Mar 26 2007, 05:28 PM
Sorry for the new thread- I did not find a more appropriate place for this:

Friday March 30th
The Wright Way Foundation fundraising party!

The party starts about 2pm at Rolls Ranch where we will play a safari 9-hole disc golf course!!

After that there will be live music, including your very own Smitti and Jon with Silenced, Junkyard Mary, and an acoustic treat will start the evening before we rock out. An outdoor stage in the hill country will be the setting for a great night where
Several poker tables will be set up for those that want to play cards, or play darts, horseshoes, swim, or hang out in the hot tub!!

Hot dogs galore, keg beer and a full margarita machine will knock out the refreshments!

Plan on coming and plan on having a great time!

More details to follow!

Directions will be posted later, but to give an idea Rolls Ranch is in north Leander- close to Bagdad and 2243.

Please come out and support the WWF! Everything will go to Ricky!!

Mar 26 2007, 06:08 PM
If I don't make it to states I might be able to come.

For those who don't know:

all we have a fellow Round Rock disc golfer that has been diagnosed with lung and partial brain cancer. We just found this out Saturday afternnoon. he is in Austin's seton hospital and needs your PRAYERS he is in room 730. if you have time please stop by and say hi or give him a call just to let him know we are all thinking and praying for him. 324-1730. Visiting hrs are from 11:00am -8:00pm. he is getting ready to go in for biopsy this am but should be back in his room later today. depending on how things go today they may start radiation. if there are any updates to his condition I will post here. or if you want me to tell him anything please feel free to call my cell 567-9276.

This event sounds like fun and the proceeds go directly to Ricky and his family. Directions please....

Mar 27 2007, 01:18 AM
Friday March 30th
The Wright Way Foundation fundraising party!

The party starts about 2pm at Rolls Ranch where we will play a safari 9-hole disc golf course!!

After that there will be live music, including your very own Smitti and Jon with Silenced, Junkyard Mary, and an acoustic treat will start the evening before we rock out. An outdoor stage in the hill country will be the setting for a great night where
Several poker tables will be set up for those that want to play cards, or play darts, horseshoes, swim, or hang out in the hot tub!!

Hot dogs galore, keg beer and a full margarita machine will knock out the refreshments!

Plan on coming and plan on having a great time!

More details to follow!

Go North on 183 or 183a all the way to 2243 in Leander. Take a left on 2243 to Bagdad (the first light past the new HEB). Turn right on Bagdad ( CR 278) for about 3 miles (I�ll find out). Turn right on Spivey Rd. Take the first right on Rolls Rd. Keep left on Rolls thru the gate and you are there! Look for parking signs.

Mar 27 2007, 06:31 PM
POSTPONED until April 7th due to freakin 70% chance of rain!!!

Apr 04 2007, 10:30 AM
Have a great birthday Mitch!! :D:cool::D

Apr 04 2007, 11:22 AM
Happy Birthday Captain.

39?????? I don't believe that.

You're 15 years older than Patty? ;)

Apr 04 2007, 11:57 AM
Happy Birthday, Mitch. :cool:
39? The Advanced Masters better look out next year.

Apr 04 2007, 01:14 PM
yes happy B-day you old BASSTURD!!!! :p

Apr 04 2007, 02:25 PM
happy day to you both

Apr 04 2007, 03:42 PM
Happy B-Day Mitch Man

Apr 04 2007, 05:15 PM
happy day ,mitch..

Apr 04 2007, 07:18 PM
yes happy B-day you old BASSTURD!!!! :p

You might ressemble that someday,too.
Thanks, to all. I still go by Bert instead of Albert. :D

Apr 04 2007, 07:28 PM

The hernia surgery was a success and I'm ready to whip everybody's arse again !!!
Has anyone seen everybody? :p :D

Apr 05 2007, 01:04 AM
Hey, Bert. I didn't realize it was your birthday too.
happy B-day you old BASSTURD!!!! :p


Apr 05 2007, 01:40 PM
happy daze guys!

Come celebrate this weekend!

May 12 2007, 11:20 AM
I have received the green light to hold a silent auction at the tornament in Beeville on May 26th. This auction will be a WWF fundraiser .. Erron and myself will be donating some really nice plastic to be auctioned off. If anyone else has anything they would like to contribute it would be greatly appreciated.. Thanks ES...

May 22 2007, 12:34 PM
I have received the green light to hold a silent auction at the tornament in Beeville on May 26th. This auction will be a WWF fundraiser .. Erron and myself will be donating some really nice plastic to be auctioned off. If anyone else has anything they would like to contribute it would be greatly appreciated.. Thanks ES...

Also a reminder; I,with the help of Ware, will be running a silent auction to benefit the WWF.If anyone can contribute anything for the auction it would be greatly appreciated. Contributions can be given to Ware or myself.I would also like to thank those who have already helped.

You can learn more about the WWF HERE ( 65688) .

May 26 2007, 03:41 PM
I took this picture today of old #5 from Zilker. Oh yeah, it's in concrete behind my house now !!! :D:D:D

May 28 2007, 09:46 PM
nice pic!

Jun 06 2007, 11:59 AM
June 23rd and 24th

The Flying Saucer and Third Coast Disc Golf Club are excited to announce our first annual �Flying Saucer Third Coast Challenge�, will be held on June 23rd and 24th, 2007. PDGA sanctioned B Tier event.
So far, $500 will be added to the winnings, with over $400 going to the pro divisions!
The first two rounds will be held at West Guth Park, exit 9 off of IH 37. Round 1 will begin at 9:00 am, from the short tee boxes (red), 21 holes, after a short players meeting at 8:30 am. Round 2 will begin at approximately 2:00 pm and will be 21 holes from the long tee boxes (blue).
Sunday�s third and final round will take place at Live Oak Park, Ingleside, TX. (14 miles northeast of Corpus Christi). Short players meeting at 8:30 am, with final round of 27 holes beginning at 9:00 am.
Two meter rule will be in effect all weekend.
We are working on a couple of hotel/motel deals, but no details available at this time�
Lunch will be available on both days, for $5 each, but there are several other dining options available near both courses.
Lots of tournament stamp discs will be available along with some FLX plastic!
Awesome players packs for all amateurs!!

Super Skins match will take place at approximately 3:00 pm on Sunday and will be worth $50 per hole. This super nine will showcase the top four pro division scores and the top amateur score, final scores for the tournament. The tournament director, Ryan Sawyer, will be the final word and coordinate any and all playoffs to determine participants. Skins match does not factor into final tournament results. We are encouraging a gallery for this event, but are also allowing amateurs to select their payout as soon as results are posted.

Tons of raffle prizes will be available (and accepted), with proceeds going to the Third Coast Disc Golf- Course Expansion Fund.
The Flying Saucer is located at 2541 SPID, next to S & G Glassworks. We are nearing our one year anniversary, so get registered and come on down and experience south Texas disc golf in its finest form.
Online entries will be taken soon on but for now you can send your entry fee and information to the following address: The Flying Saucer 2541 SPID Corpus Christi, TX 78415


NAME______________________________________________ ____PDGA #_____________________

ADDRESS___________________________________________ _____PLAYER RATING_____________

PHONE NUMBER_________________________________________DIV ISION___________________


Aug 20 2007, 10:55 AM
happy B-day rooster.

Aug 20 2007, 02:49 PM
Thanks, Chris!

Turned 39 today --- which means come January, I'm eligible to play with you old fellas.

Aug 20 2007, 05:09 PM
and man are them old guys laid back :D

Aug 20 2007, 05:22 PM
Thanks, Chris!

Turned 39 today --- which means come January, I'm eligible to play with you old fellas.

Happy Birthday Robbie!! :D

Aug 21 2007, 12:29 AM
Happy B-Day Robbie!

Oct 31 2007, 01:19 PM

Trick or treat.

Oct 31 2007, 02:51 PM
happy helloween all..

Nov 05 2007, 09:30 AM
happy birthday parmley

Nov 05 2007, 10:29 AM
Ditto. Jon, you captaining Team Cheese?

Who's playing. Don't be a kitty like the Dragon Captains and be afraid to let everyone know? :p

Nov 05 2007, 01:27 PM
happy birthday John..

Nov 06 2007, 04:47 PM
Ditto. Jon, you captaining Team Cheese?

Who's playing. Don't be a kitty like the Dragon Captains and be afraid to let everyone know? :p

Jon is still the Big Cheese but is now a non-playing captain.

Nov 22 2007, 12:05 PM
HAPPY THANKSGIVING TO ALL!! gobble gobble gobble

Dec 23 2007, 12:52 PM
Happy Holidays ALL!!!!!

Jan 28 2008, 11:22 PM
Sorry to jomp into your thread but....

The Temple Disc Golf Association's "Lions Park Basket Donation Program" sponsor proposals are ready.
Any interseted parties can Email or PM me.

Thank You for your support of Disc Golf.

Joey Roper
TDGA President
Temple Texas

Feb 02 2008, 01:48 PM
Where, if y'all do, do y'all post info about where you are playing. I'm new to town from Dallas, a member of OMB vs. YGB disc club, and looking to get involved here. What's the code word?

Feb 02 2008, 03:34 PM
Round Rock information (

here is some info on when we play in the round rock area.

I know there is a mini on Sat @ peace at 10

Feb 05 2008, 01:39 AM
Welcome to Austin, Keith.

You can find info on Waterloo DGC events at .
Like seewhere said, the Club began running the Saturday morning mini at Pease Park at 10am. I'm out there by 9:40 to start taking sign ups.

The key to joining the club is a simple sign up form and a small fee to help us do what we do.

Feb 14 2008, 09:49 PM
I need to get in touch with Bill Engle, or have him get in touch with me. If you know Bill, please ask him to email me at [email protected] or call my house at 512-858-0119; or send me his contact info and I�ll find him.


Feb 19 2008, 01:21 PM
This announcement isn't a club event, but it still classifies as an event, and so I will put it here. Actually, I am too **** lazy to create a new thread, buttttttttttttt

Steven Hemmeline completed the Austin Marathon.

Now you ask why on earth this is an event. Well, I hear marathons are a long way, and more importantly, it means that not all disc golfers are out of shape bums. :p

Congrats Hemmeline.

Feb 19 2008, 01:25 PM
Did he JUST finish it.........Is 48 hours a long time for a marathon?

Feb 19 2008, 01:37 PM

48 hours is smokin!!!!!

Feb 19 2008, 05:52 PM
48 hours is about how long it took me to get up the stairs at my apartment post marathon. I leave disc golf for 6 months to train for this marathon and who is the first person I see when I cross the finish line, Dave Moody. Thanks James for walking down to the corner of your street to watch me as I limped along Red River, that was truly inspirational :D

Feb 20 2008, 10:02 AM
good job feller!

Feb 20 2008, 07:20 PM
I appreciate it.

Feb 22 2008, 11:13 AM
well done HEMME..

Mar 31 2008, 01:14 PM
Oh yeah. Cashing on Saturday and running on Sunday.

Bib FName LName City State Country Age Sex ChipTime ClockTime Overall SexPl DivPl AgeGrade
1544 Steven Hemmeline Austin TX 30 M 46:28 47:07 493 413 57 57.9%

Mar 31 2008, 02:05 PM
He wore a bib the whole time?

Mar 31 2008, 06:04 PM
I was a little hung over for the 10K but was happy with my time. I averaged 7min 29 sec/ mile for the 6.2 mile race and that was after having to endure a car ride home with ace boy McSkippy and the original McCaine from Gonzales :D

Apr 13 2008, 01:27 AM
Don't forget...4/19 - 4/20...Third Coast Challenge...West Guth Park...Corpus Christi, Tx...$60 Open...$50 Advanced...$40 Intermediate...$30 Rec...PDGA B Tier...Just a short drive away...Sign ups available at ( or morning of...51 players so far...Jay and Des Reading will be there.

Apr 14 2008, 12:30 PM
ray making a good putt on hole 1 (RM)

gordon driving on #2

Apr 14 2008, 03:02 PM
Notice the tye-dye on, and excellent form of these two. Gordo is about to feed it right down the gut. Cleanly. Waterlooooooooooo!

Apr 14 2008, 05:05 PM
err wrong he hit the tree (hole 2) :Dthen ray left the up shot a little short then Grodon made the putt.

Apr 14 2008, 05:40 PM
ray left the up shot a little short then Grodon made the putt

After watching Ray's pansie upshot, did Gordon get irate, having his entire body begin to morph into the supernatural Grodon, the tye-dyed superhero.

Grodon kicks donkey. He nevers misses a putt. :p

Apr 16 2008, 05:26 PM
ray left the up shot a little short then Grodon made the putt

After watching Ray's pansie upshot, did Gordon get irate, having his entire body begin to morph into the supernatural Grodon, the tye-dyed superhero.

Grodon kicks donkey. He nevers misses a putt. :p

Sigh... if only that were true :o

I'm more like: "I've never met a putt I couldn't miss" :D

Apr 24 2008, 02:29 PM
Where's the pic of the good putt and the shty upshot??

Apr 25 2008, 05:20 PM
Well, he got your good putt. Don't know if he got a pic of mine (if so, there is the first tangible evidence that I can make a putt now and then). :D

At least the pic he did post of me makes it LOOK like I know what I'm doing.

Apr 27 2008, 03:20 PM
Being tired of having no place to sit, I transfered most of the timber from the bench on 13's old tee box to the new locale. Unfortunately the inspiration that so easily came when building the bench on 14 (yes, I did that, no thanks necessary) has eluded me on this one - even after enlisting the aid of my favorite fungus. The wood is there, the hard labor part is done, now I just need one of you artistic/engineering types to finish it up. If you want a strong back to help just hit me up. I'm there every day. Does anyone know who built the bench on 2 at Circle C? Maybe he/she could give me a lesson.

Apr 27 2008, 05:39 PM
i believe that bench was done by alan kubala

Apr 28 2008, 01:24 PM
Thanks Chris, any contact info?

Apr 28 2008, 08:15 PM
no but Shannon Fosdick should be able to

Apr 29 2008, 02:21 PM
Perfect. My buddy Chris just returned his brand-new SOLS from Manor, so I'll get the info from him. I'm trying to get something real nice done before COTO - there's always such a bottleneck there. I'll be there today trying to figure something out in case anyone wants to lend a hand! Consider it an open-source bench project.

May 09 2008, 05:55 PM
Hello to All You Disc Golfers With Kids,

Tomorrow - Saturday, May 10th - the Barnes & Noble in Bee Caves (just west of Austin, around Hwy 71 and RM 620) will be hosting an event celebrating the release of the new book:
The Battle of the Labyrinth (Percy Jackson and the Olympians Series #4) by Rick Riordan. They are looking at making it a very fun event with a number of activities, one of which is DISC GOLF :D

Jay & Des Reading will be there introducing kids and their families to disc golf, giving one of their excellent EDGE demonstrations. Todd Golden will be there as well; all helping promote and grow the sport and spreading the word about Waterloo Disc Golf Club as well.

The full event is from 11 am � 2 pm, and the disc golf part will be going on between noon � 2 pm. Everything will be taking place in their big outdoor amphitheater area. Grab your kids and come on out for a great time.

Reading and disc golf: 2 things all kids need to do more of!

Barnes & Noble Booksellers
TX/Austin/Hill Country Galleria
12701 Hill Country Blvd Ste O-140
Bee Cave, TX 78738
512-263-7402 ( ( (

May 16 2008, 01:12 PM
The 18th Annual Capital of Texas Open (COTO) is this weekend at Pease Park. It is now part of the Team Justice HOTT series and looks to be a fantastic event. Doubles are tomorrow (Friday), flex tee off from 1 pm � 5 pm, bring your own partner, $30 per team, you don�t have to be in the main tournament to play Doubles.

Click here for their website with lots of cool info:

The course took some serious hits by the weather last night, and will need some clean up tomorrow to be ready for the weekend. If you can help, contact Mitch Justice at (830) 392-6060.

Even though we aren�t running it any more, Waterloo Disc Golf Club continues to be involved in COTO. We will be <font color="red"> giving away TWO BASKETS </font> this weekend.

We�ll have one basket as the grand prize in our raffle . We�ll also have lots of other cool prizes. Tickets are $1 each or 6 for $5. We�ll be selling tickets Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. We�ll draw the winners Sunday afternoon/evening. You do not need to be present to win.

We�ll give away the other basket at our putting game . We�ll have 3 putting positions with 4 putts from each spot. It only costs $1 to play with the highest point getter winning the basket. You can play as many times as you�d like. We�ll have this set up Friday, Saturday, and Sunday at the park, plus hopefully at the Saturday night player�s party.

Finally, we�ll be having a membership drive: $10 off a Player Membership (normally $20) and $15 off a Supporting Membership (normally $40). That means you can join the club this weekend for as little as $10.

We�ll also be available for all existing members who want to renew their membership for 2008 or beyond. Plus we�ll have an extra bonus gift from Disc Nation for everyone who renews their membership.

So come on down to Pease Park this weekend for a great disc golf time. Even if you aren�t playing, there will be lots to do and some great golf to watch. The Pro�s final 9 holes on Sunday afternoon should be excellent to see.

Waterloo DGC

Jun 02 2008, 06:56 PM
The 2008 PDGA election for Board of Directors has begun. If you are an active member of the PDGA (current on dues) you are eligible to vote. You can more info on the election from the main page of the PDGA site or by clicking on their �vote� image (

Please note that that there are a couple of �local� folks running this year. Ray Murray lived in Austin for many years (and Lubbock before that) and is now living in Plano. He�s been playing disc golf for a long time (over 15 years) and also was a Board Member of Waterloo Disc Golf Club for several years until he had to move away from Austin. Pat Brenner lives in Arlington and has also been active in our sport for a good while (playing for just over 10 years). He is just finishing up his first term on the Board and is running for re-election. Both Ray and Pat are very active on the PDGA DISCussion Board; their handles are:

Ray: Prairie_Dog
Pat: sandalman

You can access bios for all the candidates at:


You have probably received your electronic ballot by now, here is what the PDGA site says:

<font color="blue"> During the first week of June all current members for whom the PDGA has an email address on file will receive an email from with their PDGA online election instructions including their individual ballot passcode. All members whose email bounces back or who do not have an email address on file, will be mailed a postcard by with their on-line ballot instructions and passcode. On or about July 10, all members with valid emails who have not yet voted will be sent a voting reminder. Those members who do not have any access to a computer or internet capability will also be able to contact the PDGA office and request a mailed paper ballot. Provided this request is received by the PDGA no later than July 10, a ballot will be mailed to the member. </font>

Aug 13 2008, 12:40 PM
Lots of Waterloo members playing up in Michigan at the combined Pro / Am World Championships. And lots of other Texans (Central and otherwise) playing too. Below are links to the scoring sites (one for the pros and one for the ams), they are updated on a regular basis as scores come in. Larry Kruse from Houston is the head scorekeeper - way to go Ching Lizard! :D

Mike Olse is doing great in Open. He was tied for 2nd after the first round and is now tied for 10th after 3 rounds with a few other players including Ken Climo. :)

Jay Reading is in 27th, just 4 strokes behind Mike &amp; Climo.

Chris Albert is 15th in his pool (Open, pool B), with Rob Lowrie in 25th

In Open Women, Des Reading is currently in 5th (only 2 strokes away from 2nd, but Val Jenkins is running away with first by 10 strokes over 2nd)

In Pro Master, Vinnie Miller is in 20th, James McCaine in 31st and Joel Kelly in 37th

In Advanced, John Ledesma is tied for 5th in his pool. Leon Gillard IV is in the same pool at 39th. In some of the other pools are: Blake Baumgardner, Matt Burton, Guy Boyan.

Katie Andrews in Adv. Women.

Adv. Master has John Hovey, Traye Dean
Adv. Master Women has Laura Hovey

In Adv.Grand Master, Dan Mueller is in 21st and Mark McCrimmon in 28th. Also in that division is Jan Baumgardner.

And Gary Barron is playing in Adv. Senior Grand Master.

Waterlooooooooooooooooooooooooo! :D

Other Texas folks:
Matt Hall
Robbie Braten
Danielle Vargas
Kimhak Pech
Dave Nesbitt
Rob Chandler
Jay Bitner
De'Atra Hunter
Neal Dambra
Rob Lee

Seth Johnson
Wallace Hall
Matt Stillwagon
David Stallman
Thomas Burks
Adam Stallman
Mark McCoin (4th in his adv.master pool)
Steven Parker
Jack Tabor
Michael "Smitti" Smith
Steve Dufrane
Lloyd Sitkoff
Patricia (Pat) Stallman
Paul Nesbitt

I'm sure I've missed some people, sorry about that. I was pretty much just looking through the lists for names I recognized.

Here are the links, follow along all week and root for our Texas Players.



Aug 22 2008, 07:34 PM
<font color="blue">The following was sent to me by John Falcon, a long-time club member... </font>

I am in the middle of recruiting more folks to work at Austin City Limits Music Festival along with all the football games and other music related events that we do. This is the quinasential part time gig, perfect for disc golfers. Everyone is an independent contractor and what they do is accept or decline work offers that fit in or around their schedules.

Concert Event Staff wanted

Join Austin�s elite team to work exciting fun-filled premier concerts and sporting events! We are seeking reliable independent contractors (we teach you how!) for ACL and UT home games. Great part-time work for mature individuals with a BIG physical presence. We offer flexible scheduling to be part of the Austin major event entertainment scene. Please email your contact information to [email protected] and we will contact you for a brief interview.

John Falcon
Human Resources Manager

Sep 07 2008, 08:13 PM;feature=related&amp;fmt=18

Amateur videographers captured the first known images of the mysterious Lurker animal in his natural habitat (around 4:54).

Sep 09 2008, 12:47 AM
Roger that. I have a positive ID on a Lurker sighting. I recognized his trademark old man band.

Sep 09 2008, 01:41 AM
On a lefty hole too no less.

That looks like Laura Hovey at 4:20 also. Coincidence?

Sep 09 2008, 02:44 PM
So, I recently learn that he is both a lurker and a cajun. A stealth coonass. Leon, I will probably see you right after you par 3 today. ;)

Sep 15 2008, 08:14 PM
Registration for the 31st Annual Waterloo Disc Golf Classic is now open!

Click here for the tournament thread with all the info:;Number=856004&amp;an=0&amp;page=0#Post8 56004

Waterloooooooooooooooooo :D

Oct 29 2008, 03:55 PM
Do you have a day free next weekend? How about two days, or even three? :D

Team Justice�s big finale of their HOTT series is next weekend, Nov 8th &amp; 9th out at Circle R in Wimberley.

If you aren�t playing and have some free time, they could use some extra staff help. Mitch &amp; Patty give a lot of their time, love, and energy to our sport (and they both did so even long before they started up their tour), so this is a great opportunity to thank them and help them out by giving some of your own time and energy to support disc golf.

If you have Saturday or Sunday free, or both, please contact them. Or maybe even Friday (I�m not sure if they could use some extra help that day with set-up, checkin, and doubles, but possibly � contact them and find out)?

call (830)-392-6060 or
e-mail: [email protected]

I�ll be out there staffing all day Saturday and Sunday; I hope to see you there either as a player or a fellow staff member.


Nov 04 2008, 08:20 PM
Rob Hecht sent me the following yesterday...

hello waterlooians:
long-time austin resident and disc golfer steve conner, waterloo disc golf club member #99, is facing serious health concerns. he has been placed on the "short-list" to receive a liver transplant. steve is facing, as you might imagine, quickly-mounting medical billings. his family, friends and golfers are gathering this saturday, november 8th, to help steve offset these obligations. the event will be at a gorgeous location, hudson's bend's la hacienda resort on lake travis starting at 1p with complimentary bar b q, live music and flowing kegs...all a golfing brother might need on a fall weekend in the hill country. there will also be a mobile blood bank truck onsite for your life-giving donation. a silent-auction has many attractive items, and monetary donations are also welcome.
thank you for considering steve's situation in these tight economic times. we hope to see you at the lake.
(for details a/o directions: la hacienda resort, 5320 hudson bend road, 512.266.8001)

Nov 11 2008, 03:44 PM

He makes an appearance around 9:12...

Nov 11 2008, 07:40 PM
I didn't hear any expletives in the background, so I'm not sure.

Mar 06 2009, 02:08 PM
Hello Disc Golfers,

In addition to the Waterloo monthly mini this Saturday at Kyle, there is also a lot more going on. It is a great day to pitch in and help out at Austin�s Parks, thanks to the Austin Parks Foundation�s It�s My Park Day. At the bottom of this email is some info about it, and there are lots of projects that still need helpers.

One project near and dear to our hearts is the work at the Searight disc golf course, hosted by S.A.D.A.. From the list of activities on the APF website is this description:

Mary Moore - Disc Golf course maintenance and celebration
March 07, 2009
9:00 AM - 1:00 PM

We will be removing invasive plants as well as mulching the disc gold course. There are NO dogs allowed and a limited number of children with their parents will be permited. Special activities include live music and food

After the work day, SADA is having a general meeting, all are welcome to attend. Email [email protected] if you have any questions.

There is also a project at Bartholomew Park, that includes some clean up of the creek.

The Waterloo Club did not do an �It�s My Park Day Project� this year at Circle C because that project is nearing completion, and we are waiting on the city to do a bit more before we go in for our final stuff. There will likely be just one or two more workdays later this month.

There are also big tournaments in Victoria (though I think it is full) and in Wichita Falls (Josh Dann, 214-868-2996, [email protected])

It will be a great weekend to get out and play disc golf, help disc golf, and help out all our wonderful parks! More info from APF is directly below.

Waterloo Disc Golf Club

It's My Park! Day is this Saturday, March 7
Register by Thursday at 8:30 AM to get a free It's My Park! Day tee shirt. There are still 45 projects in need of volunteers! See the full list at (, or choose from the projects below.
Projects in Special Need of Volunteers
Gus Garcia Trail Project
Volunteers will be assisting PARD with a major trail building project and picking up litter that has accumulated near the creek's edge and through out the park. 40 volunteers still needed!
Dottie Jordan Park
Note: this project is from 12 - 3 pm. We will be cleaning the creek, spreading dillo dirt, manicuring overgrown landscaping, and there will be an art project for kids. 25 volunteers still needed.

Guerrero Park clean up
Pick up trash in the park and in the Country Club Creek. Also cut back invasive plants in the park and along the creek. 30 volunteers still needed.
Joslin Park's First It's My Park! Day Event
Help new park adopters get off the ground by participating at Joslin Park. They will be weeding, raking, and picking up trash. 15 volunteers needed.
Palm Park Fence Installation
Join volunteers from Texas Gas Service to install a cedar rail fence to keep cars off the grass, pick up trash, and plant wildflowers. Families welcome. 10 volunteers still needed!
Mayfield Park and Preserve invasive plant removal
We will continue with our efforts removing invasive plants at Mayfield Park and Preserve. This will involve cutting ligustrum, dragging brush to a chipping area and removing cats claw. 30 volunteers still needed.

Mar 06 2009, 02:09 PM
In addition to the club monthly mini and the SADA work day at Searight (and the rest of the Parks Foundation�s �It�s My Park Day� projects), plus the out-of-town tournaments, there is also some work going on at Pease Park in Austin tomorrow.

The group from Eeyore�s that made some attempts at some erosion control efforts a few weeks ago at Pease will be back there tomorrow for some more work, much of it re-doing what was originally done � though hopefully doing it better this time.

To assist in the work being done in a more appropriate way, and to help with the work in general, we really need some disc golfers there to help. Lou Moreno (one of the Waterloo Club�s Board Members) will be there, but others are needed too.

One of the reasons the original work wasn�t done in a great way was that there were no disc golfers there to help direct and advise (and then much of what they did was later moved/undone by the golfers). We had met with them prior to the project, but had no one there the day of the work to help work with, direct, and advise the crews. (Of course, much of that is because we were having our own workday at Circle C that morning)

This time we hope to do so. We know it is a busy weekend for disc golf, but if you have a couple of hours on Saturday morning, please go down to Pease to help out. Again, being down there on Saturday morning is your chance to give input on where these erosion controls go, so that they work with the course, not against it. We know that these solutions aren�t perfect, and likely won�t be permanent, but they will hopefully help some (in the vein of �some erosion help there is better than nothing).

Works starts at 9:00 am and will continue for a few hours.

Holes #12, #13, and #14 will be closed during the morning while the work is going on.

Waterloo Disc Golf Club

Apr 16 2009, 02:46 PM
We just found out last night that our deadline to get people signed up for World�s Biggest through the Waterloo Club has been extended all the way until Tuesday, April 29th. World�s Biggest is just a couple of weeks away, so grab some friends and get signed up for this great event. And by doing it through the Waterloo Club, you�ll be helping us raise some much needed funds for the brand new Circle C tee signs at the soon-to-reopen Circle C course.

World�s Biggest: Saturday May 2nd at Circle R Ranch and Sunday May 3rd at Zilker Park

Below are two emails we sent out about the deal�

Again, new deadline for signing up (and paying) through the Club: Tuesday, April 29th
For questions or to turn your stuff in, contact Laura Hovey at [email protected], or (512) 323-2823.

Waterloo Disc Golf Club

After sending out the email yesterday about the World�s Biggest deal for the club, we got some feedback from people wanting to know how to hook up with others interested in taking part in the deal.

So there is now a �discussion thread� set up on the club�s web site ( where you can go and get together with some other players to make up the 4-some preregistration groups. As a side note: the 4 of you don�t have to coordinate to play together at the same time, or even at the same course; you just have to get together enough to get the form filled out and your entries paid.

The direct link to that thread is:;file=viewtopic&amp;t=51 (it is in the Community Forum Section, under �General�)

You don�t have to be a club member to post on the web site, but you do have to sign up as a site user. Very easy and quick to do, with no obligations or risks that we�ll �sell� your email address; - we�d never do that!

You also don�t have to be a club member to be part of a 4-some. In fact, one of the big points of World�s Biggest is to get new people involved in the sport. If each club member got 3 new disc golfers out there, and even just 1 or 2 of them got hooked on the sport, we�d have tremendous growth in the disc golf scene.

Remember there is a rapidly approaching deadline of April 1st to take part in this and help the club raise funds for the Circle C project.

From: Gordon Maxim-Kelley [mailto:[email protected]]
Sent: Wednesday, March 25, 2009 11:25 AM
Subject: 2009 World's Biggest - Waterloo Club Fundraising Opportunity

Sorry for the short notice, but we have an opportunity to raise some funds for the Waterloo Disc Golf Club as well as promote the great world-wide disc golf event of �World�s Biggest Disc Golf Weekend�; happening May 2-3, 2009!

All you have to do to help is sign up yourself and 3 other players for World�s Biggest. Fill out the attached form with all the information for all 4 of you and return the form and all the entry fees to Laura Hovey by April 1st (yes� this is where the �short notice� part comes in � this is only one week away).

The club will then turn in all the information and money to Circular Productions. CP will make up the packages and get them back to the club, and we will then distribute them to you either before the event or at the event.

The club will receive some money for each 4-some that does this; and we can use it to help pay for all our re-construction work and the brand new awesome tee signs out at the Circle C course. This is a great chance for you to help with our fundraising and course improvements.

Plus, here is what you�ll receive for helping:

Anyone who brings 3 players becomes an Official Individual Host for World�s Biggest.

When an Individual Host signs up themself plus 3 other players, they get:

1. Upgraded player package for themself (Sirius or Supersoft disc instead of DX) � upto a $10 value
2. A limited edition Official Supporter WB Custom Disc � Priceless!! $18-$20 Value
3. Possibly other goodies from any sponsor Circular Productions comes up with. Right now they are not sure what, but they are working on it�
4. Free lunch/drinks at the ranch on Saturday at the sponsor party for those that want to come there. $10 value (please note the invitation to free lunch is only for the INDIVIDUAL HOST�not the three players they sign on;
If the others want to have lunch there as well, they can purchase tickets for the lunch a head of time)

For questions or to turn your stuff in, contact Laura Hovey at [email protected], or (512) 323-2823. Remember, she needs to receive the form and all the money by April 1st so we can turn it in to Circular Productions.

Thanks for your help!!! And below is some more info about this year�s World�s Biggest�
Waterloo Disc Golf Club

19th Annual World's Biggest Disc Golf Weekend
May 2nd &amp; 3rd, 2009
Supporting 4 great non-profit organizations
American Red Cross
Disc Golf Foundation

Registration Fee: $25 to $35
(Depending on the disc you choose.)
Includes the following:

-Green fees

-09 WB t-shirt

-09 WB logo disc

-Instruction to play

-Score cards &amp; pencils

-Opportunity to win prizes

Circle R Ranch, Wimberley, Texas

Date: May 2nd and May 3rd

Time: 8:00am to 6:00pm

Sponsor &amp; Volunteer and Recognition Party

Saturday, May 2nd
Circle R Ranch, 1:00pm, Picnic area

Music: 12:00pm to 3:00pm, by Purple Room,

Lunch tickets are $10.00 for the public. RSVP Here.
(Free lunch is provided for Volunteers and Sponsors.) RSVP Here.

Lunch will be served from 12pm to 2pm.

Second Location

Zilker Park, Austin, Texas
(Polo Picnic Area)

Date: May 3rd, Sunday

Time: 8:00am to 6:00pm
For additional information or questions please call 512.426.7722
For the time and location in other cities, please look on the location page, click the city and send an email for information.

May 09 2009, 08:37 AM
Today at 9:00 am will be a two round, unsanctioned disc golf event at the Rock on the winter course.
The organizers have a basket for the best score after two rounds, water stations and have FREE lunch for the players
$10 to play and you have to be a AM player��Its all about getting to know you

May 15 2009, 06:39 PM
This weekend is the 19th Annual Capital of Texas Open (COTO) at Pease Park in Austin, hosted by Team Justice as part of the 2009 HOTT series. You can get more info on the Team Justice site or the pdga discussion board

Team Justice is allowing Waterloo Disc Golf Club to run a membership drive, raffle, and putting contest again this year. The raffle grand prize will be one of the old Circle C baskets that's been retrofitted with a free standing base. The putting contest should be a lot of fun too; a combination of the EDGE SkillShot and regular putting.

If you are playing COTO, come on by the Waterloo station and buy some raffle tickets, play the putting game, and please please join the club or renew your membership. If you like what has happened out at Circle C, we need your support to finish the project and to help us continue those kinds of improvements at our other courses. If you aren�t sure of your membership status, not to worry, our folks will have a full list with them.

If you aren�t playing COTO, come on down to Pease and check out Team Justice�s great assortment of discs and stamps, plus watch some really good golf; and while you are there come by our station too. It will be a fun weekend for all!

Jun 22 2009, 02:08 PM
Special Request: Please keep an eye out for two stolen baskets, they were stolen from the Weatherford DGC on Saturday, June 20th around 10pm.
The descriptions are as follows, both are DGA Mach III's. The first one is the practice basket with the DGA logo on the nuber plate and various stickers on the pole inside the chain assembly. The second is Hole 18's basket with the number 18 in bright red on the number plate.

Jun 30 2009, 01:22 PM
If any Austin area golfers find themselves in DFW over the Fourth of July, I would like to extend an invite to the July 4th Fundraiser at Weatherford DGC. There should be close to $1000.00 in prizes given away as we try to raise money to replace two stolen baskets.

The Weatherford July 4th Fundraiser will start at 9am, sign ups at 8am. $20.00 entry and close to $1000.00 in prizes for CTP's on every hole. Maximum CTP's are two per person so at least nine different winners. All money from the entries will go directly to replace the two stolen baskets. Please join us for this special event.

I would also like to thank Gordon and the Waterloo Club for the sponsorship.

Sep 11 2009, 11:12 AM
I have a few discs for sale. Trying to raise a little money to go to USDGC

2 first run ce firebirds
2 ce valkyries---one is a second run
5 kc eagles
6 or 7 jk valkryries 4 time
ce shark
ce classic roc
1 run star stamp spider
san marino roc
several old hot stampdiscs
misc other stuff-

a lot of the discs are SLIGHTLY used-little to no scuffs, just my name
there is a little more detailed list ont he round rock thread
any help would be greatly appreciated

Nov 03 2009, 12:35 PM
From Disc Nation...

Throw Long - Learn from a Legend!!
Thursday Nov. 5th from 4 - 6 pm

Did you miss our past FREE Clinics with World Champions Jay and Des Reading, World Champion Val Jenkins and current USDGC Champion Nikko Locastro? Don't miss another one!

Come to the Disc Nation Slaughter Lane Superstore on Thursday Afternoon (Nov. 5th) from 4 - 6 pm for a Free Clinic with 2009 World Champion Avery Jenkins! That's right, Avery will be talking about how he learned to Go Big at a free distance driving clinic on the driving range behind the Disc Nation Superstore in Austin Texas. Avery is the current PDGA World Champion, member of Innova Team Star and holder of the USDGC Distance Title for 2000, 2005 and 2006. We can't think of a better resource to help you get the kinks out of your long game.

We apologize for the short notice, but we just finalized the details with Avery. We want to give him a Texas-sized welcome, so please spread the word to all your friends. Did we mention the clinic is FREE!! Click Here to see Zach's awesome flyer for this event.

Players of All Abilities are Encouraged to Attend

Dec 31 2009, 06:59 PM
<?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" /><st1:place w:st="on">Holiday</st1:place> Skins @ Wilco!!!
Rumor no more
$20 a head
$18 to skins making each hole worth $4
$2 CTPs for all cards ( holes 2 and 12)
Sign up 11:30 � 12:15
First card @12:30 tees off every 8 min another card will go off.
Cards of 4 based on rating�lower rating tee off first
<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /><o:p> </o:p>

Jan 28 2010, 05:44 PM
Disc Golf on TV; Austin Access

This is the current schedule for the local presentation of the current Disc Golf Live program to be shown on Community Austin TV. Some of the times may be a bit early or inconvenient for many disc golfers, thank goodness for the ability to record  (You must be a Time-Warner cable TV subscriber.)

Waterloo Disc Golf Club member Wade Kolb is coordinating this project, thanks Wade!!!

Tonight: January 28, 2010 at 10:00 PM Channel 10
Disc Golf Video Magazine - Way Back Machine
Project Disc Golf Video Magazine

Program Description
The Sport of Disc Golf with" Best of Clips"

Future Airdates for Program: Disc Golf Video Magazine - Way Back Machine
January 30, 2010 at 5:00 AM on 10
January 31, 2010 at 11:00 AM on 10
February 2, 2010 at 5:00 PM on 10

Future Airdates for other programs in this project: Disc Golf Video Magazine - Clubing
January 31, 2010 at 8:00 AM on 10
February 2, 2010 at 2:00 PM on 10

For the full schedule of everything on Community Austin TV:

Waterloo Disc Golf Club

Mar 31 2010, 06:17 PM


I received this just a little while ago from SADA...

No, this is not an early April Fool's joke - as of an hour ago, all baskets were assembled and installed.


I want to thank John Paul from the City and the volunteers that took time out on their Wednesday workday to get these baskets up in record time today: Mike "Meteor Mike" Schulgen, Bert Benavides, Miguel Guerrero, Jeremy "Smoke" Sanchez, Kenny G, and I'm sure a handful of others. Thanks guys!

In addition, I must thank the numerous volunteers that have come out all the workdays to make this happen, with notable thanks to Scott Allen, James Gonzales, Aaron Stair, Del Stair, and Tom Peirce for coming out for all the workdays, assisting with the necessary equipment and tools, and working hand in hand with City workers to make the workdays smooth-sailing and productive.

They certainly are not alone - there are many, many more people that gave their sweat and blood for this project - you all know who you are and you are oh-so appreciated!

Lastly, thanks to Mike Olse, Gene Faulk, Rosie Weaver, and the other City and APF team members that worked closely with SADA throughout the renovations. Thanks to Waterloo and DiscNation for continuing to support the project financially, but just as important, for inspiring more folks to come out for the workdays.

SADA will continue to work with the City and the Austin Parks Foundation to maintain the park and help with repairs. The club is working on holding a benefit tournament in the next month or so, so please keep that in mind so you can help us continue to pay this forward, for this park and all the other disc golf parks in the City.

Thank you everyone!!!!! See you on the course!

Stephanie Allen
Treasurer, South Austin Disc Association
SADA Member #55, PDGA #32615

Mar 31 2010, 09:28 PM


I received this just a little while ago from SADA...

No, this is not an early April Fool's joke - as of an hour ago, all baskets were assembled and installed.


YAY! Thinking of doing a Slaughter Ln combo tomorrow. Been too long since I ventured south to throw.

May 14 2010, 05:02 PM
COTO is this weekend! 20th Annual Capital of Texas Open

The Waterloo Club no longer runs this event - and hasn�t for several years - but we do always set up a booth at Pease Park and hold a membership drive and some kind of fun, fundraising event (Thanks Team Justice!).

This year the fun event is a putting contest, but not just any putting contest; this time it is a Jump-Putt competition! :D

We will also be giving away door prizes for our current club members plus anyone who joins the club during the weekend (or renews their membership). So be sure to come by the Waterloo Club tent to get your ticket. We�ll be there at Pease all day Saturday and Sunday.

This is a great chance to join the club at a discounted price: just $10 for a Player Membership (normally $20) or just $25 for a Supporting Membership (normally $40).

Jan 18 2011, 02:21 PM
Sorry for the lateness of information, but more will be coming soon on both these events. In the meantime, mark your calendars for:

Waterloo Club�s 11th Annual Ice Bowl
Saturday, February 5th
Zilker Park

TX State Amateur Doubles Championships
March 5th & 6th
Snow Farm in Round Top / Winedale

Waterloo Disc Golf Club

Jun 07 2011, 02:37 PM
Disc Golf Association (DGA) is having a contest to give away a 9-hole course. This is not the usual raffle but an essay contest and voting for the best essays is what moves them on in the contest.

There is still plenty of time to enter yourself. Also, voting on existing entries continues until mid-July.

Our own Troy Herman wrote one, and we encourage you to go check it out and vote for it; it is called Play it Forward.

You can vote for up to 5 essays PER DAY, so go back every day and pick your favorite(s). I think all you need to do to be eligible to vote is to �Like� the page (though you do also have to be a facebook member).

There is also an entry there from Scott Hougland, called Central Texas Temp Course.

The link to the contest is:


Waterloo Disc Golf Club

Jul 25 2011, 01:48 PM
Can't wait to see everyone this weekend for good golf, good times, & good friends.

Saturday July 30th flex start 9am-11am
Singles - $15. $1 mulligan�s (singles only - limit 3)
Bring you own partner dubs - $30 a team

HUGE raffle for tons of merch with a Hot Pink basket as the grand prize - free food and beverages.

There will be "Double R Supports US Women's" bag tag challenge tags available for sale ($15). Bag Tag Challenge August 20th OSP Gold Course - Outlaw's & US Women's layout. Double R membership drive - join the host club of US Women's ($25 to join, $10 to renew) & show your support of disc golf in Central Texas

We'll also have the new US Women's fundraiser discs - Archon's (disc previously only available as World's funraiser). Sale's of these items will go directly to USWDGC.

Thanx for comin' out!! Any questions or donations - shoot me an e mail [email protected]

Directions to Arrown Head Park: From Austin take IH 35 or US 183 north to FM 1431. Go west on 1431 to Lago Vista. Left on Lohmans Ford (Traffic Signal) and go three miles and turn right on Boggy Ford Rd. At the Y bare right, Highland Lake Dr, and take the second right onto National Dr. Take National all the way to the end where it T's into Lake Front Dr. Take a right on Lake Front Dr and the second left on Arrowhead Point. The park is at the end of the street.

Aug 08 2011, 05:44 PM
Austin services for Ian will be held next Monday evening at All Faiths 8507 N I H 35, Austin, TX 78753. I'll keep you posted as I have more details/time, etc. :(

The Hovey's would like to plant a tree in the middle of 5's fairway so Ian is always in our way. Hopefully we'll get a good responce from the city on this request for a memorial tree.

Nov 06 2012, 06:59 PM
Waterloo Disc Golf Club is looking for just a few volunteers to teach some kids about disc golf this Sunday, November 11th, at Austin Ridge Bible Church. A group is doing a fun race for kids and raising money for Austin Ronald McDonald House (and we LOOOOVE that charity). They are including some extra activities for the kids, including disc golf � how cool is that!

We need some folks to be there to teach the kids and run some disc golf stuff for them. The club will have some discs for the kids to use, but it wouldn�t hurt if you could bring some too. But the main thing is just to have someone there to help.

It would just be for a few hours � getting there around 12:00 � 12:30 pm, and probably leaving around 3:00 � 3:30 pm.

If you can help, please get in touch with Zac Tolbert ([email protected]) or Troy Herman ([email protected]) . The information about the day is pasted below.

And hey� feel free to bring your kids down to participate (and spread the word to people you know), it sounds like a lot of fun!!!

Waterloo Disc Golf Club

1 Mile Adventure Mud Run!!!

Disc Golf!!!

Shooting Sports!!!


Austin Ridge Bible Church �Backyard�
9300 Bee Caves Rd
Sunday, November, 11th
Registration starts at 1:00pm
Race starts at 2:00pm
Donations $10 per person
All ages welcome 6 and under need to be accompanied
All proceeds go to Ronald McDonald House
Sponsored by DI �DUH�
For questions contact [email protected]

Nov 07 2012, 05:04 PM
Well, bummer! Just after we get the word out about this event, it has postponed. The organizing group had some issues come up and sent us the following note:

I am disappointed to inform you, the event has been postponed. The kids were really excited about the whole day but we encountered a problem. Hopefully we will be able to find a date and reschedule.
Thanks for your offer to help. I will let you know if it is going to happen.
Lezlie Jackson

Nov 07 2012, 05:06 PM
Now that the time change is upon us, there are two evenings of glow minis at Zilker (these are not Club events):

Mike Schulgen will be running glow random draw doubles on Thursdays. On Facebook�s Fellow Disc Golfers page was a posting from Mike about it: Starting Thursday, November 8th, at Zilker Park... Random Draw Night Doubles... we will be lighting up all the baskets for a great season in the park... $5-entry, $5-acepot ... if no ace is hit, we will CTP for it after each round :-) .. doubles will be every Thursday starting at dark...

Justin Davis will be running glow singles on Mondays. On Facebook�s Fellow Disc Golfers page were some comments from Justin about it: Continuation of the Monday Working People�s mini; It will be last call at sunset.

And as a bonus to get the glow season off to a great start� The Waterloo Club will be having a CTP for a Disc Nation gift certificate tomorrow at the Thursday random draw doubles, and a CTP for a Dick�s Sporting Goods gift certificate next week at the Monday singles. We had these ready to give away at our Fall League finale last week, but we got caught up in awards and partying and never did the CTP contest (DOH!). Mike and Justin both worked hard running our leagues this year so we are going to take the certificates to their minis and give them away.

Now it�s time to light up your discs, thumb your nose at the dark, and play disc golf all night!

Waterloo Disc Golf Club

Nov 08 2012, 05:56 PM
The total donation from the 35th Waterloo Disc Golf Classic to Austin Ronald McDonald House (RMH) came to $4,500 in cash, $200 worth of food and household goods, and 15 �gallon jugs� full of can tabs. We haven�t gotten an updated figure lately, but a few years ago RMH said that each jug of can tabs equated to a family�s 1-night stay at the House. Many of the jugs came from SADA, way to go South Side!

Thank you very much to all the sponsors, players, and staff who made this great tournament and this wonderful donation possible!

Our fundraising grand totals now from all the Waterloo Disc Golf Classic Tournaments since 1999 are:

Donated to Austin Ronald McDonald House
$80,000 in cash
$1,000 worth of food, household goods, and toys
102 �gallon jugs� full of can tabs

Donated to Austin Parks Foundation
$1,500 in cash

Raised and Spent on Disc Golf Projects here in the Austin Area
$12,500 in cash

More info about the tournament, results, etc can be found in the 35th Waterloo thread under the PDGA Tournament section.


Disc Nation
A Sign Co.
Austin Beerworks
Barnes Contracting
Heather Berggren and Diana Prause
Del Stair
Dick's Sporting Goods
Dillo's Leap Productions
Disc Golf Consultants & Spring Valley Disc Golf and Ball Golf Club
Discing For a Cure
Double "R" Disc Golf Club
Dr. Kenneth Schaefer, DDS
Family of Joey B. Rhode, in memoriam
Frost Bank
Houck Design
Jack Camp
Jerry "El Chile" Perez, Sr.
In Memory of Father Dave
Kirk Lavallee
KT Stockham
Mark McCrimmon
Papa Stair & Family
Play It Again Sports
Pro Forma
Pro Serve Janitorial Supplies
Randy & Bob
Sister Sue Dye 4U
Sonya Amaya
Stimpy & Greybeard
Team Justice
Texas Tea
The Coop's
The Tramps
Thundercloud Subs
Tito's Handmade Vodka
Twin Parks Country Club
Waterloo Records

Waterloo Disc Golf Club

Aug 06 2013, 07:52 PM
I found out late last week that local disc golfer Gary Barron passed away recently, sounds like he lost the battle with lung cancer. Gary was in his 70s and loved to play disc golf. He took it up late in life, but was getting better each and every year. He competed in at least one Pro World�s Championships, maybe two, in the Legends division I believe. Always a friendly guy, always a great attitude towards life, people, and disc golf.

I think it was 3 or 4 years ago that he was turning 70 on the day of the Waterloo Club�s Ice Bowl. He was going to play and he asked if we would mind if he bought a keg and donated it to the event. Nope, nope, didn�t mind at all :D

Gary was a Waterloo Club member (#255, joined back in 2007) and probably a member of some of the other local clubs too. I haven�t heard anything about services and have been unable to find an obituary. If anyone has any further information about him, please let me know.

I liked Gary a lot, and will miss him! My heart goes out to his family and friends. Hopefully he is laughing and putting with Dave Tayloe, Ian Hovey, and many of our other beloved disc golf family members.


Mar 11 2015, 02:48 PM
Tomorrow evening (Thur. Mar 12th) has a couple of things going on.

The first is the start of Spring WaterLeague at Zilker; this is week #1 in the 10 week league, flex start between 4:30 � 5:30 pm. (more info is below)

The second thing is the presentation of the draft Master Plan for the big Onion Creek Metropolitan Park. This is the final public meeting about the Master Plan. Please show up to either voice support for disc golf if they have included it and/or ask for more golf (if they have one course only, let�s ask for two � a pro course and a beginner course), OR if they have left us out completely, then we need to make sure they hear from us of the need and the desire for disc golf to be included.

The meeting is:
Thursday, March 12, 2015 � 6:30pm � 8:30pm
Widen Elementary School
5605 Nuckols Crossing Road � Austin, Texas 78744-4615

Please come to the meeting! You can either start league on week #2 next week, or do like I�m going to do: get to league as close to 4:30 as I can today, play right away, and then head over to the meeting when my round is done. The timing should work out just about right.

Waterloo Disc Golf Club


More Spring WaterLeague Info:

Every Thursday @ Zilker Park

Flex Tee time: 4:30 � 5:30 pm, sign up Hole #1 South

We will be playing twice around the South 9. (We will start playing the full course for our Summer WaterLeague.)

� 10-week singles league; best 5 scores count
� $20 to join with an optional one-time $5 league ace pot that is split evenly between all aces hit during league play
� You can play all 10 weeks and drop your worst 5 scores; you can play just 5 weeks and all your scores will count; or anywhere in between. You can join the league any time during the first 6 weeks.

During the 10-week league, if the course is soaked from rain and too muddy, we will cancel league for that night and make it up with an extra Thursday night at the end. Playing most of the courses around Central Texas in the mud can cause a lot of damage so we will try to avoid that if we can.

If the weather is questionable on a Thursday, check the club�s Facebook Page and Twitter feed that afternoon to find out if we have cancelled league (we will also try to post it in the Fellow Disc Golfers Facebook Page). We will try to make the call by 3:30 pm (and 4:00 pm at the latest), and will then post the information.

If the weather is fine, we won�t post anything about cancelled/not-cancelled; just assume it is on. But if the weather is bad/iffy/questionable, check for posts before heading down to Zilker.

For more information about Spring WaterLeague, please call the club at (512) 994-9508, or check out Waterloo�s Facebook page.