Mar 10 2007, 04:06 AM
The 2nd Annual Femillz Open Michigan Women's Championship (MWC) will take place at Hudson Mill's Metropark on August 18th, 2007, this is a Saturday.
I am striving to make this event as much fun as it was last year but hopefully cooler temperature wise, like I have control over the weather. 22 ladies played in 2006 I hope to double that number this year. I need your help to do that, tell your friends bring more ladies out to the event. Help me find sponsors if you can, no gift or donation is to big or to small. Money or discs come in all quantities or types. Maybe you could make suggestions, i always appreciate those. You can contact me via the PDGA discussion site or via the ( website or directly to me at
[email protected] I fully expect the player�s packs to be at least as good as last year. I am always looking for other ideas to put in the players packs. I don't expect the necklace from Jen but will look for something just as nice to replace it.
This event should show up on the PDGA event schedule as we have paid the sanctioning fee recently.
Last year players packs contained, a disc and mini from quest, a mini from Discraft, a truly awesome necklace created by Jen Dombrowski, emery board, fine point permanent marker, small pack of tissues, candle, various bumper stickers, and other things that I can't remember.
Most of these will be in the player�s packs as a minimum in 2007 but hopefully with a shirt and other new items. I really need more ideas, let me know thanks if you have any other suggestions or ideas please.
Some people scoffed at the dollar value of merchandise gave away last year. $6200.00 these are retail $$ and not my numbers based on retail costs of everything in the players packs, jumbo toss, raffle, as well as what was given to the volunteers.
I will be looking for more volunteers to help with this year if they register with me personally I will guarantee them a minimum of a disc as well, I would love to supply caddies or scorekeepers with every group. A lot of significant others showed up at the event but most of them played on their own but did not volunteer. If they help full time with the event they can come away with something for them as well.
I need a Disc sponsor; I am hoping Quest would like to fill that role again and into the future, to fill the player�s packs which Quest filled very nicely last year. I would also like to find a shirt sponsor or someone to invest in shirts for the ladies.
I have been unable to contact my artist for last year so I really really really need artwork for this year. Artwork submitted becomes my property. I am willing to pay either 4 discs (of my choice) with the selected artwork on it or a max., of $40. I am still sitting on over 100 discs left over from last year. I will probably print a few less this year. I am shooting for 50 players packs this year. Hoping I might reach that number I may not but that is my goal, please feel free to help me and attend play and have fun.
It was very very hot in 2006; hopefully it won't be so bad in 2007. Pre-Reg will probably be set up after DGLO.
I don't expect any sassy pants stuff as all of that came from disc golf express not sassy pants. He cleared his stock to me for you ladies, sorry. Unless sassy pants wants to donate some stuff?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!
I have received cash sponsors over $500 already. So something will be added to the PRO purse that will be determined by how many PRO's sign-up in advance. I am hoping for 10 PRO's in which case I will add at least $50 to the PRO purse. The addition to the PRO purse will be determined also by other sponsors I get for things like shirts. All other $$ will be used to enhance the players packs, which should still go to the first X players to pre-Reg, that number to be determined in the future, I am shooting for 50. All PRO's and AM's will be eligible for players packs not just AM's.
I paid nothing for last year's trophies I will try to improve those for you this year. They will still be simple but not hand engraved by me. Now you know why they were rough. I will pay an engraver this year. The circles were donated by a customer of mine.
Please let me know if you have any suggestions
William Gilbert
A3 Disc
Mar 10 2007, 10:05 AM
Hi, Bill -
I see Julie now and again, I'll let her know you'd like to hear from her. She's over in Battle Creek much of the time nowadays but is back in SE MI once in a while.
Apr 26 2007, 11:46 PM
For the ladies planning or thinking about playing the Femillz event. I have picked up 2 major sponsors, Continental Metals Canada with cash. My 2nd new or renewed sponsor is Quest, they will be supplying the discs in the players packs. Remember this is only a C Tier, but like last year i will have players packs. Quest will be the title sponsor supplying discs for the players packs, thank you Steve Pearson at Quest. Metal Processing Solutions will be sponsoring by filling out the players packs again. We are planning on 40 players packs this year.
Cash will be added to the PRO purse depending upon how many PRO's pre-register. $50 will be added to the PRO purse for the first 5 PRO's, note that Pre-Reg will not start online until after the DGLO.
The more PRO's who pre-reg the larger the cash amount that will be added to the PRO purse.will be.
Troy Didtrek at Continental Metals Canada
Steve Pearson at Quest
Apr 27 2007, 03:25 PM
You can count me in again! And with the great start of the 2nd year of my women's league in Lansing, I'm willing to bet a lot of them will want to play in it too!
May 06 2007, 01:36 AM
I really want to see more women this year, and i have claimed a new sponsor and renewed an old one.
1 of my customers has agreed to pay for an ad in Disc Golf World which i hope this will generate more interest in the event.
Quest has agreed to supply discs to the event, so the first 40 AM's will be receiving players packs again. Last year i gave players packs to all entrants, the PRO's will hopefully get smaller players packs, not including discs or other major items. I have other specials plans for the ladies who play this event for the first time.
I am selling bag tags through A3 to raise CASH$$ for this event so far sales are dragging very slowly i haven't even sold 30 of 100. Spread the word 85% of proceeds from these sales goes toward this years event. I have found some people greatly willing to support this fund-raising effort, but I need more help please. Hey if you don't want to participate in the challenges buy a tag to support the effort. Cash prizes are at stake see our webiste for infomation, (
I Think it is great that there are more women's only events in MI., I would love to see all of them prosper, hey who knows maybe we could make a series of women's events out of it. MI TD's already complain about to many events in the state let's introduce a Women's series and really scare those people, how about the WDGOMI (Women's Disc Golf Organization, MI)?
William Gilbert
May 13 2007, 12:28 AM
Just to let everybody know J-Bird has donated a box of discs for the Femillz. These will be jumbo'd or given to male volunteers.
Thank You very much J-Bird!!!
May 13 2007, 04:27 PM
FYI: Marshall Street is the same weekend as the FeMills Open. Too bad because I had a great time at the FeMills last year and would've liked to play it again. Good luck, ladies; I'll be eatin pie and hot-tubbin in Massachusetts!
May 17 2007, 03:56 PM
Hey Bill, can you send me a flyer or something for the Femillz Open? I'll pass them out to all the women around lansing.
Jun 18 2007, 03:45 PM
thanks for distributing my flyers, i assume that some of the ladies who played in your event, won't drive this far for an event but i hope to get more ladies in this event this year. So please car pool and drive down in buses. This will be my 2nd year which should be better than last year's prizes. Still collecting merch and prizes and gifts. I have artwork and will be printing 2 super color discs for the event. I will try and sell them as fund-rasiers but the left overs will probably be handled just like last year.
See you at the femillz hopefully, some of your 30+ girls will hopefully make the trip down to Hudson Mills to play.
Jun 19 2007, 01:24 PM
I've got a few yes's so far from my women's league girls to play the Femillz. There were actually 14 of the 29 girls who played Saturday that were from Lansing area! WOOT! So I'm gonna bring as many girls as possible with me. I'll contact the other girls I know about it too and hopefully they'll travel! (Maybe I can stick around to try to win some of those jumbo toss prizes this time!)
Jun 19 2007, 10:45 PM
hopefully we can avoid the long lunch time like last year. i think we will stick with the 45 minutes to 1 hr max break. that will help. jumbo pile is still small but i am working on sassy pants now. see you there.
Jun 21 2007, 10:06 AM
Lunch was quite long last year. But it was so stinkin' hot last year too! I can't wait to come play it again this year. I will be bringing some stuff to donate to the tournament but I probably won't be able to get it to you until that day! But count me in for something!
Jun 25 2007, 01:29 AM
I will wait and see what you bring then, plus if you have any requests of where those donations go let me know. When the time comes.
Jun 26 2007, 09:12 AM
Bill, could you email me a flyer so I can forward it to all the women disc golfers I have in my email?
[email protected]
Thank you!
Jun 27 2007, 12:52 AM
YES, hopefully you got it tonight thanks for your help again.
Jul 10 2007, 01:50 AM
PRE-REG is up, please begin to sign-up. Players packs are planned for the first 40 AM's.
Jul 12 2007, 09:48 PM
I can't wait until the tournament. Hope to see alot of you women from last year and some new ones also.
Femillz Rules
Jul 18 2007, 11:01 AM
Pre Reg is up, come on down and sign up please. You can also download and mail in a registration form if you would rather. (
I picked up another sponsor who will be paying for a stamp on the players pack disc.
Jul 18 2007, 11:56 AM
I'm hoping we'll be able to get most of the Waterford Junior Girls Club out for this. They mostly play in the adult divisions according to their ratings, but Rachel or Abbey come, they'd play Juniors.
Jul 18 2007, 09:07 PM
Pre Reg is up, come on down and sign up please. You can also download and mail in a registration form if you would rather. (
I picked up another sponsor who will be paying for a stamp on the players pack disc.
Bill Just keeping you updated. Most likely I will be able to play...yay!!!! :) I see a chiropractor Friday this week (thanks for Sarah talking me into it...I'm both excited but scared...never been to one) So as long as this goes well and my back currently doesn't hurt at all, so as long as this goes well I will be playing, but I don't want to pre reg JUST in case. If for some reason I can't play, I will definately come help out in any way I can! I can't wait!
Jul 19 2007, 12:29 PM
i plan to play in it this year. Playin Am3 kick some butt on my home course and takin some names. i missed it last year and it really bummed me out but i'll be there this year no doubt about it. it'll be right before classes start so lets do it!!
Jul 19 2007, 09:17 PM
Uhm...Angel....if you cash again, like at Disc Girls Gone Wild, can I take another classic photo of you on your cell while getting your winnings... ;) haha that was cute and classic!
Jul 20 2007, 11:54 PM
Uhm...Angel....if you cash again, like at Disc Girls Gone Wild, can I take another classic photo of you on your cell while getting your winnings... ;) haha that was cute and classic!
i got yelled at by my mom for that bc its not polite or something like that. now i save my calls for later and who knows i might not even have my phone by then.
Jul 30 2007, 08:21 PM
Hey I see there is 6 girls already registered for the tournament. I hope to see all you women signing up soon.
Jul 31 2007, 09:44 AM
I most likely won't be playing this year. But I will be there for the day even if I don't play. Let me know if there is anything I can do! :)
Jul 31 2007, 03:38 PM
If you will still be there I will find somethings for you to do. Plus i have some ideas i wanted to discuss with you anyways. Sorry to hear you won't be able to play. I am hoping to get enough volunteers to supply scorekeepers for each group, I don't think I would use you there but all kinds of jobs are available, other than sitting under the tent and talking and planning for the future of women's disc golf in MI and beyond.
Jul 31 2007, 03:50 PM
8 girls as of today. Another AM Master and a AM2 as well.
I have added Sassy Pants as a large sponsor, with close to $300.00 in donations of merchandise.
Players packs for the first 40 AM ladies or if i don't get to 40 AM's to the first 40 players. Players pack will contain a Disc with a foil stamp, a mini or 2?, some other items like last year simple items, like a permanent marker, nail file, small tissue package, and 2 or 3 surprises that i won't tell anybody about so my wife, daughter, and best friends wife don't know everything that will be in there. Still working on more sponsors and hopefully T-shirts but it is getting close to the time where getting the shirts done in time might not be possible.
We will have a Jumbo Toss, CTP's like crazy and just some plain old simple giveaways. Of course we will be running a 50/50 raffle and a generic raffle to give away prizes.
For all the new ladies who didn't play last year, don't be in a hurry to leave after the 2nd round finishes as everybody should cash with something. Jumbo will be after the 2nd round as well as all the other side games. I hope to make sure everybody goes home with something for showing up and playing. But you must hang on till the end. I want to make this about who played not who won. Try to get everybody something to take home other than just the players packs.
Jul 31 2007, 03:52 PM
Oh just to mention it I will be adding a minimum of $50 to the PRO purse once at least 3 PRO's have signed up. I have more I can add but I need those PRO's to Register please!
Our website ( has mail-in Registration forms, for the Canadians please submit US funds please.
Aug 01 2007, 08:25 PM
Hey Bill, I love that you got Sassy Pants to sponser your tournament. I can't wait. Come on girls lets see that number get bigger than last year.
Aug 01 2007, 10:45 PM
Yeah I bought some stuff and they more than doubled what i bought in donations for the event.
9 girls signed up now, need at least 31 more. I really want to get to 40 please!
Come on there are enough of you out there we can do it.
Aug 02 2007, 02:26 PM
I'm hoping Diana, Kelsey, Kira and maybe Emily or Jenny will be playing. Kelsey might play pro.
Aug 02 2007, 02:46 PM
Well I certainly hope all of you can make it out 5 more ladies would be great. Even if all 5 don't make it 2 or 3 more would be great. It would be nice to get to my goal of 40 ladies try and help me out if you and your group can make it.
Aug 03 2007, 05:01 PM
Hey William - how are the preparations for the tourney coming along?
Aug 04 2007, 11:00 PM
actually the preparations are all done, now i am just trying to pick up a few more sponsors and goodies. Oh and getting more ladies to sign up to play so i have an idea what i am looking at for the event. i really would like to see pre-reg work like it should, with 40 ladies already signed up and trying to get more laides to sign up beyond that.
It can be difficult to get sponsors to donate 40 of something when only 10 players have signed up. If i was at 40 and hoping to improve the players packs it would be much easier if i was at the planned level.
Aug 05 2007, 10:55 AM
Hey Ladies, Bill is thinking about have 18 holes on the monster and 24 holes on the orignal course. He wants your input on what you think.
Aug 05 2007, 11:16 AM
I heard from some women last year who never post here that two rounds of 24 was more than they needed in 100 degree heat. I guess it was really hot last year.
Aug 06 2007, 10:48 AM
Yes last year was REALLY HOT! Even though I'm probably not playing I think 18 on the monster is enough. Plus with how long it took us to play in that heat was a factor. If it was 2 rounds of 18, I may even consider playing, but I don't think I'm up for that just yet. I'm playing my first full round of golf since my injury tonight so it depends on how that goes. I just don't want to re-injure anything before USWDGC.
But I'm definately planning on being there no matter what! So anything you need help with, I'm willing to help:)
Aug 06 2007, 11:30 AM
I haven't decided officially yet, but probably will only have the AM3's and if Bruce brings the juniors allow them to play 2 rounds of 18. It was 95 and high humidity last year, It was stifling. So even when I make the official annoucement of format I may drop down the number of holes the day of to better protect the ladies health.
Side note all the holes will not be PAR 3's, there will be some PAR 4's and 5's.
This is what i am thinking of currently all divisions 18 short on Monster. Original course will have PRO's and AM1's playing 24 long, AM3's will be playing short tees on 18 holes, while the remainder of the AM divisions will play 24 holes from the short tees.
I sometimes think that players like to play as many holes as they can for the money they pay to play. That way if they don't cash they get as much bang for the buck as possible. Well with my event everybody should go home with something beyond the experiece. 40 AM player packs plus Jumbo Toss, 50/50 Raffle's, and lots of other plans to try and make sure everybody goes home with something.
My goal is to allow every girl go home with a players pack and something more.
Any comments or thoughts please post them here, PM or email me (
[email protected])
Aug 06 2007, 11:32 AM
Bruce has the Brakel clan (& Waterford Junior Girls) decided on if or whether they will be attending the event this year? Please let me/us know.
Aug 07 2007, 03:02 PM
14 ladies signed up, the big division is AM3 with 5 so far. AM3's will only play 2 rounds of 18! I decided this when one of the girls who couldn't finish last year signed up again this year and I don't want to risk scaring AM3 ladies away with 2 24 rounds of potential brutality. If it gets hot like last year everybody may only play 2 rounds of 18, but I won't decide that until day of.
I need more AM1's and AM2's as they are not an official divsion, plus i have trophy's for 3 spots in these divisions. No PRO's at all yet, I know alot of them are going to Marshal Street but there has to be some who aren't going. What will I do with the Trophy if none sign up?
I am very happy about the pre-reg so far 3 times as many pre-reg as last year. I should easily beat the 22 ladies i had last year.
I am leaning towards 18 holes on the monster for everybody and 24 holes for everybody but the AM3's on the original. I may keep it to the shorts on the original if no PRO's sign up in advance as well. I want to make it fun and i think more ladies will enjoy themselves playing from the shorts.
Aug 07 2007, 08:44 PM
I would even consider playing if it's 2 rounds from the shorts ;) But again it all depends on my back. I just played my first full round since my injury and I'm a little more sore tonight than I was this morning so I'm not playing for a few more days and then I'll try again. It could just be from not playing for a while, but I don't want to risk anything. The other pro from Lansing, Jonna, also injured her back so I'm not sure if she'll be playing either. What about Lizz Carr? Sue? Anyone? :)
Aug 08 2007, 09:00 AM
Erin, what happened to your back?
Aug 08 2007, 11:19 AM
Bruce has the Brakel clan (& Waterford Junior Girls) decided on if or whether they will be attending the event this year? Please let me/us know.
We will talk about it at league today. It has been hard to communicate with the Brakel clan and the junior club because everyone has been off to summer camp, off to band camp, off to worlds, off to piano camp, etc. etc., in different combinations, all summer long. Every week I'm asking, "Who is home this week and who is in charge of the cats and hedgehogs?" :D
Aug 08 2007, 02:06 PM
Erin, what happened to your back?
Well, I re-injured an injury in my lower back just after our Women's tournament in Lansing in June. The spacing between my two bottom discs in my spine is deteriorating. My doctor said it's from aging....yeah cuz I'm so old! NOT! And I've been seeing a chiropractor for a couple weeks and she is determined it's from the epidural I got when I had my daughter. She has a friend that works in anesthesiology and says epidurals can cause problems like that if not done correctly. So too much golf apparently is too much on my spine :( But I am getting better! :)
Aug 08 2007, 03:01 PM
glad to know that you're on the mend! :)
Aug 08 2007, 10:19 PM
Hopefully the Brakel clan can make it, that can be a large influx of ladies.
Aug 09 2007, 09:25 AM
William - how are things shaping up for the Femillz open?
Aug 10 2007, 01:24 PM
hello melinda and i are planning to coming up from southern ohio-- she is not sure which division yet either am2 or advanced master-- she has me being her caddy--- i said i would since it will be her birthday
greg and melinda dyke
Aug 10 2007, 03:37 PM
Looks like from our club Diana and Kira are going for sure. Kelsey probably won't be healed up enough to play. I was fine with her ibuprofinning her way through Worlds, but now she has to get healed up. Emily has to check her band practice schedule. We're still working on Jenny.
Aug 11 2007, 12:21 AM
make sure you check in with me as a volunteer to get something for you as well.
Aug 11 2007, 12:25 AM
What divisions are they potentially signing up for Bruce? the trophy's have already been engraved? If we are getting juniors i don't have a trophy for them. I need pre-reg for that to happen.
Aug 11 2007, 12:26 AM
18 ladies have signed up so far! pre-reg that is.
Aug 11 2007, 12:28 AM
I would love to see 22 ladies pre-reg this year as that is how many ladies signed up in total last year.
Aug 12 2007, 01:17 AM
I doubt that Diana, Kira, Emily and Jenny will pre-reg but they are telling me they will be there.
Aug 12 2007, 08:27 PM
Thanks Bruce I look forward to seeing you and the brakel clan at the event. If you want you can mail-in your registration the mail-in form is on the website.
In either case i look forward to seeing you at Femillz, Thanks
Aug 12 2007, 11:04 PM
I should mention this, with the brakel clan and sharon Jenkins (via email) planning on attending we should be at 23 ladies. now the brakels and sharon are not planning on pre-reg'ing but hopefully with walk-ups on the day of the event we could make the 40 ladies i am hoping for.
Aug 14 2007, 08:58 AM
That's awesome! Yay Sharon will be there! I can't wait to see her! I want to play sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo bad and I may whine about not playing all day! But in any case I'll be there. I would consider playing if I had a caddy! But my hubby will be in South Bend playing the SB Am Championships. So is the format confirmed? Pro/Adv 24 long Original, 18 short Monster?
Aug 14 2007, 10:08 AM
Diana took all my money this morning so that she'd have entry fee and gas money, so she better be there! :D
Diana was talking about playing pro so that Elaine would not go home with empty pockets. It is only five dollars more to play pro.
Aug 14 2007, 03:12 PM
Erin I think i am going with 18 short on the monster for everybody, with mixed divisions. then the afternoon will be 24 short for everybody except the AM3's who will be playing 18 shorts again. If the PRO's want to play 24 long on the original i will let them, that will be decided day of. Unless they want to post here or email with their thoughts.
Bruce you can tell Diana she can play wherever she would like but it sounds like i will have at least 3 PRO's - Elaine King (Pre-Reg'd) Sharon Jenkins, Lisa Warner.
thanks everyone
Aug 15 2007, 09:47 AM
22 ladies pre-reg'd as of this morning! i should easily exceed the number of laides i had last year. 2 more PRO's coming and the brakel clan, and 1 more lady from A3's league sits me at 29, plus all the other ladies who will show up and sign up that morning.
I will be putting more than 40 players packs together but the first 40 will be much better then 41 - X. I may actually have to use these extra players packs this year.
Discs for the players packs arrived yesterday and the sassy pants gear arrived last week.
I am working on a few more items if i can get them to donate before friday they will be added to the awards in some form or fashion.
Aug 15 2007, 10:47 AM
I'll vote for 24 short on Original, but that's only one vote for the Pro's. If they all agree to that then I'll probably play. I'm just wimping it cuz I've been injured...hehe :)
Aug 15 2007, 11:53 AM
extremely bummed out i can't make it.... ive got the annual mother daughtor vacation- in fact thats what happened last year. ill make sure my mom books the trip for a different weekend next year! good luck to all the ladies this weekend!
Aug 15 2007, 03:44 PM
What divisions are they potentially signing up for Bruce? the trophy's have already been engraved? If we are getting juniors i don't have a trophy for them. I need pre-reg for that to happen.
I think we have three intermediate women and Diana. I don't know what Diana will play, but probably not junior girls!
Aug 16 2007, 12:47 PM
Erin if you need a caddy to play and if you want to play i believe i can find you a caddy / scorekeeper / spotter for you and your group. I am planning on having everybody play 18 short on the monster in the morning, with mixed divisions so the ladies can all mingle and talk as they feel appropriate.
The 2nd round will see the AM3's playing 18 holes short on the original and 24 holes short for everybody else, unless the PRO's really want to play longs.
The rate of signup suggests that i should hit 40 AM's + and won't have players packs for the PRO's. Don't worry we still will have the Jumbo, Raffle and straight out give-aways for everybody who didn't win in the payouts. I aim to make sure that everybody goes home with something.
So only the crazy will leave early because i am giving away the farm after the 2nd round , LOL.
Thanks Bruce it's good to know the 3 trophies i have for AM2 will go to someone.
Aug 17 2007, 12:25 AM
we are at 27 players signed up, and will be leaving pre-reg open till tomorrow at 8PM just in case we get any last minute joiners otherwise we will see you saturday.
Aug 17 2007, 08:59 AM
I just looked at the list of pre-reg! That's awesome! I think it's going to be great tomorrow! PERFECT golfing weather, a bunch of women on a disc golf course! What could be more fun than that?? :)
As for the caddy - that would be sweet if I could get one. I could pay them out in a couple discs or something too. It wouldn't be too much work for them really since I'm bringing my cart in case I do play. If the rest of the pro's are up to the shorts then I'm in, I just think if I tried to throw the longs, it would be too much for me. On the other hand if they really want to throw the longs that's really ok too, I'd love to help out at tournament central. So, I'm happy either way, cuz I'll just be there smiling :)
Aug 17 2007, 11:33 AM
Hi.I'm Melinda Dyke and I Pre-Reg on thursday night for
Adv-..Masters ... Saturday is my Birthday, I can't wait to play with ladys my own age.
Aug 17 2007, 12:09 PM
Hey Melinda! Happy birthday tomorrow! I'm Erin...I'll be there tomorrow with a 75% sure I'm playing :)
I talked to Lizz Carr today and she was down with the shorts on the original. So hopefully the rest will be down with that too!
Aug 17 2007, 06:32 PM
I just got a phone call from my mom... she just crossed the Michigan border on her way to find a hotel close to the tourney. She was worried since she hasn't shown up on the pre-reg list but I assured her that everything will be ok. She is so excited to play in a women's only tournament on her birthday. Good luck everyone.
Aug 17 2007, 10:08 PM
Sorry I have been out of office most of the day. just verified that Melinda is signed up and on the pre-reg list. 28 Pre-reg officially and should I hope easily make or surpass the 40 ladies i set as my goal for the event.
These are the my plans for courses and tees.
AM3's will play 18 short on both courses
Everybody else will play 18 short on the Monster and 24 Short on the Original. Unless the PRO's are really into the longs on the Original 2 agaisnt playing the longs so far.
I have $8900.00 in stuff to give away and potentially more showing up tomorrow.
The players pack donations will not be deducted from Payouts in any way. 100% payout minimum to all AM divisions. 100% to PRO's with $50 added to the purse and i can add more to the PRO purse if i get to 6 PRO's.
We will be playing the Monster first in the morning then the original in the afternoon.
I forgot I have 3 MDGO berths to give away which 1 will go to the AM1 winner unless she is already in. I may give 1 to the AM3 winner as they are the biggest division and i will float the other one somewhere this is still all tentative on the MDGO.
Thank you to all the ladies who pre-reg'd and all those still coming out tomorrow. I believe you will have a great time, weather looks great. lots of fun to be had.
Remember some of that merch will go to volunteers who help out. Staff / Scorekeepers / Caddies.
All volunteers must check in and be assigned a job(s) to be eligable for disc(s?). I want a scorekeeper with every group of ladies first then caddies. I also need to keep some tent staff also.
Thanks again
William Gilbert
Aug 19 2007, 03:34 PM
Bill and staff - Thanks for an AWESOME tournament! I'm really glad I got the chance to play (even though I may be regretting it today...hehe) But I had so much fun! It's awesome that you gave something to everyone, even people that just came to caddy for friends! This tournament is going to grow very quickly like this! It's gonna be as big as Women's Nationals in 2-3 years I bet! You almost doubled the number of women this year and it was just a truly amazing time! Thanks everyone who helped out yesterday!
Aug 19 2007, 05:01 PM
The Waterford Junior Girls Club members who played thought it was fun. They are giving it four thumbs up.
Aug 20 2007, 07:51 AM
Bill, I wanted to thank you for an AWESOME tournament. I had a blast I will see you next year. Excellent payout for anyone that did not show up.
Aug 21 2007, 07:53 PM
Yeah, this was a really fun tournament - and the rain held off. My wife, Sheila, held on for I think a single stroke lead in first for Am Masters (Where besides Worlds do you get 7 Am Women Masters in 2007?) and the stack of plastic she brought home took the two of us, literally, to carry.
Aug 22 2007, 12:33 AM
Watch out this is a long read!
I have been busy wrapping up the accouting for this event.
$9485.00 given away to 43 ladies!
Thank you to Erin Oakley for playing hurt (or sore).
Thanks ever so much to the day of donations by Flying Saucer, Capital City Renegades, Capital City Crushers?, Flint Town Flyers (the New club on the block, Support them please), & Elaine King!
I want to stress this event as a fun event not really a competition. I don't ever envision this event going beyond a "B" tier for that reason (next year i envision a "B" tier for the Femillz. I don't want to exclude the casual ladies from playing. I personally think they are the future lady AM & PRO's, that is my opinion and what I plan to pursue. I envision being bigger than the USWDGC event without the 3 or 4 day event, I am hoping to someday become a 2-day event but no more. We have plenty of local courses with more coming to make it work.
I will need more support from the guys to make this event work as I hope it will go. We had plenty of scorers and caddy's but I was a few short of the help i needed at tournment central. Thanks go out to Mark Kruse from Toledo, Mike Boyd from Toledo and all the guys from OH, MI and elsewhere who supported this event. In particular i want to thank Doug Egbert, Jeff Lewis, who were there before 8 AM to setup and help. Stephen Lambert, Mark Piotrowski & Mark Kruse who showed up later to save the day. In particular Mark Kruse who represents women and disc golf in general, remember you can't go wrong to go to an event he runs as he pays out every women who shows up at events he runs! Of course if to many of you show up he may kick me in the butt for saying that. Mark Kruse really cares about disc golf and women and juniors in disc golf.
2008 Could see a women's only series in the midwest to support the growing need of ladies in disc golf.
Now to attempt to thank all of my sponsors
Metal Processing Solutions, Quest Advanced Technologies, Meyer Aluminum Blanks, Continental Metals Canada, Sassy Pants Gear (based on your screams for the product I would say you like Sassy Pants) & J-Bird who both support women's disc golf in particular, Artists Julie Jett & Craig Prime, Jen Dombrowski, MACE-MAN, William, Becky & Nikki Gilbert, Doug & Mary Egbert, Kevin Williamson, Randy Carruthers, Mark Kruse, Mike Raley, Nationwide Insurance, A3Disc, Hudson Mills Metro-park, Flint Town Flyers, Capital City Renegades, Capital City Crushers, Flying Saucer, Elaine King, CJ'sParty Store (who has always been a great supporter of A3Disc), & Discraft. Please forgive me if i forgot anyone you are all absolutely critical to this event working.
To all the gentlemen who came and scored or caddied or helped at tournament central, we could not have done this without you. But remember you must check in to get rewarded.
Thanks to all the clubs and regions of MI., who represented themselves at this event, hope to see more of you next year.
Aug 22 2007, 04:12 PM
Yes Capital City Crushers is correct :) That is the Women's League in Lansing that I run :) Thanks for thanking me for playing
Aug 22 2007, 04:28 PM
Capital City Crushers? THAT'S AWESOME!!!!
Aug 22 2007, 05:22 PM
Does anyone have an email address for Elaine King? If so, please PM me. Thanks!
Aug 22 2007, 09:21 PM
Capital City Crushers? THAT'S AWESOME!!!!
Thanks! The Lansing Club is Capital City Renegades, so that's where we came up with that :)
Aug 23 2007, 02:33 AM
What were the "secret" items in the player pack?
Aug 23 2007, 12:22 PM
The Flint Town Flyerz were happy to help with this tournament and we were even more pleased that we were represented in the tournament as well. Congrats to all the organizers and the participants. ;)
Aug 23 2007, 02:49 PM
If i told you that i would have to kill you, LOL.
A piece of jewelry, a magnet basket that you can put on your fridge or on your vehicle and the sassy pants mini.
Aug 23 2007, 03:05 PM
First somebody left a jacket at Femillz so if somebody is looking for one contact me with a description and we will see what we can do to get it back to you.
Additionally, i have already begun the fundraising / merchandise collections for next year. late (plastic) donations came in that will begin my efforts for next year. cash raised at 2007 Femillz was very nice, the raffle was a great success. Bag Tag sales were brisk which will all be used for next years event.
I have close to $600.00 in cash and already sitting on a large merch stash. 2008's goal is 70 players, 60 AM Player packs and 10 PRO's. Cash to the PRO purse will be dependent upon the numbers of PRO's but I am shooting for a "B" tier next year so that will mean a $250 minimum for the PRO purse. Of course the Board of A3 has to approve this first as well.
Of course I still expect to exceed this years give aways next year. So i am always looking for help getting sponsors so if any of you ladies can find me more of them please let me know.
Aug 29 2007, 02:36 PM
Does anybody else have pictures they would like to share from the event? I have posted my wife's waiting on 1 other ladies pictures and hopefully other people have them out there. I will post the link once i have finished receiving the pictures i know i am waiting for.
Probably next week.
Aug 30 2007, 03:45 PM
I'd like to see some pics...where can i view them at? Also, I know Trevor was snapping some time I see him I'll ask him about them.
Sep 04 2007, 12:09 AM
I just collected a 2nd batch of pictures and will post those and then make a link available. of course all of these pictures so far are from ladies who played in the event so they are mostly of ladies playing grouped with them. and some from the players and awards.
My group photo chopped off the sides of the group and i haven't developed my 2nd roll of film yet as i haven't finished it.