needed, I hope :DThose bad monkeys don't mix it up with the bigger monkeys.
It'll be a different story if it snows. Are ya'll still coming if the weather turns ugly? Weather Man was saying possible ugliness for that part of next week :(
Nov 15 2007, 05:13 PM
We are planning on leaving Tues evening. Unless the weather gets very bad, we're coming. Misti's grandmother is not getting any younger and any chance she get's to see her, she will take it. So, it might take us 8 hours, but we will probably be there :D
Nov 18 2007, 09:43 AM
No Aces yesterday, but several close calls! And Thursday, I hit the basket of Hole #1 from the Blue Tee (my first throw of the day and it almost made history :cool:).
Thanksgiving morning at 9am we'll play the big layout if anyone wants to join. Meet at the big picnic shelter by Wonderland Park (the amusement park on the East side of the park). Bring a portable basket if you can. We'll do it again Friday morning - time TBA.
Thanksgiving afternoon we'll do the Blue Tees Handicap round at 4pm. Maybe I'll get that Ace this time :D
Nov 19 2007, 01:10 PM
I talked to Matt yesterday and I understood it would be Friday. Maybe thats just a fun round for us?
Nov 19 2007, 06:03 PM
Thursday and Friday (it's in the 2nd paragraph ;))
And the handicap round from the Blues Thursday afternoon @4 (it seems like we just can't get enough :cool:).
Nov 20 2007, 10:28 AM
Well it sure is :o
Hmm..not sure which I will make...probably just one. I'm bringing my portable to put out there too.
I'm also brining some technology to help you guys. I'm going to plug this new course into the hole forcaster program I have through the Coruse Desgin group. It predicts the SSA, possible improvments, scoring variance potential, etc. It might help you guys tweak the course to be even better.
Nov 20 2007, 05:21 PM
Do you have a Gore-Tex cover for your laptop? Supposed to get bad Thursday & Friday.
Nov 20 2007, 05:29 PM
Not hauling the laptop outside...will print a page to write notes down on, then transfer the data to the program in the comfort of a nice cozzy house :D
Nov 21 2007, 09:21 AM
zz :D
Nov 21 2007, 09:23 AM
Are we gonna need hard numbers for distances, or will estimations work? 10,000' course will take a while to measure with a 16' tape measure ;)
Nov 21 2007, 11:10 PM
Get out your good gear! It's gonna be cooooolllldddd in the morning. Plug in your vehicle if you leave it outside :D Then gather up some cans of food and lets play the Gold lay-out! If the middle lake freezes Hole 18 will play a LOT shorter!!!
Nov 22 2007, 09:40 AM
It's cold! 23 degrees right now. But, there's no wind so maybe it won't be too bad. Man, that turkey in the oven smells good!! I might just stay in where it's warm and the aromas are delicious.
Not really, I'm heading out right now.
Nov 22 2007, 12:07 PM
HAPPY THANKSGIVING TO ALL!! gobble gobble gobble
Nov 23 2007, 09:09 AM
The temperature isn't as cold as yesterday, but the wind is up this morning :( No snow yet, but the weatherman says it'll snow some today :( All I can say is, "GEAR UP!!!!"
Nov 23 2007, 10:36 AM
It's snowing now! Nothing heavy, but snow none the less. Need gloves today.
Nov 24 2007, 09:38 AM
Yes, the gloves were nice to have. Only 4 showed up to play in the snow, and we only got through the front Nine before deciding that was enough. Blowing snow, freezing temperature, and dripping snot made for a tough round. Brutal lay-out for bad conditions, but I'm ready to try it again! We'll try to get the numbers entered for the holes we did play, but it probably won't be a very true reflection of the real scoring values due to the extreme conditions. Over all feedback was very positive.
Nov 24 2007, 09:40 AM
Oh yeah, Handicap round today at 3:00. Seems like that Ace Pot is right around $100.00. Bring your gloves, it's still very cold!
Nov 30 2007, 11:05 AM
This Sunday will be the first time trying the new format. We'll still be doing 2 rounds, starting at 1:30 like always, but they will both be handicap rounds. First round will be from the White Tees (concrete), second round will be from the Blue Tees. Players may enter one or both rounds, pay-out will be after each round (top third as normal), Ace Pots will be separate (Ace Pot for White Tees is around $150.00?, Ace Pot for the Blue Tees is $292.00).
Entry fees:
Round 1 - $3.00 entry, $2.00 ace Pot (optional), $2.00 CTP throw (optional).
Round 2 - $4.00 entry, $1.00 Ace Pot (optional), $2.00 CTP throw (optional).
EXTRA - $3.00 side bet for best combined 1st and 2nd round handicapped scores (pay-out top third as normal).
Who's in?
Dec 02 2007, 07:38 PM
And the first effort resulted in:
One in the first round by guess who, Tom G.! #9 in the short spot. $144.00
And history was made in the second round from the Blue Tees. $297.00, Hole #6 short, first ever Ace from the Blue Tees. Guess who.
Zack McMurray! :D Way to go Zack. He said he was going to hang that disc on his wall.
Dec 04 2007, 10:43 PM
i cant wait till piney woods a 2 day tournoment
Dec 05 2007, 10:43 AM
Did you check him for performance enhancers? :D
Man, I need to take that guy to the horseraces with me.....
Dec 05 2007, 01:46 PM
Better make sure he brings that dang white Millenium Aurora MS with him. :D That disc has scored him quite a bit of cold hard cash this year.
Dec 07 2007, 09:46 AM
Handicap round from the Blue Tees yesterday produced a new name on the records list. John Rock ties the record with a bogey-free 50!
Dec 15 2007, 11:05 AM
It's cold, windy, and snowy today. How many will show up for the handicap round this afternoon? The roads don't look too bad, so maybe there will be some diehards.
Dec 15 2007, 12:21 PM
Wait..............the sun is starting to come out! Maybe the wind will slack off also :(
Dec 19 2007, 12:29 PM
Sunday -- December 30, 2007 -- 2:00 pm
Bring your portable baskets and at least 10 pounds of non-perishable food to West Hills Park and we�ll play 3 rounds of 9 holes (27 holes) of Disc Golf at a different park! Mostly shorter holes, with a couple of longer Par 4�s to keep it interesting. We�ll have some CTP�s during the rounds, and other fun stuff. Help us raise a big donation for our ICE BOWL charity!! We need to surpass last year�s effort of 1,500 pounds of food and $1,500.00 in cash, so dig deep and let�s help our community!
Contact for more information: John �Rock� Stewart (670-3172)
If there is enough interest, I will lay out a tough course for a $$$ round starting at 11:00 am. We will need lots of baskets, let Rock know if you have a basket (or 2) and want to play the early round.
Dec 23 2007, 01:56 PM
Going to be fun!
Dec 26 2007, 12:31 PM
Coming up on Sunday! Should be fun, whatever the weather does.
This will be the last day for ordering Ice Bowl merchandise. Pay when you order!
Dec 31 2007, 08:01 PM
That was fun!
13 players showed up and brought around 200 pounds.
Fun course! Great weather! Good times!
Jan 02 2008, 06:23 PM
Almost time for this year's Ice Bowl. We've got some good times lined up! Someone will go home with a new basket!!!!
More news to come!
Jan 04 2008, 11:28 AM
Someone will go home with a new basket!!!!
And someone will leave with a NEW CHAMPION DESTROYER!!!
Jan 07 2008, 12:17 PM
It's back!!
The return of the ICE BOWL SHORT GAME Championships. Sunday, Feb. 10, 2008. Start time at 9:00am. Meet at the top of the hill in the dirt parking lot by hole #12. Entry fee is $10.00. 27 holes of Short Game action!
More news soon!
Jan 08 2008, 02:53 PM
After the SHORT GAME, we'll take a little break for lunch (maybe we'll even get PIZZA HUT to bring us some pie :cool:). There will be some putting contests happening during the break, then we'll move on to the real action. 18 holes of NO O.B. golf on the fabulous Disc Creek Disc Golf Course! That's right, play it where it stops! The roads are in bounds! The creek is in bounds! Over the fence is in bounds (except for the Police Dept. Bomb Squad area - we do have to have some limits ;))!
$15.00 to play the 18 hole round. Each entry will recieve a free ICE BOWL mini disc, a free ticket to the raffle, and some good food!
Jan 11 2008, 05:54 PM
Well, it has begun. The Tee Pads for Holes #3 and #18 have been taken out along with #18's basket. #2's basket (long position) will get re-located also The Parks Dept. goal is to have everything done and ready for play by next Friday. The course is still playable.
Jan 15 2008, 12:59 PM
Goodbye Hole 18 :(
Jan 15 2008, 04:56 PM
Probably the one hole that most inspired me to learn how to throw a roller. It will be sad to see it go, but on the other hand, the new #18 may inspire others to learn more throws than just the sidearm or backhand.
We played several rounds on the new hole this past weekend and there were no 2's. There were plenty of 4's, 5's and 6's, and even 2 three's, but it's clear that this new look will not be any easier.
The new Tee Pads were poured yesterday (thanks Parks Dept.!) so it should be ready by this weekend.
Jan 15 2008, 08:56 PM
I just drove by the course (I couldn't play today because Baby Rock is battling another round of strep throat, so he is hanging out with me all day. Plus the wind is gusting to around 45mph )and it looks like the Tee Pads are done, the benches are set, the Tee signs are set, and a new trash can is in place at the new #3 Tee Pad. Also the new pin position is in place for short #18, and the basket for long #2 has been relocated. Now we just need to relocate short #3, install a new position for long #18, and replace a few damaged basket sleeves. Anyone want to volunteer to make some new sleeves?
Jan 16 2008, 12:00 PM
I'm definitly happy with the new #18. I think overall its a more difficult hole, and where the old 18 was punishing if you went OB, you still got to keep your disc. The new 18 will punish your shot AND keep your disc..hehe.
Will both pin locations be Par 4's?
Jan 16 2008, 01:47 PM
Most def. I don't think there is enough room to stretch it out to a PAR 5, but I would if I could! I believe with a good long roller shot, a player could set himself up for a long shot at a 2, but that probably won't happen often.
Jan 19 2008, 12:04 PM
Handicap round today! First handicap round on the new lay-out. We'll see what kind of averages we get.
For anyone interested:
I did scoring averages on several holes last weekend and the results were pretty much as I expected. I sampled 167 rounds that were a mix of skill levels and White/Blue Tees. This came up with some pretty high averages, so I weeded out most of the lower skill levels and did it again with 94 rounds of almost all upper skill level players, still mixing White and Blue Tees.
Hole #14 - 3.75 avg.
Hole #7 - 3.9 avg.
Hole #8 - 3.7 avg.
Hole #5 - 3.8 avg.
Hole #4 - 4.2 avg.
Interesting notes:
No 2's on any Par 4 holes
Old #18 had an avg. of 3.9 (including three 2's)
#7 & #8 were both in the long positions for most of this data (very tough Par 3's)resulting in very few 2's
Hole #14 was in the short position for all of this data
Jan 19 2008, 09:13 PM
Today's results:
Average for new #18 (WHITE TEE) = 4.42
17 rounds of mixed skill levels.
My group average (3 players)= 4.3
If you take out the high handicap players (all over a 5 handicap) it comes out to 4.2 for 10 rounds
p.s. My group average without the higher handicap player = 4.5 :o
Jan 19 2008, 09:27 PM
Good feedback on the new HOLE #18! Definate PAR 4. Enough big, fat, mature trees to make you choose one route or another - up the middle is DIFFICULT! I had a pretty good roller that went maybe 360 - 380 through the trees in the middle of the fairway, then I pulled my approach shot to the right and got stuck behind one of those big, fat elms. I was able to salvage the birdie, though, with about a 40 foot straddle putt that somehow went in!
Jan 22 2008, 11:52 PM
From the WHITE TEE, going to the right is probably going to be the most popular route. Fewer trees to start off, but a little more sloping down to the left. If you choose the left route, there are a few gaps to hit to get to the open area, then it's pretty smooth sailing to the pin. But watch out for the creek the farther left you go!
Jan 25 2008, 11:58 AM
From the BLUE TEE, just try not to hit any trees!
Six of us played the BLUE TEE handicap yesterday in the wind and snow (it started sleeting when we were on our 7th hole and just got worse as the round went on), and I had a chance for the birdie on 18 but missed :(. But at least I broke my bogey streak on 18 from the BLUE TEES /msgboard/images/graemlins/smirk.gif
Jan 26 2008, 04:41 PM
It's back!!
The return of the ICE BOWL SHORT GAME Championships. Sunday, Feb. 10, 2008. Start time at 9:00am. Meet at the top of the hill in the dirt parking lot by hole #12. Entry fee is $10.00. 27 holes of Short Game action!
More news soon!
After the SHORT GAME, we'll take a little break for lunch (maybe we'll even get PIZZA HUT to bring us some pie ). There will be some putting contests happening during the break, then we'll move on to the real action. 18 holes of NO O.B. golf on the fabulous Disc Creek Disc Golf Course! That's right, play it where it stops! The roads are in bounds! The creek is in bounds! Over the fence is in bounds (except for the Police Dept. Bomb Squad area - we do have to have some limits )!
$15.00 to play the 18 hole round. Each entry will recieve a free ICE BOWL mini disc, a free ticket to the raffle, and some good food!
PIZZA HUT is in!!!! All who play the SHORT GAME will be treated to free pizza for lunch!
And we'll have the usual cook-out after the 18 hole round.
This is coming together, it's gonna be a big time for everyone! It will be especially big for all of those less fortunate who rely on the HIGH PLAINS FOOD BANK to make it through the tough times. I'm positive they will appreciate all we can do to contribute to a great cause.
ps: We may change the SHORT GAME start to 10:00, I'll let everyone know soon.
Jan 26 2008, 09:24 PM
First ACE from the new TEE pad!!!
Hole #3, LONG position (haven't measured it yet, but I'd guess around 190ft.)
No, not Tom. :D
Ty Barfield. Skip ACE!
$192.00 (a little more than a buck a foot! :D)
Jan 29 2008, 01:43 AM
The new Champ Course for the DisCrazy - Budweiser Shootout will be set up temporarily Feb. 9th before the Ice Bowl. There are players from New Mexico, Abilene, Lubbock, Oklahoma and all the surrounding area coming to take on the 10,000 plus foot course!!!!! ( PAR 70 )
Entry will be $20 for Pro and $15 for Ams. Half the entries will be paid back as winnings. Half will go towards the Ice Bowl.
One of the only chances to play before the Shootout!
More prizes provided by Discrazy! See you there!
Jan 30 2008, 06:18 PM
Short Game starts at 10:00am. 18 holes of SHORT GAME FUN!!!Only $10.00 to play. $4.00 from each entry goes to the ICE BOWL donation. Each player will receive one free raffle ticket! Maybe it will be the one that wins the BASKET!!
Jan 30 2008, 10:05 PM
Getting closer! I've got a lot of fun and good times lined up for this year! $15.00 to play the main round (extra charges to play the other fun games all during the day) and everyone gets a free ICE BOWL mini marker disc, a free raffle ticket, and free dinner of burgers and hot dogs. Last year our food provider surprised us by bring FAJITAS!!! You just never know what kind of fun will happen here. The main 18 hole round will start at 2:30, but there will be games to play all day starting with the ICE BOWL SHORT GAME at 10:00. We'll have a raffle after the food is served, so plan on buying lots of tickets, you might just win a free basket or a Champion Destroyer. Thanks to Disc Golf U and PIZZA HUT for thier donations!
Come join us a day early and play the course we are going to use for this year's DisCrazy Shootout.
Help us help the HIGH PLAINS FOOD BANK!
Jan 31 2008, 06:58 PM
Sounds like its gonna be a fun weekend Rock! I have some pretty cool giveaways from Discrazy for the Icebowl.
Feb 01 2008, 08:04 PM
Yes! All we need now is to continue our "NICE BOWL" weather streak. We've had several in a row with beautiful weather, I hope it is again this year.
Who's getting that BASKET?
Feb 04 2008, 01:07 PM
Preliminary reports show some NICE weather heading our way for the weekend!
Thanks DISC GOLF U. for helping with our ICE BOWL! Every one that plays this year will be eligible for a temporary membership at DISC GOLF U. For 6 months you'll be able to track your scores online and accumulate points that you can redeem in their online proshop.
Feb 04 2008, 09:39 PM
Putting the tape measure to the course today shows some pretty big numbers for length. *Approximately 10,401 for total length. (* = we haven't measured #13 & #14 yet but I'm guessing 600+/-, and 900+/, respectively)
"The Horseshoe" is going to be very tough. A 3 hole stretch (#12, #13, and #14) going around the North Lake that's gonna measure somewhere around 2,500 feet. 2 par 5's and a par 4, with lots of water lurking close by.
Front Nine = 4,869 feet (average of 541 feet per hole)
Back Nine = 5,532 feet (average of 614 per hole)
Shortest holes:
Front - #8...225 feet (first 150 feet over water)
Back - #17...240 feet (Sloping down to the water behind the basket)
Longest holes:
Front - #4...966 feet (uphill most of the way)
Back - #12...1,030 feet (water all along the left)
Feb 05 2008, 11:53 AM
Nasty weather so far this morning, I may not be able to do any more measuring if the snow piles up. Only 2 holes left to measure, it's looking like there will be some long rounds /msgboard/images/graemlins/smirk.gif
Not too much water in play on the front 9, but the back 9 will make up for it.
Feb 05 2008, 07:58 PM
No snow, measuring done.
New lengths & averages:
Front 9 - 4,869 feet (541 ft. avg.)
Back 9 - 5,421 feet (602 ft. avg.)
Total 18 - 10,290 feet (572 ft. avg.)
Feb 06 2008, 11:40 AM
The Short Game course is ready! 9 holes of Short Game fun! 2 times around ought to give us a clear CHAMPION!
What is "The Short Game"?
It's a game I/we invented to work on the putting and approach aspects of the game of Disc Golf. The course is set up with short holes (anywhere between 100 and 175 feet long), and each player uses only 2 discs. Most players choose putters, but you can use any 2 discs. Players must use only thier 2 discs, and may not switch out other discs during the round, so choose wisely. Each player must also carry a mini marker disc.
Players throw from the marked tee areas, throwing both of thier discs. After all players in the group throw thier discs, each player then marks the WORST shot of thier 2 throws (the rest of the group may be called to determine which of the 2 is worst, but it's usually pretty obvious). Then each player throws both of thier discs again from that lie, marking the worst of the 2 again, until they get both discs in the basket. There is a 4 throw limit on each hole (to speed up play, since this is a SHORT game). Each time a player throws 2 discs from a tee area or lie, that counts as ONE throw, and you add all your "throws" at the end to determine the winner. The ideal round would be all 2's (since an ACE with both discs is rare), but a 36 will be a difficult score to attain.
There are several opportunities to place side bets, with CTP's, bonus CTP's, and the regular 51/50 for the tee shots.
Any questions? If I remember correctly, the last SHORT GAME tournament we did at an ICE BOWL was won by Cruz Rangel from Lubbock, but that was 5 or 6 years ago.