May 09 2007, 04:11 AM
I was wondering, with so much money being spent at these two events, does the PDGA make any money? Or do they donate it back? And if so how much?

May 09 2007, 08:41 AM
Usually, the PDGA splits any profits with the host club. However, the "profits" are usually tied up as leftover merch inventory that wasn't sold or distributed as prizes, and equipment or supplies that were purchased to run the event like printers/ink/paper and banners. So, until that merch gets sold, there may not be much cash to split.

Since the PDGA supplies cash, marshals and paid staff for these events plus funds the Pro Worlds DVD, it has cost the PDGA more than it has taken in, especially for Pro Worlds. (That's one thing that the pros clearly pay $5-10 for with their higher dues).

Pro/Am Worlds is more cost effective to run from the PDGA support standpoint since staff and marshals only have to go to one venue for a little over a week rather than two separate locations for more than a week.

May 09 2007, 12:43 PM
The PDGA profits from all sanctioned events from sanctioning fees and player fees.

May 09 2007, 01:01 PM

May 09 2007, 01:04 PM
Except there are no sanctioning and player fees for Tour Majors like Worlds ...


Very interesting info!

May 09 2007, 01:07 PM
Why not?

May 09 2007, 01:27 PM
In fact the PDGA gives money to Majors. It is the other way around for every other event.

Pizza God
May 09 2007, 02:48 PM
Because that is what we wanted from the PDGA. For those of you that have not been around very long. That was the result of a survey several years ago.

May 09 2007, 02:54 PM
I love the PDGA.

May 09 2007, 03:06 PM
Yea, but you love Hasselhoff too. :o

May 09 2007, 03:49 PM
hmm. maybe we can opt out of paying for this fee like the magazine?

May 09 2007, 03:50 PM
At one time the PDGA did an analysis and figured out that they made money on membership renewals, merchandise sales, B-tiers and A-tiers, but lost money on virtually everything else. Am worlds might be an exception to the everything else. The increase in membership prices may have made new memberships a net zero transaction instead of a loss, i don't know.

Every time I hear a TD complain about excess inventory after a tournament putting them in a net loss position, I generously offer to get them back in the black by buying their excess inventory at their invoice cost. They never take me up on that. So don't buy that line. That's just something TDs say, not something they mean.

If you ever hear me talking that way, make me the same offer. But have money in your pocket, because I'd enjoy being back in the black more than once a year! :D

Pizza God
May 09 2007, 04:02 PM
That is why I pay for the plastic before I do the payout. Left over plastic is used to sponsor other tournaments and sold for cash for next years tournament.

However, I have purchased too much plastic before and had to pay for it out of my pocket to make the tournament break even. I just sold or used the plastic in next years tournament to pay myself back.

right now I have about $750 retail in plastic for sale at my store. Sold a bunch in the last few months. All sales go into this years tournament. I already have a few thousand to add :D(and I have not even looked for sponsors yet)