Dec 06 2006, 04:33 PM
Can a concerned member have the number for tonight's PDGA teleconference? Do I have a right to this or did I give that up when they burned Ed Headrick's Constitution? Oh Ed, please stop doing those cartwheels in your grave; Theo can be trusted.

Would I have any right to address the exalted BOD?

Do I have any rights at all? Besides the right to remain a silent drone who dares not question Chuck's expense report?

Luke Butch
Dec 06 2006, 04:48 PM
Hi Mike

Dec 06 2006, 04:50 PM
i think it should be webcast myself. hell, all ya'd hafta do is put your phone on speaker, point your microphone at the phone, and have everyone join a Yahoo Instant Message session.

that would serve the interests of fairness of attendance (non BoD Member regularly attend BoD meetings) while allowing the Board to conduct business without interruption.

and it would be FREE!!! aint technology grand?

Dec 06 2006, 05:11 PM

Dec 06 2006, 05:25 PM
I know skype is the prefered media for a few PDGAers.

But not everyone has it so till then, teleconferance.

Dec 07 2006, 07:35 PM
Pat what happened at the teleconference last night?

Dec 07 2006, 08:48 PM
thats a fair question.

a couple weeks ago in a gesture of cooperation to the rest of the Directors, i offered to refrain from discussing BoD meetings until after the Minutes are published.

i think it is safe to say that there will be solid progress towards the goal of getting Minutes published as quickly as possible.

if its alright, i'd prefer to not discuss the facts of the meeting until the Minutes are on record.

Dec 07 2006, 08:54 PM
:eek: ^ Pat sold out ^ :eek:

:owas it for first run Z Buzzz's or cool cash? :o

[ ;) just kidding Pat; tact is good :D ]

Dec 07 2006, 09:34 PM
thats a fair question.

a couple weeks ago in a gesture of cooperation to the rest of the Directors, i offered to refrain from discussing BoD meetings until after the Minutes are published.

i think it is safe to say that there will be solid progress towards the goal of getting Minutes published as quickly as possible.

if its alright, i'd prefer to not discuss the facts of the meeting until the Minutes are on record.

As they say in Washington, "Welcome to Washington." :(

Dec 08 2006, 12:36 PM

I clicked that link and got:
"Access Denied (content_filter_denied)

Your request was denied because of its inappropriate content. Visits to Internet sites are monitored.

If you feel the site has been blocked in error, please email Prgm. Manager, Infrastructure Security (link below)"

Which I found amusing. I find a lot of things amusing though that other people apparently do not. And God Bless America, thank goodness we have at least one place in the world where we can protect the great brainwashed masses from words and images their fearful brains can not handle. It's so nice to know I can visit this site and be free from the rest of the world's imperfections.

In short, just let me say, I love you all, as I know you all love me in God's special way. Thank you so much for providing this place that is so special to me and thank you to all of those responsible for keeping this place safe and clean. I'd also like to announce that Philip Woodsworth of Bay Saint Louis, Mississippi was the winner of the "When will Mike Get Banned" pool. His guess of November 30 at 3:00 PM was the closest; interestingly all other contestants predicted earlier dates and times.

So, would I have been able to hear the BOD conference if I the filter hadn't blocked me? Does this mean the BOD conferences are actually open to concerned members now? Jesus, have you answered my prayers yet again? Jesus you never fail me!

Dec 08 2006, 01:08 PM
I'm sorry Mike, That lnik had nothing to do with the PDGA BOD meeting, it was a suggestion for one way to make it widely available to anyonein the world.

The site is a VOIP phone service site, and I don't know why anyone would block the site. It doesn't contain any morally questionable content, but it also did not contain anything about the BOD meeting.

Dec 08 2006, 01:17 PM
Go rag on your company's IT guys like you do the PDGA and demand to know why they block Skype sites. While you're at it, demand to know their salaries and budget numbers. Let us know how far that gets you! ;)

Dec 08 2006, 03:12 PM
Are all IT guys clueless as to the corporate mission? Do they all think it is about them? IT guys drive me nuts.

Sorry, Jon.

Dec 08 2006, 03:24 PM
not all are. all of our IT guys (i'm the analyst in that group) have our corporate Vision and Mission statement and our department Mission and Vision statement posted in our offices and cubicles. we even have our departmental values posted. here is what we value in the IT department of the country's 18th largest homeuilder:

1. accountability
2. empowering our users
3. focus on core competencies and technologies
4. knowledge transfer and cross training
5. open honest communication
6. personal growth
7. focus on projects and emphasize completion
8. simplify

maybe i'm just lucky to be in a progressive, enlightened environment here.

Dec 08 2006, 03:41 PM
So we can't actually attend or listen in on the BOD meetings...except for one in Phoenix and one in Augusta each year I guess?

Oh Jesus, why have you forsaken me? When you return, will disc golf be a real sport?

Dec 08 2006, 04:40 PM
Totally agree. I rank them all right up there with lawyers! ;)

Dec 08 2006, 05:43 PM
Mikey I really am starting to picture you as Rodney Dangerfield.

Can't believe I'm still not ba... -- uh, suspended. All set to be really ticked off albeit conforted in having expectations met. You gotta wonder at this point who's messing with who (okay "whom" for you grammarians).

Should I petition for an extraordinary ban?

In related news, Stepford Steve's assimilation into the evil collective goes unchecked, and both he and Stepford Pat now sport spiffy little mechanical eye accoutraments that blink a couple colors. Their voices echo now, too.

Dec 08 2006, 05:52 PM
Go rag on your company's IT guys like you do the PDGA and demand to know why they block Skype sites. While you're at it, demand to know their salaries and budget numbers. Let us know how far that gets you! ;)

his company is his employer. Theo and the ED and the BoD are not our employers -- we are basicly the owners of the organization they have been elected / hired to lead. Go tell the owner of your company that s/he doesn't have a right to know how much you or your colleagues are paid and that s/he can't sit in on your organizational meetings :p

Dec 08 2006, 05:59 PM
I work in a publically traded company, and I own stock, therefore I am one of many owners. I don't think that buys me any special priviledge beyond an annual financial statement and a vote.

Dec 08 2006, 06:32 PM
I wasn't trying to make a point that referenced how the PDGA operated vs. private companies or public organizations. Sorry if I wasn't clear in expressing that.

My point was referencing how effective, or more likey ineffective, the communication approach being used up to this point (abusive, accusatory and the like) would be in other life situations.

Dec 08 2006, 09:27 PM
i think i get it now -- your real point was simply that being abusive and accusatory isn't the best way to get someone to open up and share information.

Dec 09 2006, 09:49 AM
Mikey I really am starting to picture you as Rodney Dangerfield.

Can't believe I'm still not ba... -- uh, suspended. All set to be really ticked off albeit conforted in having expectations met. You gotta wonder at this point who's messing with who (okay "whom" for you grammarians).

Should I petition for an extraordinary ban?

In related news, Stepford Steve's assimilation into the evil collective goes unchecked, and both he and Stepford Pat now sport spiffy little mechanical eye accoutraments that blink a couple colors. Their voices echo now, too.

Jason my old friend, nothing in this world is perfect; nothing is all black or all white; everything is shades of grey. Do not fret; you will be banned soon enough. But when they strike you down you will become more powerful than they can possibly imagine. Run Luke Run!

Dec 09 2006, 11:36 AM
networks would be great if I could just get rid of the users....

but then I'd have no fun.....

Suddenly everything is kittens! It's kitten net.

/sbin/iptables -A PREROUTING -s -p tcp -j DNAT --to-destination

For the uninitiated, this redirects all traffic to kittenwar!!! (http://www.kittenwar.com/)

Dec 09 2006, 02:41 PM
i think it should be webcast myself. hell, all ya'd hafta do is put your phone on speaker, point your microphone at the phone, and have everyone join a Yahoo Instant Message session.

Pipe dream.

The needed give and take of board discussions would not happen in that kind of venue. Many of the "unanimous" decisions the board has made in the past came after hours of wrangling, and sometimes aggressive argumentation. People change their mind, admit they didn't know what they thought they knew, and so forth.

Wouldn't happen in your suggested venue. You'd just get a lot of silence + demagoguery and campaigning - no real governance work done.

Dec 09 2006, 03:19 PM
if ^ that's ^ really your view Terry, it's seems like a pretty sad reflection on your opinion of the BoD members.

Dec 09 2006, 03:47 PM
if ^ that's ^ really your view Terry, it's seems like a pretty sad reflection on your opinion of the BoD members.

The slight's on what we'd end up with; not what we have. I would expect diminished productivity from the current board, they're only human, but the real problem is with future boards.

You'd end up with a completely different make-up of board members: A group of far less competent and capable people, who wouldn't even understand that governance is more than campaigning.

Heck, for every current and recent (even me) board member, there are probably 100 PDGA members who'd do a better job, but who won't expose themselves to demagoguery and ignorant criticism in order to do it. They think the price is too high, and I respect their opinion.

Some people are too smart to put up with crap from ignorant people in order to do good things.

Dec 09 2006, 09:47 PM
To me it looks like a pretty realistic view of 7 people that rarely see each other in person trying to make decisions on topics they are passionate about. Add in the likelyhood that they have been pushing their own solutions to most of the issues for years, and compromises may be hard to come by in an "open to the public" forum.

-------- added comment ------

You'd end up with a completely different make-up of board members: A group of far less competent and capable people, who wouldn't even understand that governance is more than campaigning.

I can't agree with the statement above being presented as fact. You may think it likely, but the level of expertise and understanding of yet to be elected members is not fact.

Dec 09 2006, 09:50 PM
Gary Duke, even though we've not exchanged more than 3-4 sentences in our entire lives and I have no idea what you look like, you are right on about this.

Wish you could have been on The Cruise!

Dec 09 2006, 09:54 PM
I'll be on the next cruise, and I made an addition to that post, possibly after your comment.

Dec 09 2006, 09:56 PM
Gary Duke, even though we've not exchanged more than 3-4 sentences in our entire lives and I have no idea what you look like, you are right on about how hard it is for board members to compromise.

OTOH, my prediction about future boards is just that, prediction. I continue to predict that if all governance discussions have to be in a widely public (Web, other Internet) forum then the board will end up being made up of people who engage 99 percent in demagoguery and campaigning: Can you say "Congress and the Senate?"

Dec 09 2006, 09:59 PM
I'll be on the next cruise, and I made an addition to that post, possibly after your comment.

Indeed, "possibly after your comment" :D It's kind of like living science fiction.

Anyone else out there reading (or have recently read) "American Gods" by Neil Gaiman? I highly recommend it.

Dec 09 2006, 10:03 PM
While the next board may be saddled with a tougher environment in which to get things done, it does not mean that the actual members will be less capable or informed. Even when the task seems impossible, there are often very good people that will step up to meet the challenge.

Dec 09 2006, 10:19 PM
Some people are too smart to put up with crap from ignorant people in order to do good things.

Hello. Note to self: Reason #4 not to offer cash paid divisions at my tournaments.

Dec 09 2006, 10:57 PM
I wouldn't want to go on record as saying I'm any smarter than you are, Bruce.

Dec 09 2006, 11:39 PM
ah... consensus building

Dec 14 2006, 10:48 AM
I wouldn't want to go on record as saying I'm any smarter than you are, Bruce.

We are just gald you dont say your as dumb as him :o:D

Dec 14 2006, 01:20 PM
I heard a rumor that the BoD may ban headphones in tournaments next year. Is this true? It would be nice if they let u know some things that would be up for a vote for the upcoming year.

I really don't see why they would do this anyway. I mean if the guy is disrupting the card you give him a courtesy violation plain and simple. The PDGA needs to worry about bigger things like illegal substances.

Dec 14 2006, 01:30 PM
i'm not aware of any headphone discussion at the BoD level. i spose that would be something for the competition committee to deal with, not the BoD. personally, i dont see an issue with headphones, unless they were blasting so loud it bothered another player.

Dec 14 2006, 01:35 PM
I haven't heard any discussion about this either but I had my headphones on...

I think the issue is more about lack of attention a player with headphones might be paying to what's going on. Not hearing Fore! when shouted, not hearing scorekeeper ask for their score, not hearing that they're next on the tee, not hearing another player ask them to move back a little bit, etc.

Dec 14 2006, 01:38 PM
Headphones?? What's next...sunglasses???

Sounds like a silly rumor...we can only hope so, eh!?!! :) :o

Dec 14 2006, 01:40 PM
i'm not aware of any headphone discussion at the BoD level. i spose that would be something for the competition committee to deal with, not the BoD. personally, i dont see an issue with headphones, unless they were blasting so loud it bothered another player.

Other than being rude by making yourself out of touch to the rest of your card, I suppose it's okay. However, I had a guy on my card do this last year and he couldn't hear us when we were asking him to help search for another player's disc, and subsequently gave him a warning for a courtesy violation, as he had just wandered on up to mark his lie instead of helping.

If you are going to wear them, I would suggest being extra vigilant about paying attention to whatis going on around you.

Dec 14 2006, 06:33 PM
I haven't heard any discussion about this either but I had my headphones on...

I think the issue is more about lack of attention a player with headphones might be paying to what's going on. Not hearing Fore! when shouted, not hearing scorekeeper ask for their score, not hearing that they're next on the tee, not hearing another player ask them to move back a little bit, etc.

Tnat's why you you take one out when you are walking down the fairway. :p

Dec 14 2006, 06:44 PM
Tnat's why you you take one out when you are walking down the fairway. :p

Sure, if you have half a brain.

Dec 19 2006, 04:04 AM
I'll be on the next cruise, and I made an addition to that post, possibly after your comment.

Indeed, "possibly after your comment" :D It's kind of like living science fiction.

Anyone else out there reading (or have recently read) "American Gods" by Neil Gaiman? I highly recommend it.

What, you have something against those of us that read it years ago!? Seriously, you PDGA BOD people and your sick hatred for those of us that read things before you! I'm officially campaigning for your head on a platter, Calhoun! That'll teach you....


Dec 19 2006, 01:44 PM
Watch out man, that one-eyed dude right behind you could be Odin.

Dec 19 2006, 08:01 PM
Watch out man, that one-eyed dude right behind you could be Odin.

There's a mirror behind me, Terry. But to be honest, I *can* see a one-eyed man staring back at me from it! MWahaha.... heh...

Dec 21 2006, 11:03 AM
Minutes from December 6, 2006 (http://www.pdga.com/documents/boardminutes/2006-12-06BODMeetingMinutesApproved.pdf)

Minutes Directory (http://www.pdga.com/org/boardminutes.php)