Jan 14 2007, 01:27 PM
OK folks.We've been discussing this for a few days now.Here's TDSAs' official invite.The details are being worked out.The FLYER is to be posted by Feb 1st.I'm still taking suggestions on the guidelines etc.It's lookin like this.I'm shooting for 8 teams.So far I have.WAFDA/NW AR/TDSA/OK CITY/LITTLE ROCK/TEXAS?/MOBILE?/and a couple others making up some plans to attend.I'll probably have to cut it off at 8 teams.MATCH PLAY! 9 hole match.Teams will consist of(Not set in stone just yet)BUTT! 2 Pro/1 Pro Master/2 Advanced/1 "AM" Master/2 AM/1 Woman.That's a 9 man team.5 Matches Sat.2 Sunday morning.63 holes at 9 hole matches .(That's if we have 8 teams.)COMPLETE EVERY MATCH.In the event of a tie.We'll add up the total of every hole won.Breaking the tie.$50.00 per player entry.That's $450.00 per team.The winning team will collect $250.00 from each team beat.WINNER TAKE ALL.That could be a $2,000 purse for the winning team.Plus the trophy.The trophy will be taken home each year by the winning team.Brought back the following year to be fought for again.Your team entry will include(And i'm working on this as we speak)Camping fees for friday and saturday night,Team Shirt(Color needs to be decided by your team)Saturday night meal and brew.And i'm gonna try to squeeze a custom stamped disc into the mix.Depends on finance.Suggestions and comments on the tourney are needed.I've been running thru this for a few days now and am basing it on an event we've had running in San Diego for over 20 years with a little modification.Some suggest a ratings type format.The way I see it.We all are pretty much aware of every areas caliber of golfer.There will be a few underdogs.The ratings game complicates it to a degree.If we see an obvious bagger situation we'll probably catch it pretty quick.But like I said before.We'll have some CHALLENGES.Step Up!(I love the underdog wins.)So you've been called out.Put together a qualifying type of event for your area.Alot of players will want to make this team.If an area can support it.Make 2 teams.But like I said.I'll have to cut it off somewhere.8's the number.This is gonna be a huge yearly event.Braggin rights are on the line.Good luck.
Jan 14 2007, 01:33 PM
9-man? Holy Cow, I better start recruiting!
Jan 14 2007, 01:34 PM
Well do I play with the TDSA or Hogland?
Jan 14 2007, 01:38 PM
Well do I play with the TDSA or Hogland?
Good question...I was actually thinking about recruiting some Hog guys ;)
Jan 14 2007, 01:46 PM
I play 1 time a week right now,so I'll have to be in the lady's div. ,but Dave say's I look good in a dress :eek:
the camera guy
Jan 14 2007, 02:28 PM
,but Dave say's I look good in a dress :eek:
i thought wearing the dress was for the red haired one, some body get a pic of this :D
Jan 14 2007, 02:59 PM
Best DRESSED trophy?That I gotta see.So if Watson plays for TDSA.Where's the NW AR team gona be.Hey play for whoever.This is a recruiting system.San Diego killed everybody for years.My Dad put together the Dream Team.Sam Ferrans,Steve Valencia,Dunipace,Randy Aman,killer team.We beat em.BARELY.It takes a good formula to do it.Strategy against the others is a must.You never know who you'll be playing against.Once your in a spot.You'll stay there for the weekend.No switchin during the event.There will be a #1 Pro and a #2 Pro spot.etc etc etc.Wise is waiting for better weather to start the recruit.The Team Captain handles this.He or She? Will also be responsable for the groups finance and positions.You should see what OK City has in store.I'll leave it up to the teams to unveil to lineup. /msgboard/images/graemlins/smirk.gifIt's gonna be tough to say the least.
Jan 14 2007, 06:42 PM
We need to do a match play playoff to decide the team for tdsa or something.
Jan 14 2007, 09:09 PM
Jan 14 2007, 09:35 PM
Go for it.The tem Challenge is an awesome event.Teams from all over the west come and play.Here's the kicker if your team does'nt win a match,2 yrs in a row ,your team can't play next yr.Then a new team gets in.Just got finished with SoCal NoRcal Challenge,great event also 2 teams 36 players each team..
Jan 14 2007, 10:15 PM
You guys can do your qualifying however you want.But someone who may not do so well with regular tourneys may do awesome with match events.I do like the idea of the proceeds going towards the teams spot.Looks like your headin in the right direction.Your ideas are flowin.As for the fella from Cali.Yes your right.In time other teams will want in and there won't be room.We may wind up bumping teams in the years to come to allow others to partake.It is a kick A event.
Jan 14 2007, 10:18 PM
Because the event is a match play event. Match play is totally different. Some good players arent as good at match play, or some not so good players are alot better at match play.
Jan 15 2007, 12:08 AM
the house of israel wants in on this action
Jan 15 2007, 02:26 AM
I want in!!! But if the TDSA decides not to choose me, maybe I can be a trader and play for Hogland. Does somebody want me? ;)
Remember it has to be 2 pros 2 adv 2 am's 1 woman 1 adv M and 1 master.
Jan 15 2007, 11:29 AM
i want in for sure
screw play off pay your way in
the american way i mean slacker way
Jan 15 2007, 11:31 AM
or how about a colorado team
i would play for that team man
that is the all star team
Jan 15 2007, 01:06 PM
I wanna be on Team Colorado.
Jan 15 2007, 01:07 PM
Or how about a combination of Team Struggle/Team Colorado... :D
Jan 15 2007, 02:00 PM
I wanna be on Team Colorado.
I'm holding my breath. ;)
Jan 15 2007, 02:04 PM
Or how about a combination of Team Struggle/Team Colorado... :D
I love that idea!
Jan 15 2007, 02:15 PM
Or how about a combination of Team Struggle/Team Colorado... :D
I love that idea!
I think Big Dave should be the captain for this team since he has the most seniority. :p
Jan 15 2007, 02:16 PM
Or how about a combination of Team Struggle/Team Colorado... :D
I love that idea!
I doubt there are enough members for a team struggle .
Jan 15 2007, 02:20 PM
Or how about a combination of Team Struggle/Team Colorado... :D
I love that idea!
I doubt there are enough members for a team struggle .
That is why we need to combine the two and make one great debacle...eerrrr team. :D
Jan 15 2007, 02:20 PM
How about some Webster action???
Jan 15 2007, 03:52 PM
Tulsa will make two teams.I just know it.At least your talkin it up.NW AR is not making any noise at all.I may have to put a couple of em on my team.Already talkin to a couple.Somethin about killin each other if less than 2 feet away from one another.lol!The combo of WAFDA and NW AR could be pretty tough.Team Bagger.Oh wait forgot (?) /msgboard/images/graemlins/smirk.gif
OKC has it in the bag already! :D....lol.......j/k
Jan 15 2007, 07:19 PM
What the beer or the list of excuses why you got smoked. :eek: :D
Jan 15 2007, 07:29 PM
Maybe they have a RINGER (http://www.kenclimo.com/) :D
Honestly I wouldn't care if I finish last place( which we probably will) as long as I have fun :cool::cool::D
Jan 15 2007, 07:35 PM
WAFDA has a RINGER (http://jimvarney.org/ernest.jpg) also :D
Jan 15 2007, 09:50 PM
Oh you'll have fun.Everybody will.I GUARANTEE.It may take a week to get over all that fun.I'm tryin to think of another cool game we could play sat night.Maybe we could pick one player from each team and have a pie eating contest.We tie the hands behind their back and stuff cream pies down their throat.$5.00 a pie.Proceeds go to the Ace Pot sunday .(The Bloody Mary Round) :D
Jan 16 2007, 09:34 PM
Well,Here's how it's done if you think you can have teams this good ...Do it..
Team Rosters
San Diego
1Micah Dorius
2 Carlo Pelg
3 Alex Torriente
4 Mike Slonim
5 Dave Vincent
6 Miker Ramos
7 Jeff Nichols
8 Glenn Triemstra
9 Dave Devine
10 Chuck Van Kempen
11 Snapper pierson
12 Emily Hardy
Santa Cruz
1 Nate Doss
2 Miles Harding
3 Don Smith
4 Jim Hagen
5 Matt Vorhees
6 Steve Lonhart
7 Stan Pratt
8 Rob Harding
9 Jack Trageser
10 Marty Hapner
11 Dave LeVan
12 Carrie Berlager
Redwood Empire
1 Roger Cansler
2 John Childs
3 Greg Barsby
4 Kevin Parkhurst
5 Harold Hampton
6 Bob Montes
7 Josh Sappenfield
8 Geoff Feidler
9 Peter Sontag
10 Scott Riley
11 David Welty
12 Anni Kreml
Huntington Beach
1 Robert McIntee
2 Chris Kunde
3 Tyler A.
4 Ari Aganasan
5 Chris Brophy
6 Danny Rubio
7 Matt Roulette
8 Bill Davis
9 Steve Killian
10 Travis Reynolds
11 Tom Clickner
12 Kathy Downing
1 Steve Rico
2 Kyle Crabtree
3 Ken McKelvey
4 Wally Moore
5 Bamba Rico
6 Phil Brathwaite
7 Gary Sandoval
8 Mike Raley
9 Mike Byrne
10 Robert Cox
11 Mark Horn
12 Tracey Thorpe
La Mirada
1 Sam Ferrans
2 Richard Thompson
3 Steve Wisecup
4 Martin Padilla
5 Mark Molnar
6 Jeff Neil
7 Noah Rodriguez
8 Marcus Cisneros
9 Mike Williams
10 Chuck Theriot
11 Dave Dunipace
12 Suzette Simmons
1 Dan Ginnelly
2 Chris Kirby
3 David Dollar
4 David Young
5 Zach Walker
6 Jason Allind
7 Mike Downes
8 Rory Self
9 Lance Plummer
10 Russel Shelton
11 Harvey Brandt
12 Sara Lange
1 Dave Feldberg
2 Avery Jenkins
3 Andrew Rich
4 Chris Sprague
5 Nate Sexton
6 Lane Mason
7 Mike Ruzicka
8 Tom Embree
9 Buck Smith
10 Doug Saulter
11 Kurt Bayne
12 Kathy Manley
Well shut your mouth and get your **** team down here! /msgboard/images/graemlins/ooo.gif
Jan 17 2007, 01:00 AM
Is this guy even on a team himself?Or is he one of those annomous AM baggers who talk more than they golf.(Or better than they golf should I say)If so,Your smack is pretty weak,The game must be devistating.Drink alot? /msgboard/images/graemlins/smirk.gif
Jan 17 2007, 03:23 AM
Yep,My game is weak ,But what the heck.NorCal ...Still beat Socal,And I got on there team...And lost every match..I dont Drink anymore,But love to drive my drunk Golf Buddys home safe ;)
Jan 17 2007, 10:20 AM
Got on the team huh.Lost every match huh.Wow.Kudos on driving the drunk buddies around.The only driving I suppose you do well :eek:
Jan 17 2007, 10:31 AM
Hey 40 mold,how much did it cost to play?and what was the pay-out?
Jan 17 2007, 10:50 AM
Jan 17 2007, 11:22 AM
like i said i am in
team colorado
i would like to get this going soon so we can all have shirts
i think the only thing we need after that is wagers and odds things like that
team colorado member
jay slack
Jan 17 2007, 09:45 PM
. Our player package had a dry-fit shirt, Innova hat with logo, *Skeeter, and a mini bottle opener/mini marker.
Also included in the $25 entry was 2 keggers of Firestone double barrel(one each day) and an awesome (as always) tri-tip dinner after the 4th round.
KelDog, there was no payout,Just 1yr of bragging rights.
Jan 17 2007, 10:13 PM
Used to be a payout.$1,000 when I last played.10 Man Teams.
Jan 21 2007, 01:52 AM
Kevin from Diamondhead called today.We're gettin the numbers figured out.This guy is a real sport.Offered other discounts.(Floats,Cabins etc.)It should be available on the flyer.COMING SOON TO A TEAM NEAR YOU!!! :cool:
Jan 25 2007, 01:36 AM
Please vote on this (http://www.pdga.com/msgboard/showflat.php?Cat=&Number=642611&Main=642611#Post642611)
Jan 25 2007, 11:07 AM
i vote for a floating basket
Jan 26 2007, 12:21 AM
There's a poll on this team thing.I need votes.C Mon guys.
Jan 26 2007, 10:28 PM
I voted, but it doesn't really matter to me as long as there is a woman on the team!
Jan 26 2007, 11:00 PM
There has to be a Woman on the team.It's included in all the options.You BETTER be there.
Jan 27 2007, 01:25 PM
Of course I'll be there! I've already been recruited!
Is the official date(Sept 22nd)?
Feb 01 2007, 09:55 AM
Results are in.Thanks for voting.
Feb 01 2007, 05:26 PM
I love it when my vote gets chosen! :D
Feb 01 2007, 08:46 PM
Melissa sounds happy.You know you were going anyway. /msgboard/images/graemlins/smirk.gif
Feb 28 2007, 07:29 PM
Players entry includes (Sat night camping fee,Team Shirt,Sat Night Meal.)Plus whatever other goods can be found
1st Round will be at 9:00 AM sharp,(You will play 9 Hole Matches)If 6 Teams show that's 45 Holes!!!(If fewer Teams show we may add a few holes to the match)Bring your portables
The match play format:
Each team will be matched up with all teams that show.
In the event of a TIE, The total holes won will be added up from each team to break the tie (So don't give up the round if your gettin punished) Your round may be needed to break a tie.
This is NOT PDGA sanctioned so cut loose.
Special Rates will be available for the Cabins and Float Trips
If you call to reserve a Cabin or schedule a Float just mention that your with the Team Challenge Tournament.
For more info contact
Tom Pitchford at
[email protected]
ail entry by July 1st to
Tom Pitchford Jr
3020 Osage
Ft Smith AR 72901
Make checks payable to Tom Pitchford Jr
INCLUDE IN YOUR ENTRY (Shirt Sizes Needed)Colors will be drawn from a hat before the event.
Sat Night Camping will be for 1 player, additional campers will need to be accounted for and pay at the Diamondhead office
Sat Night Meal will be BBQ If there are additional people in your party please inform me at the E Mail address above.
Discounts for Cabins and Floats will be released at a later date and will apply to all attending the event(Players and guests)
Again just mention your with the Team Challenge Tournament.
This will be an event you may want to use discression at with the little ones. Be responsible if you bring the children.
When I say Cut Loose I mean it.
And they will.
See Ya There!!!!!
Mar 01 2007, 12:26 PM
Players entry includes (Sat night camping fee,Team Shirt,Sat Night Meal.)Plus whatever other goods can be found
1st Round will be at 9:00 AM sharp,(You will play 9 Hole Matches)If 6 Teams show that's 45 Holes!!!(If fewer Teams show we may add a few holes to the match)Bring your portables
The match play format:
Each team will be matched up with all teams that show.
In the event of a TIE, The total holes won will be added up from each team to break the tie (So don't give up the round if your gettin punished) Your round may be needed to break a tie.
This is NOT PDGA sanctioned so cut loose.
Special Rates will be available for the Cabins and Float Trips
If you call to reserve a Cabin or schedule a Float just mention that your with the Team Challenge Tournament.
For more info contact
Tom Pitchford at
[email protected]
ail entry by July 1st to
Tom Pitchford Jr
3020 Osage
Ft Smith AR 72901
Make checks payable to Tom Pitchford Jr
INCLUDE IN YOUR ENTRY (Shirt Sizes Needed)Colors will be drawn from a hat before the event.
Sat Night Camping will be for 1 player, additional campers will need to be accounted for and pay at the Diamondhead office
Sat Night Meal will be BBQ If there are additional people in your party please inform me at the E Mail address above.
Discounts for Cabins and Floats will be released at a later date and will apply to all attending the event(Players and guests)
Again just mention your with the Team Challenge Tournament.
This will be an event you may want to use discression at with the little ones. Be responsible if you bring the children.
When I say Cut Loose I mean it.
And they will.
See Ya There!!!!!
For rent cheep, will pay own part of entry fee and possible bribe... Grand Master am rated @ 859 but might be able to play better if the course is tight and short!
Mar 01 2007, 12:29 PM
Can I pay the deposit on our team?
Mar 01 2007, 02:49 PM
It's funny you've named your team.
There really isn't any reason not to give the teams names.
I think i'll call ours the WAFDOGS or maybe TEAM "CHEIFIN N DA TENT"
LOL!!!!!!! :D
And it doesn't really matter how many and who puts the teams together.
If an area has the players and the nuggets,Bring it wich ya bad self.
The team needs to be paid up to be in full to be in.
Sorry, Deposits would complicate things.
Just round up the crew and send it in.I know it's a while before we go.But some of us may wanna get it done before we miss the 6 Team cut.
I've got about the crew lined up for us.I may need a couple from other areas.
Send me a PM if your interested.
Mar 01 2007, 04:36 PM
The WAFDOGS are goin DOWN!!! :D
Mar 01 2007, 05:36 PM
The WAFDOGS are goin DOWN!!! :D
the highway with a big wad of cash and a huge trophy :D
Mar 01 2007, 05:41 PM
The WAFDOGS are goin DOWN!!! :D
the highway with a big wad of cash and a huge trophy :D
To deliver to the poker club :D
Mar 01 2007, 07:32 PM
:DSick 'em Thong.
Mar 01 2007, 10:34 PM
That would be the WAFDOGS role.
Don't count us out.
5 spots are lookin pretty good already.Never know where my next 4 are comin from.
Central AR has some pretty tough cookies willing to play.
What's that smell ? BBQ'd Oakies.LOL!!!
Mar 01 2007, 11:45 PM
Hoosier lady?
Central AR has some pretty tough cookies willing to play.
What's that smell ? BBQ'd Oakies.
/msgboard/images/graemlins/smirk.gif /msgboard/images/graemlins/smirk.gif :D :D lol
Mar 02 2007, 09:28 AM
This Challenge is also posted on So National.
Mobile was talkin some good smack along with a couple others.
We'll see who makes the trip.
I'd like to see some added sponsorship also,Added Cash to be exact.
If I could get that winners purse up there we'd see some travlers from afar for sure.(Heck the winning purse at 6 teams x $250.00 is lookin pretty sweet already)$1,500.00
BAM!!!!! :cool:
Mar 02 2007, 01:27 PM
The WAFDOGS are goin DOWN!!! :D
the highway with a big wad of cash and a huge trophy :D
To deliver to the poker club :D
:DSick 'em Thong.
Dang good bite, I hope that Thong is vaccinated...The sub 900 battle will be the deciding factor ;) If we could get points for the drinking games....then it would really be on :cool:
Mar 06 2007, 09:12 PM
Anybody ready for this?
Tulsa got the girlie team ready yet?
Mar 06 2007, 10:25 PM
How you gonna feel when your team gets beat by a girlie team? /msgboard/images/graemlins/ooo.gif Evan is probably right though, and Thong Le can hang with anyone when it comes to drinkin...well almost anyone. :D
Mar 07 2007, 12:15 AM
Should it be a mando to do a shot before each hole ?
Or plunk one lol!!!
I know,
My heads spinnin thinkin about it. :D:D:D
Mar 07 2007, 12:10 PM
How you gonna feel when your team gets beat by a girlie team? /msgboard/images/graemlins/ooo.gif Evan is probably right though, and Thong Le can hang with anyone when it comes to drinkin...well almost anyone. :D
I can hang with most when it comes to drinking. Don't worry I'll be well practiced when this event comes around. :D
Mar 08 2007, 03:31 PM
Diabolical plan...all the other states bring 6 point beer to the Okies, get em' extra swilled while we sneakily sip low alcohol Okie beer flavored water...sure to work, screw up their hand to eye coordination ;) Disc golf has so much strategy to it :cool:
Mar 08 2007, 04:16 PM
Thats okay, we have arranged for your own personal gallary to follow your team around. You guys will be like kids in a candy store, golf won't even be on your minds and the beer will make them look even better. :o
Mar 08 2007, 06:34 PM
Robotic Beer Launching Fridge (http://www.metacafe.com/watch/445498/robotic_beer_launching_refrigerator/)
We all need one of these :D
Mar 08 2007, 07:37 PM
Thats okay, we have arranged for your own personal gallary to follow your team around. You guys will be like kids in a candy store, golf won't even be on your minds and the beer will make them look even better. :o
no way, sheep don't turn on us hillbillies anymore, not since we saw this
turned really bad....
Mar 09 2007, 09:46 AM
Dave, When you gonna get some better material.
The sheep thing is getting old.Or is it that your getting so old your forgetting that your doing it over and over again.
My dad is getting like that now,Tells you a story then a couple days later tells it again.
It's OK Wise,We understand.Tell me,Are you using those Depends we gave you for your pre reg at HOTB yet ?
I'm just curious,If you liked them we can get you another case for the Challenge.Don't need any accidents out there while we're kickin the shiznick outta you.
Mar 09 2007, 10:15 AM
Material has been severly limited due to moderators.
You better make sure your team is good enough to carry you for the entire match. ;)
Mar 09 2007, 12:09 PM
Robotic Beer Launching Fridge (http://www.metacafe.com/watch/445498/robotic_beer_launching_refrigerator/)
We all need one of these :D
I saw a story on that cool launcher on the news last night, dang thing is accurate, we need robots that can throw disc that accurately, maybe we could get TV coverage on Robot Disc Golf kinda like them technology robot fighting shows :cool:
Mar 09 2007, 12:37 PM
Material has been severly limited due to moderators.
You better make sure your team is good enough to carry you for the entire match. ;)
Carry him :confused: heck no, he's to heavy, we'll just strap him to your old fart cart :D
then again we might hire this guy to carry us all....
that dang ol Team Donkey's already loaded down or we'd hire them....
Mar 09 2007, 02:07 PM
Mar 09 2007, 09:07 PM
Yeah he can be kinda funny sometimes.
Hey Dave,
Screw the moderator,
I heard he's a wuss.
Thinks he can golf too LOL!!!!!
May 01 2007, 08:39 AM
Jul 23 2007, 05:49 PM
So who all is gonna help me with this gig. I'm certianly not running this by myself considering it was not my idea. But I'm willing to help out as long as other people are willing. My team is probably the favorite to win.
Jul 23 2007, 06:46 PM
what is going on ?
but i am down to help but you know that the poker team aka team colorado will win the event
Jul 23 2007, 07:14 PM
who is the team
Jul 23 2007, 09:59 PM
If Mel Kiper had a 'Best Available' board ... I think I would be on the list. So if any reserves are needed, I'm down. /msgboard/images/graemlins/smirk.gif
Jul 23 2007, 11:33 PM
me too I might be a low advanced 935 rating i will be a stand by I doubt you will use me though
Jul 24 2007, 09:07 AM
Since when are YOU running the show? I thought this was an Arkie idea. :confused:
Jul 24 2007, 09:15 AM
It's an Arkie idea but we need MC to take over so that the scores get posted. /msgboard/images/graemlins/smirk.gif
MC = Mathmatic Commentator :cool:
Jul 24 2007, 10:45 AM
So who all is gonna help me with this gig. I'm certianly not running this by myself considering it was not my idea. But I'm willing to help out as long as other people are willing. My team is probably the favorite to win.
I'll help out if you need big fella.... So is the pitch team out then?
Jul 24 2007, 10:46 AM
Thats team DITCH to you. :D
Jul 24 2007, 11:28 AM
Oh!!!...Oh!!!!...Pick ME!!!...PICK MEEEEEE!!!!!
Jul 24 2007, 12:58 PM
Arkie's aren't out....best I understood it was that Pitch had too much crap going on to give it the attention that it deserves and was looking for MC to take charge.......anything you need, let me know and I'll definitely do what I can :)
Jul 24 2007, 01:31 PM
Thanks Buddy.
Jul 24 2007, 02:38 PM
Thanks fellas...we will make a it a fun event regardless.
Jul 24 2007, 02:55 PM
Ok, now lets see the teams........ :o
Jul 24 2007, 03:10 PM
Just got a message from a Missouri disc golfer...looks like their bringing a team in.
Jul 24 2007, 03:12 PM
I need rosters from everybody as soon as you can get them to me.
So far I know of 4 teams:
Team Spanky (still working on a team name)
Team Poker
Team Missouri
Team Arkie
Jul 24 2007, 06:17 PM
All I know is that Pitch is the greatest Disc Golfer in the world and i'd follow him to any challenge.
(Written by Pitch under Slingers name,Dang RIGHT we're gonna be there)
BOO YAA!!!!! ;)
Jul 24 2007, 06:22 PM
Hey...^^^^ain't that against the rules :o
turn you back for a minute....some people you just can't trust :p
Aug 23 2007, 10:28 AM
... MC , MC , MC ... is this gig still on ? ... I understand that Pitchford "stepped aside" from organizing-and-running this 1-dayer ... the TDSA mini-schedule for September is about to print ... do you want this Team-Challenge on it ? ... details ? ...
Aug 23 2007, 10:36 AM
... quick - quick ...
Aug 23 2007, 11:39 AM
... quick - quick ...
Hmmm, somebody is trying to wrap up our September schedule :cool:
Aug 23 2007, 11:51 AM
... MC , MC , MC ... is this gig still on ? ... I understand that Pitchford "stepped aside" from organizing-and-running this 1-dayer ... the TDSA mini-schedule for September is about to print ... do you want this Team-Challenge on it ? ... details ? ...
Hey Wayne I am leaning towards canceling it...let me talk to my advisor really quick and I'll pm you before 11am CST.
Aug 23 2007, 12:36 PM
What a weiner.Give him something on a silver platter and he boogies.
Everything was set up Conners.This is a Sooner course BTW.Sooners should be hosting SOMETHING in Talequah.
Too bad.I step back for one minute and it all falls apart.
Aug 23 2007, 12:43 PM
Then dont comit to doing it, HYPE IT UP, and then BACK OUT, then blame it on the SOONER state.
You said you were running it, so dont go gettin on Conners case.
Aug 23 2007, 12:52 PM
What a weiner.Give him something on a silver platter and he boogies.
Everything was set up Conners.This is a Sooner course BTW.Sooners should be hosting SOMETHING in Talequah.
Too bad.I step back for one minute and it all falls apart.
Thank you for having my back, Jason.
C'mon Pitch, giving me diamond heads phone number is far from putting it on a silver platter? You never sent any detailed information on how you planned to run this event. All I had was a phone number, hello? You backed out because you are fully aware of how much work is involved in an event like this. Are you kidding me with this crap?
This is coming from the guy who backed out of his own tournament in the first place (?) I said from the beginning I was not doing this alone. And guess what, I'm stuck taking care of your idea ALONE. You made my decision easy, Pitch. The team challenge is cancelled unless someone else wants to step up and run your event.
Aug 23 2007, 01:26 PM
What a weiner.Give him something on a silver platter and he boogies.
Everything was set up Conners.This is a Sooner course BTW.Sooners should be hosting SOMETHING in Talequah.
Too bad.I step back for one minute and it all falls apart.
Thank you for having my back, Jason.
C'mon Pitch, giving me diamond heads phone number is far from putting it on a silver platter? You never sent any detailed information on how you planned to run this event. All I had was a phone number, hello? You backed out because you are fully aware of how much work is involved in an event like this. Are you kidding me with this crap?
This is coming from the guy who backed out of his own tournament in the first place (?) I said from the beginning I was not doing this alone. And guess what, I'm stuck taking care of your idea ALONE. You made my decision easy, Pitch. The team challenge is cancelled unless someone else wants to step up and run your event.
NICE! Cancel that crap old school style! :o
Aug 23 2007, 01:36 PM
At least the event is being cancelled 1 month ahead of time. I remember when a local TD backed out of a 2-day tournament 1 week before the event :o I won't mention any names.
Aug 23 2007, 01:50 PM
Hey Wayne I am leaning towards canceling it...let me talk to my advisor really quick and I'll pm you before 11am CST.
... perfect timing MC ... you're a Man of your word ... thanks ...
Aug 23 2007, 04:23 PM
Six months ago I called Wise and asked him if anyone would be interested in running this event.You were standing right there and took it on.(I knew you'd need help and offered it)
So as the time pases by teams are being put together.People are talking it up.Now 1 month before it goes down nothing is done.
I had everything you needed to get it together.You never called me about it.
That's cool.
The reason I asked someone else to do it was because of my schedule.I didn't just throw it in your lap and walk away.It would have been easy Mike.And I knew you could handle it.
I'm giving you a hard time because you just blew it off without even asking someone to help.It was all right there.
Diamond Head is too cool to just let sit there.The OK City guys were throwing an event there but also let it go.
I can't be everywhere all at the same time.I just tried to get a cool thing going.
It's been a huge tradition in San Diego for over 20 years.Best and funnest event in everyones eyes from what I remember.
Give me a hard time if you want Conners but you know you just bailed on this.
Oh well maybe next year.(I had the AR Dream Team coming,You Oakies were toast) ;)
Aug 23 2007, 04:32 PM
Oh well maybe next year.(I had the AR Dream Team coming,You Oakies were toast)
pssst puleassssse
Aug 23 2007, 05:28 PM
You bet I bailed, just like you did...first thing I said to Wise and You was that i'm not doing this on my own. Remember?
It's not my responsibility to run it by myself and I explained this from the beginning. It's too bad no one else is interested in helping but that's okay. Nobody else stepped up because they either don't have the time or simply don't want to. And that's fine.
I was looking forward to playing, but not when I'm running this thing solo...sorry man.
Aug 23 2007, 06:35 PM
You know those golfers are over here.Match play can go in any direction.
I was looking forward to taking that #1 Pro spot.
And it's
Puhleeze :D:p :eek: :cool:
Aug 24 2007, 10:05 AM
what ? this s uh kcks
who was planning on playing anyway ?
Aug 24 2007, 01:29 PM
I was already torn between the Challenge, The Mulberry Mountain Music Festival (http://www.mulberrymountainmusic.com/) or Widespread Panic in Memphis (http://www.widespreadpanic.com/ontour.php) there's also the Copper Hills Classic (http://www.pdga.com/schedule/event.php?TournID=7102) B Tier in Memphis the same weekend :confused:
Guess my decision's a little easier now
Aug 25 2007, 04:43 PM
I guess i'll be at the lake "AGAIN" ,Bummer huh :p
The new boat has a sleeper,toilet,stereo,dvd,grill,All the goods a guy could want to chill on the water for a few days.
Sleeps 6 but momma and I will be the only ones on it for laborday weekend.
Tenkillers' party cove is like a girls gone wild feast lol!There should be about 500 boats out there.
You guys go get all you want .I'll be thinkin about ya.
Aug 26 2007, 02:54 AM
Hey Pitch,
If you will be at the lake, how come you cannot run the tournament that you started and then bailed on?
Aug 26 2007, 07:53 AM
Hmmmmm.... good question. Guess I won't have to reveal my team then. :D
Aug 26 2007, 09:04 AM
Aug 27 2007, 12:04 AM
Aug 27 2007, 02:12 AM
You know those golfers are over here.Match play can go in any direction.
I was looking forward to taking that #1 Pro spot.
Hey Pitch,
How is it that you were planning on playing your event, but you were unable to work it?
Aug 27 2007, 09:13 AM
What a waste of time.
Aug 27 2007, 04:45 PM
You know those golfers are over here.Match play can go in any direction.
I was looking forward to taking that #1 Pro spot.
Hey Pitch,
How is it that you were planning on playing your event, but you were unable to work it?
A number of people were wondering the same thing. My guess is he wanted to play in the team event and not run it. Funny how things work out sometimes.
Aug 27 2007, 11:56 PM
Yeah that's funny.I was going to play and let the guy who said he'd run it take care of things.
It would be nice to play and not have to do everything.I guess some of us were cut out to handle these matters better than others.
I am having a meeting here tomorrow night.WAFDA will be meeting at my house to discuss the events for 2008.
Jeeze! I have nothing to do nowadays.Guess i'll have to take up the slack for some of those who can't handle it.Looks like you guys need to find some willing TD's and keep the ball rolling over there.I'll worry about AR if it's ok with you.
DiamondHead called me today.They were a little upset about this not happening.I told them that someone else was going to handle this but dropped the ball.Too bad,They are nice folks.
I'm sure someone will do something with that place sooner or later.It is pretty cool.
(Hey Conners,Is it that hard to accept the fact that you wiggled out without a good reason.So hard you'd lay this on me.I wouldn't be so PO'd if it weren't for the fact that you pointed the finger at me when it came to calling this thing off.Now you have yourself an old fashioned rock throwin contest goin on.BTW.Your losing)
Now go get Twisted and blow something else off.
Aug 28 2007, 12:32 AM
Post deleted by Omegaputt
Aug 28 2007, 12:38 AM
:o Your not winning either pitch!! :D
Aug 28 2007, 12:41 AM
schwake my HERO ;)
Aug 28 2007, 12:41 AM
:o Your not winning either pitch!! :D
Agreed.... well, if the event was still going on. :mad:
Aug 28 2007, 09:29 AM
I got a whole bunch of hens peckin now.It's funny.I got the whole gang in an uproar for calling someone out.It's too bad you all feel that way.
I guess i'll just become one of the bad guys.If calling someone out and being honest is what a bad guy does then i'll take the title.
You know it really doesn't matter.I'm pretty sick of people complaining about nonsense and sucking up to boneheads for the sake of a few discs or something else.
I'll tell you who's losing here.All those folks who appreciated the events i've managed to put on events for.I think tonight i'm going to just pull out alltogether.It isn't worth the trouble.
So there you go.Pitch is out.
Aug 28 2007, 09:30 AM
Players entry includes (Sat night camping fee,Team Shirt,Sat Night Meal.)Plus whatever other goods can be found
1st Round will be at 9:00 AM sharp,(You will play 9 Hole Matches)If 6 Teams show that's 45 Holes!!!(If fewer Teams show we may add a few holes to the match)Bring your portables
The match play format:
Each team will be matched up with all teams that show.
In the event of a TIE, The total holes won will be added up from each team to break the tie (So don't give up the round if your gettin punished) Your round may be needed to break a tie.
This is NOT PDGA sanctioned so cut loose.
Special Rates will be available for the Cabins and Float Trips
If you call to reserve a Cabin or schedule a Float just mention that your with the Team Challenge Tournament.
For more info contact
Tom Pitchford at
[email protected]
ail entry by July 1st to
Tom Pitchford Jr
3020 Osage
Ft Smith AR 72901
Make checks payable to Tom Pitchford Jr
INCLUDE IN YOUR ENTRY (Shirt Sizes Needed)Colors will be drawn from a hat before the event.
Sat Night Camping will be for 1 player, additional campers will need to be accounted for and pay at the Diamondhead office
Sat Night Meal will be BBQ If there are additional people in your party please inform me at the E Mail address above.
Discounts for Cabins and Floats will be released at a later date and will apply to all attending the event(Players and guests)
Again just mention your with the Team Challenge Tournament.
This will be an event you may want to use discression at with the little ones. Be responsible if you bring the children.
When I say Cut Loose I mean it.
And they will.
See Ya There!!!!!
I thought you were the one that got this whole thing hyped up , if I look back the details could've been hammered out back oh...... I don't know way before May before you decided you didn't want to run the event anymore errrr.... hand it over to MC, but still wanted to play.??...???
You keep on saying he bailed, but from the looks of this it looks like you bailed out on it first. There were people there to step up and help. Now you cannot take the unwanted heat. Why would Diamondhead call you instead of MC?? Probably cause they thought you were running the event... ehhh
I read the post you deleted, why did you take that down by the way??
I know we all are busy but this was brought up back in January and details could've been hammered out way before it was ditche......err handed over.
Aug 28 2007, 10:55 AM
<font color="blue"> [offensive material removed] </font>
Aug 28 2007, 11:47 AM
It looks to me like the top of that flyer says "pitch presents". hmm. Leave MC alone, he's busy running 37 FF leagues.
Aug 28 2007, 12:46 PM
Post deleted by _MC_
Aug 28 2007, 01:00 PM
Post deleted by _MC_
Aug 28 2007, 01:04 PM
did i get my point across? :D
Aug 28 2007, 01:06 PM
Post deleted by _MC_
Aug 28 2007, 01:23 PM
... sohhh , we'll get our "Schedule of Events" amended ...
... with that exclusion ; and some additions ... new info ; phone numbers ; etc. ... Ward will fix it ...
Oklahoma 2007 Schedule of Events
May 19-20 ARK State Championship Little Rock,Ar SN-qualifier TD: Jason Bristow
May 26-27 Norman Pro-Am B-Tier Norman,Ok Steve King 405-321-2825
Jun 9 Ardmore Summerfest 1-day C-Tier Ardmore,Ok Drew Etheridge 580-220-9259
Jun 16-17 OK State Championship / Haikey Classic B-Tier Wayne Forest 918-494-9627
Jun 23 McClure Classic 1-day C-Tier Aaron Swygert 918-520-5510
Jun 24 �Baskets �n� Greens� (version 3.0) Tulsa,Ok Mike Conners 918-629-9370
Jun 30 Alma Greens Alma,Ar 1-day C-Tier
Jun. 30 � July 1 Mac Classic Norman , Ok Mitch McClellan
July 14-15 Riverside Glide B-Tier Michael Treat 918-245-4644
Aug.11-12 Hell On The Border Ft.Smith,Ar B-Tier Shawn LaMastus & Evan McKee
Aug 18-19 Okie Doubles OKC (non-sanctioned)
TD�s : Mike Click 405-381-2037 & Wayne Forest 918-494-9627
Sept. 1-2 Twisted Flyer Open Pawhuska,Ok B-Tier Joe Rotan 405-206-9558 *CAMPING*
Sept 15-16 Stillwater Classic B-Tier Andrew Treat 918-857-9347
Sept. 29 Four States Open Joplin,Mo 1-day C-Tier Kevin Carder 417-439-7283
Sept. 30 TDSA 2007 Club Picnic / Elections Chandler Park Tulsa,Ok
Scott Schumacher 918-459-2503 -or- Wayne Forest 918-494-9627
Oct. 6-7 Twin Oaks Open Duncan,Ok B-Tier Thomas Lowry 580-678-5447 *CAMPING*
Oct 27-28 Oklahoma Open - SuperTour Pro/Adv A-Tier . . . Am/Nov B-Tier
T.D.S.A. 918-245-4644 -or- Joe Rotan 405-206-9558 -or- Kelly Watson 479-530-7031
Pre-registration available at www.twistedflyer.com (http://www.twistedflyer.com)
Aug 28 2007, 02:11 PM
Wayne Forest: Informational Supplier Extraordinaire
"We interupt this drama to bring you the latest, ...greatest, ....most up to datest DG schedule that ever existed." ;)
Now back to our regular scheduled "stoning". :D
Aug 28 2007, 03:42 PM
Post deleted by Schwag Nasty :o:D:D
Aug 28 2007, 04:08 PM
Hey Pitch, I will take the blame on this. I honestly don't care if you think I dropped the ball. When I found out you were playing it made my decision very easy.
Feel free to point fingers this way cuz it's all goooooood :cool:
Aug 28 2007, 04:13 PM
wow what is up with all the deleted post get home from work want to read the soap and it is all deleted
i havenever seen so many deleted post in one day
i waslooking forward to playing in tahlequah
very cool town and diamond head resort really does try to do many good things besides float trips
out door concerts , art shows , disc golf tourneys?
oh well
Aug 28 2007, 04:16 PM
Yup, it would have been a fun event. I deleted my posts because I'm done bickering with Pitch.
But I do hope Pitch keeps running his manhole, sometimes it's nice being the center of attention.
Aug 28 2007, 04:44 PM
... you're all good with the masses , Commish ... :)
Aug 28 2007, 04:50 PM
Thx Wayne...too bad my TD reputation has been tarnished a little bit over this.
Oh well, life goes on right ;)
Aug 28 2007, 04:51 PM
Thx Wayne...too bad my TD reputation has been tarnished a little bit over this. ... tarnished ? ... NO WAY - Jose ! ...
Oh well, life goes on right ;)
Aug 28 2007, 04:53 PM
Aug 28 2007, 05:10 PM
Thx Wayne...too bad my TD reputation has been tarnished a little bit over this.
Oh well, life goes on right ;)
Aug 28 2007, 05:29 PM
You get the Golden Shovel as far as I'm concerned. :o:D
Aug 28 2007, 06:05 PM
Can I borrow it? I need to start shoveling all the crap out of this thread.
Aug 28 2007, 06:16 PM
You'll have to ask one of the others, I don't have one. :eek:
Aug 28 2007, 08:11 PM
... I don't have one too ... /msgboard/images/graemlins/smirk.gif ... just ma ol' rusted one ...
Aug 28 2007, 10:56 PM
me either!
Aug 28 2007, 11:56 PM
Aug 29 2007, 02:14 AM
I voted Donkey ;)
It's not worth the argument.
See you on the course.
Aug 29 2007, 08:46 AM
Thx Wayne...too bad my TD reputation has been tarnished a little bit over this.
Oh well, life goes on right ;)
Aug 29 2007, 11:18 AM
i can bring one to Pawhuska but it is rusty and has a cracked handle, but it should be able to shovel this light weight stuff.