Apr 06 2007, 01:44 PM
I know whos gonna get it....I ve already told a few people, so i can say told you, without telling you.

Apr 06 2007, 01:52 PM
That sounds like a Loper post.

Apr 06 2007, 02:02 PM
not lopin around

Apr 06 2007, 03:55 PM

I can assure you and all PDGA members that no decision has been made in regards to the memberships manager position. The job posting was made only today and I look forward to reviewing the applications when the time comes. I would respectfully request that you refrain from making future unsubstantiated posts like the one above as it could potentially discourage a highly qualified candidate from applying for this very important position.

Thanks in advance for your understanding.

Brian Graham
PDGA Executive Director

Apr 06 2007, 04:03 PM
no need to get defensive...Not all of us think there is some crazy double secret agenda to the PDGA...Just making a post while i wait to go to work. I know the decision will be made through an honest and fair process. Just taking a guess, and thats why i didnt post who I thought it would be...
I do see what you mean, that maybe(and i say that lightly) it would discourage someone from sending in a resume'. But i dont think it will. Not trying to stir up controversy. If you look at the post without expecting conspiracy theory, you'll see its just a normal post.

Apr 06 2007, 04:14 PM
It's all good! I just want to make sure that we get the best possible pool of applicants for this important position.

Brian Graham

Apr 06 2007, 04:31 PM
It's all good! I just want to make sure that we get the best possible pool of applicants for this important position.

Brian Graham

glad to hear hawk is still in the running then since i'm sure that's why he was kept as a member :eek: :D

Apr 07 2007, 12:59 PM
no need to get defensive...

I actually think there was great need for Brain to get defensive. There are so many [censored] on here making up BS and posting it, and so many people just looking for any and all reasons to rail against the PDGA, that a "joke" like that one can easily take on a life of it's own and start getting presented as "fact". It really could stop someone from applying.

I know it is sad, but that is the reality of disc golf. Some jokes just aren't funny when you've seen the BS played out over and over again. :(

Apr 12 2007, 11:38 AM
Defense absolutely justified. The original post was from the same person who said they would taunt and harass players for using the unplayable lie rule.

I too grow weary of the BS.

Apr 12 2007, 01:15 PM
i dont know you Mike august...Since you seem so serious, I wouldnt mind if it stayed that way.

Apr 12 2007, 02:10 PM
Show'em the SCAR!!!

Apr 12 2007, 03:00 PM
i dont know you Mike august...Since you seem so serious, I wouldnt mind if it stayed that way.

I'm glad we can agree on that; I wouldn't mind that at all. Let's work towards that goal, shall we?

Apr 12 2007, 03:14 PM
intolerance? BS for seriousness? OK.....Just taking your posts as literally as you take mine...

Apr 12 2007, 03:59 PM
Why would anyone have taken your posts as anything but serious? They certainly seemed so at the time.

Sorry, but I agree with Mike about: <ul type="square"> an unsubstantiated post that could potentially discourage a highly qualified candidate from applying for a PDGA job position promises to taunt and harass players for using the unplayable lie rule [/list]

are about as serious as it gets. And it's obvious you're just backtracking and arguing now instead of just admitting you made a mistake and moving on with it.

Apr 12 2007, 05:08 PM
friZZaks- mike is aok.

mike- the friZZaks are aok too.

group hug now.

Apr 13 2007, 08:24 AM
Biscoe is my hero.

Apr 13 2007, 12:07 PM
biscoe rocs...Hugs are fine for me...
Taunting is more likely gonna be reserved for the other frizzaks, and were probably the other players i had in mind....We play rough together...Tough love you might say.

Apr 21 2007, 08:27 PM
It's all good! I just want to make sure that we get the best possible pool of applicants for this important position.

Brian Graham

I have a question regarding the hiring timeline for this position -- how long do you expect the process to take before you make a decision? The reason I ask is I applied for the position and have yet to hear anything back, yet if I were to be offered the position and accept -- i would need to give my present employer 2 weeks notice and i would also need to relocate.

Projected Start Date: May 7, 2007

Application Deadline: April 17, 2007

Is Lorrie going to work with the person during an acclimation period like you have with Brian H. :confused:

Apr 22 2007, 01:02 AM
rob, read my sig line

Apr 22 2007, 01:16 PM
Thanks Pat -- it's fixed (i deleted some of the junk in my PM mailbox)

I guess Brian is pretty busy this weekend ...

Apr 23 2007, 04:22 PM

Sorry for not responding earlier but we had a very busy week which included moving into the new building, hosting the PDGA summit, the grand opening of the International Disc Golf Center and managing the Disc Golf Hall of Fame Classic NT event. I have already begun reviewing the 50+ applications and resumes and we will make a decision as soon as possible. The new memberships manager will train under Lorrie.

Brian Graham
PDGA Executive Director

Apr 27 2007, 05:55 PM
As I suspected, the PDGA announced it has found a new membership manager, hired internally. Did they post the job because they had to as a non-profit? Why did the PDGA not interview anyone for this position?
Hopefully the new membership manager will focus on getting renewal and new member packets quicker in the mail. I have been waiting now for 7 weeks for my new card etc etc

Apr 27 2007, 06:10 PM
After speaking with Brian, some interviews took place over the phone.

Apr 27 2007, 08:35 PM
Hi Matthew,

Thank you for your concerns as well as your renewal.

Have you notified the office concerning this issue? Our number is 706-261-6342. We are always available to answer questions and/or address concerns. We don't, however, always read this discussion board. In fact, I know I won't be viewing this board nearly as much when I continue with the memberships position. Lorrie stays super busy! She is a jewel and we hate to see her go. Brian as well. Thank you both dearly!

A quick question: Did you mail your renewal, renew at a tournament or renew online? If you did either of the first two, please factor into your "7 weeks" the renewal reaching us.

We show your membership being processed on March 28th, which means your mem pack was sent the following week. (Once processed we send your information to the fulfillment house to mail to our members). Of course if you ordered a bag tag or any additional items it takes a bit longer to reach you. Plus your magazine will arrive with your mem pack so that should be factored in as well.

Given the 4-5 week delivery time it looks like it should arrive any day now.

Please contact us, Matthew, if you do not receive it by the end of next week and we will be happy to look into the details further.

Have a great weekend!

Take care,

Apr 27 2007, 09:17 PM
As I suspected, the PDGA announced it has found a new membership manager, hired internally. Did they post the job because they had to as a non-profit? Why did the PDGA not interview anyone for this position?
Hopefully the new membership manager will focus on getting renewal and new member packets quicker in the mail. I have been waiting now for 7 weeks for my new card etc etc

As an executive director of a nonprofit, the answer is NO, the PDGA did not have to advertise the position simply because they are a nonprofit. Just an idea, but it could be that they had a qualified candidate in the office, but wanted to see if a more qualified person existed. They interveiwed and decided the internal hire was the best solution. If you suspected that they might hire from within, that could be because it is often a really great idea. They have someone with experience and knowledge regarding the operations, less training will be required, they already know the person's abilities and demeanor, and they know the person likes the work.

Sorry if I'm not supportive of another dig against the PDGA. But it seems like you are just looking for a problem where none exists.

As far as your other concerns about waiting on membership processing, it seems like you got a much more professional response then your posting merited. But that has been my experience with the PDGA staff...when I talk with them about something, they response quite professionally!

Apr 27 2007, 11:24 PM
But that has been my experience with the PDGA staff...when I talk with them about something, they response quite professionally!

I'll second that! I know I'll miss my annual calls from Lorrie about my magazine bouncing back to them. I think she's heard "d'oh! I moved again and forgot to let you know" about four times from me.

Big thank you to Lorrie and Brian both and congrats to Addie!

Apr 28 2007, 05:17 AM
But that has been my experience with the PDGA staff...when I talk with them about something, they response quite professionally!

I'll second that! I know I'll miss my annual calls from Lorrie about my magazine bouncing back to them. I think she's heard "d'oh! I moved again and forgot to let you know" about four times from me.

Big thank you to Lorrie and Brian both and congrats to Addie!

I'll third the comments about the professionalism of Lorrie and Brian, and go on record as being extremely pleased that Brian H will be taking on the PDGA international role. His work with us PDGA Europe reps has been exemplary, and I look forward to continuing the excellent working relationship we've established.

Apr 30 2007, 05:13 PM
Why did the PDGA not interview anyone for this position?

that is the question that troubles me as well. the application deadline was 4-17-07 and i received word the position had been filled on 4-27-07. Since the job required relocating to Georgia, it seems a little strange that Brian only used one week to make his decision and did not even do phone interviews, let alone in person interviews with the final candidates. i feel my qualifications warranted an interview, yet no interview took place. normally relocating would have been a deal breaker, but i was divorced a month ago and my house closed today -- so this would have been a good time for me to take this position on...

i do wish the new Memberships Manager the very best, but i am a little disappointed as a member about what i know about the job search process used to fill Lorrie's position. Hopefully it is the Michael Jordan of Membership managers and Brian's decision was easy...

Apr 30 2007, 05:49 PM
I understand your disappointment but your assumption that we did not interview anyone for the memberships manager position is not correct.

The PDGA office received over 50 resumes from a very diverse group of applicants. The resumes were carefully screened by myself and reduced to the top ten qualified individuals. These ten resumes were then reviewed by Brian Hoeniger, Lorrie Gibson and myself and the top 3 applicants were interviewed by phone. Following the phone interviews, we carefully weighed our options and it was unanimously decided that our best bet was to hire Addie Isbell as the new memberships manager.

The process to replace Addie as administrative assistant is currently underway. Three qualified candidates from the pool of applicants for the memberships managers position were contacted and asked if they were interested in being considered for this position. Following phone interviews with those three, the top candidate was invited to visit the IDGC for an interview.

We thank everyone who submitted a resume for consideration.

Brian Graham
PDGA Executive Director

May 05 2007, 05:34 AM
i do understand that this timetable was not the first choice for you and your staff for a transition Brian, especially with a NT event at your just finished courses.

but i do not think that over 50 personalized phone calls would have been too much trouble. i know i would have appreciated one with the hours and hours of work i put into perfecting my application for my dream job. i'm sure many disc golfers spent alot of effort and energy into presenting a great packet for the PDGA to look over. I know that i even sent a package next day air across the country after tracking down some letters of recommendation to add to a hard copy of what i had emailed.

i just wish i took that first post with a bit more weight. yes Brian, you can call it dissapointment... dissapointment in the professionalism of this hiring process.

it would have taken less than a hour to contact each applicant through a personalized email. that would have been much better than sending everybody who had applied a 'thanks for appling but we have hired within' email.

i have and always will support the PDGA because i love this game. but i am dissapointed that the PDGA did not even care enough about some of it's most dedicated members to not even send a personalized email to each applicant.

i am playing a PDGA event this weekend. i'm not protesting, and i definately hold no grudge. but this was a dissapointment in what i thought was going to be a new face for the PDGA... ...PROFESSIONALISM.

oh, and i would enjoy my membership packet as well. you would think with the increased membership fees, early in the year regristration and 2 memberships managers for the time being that this process would be finished quickly.

good luck Addie... and thank you so much for everything that you have done Lorrie and Brian...


Lyle O Ross
May 07 2007, 11:56 AM

Why is that we hold the PDGA to a standard that no other organization is held to?

I've applied for 100s of jobs at various places in the past 25 years. I've never gotten a "personal" phone call to tell me, "gee, your application was really awesome, but no." Typically you get a standard rejection letter or most often nothing at all.

Now given the size and community of the PDGA, a standard letter is appropriate but the expectation of a phone call is outside the norm.

Brian, I'll be happy to cover the cost of stamps! :D

Pizza God
May 07 2007, 01:21 PM
I was thinking the same thing Lyle. As a business owner, It would take WAY to much time to call or even write for every application I get. I usually tell them I never know when I am going to need someone so i keep there application on file for 3 months before I throw them out.

(don't call us, we will call you :D)

Lyle O Ross
May 07 2007, 04:12 PM
Oh yeah,

I forgot to mention, I got my packet a couple of weeks after I sent in my payment.

In the 6 years I've belonged I've had one delay in my membership. When I sent in a hand written note asking them to do multiple things, none of which was particularly clear. That is, it was my fault. Personnally, I find the PDGA to be very professional, which is very surprising given the mind numbing amount of garbage that gets heaped on them.

May 07 2007, 05:40 PM
I have used a similar process to Brian's for identifying potential applicants for Engineering positions I have hired for, I may get 10-100 applications, and I weed out those that I feel are not qualified. I narrow it down to 5-10 potential candidates and contact them all by phone or email based on their preference. I set up a phone interview to ask basic knowledge based questions and to gauge the applicants ability. I then narrow it down to 3 people to bring on campus for an interview. After the interview if someone matched I offer them the job, if not I might go back to my top 5-10 and see if I missed something. I always notify my top applicants that they were not selected but inform them to please apply for any other positons open in the future. I have never personally emailed the entire list of candidates, even when only 20 people applied!

Now that is a Profsssional level job, when I worked at a pizza joint in High School the only one notified was the person hired by telling them when to show up for work. I only mention this because the PDGA Job seems like a professional level position and if you want people in your top ten to apply to future positions it behooves you to give some kind of feedback. I am not passing judgement just giving another point of view. In my experience the hardest thing for people applying to a position to understand is that the person reviewing and interviewing candidates also has a job to do outside of the hiring process, which means many more hours a week in their office to keep up.

Lyle O Ross
May 07 2007, 06:25 PM
This is my process also, I hire for low level Programmers and Operators, although I've been lucky and have a couple of real hotdogs that I got lucky on! :D

Lyle O Ross
May 07 2007, 06:30 PM
BTW - many of the rejections I got were for Graduate School and many were for teaching positions in science, i.e. at a very high professional level. All of them came with a standard rejection letter except one. He wanted me really bad but couldn't afford the salary (keep in mind this was science, and the salary was probably what Za pays his employees! :D).

May 07 2007, 06:37 PM
Exactly. It's not like they told someone they had the job and then retracted it.

May 25 2007, 03:20 PM
...but i do not think that over 50 personalized phone calls would have been too much trouble. i know i would have appreciated one with the hours and hours of work i put into perfecting my application for my dream job.

Wow, I understand that this was your dream job...but as a PDGA member, I must say I AM GLAD that the PDGA didn't waste time calling all 50 applicants. Sure, it would be nice for the applicants, but it would have been exceptional behavior not expected of any employer. To say that it would not have been too much trouble is FAR from the truth. Apparently, you don't do a lot of phone interviews.