Feb 05 2007, 12:54 PM
Went and visited a new friend this Saturday about a installing a new disc golf course in Pawhuska area.

This guy has a AWESOME piece of property and wanting to build a disc golf facility. This place has over 500 acres of land and great elevation changes. He is building a lake which is CRYSTAL clear so not many lost discs.

There is no doubt in my mind that this new course will be the new crown jewel for Oklahoma. He is very excited and wants to have an event this year at his place. He is even wanting to do it by June which I still think may be a reach but he has bull dozers and a back hoe to build this amazing track.

He is also building a full hook up RV and camping center so I see a great disc golf event for everyone to enjoy coming in the near future. He is also building a Bar and Grill on his site so his property will be perfect for a golf event with all the amenities at the location.

Keep an eye out for more information about this track, cuz you will not want to miss it.

Feb 05 2007, 01:01 PM
Lets do it! :D

Feb 05 2007, 01:01 PM
Sounds like that would be something worth traveling to. :D

Feb 05 2007, 01:03 PM
The beauty of this one is that there is no LET'S do it....he has all the equipment and the people to do it. After the design work it's their work...we can sit back and ENJOY it when it gets here. :D

Less work and more play = :D:D:D

Feb 05 2007, 01:09 PM
He said the magic words. "If you can dream it, we can build it" so we will be having a island green. :)

This course will feature 3 tees for each hole so EVERYONE can enjoy. ;)

Feb 05 2007, 01:10 PM
I meant lets do what we can to get this course ready.
I need to get on a bobcat again. :D

Feb 05 2007, 01:17 PM
We need to finish and or ADD to we can use your BOBCAT skills there.

He wants to have a tourney at his place in JUNE, I told him that may be a little to soon but he is set to do it. We originally thought it would be a GREAT location for one of the true growth courses but he decided that he wanted a top notch course so he is going to buy new baskets instead of the rickety old ones.

I'm going back up there in two weeks to do the first design, then a few weeks after that we can get a crew up there to take some baskets and try out some of the holes before we do the final design.

Feb 05 2007, 01:17 PM
... sounds like a prime candidate for "True Growth" ...
... committee should have some info. worked up for "old-baskets-dispersal" parameters , etc. by next Monday (12th) Admin.Meeting ...
... cool ...

Feb 05 2007, 01:31 PM
As soon as we get some drying out at the Hawk, I'm ready to get started. If the club wants to fund a bobcat, I'll be more than happy to pick it up and get it to and from the course.

You can get one for the weekend for right at $200.

Feb 05 2007, 03:53 PM

Feb 06 2007, 12:44 AM
that sounds awesome

what is the word on the 9 hole course going in at clyde boyd middle school. i haven't heard anything about it since last summer?

Feb 06 2007, 01:02 AM
Sounds like Tulsa strikes again.
If in June,Could you not use the 30th please.Alma Greens.

Feb 06 2007, 11:26 AM
Quick question guys.........
Anybody got the hook up on some used baskets ?? The Funkytown Flyers Club is looking to make a purchase for the next disc golf course in the metroplex.....

Feb 07 2007, 02:42 PM
that sounds awesome

what is the word on the 9 hole course going in at clyde boyd middle school. i haven't heard anything about it since last summer?


Feb 07 2007, 04:05 PM
The TDSA committee decided to form a sub-comittee to organize and oversee the True Growth Program. They have an intial draft that is ready for discussion.

The idea is to help provide courses in towns where there is no Disc Golf. We have a nice course at Ray Brown.

Also, I think there are issues at Clyde Boyd based on limited space.

The committee will provide updates on True Growth soon.

Feb 28 2007, 12:26 AM
so anything new with this pawhuska course?

Mar 13 2007, 04:38 PM

Mar 13 2007, 05:26 PM
Still in the building stage....Layout and Design almost complete ;-)

Golf may be able to be played on it by June

Mar 13 2007, 09:27 PM
I have 7 Innova Discatchers in my shop right now. I pulled them from Twisted Acres. They are in great shape. Just sleeveless... PM me if you are interested.


Apr 10 2007, 06:54 PM
Should i tease you guys with a few holes?

or wait until its in the ground?

Design is nearly complete and there is a course map available?

What to do?:D

spill it or hold it?

It looks like early June baskets will be in the ground at the SWEEEEEEEET place.

Looks like the name of the place is going to be "The LODGE"

Apr 10 2007, 07:53 PM
Looks like a SWEET Twisted spot for an opening... :D

Apr 11 2007, 09:05 AM
Well we know you're no good at holding it, just ask Courtney. :D

So you might as well spill it. :D

Apr 11 2007, 12:46 PM
Well we know you're no good at holding it, just ask Courtney. :D

So you might as well spill it. :D


Apr 29 2007, 05:27 PM
is this course close to completion? i'm ready to see if it lives up to all the hype!

Apr 29 2007, 07:20 PM
is this course close to completion? i'm ready to see if it lives up to all the hype!

Why dont you stick to smaller courses untill you are ready and leave the rest up to the big boys. Worry about the hype later.

Apr 29 2007, 07:36 PM
PLEASE! It's not like you can put together a good score at a course that is out of Norman city limits. Why don't you just stick to mastering Lions so you will be able to compete in advanced masters at the pro/am for the remainder of your DG career. :D

Apr 29 2007, 07:48 PM
PLEASE! It's not like you can put together a good score at a course that is out of Norman city limits. Why don't you just stick to mastering Lions so you will be able to compete in advanced masters at the pro/am for the remainder of your DG career. :D

How did u shoot at Z Boaz?? Where were u at down at Duncan?? Hmmm, I thought so!!

Apr 29 2007, 07:51 PM
I'm not talking my game up I'm bringing your game back down to earth. top 10 at your HOME COURSE is average at best.

Apr 29 2007, 08:18 PM
I'm not talking my game up I'm bringing your game back down to earth. top 10 at your HOME COURSE is average at best.

My home course is Lions, and check the ratings they looked like they served their purpose. What was the scores at the Pro/Am last year that looks good too!!

Apr 30 2007, 12:19 AM
Here's a little taste ;)

Apr 30 2007, 01:52 AM
wow there is some serious construction going on there. I assume there are plans to host a BIG TIME event at this place??

Apr 30 2007, 09:13 AM
Here's a little taste ;)

The 2007 Twisted Flyer Open...Is that BIG ENOUGH FOR YA? :D

Who knows what else in the future.

(Not pictured) #18 which is one of the SWEEEETEST holes I have ever laid out. Kind of reminds me of #18 August National (The Masters) From the Blue Tee its about 320 across the lake (220 ft to clear water) slight left to right out of a very manageable tunnel. The coolest thing about the hole is the green....right in front of the hole is a 50 ft wide 10-12 ft deep BUNKER where if you come up short, you will be in. If you are in the bunker you will only be 30-40ft away from the pin but you may not be able to see it. The bunker is about 10-12ft deep :D

The pics listed are the island green #17 from about where the blue tee is. It's only about 210 feet from the blue tee and your at least 40ft above the target. The other pics are a couple of fairways where you will get to unleash from elevated tees...More to come later ;)

Apr 30 2007, 01:52 PM
Looks like quite a project...can't wait to check it out.

May 07 2007, 01:33 AM
It's tough to see the basket in these pics, but it's there. It show's up well in the pic from the white tee. The Bunker doesn't show up very well either, especially how deep it is. When your in the middle of it, it's about 8-10ft deep.

Pawhuska #18 From the Blue Tee (approx. 320ft)
Pawhuska #18 From the White Tee (approx. 260ft)
Pawhusk #18 from the Red Tee (approx. 210ft)
If you come up short you'll find the BUNKER
The bunker is about 10 ft deep in the middle, you can barely see the top of the basket
Here is a side view of the distance between bunker and pin
We'll be getting the rocks out of there and adding either sand or mulch in the BUNKER. The grass is actually starting to grow in front of the bunker so hopefully in a few weeks these pics will look much better. :D


May 07 2007, 01:08 PM
Holy Crap! I got to work the back-hoe this weekend....Pretty fun stuff to handle a big machine like that. You thought it's much easier installing a course with a Bobcat, try a backhoe, boxblade, and a bulldozer....It's coming along very fast....I wouldn't be suprised if the first round played on it is in JUNE yes thats right JUNE :D

May 07 2007, 01:13 PM
The heavy equipment is a BLAST to operate, if you never had before. You would love running a small dozer. It is amazing what can be acomplished with the right tools. ;)

May 07 2007, 04:46 PM
Here is a pic of #2 before the clean up...X-marks where the basket is going....This hole is way down hill and I would guess that it is at least 60ft below the blue tee. The pic doesn't give justice to the elevation drop on this hole. I have thrown ROCS at this pin and been long.

The basket is on a bump which will make putting interesting on windy days. We may end up with bunkers on this hole also.

Approx distances of the colored tees. (If you can throw 300ft you can easily reach this hole from the blue tee's due to the elevation.)
Blue 420ft
White 375ft
Red 300ft

It's hard to see but the green is surrounded by a small creek (OB by the way :p)

The dirt in the middle of the fairway was tracks from the bull dozer, we were marking the fairways so that we could take the box blade over the land and get all the loose rocs out so that we can have smooth grassy fairways.

May 07 2007, 04:48 PM
... smooth ... grassy ... cool ...

May 07 2007, 04:56 PM
OOOPS meant to reply not edit your post...

As soon as the fairways are smoothed out, he is putting grass seed out and the fairways are going to be trimmed, he even mentioned mowing the grass in patterns to have lines like ball golf fairways.


May 07 2007, 05:00 PM
The potential of this course looks saucey!

May 07 2007, 05:01 PM
Will this be a pay to play course?

May 07 2007, 05:03 PM
OOOPS meant to reply not edit your post...

As soon as the fairways are smoothed out, he is putting grass seed out and the fairways are going to be trimmed, he even mentioned mowing the grass in patterns to have lines like ball golf fairways.


Awesome, cannot wait to the the finished masterpiece :D

May 07 2007, 05:04 PM
I hope so. ;)

May 07 2007, 05:15 PM
Here is another rough cut of a hole. This pic is already dated because we removed the trees out of the left side of the pond to open this fairway even more than it is.

#15 is a par 4 and will normally play straight down wind. (from south to north) Some big arm lefties might be able to get a deuce on it. Right handed freaks might be able to get a two on it but it will take a very risky shot from left to right over the trees to get it there. This hole is another elevated tee box from the blues and whites, the red tee is actually below the pin.

If you don't want to risk your disc to the water from the blue and white tee, there is a huge safety zone about the size of a baseball infield to the right of the pond. The green is actually elevated and it runs towards the pond if you throw an errant, nose up upshot. The pond is a good 80ft from the basket but is in play.

Blue tee approx 500ft
White tee approx 420ft
Red tee approx 315ft

May 07 2007, 05:17 PM
Will this be a pay to play course?

Yes he is looking at $5 green fees and will be offering Golf Carts for rental. Also he is wanting to set up a clubhouse so you can purchase your beer if you get low on supplies ;)

May 07 2007, 05:20 PM
Will this be a pay to play course?

Yes he is looking at $5 green fees and will be offering Golf Carts for rental. Also he is wanting to set up a clubhouse so you can purchase your beer if you get low on supplies ;)

This is sounding better and better!

How long of a drive is it from Tulsa?

May 07 2007, 05:24 PM
This course is going to be around 6200 ft with 4 par 4's. It has room to make to make par 5's but since there isn't any golf courses around this Pawhuska I thought par 5's might be a little too much for this track.

There are plenty of shorter holes, but we are tweaking the greens to make sure that they are all very challenging and not a pitch~n~putt birdie contest.

May 07 2007, 05:26 PM
Just make sure all the water holes will require a lefty to throw a 300-350ft anhyzer. :o

We wouldn't want it to deviate from your normal designs. :eek: ;)

May 07 2007, 05:27 PM
tic, tic, tic, tic............ :D

May 07 2007, 05:28 PM
Will this be a pay to play course?

Yes he is looking at $5 green fees and will be offering Golf Carts for rental. Also he is wanting to set up a clubhouse so you can purchase your beer if you get low on supplies ;)

This is sounding better and better!

How long of a drive is it from Tulsa?

I have taken two routes to this place.

From 64 West to 99 North through Cleveland, and Hominy,it takes just under an hour

From Hwy 11 to 75N to 20e back to 11 N through, Barnsdall, it only takes about 45 minutes and it is a real pretty drive on a windy two lane road.

We may never see Dale's like 20 minutes for Dale in Bartlesville

May 07 2007, 05:30 PM
I don't know what T-Town would do without Dale Patterson :confused: :confused: :confused: I love that guy!

May 07 2007, 05:31 PM
Just make sure all the water holes will require a lefty to throw a 300-350ft anhyzer. :o

We wouldn't want it to deviate from your normal designs. :eek: ;)

Don't worry it's just the opposite....Righties will have more fits with the water....Didn't you see how easy that hyzer is for you on #18 and what about #15, you would have to throw a HORRIBLE shot (which your capable of :p) to find the drink.....the only other hole that features water is #17 island hole ;)

May 07 2007, 05:35 PM
I'm always capable of finding the water. I played in memphis this weekend, I showed up at the park and asked a local guy, "any water on this course?", he tells me nope, not a bit. I get to hole 16 and throw a big turn over, it levels out and goes past the basket into the woods, where lies this beautifull black lagoon with mud 3ft deep. :mad:
If he'd still been at the parking lot when I got back, I would have had to say something about that. :D
The upside is Drew found a real nice CE T-bird in the woods. :D

May 07 2007, 05:38 PM
The upside is Drew found a real nice CE T-bird in the woods. :D

I'm still looking for a DevilHawk I through a few months ago, it should be in the Memphis area somewhere.

May 07 2007, 05:43 PM
Jim doing some work on #11 green. This is going to be an elevated green. This green is going to have a rock wall all around it about 35 ft. full circle.

Hole is only 270 from the blue tee but getting it on the green will be quite the chore. Pic is so out dated because there are only 5 trees visible now that surrounds the green. Before and After pics are good though ;)

May 07 2007, 05:49 PM
golf carts , beer , green fees, i better get a membership now

May 07 2007, 05:55 PM
golf carts , beer , green fees, i better get a membership now

If your disc golf round stinks you can take out your frustration on the ball golf driving range. In a year from now it will be the best location ever for Baskets and Greens ;)

May 07 2007, 06:01 PM
In a year from now it will be the best location ever for Baskets and Greens ;)

OH YEAH!!!!!!!

May 07 2007, 06:01 PM
Thats great! Are you going to come back and play it? :o

Long way from Georgia ;)

Big Easy
May 07 2007, 07:49 PM
We may never see Dale's like 20 minutes for Dale in Bartlesville

Looks like its got great potential.
Exactly where in Pawhuska is it Kev ???
Or can you tell yet ?
BTW If he is going to charge you might encourage him to offer
some package discounts, That sure would help the golfers.
D.P. :D

May 07 2007, 08:08 PM
The upside is Drew found a real nice CE T-bird in the woods. :D

I'm still looking for a DevilHawk I through a few months ago, it should be in the Memphis area somewhere.

Yeah but you through it from #13's Teepad at redhawk!

May 08 2007, 01:46 PM
The upside is Drew found a real nice CE T-bird in the woods. :D

I'm still looking for a DevilHawk I through a few months ago, it should be in the Memphis area somewhere.

Yeah but you through it from #13's Teepad at redhawk!

Yep it was on hole #13 at Red...I tried to hold back a little but I pulled it right just a hair and BOOM off to Memphis.

May 08 2007, 04:40 PM
Man this course looks slammin.

I can't wait. I mean there is just so much drama this season?

But I wonder...will this course be tougher than Blackhawk?

Will Mr. McCoy place a crown jewel in some hayseed town and then jet to Georgia?

Will Tony Soprano finally "settle the score" with Steve Naegele?

Will Furdog and Marie tie the knot?

Tune in next week...same Bat time, same Bat channel....

May 21 2007, 04:16 PM
Grand Opening SOON!

May 21 2007, 04:30 PM
The Pawhuska Event is going to be pushed back....It's just to wet and muddy out there, we need to wait until some of the dirt we have pushed over gets some grass on it.

May 21 2007, 04:38 PM
There is also a Music Festival at the LoDgE the next week...We were initially going to have the Grand opening Sneak Peak the same day as the Music Festival but OKIE State Championships are that weekend.

May 22 2007, 10:28 AM
I am so excited about this!!!

17 days left! :D

I am ready for some toung golf....I have seen way too much riverside and not enough Blackhawk lately.

I just want to throw!!!!

May 22 2007, 04:11 PM
So how do I pre reg for this event?

May 22 2007, 04:14 PM
Send me a check for $30. ;)

May 22 2007, 04:21 PM
I figured i would get a response from queerputt. If im giving you 30 buxs, you are gonna have to earn it. I know "anytime anywhere" correct, thats your anwer RIGHT. SO come to Dolese Wensday night, and we will play for my entry, how about it QUEERBUTT?

May 22 2007, 04:27 PM
I figured i would get a response from queerputt. If im giving you 30 buxs, you are gonna have to earn it. I know "anytime anywhere" correct, thats your anwer RIGHT. SO come to Dolese Wensday night, and we will play for my entry, how about it QUEERBUTT?

QUEERBUTT :D That's a new one!

May 22 2007, 04:28 PM
I figured i would get a response from queerputt. If im giving you 30 buxs, you are gonna have to earn it. I know "anytime anywhere" correct, thats your anwer RIGHT. SO come to Dolese Wensday night, and we will play for my entry, how about it QUEERBUTT?

that is funny stuff

May 22 2007, 04:46 PM
Don't get your hopes up Obeggabutt, why on earth would I drive to Dolese, no less, just to take $30 from you and it costs me $60 in gas? :o;)

You need to save that money to make you annual donation at the Pro/AM. :D

May 22 2007, 04:51 PM
Annual donation huh, Well considering I have never played in the pro am , I guess my donation will stay in my pocket, yet another year.

I figured you would give me some excuse why you wouldnt make it wensday night, and I guess that gas prices are a good excuse. I know that you only come to okc when you are playing (what does furdog call it) oh yea Soccer Biatch.

Well we will get a battle together soon, hopefully before the Jeremy Martin Memorial Tournament. I know you will want to play agianst me then, considering that I wont be playing, just TDing.

May 22 2007, 05:01 PM
Hairball would know a soccer biatch even if they kicked him in the nuts. Besides CatBoy gots no balls.

I know you're a soccer biatch, and you and I both know why. We'll just keep that are secret, no sense cluing everyone in on it. :D;)

As for our match, you're right, anytime any place, that you and I can agree on. I ain't skeered. Its not like I'm risking any money on it. :o

May 22 2007, 05:03 PM
WIll the rating game be in effect? :D

May 22 2007, 05:04 PM
4 strokes? No problem. :D

May 22 2007, 05:17 PM
Keep talking Dogface. :p....You remind me of the clumps I just cleaned out of the catbox. :o

You're a Socca Momma so get over it. /msgboard/images/graemlins/smirk.gif...I heard the team really loves you because you enjoy handling the bags of balls. :o

May 22 2007, 05:21 PM
who is omegaputt?

May 22 2007, 05:35 PM
Cat Box?

You mean you have an animal that has you cleaning up all its sheit? :o

You'd think that a guy that tries to go by the name FurDog would have a dog.

Just face it and change your name to HairBall or CatBoy.
It makes more sense. Or you could use TerdBoy, since thats what your cats think of you. :o

And I'm a soccer dad, thats way better than a litter box cleaner. :D

May 22 2007, 05:36 PM
who is omegaputt?

Schwake :D

May 22 2007, 06:06 PM
You mean you have an animal that has you cleaning up all its sheit? :o

You have two kids. What's the difference? Not only do you clean but you pay as well. /msgboard/images/graemlins/smirk.gif

May 23 2007, 09:45 AM
And both of them were toilet trained at a young age. ;)
They also learned to clean up their own crap.

Are your cats still crapping in a box that you clean out? :o

May 23 2007, 12:02 PM
They can't help crapping in the box because the bottom of the box has a picture of you on it. :p /msgboard/images/graemlins/smirk.gif

May 23 2007, 12:05 PM
Kind of like when I take a big hariy FurDoogo every morning. :o

May 29 2007, 10:28 PM
Hey now. We got a sneak peek at the new Pawhuska course yesterday.

Kevin has taken on a very ambitious task and it is coming along great. It takes a lot of work to create a course out there.

This course has all kinds of different shots.

It is very challenging from the blue pads.

The white and red pads are going to have just the right amount of challenge but still be very playable for the rest of us. I scratched out a couple of birdies :cool:

The land is beautiful. The owners are very nice. This is going to be a VERY COOL deal.

This could be our Horseshoe Canyon. Great course with cabins and other fun stuff right in the same area.

May 30 2007, 09:01 PM

...Pawhuska is going to be beyond awesome.

Kevin has sculpted a course that will challenge the great, intimidate the advanced, and boggle the beginner...

It is so awesome that I think it could contend for the "Crown Jewel" of Oklahoma title.......

Those of you who have not seen it, fear not, for the course is not quite ready for anyone yet.....

.....but soon..... :D:D:D

May 31 2007, 09:05 AM
The Pawhuska Event is going to be pushed back....It's just to wet and muddy out there, we need to wait until some of the dirt we have pushed over gets some grass on it.

Plus we can get all 18 holes done if we wait.

May 31 2007, 09:42 AM
good call,I wasn't going to be able to make it on the 10th. :cool:

Jun 29 2007, 01:09 PM
I heard on the news last night that pawhuska got nailed with floods yesterday.

Jun 29 2007, 01:13 PM
Not kev's course.

maybe some of the valley holes but most are elevated quite a bit.

Aug 20 2007, 12:00 PM
There is still some minor work to be done but the course will be officially open for business this Saturday.

This course is a private course with Green Fees ...There will be an honor box at Tee 1 if Jim doesn't happen to be there. It's in the country so country boys aint afraid to get the ole shotgun out for non-paying tresspassers ;)

The baskets are marked with paint pointing you to the next tees, so you shouldn't need a map, but there will be maps, scorecards available very soon. There is still some fine tuning to do out there with tee signs coming, trash cans coming and benches coming but the course itself is ready for action.


Aug 20 2007, 12:06 PM
This is just too COOL.

Kevin's going away gift to us after all he has already done.

Thanks Kevin!!!!!

Aug 20 2007, 12:26 PM
Tell Jim to expect some players this Saturday & Sunday.
I'm down for it. ;)

Aug 20 2007, 12:37 PM
He is ready! ;)

Aug 20 2007, 12:50 PM
What are the hours of operation?

Aug 20 2007, 12:52 PM
dark to dark

Aug 20 2007, 03:09 PM
Just got word that this weekend will be a green fees to come try it out.


Aug 20 2007, 03:20 PM
I'm there! :D

Aug 20 2007, 05:02 PM
Did I miss something? How do we get there?

Aug 20 2007, 05:06 PM
I know, I know! :D

Aug 20 2007, 05:07 PM

Aug 20 2007, 05:09 PM
Damnit Kev! :mad:

I was going to let them follow me for a fee. :D

Aug 20 2007, 06:08 PM
so...uh, KMack....oh, congrats, first of all! (Poor kid, beautiful mother, looks just like dad...)

so, the course won't be open Wednesday, for a wayfaring delivery guy from KC who would LOVE the chance to lose a disc or two on the island hole???????

I'll gladly pay double the rate for this coming weekend....

If not, I sure understand. But, it'll be 2 whole weeks before I'm down there again...


steve in KC

Aug 20 2007, 11:53 PM
If anyone is going up Sunday morning let me know, I would love to get at least one round in...hate to play it by my lonesome. Probably will be playing all day up there...too :cool: not to.

Aug 23 2007, 04:37 PM
Kev, do you REALLY think #10 tee area will be jogger friendly??


A word of warning, after playing it yesterday....take drivers to go every direction possible, but lighten up on mids and putters. It's a long walk, gang, and in places not an easy walk!

AWESOME, Kevin. I had a nice little chat with Jim and the guys doing the work...good people! I'm looking forward to getting there to play again, the TFO may not be possible for me, but I'm looking at it still. Thanks for giving me the go ahead, well worth it!


Aug 23 2007, 05:20 PM
Kev, do you REALLY think #10 tee area will be jogger friendly??

A word of warning, after playing it yesterday....take drivers to go every direction possible, but lighten up on mids and putters. It's a long walk, gang, and in places not an easy walk!

You got to take the road left of the tee, yeah it's a longer walk but it's kind of like a handicap ramp ;)

Getting from 9 to 10 is probably still ugly...hopefully when I get up there this weekend it will be in better shape....

Golf carts in the future will take the walk completely out of the equation :Dbut yeah there are a few hills to climb

Thanks for the kind words ;)

Aug 23 2007, 09:40 PM
put it this way, coming from KC (Swope, Water Works, Cliff Drive, Blue Valley), the LoDgE has as much challenge from hills as anything here, maybe a little different kinds of hills. phew!

Big Easy
Aug 25 2007, 05:13 PM
This course is a must play.
BTW, You WILL be going for a Hike for sure. :D
Please thank Jim (Owner) very much.... :cool:
for all the time and money he has invested.!!!!!

Played one round and shot 52. :D
Par on the card adds to 60...
Pro par may be 57 - 59.

Lefty favored shots 3, Rightie favored shots 2,
Mostly straight ( accuracy ) shots 13.
Good course design especially considering the land. :cool:

Closest course to me now, about 30 miles.
And about 15 minutes from work ( Woolaroc).
Looking forward to the TFO next week.

BTW Ignore the first unmarked left turn....
Wait until you see the mailbox w/ 22005 on it,
As well and the Larger Taylor Drilling sign further left of the mailbox.

BTW #2 I seem to have left a JK Valk on Hole #1.
It is a reddish orange and has dp 4121 on it.
Post up if anyone spots it.

D.P. :D

Apr 14 2009, 01:15 AM

I thought this was a great time to bring back these old post.


And look at what all has happened since those first days..

Start on page one and enjoy..

Apr 14 2009, 02:57 AM
Great post treat. That brought back some good memories. :D:D:D

Apr 14 2009, 11:25 AM
Oh the old daze... Nice reminder of how we got here... 2 weeks away from hosting the best disc golfers on the planet!

May 01 2009, 12:34 PM
Just went to look at the new course in Owasso to see how it takes water. Well it takes a lot. The parking lot was under about 6 inches of water, the creek was over 100ft wide (usually about 15ft or less), the ducks were having a hard time getting across the parking lot and they were closing 16st E ave and 86th st n when I was coming out of the park. Six of the 9 baskets out there had water either around them or they were under water. This course won't hold water like Mohawk but when we get rains like this a lot of water flows through there. It will still be a great course and addition to the metro area, it is always mowed and manicured and no bare dirt to turn into mud.

May 01 2009, 12:43 PM
Great. Not only is there no drinking or smoking on this course but now some holes may require a boat to get to. Very nice. Please schedule an AA meeting there so I'll have someplace to go when I get out of rehab. :D

May 01 2009, 12:49 PM
I've seen Haikey require a boat, I've seen catfish on #5 haikey. :eek:

I've seen McClure's creek almost up to 1's sidewalk.

May 01 2009, 12:51 PM

May 01 2009, 12:53 PM
Tough putt on this one. :D

May 01 2009, 12:58 PM
Better than Seal Skinz

Jun 08 2009, 11:51 AM
Okay folks it IS that time. The new course in Owasso will be going in this weekend. They will be drilling the basket holes on Friday and the tee sign holes on Saturday. This will not be what you are used to. All of the pin placements are already conreted in 5 Gal buckets. As the city crew drills the hole, all we have to do is place the sleeve in the ground and tamp the dirt. How easy is that? No quick crete mixing on site.
I could use some help from any one that can come out. I'll need a couple of shovels and a wheel barrow. They will be drilling 28 new holes and we have to dig up 10 of the current pin placements to move them to a new hole, then just take dirt from the new holes to fill up the old ones. I will have a trailer so that we can drive to each basket location and make it easier. It would be great if I could get about 4-5 guys out there on Friday. We will need 2 guys dropping the sleeves in the ground and a couple of guys assembling the baskets, there are only 9 baskets to install and we will need to put the number plates on all 18 of them. If so, we may have the course ready for play by that afternoon or no later than Sat or Sunday monring.

If you can help, please give me a call and let me know so that I can make sure everything is covered. I will provide luch and drinks for all those that can help.
Dave Wise 232-8562. I wil be at the course by 8:30 Firday morning.

This should be one of the quickest installs we have ever done. We will put in all 18 baskets, some will only have one placement but the others will have two or three placements for viariety.

Jun 08 2009, 02:45 PM
Perhaps you could post some directions to the course?

Jun 08 2009, 03:29 PM
Those that are planing on working can call me.

Jun 08 2009, 03:40 PM
Ok, then I'll just show up and play then. :)

Jun 08 2009, 03:57 PM
Okay folks it IS that time. The new course in Owasso will be going in this weekend. They will be drilling the basket holes on Friday and the tee sign holes on Saturday. This will not be what you are used to. All of the pin placements are already conreted in 5 Gal buckets. As the city crew drills the hole, all we have to do is place the sleeve in the ground and tamp the dirt. How easy is that? No quick crete mixing on site.
I could use some help from any one that can come out. I'll need a couple of shovels and a wheel barrow. They will be drilling 28 new holes and we have to dig up 10 of the current pin placements to move them to a new hole, then just take dirt from the new holes to fill up the old ones. I will have a trailer so that we can drive to each basket location and make it easier. It would be great if I could get about 4-5 guys out there on Friday. We will need 2 guys dropping the sleeves in the ground and a couple of guys assembling the baskets, there are only 9 baskets to install and we will need to put the number plates on all 18 of them. If so, we may have the course ready for play by that afternoon or no later than Sat or Sunday monring.

If you can help, please give me a call and let me know so that I can make sure everything is covered. I will provide luch and drinks for all those that can help.
Dave Wise 232-8562. I wil be at the course by 8:30 Firday morning.

This should be one of the quickest installs we have ever done. We will put in all 18 baskets, some will only have one placement but the others will have two or three placements for viariety.

Back up front where it should be unless FurDog wants to continue his BS.

Jun 09 2009, 11:20 AM
Well some guys from my AA meeting were wanting to come up. :(

Jun 09 2009, 11:47 AM
We according to you, if they're in AA then they already know where Owasso is because they live here.

Jun 09 2009, 11:49 AM
Okay folks it IS that time. The new course in Owasso will be going in this weekend. They will be drilling the basket holes on Friday and the tee sign holes on Saturday. This will not be what you are used to. All of the pin placements are already conreted in 5 Gal buckets. As the city crew drills the hole, all we have to do is place the sleeve in the ground and tamp the dirt. How easy is that? No quick crete mixing on site.
I could use some help from any one that can come out. I'll need a couple of shovels and a wheel barrow. They will be drilling 28 new holes and we have to dig up 10 of the current pin placements to move them to a new hole, then just take dirt from the new holes to fill up the old ones. I will have a trailer so that we can drive to each basket location and make it easier. It would be great if I could get about 4-5 guys out there on Friday. We will need 2 guys dropping the sleeves in the ground and a couple of guys assembling the baskets, there are only 9 baskets to install and we will need to put the number plates on all 18 of them. If so, we may have the course ready for play by that afternoon or no later than Sat or Sunday monring.

If you can help, please give me a call and let me know so that I can make sure everything is covered. I will provide luch and drinks for all those that can help.
Dave Wise 232-8562. I wil be at the course by 8:30 Firday morning.

This should be one of the quickest installs we have ever done. We will put in all 18 baskets, some will only have one placement but the others will have two or three placements for viariety.

The course is located on 86th St North. 1/2 mile east of 145th E Ave on the north side of the road. Centennial Park.

Jun 09 2009, 12:16 PM
Can't you just drive down to the river at 11th street and pick up some homeless guys to help you with this? I'm sure those guys could use a good lunch. Or how about your lawnmower dude and those illegals he uses to do your yard? :confused:

Jun 09 2009, 12:26 PM
I already know of several disc golfers who don't work.

I will be at the course begining tomorrw around 5 till 8, then Thursday from 4-8, Friday 8-5 and Saturday 8-12. The course should be ready for play at that time.

I need a wheel barrow and guys with shovels. We have to dig up 10 pin placement but that is all the digging we will need to do. The rest of the digging will be done for us by the city. We will be placing the pins in the holes and assemble the baskets. BOOM course ready!

Jun 09 2009, 12:30 PM
Well if all you Owasso-nites would commit your crimes in Owasso instead of driving to Tulsa to do them then maybe the parks department would have some community service people to help.

Jun 09 2009, 04:14 PM
It is true that the Mormons are going to be in charge of this course and you have to wear "special" underwear to play there?

Jun 09 2009, 04:18 PM
It is true that the Mormons are going to be in charge of this course and you have to wear "special" underwear to play there?

special underwear? count me out. sounds terrible, ill stay in Ttown

Jun 09 2009, 04:39 PM
Yes this is how cults get started. One day you're just innocently playing DG at your local course and along comes some Kenny Rogers looking dude and invites everyone to his new spiritual commune in Owasso. The next day you're wearing "special" underware, shaving your head and hanging out in Owasso in a toga, singing with a tamborine in your hand.

You will always be able to indentify the established long term cult members by the Avalanche they drive and the red Charlie Brown shirts they wear.

And whatever you do....don't drink the cool-aid. :eek:

Jun 09 2009, 05:20 PM
I did some reading on this Owassonian cult and the text comfirmed the underwear, shaved head and Avalanche. It also mentioned typically left handed and rapidly deteorating golf game... sounds like a group I want to stay away from

Jun 09 2009, 05:38 PM
sounds like a group I want to stay away from

What group? The Pro division?:eek:

You need to come out and help put it in. You're going to like it.

Jun 09 2009, 06:10 PM
Dude!!!!....The fact that you have to dig up 10 baskets and move them proves your total incompetence on this issue.

The least you could have done is to get some real pro’s involved instead of just taking Bougher's word for it.:)

Jun 09 2009, 06:41 PM
What group? The Pro division?:eek:

You need to come out and help put it in. You're going to like it.

id love nothing more than to do that... however, i paid a lot of money to sit and torture myself for about 90% of the saturdays between now and october 31 (review course for the CPA exam). I would much rather be outdoors setting up a course, but I'll have to watch a video instructor and highlight notes all day, woohoo!! :(

i was a much bigger fan of the lazy college days, real life is killing my disc golf, didnt even get to play until 7:45 sunday night last weekend... bah

goodluck with getting it all set up how u want it. i visit owasso pretty often my pastor and members of my church live out there, ill have to come check it out sometime (minis out there?)

Jun 09 2009, 07:26 PM
See you Friday Dave.

Jun 10 2009, 09:49 AM

Another out of work Pro scoping out a new parking lot to sell his plastic and get a free lunch. :)

These lefty guys are always the first to join the Owasso cult. Soon you will see an event at Craptenial specifically for the purpose of allowing cult members to pawn off the plastic they have won over the years.

Jun 10 2009, 10:17 AM
Dude!!!!....The fact that you have to dig up 10 baskets and move them proves your total incompetence on this issue.

We don't have to dig up baskets, only the pin placement. You see this course has the ability to be changed up to multiple locations and designs, 18 baskets with 36 placements. See here in Owasso, we know how to count and know that a REAL course is 18 holes, not 16. The City of Owasso is great to work with out here. How's the county working out for you?:eek:

Jun 10 2009, 10:19 AM
Paul, don't worry about Saturday, come out Friday or this evening, or Thursday evening. Hopefully it will all be done by Saturday, with the exception of the tee signs. They will be drilling the holes for those on Saturday. I figure those should only take about 3-4 hours.

Jun 10 2009, 10:47 AM
See here in Owasso, we know how to count and know that a REAL course is 18 holes, not 16. The City of Owasso is great to work with out here. How's the county working out for you?:eek:

The pyramids were not built in a day so neither will be holes 1 & 4. The fact you didn't incorporate the city of Owasso to build one for you shows the lack imagination you possess. You could have had Disney World but you settled for Dollywood instead. I do notice on the website they list 18 holes of DG at the park but it doesn't show you as a course pro or contact so obviously the city is still looking for someone from the TDSA to fill that position.:confused:

Jun 10 2009, 10:54 AM

I'll see you Friday morning. I can bring a shovel or two, but no wheelbarrow.

Hope that helps.


Jun 10 2009, 10:58 AM
Pyramids? You're calling those bricks stacked up 3ft a pyramid?

We didn't have to build any elevated baskets, we already have two holes with elevated mounds that the baskets will be placed on. We also have multiple water features, with a creek and several ponds included in the design, along with one hole having an Island shot.

The difference in me giving opinions about your 16 hole pitch-n-putt and you giving your opinions about Owasso, is the fact I have seen and played your course and can give a valid assessment. You haven't been there, you haven't seen it, nor do you even know where it is. In addition to that your golf game is SO weak that even if you played a course you couldn't give an accurate assessment. You have to be able to throw over 200ft to know the difference.:rolleyes:

Jun 10 2009, 10:59 AM

I'll see you Friday morning. I can bring a shovel or two, but no wheelbarrow.

Hope that helps.


Thank you.

I'll take care of the wheel barrow.

Jun 10 2009, 02:36 PM
Paul, don't worry about Saturday, come out Friday or this evening, or Thursday evening. Hopefully it will all be done by Saturday, with the exception of the tee signs. They will be drilling the holes for those on Saturday. I figure those should only take about 3-4 hours.

if stuff is still being done friday night, i can be out there by 6. thats the only time im free til sunday

Jun 10 2009, 02:44 PM
Just give me a call first and I'll let you know how we are doing and if we could use some help.


Jun 10 2009, 03:16 PM
We also have multiple water features, with a creek and several ponds included in the design, along with one hole having an Island shot.

This just proves that you and Hutch are in cohoots. You run the mini's for your personal gain and pay everyone off with the used plastic Hutch brings you from the water hazards. :(

Jun 10 2009, 03:24 PM
Who did you consult with in the design of this place because leaving it up to you, (a lefty) just isn't right.

Jun 10 2009, 03:25 PM
You couldn't have scheduled this work for another time.... come on man, whats up with this?

Jun 10 2009, 04:28 PM
Who did you consult with in the design of this place because leaving it up to you, (a lefty) just isn't right.

Personally FurDog, I've about had it with your ****!:mad: You have never even been there. You talk like you're this disc golf god, when in actuality you are nothing more than a second rate wannabe!

At least when I comment on your course I know what I'm talking about. You on the other hand just continue to talk out of your ***!:mad:

I even had to name your course for you.:o Did you ever personally do anything out there, other than write a check and just walk around?

Jun 10 2009, 04:32 PM
You couldn't have scheduled this work for another time.... come on man, whats up with this?

No I couldn't. It was supposed to be installed a month ago but due to heavy rains it was delayed. Sorry. Whats the problem, still trying to find people to finish the course at Chandler?:eek:

Jun 10 2009, 04:37 PM
Who did you consult with in the design of this place because leaving it up to you, (a lefty) just isn't right.

Better than leaving it up to you and ending up without all the holes and holes that are all of 120ft long.:(

Jun 10 2009, 04:42 PM
That is because in the future there will be more and larger events at Chandler whether I'm the TD or not so safety issues & large volume player flow are more important to consider. Something you don't have to worry about since events at your park will be right up there with Zooks.:)

Hicks & Mendoza are doing the best they can with what they have to work with. I have not designed one hole nor have I played the Moose Run yet.

I had good feedback from Daryl Johnson concerning safety issues on some holes after CS25 and based on his consistant quality play, his opinion overides yours anyday. :)

Jun 10 2009, 04:44 PM
Good, maybe in the future they can get some one capable of finishing the course.

Jun 10 2009, 04:45 PM
Okay folks it IS that time. The new course in Owasso will be going in this weekend. They will be drilling the basket holes on Friday and the tee sign holes on Saturday. This will not be what you are used to. All of the pin placements are already conreted in 5 Gal buckets. As the city crew drills the hole, all we have to do is place the sleeve in the ground and tamp the dirt. How easy is that? No quick crete mixing on site.
I could use some help from any one that can come out. I'll need a couple of shovels and a wheel barrow. They will be drilling 28 new holes and we have to dig up 10 of the current pin placements to move them to a new hole, then just take dirt from the new holes to fill up the old ones. I will have a trailer so that we can drive to each basket location and make it easier. It would be great if I could get about 4-5 guys out there on Friday. We will need 2 guys dropping the sleeves in the ground and a couple of guys assembling the baskets, there are only 9 baskets to install and we will need to put the number plates on all 18 of them. If so, we may have the course ready for play by that afternoon or no later than Sat or Sunday monring.

If you can help, please give me a call and let me know so that I can make sure everything is covered. I will provide luch and drinks for all those that can help.
Dave Wise 232-8562. I wil be at the course by 8:30 Firday morning.

This should be one of the quickest installs we have ever done. We will put in all 18 baskets, some will only have one placement but the others will have two or three placements for viariety.

I will be at the course this evening from 4 to 8, Thursday from 4 to 8 and all day Friday.

Jun 11 2009, 12:27 PM
We did get some work done before the rain hit yesterday. All of the course has been staked and two of the old pins were dug up. Today we will begin laying the tee markers and continue to dig up the other 7 pins. If some one has a weed eater bring it. There are only a couple of small spots to hit once we remove some tree limbs, nothing major and no poison ivy. I will try to be out there around 4 again today. If any one is coming out today please bring a shovel and/or a sharpshooter shovel.

If you haven't been out yet, please come out. The park is beautifull right now and I think you'll like what is about to go in out there.

Friday morning, I will have all of the baskets there ready to be assembled, we can then follow the tractor and drop the pins as soon as he drills the holes.

If anyone wants to help or needs directions, please call me at 232-8562

Thanks again

Jun 14 2009, 10:57 AM
The course is in!!!!!!!:D:D

All 18 holes, with alternate placements have been installed. We will do tee signs next week. If you go out and try the course, which I suggest. Tee pads are marked with orange stakes and there are markers with the hole numbers on them. White stakes are the alternate placements. If you go out take all the fulids you will need. You don't come back to the parking lot until you are done. If you are a smoker, PLEASE take your butts out with you. Also this park is a no Booze park of any kind and is stricly enforced.

I would like to give aout a huge thanks to Dave Penninkamp, if you don't like a righty line, then talk to Dave. Also big thanks to the treats, Sam Neilsen, Chris Hutchinson, Dough Duff and a friend of his and Gary Nail, who got 8 stitches on the job out there.

This is a beautifull course and well maintined. Very cart friendly and stroller friendly. If you want to bring the family along, do so. They can see every shot from a cart path any where on the course.

Thanks again to all those that helped. Well, I guess its back out to the course to do some limb trimming.

The course is located on 86th St North between 145th E Ave and 161st E Ave. on the north side of the road. Don't go too fast or you will miss the entrance. There is a practice basket at the end of the parking lot and Hole 1 begins on the other side of the pavillion.

Jun 14 2009, 08:08 PM
Dave has done A GREAT job getting this course in. He has completed all of this on his own with just a little help!!

Dave bought us all an excellent lunch. He had everything ready to go so it was pretty easy.

The course is really nice. The land goes way back, it is surprising what you can't see from the road.

There is plenty of parking, a playground and 3 ponds at least. It will be a fun place to bring the kids while you play!!

Again, great job Dave. This course is a great addition to the Tulsa golf scene..

Jun 15 2009, 12:26 PM
The official grand opening of the course will be sometime in the fall when things cool down a little. The city would like the course fully completed before that time. We should have that done within a few weeks. All of the baskets are in but we need to do the tee signs and I want to add bag holders at each hole. I will be placing temp tee signs out there on Friday.

Jun 15 2009, 03:03 PM
What????....I come up to supervise and do ambulance service and I don’t get any props from you? My emergency runs are $400 so I’ll send you my bill and your insurance can pay it along along with Gary’s medical bill.

Here is my official review which is really the only one that really matters to the local “short arm” DG community.

I went and scoped out this new course last Friday and I have to admit that from what I’ve seen I think Avalanche Kenny and the religious cult members of the Owasso parks department have done a good job. The course reminds me of Haikey but it’s appears to be better maintained and offers multiple pin locations that all DG’ers will enjoy. It would be nice if the TD would relocate some pin locations on a monthly or every other month basis so people can have the variety that is intended. It doesn’t look like it holds water for very long and most of the creeks and ponds seem shallow enough to retrieve your disc without having to dive for it. Though I have not played it yet I personally think I could get though it without losing more than a disc or two. Then again one or two holes looked like it could eat more if you really go for them so obviously Twoputt has created another job opportunity for “Scuba Hutch”.

The only downsides I see is that there is only one parking lot and it appears to hold approx if not a little less the number of cars as Riverside. This would probably make parking at an event with more than 30-40 players a real problem and you definitely wouldn’t find a parking spot during their Easter egg hunt. The only other problem is that since the parking lot is the only access, you’re in for a walk should you be assigned to holes farther back in the course. Obviously a good reason to quit smoking. Also a good reason to buy a pull cart. I would definitely like to have one for this course.

There were not many trash cans that I saw but I imagine there will be some in the future. With only a small jogging path though, the park might find it difficult to empty them. Even though there is no alcohol allowed you still need to truck in hydration liquids and for those that do smuggle in the brew, a coozie is recommended if the Nazi police force happens to be watching with binoculars. Even then though you should have plenty of time to run away should you see them coming. Then again though since there is only one parking lot all they have to do is set up their drug sniffing dog and sobriety check point at the exit and you’re busted so think before you drink.

One other downside, the bathroom is located closest to the parking lot so make sure you go before you play and if Opie has gone in before you and tossed his cookies then the bathroom is totally worthless. Might as well just do it on the course. BTW, a real Owasso TD would have cleaned that up personally. That kind of initial statement about DG’ers is that going to portray to the Owasso public?

All and all though I really like this course so far and look forward to the day the cement tee-pads are complete. It’s not that far to get there in time for a mini and Twoputt should list the phone # to the “Steak 2 Go” place so people can pick up a good sandwich on their way to the course. Though big events at this course are limited somewhat by the size of the parking lot, this course still fit’s in well and offers good variety with the likes of Hunter, Haikey, Mcclure, & Dovillio.

I give this course.

B+ for variety and layout.
A+ for not being stuck in the heavy woods with the ticks.
C- for parking and accessabilty.
A+ for the local steak sandwich place.
C+ for “Feel Good” level for the average newbie.

So overall: B+

Good job Kenny but I’ve still got issues with your TD finacial plans. You're thinking left-handed and that just ain't right. :confused:

Jun 15 2009, 04:27 PM
Yes folks Furdog was out there and he did do a lot of work for most of the day. I just figured the only way I was going to get a review from him was leave him out of the honorable mentions.:rolleyes: Kind of like getting stiffed on a golden shovel.:cool:

We will be changing the hole locations every month or so, just to keep it interesting. It does play in the lines of McClure and Dovillio but much nicer in my opinion. Parking is an issue right now with only having around 40 spaces. The city has plans for the current parking lot to extend to the play ground area. That would increase the size by about 150% over what is there now. And yes, it is a little of a walk to hole 1 but only until the parking lot grows. Right now, if we were to have a tournament out there I would use the grass area across the pond from the parking lot. There is an entrance to it and it could be roped off for a tournament. It has a nice shelter with bathrooms and electricity and it has over 2.5 miles of walking paths. This is a good thing as FurDog was right..........some will have a nice walk to their holes which is unavoidable. The park has two entrances that are a half mile apart and the actual holes are about two blocks in from either entrance. Most of the holes provide places for shade and that was taken into account for a lot of the tee areas. I think that most will come away seeing this park as another asset to disc golf in the metro area. Not all but most.

First casual to walk out of there commented, "18 Sucks!", we just told him, you don't have to throw over the pond.:D

This park experiences most of the pedestrian traffic in early mornings and on nice evenings. The new lay out has taken away a lot of the walker problems we had in the past, not all but most.

Tee pads will not be made permanent for at least a year.

Thanks for your official review FurDog, vary fair short arm review.

If you find the time to play this course, please send any comments, complaints or suggestions to [email protected] subject line: disc golf

Jun 15 2009, 04:33 PM
By the way, we will be playing out there this evening around 6-6:30.

Location: 86th St N between 145th E Ave and 161st E Av on the left (N) side of the road.

Jun 15 2009, 06:22 PM
Start time 6-6:30????:(

Glad to see you taking my advice on how to run your events.

Jun 15 2009, 06:31 PM
Casual round not a SCHEDULED event.

Jun 15 2009, 06:37 PM
Gotta go to the TDSA meeting tonight but I look forward to playing the new course soon. Thank you Dave and everyone else that helped get this course in.
PS - I'm glad Twoputt and Furdog are back together:)

Jun 16 2009, 09:29 AM
We played last night and Wilkes set the new course record, in the current layout at
10 under, a solid score. We got all of the distances shot in and I will put out temp tee signs sometime today. If the course were all in the short positions the distance is 4930, in the longs it is 6494 to 6637. There are two holes with three placements. No one lost any discs last night.

For a comparison, McClure is 5773 and the alt course is 6040. Dovillio is 6830.
Centenial is 4930 to 6637.

We will be installing the tee sign poles this Friday.

Jun 16 2009, 09:59 AM
PS - I'm glad Twoputt and Furdog are back together:)

We are not back together. If you're not with the TDSA you're against it. Twoputt reminds me of how light travels faster than sound. At first he appears bright but then he speaks. :(

Jun 16 2009, 10:02 AM
Why don't you come out and see if you can lay down a score of less than 65 on this course. That would be a good score for you considering there are 18 baskets to play and the distances are over 110ft. I'm sure your scores look good at Chandler, throwing a putter for 16 holes.

Jun 16 2009, 10:37 AM
Sorry, but you're going to have to get those cows off the course and have Julie make some sandwiches first.

Jun 16 2009, 03:56 PM
I think the new course is very nice. Wise and the volunteers did a pro install. Its a course that you have to putt well to score low. If a tourny is held there I mentioned the idea of paths and accross OB. I promise that would send golfers home having an experience they will never forget. The scores could vary from low 40's to high 50's depending on how accurate you are. Please come out and give it a try soon. Thanks Dave and the City of Owasso!

Jun 16 2009, 04:41 PM
Just got back from mapping the new layout and agree with Mr. Wilkes, very nice layout. I should have an overall map of the new 18 hole layout completed within a week (or so). Then I will do the tee signs. Only 3 of the holes have stayed the same...1, 8 (now 17) and 9 (now 18). Dave added a new middle pin location on new 18 that is really nice.

Nice job Dave and thanks to the City of Owasso for letting this new DG course happen! Hole 10 is gonna be tough if Dave takes Kyles advice and makes paths and over OB...very thin fairway...maybe 40 feet at it's widest from path to creek!

I saw Gary's blood all over 11's basket...eeewwwww...

Jun 16 2009, 04:54 PM
Thank you George!

ya, we left his blood as a marker on that basket.

Jun 16 2009, 05:09 PM
Make sure you get a free steak sandwich out of the deal George!!!

And from what Treat told me, if you drive down there in his Avalanche be prepared to listen to a lot of music by the "Village People". :eek:

Jun 16 2009, 05:17 PM
Make sure you get a free steak sandwich out of the deal George!!!

And from what Treat told me, if you drive down there in his Avalanche be prepared to listen to a lot of music by the "Village People". :eek:

...uhhh...I will pass on the steak sandwich...

Jun 16 2009, 05:28 PM
Why not? FurDog loved his.. he swallowed it down almost whole.:D

Jun 17 2009, 06:00 PM
Any further conversation or information on Centennial in Owasso will be found here

the camera guy
Jun 19 2009, 06:03 PM
centennial has been shot...

Jun 20 2009, 01:59 AM
Hope the course is doing well or atleast better than me.

Been in the Hospital again since sunday(Great 12th anniversary).

Hope to be able to walk soon and see the whole thing in it's glory.

See ya,
