Apr 06 2007, 07:08 PM
Who's up for a fun day at Fort Smith's Ben Geren DG Course? We need volunteers to help out with this big "open day" educating the masses about our beloved sport :cool:
If you're unable to devote the time helping it's ok to come by and check it out, play a lil' donate to a GOOD charity!!
We want all the participation that we can get
:) http://www.keepandshare.com/userpics/e/v/a/n/mckee/2007-04/vibe_flyer-8159.jpg
May 01 2007, 11:45 AM
I have decided to represent Tulsa at this event. I feel that it is my duty to turn the young up and coming Akies away from a life of chicken plucking and donkey tipping and show them a true vision of Okie greatness. I'm afraid if we leave it to the existing group of Arkie DG'ers, the caliber of talent the Arkie youth may seek to achieve someday will never be more than that of a spitball or pee-shooter. :o
I will be handing out "How to" info to all that seek it and regale the youth with stories of the great mighty ones that live west of their border. I will show them the Pawhyser and Fur-roller and give them hope so that when they are old enough, they will go not down the path of the donkey, but yet seek the wisdom and teachings of the great ones that reside here within the TDSA. :)
May 01 2007, 05:44 PM
Thanks FurPup (I think :D:)
This is a great opportunity to introduce this wonderful sport to a bunch of people.
It isn't often that we get to be "Ambassadors for Disc Golf" on this scale :)
May 01 2007, 06:03 PM
Don't worry. You asked for the "best of the best"???Oklahoma's lowest rated pro will be there. /msgboard/images/graemlins/smirk.gif ....Autographs will be available. :cool:
May 03 2007, 09:22 AM
It's gonna be 90 on sat.
(Not only will that be the temp but it may also be Evans score ) :D
We need to meet at 7:00 to be sure everybody knows where to be or what to do. I say pick your spot,Mark it /msgboard/images/graemlins/smirk.gif Then hold your ground till it's over.
Maybe Furmeiser could be the instructor for the 9:00 and 10:00 instructional. This will allow me to go to the midget throwing area.
(I'm sorry,Little People )
Then I could slide on over to the Mud Wrestling pit.
Who's gonna be in charge of the Wet T Shirt contest ?
OK I'll do it but Scott and Evan better not enter.
May 03 2007, 09:48 AM
Being the only top rated Okie to attend this thing I will be glad to show the newbies my "One-Finger" side arm technique. Evan, you may want to pay attention but if you doze off, I will leave you a copy of my instructional DVD. :)....Pitch, try not to lock your keys in the car this time around. I plan on spanking your butt on the course also. :o...I have even gone to the dentist and had my teeth adjusted to I will blend in with the rest of the Arkies.
I'm sure you and Evan....
....will be in awe. /msgboard/images/graemlins/smirk.gif
May 03 2007, 03:54 PM
Being the only top rated Okie to attend this thing I will be glad to show the newbies my "One-Finger" side arm technique.
This will be an EPIC BATTLE between <font color="pink">Oklahomo </font> & Arkansas on Friday.
I am proud to represent my home state as the official lowest ranked DG'er & Reigning 2006 PDGA World Amateur Championship DFL CHAMPION (paid $200 something...in plastic :(, just because I accidentally shanked one in the basket from the tee :cool:)
My slightly worthy foe being none other than perhaps my equal from the parallel universe known as Okieville will for sure be humbled as he realizes what his "signifigant other" has always been telling him...2 Fingers is always better than 1 Finger....
Friday afternoon (Time to be announced)...Ben Geren Disc Golf Course, Tickets to become part of the gallery that witnesses History will be sold in the parking lot for a nominal fee, all proceeds will be used to payout the CHAMPION of this epic battle with Quality Arkansas 6 percent alcohol by volume Pabst Blue Ribbon Beer, this is not the only <font color="green">ADDED CASH </font>, I've emptied my piggy bank and have upwards of 67 cents, one of the coins is even a wheat penny, the loser will recieve absolutely nothing and will have to be at the course the next morning at sunrise to gather the eggs from our Disc Golf Baskets and make sure that the roosting chickens that reside in them at night are transported to the slaughterhouse so we can eat em' at Pitch's BBQ after Saturday's fine festivities :cool:
<u> BE THERE!!!!!!</u>
May 03 2007, 04:25 PM
WOW!!!can't wait
I think sents Twoputt can't be there for you two,I'll follow you around a say
May 03 2007, 04:29 PM
It's gonna be 90 on sat.
(Not only will that be the temp but it may also be Evans score ) :D
We need to meet at 7:00 to be sure everybody knows where to be or what to do. I say pick your spot,Mark it /msgboard/images/graemlins/smirk.gif Then hold your ground till it's over.
Maybe Furmeiser could be the instructor for the 9:00 and 10:00 instructional. This will allow me to go to the midget throwing area.
(I'm sorry,Little People )
Then I could slide on over to the Mud Wrestling pit.
Who's gonna be in charge of the Wet T Shirt contest ?
OK I'll do it but Scott and Evan better not enter.
May 03 2007, 04:30 PM
My Coaching advice for Evan:
Evan, wait until he has oh about a 20-25 footer, sometimes it can be as little as 8ft, you just have to get a feel for it, let him look at it, study it for a second, then say out loud, "Dollar!"
Its the 10STAR lock play of the weekend.
It will only take a couple of those and he'll try to challenge you. Just sink the putt and you can double your money very quickly.
After that, when he puts or has an upshot, stand about 25-30ft just on the very edge of his peripheral view, you don't have to say anything, just be there. You'll see what I mean.
:D :D
May 03 2007, 04:32 PM
WOW!!!can't wait
I think sents Twoputt can't be there for you two,I'll follow you around a say
Why don't you bring a couple of those Rocs instead. :)
May 03 2007, 04:34 PM
WOW!!!can't wait
I think since Twoputt can't be there for you two,I'll follow you around a say
Why don't you bring a couple of those Rocs instead. :)
What do you plan on doing with them? :o
They don't work unless you can bust 195'. :o
May 03 2007, 04:50 PM
Uh Oh! I see an epic HairBall reply coming. :D
May 03 2007, 04:53 PM
Thanks Twoputt. I realize your view of me when you're down on your knees makes everything about me look EPIC !!!!! :o
This event is a charity event. I understand you sell insurance (like a slot machine that doesn't pay) so you won't understand the concept. Auction a Roc with the proceeds going to the food bank. :cool:.....
Doesn't have to be a Roc,.....any cool disc would work. Do you understand Huey??
May 03 2007, 05:02 PM
I donated discs the the food bank last time I was there.
You would have to attend more events that your 4 minis a year to see that there are quite a few golfers that give more than you know.
I'm still in shock that you are traveling outside the Tulsa city limits. :oOver night! :o:oand paying a toll to get there! :o:o:o
Just try not to make any of the little ones cry, that includes Ditch. :o:D
May 03 2007, 05:06 PM
I can only assume they didn't do a background check on you. You need to make sure you get registered before you get down there on Friday.
May 04 2007, 08:57 AM
Yeah Wise has donated quite well in the past.We do appreciate the plastic for the Ice Bowl etc.
You know if you change your mind you have a place to crash.
Big day tomorrow.I'm ready to have some fun.
May 06 2007, 11:22 AM
I'd like to say your man represented TDSA well.
The Furmeister also made the news with his skills.He just has a way of getting into the spotlight.(So he missed the putt,I was waving a dollar behind the camera man :D) But his obvious style and attire were enough to fill the big screen with disc golf domination.
My interview was a wash but they did get that explosive 360 sending some champion plastic a cool 1,000 ft.(OK so maybe it wasn't 1,000 ft but it looked cool anyway.Headwind ;))
But that baby went all of 450.
Thanks Furdog for the goods and the music.There's a hammock in my backyard anytime for you. :cool:
May 06 2007, 11:30 AM
the only tunes I heard from him were in the form of a air biscuit :eek:
May 07 2007, 12:09 PM
So where is FurBall today? :o
Is he so tired from Saturday that he is still in bed? :D
Should we assume that Evan took him to the woodshed in their EPIC battle of the 800 rated players?
May 07 2007, 01:06 PM
SO how did the event go? After all the talk about it, you figure someone would post how it went. I guess no one showed up.
May 07 2007, 01:10 PM
Keep in mind that this match was between an 826 and a 835 golfer, I'm sure neither one wants to talk too much about it. :o:D
May 07 2007, 03:37 PM
A quick account of the event was posted on WAFDA's thread, I plan on posting more there later...
around 70 players
$200 and ALOT of food going to charity :)
ALOT of true first time players, around 15 or so juniors, probably around a dozen of those were under 10 years old!! :)
HUGE THANKS to Furdog, for his help and some really cool merchandise. Thanks to Keldog and Ganzel for their quick thinking and setting up our temp. "kiddy course". Roger Koenigseder and AlmaWillie for sending people off in rolling starts!! Pitch and SuperDave for running some smooth and well paying CTP's, Distance contest and a ring of fire where even 8 year old girls won against a pretty big field!!
Phil Drenckenpohl and his wife for collecting all the food and taking pictures. :cool:
Of course we thank our sponsors The Vibe 102.7, McDonalds and Trophies Unlimited :cool:
We had I believe 2 from Fayetteville, a true die hard Hot Springs player who made the 2 1/2 hr. trip on a motorcycle and 1 awesome TDSA representative....the outstanding thing about this is that left 60 + Fort Smithians at a DG event, that's a local record I think!! :cool:
The promotion of people hearing about Disc Golf on a radio station so much is huge, I don't know how many players were really radio listeners, obviously not the 200-300 that they told us to expect but still a good turnout for a "non-competitive" type of event for charity!! :)
and we made channel 40/29 news...that's always awesome!! :cool:
Mine and FurDog's <font color="red">EPIC BATTLE</font> ....
If you were'nt there, you missed DG HISTORY /msgboard/images/graemlins/smirk.gif
This match was so INTENSE and BACK -n- FORTH that we may never physically or mentally recover from it, short of a relaxing vacation to visit Betty Ford ;)
I swear we were tied at a smooth 2 big after 18 holes, if anything the 5 foot black snake that was laying inside of #12's Basket kept us from shooting better, it was probably looking for the chicken's that normally roost there after dark :o
I think Pitch may be a secret double Okie agent, as I'm putting, after he get's the snake out of the basket, I notice that he's thrown a 5 foot long snake directly at me as I throw, luckily it wasn't a dollar as I smoothly made the putt and stepped aside as the serpent flies inches from me. :mad:
I tried to call a courtesy violation but he said that as State Coordinator he could make up the rules as he went and dared me to find in the rule book where you can't throw snakes...oh well, no use in whining so we moved on... :confused:
As a tie breaker we chose to throw a CTP at a 400 foot away basket, I came up 286' and 7 3/4" short, FurDog used his secret double agent to once again change the rules and Pitch wound up "pinch-throwing" for him, once again I couldn't find in the rule book where this could not be done :confused:, luckily pitch over threw the basket and wound up 286' and 7 3/4" on the other side of it... it took lie 2 hours to measure it off since all we had was a dollar bill that was supposed to 6 inches long :confused:
A battle as <font color="red">EPIC </font> as this deserved another 18 hole match, it was getting dark so we decided to just go into "sudden death", FurDog took this literally and brought out a revolver, luckily Pitch's double agent status switched back to Arkie Love and he explained what "sudden death" really meant, any way after about 26 holes of "tying", we awoke from "passing out" about 5 minutes before the park closed and hurriedly went home so we could be rested for the next days festivities....
it may never be known who the best 800ish golfer between Okieville and Arkieville is :confused:
I guess if most fun wins it was definitely a draw :cool:
May 07 2007, 07:15 PM
Sorry Twoputt that I am late with my review. I'm just a little tired after my late Saturday night of watching over your kitchen while you were off playing Soccer Mom! :o...Good thing she stayed home to take care of the dogs because I'm sure your idea of a dog treat is no more than a Gaines Burger followed by a Milk Bone night cap. :p
I've got to say that this was my first time at Ben Geren and in this dog's opinion, it was a beautiful course. Alternate pin placements on every hole, red mulch surrounding the pins and tees, and tee signs that were consistantly well kept. This place had it going on!!!!! :)
I got there about 5pm and I'm looking for a rush hour but I never saw it. :confused:....I'm thinkin those people live in a small beautiful town so they must get their work done early so they can sit back and enjoy the natural beauty around them. :cool:
I must admit,....I tried to throw my opponent a curve by arriving late but little did I know I was only giving him more time to set his traps. It was fought tooth and paw, fingers and tails, with alot of bird fights along the way. :confused:....This guy had done his homework. :(...No quarter was asked and none was given.....It was like medieval times all over again. :(...Trash talk, name calling, things I know about your mother, .....It all came out in a whirlwind that the only the Tasmanian Devil would understand. It wasn't pretty or acceptable for even the darkest of late night adult cable TV. This Arkie (Son of a Donkey) was a more than worthy opponent. :mad:....And when it came down to sudden death as he so politely refers to it above.....I pulled a 357,.....he pulled a hand grenade. :o..And with the parks department and Arkie State police ready to gun us both down,....I felt this battle would have to be decided on another day in the future, like... Spy vs Spy!!! , Bugs vs Daffy!!!, and.....
I'll get you.....and your little Two Finger too!!!! :mad:
Friday night was spent at the home of Tom Pitchford's of which I saw no ditch. After the drunken musical entertainment was over, I reteated to blissfull sleep in a nice soft hammock under a full Arkansas moon. How grateful was I not to find myself in the morning tied to a tree????....I can only assume that my presence there reminded them of one of their own, ....thus being the lack of male sheep surrounding me in the morning saying "Thank you Mr Furdog......I never knew what true love could be."
It couldn't have been run better and what I have to tell you is something that I've NEVER heard at a TDSA event, (but I'm not saying it hasn't happened),.....a LIVE RADIO BROADCAST FROM THE EVENT ITSELF!!!! :cool:...Pardon me if it's happened here before but I've never heard it live like I did in Fort Smith. :confused: On top of that ......the TV guy must have stuck around for a least an hour, and yes sportsfans..... FURDOG MADE PRIMETIME TV!!!!!! :cool:......Take that Tubehutt!!!!!! :mad:
Everyone I met at this event was friendly. Total Fort Smith turnout, ....Any newbie that asked for advice ...got it. One lady with at least 4 kids younger than ten stayed and played and took home lasting memories. :)......
At least 12 cpts
Min. 20 or 25 rings of fire...( Some of which NOBODY hit the first toss. :o;))
But also amongst which I saw juniors both male and female winning multiple prizes..... :cool:
That Arky competition is tough..... :(
More sugar on top of that!!!!
Distance contest
Cool trophies
And a top notch group of TDs and staff!!!!
and when we got hungry......
$2 dollar hambugers
$1 hotdogs
50 cent Gatoraids!!!!! (I'm talking big bottles!!!!)
Supplied by charity volunteers!!!!!
The whole weekend was a great experience and what it taught me is that we (here in Tulsa) can still take a look around us and see what is going on in the small towns that sometimes look up to us, but we as a club should never get so high and mighty that we're not willing to look at, or support, or learn from the small towns that support our events. :cool:
Well done and high paws to Evan, Tom, and all of Fort Smith!!!!
You guys are truly painting the world in Disc Golf!!!!!
May 07 2007, 07:27 PM
What a brown noser! :p
May 07 2007, 07:30 PM
You're married with children!!!....I would think you would know that practice better than me!!!! :o:p ;)
"Smell it to the left!!!"....."Smell it to the right!!!"
May 07 2007, 09:57 PM
Love and Marraige
Love and Marraige
Go together like a horse and carraige
This i'll tell you brother
Ya putts are worse than Evans Mother
Not on the left side,Not on the right side.
But in the groove.
Beam me up Scotty,They're roundin up the sheep.