Apr 05 2007, 04:07 PM
This line in the PDGA 2006 Actual/2007 Budgets:

Other Membership Benefits $154,785 (2006) $171,250 (2007): Magazine, new member discs/minis, Ace/Birdie/Eagle Club gifts, ratings processing, 10 & 20 year member bag tags, stickers.

Would it be possible to get a breakdown of amounts for each item?

Apr 05 2007, 04:27 PM
no. Members are not permitted to view that information. nice touch though using the Open Book icon for this thread :)

are you looking to see how much the mag cost, or something else?

Apr 05 2007, 04:32 PM
Partly. I see 7 items listed, 5 of which seem to be very low cost things. Next to salaries, this is the most costly expense in the budget. If the magazine and ratings cost over $150,000 per year, I think the PDGA should re-evaluate how each is done. It seems like a very cumbersome expense.

Apr 05 2007, 04:53 PM
where do you see this info? i dont have a DGWN handy at the moment so i cant see the actual stuff that was printed.

we do license the ratings system, but i'll bet you lunch that you would not complain at all about what the ratings system and processing costs us. based on its usefulness in the competitive structure and the value Members place on the ratings system, my assessment is that it is absolutely one of our absolutely best performing benefits when it comes to cost-effectiveness and perceived value. if i was starting a disc golf association from scratch, i would gladly pay 2-3 times what we currently pay for use of the ratings system.

Apr 05 2007, 06:47 PM
where do you see this info? i dont have a DGWN handy at the moment so i cant see the actual stuff that was printed.


we do license the ratings system, but i'll bet you lunch that you would not complain at all about what the ratings system and processing costs us. based on its usefulness in the competitive structure and the value Members place on the ratings system, my assessment is that it is absolutely one of our absolutely best performing benefits when it comes to cost-effectiveness and perceived value. if i was starting a disc golf association from scratch, i would gladly pay 2-3 times what we currently pay for use of the ratings system.

Well, it would be nice to know what that amount is so I can make that judgement......which is all I was asking for in the 1st place.

Apr 05 2007, 08:02 PM
yeah i know its frustrating. i'd try this: add up however much you think we could possibly spend on stickers and 10/20 year member tags, add in a fair price for processing ratings of 750 or so events and updating ratings for Members six times per year, plus some nice indications of appreciation for Ace/Eagle club members. That gives us the amount for everything except whatever discs/minis for a few thousand new Members costs. I bet you can get within 15% of the right total. substract it from the 171K and you'll be close to the magazine number. the frustrating part is that all those inputs are public knowledge but instead of just providing the direct answer i would need to work thru all the math

Apr 05 2007, 10:54 PM
I am so glad to see this topic tonight as I was about to post something similar. Why can't we have the option to renew each year with or without the mag?..

I just rcvd. my new one and there isn't a thing in there that I didn't already know months ago!

Results, new discs, births, rules, ect.

I don't think that the mag should be figured into our renewal...or at least an option on signing up/renewing

what is the value of the mag in our renewal fee????

Apr 06 2007, 01:24 AM
2008 mag will be optional if I am not mistaken?

Pizza God
Apr 06 2007, 11:19 AM
2008 mag will be optional if I am not mistaken?

we may not even have a mag in 2008 if we keep this up.

Apr 06 2007, 11:55 AM
if we keep what up? i do not get that response, Za.

Apr 06 2007, 01:38 PM
2008 mag will be optional if I am not mistaken?

What?? Did Rick R DIE or did Pigs Fly??

Pizza God
Apr 06 2007, 10:32 PM
looks like the it is already going to happen.

No DGW(N) next year :(

Thanks a [censored] lot. :mad:

Apr 06 2007, 11:40 PM
Za, did you read his editorial? it's Rick's decision, not The Association's. if anything, this represent a move in the direction of our roots and away from hegemony, a move consistant with several of the points Rick made in his article.

are you afraid that so many players will not choose a magazine that none will be produced? if that many people really don't want it, then to them it is like a tax that provides little or no value. it wouldnt be very true to your libertarian beliefs to force the costs of your wants onto others, would it?

Apr 07 2007, 12:37 AM
as I found this thread and posted it was just about the option...if I could choose either one..I would go w/o the mag...

nothing even personal against it, but the info is stale. This post is nothing against the mag. itself, but given a renewal difference of maybe $5-$15 ( please don't be more than that in the total)

I would like the option...

Usage Note: Hegemony may be stressed on either the first or second syllable, though the pronunciation with stress on the second syllable may be winning out. Seventy-two percent of the Usage Panel prefers it.

:D :D :D :D :D

Pizza God
Apr 07 2007, 02:20 AM
mmm, my post is missing, did it disapear or did I not finish it??? Must be the little green men.

the DGW/PDGA deal was a win win situation. I am very sad to see it end.

Actually, Rick told me a while ago he was thinking about taking some time off (he asked me not to post that info back then, but sence he has written about it I guess i can say that) I told him I understood, but would be sad to see it stop.

There is no other publication that is even close to what DGW has become. What other magazine can you show full color pics and great graphics to potintial sponsors.

Discs Golf Magazine is not quite there. (however, I do enjoy reading it)

This is the way I look at it.

we might save $12 a year on our membership???

so for a pro's membership

$75 - DGW magazine 4 times a year
$60? - NOTHING

Sorry, I choose to get something for my membership. (of course I get something added every year though the Ace Club membership)

Hey, what does the Eagle Club get??????? I hope to join that way next year. I have the money right now, but kinda need it to pay for an AC that went out.

Apr 07 2007, 02:31 AM
so for a pro's membership

$75 - DGW magazine 4 times a year
$60? - NOTHING

add some amnesty in there with the bad rulings this year and last and that could be $35 for a PRO renewal :p

I would just be happy to see the option..color pics or not..your point is very valid on sponsorship..being the one of 2 current magazines out there for our sport...but it should not be required as part of my renewal

I am not attempting a personal attack on Rick, but especially in a house that has 2 PDGA members...we don't need 2 magazines...savings may be small but they are savings

obviously a mag or multiples will always help our sport..but they should not be included in the PDGA membership unless the PDGA produces the magazine and profits from it.

Apr 07 2007, 06:47 AM
A little off topic...but 17684, where did you find an old photo of Stryper?

Apr 07 2007, 06:50 AM
THe fact that both of you know who that is , is not showing your age all that well . LOL
OPPS I guess I let it out too LOL
Can you name the lamest hair band of all time .
Stryper is a good one but how about Europe . ???

Apr 07 2007, 08:15 AM
Za, did you read his editorial? it's Rick's decision, not The Association's.

First few words of Parting Shots page in DGW magazine

"When the PDGA�s Director of Special Projects Dan Roddick called to inform us of the Board of Director�s decision not to renew our contract to supply this magazine to its membership after Issue #84, we were not surprised,"

Apr 07 2007, 10:14 AM
A little off topic...but 17684, where did you find an old photo of Stryper?

Google of course :D

I see that others recognized the avatar instantly...oh how we are growing older and I am not even masters age yet :p

Apr 07 2007, 11:42 AM
Za, did you read his editorial? it's Rick's decision, not The Association's.

First few words of Parting Shots page in DGW magazine

"When the PDGA�s Director of Special Projects Dan Roddick called to inform us of the Board of Director�s decision not to renew our contract to supply this magazine to its membership after Issue #84, we were not surprised,"

the decisions made by the BoD were not to renew an expiring contract, to open the service to bid, and to enable Members to decide if they wanted it. Rick goes out of his way to say he was considering a break anyway and had already started a less intensive operation. in other words, he probably had a plan before the Association did.

enabling Members with this choice actually represents a step away from the very corporate hegemonist tendencies Rick opposes. as he eloquently reminds us: that "we as Members still control who makes our decisions".

Apr 07 2007, 12:55 PM
So are we getting the rest of the magazines we paid for for 2007?

Apr 07 2007, 01:24 PM
Looks like it since it would appear Issue 84 means three more issues after this one making it the last one of 2007.

Apr 07 2007, 01:50 PM
I won't speculate about a plan he 'probably had' or when he had that probable plan. I just typed the first sentence from his column which seems to contradict your assertion. I would speculate that the new will take considerably more work to produce the timely reports like the ones from Bowling Green last weekend, not a less intensive operation. However I have never taken on such a task so my view is likely flawed.

We are fortunate to have Board Members (elected by a minority of active members) who must be qualified to speculate and make such decisions for us. I can't immediately locate the results of the PDGA Survey from a couple of years ago but wasn't DGWN considered an asset by a large number of respondents? And I do realize that the subset of members who respond to surveys and the subset of members who vote are a relatively small number of active members, as are those who post on this board. I am not convinced any of these subsets really speak for the majority. I'm also not convinced that the Board accurately represents the majority of active membership either, just part of the small subset of voters and part of those who remain silent.

Apr 07 2007, 01:55 PM
So are we getting the rest of the magazines we paid for for 2007?

Yes, but it is a crap shoot for those who paid for multiple years expecting a magazine of the quality of DGWn as part of their membership.
I'm paid up until 1/1/12.

I'll look for my name on the Discussion Board Suspended or Probation list for use of that 'c' word. That'll silence me.

Apr 07 2007, 08:24 PM
I can say that I am already a fan of the website on the positive side