Mar 12 2007, 02:13 PM
I am going to be in Austin most of next week, and would like to get some information beyond what is available on the PDGA course directory.
What are the must play courses in town?
Mar 12 2007, 02:17 PM
Mar 12 2007, 02:43 PM
I'd agree about Wilco, although it is probably 40 minutes from downtown. If you can, go out to Wimberly (Circle R)and Kyle, which are less than one hour out. In town, one should probably play Pease, and Circle C.
Mar 12 2007, 02:46 PM
To show my ignorance�is that a course name? I don�t see any courses close to that name in the Austin area.
Mar 12 2007, 02:48 PM
I would probably be inclined to stay within a reasonable distance of downtown. Say, less than 30 miles.
Mar 12 2007, 03:00 PM
It is listed as Williamson County DGC under the city Leander. We call it Wilco.
Both it and Kyle are about at the extent of your 30 mile limit, but are worth the extra couple of minutes.
Mar 12 2007, 03:19 PM
Thanks for that clarification. It seems obvious now. Are any minis, leagues, nightly currently?
Mar 12 2007, 05:26 PM
For sure there is a tuesday mini at Pease. I am not sure when, especially with the recent time change. Probably 5 to 5:30 I'd guess. It is apparently well attended.
I think they do something at the Round Rock Old Settlers course on wednesday.
Thursday night is some sort of thing (I'm not sure if it is doubles or singles) at the Brushy creek course. I think. Also listed under Round Rock.
Mar 12 2007, 06:30 PM
pease mini is the only decent mini in Austin(Tesday and Saturdays) not sure on times....who goes to Austin when the best golf is in Round Rock :D
Brushy creek doubles Thrusday mini @ 5
Wednesday Rock mini @ 5
I think someone is doing a Monday mini @ Wilco @ 5
Sunday 10:00am doubles at Rock
Mar 15 2007, 05:25 PM
Pease Park - downtown - minis Tue 5pm & Sat 10am
Zilker - downtown, play this pitch and putt if you only have 30 mintues to play 18
Circle C - the most challenging course in the immediate South Austin area, Sun mini 9am (i think)
Searight - the most played course in TX (one of the most played in the nation; south Austin; mini every Friday evening
Bart - it used to be a great course but it's run down due to contruction, north Austin
There are some top notch courses if you want to drive a little further:
Round Rock (north of Austin) has Wilco (great course), Cat Hollow (we call it the kitty for a reason), and Old Settlers park (monster arm course)
South of Austin is's a jewel but kinda far.
Mar 15 2007, 06:19 PM
Do you really think Searight is the most played course in Texas? Do you really think it gets more traffic than Pease? (it might get more "real" golfers than Pease, but think about all the 1 disc college kids that come out and play Pease all the time).
Agnus Moffitt in Houston might challenge for "most played" in Texas, too.
I'd bet even Zilker gets more total number of golfers than Searight.
If I was wanting to show off the quality and diversity of Austin disc golf to an out of towner, I'd take them to Pease, Kyle, and Wilco as the top 3. After that, Circle C and Twin Parks.
Though, if it was for certain that the person would never get to play golf in Central Texas again, and this would be their only visit, I'd insist they make the drive out and play Moody's, too.
Mar 22 2007, 01:51 PM
Year round, Searight see's the most action. When school is in session Pease and Zilker stay real busy, but come May, watch how Pease and Zilker slow down.....
Moffit does have a legitimate argument since it's the only course in that area (TC Jester and Oak Meadow are in the general vicintity, but I don't think they get near the play Moffit does).
It would be cool to somehow track the number of players...that would be a great marketing tool (I think DiscNation somehow did this when they were considering where they should have their "brick and mortar"). I don't think it's a coincidence that they chose a building a mile from Searight.
Mar 22 2007, 09:36 PM
Ding, ding, ding. We have a winner !!! :D
Mar 28 2007, 10:49 PM
Speaking of Kyle and Minis...
We'll be having our first Wednesday Mini of the year next week (April 4th) at the Kyle Course. Singles format with tee-off at 6:00 PM. $5 to enter with an optional $5 ace pot. $1 from each entry goes to support South Austin Disc Association. CTP and other prizes provided by us. Hope to see you there!
May 12 2007, 10:27 PM
Hello friends, my name is Billy, I just moved to Austin yesterday. I have only played Pease, and Old Settlers in the past when visiting. Allot of the information that is already up has helped tramendiously in trying to get a feel for the disc golf and its community, and it looks like im going to have fun. Im moving to the Brushey Creek area and noticed that not much has been said about it, i need some feedback since it is going to be my backyard, im hoping to get out there some time tomorrow so if anyone wants to play e mail me at
[email protected] Thanks and I'm looking foward to being a part of a great disc golf community.
May 13 2007, 08:21 PM
I'm jealous! Definitely want to get back there once I'm done with school.
Golfers have a great attitude in Austin. Best course in town is Circle-C. Then there's the must-plays: Wimberely and Moody's a bit out of town. Live Oak and Waco are sweet if you want to drive a little further.
May 13 2007, 09:04 PM
yes! its great here. i got to play Wilco today and im impressed. and again thanks for the information. later this week im going to get out to circle c or any other courses so if anyone wants to play. pm me! or email
[email protected] hopefully ill get to meet more people this weekend at CTO. Peace
Jun 14 2007, 12:33 AM
No one even mentioned (except Rooster) Twin Parks ( in Dripping Springs with
it's two championship courses and the only Disc Golf clubhouse. :confused:
And don't forget the new, improoved Steady's Grill. :D
Only 10 miles southwest of Austin off 290 West.
Jun 20 2007, 07:31 AM
Hey all,
I will be visiting Austin and staying in the St. Edwards University area. I did read all the info above, but was wondering if anyone could recommend a course or two to play with the following in mind...
I'm only an Am and don't have a big arm.
I am used to wooded courses.
The beauty and atmosphere of the course is probably more important to me than the design and technicality of it.
I'll probably be suffering from the heat (I'm from NY) so shade is always good.
I'm not a big fan of long open courses.
I don't mind driving an hour or so if the course is worth it.
Thank You!!
Jun 20 2007, 09:04 AM
I would suggest Pease for a start. Great atmosphere, friendly people, shaded! :cool:
Jun 20 2007, 09:33 AM
Pease Park (
Circle C (aka Slaughter Creek) (
and Wilco ( are my favorites.
Send me a PM if you'd like a tour guide or more info on any of the courses.
Jun 20 2007, 11:23 AM
We invite you to come out to Twin Parks Country Club in Dripping Springs. 20 mins from St Ed's. :eek:
Your 1st day is on us. :D
This goes for anyone wishing to see Disc Golf of the future.
We have a Clubhouse with Bar, pooltable, Ping Pong, Wii, Xbox, Steady's Grill, Disc Nation's satelite Disc Golf Store, Swimming Pool, and most important,...
2 Disc Golf Courses, 1 with lighted Tees and Baskets for night rounds of golf. :cool:
Come for the Golf, Stay for the Fun! :D
Please visit our Website ;)
Jun 20 2007, 01:22 PM
Thanks all. The clubhouse sounds great, but I can't view the website. Some kind of Java issue with the dinosaur I'm on here.
Thanks Lou, I will probably take you up on the tour.
I'll be there working 7/9 - 7/13, and am not sure what times I will have, but I will have plenty of time and can't wait!
I'll get in touch.
Jun 20 2007, 01:25 PM
Any other courses?
Jun 20 2007, 04:24 PM
ROUND ROCK !! but most people around here are SKEERED of LONG HOLES!!! :D or if you have not played either of the circle R courses.
Jun 20 2007, 08:20 PM
San Marcos ( is only about 20-30 minutes down the road and has a lot of tourist stuff to do. Here's a course map. ( 85545)
Jun 21 2007, 12:13 AM
Jeannie, I would definately say wilco would be my first recomendation. by the way, your pm box is full.
Jun 21 2007, 01:27 AM
if you want short technical holes go to Kyle -Steeplechase Park(long tees as well)-similar to a miniature Z-Boaz in Ft Worth if you have played that one.only about 20-25 min. max from St Eds.
Jun 21 2007, 02:05 AM
Twin Parks....Play the Shire course from the red boxes. Lots of trees and great air conditioned clubhouse with big screen TV. Swimming pool to cool down. Clean restrooms. First visit is free and opens at 9:00 AM. Be sure to get together with Fishead Tim while there. :D
512-858-2924 / 512-796-3075
[email protected]
Jun 21 2007, 09:20 AM
Jeannie, I would definately say wilco would be my first recomendation. by the way, your pm box is full.
wow, I just thought no one liked me anymore :p
Jun 21 2007, 09:33 AM
Thanks for all the input everyone! I can't wait!
Jun 21 2007, 10:20 AM
by the way, your pm box is full.
ya think? I think there were more views on this thread in three days than the last three months! E, we need to play this weekend, I'll give ya call....Sunday maybe? Temple?
Jun 21 2007, 07:38 PM
by the way, your pm box is full.
ya think? I think there were more views on this thread in three days than the last three months! E, we need to play this weekend, I'll give ya call....Sunday maybe? Temple?
still full! :DI will call you if I am able to play this weekend Jon. ;)
Jun 21 2007, 09:59 PM
You're kidding? Geesh, I think I deleted around 50 of them that have been there for years. How many are we allowed to have now? I'll delete more. Some are just too funny to get rid of .... ;)
Jun 21 2007, 10:17 PM
Jeannie, One more thing, Warwick is plush and groomed. Austin is rocks and rocks. At least Pease is. Champion plastic holds up pretty well but everything else is likely to take a pretty good beating. Have fun!
Jun 21 2007, 10:32 PM
Thanks for the heads up!
....I just deleted some messages and saw the paragraph about having too many this time. I guess 2000 was too many :o oops
Jun 22 2007, 09:37 AM
not sure what the limit is but my pm account was pretty much frozen for a bit as well. I had to delete around 3,000. Not all courses are full of rock we have a pretty good mix here..
Jun 25 2007, 12:24 PM
I just played pease yesterday with a few friends, after driving down from fort worth to see Polyphonic Spree at Stubb's yesterday, great course! I shot a +1, and I'll take that for being the first time there. It's a treat to get to play somewhere other than the D/FW area, and Austin is still beautiful. Hopefuilly next time I can hit Zilcher and others...
Jun 25 2007, 01:38 PM
skip zilker and play wilco
Jun 26 2007, 06:11 PM
I'm assuming Wilco will be closed least two weeks with all the rain we've had. That's the one chitty thing about that brave the drive through Williamson County just to find that the course is closed b/c of rain :mad:
Jun 26 2007, 07:00 PM
Brave the Drive,... Keep 'Em Low and Slow! :eek:
Jun 26 2007, 10:54 PM
would call first to ensure they are open. (512) 260-4283.
rain out #512-943-3366 but is not always up to date.
Jun 27 2007, 03:45 AM
Or you can call 512-858-2924 at Twin Parks Country Club ( and play whenever. :D
Jun 27 2007, 09:49 AM
wilco = $1 (free beer)
Twin Parks = $5 (buy Beer)
Jun 27 2007, 10:49 AM
Oh the non-members,.... so uninformed,...
Wilco = Rec golfers who trash the course and steal the $$$ Box
Twin Parks = Relaxed, Baby Stroller free zone, Ball golf Atmosphere, no Whiners!
Jun 27 2007, 10:52 AM
so uninformed,...
please inform us of what I am missing??? :D
Jun 27 2007, 10:53 AM
Please become a member :eek:
Jun 27 2007, 11:11 AM
wilco = $1 (free beer)
Twin Parks = $5 (buy Beer)
I coming out to Wilco for the free beer! Wow!,.. never knew that. Do they have warm Guinness? If not, Tell 'em to stock up!, I'm on my way! :D
Jun 27 2007, 11:43 AM
Oh the non-members,.... so uninformed,...
Wilco = Rec golfers who trash the course and steal the $$$ Box
Twin Parks = Relaxed, Baby Stroller free zone, Ball golf Atmosphere, no Whiners!
wilco is a better course, no doubt and it is geographically more feasible for us northerners. ;)
Jun 27 2007, 12:21 PM
they are both good courses but Twin Parks is definitely a lot closer to St Eds university which is where Jeannie from NY or NJ is coming to and which is why this thread was started.As much as Wilco is closed its more trouble than its worth;I can drive 45 min and play Rolling Meadows or Red Rock which are both better courses than Wilco.
Jun 27 2007, 12:32 PM
wilco = $1 (free beer)
Twin Parks = $5 (buy Beer)
I coming out to Wilco for the free beer! Wow!,.. never knew that. Do they have warm Guinness? If not, Tell 'em to stock up!, I'm on my way! :D
see you there :p
Jun 27 2007, 01:38 PM
I can drive 45 min and play Rolling Meadows or Red Rock which are both better courses than Wilco.
If you can bomb! as far as technical i feel wilco is better!! It will test your technical skills better and is fair regardless of arm strength. its also more shaded ;)big bonus points in JULY!! :p
Jun 27 2007, 01:54 PM
you have a point,its just a pain when you drive from Wm Cannon and you cant play just because it rained a week prior.
Jun 27 2007, 02:42 PM
it does however keep the course nice when the conditions are suitable for play..
Jun 27 2007, 02:55 PM
Jun 28 2007, 03:33 AM
I would still rather spend the day at Circle R or Twin Parks, IMO. Rain or Shine. :D
Ofcourse, I live right off of Convict Hill Rd. Just copy/paste my location to google maps.
Fish has spent alot of time cutting the fairways and greens on the Shire at Twin Parks. It's beautiful and the huge Live Oak trees have so many leaves for a nice, shady break any time of day. You can take your choice of blue, white, or red tee box to accomodate your own personal skill level or lack there of. :o
Jun 28 2007, 03:48 AM
We invite you to come out to Twin Parks Country Club in Dripping Springs. 20 mins from St Ed's. :eek:
Your 1st day is on us. :D
This goes for anyone wishing to see Disc Golf of the future.
We have a Clubhouse with Bar, pooltable, Ping Pong, Wii, Xbox, Steady's Grill, Disc Nation's satelite Disc Golf Store, Swimming Pool, and most important,...
2 Disc Golf Courses, 1 with lighted Tees and Baskets for night rounds of golf. :cool:
Come for the Golf, Stay for the Fun! :D
Please visit our Website ;)
The wave of the future is here.
Twin Parks Thread here... ( 08190)
Jun 28 2007, 01:42 PM
do you work there or something? :p
Jun 28 2007, 05:22 PM
He's just a proud MEMBER. :D
Can ya blame him?
Twin Parks Country Club,.... Have ya' seen us lately?!
Disc Golf of the FUTURE, here TODAY! :cool:
Jun 28 2007, 05:25 PM
what's that saying again
Disc Golf of the FUTURE, here TODAY
Gone tomorrow :D:p
Jun 28 2007, 10:15 PM
I would love to see TP's prosper!! Thats some valuable land out there!!!
Jun 29 2007, 09:01 AM
First name= Can't.
SEEwhere= always thinking the negative,....
Thinking the negative= bad for disc golf and life
****,... why always such a bitter man
Jun 29 2007, 12:05 PM
Fishdead how's the courses looking ?? not bitter just kidding. sheesh and I thought being from alaska you would have tough skin or at least frozen :D
Jun 29 2007, 12:41 PM
The courses look Incredible,... Rough rough, Cut Fairways, Manicured greens,...Almost ball golfish! :D
That's Golfish not Goldfish! :o
If ya haven't been here in awhile, it's time now. ;)
TPCC, Like Freedom,.... Here for the long haul! :D
Jun 29 2007, 05:04 PM
what does it cost to play these days? are there still some exotic wildlife out there? whatever type of deer (or whatever they were) were pretty cool.. ;)
Jun 29 2007, 05:49 PM
It still costs $10/day - which includes paintball, 6 1/2 miles of bike trails and, of course, the 2 Disc Golf courses. :eek:
Stop by and play a round then take a dip in the pool or spa. :o
After that, it's golf or bikes or paintballing or video games inside the A/C comfort of the clubhouse. :o
Jun 29 2007, 05:57 PM
Annual Membership Levels
Silver Level Individual - $80 Family - $120 Traveling Membership Individual - $50/year Family - $75/year
Member�s residence must be more than 50 miles away from Twin Parks.
$2 Greens Fees per day + $5 Fee for Park Crest Course No monthly payment options are available for travel members.
10% off Room Rentals + 15% off Private Party booking (20+ people) Traveling Members receive all the same rights and benefits of a Gold Level Member.
� off Gate Fees at TPCC Events
Monthly Payment Plan Individual - $20/month Family - $30/month
Gold Level Individual - $200 Family - $300 Member must commit to an annual membership. A credit card must be kept on file
for the Member�s dues to be drawn from. Members can avoid their card being
No Greens Fees + $2 Fee for Park Crest Course charged by paying their dues prior to their payment date. Monthly Members receive
Access to Pool / Hot Tub + � Off Greens Fees to all Member�s Guests all the rights and privileges of a Gold Level Member. Monthly Members will receive
20% off Room Rentals + 30% off Private Party booking (20+ people) their Membership Package after 6 months of dues have been paid, and their Photo ID
Free access to all TPCC Events (does not include registration fees) card after their first year has been paid.
Extended Happy Hour pricing on alcoholic purchases � Off Greens Fees to all Member�s Guests + 10% off all Pro Shop purchases
Photo ID Card + Voting Rights 10% off all Pro Shop purchases + 20% off Room Rentals
30% off Private Party booking (20+ people)
Platinum Level Individual - $500 Family - $750 Free access to all TPCC Events (does not include registration fees)
Extended Happy Hour pricing on alcoholic purchases
No Greens Fees + Full access to Park Crest Course Photo ID Card + Voting Rights
Access to Pool / Hot Tub
Free Greens Fees for up to 3 of the Member�s guests (1/2 off all others)
One Free 2-Night Stay on our Bed & Breakfast (subject to availability
30% off Room Rentals + 50% off Private Party booking (20+ people)
Free access to all TPCC Events (does not include registration fees)
Happy Hour pricing on all alcoholic purchases
Photo ID Card + Voting Rights + Chair on the Board of Directors
Automatic PDGA Membership
Twin Parks Country Club was established to be a member ran club. We want all of our members to feel that this is THEIR club, and that it�s their memberships and input that is going to make this club something special. We hope that, as a member, you will not hesitate to provide us with feedback and suggestions as to how you feel this place should be run, or any future plans or projects that you feel would add to making this a club unlike any other. We thank you for being a member of Twin Parks Country Club, and we hope that you will continue to be an integral part of our ever growing family.
Jun 29 2007, 06:01 PM
you have your own twin parks thread now!! :p now you can boast about it there instead of doing it on dozens of other threads...
Jul 10 2007, 01:50 AM
Yay! I'm in Texas. I plan on playing both Pease Park and Twin Parks. Will post tomorrow when and where and hopefully someone will be able to meet for a round :)
Jul 10 2007, 03:25 AM
Glad you made it! :D
Jul 10 2007, 09:54 AM
wilco is where most will play this afternoon that or the pease mini ~ 5:00
Jul 10 2007, 11:05 AM
Welcome to the Disc Golf Capitol of the USA !! :D
Ahhhhhstin, Tejas ! :cool:
Jul 10 2007, 11:31 AM
FH you have a PM.
Jul 10 2007, 01:14 PM
Welcome to DG Mecca.
Jul 10 2007, 03:07 PM
Thanks guys. I am going to go to Pease park from around 3-6 today and then have from around 11 - 6 tomorrow to go to Twin Parks. Does anyone hang out there during the day, or is pretty much an after work deal?
P.S.......It is F'n hot here!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Jul 10 2007, 03:17 PM
I'll be here and I'll golf a round on the Shire with ya,... I you start kicking my arse I might have to get this injury fixed up,... my hand,, no it is my back,. no no, it's the HEAT!!! That's it! :o
Jul 10 2007, 04:03 PM
pease park has there mini tonight at ~5:00 so it might crowded unless you are looking to play in that. other wise there will be some golfers out at wilco around 4:00
Jul 11 2007, 03:05 AM
So.... does getting an intense head ache and being under 5 layers of blankets and still being freezing cold = heat stroke?? OMG, I had a great time at Pease Park today, but it was sooooo hot. I got really sick after.
Jul 11 2007, 05:59 AM
This is going to be really fun on Saturday at Wilco if you can make it.
Jul 11 2007, 07:35 AM
Wilco is a must and would suit your game well Jeanie...IMO!!
Jul 11 2007, 07:58 AM
Well you can come out here and play the front 9, then hit the A/C in the Clubhouse! After you've chilled, then hit the back 9 up before returning to the Ice Box. :D
It's going to be another scorcher today!
Jul 11 2007, 10:17 AM
Looks cloudy out there :( Where is Wilco? I can't find course info on it. I need the address so I can map it. Or at least the town it is in. I don't see it listed under Austin courses.
Jul 11 2007, 10:33 AM
please hold ware will be with you shortly ;)
Jul 11 2007, 10:51 AM
are you making it out today?
Jul 11 2007, 11:36 AM
Yes, thanks, but my times may be different. Any have an address for Wilco?
Jul 11 2007, 11:49 AM
you have a PM
Jul 11 2007, 11:55 AM
head North on IH35 through Round Rock, Tx (bout 10 miles from Austin)
Take Chandler/1431 exit, at light (cross over for IH35) take left (West)
Go bout 5 miles (I think its 2 lights) take right on county rd 175. You will see a sign for WILLIAMSON REGINAL PARK.
Go bout 1 mile and take right at light enterance to park.
course is in woods on left of entry of park. You will need to take right at next stop sign and park your car.
I will pm you my phone # in case you get lost.
Jul 11 2007, 12:05 PM
sorry guys I was mowing my yard :D
also a mini at Old settlers (greenest course within 15mins of the austin area) at 5:00 today
Take Chandler/1431 exit, at light (cross over for IH35) take left (West)
once you turn left to cross over 35 you will be heading west towards County road 175 :p
Jul 11 2007, 01:36 PM
Wilco. (
Jul 12 2007, 10:24 AM
jenn how did your rounds go yesterday ?
Jul 12 2007, 03:42 PM
she shot 73 @ wilco..
Jul 12 2007, 03:51 PM
She just shot a 77 from the Blues here on the Shire.
Nice round,... all over the pole on her approaches,.. Nice shooting. :D
Jul 12 2007, 04:07 PM
all over the pole
are you allowed to say that on the discussion bored!!! :D
Jul 12 2007, 04:08 PM
and what did you shoot since you were not at the rock /msgboard/images/graemlins/ooo.gif
Jul 12 2007, 09:42 PM
a crapy 62.. and Dale shot 59..
Aug 16 2007, 11:38 PM
atleast you didn't loose your brand new SOLS in the water on hole #4. I did. :o:mad:
Aug 20 2007, 10:13 AM
Hey Austin just wanted to say that what you have done to the park is great!!! The course is hard as heck now. I feel privileged to have played it on Sat! Keep up the great work!!!!
Aug 20 2007, 10:23 AM
Ditto, all those folks did a great job, especially that dude who redesigned those three holes. I was complaining about the tees near COTO, saying that they were just more of the same. I was dead wrong: they are better than past attempts and have held up pretty well during the summer rains.
btw, guys, I don't know his name, but the guy in charge at Pease needs to move #10, for the good of Austin golf. That position on 10 should only be played on tournies. Lamar is a busy road and it is really stupid to have a hole near a busy road, and I am not just posting this because I go in the road a little too often. :p
Aug 20 2007, 11:07 AM
I disagree- keep hole #10 where it is, I need all the practice that I can get on that hole.Throw an anhyzer over the treetops and you wont have to worry about landing on Lamar :D
Aug 20 2007, 11:12 AM
It's just bad design. Really bad design, just like 18/19 at Bart. One day, someone, probably throwing an anhyzer that stalls early drifts in front of a car who swerves, causing a major accident and the course gets pulled.
btw. I actually like the hole and the challenge, but it is irresponsible for it to be kept in that position for non-tourney situations. Just my opinion.
Aug 20 2007, 03:51 PM
I did not even think of that situation and do not know if that could even be the case. But i do think for flow reasons and golfer safety, after you are finished with 10 you should go to the current 16's tee pad and play that hole and then play the current 11. Oh by the way, when we were playing 16 on Sat I saw a dude wearing a T back that barely covered the family jewels and that is all he had on. I could not help but stare and smile! In order to keep Austin weird ( and to keep up with the Jones') i stripped to my Calvin Kleins in the parking lot, nothing like a chunky tattoo'd swetty disc golfer to run off the mecerdes crowd. PEASE PARK is the best park that i have ever been around!!!
Aug 21 2007, 12:35 AM
It's just bad design. Really bad design, just like 18/19 at Bart. One day, someone, probably throwing an anhyzer that stalls early drifts in front of a car who swerves, causing a major accident and the course gets pulled.
I see your point; why not make it a mando tunnel shot up the gut that way you never have to worry about a disc reaching the street.I personally prefer throwing a Teebird or Teerex straight down the middle but throwing that anhyzer definitely takes the trees in front of you out of play. :D
btw. I actually like the hole and the challenge, but it is irresponsible for it to be kept in that position for non-tourney situations. Just my opinion.
Aug 21 2007, 09:31 AM
That is a good idea which would address play in minis, but most casuals don't know what a mando is. Maybe the new tee signs could try to communicate the concept.
Aug 21 2007, 05:16 PM
A TRIPLE MANDO would fit into the overall plan of a TOUGH course. Plus you would stay out of the other faiway. The only possible way to birdie that hole would be 2 finger roller.
Aug 21 2007, 11:10 PM
But i do think for flow reasons and golfer safety, after you are finished with 10 you should go to the current 16's tee pad and play that hole and then play the current 11.
That's how I learned to play it. The course didn't have numbered tee posts then. It wasn't until a few months later that someone got upset that we jumped the box at 16 that we found out we were playing the holes out of order. It seemed like the way it should be played to a newbie.
Aug 22 2007, 09:55 AM
Did you start to rumble?
It's six of one, half dozen of the other: if you go from 10 to 16 to 11, and then from 15 to 17, you wind up near the volleyball players and then walking through 11's fairway or detouring behind 11's box to get to 17. There are flow issues either way. Pease needs some flomax. ;)
Aug 22 2007, 11:07 AM
I only rumble when I eat too many beans.
Aug 23 2007, 01:37 PM
then maybe your moniker should be "effLOUent" :D
Aug 25 2007, 03:00 PM
LOU'stool /msgboard/images/graemlins/smirk.gif
Aug 29 2007, 12:03 PM
Get off my butt.
Aug 29 2007, 02:11 PM
I like the moniker. So many meanings. :D
Is this spoken as Lou's tool, as "his tool" as in The women at the office often talk about Lou's tool.
Is it Lou's tool as in "Lou is a tool." as in Lou is a screwdriver or Lou is a crescent wrench. This works since Lou is very useful and has done a lot for mankind. or is it Lou is a prick. :p
Is is it Lou's stool as in his stool. Like Tom, did you steal Lou's stool to sit on? or Lou's stool was carried to the Doctor's office. A fine speciman.
or, is it Lou's stool as in Lou is a stool. Well, if that is the case, I think turd is still available on the board.
Is it Lou's stool as in loose stool, related to a chair that has gotton away or that machine gun sound heard in the next stall.
Aug 29 2007, 04:28 PM
Is it Lou's stool as in loose stool, related to a chair that has gotton away or that machine gun sound heard in the next stall.
LMAO!! OMG thats scary funny!!
Aug 29 2007, 09:41 PM
Or then it might be loose tool as in detachable? :o:D
Aug 30 2007, 12:18 AM
Guess y'all spied my clever apostrophe & lack of spacing... :D
Oct 10 2007, 01:10 PM
I know the club is currently busy with preparations for Waterloo, but what projects are in the near future? A couple of things come to mind. Will Bart ever get finished? Will Pease actually get concrete teeboxes? Will Circle C get another redesign and concrete boxes? What about the mythical pay to play courses in East Austin? Does anyone else care that our courses suck compared to most other cities? I drive to Waco and Live Oak to play golf. What can we do to improve our courses or does Austin Parks & Rec have all the power? :confused:
Oct 10 2007, 02:49 PM
move the ALL the Austin baskets to Round Rock /msgboard/images/graemlins/smirk.gif
Oct 10 2007, 03:56 PM
move the ALL the Austin baskets to Round Rock /msgboard/images/graemlins/smirk.gif
We'd need to move all the TREES from the Austin parks to Round Rock too. ;)
Oct 10 2007, 04:07 PM
Donkey. Shut it. :p
Oct 11 2007, 09:40 AM
Move trees?.....cedar trees are not considered trees....more like weeds. The Rock has as many trees as any other course in Austin. If you took the Rock and shortened it like the pitch and putt courses in Austin it would be a woody also. And we got WILCO ��.
This club in central Austin is all about improving the course�s in their area�..So go out and empty the garbage cans, promise new courses, hold charity events and wear tie dye, but until then corral the donkey�s and call it Eores
But I will take manicured fairways over garbage / cig butt / porta potty course yah call home courses.
� One man�s garbage is another�s man�s treasure �
/msgboard/images/graemlins/smirk.gif /msgboard/images/graemlins/smirk.gif /msgboard/images/graemlins/smirk.gif /msgboard/images/graemlins/smirk.gif /msgboard/images/graemlins/smirk.gif /msgboard/images/graemlins/smirk.gif
Oct 11 2007, 10:55 AM
James!!!!! do I have your attention? :p
Oct 11 2007, 12:55 PM
Will Bart ever get finished?
Mike Olse has some ideas for a redesign. We'd like to get assurance from PARD that Bart will stay open with the pay-for-play courses down the street before spending a lot of time and energy there.
Will Pease actually get concrete teeboxes?
This is entirely in PARD's hands. They will not give us permission to pour concrete in any park. PARD wanted to pour some test boxes with permeable concrete at Pease. If they ever do so, it�ll be whenever they want to.
Will Circle C get another redesign and concrete boxes?
It�s quite possible that Circle C will be condensed to 18 holes instead of 21. Not bloody likely on the concrete.
What about the mythical pay to play courses in East Austin?
PARD has plans to install 2 pay-for-play courses near 183 and 51st St. The engineering firm and designer have been hired. I don�t know how big of priority this is for PARD or how quickly they will install the courses. I do my best not to talk about it because the city doesn�t always move as quickly as we�d like them to. (see Manor)
Does anyone else care that our courses suck compared to most other cities? What can we do to improve our courses or does Austin Parks & Rec have all the power?
I care. Most players care. PARD controls the parks and requires permission for the smallest projects. If you have ideas other than pouring concrete, let someone with Waterloo DGC know. We�ll run it by PARD and see if it can be done. Then we�ll see if we can get enough people out to the courses to make it happen. It�s a lot easier when people have one course to oversee and maintain. It�s also easier if the courses don�t get as much play as the ones in Austin do. It can be done but it�ll take a lot more work than talk.
Oct 12 2007, 12:16 PM
It can be done but it�ll take a lot more work than talk.
Oct 12 2007, 05:28 PM
I am in no way belittling Waterloo DGC. They have spent many hours and many dollars doing the best they can to improve our quality of disc golf. I have not participated in every workday, but I have shoveled countless tons of crushed granite and limestone for tee boxes at Circle C and Pease. It is just very frustrating to do work that you know will not last. Before Capital of Texas, we all understood that crushed rock was not a viable solution for teeboxes, but we worked our asses off anyway. It was the same at Circle C after the last redesign. We all hauled crushed granite around in wheelbarrows if necessary to get the teeboxes done, knowing that it would be gone after the first rain.
I guess my biggest problem is the city. After travelling to other cities and seeing courses where it is obvious the city helps DG clubs it seems that Austin PARD is just holding us back. It does not require a degree in environmental engineering to know that a concrete tee surface will prevent erosion and not cause a major shift in impervious cover. 18 tee pads are smaller than the basketball court that is already built at Pease.
I guess I am also tired of playing Wilco over and over again,or driving to Waco, Live Oak, and Temple to play golf on well maintaned courses.
I just thought of a good solution. Maybe I will just move.
Oct 14 2007, 05:36 AM
Don't forget about Kyle they have nice tee pads too. /msgboard/images/graemlins/smirk.gif
Oct 14 2007, 06:46 PM
Kyle is a great course. And if you don't mind a short driver, the Meadow Course at Twin Parks is as nice as any (and much nicer than most) in central Texas.
Oct 15 2007, 02:05 PM
Turbo, I never took your post as a knock on Waterloo. I wish more players offered constructive criticism. Even if it is something we can't do anything about.
PARD will not allow concrete on the disc golf courses. If concrete boxes are necessary for you to enjoy playing disc golf, then unfortunately, you do need to go outside of Austin for that.
Oct 15 2007, 02:39 PM
Half Lou, half tiger. Nice. I like that. Woods or Tony? Circus trained or animal planet chasing down a cheetah? The one whipped by Joe or the one draining the trick shot?
What happened to definition 3?
Oct 15 2007, 04:53 PM
Maybe offer to install the test permeable concrete pads for the city if they are already ok with the material for the trails....
Oct 15 2007, 05:04 PM
Erron, that is what PARD wants to do. They want to do it themselves, not us. When they do it, they do it. Until then we've got dirt, gravel, roadbase, or whatever we want to fill the holes with. Mulch has been suggested also but I don't see that working out very well.
PARD wanted to pour some test boxes with permeable concrete at Pease. If they ever do so, it�ll be whenever they want to.
James, did you write a third definition?
Oct 15 2007, 05:47 PM
I know that it is easier to say your sorry than it is to ask for permission.
So just pour the test and say your sorry
Oct 15 2007, 06:25 PM
I generally agree with this concept, but if the issue has been discussed and discussed and discussed and they have repeatedly said "no," forgiveness may not be that easy to receive.
Congrats Vinnie, nice win on the high plains.
Lou, a louger is the propeller of a lougee.
Oct 16 2007, 09:34 AM
Lou, a louger is the propeller of a lougee.
You, my friend, are brilliant. I will now join the chorus of "James McCaine for the PDGA BOD."
Oct 17 2007, 11:41 AM
It is alot easier to work with a smaller municipality than the larger ones.
See Conroe vs Houston, Live Oak vs San Antonio, etc.
Oct 17 2007, 01:37 PM
It is a real bummer that the tee boxes at pease etc. are almost always in such poor shape. Ithink their current condition is an invitation for injuries. I wish the PARD would see the light..
Oct 17 2007, 06:42 PM
Lou, a louger is the propeller of a lougee.
You, my friend, are brilliant. I will now join the chorus of "James McCaine for the PDGA BOD."
I'd like to join in, also.
"James McCaine for the PDGA BOD."
Oct 19 2007, 06:14 PM
If only disc golf was a revenue generating sport, Austin would give a **** about it. Maybe you should enlist the help of this guy:
Oct 19 2007, 07:38 PM
I think we should enlist him to cut the grass and fix the tees at Circle C. We could let him caddy for tips also.
Oct 20 2007, 09:56 PM
Oooo. I've read things about him, but I never heard what the latest news was. Is he ruined?
Oct 22 2007, 09:48 AM
Well, he has been hanging out with Martin Tasker alot, playing in their nightly poker games. I'm not sure I describe that as "ruin," but it's pretty close.
ps. i don't really know.
Oct 24 2007, 06:09 PM
Oct 25 2007, 11:37 AM
Keldog, I'd expect you to be a bigger fan of the Ozarks than the Rockies. /msgboard/images/graemlins/smirk.gif
Oct 25 2007, 01:00 PM
I heard the Ozarks were once like the Rockies. No, not down three zip after one, but big and majestic, but without the trendy ski towns, celebrities and South Park characters.
Nov 07 2007, 12:44 AM
Is Searight still reversed?
Nov 07 2007, 09:36 AM
Seawrong, the reverse Searight, will stay that way through the end of 2007.
Nov 07 2007, 03:17 PM
will it go back to how it was? I like the backwards layout more cause it makes you throw different shots...
Nov 07 2007, 04:21 PM
will it go back to how it was? I like the backwards layout more cause it makes you throw different shots...
I like it much better backwards , myself!!
Nov 07 2007, 04:27 PM
Hey all,
There is a new course going up in Falcon Pointe at the intersection of I-30( the tollroad) and Kelly Lane. I played it the other day and they need help from someone. They have holes going across walking paths and someone is going to get killed. It is a pitch and putt that needs help. Please contact the Falcon Point Residents Club ( directions, check it out and give them some feedback.
Nov 07 2007, 10:28 PM
Chris Ware has been trying to get in touch with them. Thanks for the web link.
Nov 12 2007, 12:31 PM
So it will be a pitch and putt with a bunch of big hyzers? :p
Nov 12 2007, 04:19 PM
James, I threw my putter 18 times, some times on hyzers. It is clearly a course created by a landscape architect who has never played and was too proud to ask for help. I think they just wanted to be able to advertise a DG course in the neighborhood. Oh, did I mention that all the concrete tee boxes are turned 90 degrees off so that they are wider than they are long? This place may actually be beyond help. :(
On another note, I played Pease the other day. With the last redesign I must say that this is a really fun course. It is definitely the premiere City of Austin course. The new tee signs look good also, but it seemed like they were missing on a couple of holes.
Nov 14 2007, 01:50 PM
It is clearly a course created by a landscape architect who has never played and was too proud to ask for help.
Sounds a lot like Nani Falcone in San Antonio...I know Paul Taylor helped a lot on getting hazardous conditions (Baskets 20 ft from next tee, etc.) taken care of. Just drop the safety/liability bomb on them, they will perk up quick.
Dec 11 2007, 05:52 PM
Bart has been redesigned and the sleeves for the new pin placements are already in the ground.
There is a Bartholomew Park workday this Saturday, Dec 15, starting at 9am. We need people with chainsaws, loppers, and weed-eaters to do some clearing. If you don�t have any of the above, come out and help haul stuff out of the way. Some strong backs are also needed to move baskets.
All workday participants will be eligible for bonus payout ($100 club donation) at the club�s mini at Bart on Saturday, Dec 22.
Jan 15 2008, 10:13 PM
Anybody know when Searight is slated to be switched back to the normal direction? Also...any word on the Bart redesign? I know some dudes who are down with helping out cutting/chopping/clearing, etc....Thanks.
Jan 21 2008, 12:34 AM
I haven't heard. I'll ask the South Austin guys about it at the Ice Bowl.
Mar 10 2008, 01:14 PM
so whats the deal on Manor?
Is there a course?
Did the tye dyed shovels arrive?
Is there a bridge on hole 1?
Do you cross the dry creek alot?
Are they using innova baskets?
Is 60 a good score?
Is #4 the best hole out there?
Mar 10 2008, 01:39 PM
so whats the deal on Manor?
<font color="blue"> Mike's still working with the county on it. </font>
Is there a course?
<font color="blue"> Mike's still working with the county on it. </font>
Did the tye dyed shovels arrive?
<font color="blue"> They were sent to Wilco as a donation to TWC. Williamson County needs some color. </font>
Is there a bridge on hole 1?
<font color="blue"> Yes. </font>
Do you cross the dry creek alot?
<font color="blue"> Maybe 5 or 6 times. </font>
Are they using innova baskets?
<font color="blue"> 18 Discatchers. </font>
Is 60 a good score?
<font color="blue"> For me, that would be a great score. </font>
Is #4 the best hole out there?
<font color="blue"> It's a good one. I'd need to play the course to know for sure. </font>
Mar 10 2008, 01:51 PM
Thanks.....I was hoping to hear from the great four legged james mcCain whos favorite show was hee haw.
But Lou will work
Mar 10 2008, 02:04 PM
eeyore!!!!!!!!!!! :D
Roy Clark's was awesome on HeeHaw, an early saturday evening treat.
Which hole is #4. The signature hole will be, imo, the long downhill hole.
Mar 10 2008, 02:49 PM
James #4 is the hole you said did not give much reward for the risk. I got a 3 on the inside line but also took a 4 and a 5, definitely one of the hardest holes. I think tye dye's are shot on sight by the locals in Manor.
Mar 10 2008, 03:46 PM
Is it still Seawrong, or is it back to normal?
Mar 10 2008, 03:48 PM
so can we play it?
is all the baskets in?
And when you throw your second shot on 18 do the players on #1 have to watch out?
Is there a donkey trail between each hole?
Will Manor city officals allow tye dyes? :D
Mar 10 2008, 03:52 PM
It will be open in a couple of weeks.
Mar 10 2008, 05:01 PM
Is it still Seawrong, or is it back to normal?
it is back to normal
Mar 14 2008, 04:19 PM
Manor (East Metro Park) is not open yet. They were allowing folks to play the course. Now they will make you leave and they are also putting a sign by hole one letting folks know the course is closed.
There are a few more bridges, steps, and misc. work that will be going on for the next few weeks. Once that is finished it will be open.
Mar 17 2008, 10:41 AM
There is a course in Manor?
Mar 25 2008, 11:30 AM
Is there a mini at pease park on Tuesday or has it washed away with the fairways of shoal creek?
Mar 25 2008, 01:39 PM
My understanding is that there hasn't been a tuesday mini for a long time, but I am often wrong, and sometimes I misspeak. :p
Mar 25 2008, 01:41 PM
There is no longer a Tuesday mini at Pease Park. The Pease mini is Sat morning at 10am.
Stay tuned for details on the return of the weekly Bart mini.
Mar 25 2008, 01:44 PM
you guys stay away from Bart. :D
Mar 25 2008, 03:16 PM
bart mini?
9 hole mini sounds.........never mind I'll stay up north.
Maybe its time for a Tuesday mini at Wilco
Mar 25 2008, 03:26 PM
.........never mind I'll stay up north.
Thank you.
Mar 31 2008, 06:25 PM
howdy y'all,
Bummer about the Tues. mini.
Looking forward to seeing the completed Manor course.
Hemme - great running!
Check out this guy's "Best DG course in Austin" blog: Best DG course in Austin (
Mike...remember - winning is the best revenge! :D
Mar 31 2008, 07:09 PM
Thanks for the link. The guy disses the baked, white-trash image of the sport and rightly notes that Mike is a has-been (then nationally ranked).
I think Mike was nationally ranked until he started to use that shot in the photo. It's been all downhill after that. :p
Mar 31 2008, 07:45 PM
Thanks Xela!
Apr 02 2008, 05:53 PM
Get some concrete tee pads already! Sheesh! :D
Apr 02 2008, 06:29 PM
Manor has concrete tee pads and it is the area's best far. If things occur as they are intended there will be several cement tee padded monsters around these parts. Patients is key :D
Apr 02 2008, 08:09 PM
is Manor open yet, someone said that it is going to be open on April 1st.
Apr 06 2008, 02:54 PM
We want to give you an update on the Travis County East Metro Disc Golf Course�
It appears that the county has reversed direction and said they would allow people to play the course even though it isn�t fully completed and they aren�t ready for any grand opening event/announcement. It is a �play at your own risk� course right now.
Here is the park website link:
It has a map and directions on how to get out there.
To get to the disc golf course, go in the main park entrance and just keep going as far as you can without taking any of the turn-offs. At the very end is where to park (near the basketball pavilion I believe) and the #1 tee should be nearby (I think Mike said �just past the dumpster�, but don�t hold me to that).
The club will still have a big, fun, grand-opening event as soon as we can.
Apr 07 2008, 04:04 PM
go right off 290 onto loop 212 / 973 .. also you can cut through on your left instead of going past the police station on 973 to get to blake manor road
Apr 07 2008, 04:42 PM
played out there yesterday, FuN Course!!!
shot 58, anyone know what Par is?
Apr 07 2008, 05:02 PM
rumor has it the course is a par 63 and that the record is or was a 62 shot by Moon.
Apr 07 2008, 05:20 PM
cool, well i was playin dubs so i guess he still has the record :D
Apr 07 2008, 06:12 PM
Moon must have been in the house!!!!!!
Vinnie has supposedly shot real well out there. Well better than Micah's scorching 62, and well better than a 58.
However, I think any below 63 is pretty solid. I think 63ish would be near a 1,000 rated round if there was a tourney there.
Apr 08 2008, 10:15 AM
and the tee pads out there are going to be slippery during the rain as it appears they were not brushed to put grooves for grip on them. nice and smooth
Apr 17 2008, 03:32 PM
We will be installing Wilco and Cat Hollow with concrete boxes this year......and Austin? And no Manor is not Austin /msgboard/images/graemlins/smirk.gif
One thing good is:if you fellers want to play on real courses....Round Rock is just a small drive North
Apr 17 2008, 04:38 PM
Boxes at Cat Hollow,Thank God :D Should make that course play 1-2 strokes easier :D
Apr 17 2008, 05:21 PM
Not much of a course but hey concrete boxes on a turd are better than an austin course :D
Apr 17 2008, 05:38 PM
concrete boxes on a turd
Just be careful and watch your step, you might get yer feet wet :D
Apr 18 2008, 10:30 AM
with or without concrete kitty turd has better boxes then the run down turd you guys call peace.... :D:o sad part is you guys actually have had a tee pad work day :confused:
Apr 18 2008, 11:19 AM
dogs that chase there tails call it work too
Apr 18 2008, 11:20 AM
Yah let us know when yah need a real tee box crew....... :D
Apr 18 2008, 02:44 PM
Vinnie, you know what needs to be done with your donkey.
Apr 18 2008, 05:30 PM
:D good one lou you running the mini @ peace tomorrow? 10:00 right
Apr 18 2008, 05:42 PM
Yes, sir. I stop taking sign up at 10am. We usually tee about 10:10 - 10:15.
May 01 2008, 05:35 PM
Is there going to be a workday to clean up Pease before COTO? Let the good people of Austin know and we will help. Some of us will help with anything but shoveling crushed stone onto the tee boxes.
May 02 2008, 08:56 PM
hey chris, what was your last COTO like? Here let me remind you. 22 75 Chris Ware 12970 931 60 953 65 925 65 924 190
May 04 2008, 09:35 AM
Whoever holds the keys should move #4's basket to short--that new fence is just too close to the long pin......and yes, it cost me a stroke in the mini :D
May 05 2008, 10:44 AM
hey chris, what was your last COTO like? Here let me remind you. 22 75 Chris Ware 12970 931 60 953 65 925 65 924 190
if you want a real good laugh lets look at your games of texas scores .. nice 84 :o
18 15 Eric Goette 26062 923 84 63 147
remember anytime you want to put your $$ where your MOUTH is you let me know .... I am sure it will be real quite now.
May 05 2008, 04:24 PM
another pro pick'n on an AM. Try not to cry to much, you might short out your keyboard.
May 05 2008, 04:29 PM
another pro pick'n on an AM
whatever... :confused: it should be an am picking on a pro since you posted first arse... still yapping but no $$$ thought so :o.. oh and dont worry we have plenty of KBs.....
May 05 2008, 10:35 PM
Does anyone else want to see these two play already instead of just talking?
I'm thinking a 1 round event. $5 per spectator with the proceeds going toward the new teeboxes at Wilco.
May 05 2008, 11:35 PM
Good Idea Lou
What yuse guys say :D
May 06 2008, 08:14 AM
I am in
May 06 2008, 11:07 AM
What ya say E,
It's for a good cause and according to ratings he only has ya by a stroke! Just think of what Wilco will look like with e-crete tees and you'e be able to say "and I helped" :D
May 06 2008, 04:05 PM
You flat stoners have the nerve to come onto our thread and start talking smack about Pease. Did you not expect someone to step up and call you out? I'm not going to back down at a chance to silence your jibba jabba. What course would you want to have our little challenge take place? You don't have to answer right away. I don't want you to get carpal tunnel and make your game any worse than it already is.
May 06 2008, 05:16 PM
wilco whenever and speaking of stoners.. no need to get your pink panties in a wad this is all for fun. sheesh some people
May 06 2008, 11:10 PM
Lou. The shut your donkey challenge! Proceeds to benefit concrete tee boxes for Wilco. Any takers? Wilco will be a good testing ground for your tech game. We all know you can throw when there isn't a tree in the way.
May 07 2008, 08:58 AM
dang bart that course needs some crete tee boxes as well or at least some that are marked :o when you want to do this?? what did you shoot yesterday
May 08 2008, 06:21 PM
I say we can settle this next month. I'm pretty busy right now. June works good for me. Oh, and I shot 2up on Tuesday. :)
May 09 2008, 08:37 AM
First Sunday of month.......Wilco!
May 13 2008, 10:58 AM
So when and where....lots of people are interested in paying to watch this match.
I would be happy to do the play by play /msgboard/images/graemlins/smirk.gif
May 13 2008, 05:21 PM
So when and where....lots of people are interested in paying to watch this match.
I would be happy to do the play by play /msgboard/images/graemlins/smirk.gif
I can't make the event, but I'd like to donate $5 to the worthy cause :cool:
Who do I pay when I'm in town this weekend?
May 13 2008, 06:11 PM
pay Lou. I am ready whenever "am for life" is ready :D
May 13 2008, 06:12 PM
If I make it to the event, I'm starting a pool on:
A. How many times the metal mini is thrown; and
B. How many clangs.
May 13 2008, 06:15 PM
Oooh, I'll get in that pool. And I know the number of clangs will be less than the number of metal mini throws... because he misses those too :D
And yes, I know that any talk from me about missing putts is a bit on the ironic side :o
May 14 2008, 08:30 AM
It would be good to have like 40 people watching, we could line the fairways.Oh the pressure would be on.
Can we heckle?
We could do some side action!
bet on each hole....heck each shot.
%10 of all bets goes to the tee boxes...I'll manage the side bets.....
Ware is in!
How bout it Big E?????? Don't be scared of a lil dragon....slide that tye dyed tail of yours up North
May 14 2008, 09:57 AM
You going to be @ COTO this weekend?
May 14 2008, 10:39 AM
May 14 2008, 11:15 AM
Don't change the subject!
May 14 2008, 01:31 PM
no metal mini flying for me as I wont be missing any putts., :o
May 14 2008, 02:34 PM
Don't change the subject!
Ray was on subject. He's making a donation to the Wilco teebox fund and the 1st Annual ...and the Donkey You Rode in on Classic.
May 14 2008, 07:00 PM
I'm down with the first sunday in June. What do you think about having a mini and then we can battle it off for 9 holes with a crowd? This would be a good way to get people to come out and participate. Or you could just enjoy a full 18 holes of metal mini throwing fun. Any other ideas for this little challenge to make it interesting?
May 15 2008, 09:33 AM
9 or 18 whatever you think you can handle little fella. if we wait until after the mini then I wont be able to drink during the mini :D:eek:
guess you are not playing rockwall tournament?
june 1 st mini starts at 9:30..
May 15 2008, 10:13 PM
My vote goes for a full 18 holes of metal mini throwing fun. :D
May 19 2008, 10:44 AM
The first $25 for the event has been donated by Prairie Dog. Thanks, Ray.
Vinnie and I were thinking 9 holes (1-8 and 18) at Wilco on Sunday, June 1st with a 9:30 tee. The regular mini will start afterward. Easy and C-dub, what do you say?
$5 dollar spectator fee with the proceeds going toward concrete teeboxes at Wilco. V and I will have some raffle prizes for the gallery.
May 19 2008, 11:20 AM
what say to the terms?
I would like to start pumping this up!!!!!
May 19 2008, 02:21 PM
Eric is on vacation. It might be a while before he can reply.
May 19 2008, 03:06 PM
whatever sounds good to me.. just dont want to upset the masses by delaying the mini :D
May 19 2008, 03:59 PM
let start the shut your donkey challenge at 9:00am....yah should be done before the mini starts
May 20 2008, 02:01 PM
mini starts at 9:30
May 20 2008, 03:08 PM
you know how that goes........its always turn out to be 10
May 20 2008, 03:08 PM
We should do it match play....for time reasons
May 25 2008, 02:30 PM
Sorry, I've been in Mexico for the last week. Okay, June 1 9:30 with a final 9 (1-8,18). Everyone cool with that? It's time to get some concrete tee boxes at Wilco!
May 25 2008, 06:05 PM
So the mini will start after the 9 hole shootout?? Looking forward to playing my first round ever at Wilco. Is alcohol allowed at the park?
May 25 2008, 08:47 PM
beer is allowed but not glass ...see ya sunday june 1
May 26 2008, 02:50 PM
We got to start at 9:00am with the shut your donkey challenge.
yah decide....(or I can )
match play or score?
I will start pumpming up the gallery.
I will give each paying ($5) spectator a raffle ticket for some disc and will work on additional sponsorship
Pass the word!
anyone running minis encourage people to come out!!
I will do a flyer!
May 26 2008, 05:01 PM
9:30 start for the mini.(some people don't live in Round Rock)The challenge afterwards. That way people will come play the mini and then watch the challenge, otherwise we will have a smaller turnout for it.
May 26 2008, 05:03 PM
patch play to make it go quicker
May 27 2008, 08:59 AM
what say you Ware.......match play after the mini?
May 27 2008, 10:18 AM
sorry guys I will need to reschedule as I wont even be able to make the mini. just got an email about a surprise party for my dad's 75th birthday that I have to go to..
May 29 2008, 05:33 PM
So it's postponed a week
Where's the smack talk.
Why's the donkeys shut :D
May 30 2008, 10:32 AM
yes at least a week. if we have to I guess I can go to Bart and whup up on the youngster
May 30 2008, 11:02 AM
I think head-to-head score would be better than match play.
With only two guys playing, it shouldn't take too long.
Play the full 9 holes - let every putt count :D
May 30 2008, 12:58 PM
Easy there old man. I think last time you came down to Bart you were the one having trouble keeping your wild arm from throwing into the trees.
May 30 2008, 01:05 PM
hey you are not suppose to tell anyone about that..
Jun 05 2008, 12:35 PM
With the mighty Waco tourney this weekend, I don't think that this weekend will be a good one for the challenge. We shall put it off again untill we can find a suitable weekend.
Jun 05 2008, 12:38 PM
One more thing, don't think for a second that I'm the least bit scared of your little noodle arm. I can guarantee you that your drive isn't any longer than mine. We can go head to head on that as well on the soccer fields at Wilco. I'll even be nice and throw midranges for you.
Jun 05 2008, 12:44 PM
big D between me and you that is a no brainer I will KILL YOU !!! even at my age BOOM!!!!!
Jun 05 2008, 01:20 PM
I guess when you don't have any trees to deal with, you might actually know how to throw a disc up in the air and get D. The only difference is your spraying all over the place. Get some D in the trees and then come talk to me. Go Team Krylon!!!
Jun 05 2008, 04:24 PM
haa haa that is a good one youngster . I am sure when you throw max D you have to check your diaper afterwards dont you :o