Apr 05 2007, 09:15 AM
I think that it would be cool to see what someones rating was when so to speak.
Like I am 975. When I look at the tournament I played last weekend, it shows me as 975. When I look back 3 years and see when I got third in intermediate, it says 975.
Is there a way to change that so it shows your rating at the time of the tournament?
Apr 05 2007, 10:09 AM
I asked Chuck this same thing here. ( n=556248&Search=true&#Post644684)
This is his response:
This hasn't risen high enough in the priorities for IT folks to change the code to pull each player's historical rating value rather than their current rating. It's not necessarily a trivial process since players don't have ratings populated into each update field in the database if they didn't have an update that period. So some calculation is required to find their most recent rating prior to that event date. I agree it would be better to retain the rating the person had leading into the event so you can maybe see how players have progressed over the years.
Apr 05 2007, 11:27 AM
You can look at someone's rating history and see, at least annually, what their rating was.
Apr 05 2007, 11:32 AM
Of course you can, but that would take 30 minutes to recreate the historic ratings scene of the past event. I find it interesting to see the level of competition that a player faced a few years back, but it is too cumbersome to do it manually.
It sounds like this is on the radar screen and will be completed eventually. I would volunteer to do the code changes myself.....except that I am not a s/w guy. :)
Apr 05 2007, 12:06 PM
Going back and fixing the old tourneys would be a lot of work, but it can't be much work to just record the rating when the scores are entered. If the score for a tournament and player can be recorded, one more number (i.e. rating) should be easy.
Apr 05 2007, 01:11 PM
Going back and fixing the old tourneys would be a lot of work, but it can't be much work to just record the rating when the scores are entered. If the score for a tournament and player can be recorded, one more number (i.e. rating) should be easy.
The answer would be to do a lookup of the player ratings for the date of tournament record you are viewing, not to hard-code the current rating into each tournament record.
By doing the look-up, once the feature was implemented it would work for all tournaments. By doing the hard-code version, someone would have to go back and manually update every single player record in every single tournament on the books, and I just can't see that happening.
Apr 05 2007, 03:06 PM
So it sounds like most are in agreement with me that this would be a good change?
Apr 05 2007, 03:14 PM
When I look back 3 years and see when I got third in intermediate, it says 975.
Bagger! :D
Actually, I absolutely agree with you that this would be a good change.
Apr 05 2007, 03:23 PM
It's been on the to-do list for quite a while and it certainly would help when we need to review historical data. Once it's set up, it should only take one pass thru the database to populate a new field which is the player's rating at that event and save it.
Apr 08 2007, 10:49 AM
I also asked for this change. I also think it would be cool to sort preregistration for a tournament by player rating, and perhaps even by state. It would make it easier to see who your competition is and where you stand in the big picture. Who hasn't counted how many players are above or below their player rating before a given tournament?
It would also be nice to have a number column on the left for preregistration purposes. It's a pain to have to count by 2s when you want to see how big a field is. Or maybe a master table that simply states how many in each division are registered and the last row being total registration.
Apr 09 2007, 03:01 PM
If this isnt in the to-do list please add it!!
I would love an RSS Feed of my information for a forum signature.
Member Since
Registered Division
Total Tournaments this year / cashed
It would be an excellent addition where we could post current stats of a player on individual website aswell as forum sigs