Feb 19 2007, 04:22 PM
I just want to let everyone know that the number 1 bag tag was taken off a member's bag last week.
My main concern at this point in time is to make sure this bag tag stays in circulation. However, that is probably not the case. If anyone sees someone sporting the number one tag, please let me know. You are welcome to challenge the person to a match, but please do not ask or presume that the person holding this tag is the player that took it. Again, I just want to know that this tag is still in circulation.
If I don't hear any news of the whereabouts of the #1 bag tag by El Dorado Open, I will convert tag #199 to become the new #1 tag so it can stay in circulation.
2007 Bag Tag rules (http://www.socaldiscgolf.org/BagTagChallengeInfo.html)
Ouch! Wondering who's bagtag #1 belonging to? Hope it will be returned. Also, if not return then who has #199? So, perhaps Id like to challenge :D
Feb 20 2007, 08:59 AM
#199 has not been issued yet. If the #1 tag is not spotted by someone and reported to me by March 9th, the new #1 tag will be issued to the player who had it taken. The original #1 tag will become nullified.
Feb 20 2007, 05:36 PM
Will you be bringing some 2007 bag tags to the EIEIO tournament ? I will be there helping out !!!! I haven't been able to play any SoCAL events this year yet.
Thanks ,
Donny Olow
Feb 20 2007, 05:53 PM
I will be at EIEIO. Before the event, members can pick up their So Cal fulfillment items including a custom stamped Glow Champion Orc and a 2007 Bag Tag.
I will also be at El Dorado the weekend before.
Feb 20 2007, 09:23 PM
I will be at EIEIO. Before the event, members can pick up their So Cal fulfillment items including a custom stamped Glow Champion Orc and a 2007 Bag Tag.
I will also be at El Dorado the weekend before.
Awesome !!!!!! Hang on to a good package for me and any Fundraiser Disc's !!!!!!
Thanks again ,
Donny Olow
Feb 21 2007, 12:40 AM
I will be at EIEIO. Before the event, members can pick up their So Cal fulfillment items including a custom stamped Glow Champion Orc and a 2007 Bag Tag.
I will also be at El Dorado the weekend before.
can you bring mine to the memorial please? :D
i would like the heaviest weight orc also
thanks in advance
Feb 21 2007, 03:00 AM
I have a question.Please answer this the best way you can.Here it is ,I've played 2 tournys.had the same person on my card in each event,They tell you never gave them a tag.Now here's the kicker there SoCal membership is current.What do you do when someone says they don't have a tag.Or better yet won't give it up in a challenge.Please let me Know :p
Feb 21 2007, 09:02 AM
All members need to see me before any So Cal event to pick up their fulfillment items. Just because someone is on the membership list does not mean they took the time to pick up their stuff.
You can PM the name of this person and I will gladly tell you if they have picked up their tag. Then you will know if they are telling the truth or yanking your chain.
If a member is known to be purposefully hiding their tag or avoiding challenges they may lose their tag.
Feb 21 2007, 09:48 AM
i asked a question first :D
I will be at EIEIO. Before the event, members can pick up their So Cal fulfillment items including a custom stamped Glow Champion Orc and a 2007 Bag Tag.
I will also be at El Dorado the weekend before.
can you bring mine to the memorial please? :D
i would like the heaviest weight orc also
thanks in advance
Feb 21 2007, 09:58 AM
Yes Keith, I will bring your So Cal items to the Memorial.
Feb 21 2007, 10:03 PM
you're the greatest...
see you there!!!