Jan 19 2007, 02:33 PM
Do PDGA members get a discount on their PDGA membership since the sponsors are helping pay the cost to run the website. I think the sponsors will be happy, but I would like to see the sponsors at the bottom of the page.

Jan 19 2007, 02:36 PM
...a cold frosty Huk Lab does sound pretty refreshing about now! :D

Jan 19 2007, 03:18 PM
I don't really mind "where" they are, but somebody please tweek the layout so it's not all jacked. ;)
My vote for best sponsor icon is definately Marshal Street, LOL!

Jan 19 2007, 03:20 PM
The price of "progress" I guess

Jan 19 2007, 03:21 PM
Oftentimes, the price of "progress" is:

Jan 19 2007, 03:31 PM
The new layout is "teh suxor".

I hate banner ads. Put them at the bottom of the page if the recent membership fee hikes truly aren't enough of a revenue boost and banner ads are required to pay the bills. :mad:

Jan 19 2007, 03:40 PM
Though Marshall Street is teh roxor, having their ad stare me in the face all day (while I should be working) IS teh suxor.

Jan 19 2007, 03:48 PM

So we can say whatever we want?

Jan 19 2007, 04:35 PM

you gotta love the way they appeal to the counter-culture so ingrained in our sport! :D
or is it just that they support the 1st ammendment? :eek:

buy from them and it can be any or all of the above :D

Jan 19 2007, 04:38 PM
Does this mean those sponsors only will sell things to PDGA members? :eek: :p

Jan 19 2007, 04:47 PM
looks good but is anyone else having trouble, with the speed of the pages loading very slowly now? The menu and banner ads come up immediately but there is a considerable delay before the threads appear.

I would also prefer to see the banner ads at the bottom of the page if possible.

Jan 19 2007, 05:12 PM
Don't mind the ads, but they make it look like the board is broken.

Jan 19 2007, 05:13 PM
yes, and the format is yucky, in my opinion. any way to put the adds down the side? hmmm... maybe i will try to sell my avatar space... :)

Jan 19 2007, 05:43 PM
hmmm... maybe i will try to sell my avatar space... :)

Now you're talking.

Jan 19 2007, 09:42 PM
i think any sponsor of this DISCussion Board should get top billing. if we want sponsors in our sport, putting them at the bottom of the list makes zero sense.

Jan 19 2007, 10:16 PM
i think any sponsor of this DISCussion Board should get top billing. if we want sponsors in our sport, putting them at the bottom of the list makes zero sense.

I think sponsors should get the most beneficial placement that is possible without diluting what it is I am coming to the site for. Let's split them two and two and put them on either side of the PDGA Banner. That is unused space anyway. I have to do the bulk of my online work on a notebook computer and most of the real estate is now taken up with other than discussion.

Jan 19 2007, 11:28 PM
i think any sponsor of this DISCussion Board should get top billing. if we want sponsors in our sport, putting them at the bottom of the list makes zero sense.

I think sponsors should get the most beneficial placement that is possible without diluting what it is I am coming to the site for.

Just make them Schweb's signature and they'll get more exposure than they could ever ask for.

Jan 20 2007, 12:07 AM
We put our sponsors on top at Discontinuum.

Jan 20 2007, 12:59 AM
i think any sponsor of this DISCussion Board should get top billing. if we want sponsors in our sport, putting them at the bottom of the list makes zero sense.

Let's split them two and two and put them on either side of the PDGA Banner. That is unused space anyway.


Jan 20 2007, 03:16 AM
I don't mind the sponsers, but whatever was changed is reeking havok on my browser.

Jan 21 2007, 12:37 AM
More evidence that no matter what happens there will be someone to complain about it

Jan 22 2007, 12:50 PM
it looks like #$*&$! :confused:

Jan 22 2007, 04:40 PM
What level of support have these companies made to the PDGA DISCussion board?

I never knew that space was for rent (not that I was looking though..)

Jan 22 2007, 05:02 PM
if we get enough ads maybe we can cut membership fees and then that will help grow our membership to 100,000 strong :D

Jan 22 2007, 05:50 PM
Is there a reason that the table width on the message board portion can't be reduced? I think that would make the page flow much better since the margins would line up.

Jan 23 2007, 10:31 AM
Does anyone else find it funny that Marshall St. gets all kinds of coverage on here and even a sponsor spot, yet is not a sanctioned event?

Jan 23 2007, 10:35 AM
NO. They still support disc golf more than most in spite of some disagreements with the PDGA.

Jan 23 2007, 10:38 AM
It's also a retail business, not just a tournament.

Jan 23 2007, 10:43 AM
no. they pay their advertising invoices, and they meet the guidelines for adtertisers. i say lets take their money. Nike doesnt put on tournaments...would we refuse advertising from them?

Jan 23 2007, 10:44 AM
very good points.

I was just thinking about that and thinking man that is wierd...

Jan 23 2007, 11:32 AM
yes, and the format is yucky, in my opinion. any way to put the adds down the side? hmmm... maybe i will try to sell my avatar space... :)

A.F.A.B.=anything for a buck

Jan 23 2007, 11:36 AM
I have so many times, we need sponsorship for this sport to grow. The boards have now sponsors and now I read all this complaining. Makes LOTS of sense...

Jan 23 2007, 11:40 AM
I don't think the objection is to the sponsors but the poor position of the logos when space could easily be made for all four icons on either side of the PDGA title logo, even if it had to be reduced in size a little bit. As Board member Lyksett pointed out, the current loss of screen real estate is especially a problem on smaller laptop screens.

Jan 23 2007, 12:23 PM
I have so many times, we need sponsorship for this sport to grow. The boards have now sponsors and now I read all this complaining. Makes LOTS of sense...

sponsors are awesome, i'm thrilled we have them. the layout needs some finetuning though. i think we all applaud the effort and results, and now are looking to make it even better.

Jan 23 2007, 03:27 PM
Does anyone else find it funny that Marshall St. gets all kinds of coverage on here and even a sponsor spot, yet is not a sanctioned event?

Yes. Marshall Street The Tournament must get some kind of benefit out of the exposure they receive since they go out of their way to pimp that tournament so hard on this PDGA resource. You'd think they would go ahead and sanction since this exposure is important enough for them to go to all that effort to get.

Jan 23 2007, 03:40 PM
Does anyone else find it funny that Marshall St. gets all kinds of coverage on here and even a sponsor spot, yet is not a sanctioned event?

Doh! Marshall Street doesn't "get" a sponsor spot. They are paying for a sponsor spot.

Marshall Street and the PDGA are both too inflexible for Marshal Street to sanction their big tournament. The PDGA does not gain anything by sanctioning more majors, so its fine by me if they keep their current relationship the way it is.

Pizza God
Jan 28 2007, 10:55 PM
What Bruce said. Marshal Street supports the PDGA, they just don't santion there big tournament. No big deal.

That would be like the OctoberFRIZ being PDGA santioned. Not gonna happen :D

Jan 28 2007, 11:55 PM
I don't think the objection is to the sponsors but the poor position of the logos when space could easily be made for all four icons on either side of the PDGA title logo, even if it had to be reduced in size a little bit. As Board member Lyksett pointed out, the current loss of screen real estate is especially a problem on smaller laptop screens.

sounds like the makers of larger laptop screens ought to sponsor us with the condition that we keep it the way it is :D

Jan 29 2007, 02:27 AM
It looks like the layout has been cleaned up the last couple of days, and the performance issue, which was very noticeable on dial-up, has been worked on. Looking good!

Jan 29 2007, 05:46 PM
i have dial-up and it looks exactly the same (just fine) to me :confused:

Mar 02 2007, 11:23 PM
i may be interested in a banner ad. how much? who do i contact?

Mar 02 2007, 11:56 PM
cliff towne... or of[email protected]