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Aug 16 2007, 12:05 AM
"had everybody pick up trash on your park tonight Mr treat we definatly left the park looking better then when we got there ! I think this should be standard practice on every course no matter if its a mini or not !!!"

Great idea Jerry!!
By the way, I have been out to Blackhawk and started picking up trash along the course. Lots of crap around most of the wood holes(tees). Of course the bermuda triangle holes are terrible because there is more foot traffic from people fishing in the lake. If anybody is going to be going out there, maybe they could take a trash bag and pick up the piles that I left around the tees. I will probably be playing again there Sunday, so if there is anything left I will do my best to finish up, but I would love some assistance. ;)

Aug 16 2007, 01:08 PM
Thanks for helping at Black, Penny.

Aug 17 2007, 12:54 AM
No problem, just trying to do my part :cool:

Aug 17 2007, 10:17 AM
thanks penny!!

i might be there on sun.

Aug 17 2007, 10:54 AM
Then take a weed eater out there for about two days. :D

Or on your Sunday mini you're wanting to do out there, just have everyone bring a weed eater and make it so they can weed eat around any lie they have thats in the crap. That should get it cleared out some. :D

Aug 17 2007, 11:02 AM
Yeah what 2putt said...if you play Black bring a wead eater dammitt!

Aug 17 2007, 03:12 PM
Weed-eating would be nice, but the grass and branches on hole three should stay. That hole is awesome now that people can't take the wuss bail-out on their second shot through the trees. That hole actually punishes you now that you have to focus on placement now more than ever before on your first shot.

Aug 17 2007, 05:41 PM
That tree is coming out as a safety hazard.

Sorry. ;)

Aug 17 2007, 09:59 PM
I won't need to do any weedeating...because I am usually in the fairway ;)

Aug 18 2007, 01:04 PM
By the way, I have been out to Blackhawk and started picking up trash along the course. Lots of crap around most of the wood holes(tees). Of course the bermuda triangle holes are terrible because there is more foot traffic from people fishing in the lake. If anybody is going to be going out there, maybe they could take a trash bag and pick up the piles that I left around the tees. I will probably be playing again there Sunday, so if there is anything left I will do my best to finish up, but I would love some assistance. ;)

Thanks Penny! I picked up the trash piles you had collected (holes1-6). Thanks again for doing that!

...though there's still a bunch of beer cans, cups, etc. throughout the course. So, hopefully everyone that goes out to Blackhawk will be able to pitch in and pick up a can or two (or 5) /msgboard/images/graemlins/smirk.gif

Aug 21 2007, 10:00 AM
Word is....Mr Treat will be returning tonight to run his mini. I think he got tired of Jerry and I giving away his ace pot.

Aug 21 2007, 10:04 AM
Yea ,i wasn't sure if regier hit the ace or not but figured i would do my part to get Mr. treat off his butt, its not like his leg is broke or something!! ;) :D

Aug 21 2007, 10:24 AM
Yeah. I wasn't sure if that Will Gibson got an ace but everybody on his card, (his mother, father, and two brothers) said he did. :o

I saw Treat last night and looked like his left leg is missing from the knee down. All he has now is a wooden peg. From what I understand the police are still investigating because someone I know played at Mac the other day and said the calk line around his leg at the scene of the crime is still there.

I think Frazier had something to do with it but so far nothing has been proven. :confused:

Aug 21 2007, 10:40 AM
Yes I will return tonight to Riverside.

I may need a little help due to the peg leg.

Hope everyone can make it, tee time 6:00..

Ace Pot is starting over at $14.00 plus tonights...

See you there.....

Aug 21 2007, 11:54 PM
First of all, thanks for everyones help tonight. I really appreciated it.



Dave Nicholson 42
Ben Powell 43
Coda Hatfield 46
Sammy Nielsen 48
Billy Swanson 49
Dan Bougher 49
Harlyn Unruh 49
Jesse Crew 51
Brian Hinds 52
Furdog 54
Wayne Gregory 57

Pro Masters:

BVA 40
Brad Zimmerman 49
Randy Edwards 51
Jim Geurin 53


A couple of scorecards were really screwed up so here goes

Wayne Minshall 48
Derik Kummers 50
Ryan Workham 51
Snake Skin 52
Greg Smith 53
Matt Sewell 53
Will Gibson 54
Dylan Eaton 54
Victor Frescaz 54
Joe Blackwell 56
James Wilkes 57
Jason Herzog 999


TJ Essley 56
Howard Morgan 68
Kosmo 70


Carolyn??? 75

CTP winner on Hole # 1 was Dave Nicholson!!

No one hit the Ace Pot, which is up to $28 now..

Oh yeah, Furdog hit basket on Hole 18, way to go buddy.....

Thanks again to everyone that helped this old cripple out tonight.

I hope to see you next Tuesday....

Aug 22 2007, 09:47 AM
BVA 40

WOW!!! :eek:....

I think I'm going to change my name to Scott (HOFD). :cool:

Aug 22 2007, 10:01 AM
Yeah he only missed hole 2 on the front nine, back nine he had 5 birdies..

But Furdog hit basket on 18 :cool:

Aug 22 2007, 10:14 AM
isn't that only a 41

Aug 22 2007, 10:22 AM
But Furdog hit basket on 18 :cool:

YEA .......BASKET BABY!!!!! :)



Aug 22 2007, 10:32 AM
Most Donkeys will kick the crap out of any dog that gets too close. :D

Aug 22 2007, 10:42 AM
isn't that only a 41

Picky picky, ok he hit 6 birdies on the back 9 show off :cool:

Aug 22 2007, 10:42 AM
to many lortabs? :D

Aug 22 2007, 10:45 AM
You should be working by the way, I have an excuse.

Brian Hinds is bringing your $100 to you tonight at Hunter, thanks for the ace pot loan!!!

Aug 22 2007, 11:14 AM
k no prob :D

Aug 22 2007, 01:33 PM
Yeah he only missed hole 2 on the front nine, back nine he had 5 birdies..

That would be a 42 and if it was 7 on the front and 6 on the back, that would be a 41.?

Aug 22 2007, 06:17 PM
if he only missed hole 2 then that would be a 41

Aug 28 2007, 01:11 AM
Riverside Tuesday night, 6:00..

I found out today I have a blood clot behind my knee.

If I can make it you can too :o

Actually it is a small one and no big deal, but it sounded good.

I hope to see you there!! :o

Aug 28 2007, 01:03 PM
Riverside tonight. Come on out, best weather of the week..

Ace Pot is growing, should be getting back close to $50..

I wish I could play, so come take my place :cool:

Aug 28 2007, 06:07 PM
I will rule the River tonight!!! :cool:

Aug 28 2007, 06:15 PM
Since I will not be able to attend, Dan B. will be filling in for me. :D

Aug 28 2007, 06:23 PM
Ok....I'll bring my earplugs. /msgboard/images/graemlins/smirk.gif

Aug 28 2007, 06:51 PM
Since I will not be able to attend, Dan B. will be filling in for me. :D


Aug 29 2007, 12:55 AM
Mini results:


Coda Hatfield 41
Sammy Neilsen 41
Kyle Wilkes 42
Ben Powell 44
Jin Geurin 45
Justin Bougher 45
Jeremy O 45
Dan Bougher 46
Johnny Thompson 48
Furdog 55
Ray Peterson 57


Mark Sheffield 47
Wayne Minshall 49
Matt Shipley 50
Kelso 52
Dylan Eaton 54
Randy Wilson 55
Will Gibson 60
Jesse Bucelluni DNF
Jay Morrow DNF


Jack Christensen 57
Ken Winkle 57
JT Moore 58
Darin Briggs 60
Jacob Miller 62


Shanna Swanson 72


Jake Wilson 63

Not a bad turn out. Ace Pot is $39.00 plus next weeks entries.

Thanks for coming out...

Lots of fun on the horizon.
Big Dave tomorrow night at McClure, Furdog Thursday at Chandler and Twisted all weekend at Pawhuska.

Stillwater Classic two weeks after that...

Sep 04 2007, 09:31 AM
Riverside tonight. I know it's not the Lodge but come on out anyway.

Mucho new disc to pick from, shaky weather but I will be there anyway...

Sep 04 2007, 10:16 PM
Well, we only had 15 players tonight, kind of disappointing.

Bit I really appreciate those who did come out.



Coda Hatfield 39
Johnny Thompson 41
Kyle Wilkes 43
Josh Robertson 46
Jake Reiger 48
Dan Bougher 48
Brian Hinds 51
Jesse Crew 52
Chris Stine 53
Jim Geurin 54


Rod Whitlatch 53
Kelso 54
TJ Essley 59
Michael Whitlatch 73


Ashley Swartz 67

CTP Jim Geurin Hole 8

Ace pot is $45.00

I hope to see everyone next week....

Sep 05 2007, 09:50 AM
only 15 players and one of them shot a
-15 wow
a 39
i think it might take me 3 rounds at riverside to shoot -15

Sep 05 2007, 10:01 AM
Yeah Slack. It's kind of funny now. When I called in the scores from Chandler mini last Thursday the lady at the newspaper commented on how often "this Coda Hatfield guy" (in her words) is winning these events. They don't even have to re-type his name because it's just a repeat from the previous mini before. ;)

Sep 05 2007, 10:03 AM
You just need to change his name to Coda "Lunch Money" Hatfield. :o

Sep 05 2007, 10:22 AM
Yeah. Coda is like the playground bully except when you play on his card he doesn't threaten you for your lunch money. He just inspires you to show up the next day and give it up freely. ;)

Sep 05 2007, 10:32 AM
Sounds like you have a new PIMP. :o

Sep 05 2007, 11:02 AM
Well, one doesn't have to travel all the way to Mexico to see "The Donkey Show" when you're on his card. You've doeled out a lot more donkey feed than I have. One might wonder how you hide the rope burns from your wife after your "Little-burro" adventures. :o

Sep 05 2007, 11:25 AM

Sep 05 2007, 01:38 PM
Yeah Slack. It's kind of funny now. When I called in the scores from Chandler mini last Thursday the lady at the newspaper commented on how often "this Coda Hatfield guy" (in her words) is winning these events. They don't even have to re-type his name because it's just a repeat from the previous mini before. ;)

That is funny. I swear she said the same thing to me last night..

Sep 05 2007, 10:19 PM
it would be a different name if i didn't have to work every night...

Sep 06 2007, 09:54 AM
Thats what I am looking for, a can do attitude :cool:

Sep 11 2007, 12:55 PM
It's Tuesday and that means Riverside is on tonight.

The weather is looking great. We only have 3 more week night mini's left in this season so come on out.

Sep 11 2007, 01:35 PM
Look for the possiblity of a super special tonight courtesy of Dan "The Donkey" Bougher.

It's according to his rules.

"First one to bogey gets a choice of three used putters."

Someone might want to call him to make sure he doesn't miss out on this one. :D

Sep 11 2007, 01:41 PM
Not those paint can lids, I hope :o

Sep 11 2007, 01:44 PM
Yes, I believe that is what they are.

If I don't get any takers I'm going to use them for my drives over the pond at Blackhawk. ;)

Sep 11 2007, 02:35 PM
It's a stretch calling those drives :o

Sep 11 2007, 02:45 PM
I know but I feel that if I throw enough of other peoples discs into the water, sooner or later I'll be able to walk out there and get my own. :cool:

uh-oh.....Somebody must have called Bougher because there's a PM sign flashing on my screen.

Sep 11 2007, 03:23 PM
I'll just save you the trouble and give you $12 a piece for those putters. :D

Sep 11 2007, 05:01 PM
... only 2 more days , ay Wise ? ... :D

Sep 11 2007, 05:19 PM
Yep, then I'll be free to use the word swallow and jake's name in the same sentence again. :D

Sep 11 2007, 10:35 PM


Sep 12 2007, 08:45 AM
****! Opportunity was knocking and I had to take the kid to soccer practice. :mad:

Dan, were three putters really worth that kind of personal humiliation? :o

Sep 12 2007, 09:47 AM
Your idea for me to sell his putters to you was a bad idea because he threatened me with violence if I did. So I threatened to nuke his putters in the microwave until he posted a public statement renouncing his evil ways.

Dan did the right thing. You should follow his example and quit sticking your nose in the dark side. Swear allegiance to your king and maybe someday when you're gone, you won't end up buried at the bottom of the ocean with the lawyers and used car salesmen. /msgboard/images/graemlins/smirk.gif

Sep 12 2007, 09:50 AM
Good turn out last night...



Chris Hicks 40
Justin Bougher 42
Coda Hatfield 44
Greg Winsworth 44
BVA 45
Dan Bougher 45
Kyle Wilkes 46
Johnny Thompson 48
Jake Reiger 48
John Barton 49
Jerry Stacey 50
Billy Swanson 56


Wayne Minshall 48
Phil Grandstaff 49
Brian Hinds 50
Matt Shipley 51
Dylan Eaton 54
Lee 55
John Rutyna 56
Ken Winkle 57
Doug Duff 58
Jesse Buccelluni 58
Darin Briggs 59
Paul Goodhue 67

Kelso 53
JT 54
William Spoon 55
Derik Moore 56
Michael Carmichael 57
TJ 58
Eric Featherngill 65
Josh Slocum 68


Teresa Duff 63

Thanks for coming out. Late night with Nicholson is TONIGHT!!

See you in Stillwater......

Sep 12 2007, 10:07 AM
The Hitman :o

Sep 12 2007, 05:42 PM
****! Opportunity was knocking and I had to take the kid to soccer practice. :mad:

Dan, were three putters really worth that kind of personal humiliation? :o


Sep 18 2007, 01:11 PM
Yes once again a Tuesday has rolled around..

Riverside mini tonight, tee off at 6:00 sharp, getting dark a earlier..

Ace pot hasn't been hit in a few weeks so I think it will be around $75.00..

I hope to see everyone...

Sep 18 2007, 06:42 PM
sweet i am feeling lucky
see you tonight :cool:

Sep 19 2007, 02:54 PM
Thanks for the mini Michael, Glad Forest got the CTP :cool:

Sep 19 2007, 04:03 PM
Who won? I haven't seen a paper today.

Sep 19 2007, 04:07 PM
i think it was coda with a 40
my self i shot a 49
so slack still has a bit of work to do on the putting

Sep 19 2007, 06:10 PM
I will post scores when I get home. Sorry, ran out of energy lst night..

Sep 19 2007, 09:40 PM
Ok, 40 players, finished by dark.



Coda Hatfield 40
Kyle Wilkes 43
Dale Patterson 44
Billy Lund 44
Jerry Stacey 45
Greg Winsworth 47
Bruan Hinds 48
Marq Lewis 49
Johnny Thompson 50
John Barton 51
DJ 55

Pro Master:

Joyle Woody 44
Richard Mitchell 46
James Diel 48

Grand Masters:

Martin Norris 52
Wayne Forest 54
Wayne Gregory 54


Jay Slack 49
Wayne Minshall 49
Dylan Eaton 50
Adam Hunts 51
Lee Joshua 52
Phil Grandstaff 53
Chris Beard 54
Doug Duff 55
Matt Shipley 55
Will Gibson 57


Corey Leemhuis 48
Derek Moore 52
TJ Essley 54
Randy Wilson 56
Greg burns 56
Michael Carmichael 59
Ken Winkle 59
Ray Weis 59
Darin Briggs 60
Les Springs 62


Teresa Duff 68


Jake Wilson 52

Thanks for coming out, see you next Tuesday..

Sep 25 2007, 12:00 AM
It's almost Tuesday again.

This is the last regular mini for the season. Next week we start flex starts.

Thanks to everyone that made it out.

See you tomorrow....

Ace Pot should be about $100 after tomorrows entries...

Sep 25 2007, 05:19 PM
Hey Michael;
can we buy 00 mulligans to make up for the rain?

Sep 25 2007, 05:40 PM
It's going to be a wet one!

Sep 25 2007, 05:43 PM
I may figure payout, leave it with you guys and head home!!!

Sep 25 2007, 05:48 PM
I may figure payout, leave it with you guys and head home!!!

I don't blame you.

Sep 26 2007, 01:15 AM
The mini was cancelled due to rain and poor attendance.

A few of the hardy stayed and played.

Next week we begin flex starts starting around 5:00..

Sep 26 2007, 10:19 AM
Thats better than when you canceled the mini due to...

...lack of hustle...

Got to love Ben Stiller....

Oct 01 2007, 05:41 PM
... 2 - morrow ... "flex tee-starts" ... the honorable Judge Treat presiding ...

Oct 02 2007, 12:11 AM
That's right Wayne, come out and get started, no waiting..

Once we get a card filled, off you go..

This will be my first experience with flex starts..

Any tips, let me know..

Otherwise, come down to the River..

Ace should be over $100...

Oct 02 2007, 11:01 PM
Wow, crazy rain at the end. I am still missing my Novice player. I have no idea what happened to him.



Greg Winsworth 47
Kyle Wilkes 48
Andrew Treat 49
Dave Pennekamp 49
John Barton 50
Bryan Hinds 51
Harlyn Unruh 53
Chris Stine 53


Adam Hunts 47
Jeremiah 51
Dylan Eaton 52
Dev Bohn 52
Lee Joshua 53
Will Gibson 58
Ray 63
Jesse Buccelini 72


Kent VanBushkirk ??? MIA


Ashley Hoster ???

Winsworth aced hole 18, skipper.. Paid $89.00

Andrew hit CTP on hole 1

If it wasn't for losing the Nov player, it was a pretty good night.

Flex starts again next Tuesday. I will be there at 5:00, no starts after 5:45....

See you there....

Oct 03 2007, 02:17 AM
Wow, crazy rain at the end. I am still missing my Novice player. I have no idea what happened to him.



Greg Winsworth 47
Kyle Wilkes 48
Andrew Treat 49
Dave Pennekamp 49
John Barton 50
Bryan Hinds 51
Harlyn Unruh 53
Chris Stine 53


Adam Hunts 47
Jeremiah 51
Dylan Eaton 52
Dev Bohn 52
Lee Joshua 53
Will Gibson 58
Ray 63
Jesse Buccelini 72


Kent VanBushkirk ??? MIA


Ashley Hoster ???

Winsworth aced hole 18, skipper.. Paid $89.00

Andrew hit CTP on hole 1

If it wasn't for losing the Nov player, it was a pretty good night.

Flex starts again next Tuesday. I will be there at 5:00, no starts after 5:45....

See you there....


Oct 03 2007, 02:35 AM
oops.. totally missed out on my payout. well, the smaller part of it. :D

Oct 03 2007, 09:09 AM
oops.. totally missed out on my payout. well, the smaller part of it. :D

Well you deserve that win, I started playing crazy after hole 9...and your ace on 18 bet me by two...

........good match.

Hunter tomorrow?

Oct 03 2007, 10:59 AM
Hey Drew;
What time Hunter on Wed?
maybe i can get off and meet you there and you can show me how to play. :D

Oct 03 2007, 12:00 PM
I have your cash Greg.

I guess you were so excited with the ace pot you left the small change behind. :o

Oct 04 2007, 02:07 AM
that, and I was trying to avoid the hurricane..

Oct 04 2007, 12:43 PM
Winz, I have some money for you too. Nice Ace!! :cool:

Oct 04 2007, 09:55 PM
thank you sir.

Oct 09 2007, 10:43 AM
Riverside mini tonight. I will be there around 5:00 to get things started.

We really need to get all cards out by 5:45ish, it has been dark the last few weeks when we finished.

This is the next to last week night mini at Riverside.

Ace Pot will be around $80.00..

See you there...

Oct 09 2007, 10:52 AM

Oct 11 2007, 10:07 PM
If your looking for something to do Saturday, come to Riverside.

Minis at 10 and 2...

See you there...

Oct 12 2007, 10:52 AM
Bring water shoes for the 10AM the dew has been heavy around the sand dunes. :D

Oct 12 2007, 11:30 AM
If your looking for something to do Saturday, come to Riverside.

Minis at 10 and 2...

See you there...

... exactly ... ^ ^ What he said ^ ^ ... gitcha some good ol' Riverside action on this Saturday ... 2 opportunities ...
... then ...
... this Sunday ... it's "High Noon Flights" ... at McClure ... on the ALT. tee-pads ... Support the Double-O ! ...

Oct 12 2007, 03:09 PM

Riverside tomorrow.

Two times to pick from or do both..

10:00 am

2:00 pm

See you there...

Oct 13 2007, 11:37 PM
We had two good minis today. It was a little windy but hey, it's Oklahoma right :cool:

This Tuesday, flex start from 5:00 to 5:45. This is the last week night mini at Riverside. this year I plan on running minis on available weekends all winter.

Here are the morning results-

Marq Lewis 48
Justin Bougher 48
Charlie Burns 51
Devin Owens 52
Matt Shipley 58

Pro Grand Masters:

Billy Swanson 48
Wayne Gregory 55
Bud Johnson 61

Pro Master:

Richard Mitchell 48
James Diel 49


Dylan Eaton


Wendy Huckeba 72
Pam Moore 76

CTP Billy Swanson

Afternoon Round-


Dave Nicholson 43
Justin Bougher 45
Kyle Wilkes 48
Greg Winsworth 49
Harry Hinshaw 50
Devin Owens 51
Zook 52
Dan Bougher 53
Dave Wise 55

Pro Master:

Richard Mithell 44
Sean Young 47
James Diel 50

Pro Grand Master:

Billy Swanson ??
Wayne Gregory ??


Dylan Eaton 54
Doug Duff 58


Kent VanBuskirk 63
Jack 65
Jason Crofitt 73

CTP Richard Mitchell

Next event is tomorrow 12:00 start time at McClure.

It's one of those High Noon deals, entry $3.00..

Show up, have fun...

Oct 15 2007, 09:48 AM
WF never answered my question."
... what question was that , Jake ? ...

Oct 15 2007, 11:20 AM
Might want to post that post on the River Tax thread...

That is where Reiger asked you a question...

Oct 15 2007, 11:27 AM
... nah ... at'sa "dead thread" ... not fer me ...

Oct 15 2007, 11:38 AM
Yeah I could tell you were trying to do....something....with posting a bunch of little smiley faces on all the threads, and then martin doing the same with his daughters birthday.... was immature to me. If you don't like that thread don't post there. But don't try to carry on a conversation from that thread in another thread. And especially not the Riverside thread which actually serves some purpose.

Don't spread that conflict....

And to think that burying the TDSA forum with pointless post is going to accomplish anything was more laughable than anything.

Don't mean to sound too harsh, but bogging down the board never solves anything....and you as a person who has a limited time to read the "Sports Board" should appreciate this more than anyone.

Oct 15 2007, 11:44 AM
By the way. I saw in the newspaper that Quicktrip is still going to move forward and contruct a modest version of what they were trying to do at 41st if the vote passed. Change may still come to the DGC afterall. /msgboard/images/graemlins/smirk.gif

Oct 15 2007, 12:49 PM
Yeah I could tell you were trying to do....something....with posting a bunch of little smiley faces on all the threads, and then martin doing the same with his daughters birthday.... was immature to me. If you don't like that thread don't post there. ... at'sa point ... I didn't ... But don't try to carry on a conversation from that thread in another thread. And especially not the Riverside thread which actually serves some purpose. ... ah , young grasshoppah ... but I think(?) his question wuz about Riverside ... mebbe not ...

Don't spread that conflict....

And to think that burying the TDSA forum with pointless post is going to accomplish anything was more laughable than anything. ... it worked a couple years ago ... just ask Wise ... ;)

Don't mean to sound too harsh, but bogging down the board never solves anything....and you as a person who has a limited time to read the "Sports Board" should appreciate this more than anyone.

... yup ...

Oct 15 2007, 12:50 PM
By the way. I saw in the newspaper that Quicktrip is still going to move forward and contruct a modest version of what they were trying to do at 41st if the vote passed. Change may still come to the DGC afterall. /msgboard/images/graemlins/smirk.gif

... cool ... QT has the BUCKS ... big-time ...

Oct 15 2007, 01:13 PM
I am in the process of contacting the powers to be at QT.

Will keep everyone posted...

Oct 15 2007, 01:59 PM
... Good Luck there , Michael ...

Oct 15 2007, 02:32 PM
yeah, good luck, and it is "zooc" not zook as dawg and green have tried befroe.

Oct 15 2007, 03:19 PM

Where do you keep getting this 1/4 mile visibility?

... 252-2020 ... Triad Eye Center ...

Oct 16 2007, 03:06 PM
The last weeknight mini of the year at Riverside is tonight.

Tee times starting at 5:00 with no cards past 5:45..

It has been a great year so come out and help us wrap it up...

Oct 16 2007, 05:09 PM
I there, Treat. Wouldn't mind playing the last weekday mini at the River.

Oct 16 2007, 09:37 PM
Thanks, Treat, for all the great weekly mini's. I've enjoyed it and I've learned a lot from all the great golfers that attend.

Oct 16 2007, 11:18 PM
Man, what a great season. I really appreciate everyone that came out.

We held 32 mini's since March 23rd.

Your support raised $1,050.00 for the TDSA :cool:

As I said before, you can expect plenty of weekend mini's coming soon

Results from tonight--


Andrew Treat 43
Adam Hunt 43
Mike Connors 44
Zooc 45
Greg Winsworth 46
Brian Hinds 49
Tim Jonah 49
BVA 51

Pro Master:

Furdog 52

Pro Grandmaster:

Jim Geurin 48
Billy Swanson 50
Bud Johnson 55
Wayne Gregory 57


Wayne Minshall 48
Paul Dorries 49
Doug Duff 50
Josh Crowl 51


Kent VanBushkirk 62

Wendy Huckeba and Pam Moore showed up a little late and even though they play pretty quick, they ran out of light and couldn't finish.

Thanks again. There were some really good times, great shots, crazy weather and even a wrestling match :o

See you soon...

Nov 10 2007, 08:44 PM
results for sat. nov. 10th


Dan Bougher 44
Jerry Stacey 45
James Patton 46
Chris Wagel 46
Sean Young 50
Tony Walker 51
Bill Pennington 53
Kyle Wilks 54
David Jerome 54
Joyle Deering 54


Corey Leemhuis 52
Kelly watkins 55
Doug Duff 60


Jeremy Geiger 52
graham russell 54
James hardy 56
Rich fisher 63
Zach dennis 63

Pro grand masters
Wayne gregory 51
billy swanson 52
bud johnson ?

am women

wendy huckeba 71
pam moore 74


Jerry stacey hole 13
4 inches

thanks to all that came out

Nov 10 2007, 09:04 PM
Nice turn out..

Thanks Jerry for helping out...

The Canyon is awesome...

Nov 25 2007, 12:25 AM
Hey now, Riverside mini, Sunday at 1:30..

I will be there by 12:45...

Come on out, it should be a nice day at the River....

New batch of disc to check out...

Nov 25 2007, 06:57 PM
Thanks to everyone that came out today.. It was a little chilly but it wasn't too bad..

Total of 37 palyers.. That is a great turnout.

Jack Fouts 41
Devan Owens 43
Dan Bougher 45
Joyle Deering 45
Chris Hicks 46
Bill Pennington 48
Adam Hunt 48
Coda Hatfield 49
Johnny Thompson 51
Dave Wise 51
Sean Young 51
Andrew Treat 52
Dave Pennecamp 54
Kyle Wilkes 54

Pro Grandmaster:
Billy Swanson 55
Wayne Gregory 56
Bud Johnson 58

Josh Crowl 50
Jeremy Geiger 50
Lee Joshua 52
Bryan Hinds 52
Sean Wylie 52
Sean Parish 52
Harlyn Unruh 52
Wade Largent 53
Doug Duff 53
Matt Logsdon 53
Mike Coberly 54
Craig Leemhus 55
Jason Herzog 57
Randy Wilson 58
Snake Skin 58
John Rutyna 60
David Treadwell 65
Austin Lowry 70

Shanna Swanson 77
Carolyn 78

Josh Crowl hit the CTP on hole #8.. 31.5 inches

Devan hit a really nice ace on Hole 12, in the air :cool::cool:
He collected $131.00 for that sterling shot..

The December schedule will be out soon, I think we have a couple planned....

Thanks again...

Dec 01 2007, 01:05 PM
I received a $60.00 check in the mail from Jim Geurin for a Lifetime Membership in the TDSA :cool:

Thanks a lot Jim and welcome to the Lifetime club.....

Dec 02 2007, 10:10 AM
You are welcome, Treat. I've had a lot of fun in club activities over the past year, so I decided it was time to ante up.

Dec 03 2007, 09:27 AM
... I've given him a membership-card ... he also went ahead and paid in his PDGA for 2008 (saved $5) ... smart man ! ... :cool:

Dec 04 2007, 08:24 PM
This is a ways away, but is anything happening in Tulsa January 7-13th?

Dec 04 2007, 08:56 PM
Below is a link to the Okie Tournament Schedule thread. Looks like the ice bowl is the only large event scheduled for Jan.

Okie Tournies 2008 ( 61023)

Dec 15 2007, 10:27 PM
Riverside mini Sunday at 1:30. You can consider this a test run for the Ice Bowl :cool:

As far as I know the Bikers are having their Toy Run tomorrow. This means you should try and be in the parking lot early, like 12:30 maybe.

Edit: If you don't make it into the lot you can park in the neighborhood.

The course looks playable based on what I could see. I plan on walking it before the round in case we need to move any tee boxes.

I hope you come out. Don't suffer from cabin fever, throw a few disc at the River....

Dec 16 2007, 12:50 AM
Update on the Toy Run.

They start at 1:00 at 55th and Riverside. From there they head north to Denver.

I don't know if there are spectators or not, but I assume there is.

I would change the time for the mini but that is generally frowned on.

It should work out OK, try to carpool or get there early.

Oh yeah, they are going to have two Army helicopters flying with the riders, that should be cool..

Forecast is for sun and 43... Not too bad..

Dec 16 2007, 08:45 PM
We had great weather today. It just goes to show if you get out it sometimes works out.

We had 15 players. I couldn't even tell the Toy Run was going on. We had plenty of parking.



Chris Hicks 40
Coda Hatfield 47
Adam Hunt 49
Johnny Thompson 50
Dave Pennekamp 50
Bryan Hinds 52
Sean Young 52
Jesse Crew 58

Pro Grandmaster:

Billy Swanson 51
Mike Treat 55
Wayne Gregory 57


Corey Leemhus 49
Jeremy Geiger 56
Doug Duff 56
Jeremy Herzog 56

Chris Hicks stole the CTP from me, $12.00 on hole 8...

No aces, ace pot is fighting its way back, $72.00...

Next mini is next Saturday at Chandler, 10:30 and 2:00..Furdogs Christmas Special..

Sunday is Mack Taylor with extra holes, 2:00...Watch out for hole 8, its a killer...

Next Riverside mini is 12-30-07 at 1:30...

See you later....

Dec 30 2007, 12:20 AM
Mini Sunday at Riverside, 1:30....

Tomorrow looks like the best weather of the week, close to 60!!

Come on out and play a nice flat course. I need the rest after playing the Lodge today :o

Dec 30 2007, 07:24 PM
Another great day at Riverside. We had a good turn out of 33 players.

Jesse Crew hit a great ace on hole # 2!!!!!!!!! Paid $87.00 and he renewed his TDSA membership for two years...

Thanks Jesse...


Coda Hatfield 44
Dave Wise 46
Kyle Wilkes 46
Joel Woody 46
Bill Pennington 47
Adam Hunt 47
Dan Bougher 48
Dale Patterson 48
Sean Young 50
Andrew Treat 51
Joyle Deering 52
Jesse Crew 54
Bryan Hinds 54

Pro Grandmasters:

Michael Treat 53
Wayne Gregory 53
Billy Swanson 54
Bud Johnson 65


Wayne Minshall 50
Todd Young 51
Corey Leemhus 53
Steve Howie 53
Jeremy Geiger 54
Matt Shipley 55
Harlyn Unruh 56
Snake Skin 57
Kelso 60


JT Moore 53
Scot Lindenau 54
Harlyn Unruh 56
Jim Nelson 60
Kent VanBuskirk 62


Shanna Swanson 66
Carolyn McCarty 76

Dale Patterson won CTP on hole #9... Very Nice..

We will be back at Riverside this coming Saturday January 5th at 2:00.. The 2:00 time is to allow for a workday at Mohawk before the round.

Wise is running skins tomorrow at McClure starts at 1:00..

I hope a lot of you make it to McClure, in the meantime have a happy and safe New Years!!!!

Jan 05 2008, 10:50 PM
We had our first 100% pro turn out today.

It was a lot of fun after working at Blackhawk this morning.

16 total players---


Devan Owens 44
Kyle Wilkes 44
Coda Hatfield 44
Johnny Thompson 48
Dan Bougher 48
Andrew Treat 51
Greg Winsworth 52
Jarod Moore 56

Pro Masters:

Michael Barr 53
Jim Geurin 54
Michael Treat 56
John Belty 57
David Jerome 58
Wayne Gregory 58


Melissa Stacey 64
Shanna Swanson 68

CTP hole 9 was Greg Winsworth..

Hunter is tomorrow at 1:30..

Riverside again next Satruday at 2:00...

Jan 05 2008, 10:54 PM
hunter is at 1:30

I probibly won't be playing but I will be there

Jan 05 2008, 11:48 PM
Sorry Jerry. I edited my post. I meant to say 1:30 and that is what I told the Newspaper....

Jan 11 2008, 04:01 PM
Work day tomorrow at 10:00 at Blackhawk...

After that come by the Riverside mini at 2:00..

Lots of new disc, a stack of new Destroyers...

See you there...

Jan 12 2008, 10:58 PM
Andrew here making the report this afternoon/evening...

It was really a nice evening at Riverside Park. It was pretty warm and the wind was very minor...even so, Opie still reared his ugly head with a 50.... :(


Coda Hatfield 44
Dan Bougher 47
Corey Briley 48
Johnny Thompson 49
Jerry Stacey 50
Opie 50
Ben Powell 50
Greg Winzworth 51
Bryan Hinds 53
Cowboy 57

Pro Grand Master:

Richard Mitchell 49
Papa Treat 53
Wayne Gregory 55


Sean Wylie 49
Harlyn Unruh 49
Paul Dorries 50
Mike Garner 50
Josh Crowl 50
Sean Parish 51
Dylan Eaton 51
David Treadwell 52
Chris Beard 55
Aaron Triska 55
Matt Logsdon 56
Will Gibson 59


Shanna Swanson 69

CTP: Some mysterious player with red and white matching outfit and bag on....which probably helped....

My fellow Sand Springs Brother....Greg Winsworth!

I looked at dads mini sheets earlier and was shocked...out of 40 possible weeks of pops being course TD out there in 2007...he ran minis 36 of them....

So here is to another good year...he has got two on the board already this year....

Feb 01 2008, 03:16 PM
We have a mini scheduled at Riverside tomorrow at 2:00..

The time is later to allow for a Mohawk work day, which I assume is still on what with all the snow.

Due to a busy schedule I believe this is the only Riverside mini this month.

We missed the snow by a week for the Ice Bowl, but there could still be some around by tomorrow afternoon.

I hope you can make it...

Feb 01 2008, 03:24 PM
... yes indeed ... Mr. Tn ... or are you the nT ? ... I know you're one of those halves of TnT ... :)
... here's some info. I copied over ... and THANKS again for "loaning" your great li'l Course for our Charity Event ...

" � after McClure to-night ( �Friday-Nite-Flights� ) , there are a few things showing this weekend �
� Saturday (groundhog-day-by-the-way) has �Mohawk Work-Day� showing from 10am-1pm � probably BlackHawk , even though it would be good to remove-some-limbage from RedHawk when we can get over there � the one specific I see is getting Brad HOI and his welder back into Hole 14 on Black � (also Hole 3) � anyway , some �light tasks� still needing attention � I�ll be out there � I may be alone , but I�ll be there � � � then there is a Riverside mini at 2:00pm Saturday afternoon �
� Sunday has a mini at Hunter at 12:00 noon � "

Feb 02 2008, 01:24 PM
WOW, what a nice day!!!!!

Mini at Riverside 2:00 today...

Come out and enjoy a low score and a walk in the park...

Feb 02 2008, 10:19 PM
Like I thought, it was a really nice day at Riverside.

Results -

Johnny Thompson 44
Randy Foresander 44
Sean Young 45
Ray Peterson 45
Dan Bougher 46
Jerry Stacey 47
Justin Bougher 48
Richard Mitchell 48
Slim Moyers 53
Jesse Crew 55

Collin Taylor 52
Paul Daye 52
Corey Bailey 63
Dane Roesle 61
Taylor Jensen 60
Lee Joshua 48

CTP was hole #8, won by Lee Joshua

Ace Pot is at $51.00 and growing

Next event is tomorrow, Hunter Park at 12:00

Thanks for coming out....

Mar 11 2008, 12:34 PM
Here we go again!!!

The 1st week night mini of the year and it's at Riverside!!

Tee of at 6:00 sharp so come out and start the week night mini's off with a bang...

Mar 11 2008, 12:43 PM
This could be the night for me!!! :cool:

How much is the ace pot there buddy! :)

Mar 11 2008, 12:47 PM
How much is the ace pot there buddy! :)

What is with you? :confused: :mad::eek: /msgboard/images/graemlins/smirk.gif

You have never hit an ace in your life!!! /msgboard/images/graemlins/smirk.gif

Mar 11 2008, 12:50 PM
yea, How much is the Ace pot? :D

Mar 11 2008, 01:06 PM
How much is the ace pot there buddy! :)

What is with you? :confused: :mad::eek: /msgboard/images/graemlins/smirk.gif

You have never hit an ace in your life!!! /msgboard/images/graemlins/smirk.gif

I'm asking your dad because I know he will tell me and not embezzle it for Barney video's like you did with the Dovillio ace pot money. ;)

Mar 11 2008, 01:06 PM
I have it written on my sheet, but if memory serves me the ace pot is $51.00 and seed is $26.00...

Mar 11 2008, 01:07 PM
Thank you buddy. :cool:

I'll stop by the grocery store and get you a tub of Ben & Jerry's Cherry Garcia for your expert recollection. :)

Mar 11 2008, 02:08 PM
Don't tease me :o

Mar 11 2008, 02:23 PM
Thats all he does is tease, he never delivers. :D

Mar 12 2008, 12:52 AM
First mini of the new season and we had a good group and really nice weather.

First let me give everyone a little update on Riverside.

Andrew and I walked the proposed new layout today with Jeff Morales who is responsible for the trail layout and overall development plan.

I think everyone is going to be really happy. It isn't final as we need to review the plans and gather some input from you folks.

It looks like the course, including the parking lot, will be closed begining around June 1st. It could be closed two months. When it reopens it's going to be great. New everything, if things keep on track and I think they will.

One problem is the Riverside Glide which is scheduled for mid July. It looks like the River Park's is going to approve us setting up the cool temp course on the west side. That course was really fun.

Now to tonights results--


Coda Hatfield 39
Jake Reiger 44
Dave Nicholson 46
Taylor Sears 47
Josh Crowl 47
Derek Kummers 48
Kyle Wilkes 50
Sean Young 50
Bryan Hinds 50
Jerry Stacey 51
Greg Winsworth 54
Jesse Crew 55
Ray Peterson 56

Pro Grand Masters:
Joyle Woody 47
Billy Swanson 49
Wayne Gregory 50
Bud Johnson 59
Mike Harris 63

Jeremy Geiger 51
Jason Herzog 54
John Summar 57

Melissa Townsend 61

Thanks to all who came out. The current course isn't going to be around much longer so get out and enjoy it..

See you at Green Country Doubles...

Mar 12 2008, 09:25 AM
Just out of curiosity, which division/payout did my entry go toward? I didn't get anything, and I'm pretty sure that my $4 didn't go toward pro cash or am plastic either.

Mar 12 2008, 10:25 AM
Talk to Andrew, your money probably went for an egg McMuffin this morning. :D

Mar 12 2008, 11:29 AM
You and your girlfriend need to quit trying to accuse me of missapropriation of club funds...

You guys can't stand my clean record I guess...

To this day the only money I have made off of golf has come from Wise at Blackhawk...

And one time I cashed in pro at an unsanctioned Ponca City thing...:D

Mar 12 2008, 11:31 AM
How much is the ace pot at Dovillio? :confused:

Mar 12 2008, 11:33 AM
126 bucks, how about you go get it from Thong mister motivated... /msgboard/images/graemlins/smirk.gif

Mar 12 2008, 11:43 AM
What about the money you got off of Wilkes?

I think I talked you into that one and bank rolled it. ;)

Mar 12 2008, 12:17 PM

It was a nice situation for me...

5 bucks from Wise to bet wilkes...then I took another 5 from him at Bristow, cause he left early...

Wilkes has been one of my best sponsors recently...

Mar 12 2008, 12:20 PM
I even got you the bet with 2.5 stokes. I know you didn't need them but they are nice to have. :D

Mar 12 2008, 12:25 PM
At Blackhawk...2.5 a jet ski to the people swimming around the Titanic.

But it can also mean as much as that jet ski with no gas in it...

...I know I have given 5+ strokes in two holes out there...

Mar 16 2008, 09:00 PM
Just out of curiosity, which division/payout did my entry go toward? I didn't get anything, and I'm pretty sure that my $4 didn't go toward pro cash or am plastic either. answer...hmmm... :confused:

Mar 16 2008, 09:19 PM
it went to me.

Mar 16 2008, 10:23 PM
I still have your $4.00..Remember you were "7 down" and I think you left before collecting..

I will pay you the next time I see you...

Mar 16 2008, 10:37 PM
No, I didn't leave before collecting. I left AFTER you said thank you all for coming out and see ya this weekend at GCD. I stood there for a second then walked off with Nic. Not really a big deal...just the principal. Thanks, but just not sure when I'll see ya again.

Mar 17 2008, 05:33 PM
Well how about this, come on out and I will cover your entry, ctp and ace...

I wish you would start playing the regular divisions and whipping some of those guys. I know you can do it..

it's kind of funny, we have this same little ritual where you enter, pay $5.00 then after the round I give you $4.00 back..

Maybe we have an extra step in there..

Mar 18 2008, 01:04 AM
Riverside mini tomorrow night.

Yes I have seen the forecast but I am hopeful there will be a lull in the rain.

I hope to see you there.. Tee off 6:00...

Mar 18 2008, 12:50 PM
Ok, I may have been a little optimistic last night concerning the weather.

If this keeps up, and it is supposed to, I am leaning towards cancelling the Riverside mini tonight.

This isn't official yet but it has rained a ton and Riverside drains about as slow as Mohawk..

I will keep you posted.

If I have to cancel, I think this Thursday night is open. Maybe we could reschedule for then...

Mar 18 2008, 06:30 PM
I have decided to postpone the mini tonight until this Thursday. Same 6:00 tee time.

Please help spread the word. I will go to Riverside in case anyone shows up..

Thursday is supposed to be warmer and sunny.

That sounds better that wet and cool...

See you Thursday...

Mar 18 2008, 06:44 PM
Can we sign up if we show up? :D

Mar 18 2008, 06:45 PM
Sure, he can take your money!

Mar 18 2008, 06:46 PM
Jr may be able to but not Pops. :D

Mar 18 2008, 07:38 PM
Sure, he can take your money!

Nice one!! :D

Mar 18 2008, 11:05 PM
Jr may be able to but not Pops. :D

Treat wishes he had a killer reply, but alas none are to be found :(

Mar 18 2008, 11:08 PM
You guys are going to make me blush... :o

Mar 19 2008, 01:40 AM
Jr may be able to but not Pops. :D


Mar 19 2008, 10:30 AM
Wasn't on the card.

Mar 19 2008, 12:41 PM
The fact that he makes an occasional donation to Andrew is good enough.

I am still negotiating with Dave to take on additional financial responsibilities.

Paying for Law School would be a nice gesture...

Mar 20 2008, 10:56 AM
Since we had to cancel the Riverside Mini Tuesday night, we will have our weekly mini tonight!!!

Tee of at 6:00.. The weather looks great so come on out...

Mar 20 2008, 04:47 PM
It looks like the best weather of the week..

Come to the River....

Mar 20 2008, 11:39 PM
Red Haired Wonder with tonights mini results...



Coda hatfield 43
Justin Bougher 46
Mike Conners 48
Jake Reiger 49
Kyle Wilkes 49
Dan Bougher 51
Taylor Sears 52
Dave Wise 53

Pro Master

Richard Mitchell 51
James Diel 54

Pro Grand Masters

Billy Swanson 58
Wayne Gregory 60


Davey Adams 57
John Barton 62
Graham Russell 66


Derek Moore 58
Paul Arron 74

CTP Hole # 9 Wayne Gregory

Ace Pot is now $70.00

If your not going to Bentonville to get Twisted, come to the Lodge at Pawhuska this Saturday...

Big Easy
Mar 21 2008, 12:01 AM
Whats going on @ the Lodge this Saturday.
D.P. :D

Mar 21 2008, 12:07 AM
10 & 3. Dubs and singles.

Mar 21 2008, 10:07 AM
Whats going on @ the Lodge this Saturday.
D.P. :D

" � this Saturday � Mar.22 � Jim Taylor once again extends his hospitality and loans us his course at The Lodge � TD Treat will have us set up for 2 minis � 10:00am and 3:00pm � that looks to be probably singles and then draw-doubles � guaranteed to be Fun � sharpen your skills � get your game ready for Duncan on the next weekend � "

Mar 21 2008, 10:12 AM
... as well as :
" � at this Saturday�s Events at Pawhuska � short-drive to The Lodge � get your Game in Gear , while enjoying that pretty landscape � and you could also be the-first-kid-on-your-block to own : the LATEST , and GREATEST , and MOST-UP-TO-DATEST � that�s right � the all-new and improved TDSA Mini-Schedule � April of this-here-year 2008 is chock-full-of-action � and variety � just-in-time for the nicer days and improving weather � Grade-A activities set up for Courses and Tournaments all-over � sumpthin� for everyone �
� PDGA-sanctioned (to gather points) �
� Non-sanctioned (for pure Fun) �
� Day-time Events , sun-lit �
� Night-time Events , moon-lit �
� In-town Events �
� Out-of-town Events �
� Chandler , Hunter , Riverside , McClure , Mohawk �
� City-Championship Series wrap-up Events �
� Singles �
� Doubles �
� Pure Moose-Mania Fun �
� Campings , Cookings , Disc-ings �
� not to mention : �Mohawk ROCK� �
� Check �em out � this new info. will "debut" this Saturday at The Lodge � be there � "

Mar 21 2008, 11:00 AM
Hey Wayne... You know it's Twisted @ Bella This weekend right??? Didn't see that listed any where...

You guys have fun at Jim's. I heard Joe is doing 5,000 hole in ones in OKC the same days as the Last two Spring Fling events! :D

Mar 21 2008, 11:21 AM
I think that come's under "Out of Town Events".

We're sending Dave over. Isn't he you main "fluffer"?

How many feet is that $5000 ace shot? :confused:

Mar 21 2008, 01:29 PM
Hey Wayne... You know it's Twisted @ Bella This weekend right??? Didn't see that listed any where...
... oh yeah ... but that one "hit the schedule" too late to make last month's mini-printings ... we had already contacted the honorable "Chief Taylor Lodge" long ago and had this weekend hooked-up ...

You guys have fun at Jim's. I heard Joe is doing 5,000 hole in ones in OKC the same days as the Last two Spring Fling events! :D

... cool ! ... :cool:

Mar 21 2008, 03:10 PM
Not true Forest.

I know for a fact that Joe had Bella planned ahead of this event.

I answered Patterson's question and we did not need your big drawn out post.

Kelly is right man.

I have been trying to not talk this one up for a few reason.

A. Big Jim won't be there.
B. This is the first run thorough in some time/ might be messy.
C. Joe and Kelly have a one day that is 2+ hours away. That will likley draw a lot of Tulsa players.

Have a little-

R. E. S. P. E. C. T.

You don't want everyone mad at you come May...

Mar 21 2008, 03:46 PM
If you ever manage to make it thru law school I've got $10 that say's you're dis-barred within 5 years.

You were making a good argument up until the point you added....

"Have a little- R.E.S.P.E.C.T......You don't want everyone mad at you come May".

Right or wrong you just lost the jury on that one x-lax.

I wonder of how much of what they teach you at school gets retained and how much gets absorbed by the red ozone layer of gas that blankets and revolves around your head? :confused: /msgboard/images/graemlins/smirk.gif

Mar 21 2008, 04:38 PM
Are you a member of the jury all of a sudden Furdog???

Are you playing Pawhuska tomorrow or Bentonville???

Neither one is my bet, so why is your two cents needed???

Mar 21 2008, 05:34 PM
Well I apologize that I picked on your son but I didn�t see what Wayne did as anymore than what he always does which is promote the new club schedule and where the TDSA members could get one this weekend. Not because he wants everyone to show up at the lodge, but because that is where they are going to be available if someone just had to have one. I think if Joe or Keldog has a problem with what Wayne did then they should talk it over between themselves and Wayne.

Who scheduled the Lodge for this weekend and if Wayne did it then why did Andrew agree to run it if he already knew about Arkansas and conflicting events? :(

I think Andrew coming on here and basically calling Wayne a liar and the lack of �R.E.S.P.E.C.T� comment to a person who�s been around the TDSA before Andrew was even born is a little dis-respectful itself. Whether you can see that as his father or not, I don�t know. :confused: .....

It doesn�t have anything to do with where I�m going this weekend.

We�ve been playing phone tag for the last couple of nights so let me know if you�re going to be around and I�ll call you tonight.

Mar 21 2008, 09:15 PM
If you really cared about the Club you wouldn't have backed out on running for admin because you did not want to help with the NT.

So just wait a second before you point the finger here.

You are talking to a guy who was actually ready to accept the responsibility, make the meeting, make contributions, and help out.

All I can do to help the club is to question and to ponder and to formulate response.

It is called checks and balances.

If you let one party go unchecked then there is room for problems.

Forest is a big boy. He can defend himself and does not need you, Furdog, to take care of him.

In my opinion his post was excessive.

I had just posted the info, he felt he needed to expound upon it.

I though that line of reasoning was counterproductive to the unspoken rule of TD's not getting into advertisement wars.

Is this what we are talking about? No not really, because likley everyone who is going to Bentonville is decided and ready.

I just wanted to set the record straight that Forest was aware of the Bentonville event prior to scheduling the Lodge mini.

Mar 21 2008, 11:38 PM
... leave mah FurryDawg be ... e's a cool cat ... as you know ... :D

In my opinion his post was excessive. ... nah ... was one-o-them cut-n-paste jobbies from anuther thread ... allwaze looking to hype "mini-schedule-debuts" ... excessive in your opie-onion ? ... yeah , I can see that ...

I had just posted the info, he felt he needed to expound upon it. ... see above ...

Is this what we are talking about? No not really, because likley everyone who is going to Bentonville is decided and ready.

I just wanted to set the record straight that Forest was aware of the Bentonville event prior to scheduling the Lodge mini. ... well , not really ... I'd heard that when we called JoeRoe ta see if he was TD'ing fur Jim at The Lodge ... 'member ? ... we had actually figgered that Saturday for a Pawhuska deal back in January ... but , a little sumpthin' for everyone is all good ... I-da-been going over to the Bella-Bella Romp my-own-self if I wasn't already committed ...

... but , BY ALL MEANS , anyone who can pedal-themslves-over to the Bella-Good Twisted 1-day Event (and Grand-Opening) at our Arkie neighborhood SHOULD DO SO ...
... a helpful tip also : give your TD Joe Rotan a call (405-206-9558) if you haven't already signed-up for Bella Vista ... ANY "Twisted Event" may fill up with entries ... go figure ... always wildly popular ... :D

Mar 22 2008, 12:12 AM
Keldogs post was based on some chatter I was spouting and was chit talk. This is all unnecessary... I spoke with Wayne today about it. I'm not tossed at anyone over it. Bella was on the schedule since it has been published. When I got the calls from Wayne and SR / JR Treat to inquire about the mini (until 3 weeks ago I WAS THE TD of The Lodge, in that convo I asked JR Treat to do it... it wasn't January, It was 3 weeks ago)I fully explained to all parties involved that it was Bella Vista Grand Opening in AR (The same state who continually supports and works for Tulsa) but if they wanted to have a mini on that date go ahead and do so. We spoke of it being Easter weekend and it would be a good chance for EVERYONE to golf that weekend in something for a day, here or there.

As for peoples attitudes, Flavors and Opinions... we all have them and the TDSA is comprised of all of us for just that reason. We need questions, we need answers, we need Fur Dogs and JR Treats... Heck we all need segways! We are a small nation of folks learning how to grow, excel, prosper and live together. Let's always keep that on point and non personal and press on, WE have work to do.

Now... Big Shouts to the Club and the volunteers today. With 79 degree weather and a slight wind (and the 5 truck loads of mulch) this bad boy track is ready to run. MUCH TV and Paper coverage... locals in awe galore.

Lake Bella Vista is my lastest love of a course. It is something I hope I can capture with my camera for you all to see. You will understand that if they had 3 more of these in town THE WORLDS WOULD BE craaaazzzzzyyyyyyyy NOT TO COME TO ARKANSAS. :cool:

Saturday I will do something I have NEVER done at one of my events and I'm fairly sure no one else has either... we'll see. ASH is filming it in BLU RAY HD!!!

Keep it TWISTED... Stay Safe and Sane. Ostala Manyana Amigos!

Mar 22 2008, 01:29 AM
Hey you know its all good..

Just a friendly exchange of ideas among buddies :)

Mar 24 2008, 10:49 PM
Two Riverside mini's this week...

Tuesday and Thursday..

6:00 Tee times..

Weather is looking great...

Come on out...

Mar 26 2008, 01:53 AM
Pretty good turn out tonight, lots of Pros


Coda Hatfield 41
Randy Forsander 42
Josh Crowl 45
Justin Bougher 45
Dan Bougher 45
Adam Hunt 46
Devan Owens 46
Greg Winsworth 47
Kyle Wilkes 47
Jerry Stacey 47
Dave Wise 48
Johnny Thompson 48
Dave Nicholson 48
Billy Swanson 48
Andrew Treat 50
Sean Young 50
Chris Stine 50
Bryan Hinds 51
Tim Joha 54

Kyle Razmus 47
Barry Joe Rogers 48
Aaron Triska 49
Snake Skin 52
John Summar 56
Kent VanBuskirk 58

DAN BOUGHER won the hole # 8 CTP, $20.00..

Ace Pot is up to $82.00

The Barton's are running a mini tomorrow night in Bristow, tee at 6:00

We will be back at Riverside Thursday...

Have fun...

Mar 27 2008, 11:55 AM
Need a little practice putting in the wind??? Getting ready for Duncan???

Come out to Riverside tonight, tee at 6:00...

See you there...

Apr 01 2008, 12:41 AM
Mini tomorrow night at 6:00..

The weather is looking pretty good for tomorrow..

See you there...

Guaranteed to be easier than Duncan :cool:

Apr 02 2008, 12:52 AM
Results are in. 32 players, very nice turnout..


Coda Hatfield 43
Greg Winsworth 44
Justin Bougher 46
Dan Bougher 47
Dave Wise 48
Jarod Moore 49
Dave Nicholson 51
Adam Hunt 52
Josh Crowl 53
Aaron Triska 53
Jerry Stacey 53
Jesse Crew 54
Billy Swanson 54
Mike Conners 55

Pro Masters:

Richard Mitchell 45
BVA 48
James Diel 52
Joel Woody 52

Pro Grand Masters

Mike Treat 50
Wayne Gregory 55


Lee Joshua 50
Derek Hill 53
Paul Doye 53
Matt Shipley 54
Doug Duff 56
Tuck Edmondson 56
John Summar 56
Jeremy Geiger 56
Mark Shefield 59
Michael Carmichael 59


Shanna Swanson 72
Susan Joshua 73

CTP was hole #8,Paul Doye won...

Ace pot is $105.00 and growing every week...

Thanks to everyone that came out, see you next Tuesday..

Apr 08 2008, 01:00 PM
Mini tonight at Riverside, tee at 6:00..

We will have to see how playable the course is, that area had a ton of rain and doesn't drain well at that.

On a side note, the re-design of Riverside is about complete.

Next week we will set the back 9 up and have everyone, yes even the casuals, play the new back 9.

The week after that we will set up the new front 9..

It should be fun and we can get some input from the "Players"..

See you tonight, free hail damage estimates will be provided :o

Apr 08 2008, 01:36 PM
On a side note, the re-design of Riverside is about complete.

There better be some "Furdog's Shadow" holes out there. :mad:

Otherwise expect a public march and protest from the Furdog's Federation of Intoxicated Shortarm's. We are many and we all have a license to carry concealed weapons of mass gripe-age. ;)

Apr 08 2008, 03:33 PM
On a side note, the re-design of Riverside is about complete.

There better be some "Furdog's Shadow" holes out there. :mad:

Otherwise expect a public march and protest from the Furdog's Federation of Intoxicated Shortarm's. We are many and we all have a license to carry concealed weapons of mass gripe-age. ;)

And not so concealed containers of fuel er beer! :D
Hope the new layout continues to inspire new players to try out disc golf. I know that we do not get a whole lot of brand new walk up play at some of our more difficult layouts in town, most new players only go to Mohawk to fish for other people's plastic so they do not have to spend the big money to purchase their own! :mad:
I do not suppose that I will ever see my destroyer again unless they loose it at another park. /msgboard/images/graemlins/smirk.gif

Apr 08 2008, 04:17 PM
most new players only go to Mohawk to fish for other people's plastic so they do not have to spend the big money to purchase their own! :mad:

You don't have to be a "new player" to do that Martin. I've subsidized most of my mini's that way. ;)

I think Hutch has even paid for his children's future college education doing the very same thing. :o

Apr 08 2008, 04:19 PM
Riverside will continue to cater to the casual type golfer.

There are a few holes that are stretched out a little but for the most part it is designed to serve the purpose it's current designed for...

Just having a different layout will be good for the rest of us..

Apr 08 2008, 04:27 PM
Did you guys take the joggers and bikers into account? I can just see Andrew as a lawyer in the future adding to his bank account by representing the predestrians in a civil suit against those DG'ers who happen to throw into them. :D

Apr 08 2008, 05:06 PM
Who is redesigning the course? This is the first I 've heard of this. Personally, I think it is long overdue, not because Riverside is...?....well, nevermind. We all know the issues regarding pedestrians, joggers, etc. Is the redesign happening because of the riverparks revamp or because of something else?

Apr 08 2008, 05:20 PM
I will field this one...and will answer you post in reverse order.

The redesign is being done due to the renovation of the Riverparks Trail. Much will be different at the old Riverside park. The bathroom area will be drastically different, all of the old picnic tables and various other old park equipment (monkey bars etc.) are all being either removed or upgraded.

There will be new trees planted. There will be new LED light poles.

The path will be redone and will be very nice.

As far as the course is concerned.

It will be completely redesigned.

It will have new Discatcher Pro baskets.

It will have new teepads.

It will have new signs.

The actual design was originally generated by our contact with the construction firm that will be handling the job, as well as a cartographer.

Needless to say, we have some quality maps to work with.

The contractor had done about 10 different designs for the land, and dad and I have selected what we think will be the best use of the land and have tweaked accordingly.

I am especially proud of the front nine, as I think some really cool holes have been created.

Also, city will be doing a little work as far as drainage is concerned, and may even move a usless power pole that is in the way of a fairway...

Big stuff is happening, and you can get a chance to see it at next weeks mini!

So be there!

Apr 08 2008, 05:21 PM
Ah yes, and the new design does not cross the path once.

Apr 08 2008, 05:26 PM
In the future interest of the Glide patrons parking, did it look like the parking lot will be enlarged any?

Apr 08 2008, 05:30 PM
Yup, forgot to mention that.

They described it to me, in our meeting yesterday, and I could see the area. It is almost up to present hole 11. But, according to the other city guy, Mike, at our meeting, the new parking lot thing is like 50/50 with a slight tilt toward doing it.

So we are basing our plans off having an enlarged portion of parking lot on the North side.

Apr 08 2008, 05:32 PM
Ah yes, and the new design does not cross the path once.


It is weird for me to say this, but I am actually looking foward to playing Riverside II.

Great job guys, keep it up!! :cool:

Apr 08 2008, 05:41 PM
I have been dieing for some input on the project, so I think we might even make up some comment cards for the players use.

Just to see who thinks what about what and why.

Apr 08 2008, 06:16 PM
I seem to remember seeing several holes heading south (front 9) next to Riverside Dr.

perfect for that windy day ( Tulsa??? :confused:) on the river for the wind to lift a hyzer into Riverside Dr.....& I've already put a few out there in the street in the current layout, on 3&4 lol

I realize there is limited room to play w/ there, but I gotta admit, those baskets near the road make me a bit nervous. i've seen two cars hop the curbs along there after a wreck or for some other reason. a disc flying into a windshield perhaps?

i am interested in seeing how it looks though.

Apr 08 2008, 06:25 PM
The first 4 holes are headed down Riverside southbound.

The good news, and part of the Parks request, is that we are throwing with traffic instead of against it.. The same is true with the running and biking trails.

You are correct, the front 9 is tighter than the back 9. I think we have a good plan...

Apr 08 2008, 06:30 PM
Well I'm anxious to see it and I agree with the limited space. Cars jumping the curb I'm not really worried about though. That will teach us all to pay attention and move quicker. ;)

Hitting a jogger or in the worst case,....a rugby player, is my biggest fear.

It's hard to imagine not having to cross the path though. :confused:.....If the course is sandwiched between the road and the path I guess the main thing you might have to watch out for us throwing into each others fairways, or each other depending on how far the new tee pads are spaced from the preceding hole.

Personally, I aim for Twoputt's new truck every chance I get. :D

I'm sure Team Tnt has it covered though. :cool:

Apr 08 2008, 06:48 PM
last mini i played out there (really windy thurs. night), we had to contend w/ the USMC trainees or reservists doing pull-ups on 16. I don't wanna hit ANYONE, especially a Marine or Rugby player with a disc, but I definitely didn't want to hit those dudes & i came close... I couldn't out run either group.

but yeah, i'd rather be watching my back for cars than have to sit and wait for 2 mins for joggers / bikers to pass or worse, try to rush a throw before the next group and shank one.

Apr 08 2008, 06:54 PM
Well I'm anxious to see it and I agree with the limited space. Cars jumping the curb I'm not really worried about though. That will teach us all to pay attention and move quicker. ;)

hopefully quicker than you moved when Jake tried to take you out with that falling tree limb.

Apr 08 2008, 07:05 PM
Yeah. I just stood like a deer in headlights didn't I?

I think I saw Jake on an episode of "Ax Men" dropping a tree on someone else. ;)

Apr 09 2008, 01:21 AM
I seem to remember seeing several holes heading south (front 9) next to Riverside Dr.

perfect for that windy day ( Tulsa??? :confused:) on the river for the wind to lift a hyzer into Riverside Dr.....& I've already put a few out there in the street in the current layout, on 3&4 lol

I realize there is limited room to play w/ there, but I gotta admit, those baskets near the road make me a bit nervous. i've seen two cars hop the curbs along there after a wreck or for some other reason. a disc flying into a windshield perhaps?

i am interested in seeing how it looks though.

Throwing into the street, across a path, or into another fairway is possible now.

And having to tee off over paths is always worrisome.

It is really going to be exciting to have everyone play it...

...that way we can finally figure out if I am sane or not... :D

Apr 14 2008, 01:44 PM

Apr 14 2008, 02:58 PM
Cool!!! :)

Apr 14 2008, 05:34 PM
Trippy!!! :)

Apr 14 2008, 06:44 PM
Absolutely TNT comes in blocks and Dynamite is just a bunch of sticks. :D
Blocks are way better than sticks, no mater how you stack it you can always stack it higher with blocks. :o

Apr 14 2008, 06:52 PM
Just where in the hell is the Disc Golf Welcome Center or the disc golfers lounge? :mad:

I couldn't see it anywhere in those pics. :(

Apr 15 2008, 01:07 AM
I forwarded your request to Mr. Kaiser Dave. I am sure it will be considered first thing in the morning. A disc golfer lounge is a solid idea.

Due to Andrew's Grandmothers funeral being Wednesday morning, Jerry Stacey has volunteered to run the mini tomorrow night. Thanks Jerry, I really appreciate it.

This means we will not have the new/proposed back nine set up. Sorry but we will have it available next Tuesday. I know everyone was really looking forward to it.

Thanks to Jerry and thanks for understanding...

Apr 15 2008, 01:10 AM
Oh yeah, Ace Pot is $111.00..

Apr 15 2008, 09:19 AM
/msgboard/images/graemlins/smirk.gif :confused: :D:confused:

Apr 15 2008, 09:24 AM
Sorry Melissa

Melissa will be helping run tonights mini as well!!!

Apr 15 2008, 09:45 AM
Well if Jerry is running it then I ain't coming. ;)

Apr 15 2008, 10:02 AM
thats just not right furpuppy!!
but if you come I might have a nice dog biscuit for ya
here boy, come on, sit, :Dgoodboy!!!

Apr 15 2008, 10:26 AM
Why would Jerry running it make any difference?

You haven't played Riverside in months. :o

Apr 15 2008, 10:35 AM
only because it is too long for him and he is afraid he can't make under par!!! :D;)

Apr 15 2008, 10:39 AM
Yeah I know but with Jerry running it, there's a chance that Jill might show up and cut my hair to look like one of those poodles. :(

I have a Jerry Garcia look I need to maintain for when Hollywood shows up looking for someone to play him in the movies. :cool:

Apr 16 2008, 10:06 AM
Yeah I know but with Jerry running it, there's a chance that Jill might show up and cut my hair to look like one of those poodles. :( I


Apr 16 2008, 10:31 AM
Where are the scores from last night? :mad:

When Treat runs it they are always up right away. ;)

Apr 16 2008, 10:53 AM
Furdog your looking good there,did you lose some weight? :p

Apr 16 2008, 11:51 AM
they will be up shortly I had comp problems last night I lost my harddrive!! :(

Apr 16 2008, 12:12 PM
Tue night mini


Coda Hatfield 43
Justin Bougher 48
Josh Crowl 49
Jerry Stacey 50
Adam Hunt 50
Mike Conners 51
Dale Patterson 54
Rodney Carpenter 55
Greg Winzworth 55
Chris Stine 56
Brad HOI 56
Dave Wise DNF


Dave Townsend 49
Chris Beard 51
Mark Sheffield 56
dustin krumm 57
lee joshua 58
Jeremy Geiger 60
Shae Roggendorf 60
Luke Seely 60
TC leroy 61
Doug Duff 62
Ricky Lewis 62
Josh Edaman 64

Grand Master

Brad Zimmerman 55

Pro Women

Melissa Townsend 63
Shana Hatfield 69
Susan Joshua 73

Josh crowl

Thanks for braving the wind and sorry for the delay on posting the scores

Hunter park tonight at 6
Please be on time

Apr 16 2008, 02:07 PM
Yeah I know but with Jerry running it, there's a chance that Jill might show up and cut my hair to look like one of those poodles. :( I


Apr 22 2008, 11:00 AM
Mini tonight at Riverside, tee at 6:00..

We have 9 traveler baskets so we are going to set up the proposed new back nine. I will make sure casuals play the new course as well.

If it rains, we probably will not set it up. But for now they are saying 20% chance and the radar looks like thinks are moving east.

I hope to see you there...

Apr 22 2008, 03:22 PM
I think Andrew could use some help setting up the back 9 around 4:00 today if anyone is available...


Apr 22 2008, 03:36 PM
Just send him out there at 3, its not like he has a job or anything, except what you tell him to do. :D

Apr 23 2008, 11:26 PM
Ok, Riverside results are a little late but here they are:


Coda Hatfield 42
Johnny Thompson 42
Kyle Wilkes 44
Ken Ward 44
Adam Hunt 44
Josh Crowl 44
Dave Wise 45
Devan Owens 45
Justin Bougher 45
Greg Winsworth 45
Dan Bougher 47
Billy Swanson 48
Mike Conners 48
Kyle Razmus 48
Jesse Crew 50
Jerry Stacey 50
Joel Woody 50

Pro Grandmaster:
Brad Zimmerman 53


Matt Razmus 47
Jeremy Geiger 49
Dustin Krumm 51
Corey Leemhus 52
Willy Spoon 52
Ricky Lee 52
Matt Sewell 54
Mark Sheffield 56
TC Leroy 56


Michael Carmichael 52
Kent VanBuskirk 56


Shanna Swanson 62

We set up the proposed back 9. Everyone seemed to like it. There is still tweeking to do, but the overall flow worked pretty well.

Next Tuesday we will have the proposed front 9 set up. Come on out and give it a try..

Oh yeah, we had 3 aces..

Coda hit an ace during the round, hole 8 which was also CTP!!

The ace paid $150 and the CTP $22...

Matt Cooper hit # 10, wasn't in the mini. And after the round Adam Hunt hit # 1...

See everyone next Tuesday...

Apr 29 2008, 03:16 PM
Sorry for the late post, but we are teeing at riverside today at 6:00..

I had a little medical procedure this morning so I have been a little sluggish.

At this point I am still planning on setting up the proposed front 9. I can't guarantee it, but if I keep feeling OK then it's a go.

See you there either way!!!

Apr 29 2008, 03:37 PM
**** colonoscopys are tough aren't they Mike? :o

Apr 29 2008, 04:58 PM

Apr 29 2008, 11:59 PM
Actually the day before, eating Jello, drinking broth and taking 32 big pills in about 2 hours is the toughest part...

The day of is easy :cool::cool:


Coda Hatfield 40
Jerry Stacey 43
Kyle Wilkes 44
Devan Owens 45
Josh Crowl 45
Joel Woody 46
Justin Bougher 47
James Roboiduex 48
Scotty Wilkinson 48
Johnny Thompson 49
Greg Winsworth 49
Dave Wise 49
Randy Foresander 50
Billy Swanson 50
Dave Nicholson 50
Kyle Razmus 51
Jesse Crew 52
Chris Stine 56

Pro Grandmaster:
Brad Zimmerman 52

Drew ??? 47
Willie Spoon 47
Corey Leemhus 49
Phoeat Boyd 49
Jeremy Geiger 49
Barry Joe Rogers 51
Robert Howley 52
Orville Wagoner 52
Steve Howie 52
Aaron Triska 53
Matt Shipley 55
Michael Carmichael 57

Sean Murphy 61
Tim Bloomfield 65

Pro Women:
Shanna Swanson

CTP was hole # 13, Kyle Wilkes won that one..

No aces so the Ace Pot is $116.00..

Next Tuesday is Andrew's 21st Birthday, so the honorary TD at the Riverside mini is Coda Hatfield....

Joel Woody donated a $10.00 Crow Creek Tavern gift certificate. Joel encouraged other people to do the same. If your employer has coupons, pizza of whatever, bring them to a mini somewhere and hook somebody up for a good shot!! Thanks Joel, that is a great idea..

Thanks to all that came out. Sorry again about the temp course not happening, we will make it happen in two weeks..

See you at Hunter, 6:00 tee!!!!

Apr 30 2008, 09:11 AM
Very nice report Mr Treat. That's a lot better than what we get from that Hunter park guy. ;)

So Opie is going to be 21???? :o

I say we chip in and buy him a lap dance at Night Trips. :cool:


Give 2Put 50 cents and he'll slide down Opie's pole. :eek:

May 13 2008, 10:35 AM
It's Tuesday so it's time for another Riverside Mini.

To be honest, I hope a bunch of people go to Mohawk and work.

If that doesn't work for you then come on out...

The weather looks shaky so I have decided to postpone, yes once again, the proposed front 9. I also think this may help the turnout at Mohawk.

I hate to do the new 9 and penalize people who want to go help Reiger at Mohawk. I will be at Mohawk tomorrow evening by the way.

I do have one bit of notable news. Demolition starts Monday June 2nd at Riverside.

I am running a big mini at 1:30 on Sunday June 1st. This will literally be the last day you can play the course in it's current configuration. I am hoping to see our regulars along with a bunch of the old timers coming out for one last run.

We will be pulling all baskets and tee signs June 2nd so there will be no reason for people to jump the barracades and hack off the construction and parks folks. This will also make sure nothing disappears or is damaged during construction.

The 18 baskets and signs are going into our True Growth Program to be placed at a new course somewhere.

If your not going to Mohawk come on out, tee at 6:00....

May 20 2008, 01:25 PM
We only have two Tuesday mini's left at Riverside until the big construction ball swings through.

Come on out today for a 6:00 tee time.

Sunday June 1st at 1:30 will be the final mini and your final chance to play the course in it's current configuration.

Monday June 2nd the course will be fenced off and all baskets and signs will be pulled.

Come on out this evening, the weather is looking great.

May 27 2008, 11:39 AM
There will be mini action at Riverside tonight, tee at 6:00..

This is my older Son Matt's 23rd birthday so Jerry Stacey has offered to run it for me, thanks a lot Jerry..

Time is running out to play the old Riverside layout..

Remember the last mini is scheduled for this Sunday at 1:30...

May 27 2008, 10:59 PM

Coda hatfield39
dave wise39
devon owens 39
jerry stacey 44
mike Conners45
adam hunt 45
justin bougher 46
greg winzworth 47
the general 47
josh crowl 47
kyle wilks 47
johnny thompson 49
billy swanson 50
orville wagoner 50

open women

shana Hatfield 59

grand masters

brad zimmerman 52


Ricky Lee 46
Aaron triska 48
corey leemus 49
jeremy geiger 49
mark sheffield 51
kevin nanaeto 54
J johnson 54
sean murphy 58


shane Gram 48(told him to move up that is 2 weeks in a row he wiped out the novs)
richard why 51
mike smith 54
clint terry 55
casey fletcher 55
eric schellhorn 55
steve pogue 56
matt bowman 60
luke pilkington 60
tim bloomfield 65
kent weinkauf 67

ctp kyle wilks

thanks to all that came out

This sunday will be the last mini at the old riverside!! be there for your last chance at an original 1:30 on sun

May 28 2008, 09:11 AM
you had three 39's

nice shooting wise

May 28 2008, 09:26 AM
Thanks Jay, and thats what I thought too,.......3.. :o:p :D39's?

May 28 2008, 09:34 AM

May 28 2008, 09:45 AM

May 28 2008, 10:01 AM
I fart on your 39. What did you do, beat up everyone on your card to get them to agree with that? /msgboard/images/graemlins/smirk.gif

May 28 2008, 10:12 AM
Sorry buddy, I had 18 putts for birdies and three of them hit chains but didn't go in. :o:D

May 28 2008, 10:16 AM

May 28 2008, 10:21 AM
Sorry buddy, I had 18 putts for birdies and three of them hit chains but didn't go in. :o:D

Well I knew you were calling to brag about something so I choose not to answer the phone. /msgboard/images/graemlins/smirk.gif....I figure you probably ratted on someone for jaywalking or something similar. :p