Jan 11 2007, 07:40 PM
first Monthly of 2007 at Sun Valley in La Mesa
Day => Saturday
Date => Jan. 20, 2007
Player meeting=> 7:45 (layout & OB).
Start=> 8am
More info in the SD forum here (
Jan 11 2007, 08:42 PM
Bringing this board back because Sun Valley (SV) is in a unique opportunity to expand Disc Golf in San Diego.
SV is a 9-hole executive ball golf course that first embraced Disc Golf about a year ago. When SV was first approached with the idea of having DG on their course, like many people outside of the game they said "What? Never heard of it." Nonetheless, they allowed a demo and liked what they saw. Interestingly, SV almost never became a reality due to initial cost estimates that almost scared them away. However, swayed by the potential, they remained open to the idea until a little bird happened upon them singing of another way. With renewed interest, the ownership found a way to git'er done.
Since that point, the San Diego Disc golf community has enjoyed an occasional variety of activities including: monthlies, weeklies, and doubles. In fact, led by Mike Homan, one of San Diego's richest monthlies took place at Sun Valley where apart from the high-stakes in open, the winners in Advance and Intermediate each took home $100 in script.
How did Homan do that anyway?
Moving forward the owners continue to enjoy having DG as part of their facility and continue to hope that it grows. Moreover, SV represents a prime opportunity for San Diego Disc golf, in that:
1. SV is very under-utilized by Ball and Disc golfers alike.
2. SV is already established and zoned (no outside resistance, if you believe in such things).
3. Ownership will pursue its best interest.
4. Disc Golf is welcome.
While no one has made, or can make any promises, it is easy to imagine how an explosion in patronage could sway a business in need. Given the available land, 18 holes is imaginable. Even an official event adding a temp 9 is not so far fetched.
SV exists in a city and county where ball golf abounds and disc golf is starving. The ball golf community that once embraced SV is still there--but only barely. Is it crazy to think disc golf can step up and step in? SV will likely go on as it always has, but there is a window of opportunity that disc golf should not ignore.
How do you see it?
Jan 15 2007, 08:09 PM
I will be there for sure on the 20th! Should be a lot of fun.
At SV weekly!
Jan 17 2007, 09:19 PM
first Monthly of 2007 at Sun Valley in La Mesa
Day => Saturday
Date => Jan. 20, 2007
Player meeting=> 7:45 (layout & OB).
Start=> 8am
More info in the SD forum here (
7:45 !!!!! :eek: I'll do my best !!!!!
May 04 2007, 12:24 PM
Location: Sun Valley
Date: Sat. May 12, 2007
Time: 9am
Format: 36 holes (brief lunch between 18's)
Lets try to continue boosting our attendance. Also, Sun Valley is planning a sandwich buffet of some sort.
P.S. despite a recent misprint, and other rumors or questions...Sun Valley has not raised its prices. In fact, thanks to your support they intend to keep the prices at $2.50wkdy $3 wknd.
Keep spreading the word, and let's make this thing happen!