Feb 25 2007, 07:20 PM has been updated and registration is now officially open. Players may register online. The online registration fee has been lowered from $5 to just $2. A registration form may also be downloaded from the website for anyone who wants to register through the mail. Please note that registering in advance is mandatory. There will be no on site registration. The registration deadline is Thursday, May 31st. I am committed to running a high quality event. There will be no more than a foursome on any hole. That means that this year's field will be smaller than last year's 158 players. Don't wait! Register soon to guarantee yourself a spot.

As always, I welcome your questions and comments. Please send me a private message or email me at I look forward to seeing many of you at this year's event.



Apr 17 2007, 07:38 PM
Payout looks like it'll be over 170% - twice the required payout for a C Tier. Raffle has $2,000 worth of great stuff including 5 baskets. There will be $1,000 in CTP prizes including a couple just for the girls. Lifetime Disc Sports will be vending giving players the best selection of merchandise around. Players' packages will once again be top notch. I got my first look at this year's artwork for the discs and was not disappointed. One female particpant will win back her registration fee each day through a free drawing.

The custom discs will be ordered soon leaving over $3,000 on my credit card (it hurts just to write it). This is my plea to anyone planning on playing in this year's event...please register soon. Forms and online registration (costs only $2 more) are both available at Don't wait until a week or two before the tournament and find yourself on the outside looking in when the field is full.

Please contact me at with any questions.



Apr 19 2007, 09:34 PM
Hey Mike , I signed up last night and I AM looking forward to playing. I have heard lots of great things about this event and cant wait to play. ITs fun being an am again :eek:

Apr 19 2007, 10:50 PM
Thanks Mike. Glad I can return the favor after having so much fun at your events. It's great to see you back on the scene.

May 14 2007, 08:26 AM
Please remember that registration closes just 2 weeks from this Thursday (5/31). Registration forms can be downloaded from ( Players can also register online at the website using their PayPal account or credit card. The online convenience fee is only $2.

Remember, every player will receive a great players package which includes two different custom stamped discs. There will be $1,100 in CTP prizes including a couple of big surprises and a couple just for the ladies. Speaking of ladies, a female participant will win back her registration fee each day through a free drawing. Finally, the tournament raffle will have $2,000 worth of fantastic prizes including 5 baskets!!!

Please send me a private message or email me at with any questions.



May 24 2007, 07:21 PM
Registration closes in a week - Thursday, 5/31. Anyone planning on registering through USPS should get it in the mail by week's end. Remember, no mail service this Monday. Online registration is also available at

This event should payout about 170%. The players' packages are great. This year's raffle has $2,000 worth of great merchandise including 5 baskets!!! Plus, there will be almost $1,400 in ctp prizes including a couple of surprises.

I will be at the Greater Milwaukee Open this weekend and would be happy to take anyone's registration there.

Please contact me at with any questions.



May 30 2007, 12:05 PM
The event is just a few days away. Registration has picked up considerably over the past couple of days. Online registration at has been extended and will remain available through Friday. On site registration will be offered on a first come, first served basis each day beginning at 8:00 at Sussex Bowl.

The raffle is not limited to tournament participants so anyone is welcome to take a shot at winning fantastic prizes including 5 baskets. Also, keep in mind that you do not need to be present to win. If you can make it, the raffle will take place at Sussex Bowl following the awards ceremony on Sunday.

Please contact me at with questions. I hope to see a lot of you there.

